Diagnostic Assessment of Teachers` Performance to Be Conducted in 26

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Diagnostic Assessment of Teachers` Performance to Be Conducted in 26 DiagnosticsDiagnostics assessment assessment of ofknowledge knowledge and and skills skills of ofteachers teachers at atstate state general general education education institutions institutions will will be be conductedconducted in in 26 26 districts districts and and cities cities in in November-December, November-December, 2016. 2016. The The assessment assessment will will involve involve teachers teachers – – on on both both a a fixed-termfixed-term and and termless termless basis basis – – asas well well as as pre-conscription pre-conscription trainers trainers a at tgeneral general education education institutions institutions in in Lankaran, Astara,Astara, Lerik, Lerik, Yardimli, Yardimli, Bilasuvar, Bilasuvar, Salyan, Salyan, Neftchala, Neftchala, Qusar, Qusar, Quba, Quba, Siyazan, Siyazan, Shabran, Shabran, Khizi, Khizi, Qobustan, Qobustan, Shamakhi, Shamakhi, Ismayilli,Ismayilli, Aghsu,Aghsu, Kurdamir,Kurdamir, Ujar,Ujar, Zardab,Zardab, Aghjabadi,Aghjabadi, Shamkir,Shamkir, Goygol,Goygol, Dashkasan,Dashkasan, Samukh,Samukh, GadabayGadabay andand Shusha.Shusha. The diagnostic assessment will contribute to defining teachers` knowledge and skills, regulating their teaching load,load, increasingincreasing wages,wages, andand involvinginvolving themthem inin improvementimprovement trainings.trainings. The teachers who did not participate in the diagnostic assessment in 2015 as well as newly recruited teachers can also attend the assessment. TheThe last last two two years years saw saw diagnostic diagnostic performance performance assessment assessment of of nearly nearly 60,000 60,000 teachers teachers at at general general education education institutionsinstitutions inin BakuBaku andand 1212 districtsdistricts ofof thethe country.country. TheseThese teachersteachers hadhad theirtheir weeklyweekly workloadworkload andand monthlymonthly wageswages growgrow 1.5 times and 2 times respectively. ThisThis diagnostic diagnostic assessment assessment will will contribute contribute to toincreasing increasing the the number number of ofthe the teachers teachers whose whose wages wages grew grew to to 100,000. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org) 1 / 1.
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