NACHBRENNER 2020 Wissenswertes aus dem Bereich Militärluftfahrt und Luftkriegsführung Nr. 126 vom 31. Juli 2020

Luftwaffen-Chef Bernhard Müller im Blick-Interview vom 21. Juli 2020:

Blick: Für den normalen Luftpolizeidienst sind laut Bundesrat gerade mal acht Jets nötig. Mit den geplanten 30 bis 40 neuen Fliegern aber könnte die Schweiz in einer Krise kaum bestehen. Der Plan scheint weder Fisch noch Vogel zu sein. Kdt Luftwaffe: Praktisch alle grossen Systeme der Armee sind am Ende ihrer Lebensdauer. Der Erneuerungsbedarf ist enorm. Das heisst, die Armee kann nicht nur in neue Kampfflugzeuge investieren, sonst könnten wir wie einst eigentlich geplant 55 bis 70 Flugzeuge beschaffen. Die Weiterentwicklung der Armee muss unter Berücksichtigung der finanziellen Möglichkeiten ausgewogen erfolgen. Der Bundesrat hat sich deshalb für einen Mittelweg entschieden.

Blick: Heisst: Aus militärischer Sicht braucht es mehr Flieger, politisch liegt aber nicht mehr drin?

Kdt Luftwaffe: Richtig.

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Res Schmid Testimonial: Damit die bewährten Grundwerte unseres Landes, direkte Demokratie, Regierungsrat Die Schweizer Milizarmee Föderalismus, Freiheit und Neutralität bewahrt und sichergestellt werden können, Nidwalden als Garant für die braucht es eine starke gutausgerüstete Armee, welche den Verfassungsauftrag Ehemaliger Sicherheit unseres Landes erfüllen kann. Dabei hat die Luftwaffe als zudienende Einheit der Armee eine Cheftestpilot ist angewiesen auf eine eminent wichtige Rolle. Ihr kommt, neben der permanenten Überwachung und armasuisse starke Luftwaffe Sicherung des Luftraumes, die Aufgabe als Mittel der ersten Stunde zu. Die Armee kann ihren Auftrag am Boden nur dann möglichst lange wahrnehmen, wenn der hoheitliche Luftraum über der Schweiz durch eine leistungsstarke moderne Luftwaffe kontrolliert und geschützt werden kann. Das bedingt neben einer zahlenmässig genügend grossen Flotte an modernen Kampfflugzeugen, auch eine starke Boden-Luft Abwehr. Dafür gibt es keine tauglichen Alternativen.

Alle Konflikt- und Krisenherde in den letzten Jahrzehnten zeigen mit aller Deutlichkeit die entscheidende Rolle des Einsatzes von Luftstreitkräften auf. Bei den Erdkampf- und Aufklärungsfähigkeiten der Schweizer Luftwaffe bestehen heute markante Lücken, die durch die Beschaffung eines neuen Kampfflugzeuges, neben der Erhöhung der Durchhaltefähigkeit in Luftraumsicherung, wiederaufgebaut werden sollen.

Die Erfahrung zeigt, dass im Ernstfall jedes Land für die staatliche Hoheit, seine Souveränität und seine innere und äussere Sicherheit eigenverantwortlich zu handeln hat. Die heutigen Konflikte belegen diese Grundsätzlichkeit nur all zu dramatisch. Die stärksten Garanten für möglichst grosse Sicherheit sind ein stabiles demokratisches Politfundament, geschützt durch eine schlagkräftige, gut ausgerüstete Armee am Boden, die wiederum geschützt durch eine moderne, leistungsstarke Luftwaffe.

Dazu braucht es den politischen Willen, den Verfassungsauftrag zu erfüllen und die für die Armee notwendigen finanziellen Mittel für Materialbeschaffungen, Ausbildung und Training zu sprechen.

(Originaldokument im Anhang zu dieser NACHBRENNER-Ausgabe! Eine Weiterverbreitung ist erwünscht!Gemeinsam sind wir stark!) ENGAGIEREN WIR UNS Unsere Kampagne ist nur so stark, wie auch die Menschen bereit sind, sich zu JETZT! engagieren. Arbeiten wir also daran, dass wir mehr Menschen für die Kampagne begeistern können. Zur Erinnerung, hier ist eine Übersicht mit allen unseren Mitmachmöglichkeiten:

° Dem Komitee beitreten:

° Kleber, Pins oder Plakate bestellen:

° Einen Versand sponsoren

° Ein Testimonial erstellen: ° Die Kampagne finanziell unterstützen spenden_uebersicht/

° Facebookbeiträge teilen und Freunde zur Facebookseite einladen

° Leserbriefvorlage anfordern und absenden (bestellen bei Céline Bawidamann ([email protected])

° Vereinsmitglieder/Parteimitglieder informieren + Vorlage anfordern (bestellen bei Marcel Schuler ([email protected]) CHE: Verfolgen Sie die Informationsgruppe PRO-Kampfflugzeuge auf Facebook! Die «Air2030»-Botschaften (Abrufbar unter: CHE: Verfolgen Sie den Blog von Dr. Peter Forster! Blog Dr. Peter Forster Täglich aktualisiert! (Abrufbar unter: CHE: Verfolgen Sie die Facebook-Seite des Verein Schweizer Armeefreunde! Air2030 Beiträge (Abrufbar unter CHE: JETZT DEM KOMITEE «Kampagne für neue Kampfflugzeuge», Verein für eine Juni 2020 Komitee beitreten sichere Schweiz beitreten! Ja zur Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge am 27. September! Eintrittsformular abrufbar unter: CHE: Unterstützen Sie aktiv den Abstimmungskampf «Kampagne für neue Juni 2020 Unsere Sicherheit ist nicht gratis Kampfflugzeuge» des Vereins für eine sichere Schweiz und sponsern Sie den zu haben - Versand von Flyern «JA zur Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge» in Gemeinden und Ein Aufruf zum Mitmachen! Städten Ihrer Wahl. So können Sie uns dort unterstützen, wo es für Sie am Wichtigsten ist!

Ihre Spende unter: CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Stiftung Freiheit & Sicherheit Schweiz - Aktuelle Verantwortung Bedrohungen und Abwehrdispositive NEUER TERMIN! Wir müssen die bereits propagierte Sicherheitskonferenz – der gegenwärtigen Notlage geschuldet – auf den 27. November 2020 verschieben.

Konferenz zu den sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen Terrorismus, Islamismus, innere Sicherheit sowie Cyberkriminalität und Cybersicherheit mit den Referenten Saida Keller-Messahli (Terrorismus/Islamismus), Forum für einen fortschrittlichen Islam, Divisionär aD Peter Regli (Gesamtlage/Moderation), Nationalrat Franz Grüter (Cybersecurity/Cyberwar) und Adi Achermann (Innere Sicherheit), Kdt der Luzerner Polizei.

Die Verschiebung werden wir als Chance anpacken und zum Beispiel eine inhaltliche Ergänzung mit dem Thema „Pandemien: Corona und die Folgen“ einbauen. Dafür zugesagt haben NR Ida Glanzmann- Hunkeler und Hans Jürg Käser, Präsident Sicherheit Schweiz.

Freitag, 27.November 2020 18:15 Uhr Universität Luzern, Hörsaal 1 Frohburgstrasse 3 6002 Luzern

Programm: ° 18:15 Uhr: Eröffnung der Konferenz ° 18:30 Uhr: Impulsreferate/Podiumsdiskussion ° 20:00 Uhr: Publikumsdiskussion/Fragerunde ° 20:45 Uhr: Apéro

Aus Sicherheitsgründen ist eine schriftliche Anmeldung zwingend. Anmeldegebühr CHF 40.--.

Kontakt Stiftung Freiheit & Verantwortung Geschäftsstelle Zeughausstrasse 14 B 8853 Lachen Telefon: 055 442 05 15 E-Mail: [email protected] Internet:

Pro Libertate/PIKOM CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! « Unsere nationale Sicherheit nach der Corona-Pandemie » Fachreferat Peter Regli, Divisionär aD und ehemaliger Chef des Schweizer Nachrichtendienstes

1. Veranstaltung Donnerstag, 8. Oktober 2020 Kaserne, Auditorium, Papiermühlesstr. 13+15, 3000 Bern 22 (im Navigationssystem „Kasernenstrasse 27“ eingeben)

2. Veranstaltung Donnerstag, 22. Oktober 2020 Mehrzweckhalle Stiftung zum Glockenhaus (neben dem Hotel Glockenhof, Sihlstr. 33, 8001 Zürich) Tramstationen: Am Besten erreichbar über Tramhaltestellen Rennweg (7, 10,11 und 13) und Sihlstrasse (2 und 9)

Beginn jeweils: 18:45 Uhr Apéro, 19:30 Referat CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Generalversammlung 2020 Gruppe Giardino Die diesjährige Generalversammlung der Gruppe Giardino findet am Sa, 19. September 2020 in der Kaserne Bern statt.

Eine detaillierte Einladung folgt. CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Schweizerische Offiziers- Gesellschaft der Artillerie Herbsttagung und Generalversammlung 2020 (SOGART) 12.09.2020,

Tagungsthema ist „Air2030 – Bedeutung für die Artillerie“. Es referieren die Kommandanten Luftwaffe und Heer. Anschliessend findet eine Besichtigung von Mitteln der Luftwaffe statt. Der traditionelle Anlass findet auf dem Militärflugplatz Emmen statt. Delegiertenversammlung Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Schweizerische Offiziersgesellschaft (SOG) Samstag, 5. September 2020 Vormittags Markthalle Burgdorf

Als Referenten zu diesem Schlussanlass zur Referendumsabstimmung Planungsbeschluss über die Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge sind gemeldet:

° Frau Bundesrätin Viola Amherd ° CdA KKdt Thomas Süssli ° RR Philippe Müller ° SR Thierry Burkhart

Delegierte und Gäste erhalten rechtzeitig eine detaillierte Einladung

Offiziersgesellschaft CHE : Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! des rechten « Podium Air2030 » Zürichseeufers Die Offiziersgesellschaft Zürichsee rechtes Ufer und die Bezirksparteien der SVP, FDP, CVP, SP und Grünen laden ein - zu einer [email protected] Öffentliche Veranstaltung «Air2030 Podium»

Unter Leitung unserer Offiziersgesellschaft mit folgenden Teilnehmenden: NR Priska Seiler Graf (SP), NR Beat Walti (FDP), NR Marionna Schlatter (Grüne), KR Domenik Ledergerber (SVP) und KR Janine Vannaz (CVP).

Datum: Dienstag, 1. September 2020 Jürg Wille Saal des Gasthofs Löwen Meilen Zeit: 19:00 - 20:30 Uhr mit anschliessendem Apéro CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Öffentlicher Anlass zum Bundesbeschluss über die Beschaffung neuer ÖFFENTLICHER ANLASS DER SICHERHEITSPOLITISCHEN KOMMISSION DER FDP DES Kampfflugzeuge KANTONS ZÜRICH ZUM BUNDESBESCHLUSS ÜBER DIE BESCHAFFUNG NEUER KAMPFFLUGZEUGE

Datum: Mittwoch, 26. August 2020 Zeit: 19:00 Uhr Ort: Stiftung zum Glockenhof, Mehrzwecksaal Tramstationen: Am Besten erreichbar über Tramhaltestellen Rennweg (7, 10,11 und 13) und Sihlstrasse (2 und 9) Programm: Impulsreferate CdA und PL NKF, anschliessend kontradiktorisches Podium mit Einbezug des Publikums

Referenten und Podiumsteilnehmer: ° Kkdt Thomas Süssli, Chef der Armee ° Oberst iGst Peter Merz, Projektleiter NKF ° NR Doris Fiala, FDP, Mitglied der SiK-N ° Priska Seiler Graf, SP, Mitglied der Sik-N ° NR Marionna Schlatter, GP, Mitglied der SiK-N ° NR Hans-Peter Portmann, FDP

Moderation: Georg Häsler Sansano, Bundeshausredaktor der NZZ CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Projekt Air2030 Orientierungs-Referat vom Kdt Projekt Air2030 LW, Div Bernhard Müller Orientierungs-Referat vom Kdt LW, Div Bernhard Müller

Den Livestream zum Referat am 25.08.2020 unter

Datum: Dienstag, 25. August 2020 Ort: Gasthof Hirschen Hinwil Zeit: Türöffnung 18:00 Uhr Anmeldung und weitere Details unter: CHE: Mark your calendars - SAFE THE DATE! Air2030 – Lösen sich 6 Mrd. in Luft auf? Detaillierte Einladung im Anhang zu diesem Mailversand! -

Öffentlicher Anlass zur Samstag, 22. August 2020 Volksabstimmung zum 14:00 - 16:00 Uhr mit einem anschliessenden Apéro Planungsbeschluss zur Türöffnung ist um 13:15 Uhr Beschaffung neuer Le Théâtre Kampfflugzeuge Rüeggisingerstrasse 20A

(Referendumsabstimmung vom 27. CH-6020 Emmenbrücke September 2020) Tel: 041 348 05 05

Programm: ° Begrüssung durch Oberst Patrick Richter, Zentralpräsident AVIA Luftwaffe ° Grussbotschaft der Gemeinde Emmen von Ramona Gut-Rogger, Gemeindepräsidentin ° Michael Weinmann im Gespräch mit Bundesrätin Viola Amherd, Chef VBS ° Podiumsdiskussion ° Schlussbetrachtung und Verabschiedung

An der von Michael Weinmann, Journalist SRF moderierten Podiumsdiskussion nehmen neben Bundesrätin Viola Amherd, Chefin VBS, folgende Persönlichkeiten teil:

Ständerat Thierry Burkart, FDP AG Nationalrätin Yvette Estermann, SVP LU Nationalrat Beat Flach, GLP AG Nationalrätin Marionna Schlatter, Grüne ZH Nationalrätin Priska Seiler Graf, SP ZH Claude Nicollier, Militär-, Linien- und Testpilot NASA, Astronaut

Die Veranstaltung ist öffentlich und kostenlos. Sie bedarf keiner Anmeldung

Sie erreichen Le Théâtre:

Mit dem Zug: In 7 Minuten ab Bahnhof Luzern mit S-Bahn 1 und 9: Le Théâtre befindet sich zwei Gehminuten vom Bahnhof „Emmenbrücke – Gersag“ entfernt. Ab Gersag gibt es Direktverbindungen nach Luzern, Sursee und Olten. Ab dort Intercity-Verbindungen nach Zürich, Flughafen, Basel, Bern, Genf und Lugano. SBB-Fahrplan:

Mit dem Bus: VBL-Bus Linie 2 ab Bahnhof Luzern bis Emmenbrücke „Sonnenplatz“. Von dort 2 Minuten Fussmarsch bis Le Théâtre. Die Regionalbuslinien Luzern-Landschaft fahren bis Emmenbrücke Sonnenplatz und der lokale Emmen-Bus bis Rüeggisingerstrasse: Die Haltestelle Gersag ist wenige Schritte vom Le Théâtre entfernt. Mehr zum VBL-Fahrplan:

Mit dem Auto: Le Théâtre ist wenige Fahrminuten von der A2/A14 Autobahnausfahrt „Emmen Süd“ und der A2 Ausfahrt „Emmen Nord“ entfernt. Die Signalisation GERSAG führt zum Le Théâtre. Le Théâtre verfügt über öffentliche 120 Parkplätze direkt vor dem Haus. Weitere Parkmöglichkeiten stehen im gegenüberliegenden Parkhaus oder in der näheren Umgebung zur Verfügung. CHE: Die Luftwaffe ist Teil des Gesamtsystems Armee. Das Volk wird im 27. September darüber befinden, ob August 2020 Ohne Luftwaffe ist das Restsystem sie weiterhin eine Luftwaffe und damit eine dissuasive Armee haben will. Der Ausgang der Abstimmung (126-175) Armee im Verteidigungsfall ist für die künftige Sicherheitspolitik der Schweiz von Relevanz: Ohne Mittel für die Durchsetzung der nutzlos Lufthoheit, ohne Schutz vor Einwirkungen aus der Luft, ohne Souveränität im Luftraum sind wir Aggression - und Erpressung im Verteidigungsfall hilflos ausgeliefert. Hans-Peter Erni im Interview mit Kkdt Thomas Süssli (Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: Ohne%20Luftwaffe%20ist%20das%20Restsystem%20Armee%20nutzlos.pdf) CHE: Wer sicherheitspolitisch verantwortungsvoll und langfristig denkt, wird die Notwendigkeit eines neuen August 2020 Ein neues Kampfflugzeug hat für Kampfflugzeugs nicht bestreiten. Für die Artillerie ist ein modernes Kampfflugzeug gleich von doppelter (126-174) die Artillerie doppelte Bedeutung Wichtigkeit. Einerseits ist die Artillerie auf den Schutz gegen Angriffe aus der Luft angewiesen und - andererseits ergänzen sich Artilleriesysteme und Kampfflugzeuge bei der Bekämpfung von Bodenzielen. Florian Federer Präsident SOGART (Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: 20hat%20doppelte%20Bedeutung.pdf) CHE: In der Corona-Krise zielt die Linke auf die •Kosten für die neuen Maschinen. Bald startet die Nein- 26.07.2020 Die Kampfjet-Gegner machen Kampagne: Sie will vor allem bei Städtern, Frauen und in der Romandie punkten. (126-173) mobil (Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: CHE: Braucht die Schweiz neue Kampfjets für sechs Milliarden Franken? Das Volk entscheidet bald – und dürfte 26.07.2020 Kampfjets: Claude Longchamp sich auch von den Folgen der Corona-Krise leiten lassen. (126-172) sieht offenes Rennen (Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: 65749109?utm_source=nld&utm_medium=mail&utm_campaign=26072020&utm_term=260,196) CHE: Die grösseren Nato-Staaten wollen ihre Armeen auf die Fähigkeit trimmen, Konflikte gleichzeitig im 25.07.2020 Krieg wird komplizierter – was der Internet, in der Luft und am Boden zu führen. Dies zeigt eine Studie der ETH Zürich. Moderne (126-171) neue Kampfjet mit Kampfflugzeuge sind ein Dreh- und Angelpunkt dafür. Hackerattacken zu tun hat - (Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: Georg Häsler Sansano, Bern

(Ergänzende Information “The term “airpower” is used in its larger context of including all operations that take place in the third dimension above the surface of the earth. Operations in space — and to a large part in the cyber domain — are inclusive to the term “airpower.”) (Anmerkung Redaktion: Man beachte die integrierte Betrachtungsweise der Cyber Domain als Bestandteil von Air Power durch Lt Gen David A. Deptula, USAF (Ret.), einem renommierten US Air Power Theoretiker. Bestätigt die im Beitrag von Georg Häsler Sansano gemachten Aussagen!) CHE: Die Armee von Viola Amherd glaubt ein Auswahlverfahren für Kampfjets installiert zu haben, das 23.07.2020 Milliarden-Deal um Kampfjets – Manipulationen verhindert. (126-170) vielleicht springt am Schluss ein Amerikaner aus der Büchse (Vollständiger Artikel abrufbar unter: amerikaner-aus-der-buechse-138518975) CHE: Das Bundesamt für Landestopografie swisstopo hat eine neue Karten- und Geodaten-App. Sie wurde von 23.07.2020 Die neue swisstopo-App Grund auf neu entwickelt und bringt die Schweizer Landeskarten zusammen mit vielen weiteren Themen (126-169) wie Wandern, Velofahren, Schneesport oder Aviatik auf Smartphones und Tablets. Nebst den präzisen Karten und den vielseitigen Themen zeichnet sich die App durch eine einfache Bedienung sowie das Planen und Aufzeichnen von Touren aus.

(Vollständige Information abrufbar unter: USA/AUT/CHE: Recent media reports regarding the Republic of Ireland’s ability to defend its own airspace have unearthed 21.07.2020 The Time When The USAF Got the hitherto scarcely reported story of when the U.S Air Force tried to sneak two Lockheed F-117A (126-168) Caught Trying To Sneak F-117s Nighthawks through Austrian airspace. A related post on Twitter referred to the Austrian story as a Through Austrian Airspace reminder that are an integral part of a modern air defense system and vital to the ability to conduct air policing.

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter: through-austrian-airspace)

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Ohne ein neues Kampfflugzeug haben wir spätestens ab 2030 keine Möglichkeiten mehr, Flugzeuge, die unsere Luftverkehrsregeln oder unsere Lufthoheit in schwerwiegender Weise verletzen, zu sanktionieren. Unser Land verkäme in Zeiten erhöhter Spannungen rasch zum Spielball fremder Mächte, mit einem Totalverlust an Souveränität und einer hohen Wahrscheinlichkeit, unkontrolliert und wider unserem Willen in kriegerische Handlungen verstrickt zu werden.) CHE: Die Luftwaffe leistet einen wesentlichen Beitrag zur Erfüllung der Armeeaufträge – und somit zum 21.07.2020 Es gibt keine tauglichen Funktionieren des Gesamtsystems Armee, vom Luftpolizeidienst über Luftverteidigung bis zur (126-167) Alternativen Unterstützung der Bodentruppen aus der Luft. Dazu sind Kampfflugzeuge unabdingbar. Für die Sicherheit im Schweizer Luftraum gibt es keine tauglichen Alternativen.

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter: tauglichen-alternativen.html) CHE: Am 27. September stimmt die Schweiz über den Kauf neuer Kampfflugzeuge ab. Für die Luftwaffe geht es 20.07.2020 «Wir haben keinen Plan B» dabei um alles oder nichts, betont deren Chef Bernhard Müller im BLICK-Interview. (126-166) - Luftwaffen-Chef Bernhard Müller (Vollständiges Interview abrufbar unter: (63) wirbt für neue Kampfjets keinen-plan-b-id16000953.html) CHE: Im Herbst stimmt die Schweiz über die Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge ab. Ein Nein würde die 20.07.2020 Luftwaffen-Chef warnt vor Konzeption der Armee in Frage stellen, so Bernhard Müller. (126-165) Sicherheitsrisiken - (Vollständiger Artikel abrufbar unter:

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Nicht nur die Konzeption unserer Armee sondern auch unsere Bundesverfassung und das Militärgesetzt müssten zwingend angepasst werden!) CHE: Sagt die Schweiz Ende September Nein zu den neuen Kampfjets, gebe es keinen Plan B, sagte Müller am 20.07.2020 Kommandant der Schweizer Montag im Interview mit dem «Blick». «Ein Nein würde die Konzeption der Armee und damit das gesamte (126-164) Luftwaffe: «Es geht um Sein oder Sicherheitskonzept der Schweiz grundsätzlich infrage stellen.» Im Falle einer Ablehnung brauche es eine Nichtsein» Analyse, warum man in der Bevölkerung keine Mehrheit finden konnte. Erst dann könne man festlegen, wie man in die Zukunft gehen wolle.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: 138508095) CHE: Im Kanton Wallis ist es am Freitag zu einem grösseren Stromausfall gekommen. Im Bezirk Siders gab es 17.07.2020 22:30 Teile des Wallis rund eine Stunde am späteren Nachmittag für etwa eine Stunde keinen Strom. Versorgungslücken gab es aber auch im (127-163) ohne Strom Oberwallis.

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Bei einem konzentrierten Luftangriff auf unsere überlebensnotwendige kritische Infrastruktur, und dazu zählen auch Schlüsseleinrichtungen der stromproduzierenden und -verteilenden Wirtschaft, müsste nicht nur das Wallis sondern wohl weite Teile der Schweiz, im Extremfall sogar unser ganzes Land, ohne Strom auskommen. Und das mit absoluter Sicherheit nicht nur für eine Stunde, sondern für Wochen und Monate! In diesem Zusammenhang erinnere man sich auch an den Fakt, dass Flugzeuge keine Landesgrenzen kennen und der Luftraum global ist! Auch deshalb ist am 27.09.2020 ein Ja zur Beschaffung neuer Kampfflugzeuge ein zwingendes Gebot der Stunde!) CHE: Die unqualifizierte Philippika des ex-Preisüberwachers Strahm stösst überall auf Unverständnis. Blog Dr. Peter Forster Einfach grandios, Oberst i Gst Grandiosen Widerstand leistet der F/A-18-Pilot Oberst i Gst Felix Stoffel, bekannt auch als der Offizier, der 17.07.2020 Stoffel! in WEF-Tagen die Bundesräte Schmid und Maurer mit einem “Koffer” begleitete, weil er ihnen bei einem (126-162) eventuellen Abschussbefehl geholfen hätte.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter:


31.07.2020 JPN: A Japanese ruling party policy committee on Friday approved a proposal for Japan to have the capability 31.07.2020 Japan ruling party group proposes of halting ballistic missile attacks within enemy territory, a document showed. (126-161) strike capability in enemy territory The proposals, crafted by the Liberal Democratic Party’s (LDP) defence policy committee including former defence minister Itsunori Onodera and other influential former high-ranking defence officials, also call for Japan to have defence capability on par with the cancelled Aegis Ashore missile defence sites.

