Start your own H o m e y o g a p r a c t i c e In 5 days I N S I D E

1 | Welcome

2 | Getting Started

3 | Benefits of poses

4 | Beggining your practice

5 | Day 1 and 2

6 | Day 3 and 4

7 | Day 5 and beyond Welcome to the Mat

Hey there beautiful soul,

Welcome to the mat, the mat that is! This is the begining of your adventure to building your at home yoga practice. The goal of this book is to help you establish a home practice that will jump start your yoga practice, build on the current practice you already have and to supplement your practice when you are not able to make an in-person class. As you begin this at home practice there are a few things to keep in mind.

1.Don't be hard on yourself. Allow yourself to go slow. Every minute counts even if it is 5 minutes a day. 2.Don't get caught up in trying to do the poses perfectly. Everyone will look different doing the poses. Focus more on what the pose is teaching you and doing for your body vs how you look. 3.Everyones journey on the mat is different. Focus on why you came to the mat and why you want to begin this journey. 4.Yoga is not about mastering the poses, but using the poses to transform yourself and your life. 5.What you are consistent about in life continues to grow in your life. The more you practice yoga, the more yoga becomes your life. You learn to live yoga off the mat and eventually find that your reaction to life is different. You become empathetic, grateful and at peace with your journey.

What are you waiting for? Get going!

Namaste, Jessica Getting Started

What to wear What do you wear? Something comfortable. or sweatpants are great. A loose fiting top that allows for movement is also good. Just make sure what ever you wear it doesnt ride up on you during the movement through poses. This will only create frustration. No shoes and no socks is best. This will prevent slipping and will help you ground your feet for better balance.

Choosing a mat What kind of mat do you buy? Good question. What ever kind you want. There are many different kinds of mats along with different thickness. I prefer between a 5mm and 6mm thickness, but you can choose what every you like. You don't have to purchase expensive mats. One from your local department store will work fine. You can also choose to do yoga on the carpet if you don't want to purchase a mat right away.

What is ? Drishti is a sanskrit word for gaze. Your Drishti gaze is important in yoga as it helps to center your mind and create a sense of focus in the present moment. During each pose your gaze (Drishti) will be either at finger tips, tip of nose, upward or at the navel. In balance poses, focus your Drishti on something that is stable and not moving. This will help you to balance with ease. You may also choose to focus on an object in your home. This is fine also. Just remember to bring awarenss to your gaze and don't allow your eyes to wonder around the room creating distraction.

Breathing Breathing is so important when it comes to yoga. Before you begin each session take a minute to become aware of your breath. Take a few deep inhales up through the nose and slowly exhale out the nose. Nasal breathing is a great way to shift the nervous system into the rest or digest mode. As you move through your yoga be sure to inhale and exhale with each movement. Avoid holding your breath. Benefits of poses

Standing Poses Standing poses are dynamic poses that help improve strength, flexibility, alignment, all while engaging multiple muscle groups

Forward Bends Forward bends are calming poses that help to stretch the backside, massage internal organs and tone abdominals. These poses also create a calming and grounding sensation.

Back Bends Back bends are energizing poses that stretch the front of the body while strengthening the glutes and lower back. They also help open the chest and ribs.

Side Bends Side bends are firming poses that stretch the legs, waist and back. They also help to support a healthy posture. Inversions Inversions work to reverse blood flow to improve mental clarity. Take caution and avoid inversions if you have high blood pressure or heart disease.

Twists Twisting poses are refreshing. They relieve tight muscles deep in the back and revitalize internal organs. Begining your practice

Before you start your home practice there a few things to consider and decide on.

