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, 'on-Pwtit Or!!. 250 Student Center • University of Delaware • Newar~ DE 19716 LJ.S. Pn.., P;tJ Tuesday & Friday :'\L\\,u·J(, DF Pennit, ·o. 2f) FREE

- "· ~ - • "' • - ' • ' -. •• ~·v-.• • ·-· •. • ~ . ' Volume 129, lss·u~ · 13 _".- ~ · · . - . _:;, :;.. :;,~.. :.C www.reviett;'!del~f!du _ · · Friday, October 18, 2002 City council ups Students meet Castro liquor license fees at Cuban conference BY .IE MFER lORE and Cuba. he '>aid. B\ KJ:\1 BI{O\\ needed II> maintain SraU Rt·J •r11' Begletter said important I establishment. Two untverstty students government figures from the Bu-tncs 's th~t sell h.ohol "lim\ m.lll) police doe-. It t.1ke accompanied Distinguished ''Ill ha\ e to pa) mcreastd IIcen-,e period were 111 attendance at the to supcn be -..omCn a bu,incss' anniversary of the Luhan Misslle former secretary ol Llefcnsc for the l he l'\II .1 re\ U'H' from the \\ hulcs,tle alcohol purcha-.e and Crisis on Oct. II. Kennedy admJnl'tration. a' well as tncrc he fees \\III help fut Ll t"le gm" reletpts. Senior Andrea Hendrickson Cit) 's ne\\ Alcohol Be\ cr.1ee two of hts top aides. Arthur l\1 German said he fccb the and alumnus Adam Mayle Schlesinger and Theodore Prngr. n. \\ h•d rnclu cs tc [Mmul:.I is unfair because it is discusseLI thetr translations of Sorenson. The Ru 'ian officiab m ..:ddJt .1n ,,f th1 'L' n.::\\ poliL~ based on the amount of monc\ a declasstfted Soviet documents at attendance were \natolv Gribkov. olhlers bustnc-s spr.!nd-, nn alcohol rathr.!r the three-day conference, titled The ..tty .. II hopes to then a top Soviet milwir) official than the amount nf alcohol bought "The October Cnsts: A Political who organized pla<.ement of the problems ~"uuntcd "The lOst of\\ inc per ounce Is Perspective 40 Years Later:· missiles and Georgy Kornienko. \\ Ith akohol usc b) m re sll11' the so much more e\pl'n'-1\ e than The conference was hosted by license fees of the c tab! i -,hments who tn 1962 \\as a top pollllcal beer:· hr.! said "Especial!) cheap Cuban President Fidel Castro and offictal 111 the So\ iet Emba,sy in sen 1rg •he .tlcuhuhc be\ er.tgc-.. beer .. the Cuban go\ernment. Begleiter Washington. D.C. ).Jay or llaroiJ c,,,d\\ In satd Gerrnan -,aid \\'Inc ah,l costs s.l!d. the money recet \ cd fmm mcrca-,ed Begleitcr noted an e\ ent at the more w sh1p because thc bottles The studenh met Fidel Castro conference that stood out to liccn-,c tees Js not thc onl~ hs~al arc mmr.! trag de and hea\:. \\ htch Saturday mght. fill:. RLVIE\\ /St~'" DunLI'" e\ eryone there Robert l'OntnbutH'1 to the pro~ram adds tn hts cost and indtrectl) Henurickson said she \\as told The unn er II) also shares l\ewark City Council unanimously passed a bill to increase liquor 1\lc\Jamara gave Ftdel Castro a 111crc scs hi~ license fee to leave cveryth111g tn her hotel resour<.e • he Jtd license fees to pa~ for more police in efforts to combat drinking. hug. "I f y tl u buy \\ 1n e . y o u1 room -cameras. suitcases and "Thts Is the same man \\ho '·BuS~ ness v\\ ncr .tre not \\holes le alcohn! cost \\Ill be other belongings. The ~tty pa~scd a bill \\ tth an Ashh) satd he ts nor sure what tried to kill Castro -+0 years ago ... c .. rry J'lg the• \\ hol.: "' d." he satLI Lirttftctally Inflated:· he satJ. "We had to watt m a line. and "The unt\C'sit) l,'IH. mone) too .. Incomplete torrnula. IH! atd. he will do about financing the Beglencr satd. Gcnnan said he -,u!!~Csts the the kid In front of me just shook br.!cau l' the. multi pi .. r IJ.ts yet t 1 tncrcascd license fee. but he docs Hendrickson said e~cr)one Bob \shh own.:r ol the Deer license fcc should be 'h'ascd nn hands and left."' 