The LDP will give the recommendations to Prime Minister Shinzo Abe as early as next week, which will then be considered by Japan’s National Security Council in August as it formulates Japan’s latest defence policies. Japan’s Ministry of Defence could decide on specific equipment purchases by the end of the year ahead of their annual budget request, government officials told Reuters.

(Ergänzende Information vom 31.07.2020: The draft recommendation approved by a team in the ruling Liberal Democratic Party does not specifically mention striking enemy bases -- a topic that has been debated since June, when plans to deploy the Aegis Ashore land-based missile shield were suspended -- but implicitly encourages Japan to develop such capabilities. The proposal stresses the need for "integrated air and missile defense" capabilities that can protect all of Japan at the same time. The current system, centered on Aegis-equipped ships, cannot provide such coverage. The lawmakers urge continuing the "sword and shield" dynamic of the U.S.- Japan alliance while creating a stronger overall deterrent against threats. They also call for improving Japan's intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities. Options for base strike capabilities include air-to-surface missiles launched from fighter jets and long-range cruise missiles from Aegis-equipped ships. Though such systems might become quite expensive if all the necessary equipment is owned by Japan, Tokyo could cut costs by tapping its alliance with the U.S., such as using the American military's satellite-based early warning system.) KOR: South Korea's first military communications satellite successfully reached its final position in the 31.07.2020 S. Korea's first military satellite geostationary orbit Friday, 10 days after its liftoff, the arms procurement agency said. The Anasis-II, (126-160) successfully reaches orbit launched last week from Florida atop a Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket manufactured by U.S commercial space firm SpaceX, arrived at the position in fixed orbit some 36,000 kilometers above the Earth at 7:11 a.m. (Korean time), according to the Defense Acquisition Program Administration. The South Korean military will take over the system in October after the satellite manufacturer Airbus Defense and Space tests its functions and operability, the agency said.

With the successful launch of the Anasis-II satellite, South Korea has become 10th in the world to own a communications satellite for military purposes only. The arms procurement agency said the satellite is expected to significantly boost the military's capability to cope with network centric warfare, citing its increased transmission capacity and anti-jamming capabilities. The satellite will be put under the final operational assessment by the end of the year.

30.07.2020 PRK: North Korea fired an anti-ship cruise missile from waters off the east coast earlier this month as part of its 30.07.2020 N. Korea launched ship-based regular summertime exercise, South Korean military officials said Thursday. The test was belatedly known (126-159) missile in early July as part of to the media, as neither the South Korean military authorities nor North Korean media outlets announced regular summertime exercise the launch. According to the Seoul officials, the ship-to-ship missile was fired from a ship in the East Sea on July 6 and flew less than 100 kilometers. The exact type of the missile is not known, but the officials hinted that this type of missile had been test-launched previously.

"We see this as part of the North's regular maritime exercise," Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) spokesperson Col. Kim Jun-rak said. "We are closely monitoring the North's military moves and maintain a tight readiness posture." The summertime exercise began around early July and is under way. The summertime program usually lasts until around August, according to the officials. CHN: The naval aviation of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) Southern Theater Command recently conducted 30.07.2020 Chinese new bombers conducted intensive training in day and night that involved new bomber models including the H-6G and H-6J maritime (126-158) high-intensity training in South striker bombers in the South China Sea. China Sea According to The Diplomat, the H-6J is a new missile carrier that replacing H-6G maritime striker bombers, which first entered service with the People’s Liberation Army Naval Air Force in the early 1990s. The PLA South Sea Fleet currently operates an H-6G regiment consisting of approximately 14-18 aircraft. In comparison to the older variant, the H-6J is thought to be able to carry about three times the number of anti-ship missiles, and at 3,500 kilometers boasts an increased combat radius of around 50 percent.

Last month, Japanese military aircraft intercepted Chinese H-6K strategic bomber flying through international airspace between the Japanese islands of Okinawa and Miyako in the East China Sea. IRQ: Two rockets landed in the perimeter of Baghdad International Airport on Thursday, the Iraqi military said 30.07.2020 Two Rockets hit perimeter of in a statement. The military said the Katyusha rocket was launched from two different places near the (126-157) Baghdad international airport, no Baghdad airport road and Radwaniyah area. There was no immediate claim of responsibility. significant damage (Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-138) RUS: A Russian Su-27 jet fighter buzzed two U.S. reconnaissance planes on Thursday after they had approached 30.07.2020 Russian jet fighter buzzes two U.S. the Russian border over the Black Sea, the Russian defence ministry said. It said the Russian fighter (126-156) spy planes over Black Sea approached the U.S. strategic reconnaissance aircraft RC-135 and P-8A Poseidon patrolling plane. “The American reconnaissance planes were not allowed to breach the Russian Federation’s state border,” the ministry said in a statement. A similar incident took place on Monday 27.07.2020 over the Black Sea.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-129) IRN: The IRGC has released detailed images of Al-Udeid Air Base – the Qatar-based home of the US military’s 30.07.2020 Iranian Satellite Once Derided as Central Command, with the snaps taken by Iran’s new domestically-developed ‘Noor’ (Light) military (126-155) ‘Tumbling Webcam in Space’ satellite. Snaps Pics of US’s Largest Mideast The images were reportedly obtained amid the ongoing massive war games in southern Iran involving Base multiple branches of the armed forces, including elite Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) formations.

The images include several detailed snaps of the airbase itself, with the pictures apparently taken during various intervals, based on the changing positions of aircraft on runways. One of the images appears to be an infrared view showing heat signatures emitted by aircraft and the nearby facilities.

Al-Udeid is the US’s largest military base in the Middle East, with as many as 11,000 personnel permanently stationed at the facility at any one time, and the base used to direct US military operations across the region.

The images were released amid the ongoing ‘Great Prophet 14’ military drills in Hormozgan province, southern Iran, with the territory bordering on the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz. The massive drills kicked off on Tuesday. In addition to its intelligence-gathering activities, the Noor satellite has reportedly been used to monitor the exercises from space.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: space-snaps-pics-of-uss-largest-mideast-base/)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-141) GBR/RAF: A Royal Air Force Chinook heavy-lift helicopter has made an emergency landing in Carmarthenshire, 30.07.2020 Chinook helicopter hits power Wales. The U.S. Ministry of Defense has reported that the incident happened on Tuesday evening (at (126-154) line, makes emergency landing in 22:30 local time) near Llangynin, and the Chinook crew suffered “minor injuries”. Wales

29.07.2020 USA/NATO/DEU: The United States is pulling almost 12,000 troops from Germany, unleashing a torrent of criticism against 29.07.2020 US Pulling Almost 12,000 Troops U.S. President Donald Trump, both at home and abroad, even as senior U.S. and NATO officials defended (126-153) From Germany the move as a strategic necessity.

"We're reducing the force because they're not paying their bill," Trump said Wednesday. "It's very simple: They're delinquent. We don't want to be the suckers anymore," Trump said, adding "other NATO countries also" could see U.S. troops leave if they do not increase defense spending.”

Germany, like other NATO members, has pledged to increase its spending on defense to at least 2% of the county's GDP (Gross Domestic Product). And while that percentage has been increasing, Germany still fell short of the mark in 2019, spending 1.38% of its GDP, or about $55 billion, on defense.

Under the plan laid out by the Pentagon, 5,600 U.S. troops will be redeployed from Germany to other NATO allies, including Belgium and Italy. Another 6,400 will return to the United States, though most of the forces will then embark on what the Pentagon is describing as "continuous rotations" to the Black Sea region. The U.S. will also relocate U.S. European Command (EUCOM) headquarters, along with U.S. Special Operations Command Europe, from Stuttgart to Belgium. In addition, 2,500 U.S. airmen who had been scheduled to deploy to Germany from an airbase in Britain will now stay in Britain. Additional U.S. troops could also be sent to Poland once an agreement, currently under discussion, is finalized, or even to the Balkans. In all, the moves will reduce the number of U.S. troops in Germany from about 36,000 to about 24,000 and cost the U.S. several billion dollars, defense officials said.

(Ergänzende Information vom 29.07.2020: The Pentagon will begin winding down U.S. operations at Germany’s Spangdahlem Air Base, pulling out Air Force F-16s and canceling plans to move tankers and special- operations forces there, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper announced July 29. Moving F-16s from the 52nd Fighter Wing at Spangdahlem to Italy will “better increase security along NATO’s eastern flank and help preserve peace,” Air Forces Europe said in a statement.) IRN: Iran’s paramilitary Revolutionary Guard launched underground ballistic missiles for the first time, as part 29.07.2020 Iran fires ballistic missiles from of an exercise involving a mock-up aircraft carrier in the Strait of Hormuz, state television reported (126-152) underground for 1st time, during Wednesday. Drone footage captured by the Guard showed two missiles blasting out from covered major drill positions in what appeared to be a desert plateau in central Iran, with debris flying up in the air in their wake.

The launches took place on Wednesday, said Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the Guard’s aerospace division. He told state television it was first time the Guard had done this, though the paramilitary force is known to have vast underground bases hiding its ballistic missile arsenal.

Separately, drones targeted the bridge of the fake aircraft carrier, according to the state TV report. The broadcaster did not immediately air footage of the launches or the drone attack, nor did it identify the missiles used in the drill.

It was the latest barrage in a drill that the previous day saw two American bases temporarily go on alert over the launches.

(Ergänzende Information vom 29.07.2020: Iran’s Revolutionary Guards Wednesday, July 29, launched underground ballistic missiles in a military drill in which a mock US aircraft carrier was attacked in the Strait of Hormuz. Drone footage showed two missiles blasting out from covered positions in what appeared to be a desert plateau in central Iran. Gen. Amir Ali Hajizadeh, the head of the IRGC’s aerospace division said this was the first underground launch of a ballistic missile. Most of this arsenal is believed to be hidden in underground silos.)

(Video mit Startsequenz abrufbar unter: game) IND: The first five of 36 Dassault Rafale multirole fighter aircraft - three single-seat and two twin-seat aircraft 29.07.2020 First five of 36 Rafale fighter - ordered for the Indian Air Force (IAF) in late 2016 for EUR7.9 billion (USD9.27 billion) landed at Ambala (126-151) aircraft arrive in India Air Force Station (AFS) in northern India on 29 July. IAF officials told Janes that the remaining 13 aircraft required to complete the squadron will be delivered in batches over the next few months.

The weapons that will arm the Rafales have already been delivered to Ambala AFS by MBDA, and include the Meteor beyond-visual-range air-to-air missile, the MICA short/medium-range air-to-air missile and the Storm Shadow/SCALP ground-attack cruise missile.

(Ergänzende Information vom 30.07.2020: Chinese experts said that the Rafale is only a third-plus generation fighter jet, and does not stand much of a chance against a stealth, fourth generation one like the J-20. In some combat performance areas, the Rafale is superior to the Su-30 MKI fighter jets, which are in service in the Indian air force in large batches, but it is only about one-fourth of a generation more advanced and does not yield a significant qualitative change, Zhang Xuefeng, a Chinese military expert, told the Global Times. Thanks to its AESA radar, advanced weapons and limited stealth technologies, the Rafale is comparable to other third-plus generation fighter jets used by other countries, but it will find it very difficult to confront a stealth-capable fourth generation fighter jet, Zhang said.)(Anmerkung Redaktion: 3+Gen CHN = 4+Gen Westen und 4Gen CHN = 5Gen Westen)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-150) IND: The first five Indian Air Force (IAF) Rafale aircraft have arrived at Air Force Station, Ambala. The aircraft 29.07.2020 Induction of Rafale In Indian Air got airborne from Dassault Aviation Facility, Merignac, France on the morning of 27 Jul 20 and reached (126-150) Force India this afternoon with a planned stopover en-route at Al Dhafra airbase in the UAE.

The ferry was planned in two stages and was undertaken by IAF pilots. The aircraft covered a distance of nearly 8500 km from France to India. First stage of the flight covered a distance of 5800 km in seven and a half hours. French Air Force (FAF) Tanker provided dedicated Air-to-Air Refuelling support during the flight. The second stage of the flight covering over 2700 km was carried out with Air-to-Air Refuelling by IAF Tanker. IAF deeply appreciates the proactive support provided by the French Government and Industry in France to ensure timely delivery. The tanker support extended by French Air Force during the ferry was crucial in ensuring that the long haul flight was accomplished successfully and in a time bound manner.

The aircraft will be a part of 17 Squadron, the “Golden Arrows”, which was resurrected on 10 Sep 19.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-126) SOM/USA: In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted an airstrike 29.07.2020 Federal Government of Somalia, targeting al-Shabaab terrorists in the vicinity of Jilib, Somalia, July 29. The command's initial assessment (126-149) AFRICOM target al-Shabaab concluded this airstrike killed one terrorist and wounded one terrorist. An al-Shabaab compound was destroyed in the airstrike. TUR/AZE: The Turkish Armed Forces have deployed T129 attack helicopters to Azerbaijan, according to the Ministry Of Defence 29.07.2020 Turkey deploys T129 attack Of Azerbaijan. According to a recent service news release, a group of servicemen and the aircraft of the Turkish (126-148) helicopters to Azerbaijan Armed Forces participating in the Azerbaijani-Turkish Live-Fire Joint Large-Scale Tactical and Flight-Tactical Exercises arrived in Nakhchivan.

Military, attack and combat helicopters of the Turkish Armed Forces arrived on a military transport aircraft, are brought to a state of readiness for Live-Fire Flight-Tactical Exercises at the military airfield of the Combined Arms Army.

(Ergänzende Information Azerbaijan Ministry of Defence vom 28.07.2020: By ferrying troops and T-129 ATAK attack helicopters to Azerbaijan with its Airbus A400M aircraft, Turkey has demonstrated a new and significant regional deployment capability) JPN/CHN: More than twice a day, Japanese fighter pilots hear a siren blare, bolt up from their ready-room seats, run 29.07.2020 Japan's air force faces a to their jets, and scream aloft, ready to intercept a potentially unidentified incursion into Japanese (126-147) 'relentless' burden, imposed by airspace. China It happened to Japan's Air Self Defense Force (JASDF) 947 times in the last fiscal year ending in March. The culprit in most of those cases, warplanes from China's People's Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF).

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: intl-hnk-dst/index.html)

(Info Graphic «Flight patterns of Chinese and Russian planes near Japanese airspace 2019» abrufbar unter: JPN: Japan's defense ministry will partner with only one Japanese company to lead the development of next- 29.07.2020 Japan to choose one domestic generation fighter planes, Nikkei has learned. The selected company will develop and manufacture a (126-146) maker for new fighter production replacement for the current F-2 jets as they begin to be decommissioned around 2035. It will coordinate all efforts with other companies from Japan and the U.S. as needed.

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is the most likely candidate, but Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Subaru and IHI are expected to cooperate in the program. U.S.-based Lockheed Martin, Boeing and Northrop Grumman may also play roles. Eurofighter ready to deliver long- The Eurofighter industry consortium remains on course to deliver a broad-ranging “menu” of capability 29.07.2020 term enhancement ‘menu’ to options to its core partner nations before year-end to inform their decisions on the type’s long-term (126-145) operators evolution (LTE) path.

“We have done a lot of technical definition work with the customers, giving them a range of options,” Paul Smith, Typhoon operational requirements manager for Eurofighter partner company BAE Systems Air, tells FlightGlobal. These range from performing a technical refresh of the Typhoon’s current capabilities to a full update, replacing the type’s entire avionics and system architecture.

Smith says industry expects programme partners Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK to instead opt for a middle option. “The gist is a very large-area display, with no HUD [head-up display], fully utilising the [BAE] Striker II helmet, and refreshing the communications and data storage and high-speed data networks, improving the ability to share and move data rapidly.”

Engine and flight-control system enhancements could seek to boost the fuel-efficiency of the type’s Eurojet EJ200 turbofans, in conjunction with the use of an aerodynamic modification kit. Additionally, the use of one- or two-dimensional thrust-vectoring nozzles could deliver handling benefits while carrying asymmetric heavy stores and during high angle-of-attack flight, and also improve short-field take-off and landing while reducing wear for operators in hot environments. Typhoon export customers include Oman, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

Other benefits of the LTE package will include increased flexibility in weapons release sequencing, as a result of flight-control software updates, and the ability to more rapidly integrate new stores. Planned future additions include the Anglo-French MBDA future cruise/anti-ship weapon and the same company’s Spear-EW electronic-attack missile, and what Smith refers to as other “novel effectors”.

Eurofighter was awarded a roughly 18-month study-phase contract for the LTE activity in mid-2018, and is due to deliver its proposals within the coming months.

Embodiment of the LTE updates on in-service aircraft is expected to start in the 2026-2027 timeframe. USA/USAF: In less than a year, Eglin Air Force Base takes possession of the Air Force’s newest fighter, the F-15EX. Big 29.07.2020 Eglin AFB prepared, ready for plans and procedures are underway so developmental and operational testing can begin as soon as (126-144) F-15EX possible when EX1 and EX2 arrive in 2021.

The Operational Flight Program Combined Test Force will manage the DT and OT planning and provisioning for the aircraft. The 40th Flight Test Squadron will take possession of EX1 and the 85th Test and Evaluation Squadron will own EX2. Squadron aircrews and testers will work together to complete the combined DT and OT simultaneously. The F-15EX will continue to ensure that air superiority for decades ahead, according to Maj. Aaron Eshkenazi, 85th TES F-15EX OT lead pilot. The EX design has the future in mind. Although the new aircraft looks like an F-15, its digital flight controls, advanced cockpit touch displays, new sensors and advanced computer technology take this Eagle well beyond its older brethren.

These upgrades make the F-15EX extremely capable and rapidly adaptable to new weapons and technologies. The F-15EX also has the ability to carry over three times the weapons payload of an F-35, which will make its presence critical on the battlefield, according to Eshkenazi. defense-aerospace. BRA: The Modernization Project of the E-99 aircraft concluded, last Friday 24.07.2020, at the Embraer facilities in São José com Another Stage In E-99 dos Campos, in São Paulo (SP) state, with the painting process of the first unit that will be delivered to the Brazilian 29.07.2020 Modernization Project Concluded Air Force (FAB). The completion of this stage is a milestone for the project and confirms yet another step towards (126-143) the technological update of the vectors of the Force.

The E-99M project was started in 2012 and is carried out by the Combat Aircraft Program Coordinating Committee (COPAC) with Embraer and international suppliers such as SAAB, AeroElectronica International (AELI) and Rohde & Schwarz. In addition to modernization and updating of mission systems and related subsystems, the project also has technology transfer agreements that will enable technological advances of Brazilian defense industry.

The modernization of the E-99's airborne sensors will allow the Brazilian Air Force to expand its capability to carry out Flight Control and Alarm missions and Electronic Reconnaissance, among others. IRN: The IRGC forces have successfully exercised an operation to incapacitate the US’ THAAD missile defense 29.07.2020 IRGC Practices Crippling US’ system in the course of a massive war game in southern Iran, a top commander said. Commander of the (126-142) THAAD System Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Aerospace Force Brigadier General Amir Ali Hajizadeh said on Wednesday that his forces have practiced tactics to defeat the enemy’s missile shield and destroy its air defense missile systems in the Payambar-e Azam 14 (The Great Prophet) war game, underway in Iran’s southern province of Hormozgan, western parts of the Strait of Hormuz, and the Persian Gulf.

The IRGC forces established a missile system mirroring the capabilities of Theater High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD), and targeted the anti-ballistic defense system with radar-evading missiles, he said. IRN: The Islamic Revolution Guards Corps forces obtained images taken by Iran’s homegrown ‘Noor’ (light) 29.07.2020 Images of US Base Taken by satellite from a US military base in the region in the course of a military exercise south of Iran. On the (126-141) Iranian Satellite Used in IRGC War second day of Payambar-e Azam 14 (The Great Prophet) war game on Wednesday, the IRGC analyzed the Game images captured and sent by the Noor satellite from the war game zone. The military base is thought to be Al Udeid Air Base southwest of Doha, Qatar.

The Iranian satellite, which was launched into space in April, has also taken images of other areas in the region using aerial image mosaicking, including an American military base. northropgrumman. USA/USAF: Northrop Grumman Corporation has been selected to provide the prime mission equipment for the Sierra com Northrop Grumman to Provide Nevada Corporation-led AC/MC-130J Radio Frequency Countermeasure (RFCM) program. Northrop 29.07.2020 Key Electronic Warfare Grumman’s RFCM system utilizes the latest in antenna, amplifier and electronics technology. This (126-140) Capabilities for AC/MC-130J technology provides superior situational awareness and better enables aircraft survivability in Aircraft operationally relevant environments.

The modular, open systems approach to the suite is designed to provide radar warning, threat identification and countermeasure capabilities today, while allowing for the flexibility to adapt to future threats. The system is applicable to both U.S. and international customers and represents the latest upgrade to Northrop Grumman’s RFCM product line.

Northrop Grumman has deep expertise in electronic warfare systems for land, sea and air. Covering the full spectrum of operations from self-protection to electronic attack, the company’s systems are preparing warfighters for multi-domain operations. Among these systems are the F-16 electronic warfare suite, AN/APR-39 family of radar warning receivers and pod-based self-protection.

28.07.2020 CHN: China's aircraft carrier-based J-15 fighter jets have now become capable of conducting nighttime buddy 28.07.2020 Chinese aircraft carriers get refueling, one of the most challenging tactical moves by carrier-borne fighter jets, the PLA Navy revealed (126-139) power boost by fighters’ after recent successful exercises. The term "buddy refueling" means both the feeding aircraft and nighttime buddy refueling receiving aircraft are of the same type of warplane, and in this case, it means a J-15 equipped with a capability refueling pod refuels other J-15s, reports said. The PLA Navy has previously grasped the techniques of buddy refueling in the day, the China Central Television (CCTV) reported on Tuesday.

Nighttime buddy refueling operations can significantly boost aircraft carriers' round-the-clock combat capabilities, as such operations extend their combat range and enable more firepower, military experts said Tuesday. IRQ: The Iraqi Security Media Cell announced on Monday, that an Iraqi army aircraft was severely damaged 28.07.2020 12:10 AM Military aircraft ‘severely after three Katyusha rockets hit the Taji camp, north of Baghdad. According to the report, the three (126-138) damaged’ at Iraqi base that Katyusha rockets were fired from the Saba Al-Bour and hit the Iraqi military installation, which also houses houses US Coalition forces the U.S. Coalition forces.

The statement said: “These missiles fell on Iraqi military forces’ sites, where the first missile fell on the 15th Squadron of the army’s aircraft and caused significant damage to one of the army’s aircraft, and the second missile fell on the artillery and weapons factory, causing material damage. While the third missile fell on the 2nd Squadron of the Air Force, but it didn’t explode.”

(Ergänzende Information vom 28.07.2020 12:20 AM: For the second time this evening, an Iraqi airbase has witnessed powerful explosions north of the capital, Baghdad. The latest explosions were reported at the Martyr Majd Al-Tamimi Air Force, which is located in the Salaheddine Governorate. The Iraqi Security Media Cell reported: “At exactly 11:00 P.M. on the evening of July 27th, two explosions occurred at the Martyr Majd Al-Tamimi Air Force Base in the Salaheddine Governorate and civil defense units were able to control the fires that resulted from these two explosions.”) ARM/AZE/TUR: Turkish attack drones were used against the Armenian military near the Azerbaijan border recently, the 28.07.2020 Turkish drones used in attack Russian online publication Avia.Pro reported, citing the Military Observer Telegram channel. Avia.Pro said: (126-137) against Armenian military: Russian “Judging by the footage, one of the topics of the operational meeting at the Armenian Defense Ministry media was the possible use of Turkish Bayraktar TB2 attack drones by the Azerbaijani Armed Forces.”

