Club Clip Thursday, May 6, 2010 Saint Francis Herald 9 Auxiliary of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 1528

The Auxiliary of the Veterans urday in May, is simply a day to these poppies at the next meeting of Foreign Wars Post 1528 met on salute all of the men and women and then sell them on Saturday, April 19 at the Cheyenne Manor. in all branches of service who May 22, beginning at 9 a.m. Dot There were seven present: Connie protect our country; May 31: Me- and Ruth will plan on selling pop- Rooney, Marlys Poulignot, Hattie morial Day, a day to remember all pies at the post office and Carol Terry, Ruth Moore, Carol Con- U.S. Military Personnel who died and Hattie will sell at the grocery nett, Annette Erskin and Wanda in wars or other military actions. store. Dowdy. President Rooney called Flying the U.S. Flag is one of the The program the meeting to order and had the simplest ways to show support was discussed. Marlys made a opening ceremonies. Marlys led for the country and its founding motion to have Ron Hill organize in the opening prayer. principles and to pay respect to the program again this year. Ruth Reports were given. The trea- those lives lost. The flag is to be seconded the motion and the mo- surer’s report showed the balance flown at half-staff until noon and tion carried. Carol brought a poem on hand at $1,402 as of March then raised to full staff; June 14; from a really old newspaper that 31. , a day for all Americans had been read at a Memorial Day Connie read from the commu- to celebrate and show respect for service years ago. It was called nications from the April mailer. the American flag, which is a rep- “I’m Still The Same Old Flag.” She read a lot about the upcoming resentative of the country’s inde- Connie read an e-mail that she convention and elections that will pendence and unity as a nation: had received from the VFW Aux- take place. There was quite a bit July 4: Independence Day. iliary. President Obama had pro- of information about American- Ruth reported for the Poppy claimed April 19 as a National ism and Patriotism. Committee. Since the ladies who Day of Service and Remembrance There are many days of obser- usually sell poppies for the Ameri- for Victims and Survivors of the vance in the months ahead such can Legion are unable to do so this Oklahoma City Bombing 19 years as: : Loyalty Day, when year, it was reported that the mem- ago. Americans may pause to re- members should reaffirm loyalty bers will have to wrap the poppies member victims of terrorism at to the ; May 15: and then sell them this year. She home and abroad, and honor the Armed Forces Day, the third Sat- made a motion that members wrap heroes who have supported them, and redouble efforts to build the kind of world that is worthy of their legacy. Members decided that BreAna VISITS Zweygardt would receive the Continued from Page 1 no longer allow projects paid for VFW scholarship for this year. and commercial real estate agent with federal funds named after The VFW will make the first pay- in Salina. elected officials. ment and then the Auxiliary will The Mann Plan, he said, is As far as the health care, he make the second payment. what we need to get our country feels that the present system Ruth made a motion that the do- MARIBEL PINON helps Taylor McCarty hit the pinata at the second cel- needs to be reformed but said nations for the next quarter...April and Congress back on track. ebration held in Bird City on Sunday. Herald staff photo by Linda Schneider He said he wants to stop run- the healthcare reform legislation through June...should be given to away spending in Washington passed by Congress (Obamacare) cancer. and pay down the national debt. is a disaster. At the beginning of the meeting, He noted that the founding fa- Cost and coverage, he said, are members decorated two baskets thers did not intend for people the two main problems in health- for the volunteer fire department Many enjoy Cinco de Mayo to become career politicians but, care. The largest issue, he said, is and filled them both with crack- to serve by representing their increasing costs which hurt busi- ers, handmade cookies, candy and constituency, then return to their nesses and make it difficult for mints. After the meeting Connie people to afford coverage but the and Wanda took them to the station celebration in Bird City farms or businesses. president does not address this. and placed them there. This was “Many members of Congress By Linda Schneider were not many tamales left over. Anita Burton and her husband, have lost touch with the rest of He is opposed to tax increases, in appreciation for all that these wants to abolish the death tax and volunteers do for St. Francis and [email protected] “I am not a tamale fan, but I did Martin, and she said the it was a the country,” he said. “They are On Sunday, local and residents try one,” said Stacy Hazuka. “My good crowd this year and the food more concerned with winning the cut tax rates to create jobs. Cheyenne County. Members know If elected, he said he has been people who have been touched by from Bird City and the surround- family and I had fun going to the was great again. next election than doing what is ing area attended the Cinco de dinner.” Following the dinner, the kids right for America.” told he will be on the Agriculture these special people and the work Committee. “I want to defend that they do, whenever they are Mayo held in Bird City. The Bird City Go-Getters 4-H got the chance to whack the big He suggests the voters elect This was the second year for Club painted faces with art that piñatas. Little and big kids lined people with experience in busi- Kansas agriculture, be an advo- called upon to serve. cate to the livestock industry and As there was no more business, the celebration and nearly 240 included butterflies, Mexico’s up to get their chance with the ness and agriculture; make sure adults and children sat down in national flag, and many other cre- stick at hitting the piñatas, and in that legislators abide by the same promote family farms. Marlys led members in prayer. He said he is also concerned Connie gave the closing remarks. the American Legion Hall to an ative ideas. Face painters were Sa- the end every child walked away rules as other government em- authentic Mexican dinner of ta- vannah Isely, Catline Isely, Brian- with a bag of candy. ployees in regards to benefits and and wants to protect Medicare The next meeting will be on May and Social Security. 