'he said. ·'But I be determined not bclic\'e the Alcohol Be\·crage \\ho attended the conference \~as P .. rk ra\ ern. s~IJ •he c IS ll(l dtrect gallons soiLI rather than uollars \ hb) s:.ud the prohlcm \\ ith Control Program \\'ill hinder hts really wanted to talk to him." invited to a state dtnner Saturdav relatiOnship bet\\ tn bustnc"c' purchased. Hendrickson described Castro that en.: at .. h I .tnd the Jlllllt..nt the fnrmuiu 1 that there .tre no bu-.tncss_ While tn Cuba. Hendmk~on He -.aid hts licen-.e fee Is as being witty. ami said he loved to and ).1ayle \\ itnessed things that no of 1,1\\ ent r..t wert requir;::d for pred ct.thk results. "I \\ill still he able to draw a current!) ap_proxtm.s, he said. UniOn. Cuba and other countries contained a nuclear torpedn. unchallenged in races electiOn 111 dtstncts that dtd not •m mall) pl.tcc ).!ember-; of the -.t.ttc Senate and House involved 111 the crisis. These men met and told their them 111 offiLc. rccci ve S.i-+.XOO compens,ttttm per year. B\ .J ,nlES BORDE:-.. In October of 1962. the United storie\ for the first tllne. Beglctter Incumbents natural!\ have the ad\ant.t~cs <11' The trend Ill\\ ard u nopposcd \Cal\ is not 5 I{ States and Russia were on the greater name rec..ogntti(;n and better acLc"' to the hmncd tll Deht\\arc and Is much worse in some said. bnnk of nuclear war. when U.S. Mayle. who graduated from Fort) ~IX racent of the ca'ldidc~tes in the mcdta. Soles ''ud Dela\\.trc lllLUmbents ha\e .tn other stale'>. Johnson s:ml. Delu\\ arc State en, te , nd House of milllary aircraft flew over Cuba the unl\ersity la-.t spnng. recei\cu even grc.ater adYantage because thq qutckl) She satd between 1992 lll 1996. 32 pr.!rcent uf and located se\ era! missiles. he degrees in 111ternatwnal relatiOib. Rcpresent,Itl \ es r ... ces arc rt..nnt ng unopposed become a fi.\turc m the \'Cr) small dtstrills that legtslaLI\'e races 111 Dehl\\ are were uncontested. satd. economtcs and Russian. He and this )Car. up 1:?. percent frum the :?.000 clcLtton. they represent. according to the bonk "Who Runs for the hank Caliv of the Dclw\\,tre Department of Prestdent Kennedy went on Hendrickson attended St. "As Inn~ as thcv do nothing too cmharrassin~. Legislature?"' by Gary 1·. 1\tontcricf. Other television and informed the public ElectiOn satd this 111erease m.1) be bccau-,c of it's rclati,-cJy s1r{1ple to rcn;;un In offi..:c:· t;e states· rates of uncontcstcd scats ranged from Petersburg State Unl\erstty 111 L of the presence of the Soviet the ct that non-preo;tdcnttal electwn y e.u--, said tero percent in New York to 63 percent 111 Russia last summer. gencr,tlly sttmulat~ les~ 111tercst in voters and mtsstles. After graduating. !\Ia) le said Soles satd the accomplishments of tncumbcm-, Gcorgta. p<>tenllal i..andidatcs. The Soviets refused to do he had plans to teach I:.nglish do not appear Ill he a focus of carnpatgns 111 In states ltkc Georgia. a htgh number of anything about the missiles unlll abroad. but postponed them Ill go ..The l•re and bnmstone 1s nut there. whereas Dcl:mare. !\!any of the politic, I p.unphlcts he unopposed seat' typtcally results from a smgle 111 Kennedy demanded they be to Cuba. a pres1denttal clectJtll1 ) the Landidate has part) dominating politics m the state. \\htch is removed. \\'hen l\laylc arriYcJ 111 Cuba. un tcle' tswn \\here they campa1~n here and supported and \\ hUld not belie\ c all the with little Lltscusslllll of\\ hat bills the\ ha\ c Statistics comptlcu by the Delaware the fire '" documents Hendrickson and !\Ia; le for.:tgn leaders he sa\\' in <>ne actually introduced ami had passLd. · Department of Elections show that many Out Is II. tht: lcg•slaturc. arc translated for the conference were ron.11 . of n:?. se 29 Janet John"bo, discourages many from runntng for ,ts he was 111 2000. In thi' district. 