“According to Russian sources, the Turkish Bayraktar TB2 attack unmanned aerial vehicles launched air strikes on the territory of Armenia. The exact date and time of the use of Turkish drones remains unknown; however, it is reported that the military command of Armenia paid great attention to this issue, especially against the background of Turkey’s threats to occupy the territory of Armenia. Since the information was limited, it is not known whether or not it was Turkey or Azerbaijan operating these drones against the Armenian military. It became known that Turkey had deployed at least six of its attack unmanned aerial vehicles, artillery, military, air defense systems.” FIN/RUS: Two Russian state owned Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jets are suspected to have violated Finnish airspace on 28.07.2020 18:56 Russian fighter jets suspected of Tuesday afternoon, the Ministry of Defence said in a press release. "This is still only a suspicion, which the (126-136) violating Finnish airspace Border Guard is investigating in more detail," the ministry’s Director of Communications Niina Hyrsky said, adding that the Sukhoi jets flew in Finnish airspace for about two minutes and travelled about 500 metres on the Finnish side. The suspected violation took place in the Gulf of Finland off Helsinki at about 2pm local time. Finland’s Air Force sent Hornet fighters to identify the aircraft.

The Sukhoi Su-27 fighter jets are used by the Russian Baltic Fleet at its bases in the Kaliningrad region. The planes of the Baltic Fleet often fly between the Kaliningrad region and the rest of Russia, with one route running along the Gulf of Finland. According to Hyrsky, suspected area violations occur in Finnish airspace and sea areas between one and six times a year, with the exception of 2018, when no suspected violations were recorded. IRN: Tuesday saw the Corps stage “all-out and multi-layer” strikes against the life-size replica of a Nimitz-class 28.07.2020 IRGC commander: Iran won’t US aircraft carrier, which the American navy usually sails into the Persian Gulf through the Strait of (126-135) initiate aggression, but is fully Hormuz. offensive in tactics - The IRGC’s servicemen began the episode by destroying the mock carrier’s accompaniment with coast-to- Final phase of large-scale aerial sea fire. State television aired footage showing the damage caused to the mock aircraft carrier following and naval drills, codenamed the operational juncture. Elite divers then took action by delivering a “confusing blow” to the carrier’s Payambar-e A’zam (The Great command bridge, namely the room from which the vessel is steered. Coming in next was one of the newest Prophet) 14, that enlist the IRGC’s additions to Iran’s military powerhouse, a helicopter capable of firing missiles that likewise released the Aerospace Division and Navy. projectiles onto the main target. The IRGC commandos then rappelled onto the mock carrier as speedboats circled around it. The Corps’ ground forces, meanwhile, successfully drilled downing an enemy surveillance drone. Rocket launchers rounded up the stage with regular and precision barrages. JPN: Boeing and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) recently signed a Direct Commercial Sale agreement to 28.07.2020 Boeing, Mitsubishi Heavy support upgrades to Japan’s F-15J fleet. (126-134) Industries Partner on State of the Art Upgrades to Japan’s F-15J The contract is part of a larger $4.5 billion modernization program, announced by the U.S. Government in fleet October 2019. The upgrades will introduce state-of-the-art electronic warfare and weapons. An all-new advanced cockpit system, running on the world’s most advanced mission computer, will deliver pilots enhanced situational awareness.

Under the agreement, Boeing will provide MHI with retrofit drawings, ground support equipment and technical publications for the upgrade of the first two F-15J aircraft to the Japan Super Interceptor configuration.

Boeing has partnered with MHI in the defense arena since the 1950s. MHI produced under license the current Japan F-15J fleet of over 200 aircraft between 1980 and 2000, and will serve as prime contractor for the upgrade.

“Through this agreement, Boeing is honored to further our long-standing tradition of support for Japan’s Ministry of Defense, the Japan Air Self-Defense Force, and MHI,” said Will Shaffer, Boeing Japan President. “These upgrades will deliver critical capability for national and collective self-defense, in which the F-15J plays a key role. At the same time, they will provide MHI and our partners in Japan’s aerospace defense industry with an opportunity to enhance their own extensive engineering capabilities.”

This DCS contract lays the foundation of the modernization program. MHI will develop the detailed modification plan for the jets and prepare the facilities and workforce for the induction and upgrade of up to 98 aircraft beginning in 2022. USA/IND: Lockheed Martin Corp., Owego, New York, is awarded an $18,100,000 modification (P00015) to previously 28.07.2020 Contract – awarded firm-fixed-price, cost-plus-fixed-fee contract N00019-19-C-0013. This modification provides non- (126-133) U.S. Navy – recurring efforts and modifies three Lot 14 MH-60R helicopters to the initial India configuration in support Lot 14 MH-60R of the MH-60R modification program for the government of India. VSR700 prototype performs first The prototype of Airbus Helicopters’ VSR700 unmanned aerial system (UAS) has performed its first free 28.07.2020 autonomous free flight flight. The VSR700 performed a ten minute flight at a drone test centre near Aix-en-Provence in the south (126-132) of France. The free flight achieved by the VSR700 is a major step leading up to the sea trials that will be performed at the end of 2021 as part of the de-risking studies for the French Navy’s future drone.

The VSR700, derived from Hélicoptères Guimbal’s Cabri G2, is an unmanned aerial system in the 500-1000 kg maximum take-off weight range. It offers the best balance of payload capability, endurance and operational cost. It is capable of carrying multiple full-size naval sensors for extended periods and can operate from existing ships, alongside a helicopter, with a low logistical footprint. USA/USAF/USN: The 83rd Fighter Weapons Squadron executed their weapons system evaluation program May 27 to June 28.07.2020 Navy joins 53rd Wing for weapons 12 in an effort that included Team Eglin units and the U.S. Navy’s Carrier Air Wing Two. (126-131) system evaluation The 53rd Wing units facilitated the firing of 26 air-to-air missiles during this event. One of the more significant shots included three AIM-120D software improvement program, the DoDs newest operational air-to-air missile. The F-35A and C models fired seven missiles and EA-18G fired one. These weapon firings provided valuable data and feedback to combat air force and fleet warfighters and informed strategic weapons allocation and movement decisions. CHN: A Chinese shipbuilder is planning to build a more powerful amphibious assault ship that would be able to 28.07.2020 Chinese shipbuilder planning carry more helicopters and drones and help the country’s marine corps to fight more effectively on the (127-130) advanced amphibious assault ship high seas.

The ship would have a similar design to the Type 075 landing helicopter deck, but it would be equipped with an electromagnetic catapult launch system of the type that is currently only found on the most advanced aircraft carriers.

News about the proposal of the new design, which shipbuilders and military enthusiasts have called the Type 076, has been circulating on military websites since the start of the month. Military observers said the plans, from the China Shipbuilding Group, the main government contractor, have not yet been approved by the leadership and work on the new ships will take at least five years. It will be able to carry up to 30 helicopters, as well as a number of amphibious tanks, armoured vehicles, boats, and hundreds of marine troops for land attacks and follow-up ground operations.

27.07.2020 RUS: The Russian defence ministry said it had sent a Su-27 fighter plane on Monday to intercept a U.S. 27.07.2020 Russia sends Su-27 fighter jet to surveillance plane over the Black Sea that it said was approaching the Russian border. The U.S. plane, (126-129) intercept U.S. spy plane over identified as a P-8 Poseidon, has changed course to move away from the Russian border, the ministry Black Sea added. USA/USN/GRC: Naval aircraft from Carrier Air Wing Three (CVW-3) conducted day and night precision-guided munition 27.07.2020 Eisenhower Strike Group and live ordnance strikes on the Greek Karavia Range in the Mediterranean Sea, July 25-26, 2020. In (126-128) Conducts Strike Training in U.S. addition to the expenditure of unguided and guided rockets, laser training rounds, and other ordnance on 6th Fleet the Karavia Range, CVW-3 participated in air-to-air combat maneuvers and tactical training with Hellenic Navy F-16s.

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group is conducting operations in U.S. 6th fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe and Africa.

Squadrons of CVW-3, commanded by Estes and embarked on Dwight D. Eisenhower, include Strike Fighter Squadrons “Fighting Swordsmen” of VFA-32, “Gunslingers” of VFA-105, “Wildcats” of VFA-131, “Rampagers” of VFA-83, and “Dusty Dogs” of Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron HSC-7, “Swamp Foxes” of Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron HSM-74, “Screwtops” of Airborne Command and Control Squadron VAW-123, “Zappers” of Electronic Attack Squadron VAQ-130, and a detachment from Fleet Logistics Support Squadron VRC-40 “Rawhides.” defense- RUS: Russian President Vladimir Putin yesterday announced the purchase of 76 of the latest Su-57 fighters by Russian MoD Preparing the Ministry of Defense, which are to enter service with three aviation regiments by 2028. The contract, 27.07.2020 Acquisition of 76 Sukhoi Su-57 according to Kommersant, is estimated at up to 170 billion rubles (approx. $2.4 billion). (126-127) Fighters Vladimir Putin announced the readiness of the military to purchase large quantities of new aircraft at a meeting on the development of military aviation held in Sochi. He recalled that in 2013-2018, the troops received more than a thousand new and modernized aircraft and helicopters; as a result, 65% of the Aerospace Force aircraft fleet was modernized.

Now, Putin, it is necessary to start serial procurement of the latest models of aircraft, including the fifth generation Su-57 fighters. “By 2028, three aviation regiments of the Aerospace Forces must be fully re- equipped," Putin said, stressing that the state armament program until 2027 planned to purchase only 16 such aircraft. Thanks to work with industry, the cost of the aircraft has decreased by almost 20%, which will allow purchasing 76 fighters over the same period of time, the president explained.

Work on the Su-57 fighter began in 2002. Two years later, the plane was presented to the president in a layout. In 2010, Mr. Putin said that about 30 billion rubles were spent at the first stage of creating the aircraft, and the same amount was required to complete the work, he said. Aircraft numbers and service introduction dates were constantly changing, and the state armament program for 2011–2020 provided for the purchase of 52 production Su-57 fighters, with the first two due for delivery in 2015. Subsequently, the military admitted that due to the unstable economic situation, the department would be able to absorb only 15 such aircraft, of which the first two in 2017.

As a result, the first contract for a pair of Su-57 was signed only in August 2018: according to its terms, the aircraft should be transferred to the military in 2019. Since the program was launched, ten Su-57 prototypes were built.

According to a top manager of one defense contractor, the contract for the supply of 76 Su-57 fighters to the Ministry of Defense could become a record in the history of the United Aircraft Corporation (UAC).

The cost of the contract, estimated at 160 to 170 billion rubles, is decreasing not only due to decisions to change the internal layout of the Su-57 and standardization of technical solutions, but also due to the fact that production will enter full rate. The source told Kommersant that military contracts allow only low (3- 5%) profitability, but this contract will guarantee the full-rate capabilities of the Komsomolsk-on-Amur aircraft plant for the next decade. Theoretically, its production line can produce at least seven to eight such aircraft each year.

The first Su-57 batches will initially be equipped with first phase engines (AL-41F1), and subsequently with the second phase (Product 30) engines. IND: The first five Indian Air Force (IAF) Rafales have taken off from Dassault Aviation Facility, Merignac, France, 27.07.2020 Ferry of Rafale today morning. These five include three single seater and two twin seater aircraft. (126-126) The ferry of the aircraft is planned in two stages and will be undertaken by the pilots of the IAF, who have undergone comprehensive training on the aircraft. The Air to Air Refuelling planned during the first leg of the ferry will be undertaken by these pilots with dedicated tanker support from the French Air Force.

The aircraft are likely to arrive at Air Force Station, Ambala, on 29 Jul 20 subject to weather. No 17 Squadron, the "Golden Arrows", is being raised at this base equipped with Rafale aircraft.

(Ergänzende Information vom 27.07.2020: The aircraft flew out from the Merignac airbase in French port city of Bordeaux and will cover a distance of nearly 7,000 km with air-to-air refuelling and a single stop in the United Arab Emirates before arriving at Ambala airbase on Wednesday, officials said. In the evening, officials said all five Rafales landed safely in Al Dhafra airbase in the UAE after a sortie in excess of seven hours.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-86) CHN: A revolutionary, cognition-subverting next generation fighter jet, characterized by long-range, high 27.07.2020 Next gen fighter jet forthcoming capabilities in penetration, awareness, firepower and fast decision-making, is about to come into being (126-125) in great power competition: J-20 amid great power competition, according to a recent paper by the chief designer of China's J-20 stealth chief designer fighter jet.

Artificial intelligence is a key field to help pilots process vast information and make decisions in complicated battlefield environments, it said.

Amid great power competition and the commissioning of more and more fourth generation fighter jets (or fifth generation under US classification, which includes China's J-20, US' F-22 and F-35), there have been extensive discussions on the changes in types of warfare, and the development of post-fourth generation fighter jets, said Yang Wei of Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC), in a paper published in Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, a Chinese monthly journal on aeronautics, last month.

Yang is the chief designer of China's first fourth generation fighter jet, the J-20. In the paper, Yang said that in older generations of fighter jets, maneuverability used to be the deciding factor, but this concept is becoming outdated with the development of advanced medium-range air-to-air missiles with their beyond-visual-range attack capabilities. Information has now become the deciding factor, as modern fighter jets focus on gaining more information with the help of AESA radars and data chains, while also reducing opponents' ability to gain information, including using stealth technology and electronic countermeasures.

Citing foreign projects, Yang said that a future fighter jet will generally require a longer combat range, longer endurance, stronger stealth capability, a larger load of air-to-air and air-to-surface weapons, and the functionality to provide its pilot with easy-to-understand battlefield situation images and predictions. In an integrated system, the aircraft should be able to form a network, draw real-time integrated situational images, create multiple attack routes, and transmit target information across mission areas in real time.

Yang's vision could indicate what China's future fighter jet might be like, a Chinese military expert told the Global Times on Monday under the condition of anonymity.

China is eyeing to develop a next generation fighter jet by 2035 or earlier, which could feature laser, adaptive engines and the ability to command drones, reports in early 2019 quoted Wang Haifeng, another senior designer at AVIC who participated in the development of the J-20 and J-10 fighter jets, as saying.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter:

defense- RUS: Yesterday, Putin said that by 2028 another 100 Mi-28NM combat helicopters, a version of hundreds of Additional Mi-28NM and Ka-52 Mi-28Ns already in service with the Russian Aerospace Forces, should be delivered to the army by 2028. 27.07.2020 (126-124) This contract, and the parallel signing of an agreement for 114 Ka-52 combat helicopters, will provide the main workload under the current state armament program for two enterprises belonging to the Russian Helicopters holding: Rostvertol (Rostov) and Progress (Arseniev). According to a Kommersant source in the aviation industry, the total cost of these agreements is estimated at 180-190 billion rubles. defense- NOR: The air defense system NASAMS will be upgraded from 2023. In addition, it is planned to start work on The Armed Forces' New Long- replacing the Bell 412 with a new type of helicopter from 2024. In the Air Force, the phasing in of new 27.07.2020 Term Plan (126-123) capacities such as the F-35 and P-8 continues. The special forces get a new task squadron and new helicopters. NATO: On July 26, 2020, the fourth remotely piloted aircraft of NATO’s Alliance Ground Surveillance (AGS) Force 27.07.2020 NATO AGS force’s Remotely arrived at the Italian Air Force Base in Sigonella, Italy. The aircraft took off from Edwards Air Force Base (126-122) Piloted Aircraft fleet continues to in California, USA, at 18:33 local time on July 25 and landed at Sigonella at 16:20 local time the following grow day, almost 22 hours later. NLD: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the 27.07.2020 The Netherlands - AIM-120C-8 Government of the Netherlands of sixteen (16) AIM-120C-8 Advanced Medium Range Air-to-Air Missiles (126-121) Advanced Medium Range Air-to- (AMRAAM) and related equipment for an estimated cost of $39 million. Air Missile (AMRAAM) The Government of the Netherlands has requested to buy 16 AIM-120C-8 Advanced Medium Range Air- to-Air Missiles (AMRAAM). Also included are containers, weapon systems support and support equipment, spare and repair parts, publications and technical documentation, U.S. Government and contractor engineering, logistics, and technical support services, and other related elements of logistics and program support.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by helping to improve security of a NATO ally which is an important force for political stability and economic progress in Northern Europe. The proposed sale will improve the Netherlands' capability to meet current and future threats by deterring regional threats, strengthen its homeland defense, and enable interoperability and standardization between the armed forces of the Netherlands and the United States. The Netherlands, which already maintains AMRAAM missiles, will have no difficulty absorbing this equipment and support into its armed forces. KOR: The Army's decades-old fleet of UH-1H helicopters are being retired this week, with South Korea's 27.07.2020 Army's UH-1H choppers retired homegrown multi-role chopper Surion replacing them, the military said Monday. The Army has operated (126-120) after 52 yrs of service 129 UH-1H choppers. They flew an accumulated 792,000 hours over 146 million kilometers during the period, it said.

26.07.2020 PAK/IND: As the India-China face-off along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) in Ladakh remains unresolved, Pakistan 26.07.2020 Pakistan deploys J-17 fighter jets is carrying out military exercises at its air force base at Qadri in Skardu of occupied Gilgit-Baltistan region. (126-119) at PoK's Skardu airbase; PAF Pakistan has also deployed J-17 fighter jets at Skardu air base which carried out these exercises. Skardu is carries out military exercises a forward operating base of the and it uses it to support its Army operations on the border with India. Official sources said that Pakistan has been carrying out these military exercises on the instruction of China, which has been locked in a bitter standoff with India at multiple locations in eastern Ladakh since May this year. IRQ: An Iraqi military base that has a large ammunition dump exploded on Sunday. The same base was the 26.007.2020 20:51 Massive explosion at Iraqi base scene of a mysterious explosion last year that pro-Iranian militias in Iraq blamed on Israel. Explosions on (126-118) linked to Iranian-backed militias July 26 appeared similar to those last year. Iraq’s Security Media Cell was quick to tamp down on rumors about the explosion, claiming that the massive fireballs and smoke seen rising from the camp were actually an accident caused by ammunition stored in a warehouse.

According to Iraqi sources the area of the base affected was ammunition dumps linked to the Federal Police, which are part of the Interior Ministry. The Interior Ministry in Iraq has been infiltrated deeply by elements of the pro-Iranian Badr Organization. The claims that it was a Federal Poilice ammunition storage was to allay concerns that the explosion actually hit areas where the pro-Iranian militias, called Hashd al- Shaabi, have ammunition.

(Ergänzende Information vom 26.07.2020 06:29 PM: A weapons depot belonging to Iraq’s federal police force exploded on Sunday in Baghdad’s southern suburbs because of high summer temperatures and poor storage, the military said in a statement. Multiple explosions could be heard in Baghdad on Sunday evening.) ISR: An Israeli drone crashed inside Lebanon during operational activity along the border, an Israeli military 26.07.2020 07:27 PM Israeli army says one of its drones spokeswoman said. “There is no concern that any information was leaked,” the spokeswoman said. Israel’s (126-117) crashed inside Lebanon Channel 12 reported that the drone crashed after it experienced a technical failure.

Tensions have risen along Israel’s frontier with Syria and Lebanon this week after a fighter from the Iranian- backed Lebanese group Hezbollah was killed in an apparent Israeli strike on the edge of Damascus. The Israeli military has since boosted its forces on its northern front.

(Ergänzende Information vom 26.07.2020 08:30 PM: Previously, the Lebanese Army reported that as many as 20 Israeli military aircraft entered Lebanese airspace via the country’s southern border on Friday. The Israeli aircraft reportedly flew around the southern and eastern regions of Lebanon before returning back to their airspace.) SRB: Serbia will strengthen its armed forces and is seeking to purchase more warplanes amid simmering 26.007.2020 Serbia seeks more warplanes tensions in the Balkans, the Serbian president said Sunday. President Aleksandar Vucic said "certain (126-116) amid Balkan tensions initiatives" have been made to buy a fleet of fighter-bombers, accusing the U.S. and other Western countries of arming Serbia's NATO neighbors and its breakaway former province of Kosovo.

Vucic did not specify what type of warplanes Serbia plans to buy, but the pro-government media said his government has officially asked the U.S. for the delivery of 20 fighter-bombers. The reports said Washington has not yet responded to Belgrade's request and that in case of a refusal, it is likely to purchase Russian-made Sukhoi-25 attack aircraft.

Serbia, which claims military neutrality, has recently received a sophisticated anti-aircraft system from Russia, which has also provided fighter jets, attack helicopters and armored vehicles. Another Serbian ally, China, has delivered military drones. DEU: In preparation for its delivery to the German Armed Forces, the first German Heron TP unmanned aerial 26.07.2020 First modified German Heron TP vehicle (UAV), produced by Israeli Aerospace Industries (IAI), has completed its first successful flight in (126-115) UAV completes first flight Israeli skies.

The nine-year agreement between the German and Israeli defense ministries was signed in June 2018 at a cost of $600 million for the leasing of a number of the UAVs as well as the training, operational support, and maintenance throughout the term of the agreement. As such thirty-five teams of two Germans each are expected to undergo training with their Israeli counterparts at a special compound within Tel Nof since last year. According to reports in Hebrew media at the time of the signing, details of the deal included payment of approximately €720 million to IAI for the rental of the drones and another €180 million to be transferred directly to the government of Israel for the use of airports and other infrastructures that belong to the Air Force.

The Heron TPs are IAI’s most advanced UAVs with a 40h endurance, maximum take-off weight of 11,685 pounds and a payload of 2,204-pounds. They can be used for both reconnaissance as well as combat and support roles and can carry air-to-ground missiles to take out hostile targets. IAI first delivered the Heron- 1 systems to the German Air Force in 2009 and it became operational six months later. The UAVs have since been used extensively both in Afghanistan and Mali in collaboration with Airbus, which handles the upkeep of the drone. The unarmed medium altitude long endurance (MALE) UAV has a wingspan of 16.6 meters and a mission endurance of 24 hours. CHN: China's domestically developed large amphibious aircraft AG600 successfully made its first sea-based test 26.07.2020 China’s domestic large flight on Sunday. This demonstrated the aircraft's capability of operating in maritime conditions and (126-114) amphibious aircraft AG600 makes prepared it to conduct rescue missions, including far sea cargo transport and maritime emergency rescue, 1st sea-based test flight its developer said.

An AG600 aircraft successfully took off from sea waters off the coastal city of Qingdao, East China's Shandong Province on Sunday morning. After about 31 minutes and finishing a set of test subjects in the sky, the aircraft landed at an airport in Rizhao, Shandong.

The AG600 is China's first domestically developed special mission civilian aircraft aimed mainly at meeting the country's needs in forest firefighting and maritime rescue, AVIC said. It also prepared the aircraft to conduct rescue missions, including far sea cargo transport and maritime emergency rescue in the future, the company said. When deployed from Sanya, South China's Hainan Province, the AG600 can reach any location in the South China Sea thanks to its endurance of 12 hours and ability to take off and land on water, reports said.

The latest sea-based test flight demonstrated the aircraft's performance in sea waves and corrosive environment of high salinity and humidity, AVIC told the Global Times on Sunday.

(Fotos abrufbar unter: USA/USN: A U.S. Navy P-8A Poseidon patrol and reconnaissance aircraft had to make an emergency landing at 27.07.2020 P-8A Poseidon makes emergency Kadena Air Base, Japan, on July 16, according to officials and Navy records. The aircraft suffered an engine (126-113) landing in Japan compressor stall, according to the Naval Safety Center.

Such a stall can be caused by foreign object damage — such as a bird strike — dirty or worn compressor components, in-flight icing, improper engine handling or extreme flight maneuvers. RUS: Some 40 new ships will be put into service with the Russian Navy in 2020, with the focus made on 26.07.2020 40 ships to enter service with equipping it with unique hypersonic strike systems, Russian President Vladimir Putin told the Main Navy (126-112) Russian Navy this year, Putin says Parade in St. Petersburg on Sunday.

"This year, forty ships and vessels of various classes will be put into service with [the Navy]. <…> Unique advantages and improving the Fleet’s combat capabilities will be achieved due to broad introduction of advanced digital technologies, the world’s unparalleled hypersonic strike systems, unmanned underwater vehicles and due to the most effective self-defense means," Putin said.