17 at Ruth Moore’s house. Roll males, frijoles charros, arroz, and na Cross, and Go-Getters’ leader, For Tina Sager she said that that includes the healthcare plan tostadas de guacamole. Nina Isely. there was great food, nice crowd they passed; pass term limits and “I want to keep America strong, call will be “Any May Remem- safe and secure,” he said. brance.” Food preparation began several “It was a fun time for the Go- and she plans on attending the days before the event with Letica Getters and a great opportunity for third Cinco de Mayo next year. Estrada and Maribel Pinon of Bird our new members to do something And finally, the cleanup of the City. Many of their friends and together,” said Nina. American Legion Hall was led by family assisted in making 300 It was the second time attend- Mike McCarty, Bird City Dairy, Monitoring range grass tamales to feed the crowd, there ing the Cinco de Mayo dinner for and his crew. is important to the land Make Cheyenne County a Destination By Roger W. Tacha es, meaning that most of the pasture. The grass species within Resource Conservationist growth occurs May-September. the cage could be the most abun- Natural Resources Conservation So, all this now known, if dant grazed grass in the pasture as you enjoy your Travels along U.S. 36 Service, Colby we can determine exactly when or a species you may be direct- and how much these plants are ing your management toward ... • How much range grass is growing, we should be able to these species would often not be growing? calculate how much growth has one-in-the-same. • How much growth has already occurred and how much could One more thing on exclusion occurred? still occur. cage use ... they should be moved • How much further growth can Grass Growth Curves (or every year just before graz- be expected? tables) can give us that very ing time. This will help ensure • How much production have information! It is broken down valid, representative readings or the livestock already removed? by range site (soil) and by geo- data. Usually just moving them • Can I predict whether there graphic area. In general, though, 100 feet is enough, providing will be enough forage for the rest the percent growth per month for they are still on the proper soil of the grazing season? western Kansas is this: type and grass species. These are not really hypotheti- • May 20 percent Exclusion cages pretty much cal questions, and you CAN for- • June 35 percent tell the tale of total grass pro- mulate pretty accurate answers by • July 25 percent duction (inside cage), compared using two simple tools: • Aug 10 percent to amount being grazed (outside • Grass Growth Curves • Sept 10 percent cage). • Grazing Exclusion Cages (as an example, at the end A sound grass management plan Western Kansas is comprised of July, 80 percent of the grass usually uses the old axiom of of short-grass prairie, mixed- growth has typically already “take half and leave half” by the grass prairie and sand prairie. happened—20 percent +35 per- end of the grazing period. Regu- Short grass is considered buf- cent +25 percent) lar visits to the exclusion cages falo grass and blue grama, with All this should help us get along with using the percent lesser amounts of mid-grasses a handle on monitoring grass grass growth per month figures like sideoats grama and little growth throughout the growing should make meeting this objec- bluestem. The mixed-grass is season. But what about monitor- tive and calculating available considered species like sideoats ing grass grazed? grazing more-than-a-guess. Donʼt Miss This Upcoming Special Section grama and little bluestem with Grazing exclusion cages For more information about lesser amounts of buffalo grass This tool is just what it says grasses, please contact your local and blue grama. Sand prairie is ... the grass inside is protected Natural Resources Conservation Promoting U.S. 36! comprised of mid grasses like from livestock. Cages can easily Service office or conservation sand dropseed, lovegrasses, be made by bending a 16-foot district office located at your lo- From the Kansas-Missouri border to the end and sideoats grama, with less- welded-wire livestock panel into cal county Department of Agri- er amounts of sandreed, sand a cylinder shape, and staking culture Service Center. To learn of the line at Estes Park, Colo. bluestem, etc. down with three T-posts. They more about Natural Resources Casey McCormick, ad manager, will be contacting area A very important thing to note should be located on the most Conservation Service, visit the here is that these grasses are prevalent soil types and on any Kansas NRCS Web site at www. businesses in this grand nearly all “warm-season” grass- particularly fragile sites in the opportunity to promote St. Francis, Bird City & U.S. 36. If interested in purchasing advertising space in this section, give us a call at The Saint Francis Herald! YOU WONʼT WANT TO MISS THIS ONE!

P.O. Box 1050, St. Francis, KS 67756 • 785-332-3162 — and — Bird City Times

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