61\ percent of oceur cJ this )eltttcs and .t lad of .1 difficult to tim! an opposing candtdatc. bccausc "The reapporll mment ol'curred \·ery late this sat d. tn Cub<~- l\tayle. Hcndnckson anJ finanlial tncenLI\e leads fewer pcople to run fm the likelihood of \\innrn~ "so small. year:· he -..11J. "Th.d meant that no one couiJ The cnsts also Involved high Beglcitcr went to San Cristnbal. the legislature. "Who's gotng to \\-a nt to be a sacriftual bcgm to gear up tu run until the legislature made tension between the Soviet Umon "It'-, a full t111lc JOh that doesn't p.t~ .t full lamb'1 .. she sa1d. ,ee '\ TEETI:\ G page A-+ Online registration available for Winter and Spring semesters

BY Ll:\DS.\ Y L \\1,\RRF feedback optiOn 111 which studenh can 1\.tantle . aiu ~·I kept t 1 I comment on what they thmk about the He satd he strong!) rcetHnmcnJ, that The umverslly is nO\\ offering unltnc new program. he satd. o;tudents l'nntinue to seek adYi,emcnt regtstratton for \\inter Scsswn 200~ Dt \lartilc satd there ha\c been "A\uiding ad\isenu:nt i' )tlUrm\n · The registratiOn for dasscs became sc\cral posllivc c-mails from students. pen!:· Dt l\larnle satd. ,J\ ail ... hle Oct. 16. and \\Ill also be Regtstering online IS casiei and better Da\ IS s:11Ll she cncP up on the screen. aLadcmtc rc .. ords anJ rc!!tstralitlll from the te <,t m~ Thl'- docs not prevent the student category on S1S plu-,. she -,,ud~ The po~tl~\C .tspe.::t lu online from submitting the request for the Sophomore Robyn Snyder -,atd she rc~.-.tratwn ts that ll elimiP ttv; mtst.tkc' class. 11 simply lets them li:nO\\ 1l Is thtnks online regi,trauon IS a great tdea t~dents makt; L n th... registrallon limns. offered to major-. onl). he o,aid. because o,hc doc\ Illlt ha\c to umc 1<1 get he smd. "[The program] takes the approach the forms. "Of course. tudents \ .1111 tmmcthate that the ~tuuent-. knO\\ more than we "I end up hanuing It 111 late:· she -,.ud. fl~'ults [aft.:r ~tfiStenngl. ·she! said. do ... Di l\.Jartile said. Sophum C

B\ ELIZABETH COl-: 1\lWt.'l'. alfair' f11r the Dover Au l·orce Base. "ud she ts \t1 tt R "OT't r Logan satd D30 mtllwn to the Do1er \n hnce Ba-.e to natul11al sccunl\ :·-.he satd .. \\ c could not gn she satd ... If wc"re nul (H\lltdmg fur lamtltes. ~nd lhL· Del;illan: \tr '\,;tll<'nal GuanJ Oct. II to 11 ar 111 lra4 11 nlinut Dnver." (tlte mtltlaT) p.:tsonnell won't be 100 percent." !'he L S enate un.Jntmou-.1) approH·d the She 'oatd the con .. tructwn or a ne\1 rllll\\ a huge challenge to retain flnal 1crshlll of the bdl. llhtch 1s 11<11\ awaillng for the r\alinnal Guard would put an end Ill mtlitar) personnel \\ ho hav.: families. apprm al fn1m President Gellrge \\'. Bu-.h. 11 lw -;pendtng that h;.~s ne1cr fixed the \ll·crall .. f· a m i lt e s are n · t '' 1lit n g l o It ' c 1n ts e\p.::.:ted to st~n 11 tnlll Ia\\ unaLc~ptahlc houstng. o~nd 11~" have a Jut ol probkm. '\,'ORTH I\. OR£\ ADMITS TO H \ \"l~G SECRET NUCLEAR l:.rm LPgan~ a spending e\pen lnr .. For the pa'ol ftYe or 'ol\ ~ear-.. the concrete unacc.:ptahlc· she said AR.\IS c .hN:ph R Btdcn. Jr . D-Dcl . satd the 2003 ha-. been and repairs ha1 e 11\ll been N.:-hon -.aid the design for a new atr traffic \\ -\SHil\GJO:-; The .:--Jorth Korean gmernment at.k.nowledged for Dc•>·tnment pf Dcl.:ns.: ,\uthnritation control toi\Cr 1'> an immedtatc concern fot etlcct i 1 e ... !'