25.07.2020 Briten: Russlands Waffen General Sir Patrick Sanders, Chef des britischen Strategic Command, warnte in London an einem Top- Blog Dr. Peter Forster beherrschen Nahost Rapport der Streitkräfte vor der russischen Dominanz in Syrien. Die Russen setzten vom Stützpunkt 25.07.2020 Hmeimim aus ihre modernen Waffen ein und erzielte so militärisch die Überlegenheit. (126-111) (Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: ISR/SYR: IAF military helicopters struck Syrian Arab Army targets in southern Syria in retaliation for Syrian fire 25.07.2020 00:42 AM IAF strike Syrian army posts, toward the Golan Heights earlier on Friday, the IDF Spokesperson's Unit said Friday night. According to (126-110) responding to fire the IDF, the helicopters attacked several observation posts and intelligence facilities located in Syrian military bases in the area.

"The IDF sees the Syrian regime as the one responsible for the fire earlier today and will continue to act with determination, retaliating for every violation of the sovereignty of the State of Israel," the unit said in a statement. . Earlier on Friday, blasts were heard on the Syrian side of the border area, with shrapnel from the explosions damaging a vehicle and a building in Israel, according to the IDF.

According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), three posts were attacked by the IAF in the area of Quneitra on the Israeli-Syrian border, wounding two military personnel. The two reportedly sustained minor injuries and fires broke out in the wooded areas around the bases.

(Ergänzende Information vom 24.07.2020 11:55 PM: The incident in the morning saw explosions heard along the border and shrapnel striking a home and a car on the Israeli side in the Druze town of Majdal Shams, causing light damage. The cause was reported to be either anti-aircraft fire toward an IDF observation balloon or an artillery shell fired from Syria toward Israel, possibly by accident.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-74)

economictimes. IND: India has formally kicked off the acquisition process for six more long-range Poseidon-8I aircraft from the India moves to buy 6 more US, while a plan is also underway for fast-track procurement of six Predator-B armed drones amidst the 25.07.2020 Poseidons-8I aircraft from United ongoing military confrontation with China. (126-109) States for $1.8 billion India is extensively using the naval P-8I patrol planes, which are packed with radars and electro-optic sensors as well as armed with Harpoon Block-II missiles and MK-54 lightweight torpedoes, for surveillance missions over the Indian Ocean as well as eastern Ladakh.

The Navy had inducted eight Boeing-manufactured P-8I aircraft under a $2.1 billion deal inked in January 2009, while the next four will be delivered from this December onwards under another $1.1 billion contract signed in July 2016.

TOI was the first to report last year that India had finalized the plan to acquire 30 Predator-B drones, 10 each for the Army, Navy and IAF, with different payloads to hunt and destroy targets over land and sea. But the high cost of the deal, upwards of $3.5 billion, has somewhat delayed the inking of the final contract. “The original plan for the 30 Predators will take some more time. Meanwhile, the utilization of the fast-track procurement (FTP) route for acquiring six of these drones – two each for the three Services – is now under active consideration,” said another source.

The six new P-8I aircraft, for instance, will have COMCASA-protected equipment, which are much more advanced and secure than the commercially available ones. The Sea Guardians also have such equipment like advanced Global Positioning System (GPS), Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) receiver and VHF system, which are immune to jamming and spoofing from enemies. EGY: A number of new photos have circulated on social media this week, showing what was said to be the new 25.07.2020 New images surface of alleged Egyptian Sukhoi-35 jets that were manufactured in Russia. Social media activists said the photos were (126-108) Egyptian Su-35 jets: photos taken at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Plant, which is where the Egyptian Su-35 jets are being tested. Pictures of the first five Su-35m fighters appeared, as the planes made a trip to the European part of Russia, and the photos showed that the fighters carried numbers from 9210 to 9214. The Egyptian Ministry of Defense has yet to comment on the validity of these photos, despite being widely shared on Egyptian social media pages. USA/USAF: Here's What You Need To Remember: Although not much is known about the Blackbird successor, 25.07.2020 The Mach 5 SR-72 Spy Plane Lockheed Martin press releases indicate that the airframe would use elements of both a scramjet and (126-107) Could Already Be Flying (Maybe) turbine engine to achieve Mach 5+ speeds. The SR-72 will apparently be roughly the same size as the SR- 71 and could fly around sometime in the late 2020s.

The other drawback to satellites is their potentially vulnerable to attack. Since they travel in relatively predictable orbits, countries hostile to a satellite can potentially track their flight path and bring them down in the event of war with the manufacturing country — a crucial vulnerability. While Unmanned Aerial Vehicles have been used extensively for reconnaissance, they are not necessarily very fast, and unless effectively stealthy, they are very vulnerable to attack.

Never fear, Lockheed Martin’s Skunk Works has an answer — and its twice as fast as the SR-71. Much of what is known, or thought to know, about the SR-72 platform is speculative in nature. It’s likely that the SR-72 would be capable of hypersonic speeds — that is, Mach 5 and above.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter:

24.07.2020 IRQ/USA: Four Katyusha rockets hit a military base used by U.S.-led coalition troops south of Baghdad on Friday and 24.07.2020 08:04 Rockets hit military base south of caused some material damage but no casualties, the Iraqi military said in a statement. The rockets hit (126-106) Baghdad, no casualties: military Besmaya base, where Spanish troops have been based as part of the fight directed by the U.S.-led coalition against Islamic State. The coalition is reducing its troops in Iraq.

A number of rocket and mortar attacks have hit bases hosting coalition forces and landed near the U.S. embassy in Baghdad in recent months. The United States blames Iran-backed militia groups. No known paramilitary groups loyal to Iran have claimed responsibility for the attacks.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-53) LBY/RUS: It is assessed that the Russian Federation continues to violate UN Security Council Resolution UNSCR 1970 24.07.2020 Russia and the Wagner Group by actively providing military equipment and fighters to the front lines of the Libya conflict. (126-105) continue to be involved in both ground and air operations in Libya As AFRICOM has documented in a series of media releases, the U.S. assesses that Russia supplied Wagner forces operating in Libya with fighter aircraft, military armored vehicles, air defense systems, and supplies, further complicating the situation and increasing the risk for miscalculation leading to continued and needless violence in Libya. "Imagery reflects the broad scope of Russian involvement," said U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Gregory Hadfield, AFRICOM deputy director of intelligence. "They continue to look to attempt to gain a foothold in Libya."

The latest imagery details the extent of equipment being supplied to Wagner. Russian military cargo aircraft, including IL-76s, continue to supply Wagner fighters. Russian air defense equipment, including SA-22s, are present in Libya and operated by Russia, the Wagner Group or their proxies. Photos also show Wagner utility trucks and Russian mine-resistant, ambush•protected armored vehicles are also present in Libya.

"The type and volume of equipment demonstrates an intent toward sustained offensive combat action capabilities, not humanitarian relief, and indicates the Russian Ministry of Defense is supporting these operations," said Gering.

(Vollständiger Beitrag mit Luftbildern abrufbar unter: RUS/USA: The air defense quick reaction alert forces of Russia’s Southern Military District shadowed a US P-8A 24.07.2020 Russian Su-27 fighter intercepts Poseidon reconnaissance plane over the Black Sea, the National Defense Control Center reported on (126-104) US spy plane over Black Sea Friday.

The Russian airspace control systems detected an air target over the neutral waters of the Black Sea on July 24, 2020, the Center said. "A Su-27 fighter of the Southern Military District’s air defense quick reaction alert forces was scrambled to intercept the target," the statement says. The Russian fighter’s crew identified the target as a US P-8A Poseidon reconnaissance plane. After the US plane moved away from Russia’s state border, the Russian fighter safely returned to its airbase. No violations of the Russian state border were allowed, the National Defense Control Center said. "The entire flight of the Russian Su-27 plane proceeded in strict compliance with the international rules of using the airspace," the Center said.

Russia’s National Defense Control Center reported a similar case over the Black Sea on July 23. A Russian Su-27 fighter was also scrambled to intercept a US P-8A Poseidon spy aircraft. IDN: Indonesia is still committed to a 2018 deal over the purchase of Russian-made Su-35 military jets, despite 24.07.2020 the threat of US sanctions, the country’s ambassador in Moscow, Mohamad Wahid Supriyadi, said in an (126-103) interview. Indonesia Remains Committed to Russian Su-35 Deal Despite Threat "We understand there is some concern from a certain country, but we are an independent country. We of US Sanctions, Diplomat Says have military equipment bought from many countries. We can get it from the US, from Europe, but also from Russia. It is up to us to decide," the ambassador remarked. According to the $1.1 billion deal, Russia will deliver 11 Su-35 fighters to Indonesia, and the ambassador said that Jakarta has not walked away from the agreement. AUS/USA: More than 150 Royal Australian Air Force personnel have travelled to the United States’ Andersen Air 24.07.2020 RAAF takes to the skies in Guam Force Base in Guam to participate in the Regional Presence Deployment from July 21. (126-102) training serials “Training serials will include a RAAF E-7A Wedgetail working alongside the Royal Australian Navy air warfare destroyer HMAS Hobart to generate the overall air and sea picture,” Wing Commander Easthope said.

“Valuable raise, train and sustain exercises will also be conducted by our F/A-18A Classic Hornets, EA-18G Growlers and KC-30A multi-role tanker transport.” SGP: The first Boeing CH-47F Chinook heavy-lift helicopter for Singapore’s Air Force is undergoing flight tests in 24.07.2020 Singaporean CH-47F helo spotted the United States, with registration data showing that the Southeast Asian nation has 16 of the helicopters (126-101) in Delaware on order. Singapore had announced in November 2016 that it was acquiring an unspecified number of CH- 47Fs under a Direct Commercial Sales contract with Boeing to replace the Air Force’s fleet of older Chinooks. USA/USN: The U.S. Navy’s aircraft carrier-borne tanker drone, the MQ-25 Stingray, is preparing to head into the fall 24.07.2020 Boeing preps for next test of US resuming test flights, this time with the crucial fuel store pod attached. The store pod — the same one (126-100) Navy’s future aerial tanker drone integrated into the Navy’s stalwart F/A-18 Super Hornet for aerial refueling — was recently integrated into the MQ-25 test article under the wing.

23.07.2020 GBR/RUS: On Thursday, the head of the UK’s Space Directorate Harvey Smith criticized Russian conduct in space. 23.07.2020 Britain concerned by Russian “We are concerned by the manner in which Russia tested one of its satellites by launching a projectile with (126-99) satellite space test the characteristics of a weapon,” he said in a statement. “Actions of this kind threaten the peaceful use of space... we call on Russia to avoid any further such testing.”

(Ergänzende Information vom 23.07.2020: The Russian defense ministry tested a new satellite, which performed checks on Russian space equipment, on July 15. “During testing of the latest space technology, one of the domestic satellites was examined close up using the specialized equipment of small space craft,” the Interfax news agency cited the Ministry of Defence as saying at the time. “As a result, Russia’s Ministry of Defence has received valuable information about the technical condition of the object under investigation and sent it to ground control facilities.”)

(Ergänzende Information vom 24.07.2020: Russia dismissed U.S. and British claims that it tested an anti-satellite weapon in space and declared Friday that the accusations served to justify Washington's own plans to deploy weapons in orbit. The Russian Foreign Ministry rejected the allegations, saying in a statement that the July 15 experiment didn't threaten any other space objects and complied with the international law. It described the claims as part of an "information campaign to discredit Russia's space activities and its peaceful initiatives aimed at preventing an arms race in space." Russia's Defense Ministry previously stated that the July 15 event involved "a small space vehicle" that "inspected one of the national satellites from a close distance using special equipment." The ministry added that the inspection "provided valuable information about the object that was inspected, which was transmitted to the ground-based control facilities." But U.S. military officials said the Russian activity was inconsistent with the stated mission of an inspector satellite. "The Russian satellite system used to conduct this on- orbit weapons test is the same satellite system that we raised concerns about earlier this year, when Russia maneuvered near a U.S. government satellite," said Air Force Gen. John W. Raymond, commander of the United States Space Command.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-84) CHN/USA: On the same day news came out that the US asked China to close its Consulate General in Houston, the 23.07.2020 US sends spy planes to S.China, US military sent reconnaissance aircraft to the South China Sea and Yellow Sea, a move likely aimed at (126-98) Yellow seas for info on PLA gathering intelligence on possible submarine and aircraft carrier movements by the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA), experts said on Thursday. submarine, aircraft carrier moves: experts A US Navy P-8A maritime patrol aircraft and a US Army RC-12X signals intelligence collection aircraft on Wednesday entered the South China Sea and Yellow Sea respectively, according to the South China Sea Strategic Situation Probing Initiative (SCSPI), a Beijing-based think tank.

Chinese military expert Wei Dongxu told the Global Times on Thursday that the P-8A in the South China Sea could track the locations of PLA surface vessels via radar and optic devices, and detect PLA submarine activities via sonar buoys. It could also gather intelligence on PLA deployments on islands and reefs. In the Yellow Sea, the RC-12X could gather communication data and radar signals, Wei said, noting that it could seek to eavesdrop on PLA flotilla in the region. IRN/USA: Various reports say warplanes deployed by the so-called United States-led coalition operating illegally in 23.07.2020 US warplanes in aggressive Syria have conducted some aggressive and “dangerous” maneuvering close to a Beirut-bound Iranian (126-97) maneuvering near Iranian airliner: passenger airplane. The incident took place on Thursday involving two warplanes and Mahan Air’s Flight Reports 1152 that had taken off from Tehran and was en route to the Lebanese capital, the Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) News, the Iranian national broadcaster’s news outlet, reported, citing Syria’s civil aviation authority. The authority specified the airspace over Syria’s hugely-strategic al-Tanf region as the place where the incident had happened.

(Ergänzende Information vom 23.07.2020: A U.S. F-15 on a routine air mission in the vicinity of the CJTF-OIR At Tanf garrison in Syria conducted a standard visual inspection of a Mahan Air passenger airliner at a safe distance of approximately 1,000 meters from the airliner this evening. The visual inspection occurred to ensure the safety of coalition personnel at At Tanf garrison. Once the F-15 pilot identified the aircraft as a Mahan Air passenger plane, the F-15 safely opened distance from the aircraft. The professional intercept was conducted in accordance with international standards.)

(Ergänzende Informationn vom 24.07.2020 03:58 AM: Israel and the United States have long accused Mahan Air of ferrying weapons for Iranian-linked guerrillas in Syria and elsewhere. The United States imposed sanctions on Mahan Air in 2011, saying it provided financial and other support to Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards. Several passengers on an Iranian airline were injured on Thursday over Syria after the pilot changed altitude to avoid collision with a U.S. fighter jet, according to Iranian media)

(Ergänzende Information vom 24.07.2020: US sources note that Mahan Air has long been accused by the US and Israel of freighting illegal Iranian weapons to its Shiite militias in Syria. Hence the close “visual inspection” by the US jets. The airline itself is under US sanction since 2011 for providing the Revolutionary Guards with financial and other support.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 24.07.2020: U.S. officials now say that a U.S. Air Force F-15 only came within 5,000 feet of an Airbus A310 airliner belonging to Iran's Air Mahan during an incident over Syria yesterday. They have also stated that Air Mahan Flight 1152 appeared to deviate from the established flight route and did not respond to radio calls to identify itself while flying over a strategic garrison near the city of At Tanf that U.S.-backed Syrian forces operate, prompting the intercept in the first place.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 25.07.2020: The Syrian Ambassador to Lebanon, ‘Ali ‘Abdul- Karim, told Iran’s Al-Alam TV on Saturday that the U.S. attempted to coax the Syrian air defenses into shooting down the Iranian airliner in the Homs Governorate last Thursday, July 23rd. “This game failed to confuse the Syrian defensive and radar systems; thus, this dirty and dangerous game yielded negative results for its perpetrators,” ‘Abdul-Karim said in his accusation. ‘Abdul-Karim did not provide any more details regarding his claim. The Syrian Ambassador to the United Nations, Dr. Bashar Al-Ja’afari, condemned the U.S.’ interception of the Iranian airliner on Saturday, calling it a flagrant violation of Syria’s sovereignty and purposeful attempt to down the aircraft.) SYR/USA/RUS: A U.S. military aircraft reportedly penetrated Syrian airspace via the eastern Mediterranean this week and 23.07.2020 03:00 PM US military aircraft penetrated approached the Russian Hmeimim (var. Khmeimim) Airbase near the coastal city of Jableh. According to (126-96) Syrian airspace, approached the Interfax News Agency, a U.S. Navy P-8 Poseidon reconnaissance aircraft entered Syrian airspace and Russian base approached the Hmeimim Airbase and flew south towards the Tartous Naval Base, which is also used by the Russian military.

This U.S. military aircraft reportedly flew less than 20 km away from the Hmeimim Airbase, which is the closest approach that the American armed forces have made since the Russian military first deployed to Syria. “The approach was 16 and 21 km, respectively, the flight altitude was on average 7.6 km above sea level,” Avia.Pro cited Ruposters as saying this week. It should be noted that the Russian Ministry of Defense has yet to comment on this latest approach by the U.S. military.

In the past, the Russian military has deployed its Su-35 jets to intercept the U.S. aircraft before they could penetrate Syrian airspace; however, this time, they remained stationed at the Hmeimim Airbase. USA/USAF: AL DHAFRA AIR BASE, United Arab Emirates: F-35A Lightning II pilots assigned to the 421st Expeditionary 23.07.2020 Fighter Squadron recently flew a joint-combat operation with coalition partners over Southwest Asia. (126-95) Coalition partners fly joint-combat missions over Southwest Asia The 380th Air Expeditionary Wing conducts combat taskings, directed by the president, in support of contingency operations to protect national interests in the United States Central Command's area of responsibility.

U.S. partners add a unique piece to the puzzle of air defense in the AOR. “Our primary mission is to support coalition assets through the role of Air to Air Refueling,” said the coalition squadron leader. “We form part of a large, multi-national tanker effort … available for taskings in support of counter-Daesh activities encompassing the U.S. led counter-terrorism operation Inherent Resolve,” a coalition squadron leader said. A typical sortie will last several hours, delivering approximately 80 thousand pounds of fuel to coalition aircraft. On this mission, more than 70,000 pounds of fuel was transferred to the F-35s as they flew over the AOR. ISR: The Israel Defense Forces new multidisciplinary Ghost Unit completed its first major exercise on Thursday, 23.07.2020 06:13 PM In 1st drill, IDF’s Ghost Unit tests testing a variety of new fighting techniques including a method of having ground troops identify targets (126-94) out new tactics with jets, tanks for fighter jets, the military said. and robots The Ghost Unit was created earlier this year as part of the IDF’s multiyear Momentum Plan and is meant to develop and test new combat tactics. Unlike more homogeneous combat units in the IDF, the Ghost Unit is made up of a wide range of capabilities from various branches of the military: infantry troops, fighter jets, attack helicopters, tanks, combat engineering, drones, K-9s and robotics.

(Vollständiger Artikel abrufbar unter: ROU/RUS: Romanian MiG-21 fighter jets have been scrambled to escort a pair of Russian Tupolev Tu-22M3 bombers 23.07.2020 Romanian Air Force MiG- during a scheduled flight over the Black Sea, Russia's Ministry of Defence announced on Thursday. "During (126-93) 21Romanian Fighter Jets the flight, aircraft crews of the Tu-22M3 covered about 4,500 km and were in the air for more than five Scrambled to Escort Russian hours. At certain stages of the route, the long-range aircraft were accompanied by MiG-21 aircraft from Bombers Flying Over Black Sea the Romanian Air Force," the MoD said in a statement.

The strategic body of water and its surrounding area have seen a flurry of military activity in recent days, with NATO and partner nations kicking off Sea Breeze drills in the northwestern Black Sea on Monday, and Russia's southern and western military districts conducting large-scale drills as part of a surprise combat readiness check near Crimea.

(Ergänzende Information vom 24.07.2020: Standing NATO Maritime Group Two is taking part in the multinational exercise Sea Breeze, which began on Monday (20 July 2020) in the Black Sea. The annual exercise, now in its 20th iteration, is co-hosted by the United States and Ukraine, and aims to strengthen maritime security in the Black Sea region. This year, ships, aircraft and over 2,000 personnel from Bulgaria, Georgia, Norway, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine and the United States are participating. The exercise will test maritime interdiction operations, air defence, anti-submarine warfare, damage control, and search and rescue.) CHL: The State Department has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the 23.07.2020 Chile - F-16 modernization Government of Chile of equipment and related services for F-16 Modernization for an estimated cost of (126-92) $634.70 million.

The Government of Chile has requested to buy equipment and related services for F-16 Modernization to include: 19 Joint Helmet-Mounted Cueing Systems (JHMCS); 6 inert MK-82 (500LB) general purpose bomb bodies; 2 MXU-650KB Air Foil Groups (AFG); 44 LN-260 Embedded GPS/INS (EGI); 49 Multifunctional Information Distribution System Joint Tactical Radios (MIDS JTRS). Also included are avionics and Mode 5 equipment and software upgrades, integration, and test; software and software support; ARC-238 Radios; Combined Altitude Radar Altimeters (CARA); Joint Mission Planning System (JMPS) support; Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) AN/APX-126 Combined Interrogator Transponders, cryptographic appliques, keying equipment, and encryption devices; weapon system spares and support; bomb components; High- Bandwidth Compact Telemetry Modules (HCTMs); secure communications and precision navigation equipment; aircraft displays; additional spare and repair/return parts; publications, charts, and technical documentation; integration and test equipment; U.S. Government and contractor engineering, technical and logistical support services; and other related elements of logistics and program support.

This proposed sale will support the foreign policy goals and national security objectives of the United States by improving the security of a strategic partner in South America. EGY: Egyptian and US military officers gathered at the formal re-opening of the fighter brigade at Cairo West 23.07.2020 Phantom wing finally re-equipped Airport, which now operates the Block 52 F-16C/D. (126-91) with F-16s The final 16 Block 52 F-16Cs and four F-16Ds, ordered under Peace Vector VII, were always intended to re-equip the units at Cairo West, and Peace Vector VII also covered the upgrade of existing F-4 operations and maintenance facilities to allow their use for the F-16 programme. This saw the construction of more than 100 buildings vital to the operation and maintenance of the aircraft including hangars, training facilities, munitions storage, living quarters, dining halls, and offices.

A ribbon-cutting ceremony marking the completion of the $184 million construction project and the delivery of the 20 Peace Vector VII Block 52 F-16s was held in late 2019. The new F-16s finally replaced the Egyptian F-4 fleet early this year, providing a significant increase in military capability. Leonardo’s M-346 Fighter Attack On the 13th July, the operational version of the M-346 Fighter Attack, equipped with an optimised variant 23.07.2020 embarks on maiden flight of Leonardo’s Grifo radar, successfully completed its maiden flight. The M-346FA is the new light attack (126-90) equipped with Grifo radar variant from the Company’s M-346 Light Fighter Family of Aircraft (LFFA). It offers multirole capabilities with a single platform, cost-effectively delivering both training and combat roles.

The M-346FA offers all of the advanced training capabilities of the core M-346 while also integrating latest generation sensors and equipment, allowing it to operate as an effective light attack aircraft. We will now continue development as we prepare to deliver the first aircraft to its international launch customer in 2021.”

The aircraft’s primary sensor is Leonardo’s mechanically-scanning, multi-mode Grifo-M-346 radar, a specially-optimised variant developed by Leonardo for the M-346FA. The Grifo-M-346 is a reliable, high performance solution delivering great accuracy. The M-346FA is also protected by a complete Defensive Aids Sub-System (DASS), while its high-end, network-centric communications suite which incorporates a Secure Communications system and Tactical Data Link ensures interoperability. The platform can also employ LINK-16 in order to interoperate with NATO forces.

The M-346FA can employ an extensive range of air-to-air and air-to-ground weaponry (including IR guided, radar and/or laser/GPS) and can be fitted with a gun pod, reconnaissance sensors and target designation pods and electronic warfare, all integrated with a Helmet Mounted Display (HMD) system for both pilots.

(Vollständige Medienmitteilung abrufbar unter: embarks-on-maiden-flight-equipped-with-grifo-radar?f=%2Fhome) CHE/SWE: Der erste von sechs PC-24 für die schwedische Ambulanzorganisation hob am 22. Juli 2020 vom Flugplatz 23.07.2020 Erfolgreicher Erstflug des Buochs ab, um seinen Erstflug zu absolvieren. Der Super Versatile Jet in den Farben Schwedens – Blau und (126-89) schwedischen Ambulanz PC-24 Gelb – fällt am Schweizer Himmel auf!

