CLOSE VOTE IN KEYSTONE STATE Philadelphia Results Keenly by IN NEW VORK Reform Party. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. S.—The re- FRIDAY S GREATEST SALES IN NEW YORK'S FINEST STORE. form movement in Philadelphia and Chanler Defeated Bruce for Lieu- throughout Pennsylvania, Inaugurated Main Floor. sis a result of the of 1 tenant Governor of State- lust year Philadelphia Shetland Floss. 10.000 Pairs /5c lease tight, received a severe blow gas Dress Shields j pa|r Is All Alone. 111 thin electiou. Tlie latest figures Special for Friday. This fine Shet-· Hughes show that everywhere in the city ami land Floss III black, white and An important purchase colors; 12 skeins at has brought us this large lot of Dress Shields; liohterthana Nov. re We give free Instruction In covered NEW YORK. 8.—Incomplete . feather: well made and warranted to All the new novelty stttcheiitaueht. $1.75 per turn* from more tlmn two-thirds of the give satisfaction: Art Krabd'y Dept Hepond Floor. dozon. Per pair counties in the state of New York J make It Impossible to give definite II μ Third uree on the state ticket other thnn for Floor. ma···Main Floor.ιυ<ι· governor. Charles K. Hughes, Repub- The Best Value.of the Whole-Season! k lican candidate for governor, has » I 3,000 Yards and Louisine Plaids, 59c majority of 52.000 approximately, lint ; all season at clearance of ouj own stock: Kinds that have sold rapidly the remainder of the candidates are In ; Women's New genuine regular we'll make the from 75o. to 89c, the yard. To reduce stock ahead of the Holiday concentration doubt. 59c. the yard to-morrow. price , remem- For lleuteuaut governor Lewis Stuy *32.50 COATS, Beautiful plaids In a supcrh line of rolorlnos and combinations: most seasonable of all t£0, h«r snlAnrlirl miaiiti^c *.:«κ κ rxt #;.·»« .Inst, nhmit ennUGtl ίΟΓ cl t>10 SllK (lay. vesant Chanler, Deuiocratlc-Iudepeud hiack: in has a lead in f PLAIN COLOR PEAU DE SOIE: ence league candidate, COLORED SHANTUNGS: = inch: soit rich Jhi1 h; ter New York of 134',- 4 . 75-eent qualjty: street and even' au silk. 27 Inches wide; extra ported: 27 the city of Créa *19.75 coats, etc.: ing shades: heavy and and lustrous finish; for entire suits, 841. Up state M. Linn Bruce. Repub- To a heavy 7+/C offer hundred'! rustling: highly finished 33C all the wanted colors JyC $1.25 quality at lican candidate for lieutenant govern- ahead of ilr. Coats that) were actually or, is running slightly ^ • XlUgUTTO » ««.V.. X»-.' made to sell af.$32.50 for 10.000 REMNANTS OF SILKS AND weave and color down to Greater New York with h lead ; In lengthSfOf from one to twenty yards. Best selling Kinds of the season. Every J19.75 Is an'event !3n it- in silks, dots, , fancies of every nature; , of approximately 12! υ hio, It will readi-1 I represented evening silks, black plaids, polka 1 self. not all— Paon and»Dresr> Velvets, Corduroys. , and so forth. On special tables to-morrow at ly be seen tlmt the vole for second But thislis « lie close. | place ou the ticket ill very for they » are exceptional Reductions of 1*3 to 1*2. and the complete official count only Ι-,·· L-Z. 1 Coats: models as distinctly different; from will determine the successful candi- ! JiDWIN S. duuui town as Third Floor. dat·. STUART. nigm isilrom day. Ana Basement. William 1!. tu 50 Fur Lined Coats Despite the defeat of tlie stale tlie fusion party opposed they are as,superbly designed and tailored as Another-Lot of Hand Carved We'll Sell To-morrow Just Superb to indicate that whs either Hearst reporta seem tlie regular Republicans some ticket though noted modiste had made» them, the rest of the Democratic state badly defeated or had its last year's Swiss Clocks at from iuiiiGis to your Weight S. Stu individual order. *19.50 Is elected by majorities ranging vote greatly reduced. Edwin exclusively to interest in a fur- 3,876 to 8,261. art of this city, the Republican candi- IF it Is possible you Garments that are for 55c. 1 at The returns are not complete in many date for governor agaiust Lewis liin- appropriate· 'every* lined coat at a very low price, these arc but the following figures the fusion nominee, ran very < $19.53 for to to you. Instances, j ery, Jr., occasion—street, carriage or evening wear. = WOULDN'T supply the de- Friday ought appeal as for Democratic can- and his ί ^ mand for these Clocks at plurality coats in every given pluralities strong everywhere, Made of superior guality IntPorted '· They are exceptional way. dates: may reach 75,000. Last year the fu last sale, a week or so the belies the fact. But please in the most Double the though price For lieutenant governor, C'hanler. sloriisls carried the state for state becoming and 4desirable rcolors,,, ago. quan- this time. We remember, this is the Simpson Crawford 8,87tf. treasurer by a plurality of 88,000. In such as tity were fortunate'to se- Company, "where quality reigns supreme." For secretary of stale. Whalen. 3,.VIZ Philadelphia Stuart ran ahead of his Wine. Castor. cure from the same Unless they were worthy and good, we For Glynn, ti,"!»!>. ticket and carried the city by a plu- I Gray.,Black comptroller, importer another new could not afford to sell them. For state treasurer. Ilauser. li. is". rallty of The iiguces for gov- interlined and beautifully linedrwitli soft , i shipment. li.'.it-. Stuart 123.4!t:i. Material Is excellent orade b'a-k brradclolh: splendid For attorney general, .lackson. ernoi in this i-ity are: lined and finished A full style, collarless effect, elabor-r They are nicely hand welihtand very rich black, all susiika fur For state engineer, Skene. S.'JUI. Emery itl.lO."). Allegheny county, I clinging with very larue brojk mink collars. The linlnn may carved, as shown In not to brush or in slow includes Stuart with soutache and depended upon up pull Returns are coining very which Pittsburg, gave ately trimmed fancy braldsv illustration. fitted out. Warm, stylish and comfortable. these 19.50 from up state couAties, nnd from an estimated plurality of 28.tK)u. in harmonizing colors. with d e ρ efndable Very special is to the result of Kobe it S. Murphy for lieutenant gov- In fact, are It Impossible predict One Model Is shown in the picture. e works, Persian paw style coais, 24 the entire count iis to the subordinate ernor, Hubert K. Young for auditor 'Several others to chouse from: posi- serviceable as well as Pony tively worth ç ir* mr f a inches braided and on the two tickets. At Repub- general and Henry llouck for secre- ornamental, good SI long—richly $ eg χ places 132.50. Choose g ^ lican slate headquarters no detinlte tary of internal affairs, the other can-j I value. lined—special statement or claim could be bad. It dldates on the Republican state ticket.! Floor. S**< on