1. Space: Find a space in your home were you can practice every day. Now, this can be any spot you want it to be including in front of your tv, however you may want to choose a quiet place that is free from distractions. You may also want to create a space that feels like a yoga room. Maybe add some plants, some dim lighting or some candles. Whatever you choose, know that you don't have to do anything crazy. Keep it simple. 2.Time: Decide on a time that you want to practice. This can definelty change from day to day. You may choose early morning one day or choose later in the day the next time. Also, for starters its okay to commit to just 5 minutes a day. Don't make yourself crazy by trying to get a full yoga session in. Be okay with starting small. Commit to 5-10 minutes for the first week. 3.Be consistant: 21 days! That is how long it takes to adopt a new lifestyle. Thats alot of days and starting out small will help to get you there. Commit to finishing this 5 day program and you will be on your way in no time. Just be consistant in your 5 days. Show up to the mat if even for a few minutes. 4.Don't be hard on yourself: If you want to lay in childs pose for the whole 5 minutes and breath, do it. Nobody is judging you and like I said before this is your journey and you get to choose the path. Holding one pose a day is just as good as doing a full hour class. You will still reap the benefits. 5.Expect nothing: This is a big one. I used to show up to the mat expecting to have an epiphany of some sort only to be dissapointed in the end. Expect nothing and embrace everything. Day 1 and 2 pose suggestions

Begin in childs pose, by coming to your knees, push Childs Pose your glutes back towards your heels, place your forehead on the mat and allow your belly to be soft. Reach forward with your arms. Stay and breathe for a count of 5 deep breaths.

From childs pose, draw yourself forward as if doing a Upward Dog push-up and lift your chest up. Relax your shoulders and lift up through the core. Lift your legs off the mat for a more advanced upward dog. Hold for 5 breaths. Gaze forward or at tip of nose.

From upward dog, tuck your toes and swing your hips up to Downward Dog create an inverted V with your body. If you need to, take a step in towards your hands. Pull your belly up towards your spine, keep your spine straight and shift your weight into your hips. Head is in line with the elbows. Hold for 5 deep breaths. Gaze is at naval or center of mat.

For days 1 and 2 complete the above poses holding each pose for 5 breaths and repeating for three rounds. Day 3 and 4 pose suggestions

Stand with feet flat on ground. Root down through the legs, Mountain Pose spine tall, belly to spine, crown of head lifted up. You may place your hands in prayer at heart center or at your side with palms facing forward. Hold for 5 breaths. Gaze is forward or tip of nose.

From Mountain pose, step back with the right leg. Place the Warrior I Pose right foot at an angle on the back of the mat. Bring the left knee forward 90 degrees in line with the ankle. Sink down into the pose with hips forward and in line with spine. Arms can be lifted up towards the sky or in prayer at heart center. Hold for 5 breaths. Gaze is forward or tip of nose.

From Warrior l, hold your same position and move into Warrior ll Pose Warrior ll. Hips stay center and in line with spine. Legs and feet stay rooted down. Arms come out to sides with shoulders relaxed and lifting up through the chest. Gaze is at front hands finger tips. Hold for 5 breaths.

For days 3 and 4 hold each pose for 5 breaths and repeat each side for a round of 3 per side and a total of 6 times. Day 5 and beyond

For day 5 and beyond, start with the day 1 and 2 poses and move into the day 3 and 4 poses. This will be a complete yoga flow. Begin in childs pose and find your breath. Hold for 5 breaths, inhale to upward dog, exhale to down dog, step up to mountain pose and hold for 5 breaths. Inhale back to warrior l and hold for 5 breaths, move to warrior ll and hold. Repeat all poses again alternating to the opposite side. About Me

Hey beautiful,

I am so glad you decided to try this 5 day home practice. Just a quick note about me. I am a wife of an amazing husband and a mom of two boys and a cat. I am also a passionate who has spent over 10 years in my own practice and the last 3 years teaching in-person classes. The following are my credentials:

National Board Certified Health & Wellness Coach- NBC-HWC Certified Group Exercise Instructor Certified Sport Yoga Instructor Certified Specialty Yoga Instructor Certified Primary and Advanced Yoga Instructor Certified Matter of Balance Instructor Certified Lifestyle Weight Management Coach Certified Stress Management Coach

Wishing you the best on your journey!

In good health,