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: Schweden.pdf) USA: The Boeing Co., General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc., Kratos Unmanned Aerial Systems Inc., and 23.07.2020 UContract – Northrop Grumman Systems Corp. have each been awarded indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity (126-88) U.S. Air Force – contracts with a shared ceiling of $400,000,000 for all subsequent competitively selected delivery orders Skyborg air platform in support of the Skyborg Vanguard Program. Skyborg is an autonomous attritable aircraft capable of achieving a diverse set of missions to generate massed combat power; delivering a future Air Force which can deter, blunt and defeat peer adversaries. The Skyborg prototyping, experimentation and autonomy development contract will be used to deliver missionized prototypes in support of operational experimentation and develop the first Skyborg air platform with modular hardware and software payloads that will incorporate the Skyborg autonomy core system and enable manned/unmanned teaming. The locations of performance are to be determined at the order level and are expected to be completed by July 2026.

(Ergänzende Information vom 23.07.2020: The aim of the Skyborg Vanguard program is to integrate autonomous attritable unmanned air vehicle (UAV) technology with open missions systems to enable manned- unmanned teaming. This will provide a game-changing capability to the warfighter. The attritable UAV line of effort awarded by this contract will provide the foundation on which the Air Force can build an airborne autonomous ‘best of breed’ system that adapts, orients, and decides at machine speed for a wide variety of increasingly complex mission sets.) USA/USAF: The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center has released a request for information as the armament 23.07.2020 Air Force releases RFI for new systems development division develops a trade space analysis for a new maritime strike weapon. White (126-87) maritime strike weapon papers are due Sept. 30. It's not clear whether the center has a draft acquisition strategy or when a solicitation for proposals may be released. The RFI comes as the Air Force looks to ramp up production of the only known weapon in its inventory that's specifically designed to strike maritime targets -- Lockheed Martin's Long-Range Anti-Ship Missile. IND: Amid simmering border tension with China, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has decided to further boost the 23.07.2020 Indian Air Force to get HAMMER capabilities of its Rafael combat fighters, which are set to arrive from France soon, by equipping them with (126-86) missiles; features and lethality of the deadly HAMMER missiles. the medium-range air-to-ground weapon from France HAMMER (Highly Agile Modular Munition Extended Range) is a medium-range air-to-ground weapon designed and manufactured for the French Air Force and Navy initially. The HAMMERs would give India the capability to take out any bunkers or hardened shelters in any type of terrain including the mountainous locations such as Eastern Ladakh, according to the defence experts. HAMMER – the new generation medium-range modular air-to-ground weapon had been designed and manufactured by Sagem (Safran group) for the French Air Force and Navy. According to the, the AASM weapon system has a length of 3m and a weight of 330kg and has a range of over 60km at high altitudes and 15km at low altitudes. It has fire and forget capability and an extended stand-off capacity.

The AASM HAMMER missile consists of a guidance kit and a range extension kit. The kits are fitted with Mk82 warheads including Smart Bomb Unit (SBU)-38, SBU-64 and SBU-54. The easy to use missile supports operations with 125kg, 250kg, 500kg and 1,000kg bomb bodies, and can be reprogrammed during the flight. The basic version SBU-38 HAMMER is provided with hybrid INS/GPS guidance, while the SBU-54 version is equipped with INS/GPS/IR (infrared) guidance. The latest version SBU-64 uses INS/GPS/laser guidance. The laser terminal guidance version can be deployed to engage moving targets, while the infrared terminal guidance version minimises target coordinate errors. The combat-proven missile can operate in all weather conditions during the day and night. It has vertical strike capability and can support deep strikes, close air support, air interdiction, and SEAD-type or anti-ship combat missions.

(Ergänzende Information vom 24.07.2020: In a bid to deploy the new Rafale aircraft quickly amid tensions with China, the Indian Air Force (IAF) has opted for the French HAMMER air-to-ground precision-guided weapon system. The IAF had rejected this system eight years ago, in favour of the Israeli Spice 2000 used in the Balakot strikes.)

(Quick facts about Hammer abrufbar unter: ° °

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-61) CHN: A Long March-5 rocket, China's largest launch vehicle, carrying the spacecraft with a mass of about 5 23.07.2020 China successfully launches first tonnes, soared into the sky from the Wenchang Spacecraft Launch Site on the coast of southern China's (126-85) Mars mission island province of Hainan at 12:41 p.m. (Beijing Time).

About 36 minutes later, the spacecraft, including an orbiter and a rover, was sent into the Earth-Mars transfer orbit, embarking on an almost seven-month journey to the red planet, according to the China National Space Administration (CNSA). The key steps include slowing down when close to Mars, orbiting, separating the landing platform and the rover from the orbiter, landing softly and roving.

The spacecraft is expected to enter the orbit of Mars around February 2021. Afterwards, it will spend two to three months surveying potential landing sites using a high-resolution camera to prepare for the landing in May.

The most challenging part of the mission will be the soft landing, an autonomous process of the probe lasting seven to eight minutes. The probe will use its aerodynamic shape, parachute and retrorocket to decelerate and buffer legs to touch down. After the landing, the rover will be released to conduct scientific exploration with an expected lifespan of at least 90 Martian days (about three months on Earth), and the orbiter, with a design life of one Martian year (about 687 days on Earth), will relay communications for the rover while conducting its own scientific detection.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-39)

22.07.2020 JPN/CHN/RUS: Chinese and Russian “killer satellites” have been detected approaching Japanese satellites, according to 22.07.2020 Chinese, Russian killer satellites government sources in Tokyo, raising concerns that Beijing and Moscow are practising ways to disable or (126-84) ‘seen approaching’ Japanese craft destroy systems that are critical to Japan’s intelligence-gathering and defence capabilities.

Quoting a high-ranking government official in Tokyo, the Yomiuri newspaper reported that Washington was alarmed when the Russian Cosmos 2542 satellite repeatedly approached a US reconnaissance satellite earlier this year. It is believed the Russian spacecraft was close enough to obtain photographic details of the US satellite, while it has been suggested that the operation was a dry-run for an attack that would have used small projectiles to destroy the craft.

China is also understood to have made significant advances in space weaponry, including “killer satellites”, ground- or air-launched anti-satellite missiles or lasers. Destroying or damaging the United States’ access to real-time information on the activities of an enemy would effectively mean it was fighting blind.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126- USA/USAF: A pair of B-1B Lancers launched from Andersen AFB to conduct a long-range strategic Bomber Task Force 22.07.2020 B-1s Conduct Bomber Task Force mission in the South China Sea on July 21, 2020. (126-83) Mission in South China Sea During the flight, the 37th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron conducted a maritime integration operation with the USS Ronald Reagan carrier strike group in the Philippine Sea. The B-1 and its crews demonstrated the U.S. commitment to the security and stability of the Indo-Pacific, while also displaying the ability to rapidly deploy to a forward operating location and sustain operations whenever called upon.

The non-stop mission – made possible with support from KC-135s from the 506th Expeditionary Air Refueling Squadron, and the dedication of 37th Aircraft Maintenance Unit – took the B-1s to the South China Sea and allowed the bomber to fly for 14 consecutive hours.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-47) IRN: In an interview with Tasnim, Iranian Air Force Deputy Commander Brigadier General Hamid Vahedi said 22.07.2020 Iran Begins Development of Heavy the process of manufacturing a homegrown heavy fighter jet has begun. (126-82) Fighter Jet He said local experts came up with the idea of manufacturing a heavy fighter jet after the successful production of Kowsar, an Iranian jet with indigenized avionics and homegrown engines that, contrary to claims raised by critics, has nothing to do with the F-5 fighter aircraft.

The general also pointed to military projects to upgrade the radar capabilities of the Air Force’s planes, saying good progress has been made in this field. Iran has also achieved great success in increasing the stealth capabilities of various types of aircraft, Brigadier General Vahedi said, noting that the new achievements will be unveiled after final tests.

The commander highlighted Iran’s progress in developing air-launched standoff missiles, saying local experts have extended the range of Sidewinder air-to-air missile, which is mounted on the F-5 jet, from 5 miles to 12 miles. This enhanced range would be very effective in aerial combats, he added.

The general further pointed to the breakthrough that Iran has made in the drone industry, saying the homegrown Karrar pilotless aircraft has successfully dropped a 500-pound bomb which is going to become a weapon with pinpoint accuracy. The Air Force has also furnished the Ababil-3 drones with rockets, Vahedi said, adding that programs are underway to equip the Ababil and Kaman UAVs with Qaem-1 and Qaem-5 smart bombs.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 54) USA/ In coordination with the Federal Government of Somalia, U.S. Africa Command conducted an airstrike 22.07.2020 Somali, U.S. forces engage against ISIS-Somalia terrorists after they attacked partner forces in a remote location near Timirshe, (126-81) insurgents in support of the Somalia, July 21. Timirshe is located 140 kilometers southeast of Bosasso. At this time, it is assessed this Federal Government of Somalia airstrike killed seven (7) ISIS-Somalia terrorists. USA/USAF: U.S. Air Forces in Europe led an all domain mission with assets from U.S. Naval Forces Europe, U.S. Special 22.07.2020 Black Sea: All domains, all day Operations Command Europe, and U.S. Space Command, in the Black Sea, July 22, 2020. The mission (126-81) occurred in international airspace and waters within the Black Sea and was designed to train U.S. forces to integrate, operate and communicate while executing all domain operations.

The U.S. Air Forces flew F-16 Fighting Falcon aircraft from the 31st Fighter Wing, Aviano Air Base, Italy, KC- 135 Stratotankers from the 100th Aerial Refueling Wing, RAF Mildenhall, England, and MQ-9 Reapers assigned to the 52nd Expeditionary Operations Group Detachment 2, Miroslawiec Air Base, Poland.

During the mission, F-16 aircraft conducted training scenarios utilizing Joint Air-to-Surface Missile (JASSM) cruise missile tactics. The JASSM is a long-range, conventional, air-to-ground, precision standoff missile that is designed to destroy high-value, well-defended targets. Training to this capability enhances Air Force readiness and deterrence capabilities.

U.S. Naval Forces Europe and U.S. 6th Fleet integrated the USS Porter (DDG 78), currently operating in the Black Sea for Exercise Sea Breeze, and Patrol Squadron (VP-4) P-8 Poseidon from CTF-67, with the U.S. Air Force assets operating in the area.

This mission allowed for U.S. Air Force Intelligence, Reconnaissance and Surveillance assets to integrate into the 20th iteration of Exercise Sea Breeze, an annual multinational exercise co-led by the U.S. and Ukraine and designed to enhance interoperability among participating nations and strengthen regional security in the Black Sea.

Additionally, U.S. Special Operations Command Europe integrated MC-130J Commando II aircraft from the 352nd Special Operations Wing, RAF Mildenhall, England, within the training scenario to exercise special operations forces insertion capabilities that enable all-domain operations.

“Conducting operations in the Black Sea ensures stability throughout the region. Our combined presence strengthens relationships with our allies and partners while sending a message to any adversary that we are committed to collective defense and ready to respond in a complex security environment,” said Gen. Jeff Harrigian, U.S. Air Forces in Europe-Air Forces Africa commander. In an era of great power competition and in line with the National Defense Strategy, training missions like this are crucial to the readiness of U.S. military forces by demonstrating our capability to integrate platforms across all domains. RUS: Russia's new Mi-8AMTSh-VN attack transport helicopter is already being flight-tested, Andrey Boginskiy, 22.07.2020 Russia's New Mi-8AMTSh-VN the CEO of the Russian Helicopters manufacturing company (part of Rostec corporation), said. "Aircraft (126-80) Attack Helicopter Being Flight- construction is going on simultaneously with the design and development work. The national helicopter Tested - Rostec manufacturing center has already started [test] flights. We are actively working on the new locator, so that batch production could start by the fall," Boginskiy said.

Rostec Aviation Cluster Industrial Director Anatoliy Serdyukov, in his turn, explained that the technical appearance of the Mi-8AMTSh-VN was formed taking into consideration the experience gained in military conflicts. In particular, the combat capabilities of the helicopter were boosted thanks to the introduction of high-altitude increased-power engines, a new supporting system, expanded composition of weapons and enhanced protection. "The first phase of the tests is set to be completed in November. JPN: The Japan Ground Self-Defense Force (JGSDF) has taken delivery of its second Bell Boeing MV-22B Osprey 22.07.2020 JGSDF receives second MV-22 tiltrotor aircraft. The aircraft, which is one of two Ospreys that arrived at US Marine Corps (USMC) Air (126-) Osprey tiltrotor aircraft Station Iwakuni in Japan’s Yamaguchi Prefecture on 8 May, was flown by a JGSDF pilot to Camp Kisarazu in Chiba Prefecture on 16 July: six days after the service received the first such platform.

These two aircraft, which bear serial numbers ‘91701’ and ‘91705’, are part of an initial five MV-22B Block C Ospreys ordered by Tokyo in mid-2015 for USD332.5 million.

Following the arrival of the first Osprey, a JGSDF spokesperson had told Janes that Tokyo plans to deploy a total of 17 of these aircraft at Camp Kisarazu by the end of fiscal year 2021 for about five years, after which the aircraft are expected to be deployed to a JGSDF base at Saga Airport on Kyushu Island that has yet to be built. Raytheon tapped for aircraft self- Raytheon has secured a $375 million contract from the US government to develop a miniature self- 22.07.2020 defence missile work defence missile (MSDM) that will form part of an aircraft’s defensive suite. (126-79) In January 2016, the US Air Force had awarded Raytheon a contract worth up $14 million to research and develop new missiles, including MSDM.

The MDSM would help to counter advanced long-range missiles such as China’s PL-15 and Russia’s R-37 Vympel, both of which could engage vulnerable support aircraft such as airborne early warning & control platforms and tankers.

(Ergänzende Information vom 21.07.2020: Raytheon Co. Missile Systems, Tucson, Arizona, has been awarded a $375,000,000 indefinite-delivery/indefinite-quantity contract for a miniature self-defense missile. The contract provides for the research and development of a flight-test ready missile. Work is expected to be completed by October 2023. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition and two offers were received.)

economictimes. IND: India has successfully conducted three flight tests of its indigenously developed anti-tank guided missile India's indigenously developed 'Dhruvastra' from the Integrated Test Range at Chandipur in Odisha, defence sources said on Wednesday. 22.07.2020 anti-tank guided missile Developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the helicopter-launched anti- (126-78) 'Dhruvastra' test-fired tank guided missile (ATGM) is one of the most advanced anti-tank weapons in the world.

During the trial, the weapon system released smoothly from the ground launch platform at launch pad-3 of the ITR, and the missile successfully tracked the target all through its course before hitting it with high precision, they said. The ATGM is guided by an infrared imaging seeker (IIS) operating in the lock-on before-launch mode and helps in further strengthening the defence capabilities of the country.

All the three developmental trials of the state-of-the-art anti-tank guided missile, carried out in a direct and top attack mode, were successful and the data was being analysed, they said. It was ground tested from a launcher to evaluate some of its major parameters, the sources said. Dhruvastra is the helicopter version of 'Nag Helina' with several new features and meant to be fired from air to destroy enemy bunkers, armoured vehicles and main battle tanks.

Three round trials of Helina were conducted on July 13, 2015, at a firing range at Jaisalmer in Rajasthan. Again on August 19, 2018, Helina was successfully test-fired from a Rudra helicopter at Pokhran test range. The ground-based Nag missile was also successfully tested 12 times between July 7 and 18, 2019, under extreme weather conditions during day and night successfully, the DRDO sources said. USA/USA: Lockheed Martin Corp. was awarded a $702,881,910 modification (P00042) to contract W31P4Q-18-C- 22.07.2020 Contract – 0130 for procurement of Hellfire missiles. Work has an estimated completion date of Sept. 30, 2023. (126-77) U.S. Army – AGM-114 Hellfire PHL: The Philippine Navy (PN) will integrate the Rafael Advanced Defense Ltd. Spike-ER (extended range) 22.07.2020 PH Navy to have 3 more missile- surface-to-surface missile system on three more multi-purpose attack craft (MPAC) by the first quarter of (126-76) armed MPACs by Q1 2021 2021.

The three MPACs where the Spike-ER missile system will be fitted were activated on Sept. 23, 2019, bringing the number of these attack boats in PN service to 12. At present, three of these MPACs are now armed with Spike-ER missiles. The Spike-ER system, which arrived in the Philippines in April 2018, is the PN's first missile weapon capable of penetrating 1,000-mm (39 inches) of rolled homogeneous armor and has a range of eight kilometers. These MPACs are capable of running at speeds of 30 to 45 knots.


economictimes. IND: The Indian Navy's Poseidon 8I anti-submarine warfare aircraft have been deployed in eastern Ladakh to Navy's P-8Is deployed in Ladakh; carry out surveillance along the Line of Actual Control (LAC) and some of its MiG-29K jets are likely to be 21.07.2020 MiG-29K jets likely to move to air stationed in key IAF bases in the northern sector amid the border row with China, sources said on Tuesday. (126-75) bases in north The sources said the military brass is considering deploying Indian Navy's MiG-29K fighter jets in a couple of air bases in the northern sector as part of efforts to bring in tri-services synergy in dealing with national security challenges.

The maritime fighter jets will complement the Indian Air Force's(IAF) efforts to significantly boost deep strikes and air dominance capabilities, they said

At present, the Navy has a fleet of around 40 MiG-29K jets and at least 18 of them are deployed on board the country's aircraft carrier INS Vikramaditya.

As part of its high-level of alertness, the IAF has also deployed Apache attack choppers as well as Chinook heavy-lift helicopters to transport troops to various forward locations in eastern Ladakh.

The sources said Poseidon 8I aircraft of the Navy has been deployed for monitoring the movement of Chinese troops in eastern Ladakh. The long-range anti-submarine and reconnaissance aircraft was deployed in Doklam along the Sikkim border too during the 73-day standoff between Indian and Chinese troops in 2017. ISR/RUS: As Israel ramps up airstrikes on Iranian forces and their proxies in Syria, with at least five reported dead, 21.07.2020 Israel Strikes Syria, Warns Russia Israeli sources are increasingly anxious that Iran will deploy its Khordad anti-aircraft system to Syria. That (126-74) Over Iranian Missiles would pose a potentially lethal threat to Israeli pilots. Israel has asked Russia to rein in Iran; instead, Russia - sent an aircraft to shadow Israeli strike planes. A Russian fighter reportedly shadowed an Israeli strike plane Israeli aircraft met heavy fire last night over Damascus, and their retaliation reportedly destroyed some attacking Iranian-linked targets. Syrian anti-aircraft batteries. At least one Israeli plane was also met in the air by a Russian aircraft scrambled from Syria’s Khmeimim Air Base, according to Russian website Avia Pro. While sources tell Breaking Defense that the Russians didn’t open fire or interfere with the Israeli strike in any evident way, but the maneuver showed their capability to intercept Israeli aircraft if desired.

(Ergänzende Information vom 21.07.2020: The backstory to the current crisis: On July 9th, the Iranian Chief of Staff, General Muhammad Bakri, arrived in Damascus to sign a new military agreement with Syrian Defense Minister Ali Abdullah Ayoub. The main pillar of this agreement: an Iranian promise to supply Syria with advanced surface-to-air missiles to Syria. On July 17th, Israeli defense minister Beny Gantz called his Russian counterpart, Sergey Shoygu, to warn him Israel would not let Iran develop nuclear weapons or strengthen its military presence on its northeast border. In particular, Gantz said Israel would not tolerate the deployment of the Iranian Khordad and asked Russia to pressure Iran not to send the anti-aircraft weapon to Syria.)

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter:

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-64) ARM/AZE: Armenia showed off parts of drones on July 21, saying they belonged to Azerbaijan and that Armenian 21.07.2020 Armenia Shows Off Alleged armed forces had shot them down during border fighting last week. The Armenian military said four of the (126-73) Azerbaijani Drones unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) were used for reconnaissance while the others were combat drones. An Israeli-produced Hermes 900 was allegedly among the UAVs shot down.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-34) Rising Pressures Cloud Optimistic Lockheed Martin has marketed the F-35 successfully to 14 countries over nearly 20 years. Subtracting 21.07.2020 F-35 Sales Outlook Turkey’s canceled program for 100 jets, Lockheed still boasts commitments from 13 countries to buy (126-72) nearly 3,220 F-35s, with deliveries projected out to 2046.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: outlook?elq2=80aade902f704c749d6292e49620c8ab)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-35) GBR: Launched in 2018, Team Tempest is a group of ambitious industry partners - representing the deep 21.07.2020 New industry leaders partner with breadth of innovation and expertise across the nation - working in collaboration with the MoD on the UK’s (126-71) Team Tempest to deliver next Future Combat Air System (FCAS) project. generation combat aircraft The UK’s Future Combat Air System is the £1.9bn project working to develop the next generation combat aircraft, known as Tempest, which will replace the Typhoon.

Defence Secretary Ben Wallace confirmed seven new companies had signed agreements to collaborate on Team Tempest at the virtual 2020 Farnborough International Airshow (FIA Connect). The companies who have signed a partnership are: GEUK, GKN, Collins Aerospace, Martin Baker, QinetiQ, Bombardier and Thales UK, along with UK universities and SMEs.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: generation-combat-aircraft?utm_source=a211a129-9d9a-4d20-a7f5- c60cbee2e153&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications&utm_content=daily)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-63) USA/USAF: The Air Force has been quietly experimenting with air-launching Kratos Defense and Security Solutions' 21.07.2020 F-15 Eagle Seen Loaded With UTAP-22 Mako low-cost loyal wingman drone. The revelation came to us via images showing an F-15C (126-70) Loyal Wingman Drone For from the Oregon Air National Guard's 142nd Fighter Wing with a highly modified UTAP-22 hanging off its Previously Unknown Tests left-wing.

Kratos describes the UTAP-22 as an "unmanned aircraft capable of collaborative operations with manned assets in contested environments," a role also commonly referred to as "loyal wingman." This means that the drone is primarily intended to operate at least semi-autonomously based on instructions from another aircraft with an actual pilot in it. Beyond their primary loyal wingman mission, the company has also demonstrated the ability for multiple Makos to work together cooperatively on their own and they could operate independently, as well. ESP/SEN: The Spanish Air Force has sent a second C295 aircraft to Dakar, Senegal, to support pace and security 21.07.2020 Spanish Air Force sends a second missions in the area. (126-69) C295 to Senegal The aircraft left Getafe, Spain, on 15 July to join a first aircraft that arrived there in March this year. The aircraft support the United Nations missions in the Central African Republic (Minusca) and Mali (Minusma) as well as the French-led Operation Barkhane. IRQ/SYR: Turkey on Tuesday began conducting wide-scale surveillance operations at the Syrian border using 21.07.2020 Turkish surveillance balloon balloons, produced by Turkish defense giant Aselsan. (126-68) patrolling Syria border Deployed to border areas in the district of Reyhanli in Turkey's southern Hatay province across from Syria's northwestern Idlib, Karagoz is able to scan an area of eight square kilometers (3 square miles) with its mounted wide-area surveillance camera, according to the data by Aselsan. The seventeen meter-long balloon can operate at altitudes of up to 500 meters (1,640 feet) and is intended to carry out surveillance missions, gather intelligence and be used for its early warning capabilities to protect military bases and critical facilities. It can be adapted for various tasks with different payload options, including electro-optic cameras and 360-degrees stabilized observation capabilities. RUS: "Four advanced radars located on Russian territory are currently operating in the southern direction. The 21.07.2020 Four advanced radars shielding Balkhash station [in Kazakhstan] has become redundant in the Russian missile attack warning system," the (126-67) Russia’s southern strategic area Deputy Defense Minister Nikolai Pankov said.

In turn, Space Force Commander Colonel-General Alexander Golovko confirmed there was no longer need for the Balkhash radar station on the territory of Kazakhstan. "The new stations that are now in Barnaul and Armavir have an operating range of up to 6,000 km and these are next-generation radars. The need for operating the station in Balkhash has completely disappeared today," he said.

Before the summer of 2020, the Balkhash radar station in Kazakhstan functioned as part of Russia’s missile attack warning system. It provided the radar field for missile attack warning in the southern strategic aerospace direction. The radar in Kazakhstan was withdrawn from its combat alert on June 1 this year. KOR: South Korea's first military communications satellite was successfully launched into space Monday, Seoul's 21.07.2020 09:01 S. Korea's first military satellite arms procurement agency said, making the country the world's 10th to own a communications satellite (126-66) launches atop SpaceX rocket for military purposes only.

The Anasis-II satellite lifted off atop a Falcon 9 Block 5 rocket manufactured by U.S commercial space firm SpaceX from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 5:30 p.m. (U.S. time), according to the Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA). After separating from the rocket, the satellite successfully communicated with the Toulouse Space Operations Center in the French city of Toulouse at 7:19 p.m.

DAPA earlier said the satellite was forecast to separate from the rocket 32 minutes after launch at an altitude of about 630 kilometers above the equator and would try to send its first signal to the ground 18 minutes later.

20.07.2020 CHN/USA: The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) recently conducted maritime target attack drills in the South 20.07.2020 PLA conducts maritime attack China Sea and deployed warplanes in an island in the region at a time when the US aggressively sent (126-65) drills, deploys warplanes in South warplanes for close-up reconnaissance and warships including aircraft carriers for exercises and China Sea amid US aggression operations in the name of "freedom of navigation."

Facing continuous military provocations by the US, which is the real pusher of militarization in the South China Sea, the PLA could be forced to increase its presence with routine deployments and exercises to safeguard national sovereignty and territorial integrity, analysts said on Monday.

A brigade under the PLA Southern Theater Command Navy aviation forces based in South China's Hainan Province held live-fire maritime target attack drills with JH-7 fighter bombers from Wednesday to Thursday, China National Radio (CNR) reported on Sunday.

Citing a commercial satellite image, Forbes reported on Friday that the PLA had deployed at least four J- 11B fighter jets to Yongxing Island of the Xisha Islands in the South China Sea by Wednesday.

Since July, the US military has been making frequent provocations in the South China Sea. On two occasions in two weeks, it sent two aircraft carriers to the region for drills. A US warship trespassed into waters off the Nansha Islands on July 14, and multiple US reconnaissance aircraft also conducted frequent close-up reconnaissance operations on China's southern coast, according to reports.

PLA drills in the South China Sea take place frequently, and it is also not the first time the PLA has deployed warplanes in South China Sea islands, observers noted. According to foreign satellite images cited by media, the PLA deployed KJ-500 airborne early warning and control system and Y-8 anti-submarine aircraft on the Yongshu Reef in May. In June 2019, J-10 fighter jets were also deployed to Yongxing Island.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: SYR/IRS: Syrian air defenses on Monday intercepted a new Israeli “aggression” above the capital Damascus, state 20.07.2020 09:48 PM Syria says Israel strikes southern media said, in the latest wave of attacks that Western intelligence sources have said were Israeli strikes (126-64) Damascus, sources say Iranian on a major Iranian-backed ammunition depot on the edge of the capital. State television said Israeli bases hit missiles had flown over the Syrian Golan Heights where they conducted raids around the capital and live footage showed blasts across the skies of the capital.

Syrian military defectors said the strike targeted a major Iranian-run ammunitions depot in Jabal al Mane near the town of Kiswa, where Iranian Revolutionary Guards have long been entrenched in a rugged area almost 15 km (9.3 miles) south of the center of Damascus. Other strikes hit Muqaylabiya and Zakiya towns near Kiswa where Lebanese pro-Iranian Hezbollah militia are deployed with other pro-Tehran militias in strength, according to two senior army defectors.

“The Israelis have targeted a major ammunitions depot. There were several strikes and the blasts were huge. There are reports that Iranian personnel have been killed,” said Zaid al Reys, a Syrian analyst in touch with sources on the ground.

The bases in eastern, central and southern Syria which Israel had hit in recent months are believed to have a strong presence of Iranian-backed militias, according to intelligence sources and military defectors familiar with the locations.

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.07.2020 23:52: Seven Syrian soldiers were injured in alleged Israeli airstrikes near Damascus on Monday evening, according to Syria's state news agency SANA. Syrian air defense systems were activated on Monday evening after Israeli aircraft launched missiles towards sites south of Damascus from over the Majdal Shams area of the Golan Heights, according to SANA. Syrian air defenses responded to Israeli missiles in As-Suwayda, Izraa and Quneitra in southern Syria as well, according to the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights. According to Al-Arabiya, Israeli helicopters took part in some of the strikes on Monday evening and that Syrian air defense systems were targeted. The strikes come after a relative lull in alleged Israeli strikes in Syria in the past month. The last airstrike blamed on Israel in Syria was reported in the Deir Ezzor area of eastern Syrian on Saturday, June 27, when nine pro-Iranian militia members were killed in al-Bukamal. Over the past several months, Israel has been accused of dozens of strikes. In June, a series of airstrikes were reported on almost a weekly basis.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.07.2020 10:30 PM: “At least six Israeli missiles hit several positions belonging to regime forces and pro-Iran militias south of Damascus,” the London-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights head Rami Abdul Rahman told AFP. “Air defenses did not intercept a single target,” he said, adding it was unknown if there were casualties and the extent of damage remained unclear.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-41) Saab Opens a Centre in the UK for Saab is to create a new FCAS centre in the United Kingdom as a hub for our participation in the FCAS 20.07.2020 Future Combat Air (Future Combat Air Systems) programme. Saab is committed to build a long term relationship with the UK (126-63) related to FCAS by investing initially 50 MGBP. The UK and Sweden signed a MoU on FCAS co-operation in July 2019. Saab is leading Sweden’s FCAS industrial participation in close co-operation with Sweden’s Ministry of Defence. USA/USN: Lockheed Martin Corp. is awarded an $861,731,778 modification (P00040) to previously-awarded fixed- 20.07.2020 Contract – price incentive (firm target), firm-fixed-price contract N00019-17-C-0001. This modification exercises (126-62) U.S. Navy – options to procure eight Lot 14 F-35A Lightning II repositioned aircraft as a result of the Republic of F-35A JSF Turkey’s removal from the F-35 program, and six Lot 14 F-35A aircraft for the Air Force. Additionally, this modification establishes undefinitized line items that provides recurring engineering in support of the modification of the eight Lot 14 F-35A Lightning II repositioned aircraft to a full operationally capable F- 35A Air Force configuration. Work is expected to be completed by May 2026. IND: The first batch of five Indian Air Force (IAF) Rafale is likely to arrive in India by end July 2020. The aircraft 20.07.2020 Induction of Rafale in Indian Air will be inducted at Air Force Station Ambala on 29 July subject to weather. (126-61) Force No media coverage is planned on arrival. The final induction ceremony will take place in second half of August 20 wherein full media coverage would be planned.

IAF aircrew and ground crew have undergone comprehensive training on the aircraft, including its highly advanced weapons systems and are fully operational now. Post arrival, efforts will focus on operationalisation of the aircraft at the earliest.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-55) USA/USN/IND: The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group, consisting of flagship USS Nimitz (CVN 68), Ticonderoga-class guided 20.07.2020 Nimitz Strike Group Participates in missile cruiser USS Princeton (CG 59) and Arleigh Burke-class guided missile destroyers USS Sterett (DDG (126-60) Cooperative Exercises with Indian 104) and USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114), participated in cooperative exercises with the Indian Navy in the Navy Indian Ocean commencing July 20.

While operating together, the U.S. and Indian naval forces conducted high-end exercises designed to maximize training and interoperability, including air defense.

Nimitz CSG’s operations are designed to provide security throughout the region while building partnerships with friends and allies. Naval engagements such as these exercises improve the cooperation of U.S. and Indian maritime forces and contribute to both sides' ability to counter threats at sea, from piracy to violent extremism. These engagements also present opportunities to build upon the pre-existing strong relationship between the United States and India and allow both countries to learn from each other.

Nimitz Carrier Strike Group is currently deployed to the Indian Ocean in support of a free and open Indo- Pacific.

(Ergänzende Information vom 22.07.2020: The U.S. Navy is holding parallel exercises in the Philippine Sea and the Indian Ocean, involving the "Quad" nations of the U.S., Japan, India and Australia, in a move sure to draw Beijing's notice. The Navy began a trilateral exercise with Japanese and Australian forces Sunday, the day before the U.S. and Indian navies launched a joint exercise led by the USS Nimitz aircraft carrier.) CHN: Photos have emerged on Chinese social media showing the assembly of two massive warships at the 20.07.2020 China Begins Final Assembly of Jiangnan Shipyard outside Shanghai, where the PLAN’s next two aircraft carriers are being built. (126-59) Next Two Advanced Aircraft Anonymous, independent sources told the South China Morning Post (SCMP) they are indeed the first two Carriers, Aims for 2021 Delivery Type 002 carriers, the first of which will be completed next year.

“Assembly of the new aircraft carrier has begun and is expected to be completed in the first half of next year, because the COVID-19 pandemic slowed down progress,” one source told SCMP. “Workers are also starting the keel-laying for the new carrier’s sister ship. Both ships have been built by the Jiangnan Shipyard outside Shanghai.”

A second source told the SCMP, “Construction for the second Type 002 will be faster than the first one because workers have learned and overcome a lot of problems building the first one. It’s a challenging job because the Type 002 is our country’s first domestically designed aircraft carrier.”

The Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS) think tank in Washington, DC, estimates the ships’ displacement to be roughly 80,000 tons each, with a 40-meter beam at the waterline. That’s nearly twice the displacement of China’s present carriers and comparable to the US Navy’s first supercarriers, but not quite the size of the Nimitz-class and Ford-class carriers Washington uses today and which clock in at 100,000 tons.

Beijing commissioned its first domestically built aircraft carrier, the Shandong, in December 2019. The warship is a close parallel to the Liaoning, China’s first carrier, which it bought as an incomplete hull from Ukraine, begun in the final days of the Soviet Union as the Kuznetsov-class carrier Riga. Russia operates the Liaoning’s sister ship, the Admiral Kuznetsov, as its navy’s flagship.

Beijing plans to have six aircraft carriers by 2035, organized into three fleets covering the Yellow Sea, East and South China seas.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: RUS: Two latest universal amphibious assault ships were laid down for the first time at the Zaliv Shipyard in 20.07.2020 Russia lays down two universal Kerch on Monday. The ceremony was attended by Russian President Vladimir Putin who attached the keel- (126-58) helicopter carriers for first time laying plaque to the Project’s first ship. NLD: An NH90 maritime combat helicopter crashed into the sea, 12km off Aruba, killing a pilot and a tactical 20.07.2020 Dutch NH90 helicopter crashed in coordinator. According to the Dutch Ministry of Defense, a crash involving an NH90 maritime combat (126-57) the Caribbean helicopter has claimed the lives of 2 of the 4 crew members on board.

The NH90 is part of the patrol ship HNLMS Groningen. A coastguard helicopter and a Defence diving team are helping HNLMS Groningen to secure the NH90. The main priority is to recover the flight recorder (black box).

(Ergänzende Information vom 29.07.2020: The Netherlands Minister of Defence, Ank Bijleveld-Schouten, has decided to keep the NH90 fleet grounded as a precautionary measure until further notice. The Minister took this decision following the accident on 19 July, when an NH90 helicopter crashed into the Caribbean Sea near Aruba, killing 2 military personnel. The black box has been found, but so far efforts to recover the aircraft have been unsuccessful. An investigation will be instigated to determine the cause of the crash.)

19.07.2020 JPN/CHN: Japan is now immediately scrambling fighter jets against all Chinese military aircraft taking off from an air 19.07.2020 Japan now scrambling jets against base in Fujian Province, as tensions continue between the two countries over the Senkaku Islands, (126-56) all Chinese fighters from Fujian government sources said Saturday. amid Senkaku row Air Self-Defense Force planes have also been flying daily patrols over the East China Sea from sunrise to sunset to monitor Chinese military aircraft in the area, the sources said. Before Japan reviewed its policy early last year, it used to only scramble fighter jets against Chinese military aircraft approaching its airspace.

Chinese fighter patrols that operate near the Senkakus used to fly out of Zhejiang province. But China has since moved the location of their base of operations closer to the islands disputed by Beijing, according to the sources. The distance between the air base and the Japan-controlled islands is about 380 kilometers — a 20-minute flight for Chinese J-11 fighter jets.

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.07.2020: The escalation in activity in the skies above the uninhabited Diaoyu Islands, which are administered by Japan, where they are known as the Senkakus, means the ASDF is effectively operating a constant dawn-to-dusk combat air patrol over the islands, government sources told Kyodo News. Previously, Japanese fighters were only scrambled in response to specific threats. China was previously carrying out air operations close to the Diaoyus from a base in Zhejiang province but the fighters were last year relocated to an installation in Fujian. That means that Chinese J-11 fighters can reach the disputed air space over the islands in as little as 20 minutes. The ASDF base at Naha, on the main island of Okinawa prefecture, is 410km from the Diaoyus, a flight of around 25 minutes for ASDF F-15 fighters. A constant presence over the islands is costly for the ASDF, but the tactic has permitted Japanese pilots to intercept and block the inbound Chinese jets at a defensive line set at a latitude of 27 degrees north. Japan is also committing more aircraft to the effort, with the ASDF previously countering one Chinese fighter with two jets. That has now been stepped up and each Chinese aircraft will be met by four Japanese F-15s.)

economictimes. IND: The top commanders will meet this week for the two-days commanders' conference starting from July 22 Top Indian Air Force brass to meet where they will deliberate on a range of security issues, Indian Air Force officials told ANI. One of the main 19.07.2020 to discuss China border situation, agenda points during the conference headed by Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria and attended by all seven (126-55) rapid Rafale deployment this of his commanders-in-chief would be about the situation on the borders with China and the forward week deployments done by the force in the Eastern Ladakh and northern borders, sources said.

The Air Force has deployed its entire fleet of modern fighters like Mirage 2000, Sukhoi-30, and the MiG- 29 fighters all along with the advanced and forward bases from where they have been carrying out both day and night operations. The advanced Apache attack helicopter has also been deployed in forward bases along the China border and are carrying out frequent sorties over the Eastern Ladakh region even during night time.

The IAF brass will also discuss the rapid deployment and operationalisation of the Rafale fighter jets arriving in the country by end of this month from France. IRN: An explosion occurred at a power plant in Iran's central Isfahan province on Sunday but there were no 19.07.2020 Blast at power plant in Iran’s casualties, the official IRNA news agency reported. The blast was caused by the wear and tear of a (126-54) central Isfahan province transformer at the power plant in Islamabad, the managing director of the Isfahan power company told IRNA. There have been several explosions and fires around Iranian military, nuclear and industrial facilities since late June.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-50) IRQ: A rare daytime rocket attack hit Baghdad’s Green Zone on Sunday, security sources said, as Iranian Foreign 19.07.2020 07:10 PM Rare daytime rocket attack hits Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif met top Iraqi officials. At least two rockets hit outside the US embassy in (126-53) Baghdad as Iran FM visits the high-security zone, they told AFP.

The embassy’s C-RAM rocket defense system was not triggered, possibly because the missiles’ trajectory meant they would not strike within the compound. USA: The secretive “flying ginsu” or ninja missile was used again in Syria on Monday, according to reports. It struck and 19.07.2020 20:34 Was America’s secretive ‘ninja’ killed a car allegedly used by a terrorists near Azaz in a Turkish-occupied part of northern Syria. (126-52) missile used again in Syria? The vehicle struck by the so-called “ninja missile” looked to be a small white truck and several people were said to be killed. It happened near Ikhtaimlat. This road is about 25 km from the Turkish border town of Kilis. The secretive R9-X is similar to a Hellfire missile which is about 1.6 meters long, similar to the size of a person. The R9-X replaces the usual Hellfire explosive warhead with “swords” that pop-out like blades and cause the target to be crushed and mashed. It is designed to kill people such that only one or two individuals in a car are killed and others survive. In this case the missile penetrated the drivers side.

The name of one of the dead men was given as Shuja’a Muhammad born in 1987. But the ID of the person whose body parts were found may not be the real person who was killed because sometimes people use fake identification.

Other recent uses of the “ninja” weapon include a July 18 strike, June 20 and June 15 strike. Subsequent to that some images of pieces of the missiles were shown off on June 14 and the missile was used around December 4, 2019 also. The missile first came to the public’s attention in May last year.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: ISR: An unusual incident occurred on the Israel-Lebanon border on Sunday evening, as the IDF shot down a 19.07.2020 21:58 IDF shoots down a drone near the Lebanese drone that entered Israel's airspace, according to the IDF Spokesperson Unit. According to (126-51) Israel-Lebanon border reports in Lebanon, the drone was used for filming a video commemorating the end of the Second Lebanon War.

IDF forces took control of the drone remotely before shooting it down. IDF forces scanned the area in order to verify that the drone fell inside Israel's territory.

(Ergänzene Information vom 19.07.2020 10:21PM: According to the Lebanese reporter, Ali Shoeib, the drone was being used to film a music video for a Hezbollah orchestra along the border when the IDF “took control of it electronically” and flew it some three kilometers (1.86 miles) into Israel.)

18.07.2020 IRN: An oil pipeline exploded as a resounding boom was heard in Ahwaz in the western Khuzestan Province in 18.07.2020 22:36 Oil pipeline explodes in west Iran Iran, according to Iranian media. No official report has confirmed that the oil pipeline was the source of (126-50) the explosion as of yet. Numerous explosions have been heard throughout Iran in the past few weeks.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-21) CHN: The Chinese air force's Y-9 medical aircraft has completed its maiden transfer mission this week, according 18.07.2020 China's Y-9 medical aircraft to military sources. A Y-9 plane refitted for medical transfer purpose flew a sick serviceperson surnamed (127-49) completes maiden mission Zhang from a plateau area to a major city in northwest China. The trip lasted about 4.5 hours. Zhang was injured during a training session, and his conditions deteriorated in a local hospital, the sources said. Equipped with advanced facilities, the Y-9 medical aircraft can perform difficult medical transfers and enables medical workers to provide in-flight emergency treatment.

17.07.2020 RUS: About 150,000 troops, over 26,000 weapon systems, 414 aircraft and 106 warships are involved in a snap 17.07.2020 About 150,000 Russian troops go combat readiness check that kicked off for Russia’s Southern and Western Military Districts, the Airborne (126-48) on high alert in snap combat Force and marine infantry of the Northern and Pacific Fleets, Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu readiness check announced on Friday. The tactical exercises started on order from Russia’s Supreme Commander-in-Chief President Vladimir Putin, the defense minister said

"The check stipulates holding 56 tactical exercises with the troops. A total of 35 training grounds and camps and 17 naval ranges in the Black and Caspian Seas will be involved. Overall, the surprise check has brought together 149,755 personnel, 26,820 items of armament and military hardware, 414 aircraft and 106 warships and support vessels," Shoigu said at a meeting with military commanders.

The drills are meant to assess the troops’ ability to provide military security in Russia’s southwest where serious terrorist threats persist and to prepare for the Kavkaz-2020 strategic command and staff exercise, the defense minister said.

(Ergänzende Information vom 17.07.2020: Ukraine said on Friday it would conduct military exercises, which it hoped NATO partners would join, as an answer to planned Russian exercises in the Caucasus, and an insurance against any resulting escalation on its eastern borders. Defence Minister Andriy Taran told the parliament the exercises would include anti-aircraft fire and would be held at the end of September in southern Ukraine. “This asymmetric response will show the readiness of the armed forces of Ukraine to give a worthy rebuff to any attempts by the Russian Federation to exacerbate the situation or start large-scale hostilities,” Taran said.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 18.07.2020: Russia’s Defense Ministry has notified foreign counterparts about goals and objectives of the snap combat readiness drill, Russian Deputy Defense Minister Alexander Fomin told reporters on Saturday. Fomin recalled that the surprise combat readiness drills have been held by the Russian Armed Forces since July 17 following an order by Russia’s Supreme Commander-in-Chief Vladimir Putin. The drills involve forces of the Western and Southern Military Districts, the Airborne Force along with the Northern, Pacific, Baltic, Black Sea Fleets and the Caspian Flotilla. "Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu ordered that the results of the troops’ action during the snap drills should be taken into account for their admission to the Kavkaz-2020 strategic command and staff exercise (scheduled for September - TASS)," Fomin added.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 20.07.2020: The snap combat readiness check of the Russian troops and fleets is being held in accordance with the approved plan and is not aimed against other countries, Deputy Defense Minister Colonel-General Alexander Fomin said at a briefing for foreign military attaches on Monday. "The troops’ surprise combat readiness check is a training measure and is not aimed against other countries," Fomin stressed.)

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Unvorstellbar, wenn sich aus einem solchen «snap combat readiness check» plötzlich ein Vorstoss in fremdes Territorium, wie z.B. die (Ost-)Ukraine oder das Baltikum entwickeln würde!) USA/USN: The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group and Ronald Reagan Carrier Strike Group continued high-end dual-carrier 17.07.2020 07:26 AM Nimitz, Reagan Stand with Allies exercises in the South China Sea July 17. The CSGs continue to demonstrate operational commitment to (127-47) and Partners in South China Sea allies and partners in the region, providing combatant commanders with significant operational flexibility if needed in response to regional situations.

“Nimitz and Reagan Carrier Strike Groups are operating in the South China Sea, wherever international law allows, to re-inforce our commitment to a Free and Open Indo-Pacific, a rules based international order, and to our allies and partners in the region,” said Rear Adm. Jim Kirk, commander, Nimitz Carrier Strike Group. “Security and stability is essential to peace and prosperity for all nations, and it is for that reason the U.S. Navy has been present and ready in the Pacific for over 75 years.”

The presence of two carriers in the South China Sea is not in response to any specific political or world events, but is part of regular integration to exercise and develop tactical interoperability. For more than 75 years, the U.S. Navy has been operating multiple carrier strike force operations in the region.

The Nimitz Carrier Strike Group consists of the aircraft carrier USS Nimitz (CVN 68), Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 17, the guided-missile cruiser USS Princeton (CG 53), and guided-missile destroyers USS Sterett (DDG 104) and USS Ralph Johnson (DDG 114), and is currently deployed conducting maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts.

(Ergänzende Information vom 17.07.2020: For the second time in two weeks, the United States has deployed two aircraft carriers to the South China Sea. The USS Nimitz and USS Ronald Reagan carried out operations and military exercises in the contested waterway between July 4 and July 6, and returned to the region on Friday, according to a U.S. Navy statement. Heated rhetoric has been on the rise in the region, where Brunei, Malaysia, the Philippines, Taiwan and Vietnam challenge China’s claim to about 90% of the sea.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-46) USA/USAF: Air Force B-1B Lancers returned to the Indo-Pacific region to conduct bilateral Bomber Task Force 17.07.2020 B-1s return to Indo-Pacific, operations out of Andersen Air Force Base, Guam, July 17. Two bombers from the 37th Expeditionary (127-46) conduct bilateral training Bomb Squadron, 28th Wing, Ellsworth AFB, South Dakota, deployed to support Pacific Air Forces’ training efforts with allies, partners and joint forces, and strategic deterrence missions to reinforce the rules-based international order in the region.

Before arriving in Guam, the B-1s conducted bilateral intercept training with Koku-Jieitai, or Japanese Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF), F-15Js over the Sea of Japan to enhance readiness and interoperability.

Andersen AFB last hosted B-1s in May 2020, when bombers from the 9th Expeditionary Bomb Squadron, 7th Bomb Wing, Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, conducted multiple sequenced bilateral missions.

With the largest conventional payload of both guided and unguided weapons in the Air Force inventory, the multi-mission B-1 is the backbone of America's long-range bomber force. It can rapidly deliver massive quantities of precision and non-precision weapons against any adversary, anywhere in the world, at any time.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-45) USA/CHN: The U.S. military plans to deploy an electronic-warfare unit to the South China Sea, the latest move by the 17.07.2020 US to strengthen electronic- Trump administration to pressure China after calling Beijing's maritime claims there "completely (126-45) warfare abilities in South China unlawful." Sea Two special units will be deployed to the Indo-Pacific region as early as 2021, to operate over various domains from electronic and cyber warfare to precision missile targeting. At least one of them will be stationed around the South China Sea. Disrupting Chinese military communications through "deception" will be an effective response to an emergency in the South China Sea, a former U.S. Navy officer said.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: abilities-in-South-China- Sea?utm_campaign=RN%20Free%20newsletter&utm_medium=one%20time%20newsletter%20free&utm_ source=NAR%20Newsletter&utm_content=article%20link&del_type=3&pub_date=20200718123000&seq_num= 12&si=%%user_id%%)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-38) ISR: Two cyber attacks were carried out against Israeli water infrastructure in recent weeks, the Ynet news site 17.07.2020 01:18 AM Cyber attacks again hit Israel’s reported late Thursday. The Water Authority confirmed the report, but said no damage was done to (126-44) water system, shutting Israel’s water system. One attack targeted agricultural water pumps in the upper Galilee, while the other agricultural pumps struck infrastructure in the center of the country.

“It was more sophisticated than they [Israel] initially thought,” the Western official said. “It was close to successful, and it’s not fully clear why it didn’t succeed.”

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter: IRN/ISR: Iran threatened military action against Israel if the state continues its alleged bombing campaign in Syria, 17.07.2020 06:11 AM Iran will 'show it has upper hand' Kan reported early Friday morning. "If Israeli actors continue lying in regard to the bombing and murder (126-43) if Israel continues Syria bombings of Iranian military advisors in Syria, we will show Israel that we have the upper hand," the Islamic Republic's Armed Forces reportedly said. IRN: The US has several intelligence indications that Iran has put some of its air defense systems on high alert 17.07.2020 04:51 AM Iranian air defense on high alert in recent days, CNN reported early Friday morning, citing a "US official closely tracking developments." (126-42) amid explosions While the official refused to specify how the US got hold of the intelligence, he or she confirmed that the Islamic Republic has changed the alert status on its surface-to-air missile batteries, in a move indicating it would fire at airborne targets perceived as a potential threat.

According to the media outlet, US military officials refused to publicly comment on potential US intelligence related to Iran's latest change of alert status on the ground. The change, however, is reportedly not part of a training exercise, but a response to a series of unexplained blasts. SYR: The Syrian air defense forces intercepted around midnight this evening, unidentified drones that were 17.07.2020 12:45 AM Syrian air defenses intercept flying over their positions in the Al-Salamiyah countryside. According to the reports, the Syrian air defenses (126-41) unknown aircraft over Hama intercepted these drones before they could carry out any attacks on the densely populated city of Al- Salamiyah and its neighboring towns. The source of these drones is unknown, but they could belong to the militant groups in the Idlib Governorate..

Last month, the Syrian Ministry of Defense had announced that its air defenses had responded to an Israeli attack in the same area. The Israeli attack targeted some military sites in the city of Al-Salamiyah and nearby Al-Sabbourah. USA/NATO: A U-2 Dragon Lady, a high altitude reconnaissance aircraft operated by the United States Air Force 17.07.2020 Legendary U-2 Dragon Lady currently deployed to Royal Air Force (RAF) station in Gloucestershire, England as part of the 99th (126-40) supports U.S, NATO objectives in Expeditionary Reconnaissance Squadron. In Europe, the aircraft supplements a variety of missions that Europe enhance regional and global security support in support of U.S. and NATO allies and regional partners.

The U-2 aircraft, assigned to the 9th Reconnaissance Wing, Beale Air Force Base, Calif., is one of the most legendary U.S. military aircraft born from Cold War necessity. Nicknamed the Dragon Lady, the U-2 is one of the longest serving aircraft in the U.S. Air Force. Like the B-52 bomber, the U-2 first took the skies for the U.S. military in the 1950s. This unique aircraft played an integral role in America’s national defense, spying on opponents from as high as 70,000 feet. According to the U.S. Air Force, the U-2 carries an “electro-optical infrared camera, optical bar camera, advanced synthetic aperture radar, signals intelligence and network-centric communication” for reconnaissance flights. CHN: The fourth Long March-5 rocket, to be used to launch China's first Mars exploration mission, was vertically 17.07.2020 China prepares to launch Long transported to the launching area at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in south China's Hainan Province (127-39) March-5 rocket for Mars mission on Friday. The carrier rocket, coded as Long March-5 Y4, is planned to be launched in late July or early August, according to the China National Space Administration.

This is the first time the Long March-5 carrier rocket, currently China's largest launch vehicle, to be put into practical use after three experimental launches.

The rocket is expected to send the Mars probe into the Earth-Mars transfer orbit, which is also the first such mission to be carried out by China's carrier rocket. China's first Mars exploration mission Tianwen-1 aims to complete orbiting, landing and roving in one mission, and to obtain scientific exploration data on Mars.

16.07.2020 USA/USN: One of the US Navy's MQ-4C Triton high altitude long endurance (HALE) reconnaissance drones was 16.07.2020 US Navy's Triton Spy Drone Makes spotted entering the South China Sea on Wednesday - the latest addition to an increasingly long list of US (126-38) Rare Appearance in South China spy planes plying the waterway in recent months. Sea The unmanned aerial vehicle was spotted entering the northern end of the South China Sea via the Bashi Channel on Wednesday, where it seemed to zero-in on some object of interest before departing the region.

Sputnik reported in January on the stationing of the US Navy's first two MQ-4C Tritons on Guam, at the far side of the Philippine Sea from the Bashi Channel, noting at the time that the aircraft's wide radius of operations would allow it to enter parts of the strategic waterway where Washington disputes many of China's claims of sovereignty.

While one day the US Navy hopes to use Tritons, which it specially adapted from the Air Force's RQ-4 Global Hawk for nautical surveillance, to patrol the entire western Pacific region, for now appearances of the Tritons remain relatively rare. Their deployment to Guam represents the achievement of early operational capability (EOC) for the unmanned aircraft, which will only see more regular use once testers are satisfied they've ironed out many of the system's remaining bugs. According to The Diplomat, that could be achieved sometime next year.

The Triton is reportedly capable of staying aloft for more than 24 hours at a time and can soar at altitudes up to 10 miles, or 53,000 feet. It is unarmed. CHN: Eight Chinese fighter jets were visible Friday at its key military base in the disputed Paracel Islands, as two 17.07.2020 Eight Chinese Fighter Jets Show U.S. aircraft carriers performed their second exercise in the South China Sea in two weeks amid mounting (126-37) up at Woody Island in the South tensions between Washington and Beijing. China Sea Satellite imagery reviewed by RFA showed the Chinese planes on the runway at Woody Island. At least four of them appeared to be J-11Bs, which are fighter jets in service with the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) and Naval Aviation Force (PLANAF). The other four appear similar to and fit the dimensions of the JH-7, an anti-ship fighter-bomber in service with the PLAAF and PLANAF as well.

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter:

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-26) TWN: During an anti-landing exercise, 105mm M101A1 howitzers were fired to support military reserve forces, 16.07.2020 Han Kuang military exercises and there were simultaneous ground attacks, using Thunderbolt-2000 RT rockets, FGM-148 Javelin (126-36) - missiles, M60A3 Combat Tanks, and High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles equipped with BGM- Taiwan holds drills to beat back 71 TOW missiles. invasion amid China tensions In the air, Taiwan's Indigenous Defense Fighters, along with F-16V fighter jets, provided cover, while Kiowa attack helicopters and AH-64E Apaches, equipped with Hellfire missiles, strafed the simulated enemy.

The Han Kuang military exercises are being held July 13-17, with the participation of troops from Taiwan’s Army, Navy, and Air Force.

(Ergänzende Information vom 15.07.2020: Two Chinese reconnaissance vessels were seen off the east coast of Taiwan on Wednesday, during a live-fire exercise by Taiwan's armed forces, a military source told CNA. When the presence of the two Chinese spy ships was detected, a Taiwan Navy warship was dispatched to monitor and deter them, and they eventually sailed away, said the source, who asked not to be named because they were not authorized to speak on the issue. The weapons fired from the coastal base included the indigenous Hsiung Feng II and III anti-ship missiles and Tien Kung I and III anti-tactical ballistic missiles, and the U.S.-made Harpoon missiles, Patriot PAC-2 missiles, and Standard Missile 1 (SM-1), according to the military.) TWN: Two pilots of a military OH-58D helicopter did their best to avoid crashing into civilian houses before their 16.07.2020 Pilots of crashed chopper tried to chopper made a fatal crash-landing in northern Taiwan's Hsinchu Air Base Thursday afternoon, killing both (126-35) avoid crashing into houses: Army of them, according to a senior Army official.

Initial probes of the incident showed that two minutes after their chopper took off at 3:25 p.m., the pilots had reported back to the air traffic control tower that the helicopter was showing low rotor speed while flying 400 feet above the ground.

The standard response to such a warning is to land the chopper immediately instead of keep flying, Chang said. However, the chopper was flying above a residential area at the time so both pilots decided that they should turn around and head back to the air base to avoid causing civilian casualties, the general said. They attempted to perform an 180 degree left turn but probably due to the lack of rotor speed, the aircraft crashed at 3:28 p.m. in the air base.

Both pilots were critically injured after the crash and were immediately sent to the nearby Hsin Chu Armed Forces Hospital but could not be resuscitated and were pronounced dead, according to the military. AZE/ARM: The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense warned on Thursday, that its forces could carry out a precision strike 16.07.2020 Azerbaijan threatens to strike on the Metzamur power station in western Armenia if Yerevan decided to hit Azerbaijani strategic (126-34) Armenian atomic plant installations.

In response to Armenian threats to hit the Mingchevir water tank in northern Azerbaijan, the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry spokesman, Colonel Waqif Dargankhali, said:

These statements come against the backdrop of the military escalation in the border region between Armenia and Azerbaijan since last Sunday, which the two sides have accused each other of causing.

(Ergänzende Information vom 16.07.2020: The Armenian Air Force’s Su-30SM fighter jets were deployed to the Azerbaijan border this week after a series of intense clashes with the Azerbaijani Armed Forces. The Armenian military purchased the Su-30SM, along with a number of other fighter jets, from the Russian Federation.)

(Ergänzende Information vom 17.07.2020: During the new round of the Armenian- Azerbaijani confrontation, the new Israeli drone Elbit Hermes 900 was shot down for the first time on its history, learned citing Naked Science. According to Russian-Israeli blogger Alexander Lapshin, the destruction by the Armenian forces of the unmanned aerial vehicle Elbit Hermes 900 of the Armed Forces of Azerbaijan was the first for the entire operation of this drone. According to the head of the Armenian single information center Artsrun Hovhannisyan, the aircraft was destroyed using the Osa-AK anti-aircraft missile system.)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-18) LBY: Recent satellite images of Al Jufrah Air Base in central Libya shows two Su-24 Fencer combat jets parked 16.07.2020 Two Su-24 Combat Jets Seen In outside hardened aircraft shelters at the southern end of the base. This indicates these jets are still (126-33) Satellite Image Of Libyan Air Base operating out of the base nearly a month after U.S. Africa Command released imagery showing one of As Air War Intensifies them actually in flight there. This all comes amid an intensifying aerial component of the country's civil war as foreign powers, chiefly Turkey and Russia, become even more directly entangled in the fighting.

(Vollständiger Beitrag einschliesslich Satellitenbilder abrufbar unter: as-air-war-intensifies)

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-32) LBY/TUR: A Turkish cargo plane landed at the al-Watiya air base south of Libya’s Tripoli, an Al Arabiya correspondent 17.07.2020 Turkish cargo plane lands in said on Friday. No further details have been provided yet. (126-32) Libya’s strategic al-Watiya air base Earlier this week, a Turkish plane arrived in the Libyan city of Misrata carrying 356 mercenaries from Syria, Tunisia, Egypt, and Sudan, according to the sources. RUS/NOR/NATO: The Northern Fleet’s fighter jets shadowed a Norwegian Air Force P-3C Orion reconnaissance plane over 17.07.2020 the Barents Sea, Russia’s National Defense Control Center reported on Friday. The Russian airspace control (127-31) Russian fighters shadow capabilities detected a Norwegian Air Force P-3C Orion reconnaissance plane on July 17, 2020, the Center Norwegian spy plane over Barents said. "The fighter aircraft of the Northern Fleet’s Air Force and Air Defense Army carried out its Sea shadowing," it said. No violations of Russia’s state border were allowed, the National Defense Control Center stressed.

On July 14, the Russian airspace control systems detected a Norwegian Air Force P-3C Orion reconnaissance plane over the Barents Sea flying towards Russia’s state border. The Northern Fleet’s fighter aircraft were also scrambled to identify and intercept the target. RUS: The MiG and Sukhoi companies will develop the sixth generation combat aviation complex together, Ilya 16.07.2020 MiG and Sukhoi jointly develop a Tarasenko, director general of MiG and Sukhoi, learned citing RIA Novosti. (127-30) Russian sixth generation fighter jet Answering the question whether the sixth generation aircraft will be a joint development of MiG and Sukhoi, the agency’s interlocutor answered in the affirmative. “Yes, it will be the development of the UAC military aviation division,” he explained.

Currently in Russia, mass production of fifth-generation Su-57 fighters has begun. The first aircraft should go to the Russian Aerospace Forces this year. Three Things to Know About F-35 The F-35 delivers transformational capabilities to the warfighter, with every aircraft delivery and every 16.07.2020 Sustainment flight hour. The F-35 team continues to get smarter, more mature and effective. We are on track to meet (126-29) several critical performance and affordability targets.

The F-35 fleet is growing at a pace unmatched by any fighter in the world. Today, more than 535 F-35s are operating from 24 bases, and more than 1,040 pilots and 9,340 maintainers have been trained. The global F-35 fleet has already amassed more than 290,000 flight hours and generated more than 170,00 sorties. To date, 14 services are flying the F-35 from nine different countries, and more than 135 training detachments and operational deployments have been completed.

The F-35 team continues to enhance readiness and improve reliability. All three F-35 variants are exceeding reliability specifications at this point on the program’s maturity growth curve. With improved reliability, aircraft are averaging mission capable (MC) rates higher than 70%, with some operational squadrons closer to 80%. For example, during a recent Red Flag exercise, the F-35 MC rate was 86%. Other deployed F-35 units have achieved above a 90% MC rate – equal to or above the MC rate of most 4th generation fighter squadrons.

Reducing F-35 Operations & Support (O&S) costs and increasing reliability remains a top priority. We are continuing to invest in innovation and aggressively drive costs down, in partnership with our government and industry partners, to achieve life-cycle cost reduction goals. As more and more F-35s enter service, resources are being optimized across the fleet, including logistics data from 290,000-plus flight hours – to target the most significant cost and readiness drivers.

The F-35 team continues to conduct supply chain competitions, build supply chain capacity, synchronize spare buys, improve parts reliability and maintainability, implement advanced analytics tools, accelerate modifications of earlier aircraft, and support the stand-up of government-led regional warehouses and repair depots. Over the past five years, we have reduced the Lockheed Martin portion of the F-35 cost per flight hour (CPFH) by 38%. With the investments we are making today, lessons we’re learning and the scaling of the fleet, we expect to drive the Lockheed Martin F-35 CPFH down another 50% in the next five years.

(Infographic sustainment costs abrufbar unter: USA/USAF: Airmen assigned to the 931st Air Refueling Squadron and 22nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron 16.07.2020 KC-46 completes its first participated in a total force mission to test capabilities of the KC-46A Pegasus during its first aeromedical (126-28) aeromedical evacuation mission evacuation on July 10.

Over the course of six flights and 17 hours, the mission, which originated at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, transited five patients and two attendees to Naval Station Norfolk, Virginia; Patrick Air Force Base, Florida; and Travis AFB, California. The mission was evaluated by the Air Force Testing and Evaluation Center. It was a proof of concept that the KC-46 could be used as a viable aeromedical evacuation platform.”

An integral factor for the successful execution of the mission was the notable patient care provided by the aeromedical evacuation team. Aeromedical evacuation plays a significant role in the nation’s global capabilities as it provides time sensitive and mission critical patient care during transport to their home installations for follow-on care. The Total Force team, which consisted of two flight nurses and three medical technicians (all qualified on the KC-46), used a syllabus that included numerous patient scenarios and configurations to guide the execution of the training. EGY: Some of its aircraft, including the Dassault Mirage 2000EM, and the Lockheed Martin F-16C/D, did 16.07.2020 Egyptian fighters demonstrate regularly practise AAR with allied tanker aircraft, and Egypt’s new Rafales were filmed buddy refuelling (126-27) buddy refuelling capabilities from French Rafales during the Franco-Egyptian Ramses 2016 exercise.

An official Egyptian Ministry of Defence video of the more recent Qader-2020 exercise showed pairs of Rafales and pairs of MiG-29Ms buddy refuelling, and also showed Rafales refuelling from the MiG-29.

The Egyptian MiG-29s appear to have been supplied with a number of Zvezda PAZ-МК refuelling pods. Originally developed for use by the carrier-borne MiG-29K/KUB, the PAZ-MK allows the transfer of fuel from the tanker aircraft’s own fuel system, including both internal and external tanks, whereas earlier Russian buddy refuelling pods for tactical aircraft consisted of a hose drum unit with an integral fuel tank.

The PAZ-MK was developed from the UPAZ and UPAZ-1 aerial-refuelling systems used respectively on the Su-24M as a buddy refuelling store and on the Ilyushin Il-78 ‘Midas’ tanker. The PAZ-MK trails an 18.5 metre hose with an inner diameter of 52mm and can transfer fuel at rates of up to 750 litres per minute. It is equipped with a modernised hose response system, and a digital control system.

The centreline buddy refuelling store carried by the Rafale was not clearly shown in the video, but is probably the same unit as is used by the Armée de l’Air.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-15) CHN: In an exclusive interview with the Global Times, the development team of the CH UAV company revealed 16.07.2020 Maritime version of China's CH-5 that the new version of the CH-5 drone is a medium-to-high altitude, long-endurance large drone system (126-26) drone makes first test flight that can cope with complicated and dynamic oceanic conditions.

The drone system could host various payloads, including photoelectric devices and wide-region search radars, and is capable of carrying out surveillance and monitoring missions at sea, the developer said. The linkage testing of the radar systems was completed in the test, said the development team, who also said that the drone will be deployed next to genuine sea environments for further tests.

Compared to the standard version of the CH-5, the maritime version was improved to cope with high- temperature, humid and salt fog situations at sea. For instance, connectors of parts were replaced with titanium to adapt to maritime environments, the company said.

The standard version of the CH-5 is a medium-to-high altitude long endurance armed reconnaissance drone with a fully automatic flight control system, jam-proof data chain and all-weather payload, according to a separate statement the company sent to the Global Times. With a wing span of 21 meters and a ceiling of 8,300 meters, the standard CH-5 has a maximum endurance of 35 hours, a top speed of 300 kilometers an hour, a maximum takeoff weight of 3,300 kilograms, and a payload weight of 480 kilograms. It can be customized with additional equipment, including fire control radar, electronic countermeasures and jamming devices.

(Fotographien abrufbar unter: JPN: The ASM-3 flies at a top speed of Mach 3, making it very difficult to intercept. 16.07.2020 Japan Readies Its Ship-Smashing (126-25) Super-Missile But reaching that speed requires a novel propulsion system. A solid-fuel rocket booster fires first, accelerating the missile to high supersonic speed. That’s when an air-breathing ramjet takes over, feeding off the same solid fuel but adding compressed air for sustained, powerful thrust. The ASM-3’s combined- cycle propulsion explains why it looks like a tiny spaceship.

The missile follows GPS coordinates to the target zone then switches on a radar for terminal guidance. Its warhead-size is classified but could be hundreds of pounds—enough to sink or disable many warships with a single hit.

For all this capability, the ASM-3 still fits under the wing of an F-2 fighter, its primary carrier. It’s too big to fit in the weapons bay of an F-35 stealth fighter, which is why Tokyo is buying subsonic Joint Strike Missiles for its F-35s. Presumably, compatibility with the ASM-3 will be a requirement for Japan’s new F-3 stealth fighter. The defense ministry has already test-flown the old version of the ASM-3. The new version soon could begin trials.

Now boasting a 200-mile range—twice its original specification—the ASM-3 could become Japan’s most powerful anti-ship missile. If the unthinkable occurs and the United States and Japan ever go to war with China, the ASM-3 could be among the most decisive munitions in the bloody battle for control of the China Seas. USA: Defense officials have revealed to CNN details about the hypersonic missile President Donald Trump has 16.07.2020 Pentagon reveals some details of long touted as a "super duper" new military weapon -- part of a major effort to catch up to Russian and (126-24) Trump's 'super duper' hypersonic Chinese hypersonic weapons programs. missile Pentagon officials acknowledged for the first time some of the capabilities of the hypersonic missile, which Trump has described as traveling 17 times the speed of sound.

A senior defense official has told CNN that Trump has taken a special interest in the missile, revealing that Trump's oft-cited "17 times" faster figure derives from a test of a "hypersonic glide body" over the Pacific in March, a test that the Pentagon officially described as "successful" while revealing little additional information.

But the American effort still lags years behind those of Moscow and Beijing's already fielded weapons systems, with a US missile unlikely to be fielded until 2023.

Hypersonic missiles are traditionally defined as missiles that travel at least five times the speed of sound, which is more than 3,800 miles per hour, and are considered highly maneuverable and capable of operating at varying altitudes.

(Ergänzende Information vom 16.07.2020: The boost glide system, which was the system tested in March, places a maneuverable glide vehicle atop a ballistic missile, giving the missile much enhanced maneuverability at hypersonic speed. The weapon is seen as having tremendous range, 1,000 miles or greater, but is more expensive and larger than the cruise missile variant. The other kind of hypersonic missile the US is working on is a hypersonic cruise missile and is much more like a traditional cruise missile such as the Tomahawk missile, a weapon long used by the military to strike enemy targets. The hypersonic missiles would travel up to ten times faster than the Tomahawk missile currently in the military's arsenal. The senior defense official said a test of the cruise missile would take place later this year.) USA/NRO: The National Reconnaissance Office successfully launched four classified payloads into orbit July 15 from 16.07.2020 National Reconnaissance Office NASA’s Wallops Flight Facility — the agency’s first dedicated launch from the Virginia facility. (126-23) launches “revolutionary” satellites from Virginia NRO is in charge of acquiring, launching and operating the nation’s intelligence satellites, and while the agency does not typically reveal the details or purpose of its classified satellites, the agency’s director noted that the four payloads will demonstrate revolutionary capabilities. USA/USN: After four days of firefighting, all known fires have been extinguished aboard the Wasp-class amphibious 16.07.2020 USS Bonhomme Richard Fire assault ship USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD 6) 12.07.2020 (127-22)

15.07.2020 IRN: At least seven ships caught fire Wednesday at the Persian Gulf port of Bushehr in Iran, the Tasnim news 15.07.2020 At least 7 ships catch fire at port agency reported. Bushehr Province, of which the eponymous port city is the capital, is where Iran’s sole (126-21) in Iran nuclear plant is located.

The incident was the latest in string of mysterious fires and blasts to rock the country. Several of the recent disasters have struck sensitive Iranian sites, leading to speculation that they could be part of a sabotage campaign engineered by Israel. ISR/Hezbollah CENTCOM head Gen. Kenneth McKenzie said it would be a great mistake for Hezbollah to try to carry out 15.07.2020 CENTCOM chief: A war with Israel operations against Israel. “I can’t see that having a good ending,” he said at a briefing during a major trip (126-20) would not end well for Hezbollah to the Middle East this week. McKenzie has visited Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Bahrain, Jordan, Qatar and Kuwait. The US general also acknowledged continuing tensions in Syria and with Iran across the region.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: 635112?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=CENTCOM+chief%3A+A+war+ with+Israel+would+not+end+well+for+Hezbollah&utm_campaign=July+15+day) ISR: The Israeli Air Force on Wednesday grounded a pilot who caused sonic booms over northern Israel the 15.07.2020 F-35 pilot grounded after causing night before, startling residents of the area. The sonic booms, which are caused by aircraft when they (126-19) sonic booms over north, startling exceed the speed of sound, were heard in the northern port city of Haifa and the Jezreel Valley. residents Residents of the areas, hearing what sounded like large explosions at approximately 10 p.m., feared that some type of attack or emergency was taking place, prompting panicked posts on social media.

On Wednesday morning, the military confirmed that it was responsible for the noise, saying it was caused by “a pilot exceeding the speed limits for a flight during a training session of fighter jets in the area.” The IDF added: “The pilot has been grounded.” ARM/AZE: A representative of the Armenian Ministry of Defense, Artsuron Hovanisyan, stated that the Armenian Air 15.07.2020 Armenian military shot down 13 Defense Forces have shot down 13 drones belonging to the Azerbaijani Armed Forces on July 12th. (125-18) Azerbaijani drones: MoD Generally, starting on July 12, the Armenian Air Defense Forces shot down 13 drones of the Azerbaijani Armed Forces, ten of which were combat and three were reconnaissance,” Hovanisyan told reporters.

This new escalation came after a period of calm, after a clash in the region that began on July 12, on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, in the adjacent areas of Tuvuz and Tavush, which are on the border with Georgia and are located hundreds of kilometers from Nagorno-Karabakh. GBR/DEU: A detachment of German Air Force Eurofighter fighters have arrived in Lithuania to undertake combined 15.07.2020 German Eurofighter and RAF Quick Reaction Alert training alongside the RAF Typhoon fast jets already deployed there. This opportunity (125-17) Typhoons together on Baltic has been arranged to enhance the current twinning programme that has been running between the two Operation Air Forces under Eurofighter Interoperability Enhancement programme.

The Luftwaffe Eurofighter detachment commander for Tactical Fighter Wing 71 “Richthofen” (Taktisches Luftwaffengeschwader 71 “Richthofen”), Lieutenant Colonel Andreas Beckman will integrate his team of just 30 personnel into the EAW.

The ‘Plug & Fight’ concept will provide an enhanced multinational capacity to act together with European partners on current training and eventually, operations.

The Typhoons operating under 135 EAW normally operate out of RAF Lossiemouth in Scotland, and the Eurofighters of 71 Fighter Squadron, based in Wittmund in Northern Germany, will be taking over the Baltic Air Policing mission from Estonia later this year. GBR: The UK Royal Air Force (RAF) is to trial the use of unmanned aircraft from the decks of the Royal Navy’s 15.07.2020 RAF to trial unmanned aircraft (RN’s) two new Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carriers, the Chief of the Air Staff (CAS) disclosed on 15 July. (126-16) from Royal Navy carriers Speaking at the ‘virtual’ Air & Space Power Association conference, Air Chief Marshal Mike Wigston said that work to evaluate the use of swarming drones and unmanned ‘loyal wingmen’ from HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales had already begun, and that flight trials are expected shortly. GBR: The UK Royal Air Force (RAF) plans to trial the use of an Airbus Voyager tanker-transport aircraft as an 15.07.2020 RAF reveals ‘information node' airborne information node for multidomain operations. Speaking at the ‘virtual’ Air & Space Power (126-15) plan for Voyager tanker-transport Association conference, a senior officer noted that the experiment is part of a wider drive to develop a aircraft ‘next-generation air force’ under Project ‘Astra’.

“In the next few months we will launch Babel Fish VII, looking to put Deckard, Nexus, and Raven onto a Voyager tanker – experimenting with multidomain integration to understand which areas we wish to further develop the full capability,” said Air Vice-Marshal Lincoln Taylor, Chief of Staff Capability, HQ Air Command.

Babel Fish is a series of tests in which different airborne systems are inter-connected and able to communicate. The Babel Fish events to date have dealt with sharing information between the ‘fourth- generation’ Eurofighter Typhoon and the ‘fifth-generation’ Lockheed Martin F-35B Lightning II combat aircraft. Deckard is a ‘cloud’-based app, Nexus is a data platform, while Raven is a micro digitalised server.

(Siehe auch Nachricht Nr. 126-13) USA/USN: Two P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft assigned to Patrol Squadron (VP) 47 15.07.2020 VP-47 Participates in Breeze 2020 participated in the Bulgarian Navy-led exercise Breeze 2020, July 15. (125-14) Black Sea Twenty six maritime vessels, nine aircraft, and approximately 2,500 sailors from ten countries are scheduled to participate in Breeze 2020. Participating nations include: Bulgaria, Belgium, Georgia, Greece, Italy, Spain, Romania, Turkey, France and United States, and NATO’s Allied Maritime Command.

VP 47 operates the P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol and Reconnaissance Aircraft, capable of conducting Anti-submarine warfare, maritime domain awareness, search and rescue, and Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance missions. The squadron is forward-deployed to the C6F area of responsibility and is assigned to commander, Task Force 67, responsible for tactical control of deployed maritime patrol and reconnaissance forces throughout the European and African areas of responsibility.

C6F, headquartered in Naples, Italy, conducts the full spectrum of joint and naval operations, often in concert with allied and interagency partners, in order to advance U.S. national interests and security and stability in Europe and Africa. defense- FRA: On July 10, 2020, the French Defense Procurement Agency (DGA) received its third A330 Phoenix Multi France took delivery of its third Role Tanker Transport (MRTT) refueling aircraft at Air Base 125 in Istres, four months ahead of schedule. 15.07.2020 Phoenix air tanker on July 10. (126-13) The program, provided for in the 2019 - 2025 Military Planning Law (LPM) was accelerated to allow the delivery of the first 12 MRTTs, two of which in advance of the deadline. The order for three additional A330 aircraft was announced as part of the aerospace support plan following the Covid-19 crisis. These three additional A330s will be converted after 2025, increasing their total number to 15 Phoenix MRTTs.

The Phoenix is an Airbus A330 airliner converted to meet a range of military missions, including support of the air force nuclear deterrent; contribution to the permanent security posture; projection of forces and emergency medical evacuation. Thanks to its versatility, the Phoenix replaces two separate aircraft fleets on all of their missions: in-flight refueling (C135-FR and KC135R) and long-range strategic personnel and freight transport (A310 and A340). USA/USAF: Eglin’s tilt and rotary wing test squadron pilots logged their first CV-22 Osprey flight incorporating a terrain 15.07.2020 Eglin squadron begins radar following and avoidance radar system called Silent Knight here June 23. That initial flight using an Air Force (125-12) system tests on CV-22 Special Operations Command CV-22 focused on the integration of the new radar system with the aircraft’s architecture.

The radar, designed to increase situational awareness in low visibility conditions, will replace the Osprey’s aging multimode radar. The upgrade’s new capabilities and features include a color weather radar and allowance for increased turn rates.

The Silent Knight upgrade is just one of the developmental tests performed by the 413th FLTS. Osprey sustainment efforts are continuous to include replacement of obsolete components, improving communications capabilities and of course, software. CHN: China recently test launched a new type of helicopter-based air-to-ground missile, which is at a world- 15.07.2020 New ‘world-leading’ helicopter leading level, according to the weapon's developers. An undisclosed type of helicopter conducted the test (125-11) missile tested firing of the missile at a test site in Alxa, North China's Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region on June 22, reported China Aviation News, a newspaper affiliated with the state-owned Aviation Industry Corp of China (AVIC), on Tuesday.

The missile accurately hit its target, marking the successful, first test launch of the missile, the report said. "In the whole world, [the missile] is in a leading position," the report quoted an unidentified test employee as saying. The report did not reveal the new missile's designation or its capabilities.

Fu Qianshao, a Chinese military aviation expert, told the Global Times on Wednesday that in order to be called "world-leading," the air-to-ground missile must have a very long effective range, an advanced guidance system that enables very high accuracy, and a very powerful warhead that can penetrate a tank's thick armor.

The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) operates multiple types of attack helicopters, including the Z- 10 and Z-19, both of which were recently upgraded. According to a photo released by PLA's 80th Group Army in February, an upgraded Z-10 featured exhaust openings that face upward instead of outward, which experts said will make it harder to target by infrared sensors. The Z-19, lighter than the Z-10, got an extra millimeter-wave fire control radar installed on the top of its rotor. The new radar can give the chopper the capability to search and track targets over long distances in complex weather conditions day and night and provide accurate targeting data for guided weapon systems.

Among other weapons and equipment, many Z-10 attack helicopters were reportedly mobilized to western China's plateau regions for drills amid border tensions with India. NATO: On July 15, 2020 the third remotely piloted aircraft of NATO’s Alliance Ground Surveillance Programme 15.07.2020 Third NATO alliance surveillance arrived at 13:37 local time at its new homebase in Sigonella, Italy. The landing marks yet another step for (125-10) aircraft arrives at Sigonella NATO on its way to acquiring a total of five RQ-4D remotely piloted aircraft, referred to as “Phoenix”, all to be based at Sigonella.

Having now three Phoenix aircraft in Sigonella gives the NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Management Agency more flexibility in working test and verification issues, by simultaneously providing the equipment for familiarization and training.

This latest crossing of the Atlantic from California to Italy was entirely controlled by pilots at the Alliance Ground Surveillance Force’s Main Operating Base in Sigonella, in the same manner as the ferry flight of the first and second Alliance Ground Surveillance aircraft in the end of 2019.The Phoenix took off on Tuesday, 14 July 2020 from Edwards Air Force Base in California in the United States at 07:47 local time and landed at Sigonella around 21.8 hours later. The aircraft is now scheduled to undergo a system level performance verification phase before being officially handed over to the NATO Alliance Ground Surveillance Force.

Once all five aircraft have arrived at the Alliance Ground Surveillance Main Operating Base in Sigonella by the end of 2020, NATO’s collectively owned and operated Alliance Ground Surveillance system will provide a unique state-of-the-art capability procured by 15 Allies and shared with all 30 Alliance members. The entire Alliance Ground Surveillance system is a custom-made system uniquely adapted to NATO requirements and specifically designed to meet the Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance requirements identified by the North Atlantic Council and the Supreme Allied Commander Europe. GBR: After a successful development phase Protector is set to enter service by mid-2024, meaning that the 15.07.2020 Remotely Piloted Air System (RPAS) will deliver a step-change in capability for the RAF. Protector is the (126-09) MOD signs £65 million contract world’s first certified RPAS, enabling it to fly in busy, unsegregated airspace, including civilian airspace, for Protector aircraft thanks to its ground-breaking ‘detect and avoid’ technology. The innovative fleet will also have advanced anti-icing and lightning protection, providing the RAF with unprecedented flexibility to operate in extreme weather conditions.

This aircraft will upgrade a whole range of lethal capabilities allowing us to control, protect and manage the battlespace from the air for hours on end. The cutting-edge aircraft, which will replace the current Reaper RPAS force, will be deployed in wide-ranging Intelligence, Surveillance, Targeting and Reconnaissance (ISTAR) operations from its base at RAF Waddington, Lincolnshire. Its ability to fly consistently for up to 40 hours will offer the RAF vastly improved armed intelligence and reconnaissance sorties.

Protector also comes with enhanced data links and will carry next-generation, low collateral, precision strike weapons – the UK-made Brimstone missile (MBDA) and Paveway IV Laser Guided Bomb (Raytheon UK).

The contract follows a successful development phase by manufacturers General Atomics Aeronautical Systems Inc. which will build the first three Protector aircraft, plus three ground control stations and other associated support equipment. It also includes an option to build 13 more aircraft and four ground control stations, which will complete the current planned fleet of 16 aircraft, more than doubling the capability currently provided by Reaper. USA/USA: BAE Systems received $179 million in total awards from the U.S. Army as part of the Limited Interim Missile 15.07.2020 U.S. Army orders next-generation Warning System (LIMWS) Quick Reaction Capability (QRC) program. This award includes orders for the (126-08) missile warning systems first two production lots and funding to enable fielding of the next-generation Missile Warning System (MWS). The MWS provides aircrews with advanced threat detection capabilities, improving survivability and mission effectiveness in contested environments.

The foundation of LIMWS is BAE Systems’ 2-Color Advanced Warning System (2CAWS) processor which will allow the Army to outpace the threat. 2CAWS builds upon BAE Systems’ experience in fielding systems for the complex rotary-wing environment. Optimized for size, weight, and power, 2CAWS features an open system processor, two-color infrared sensors for increased range, and a fiber optic A-kit for faster data transmission. The system processor serves as the high-bandwidth digital backbone of the system and houses advanced machine learning missile warning algorithms specifically designed for complex, high- clutter environments and rapid threat updates. LIMWS is compatible with existing U.S. Army aircraft survivability equipment, including pilot interfaces and countermeasure systems, allowing for accelerated installation and integration timelines. USA/USN: The U.S. Navy commissioned USS Tripoli (LHA 7), today, July 15, 2020. 15.07.2020 U.S. Navy Amphibious Assault Ship (127-07) USS Tripoli Joins the Fleet LHA 7 incorporates key components to provide the fleet with a more aviation-centric platform. Tripoli’s design features an enlarged hangar deck, realignment and expansion of the aviation maintenance facilities, a significant increase in available stowage for parts and support equipment, and increased aviation fuel capacity. The ship is the first LHA replacement ship to depart the shipyard ready to integrate the entire future air combat element of the Marine Corps, to include the Joint Strike Fighter.

Along with its pioneering aviation element, LHA 7 incorporates gas turbine propulsion plant, zonal electrical distribution, and fuel-efficient electric auxiliary propulsion systems first installed on USS Makin Island (LHD 8). LHA 7 is 844 feet in length, has a displacement of approximately 44,000 long tons, and will be capable of operating at speeds of over 20 knots. TUR: Seven Turkish security personnel were killed when a reconnaissance plane crashed in eastern Van 15.07.2020 Reconnaissance plane crashes in province, state-owned Anadolu news agency quoted the interior minister as saying on Thursday. Suleyman (126-06) eastern Turkey, seven killed Soylu said the plane crashed on a mountain at an altitude of 2,200 feet (670 metres). The dead included the two pilots, Anadolu quoted him as saying. Accident investigators are working to determine the cause of the crash, NTV said.

14.07.2020 USA/USAF: KC-10 Extender tail #86-0036 marked the first retirement of 59 Extenders intended for eventual 14.07.2020 First KC-10 Extender retires from replacement by the KC-46A Pegasus. A total of three KC-10s from the Air Force’s Backup-Aircraft Inventory (126-05) Joint Base MDL were congressionally approved for retirement during Fiscal Year 2020. For nearly four decades, the KC-10 has helped secure global reach for America, providing in-flight refueling to U.S. and coalition aircraft, from Operations Desert Shield and Desert Storm to Operation Inherent Resolve.

The KC-10s Extender with the tail number #86-0036 marked for retirement will continue to support the remaining 58 Extenders with parts as they are flown for several years while the KC-46A Pegasus is integrated into Air Mobility Command’s Total Force tanker enterprise. USA/USAF: The Legion Pod, known for its advanced IRST (infrared search and track) capabilities, hit two major 14.07.2020 Legion Pod achieves major milestones at Eglin AFB with the first missile shot of an AIM-9X using the Legion Pod on an F-15C Eagle (126-04) milestones and the first-ever flight of an operational F-16 Fighting Falcon with the Legion Pod on July 8 and 13, 2020, respectively.

Use of the Legion Pod and its IRST capabilities allows a pilot to have another sensor that integrates with the aircraft and builds a more complete picture of the battlespace. Because of its use of infrared, it provides the ability to identify, track and shoot enemy aircraft in a RADAR jamming environment to include stealth aircraft that a traditional radar may not see.

13.07.2020 ISR: UVision Air Ltd., a global leader in Loitering Munitions Systems of all sizes for a variety of missions, reveals 13.07.2020 UVision’s Hero-30 Lethal Loitering that its high-precision, lightweight man-pack portable Hero-30 system is already in use by various IDF (126-03) Systems units. are in IDF Service The Hero-30 incorporates high level of precision attack and abort capabilities. These simple to operate systems allow frontline forces the ability to initiate operation, as well as to respond to any enemy target or threat that arises and eliminate it with pinpoint accuracy. The Hero-30’s on the move advanced capabilities include striking targets with high precision of tracking and lock-on, a last- second-mission- abort and re-engagement for a second attack attempt or change of target. Its versatile installment configurations (man-packed, vehicle mounted or stationary) make it perfectly suitable for diverse operational scenarios.

10.07.2020 PHL: The Philippine Air Force (PAF) will acquire two more Lockheed C-130 "Hercules" cargo aircraft to add to 10.07.2020 Air Force to Get Two More C-130 its existing fleet of five used to transport medical supplies and personnel tasked to contain the coronavirus (126-02) Planes disease (Covid-19) pandemic.

"Based on our current status reports, one of the C-130s is expected to arrive this month (July) while the other one will arrive before the end of the year.

"Cost is PHP2.5 billion. They (C-130s were) co-financed by the Philippines (who contributed PHP1.6 billion) and the US through FMF (Foreign Military Financing) program worth (PHP900 million)," Department of National Defense (DND) spokesperson Arsenio Andolong added.

09.07.2020 PHL: The Philippine Air Force (PAF)'s six new Embraer Defense and Security A-29 "Super Tucano" close-air 09.07.2020 Six 'Super Tucano' Attack Aircraft support aircraft are expected to be delivered before the end of July, Department of National Defense (126-01) to be Delivered on July 29: DND (DND) spokesperson Arsenio Andolong said Thursday. "The six 'Super Tucanos' are expected to be delivered on July 29, 2020," Andolong said in a message. The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic affected the delivery of the "Super Tucano" planes which was earlier scheduled for the end of February this year.

The aircraft, which will be part of the PAF's 15th Strike Wing, will beef up the remaining North American Rockwell OV-10 "Bronco" attack aircraft used by the Air Force in strike missions. It is a turboprop aircraft designed for light attack, counter-insurgency, close air support, aerial reconnaissance missions in low threat environments, as well as providing pilot training. USA/CHN: Aircraft has been sent to the region but was designed for combat in Europe, which could affect its 30.07.2020 America’s F-22 stealth fighter may capabilities, according to Yang Wei. China’s answer to the Raptor has yet to be put to the test in a real (126-A) be limited in Asia-Pacific combat situation, military expert notes. conditions, China’s J-20 designer says (Vollständige Analyse abrufbar unter: pacific) 3,000-Strong: America's F-16 Is Since entering service in 1979, this "warbird" has been battle-tested, engaging in more than 400,000 29.07.2020 Flying In 25 Countries combat sorties and has a combined 19 million flight hours. (126-B) (Vollständiger Bericht abrufbar unter: 165852)

(Anmerkung Redaktion: Man erinnere sich in diesem Zusammenhang auch an die in verschiedenen Bereichen zu erzielenden positiven Skaleneffekten, vorab auch bei nutzungsverlängernden Massnahmen) USA: The National Defense Strategy (NDS) provides a clear roadmap for the Department of Defense to meet 28.07.2020 National Defense Strategy the challenges posed by a re-emergence of long-term strategic competition with China and Russia. The (126-C) - National Defense Strategy acknowledges an increasingly complex global security environment, Sharpening the American characterized by overt challenges to the free and open international order. Military’s Competitive Edge (Summary of the National Defense Strategy abrufbar unter: GBR: The UK faces fundamental questions about its identity, global strategy and ambitions as a medium power, 28.07.2020 Combat Air Choices for the UK having left the EU against a backdrop of an economically devastating global pandemic, an increasingly (126-D) Governmen unpredictable US administration that has abandoned many of the previously assumed tenets of the international system, and aggressive competition by major powers in the shape of Russia and China. Under the banner of ‘Global Britain’, the government has made clear its ambition to remain an influential actor able to exert soft and hard power around the world, while also revitalising its longstanding commitments to both NATO and the so-called ‘special relationship’ with the US.

(Vollständiges Dokument abrufbar unter: USA/USN: These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious 27.07.2020 USNI News Fleet and Marine ready groups throughout the world as of July 27, 2020, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a (126-E) Tracker: July 27, 2020 CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

(Infographic abrufbar unter: CHN: The Chinese defense industrial base is infamous for its tendency to “borrow” from foreign designs, 26.07.2020 particularly in the aerospace industry. Almost the entirety of China’s modern fighter fleet have either (126-F) borrowed liberally from or directly copied foreign models. The J-10 was reputedly based on the Israeli IAI China's Air Force "Borrows" Many Lavi and by extension the United States’ General Dynamics F-16; the J-11 is a clone of the Russian Su-27; Foreign Designs, But Still Cannot the JF-17 is a modern development of the Soviet MiG-21; the J-20 bears an uncanny resemblance to the Produce a High Quality Engine F-22, and finally, the J-31 is widely believed to rely heavily on technology appropriated from the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter. Appropriation saves China time and money on research and development, allowing it to modernize the PLAAF at a fraction of the cost of its competitors. However, the appropriation strategy remains constrained by bottleneck technologies due to lack of testing data and industrial ecology. This problem is starkly illustrated by China’s ongoing difficulty in producing a high-quality indigenous jet engine.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: quality-engine) USA/USAF: Well over a decade since the "Beast Of Kandahar" was first exposed, the stealthy RQ-170 Sentinel spy 25.07.2020 RQ-170 Sentinel Stealth Spy drone remains an elusive beast indeed. We only know of it operating from six locales with certainty: (126-G) Drone Photographed Landing At Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan, Kunsan Air Base in South Korea, Andersen Air Force Base in Guam, Plant 42 In Palmdale Tonopah Test Range Airport and Creech Air Force Base in Nevada, as well as Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. Now we can add its place of birth to the list, Plant 42 in Palmdale, California—home of the world-famous Lockheed Skunk Works.

(Vollständiger Beitrag einschliesslich Fotos abrufbar unter: 42-in-palmdale) USA: The Autonomic Logistics Information System (ALIS) is integral to supporting F-35 aircraft operations and 22.07.2020 F-35 Sustainment maintenance. However, F-35 personnel at 5 locations GAO visited for its March 2020 report cited several (126-H) - challenges. For example, users at all 5 locations we visited stated that electronic records of F-35 parts in DOD Needs to Address ALIS are frequently incorrect, corrupt, or missing, resulting in the system signaling that an aircraft should Key Uncertainties as It ReDesigns be grounded in cases where personnel know that parts have been correctly installed and are safe for flight. the Aircraft’s At times, F-35 squadron leaders have decided to fly an aircraft when ALIS has signaled not to, thus Logistics System assuming operational risk to meet mission requirements.

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter: USA/USN: These are the approximate positions of the U.S. Navy’s deployed carrier strike groups and amphibious 20.07.2020 USNI News Fleet and Marine ready groups throughout the world as of July 20, 2020, based on Navy and public data. In cases where a (126-I) Tracker: July 20, 2020 CSG or ARG is conducting disaggregated operations, the chart reflects the location of the capital ship.

(Infographic abrufbar unter: IND/CHN: As China and India work to resolve their border dispute in the Himalayas, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) 20.07.2020 China-India border dispute: are playing an increasingly important role in the dispute. (126-K) drones prove their worth at high altitude (Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: worth-high) 'Hacker armies' linked to China Hacking and disinformation campaigns linked to Russia and China have stepped up significantly as the 18.07.2020 and Russia ramp up cyberattacks coronavirus pandemic has escalated, heightening alarm over cyber threats that Western democracies are (126-L) often ill-equipped to handle.

The American, British and Canadian governments said Thursday that a hacking group linked to Russian intelligence had targeted labs working on vaccines for the virus in a bid to steal research. U.S. authorities had previously warned research institutions of efforts by Chinese hackers to take data on vaccines and treatments.

As both China and Russia face rising tensions with Western nations, the two countries have also taken to cyberspace to help counter them in addition to the military and economic spheres. Both countries have cyber warfare units within their defense and intelligence organizations, and they are believed to make use of private-sector and criminal groups in their hacking operations as well.

(Vollständiger Beitrag abrufbar unter: cyberattacks?utm_source=CSIS+All&utm_campaign=d50b38c9f0- EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2018_11_08_05_05_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_f326fc46b6-d50b38c9f0- 216845933) SWE: Facing the Soviet threat during the Cold War, the Swedish air force devised an air basing strategy that 16.07.2020 How Sweden’s austere basing dispersed fighters throughout its territory, making it difficult for Moscow to destroy all of its fleet on the (126-M) system influenced the Gripen ground in a surprise attack. - BAS 90 The Bas 90 system, which often nestled air strips amid forests and used highways as back-up runways, was partially dismantled after the end of the Cold War. However, in recent years the ideas behind the system are receiving renewed focus as Stockholm faces a resurgent Russia.

(Vollständiger Report abrufbar unter: gripen/139316.article)

crsreports.congress. USA/PRK: North Korea continues to advance its nuclear weapons and missile programs despite high-level diplomatic gov North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons efforts and UN Security Council sanctions. In April 2018, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un said that nuclear 14.07.2020 and Missile Programs and longrange missile testing was no longer necessary because the country had achieved its objectives. (126-N) However, in the past two years, North Korea has increased the testing pace for its ballistic missile and submarine-launched systems. In late December 2019, Kim announced that, due to the United States’ policies, “there is no ground” for North Korea to continue to maintain its testing moratoria.

(Analyse abrufbar unter:

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