>he sat d. the ltrst 11m.: that 11 has been secr.:tl)' devclopmg nuclear weapons for year-. ConfetL'IlCC Repllrt oil! mu-.t alsn bt.' passed Do1 er. The current tower 1s the oldest tn the ,\it :\la1 Len Gratten of the Delaware Natwnal 111 110lation of intcrnatlonal .tgrecmenh. and that 1t pnssesses .. more ocfure thl' fundin~ can ~0 into effect Guard the funding the new·run11a) i\ Force. and tt 1s m dc-.perate need of renovation. ~atd for powerful .. 11 eapons. as 11cll. Bush adnunistration oftictals said Wednesday Congrcs-. IS ~\.pectcd to \lliC on this ochlle e\trcmcl) tmp<>rtant. , she -.atd. night. the enJ of th.: current session. sh.: said. ..For us. tht'> ts a htg pnnnt) be.:ause right " In onkr to continue tn delcnd our natllHl [: ltt.thcth Brc.tlc1 \\ enk.. spok.es11 nman f111 The , 'orth Koreans. 11 ho confirmed the pniJCCI when challenged by now ptcccs uf the run11 ay are break.tng llff and and right the 1\ar on t.:rrorism. we need tu make Yislling U.S. diplnmats earlier thts month. said the e.\.lstence of the program Rcp \1 ...:hael :-, Castk R-Dcl . -.atd the \!tillar) danl:lgtng the aircraft."" h.: -.aid. sure our means are eJTiet.:nt:· she said. ( 11nstructtnn (\Inference Report 11111 prm td.: nullifies a 199-t deal wtth the L' nited States to halt their nuclear weapons Wtth a new runway. the Atr '\allonal Wcnk. satd this hill 1' important to all program 111 return for foretgn ;ude · 10 S milltnn forth.: 'nnstructinn of a ne11 Guard's C-1 30s wtll he ahle to operate more Delawa re rcstdents One senior L S nflicial said the new weapons project i' a .. Yery senous ru"l\1 .11 .md park.tng aptnn .tn .trea dcsigm:d Ill efltctcntll. Grattcri sat d. "ProJects that help to ensure the future nf material hrcach · ol the accord . hold planes nnt tn usc .•Jt the '\c11 Castle Count) .. Sat.ety and readiness arc nur two main the ba~e help to ensure the future of the \uport !In· the Atr l\.lllllll.d Guard. The Bu'h adminislratwn. stunned h) the admtssion. drspatched envoys pnonties ... he said communi!\:· she sat d. to the regton \\'.:dnesda) to con,ult wttll alhcs and called on North Korean • hL· s.HJ thl' IJ1 1 .:r ,\tr Force Base 11 Ill Gratten satd in additton to helptng the Ncls<;n said the partnaship between the leader Kun Jong II to halt the ~Veapnns project. The admmistration abo rcccn c · Jl) .' mtlllt country presents the Bu~h Elsmere apartments admtmstrat10n wl!h a serious, unanttctpated foreign policy challenge as officials prepare to confront lraqt President Saddam Hussein over hts refusal to sun·ender weapons of mass destruction. l\.lean1\hile. thousands of C.S. troops remam deployed in an unstable found uninhabitable \fghanistan and terrorist attacks hom Yemen to lndonesta have spiked in recent weeks. L' .S. offici.11-. and commentators offered dtffering assessmenh of the B\ 1\: .\.TIE GR\SSO Whtlt.' 11 1s normal to l11e among imphcatwn' ol :\orth Korea's announcement Wednesday. wtth some '•'' R mold spores. the amount of mold considenng n a belltgerent act mg a strong response. 2nd others fhc rcllHlllllng n:stdent'> In mg 111 covering the dr111 all sheets 111 the sa) mg 11 could be a bid by North Korea to create an openmg to the United th Fen11 tck. Park. .\partmcnh in apartme~t build(ngs were exces..ive. States. I· bmen:. Del . 11 ere eYacuatcd from he satd. "Th1s is going to rcljuirc a reassessment of our commitments to North thetr home' Oct. l.f oecau-.e of .. Thts ts extensi,·c mold:· Korea:· -.atd Sen. Bob Graham. D-Ha.. chairman of the Senate Intelligence untnhaonabk li1ing conditwns. Llewellyn said. Comminee "It"s a \.:r)· serious development if a country we had thought tndudtn!.! e\CC\Sl\C amounts of Gaps 111 the boarded basement. had entered into a serious and credible negollation to retreat from a nuclear mold. fllU~Jd 111 the 15-t apartments. along \I ith common air vents and I:u~ene Boneker. 1011 n manager hal !I~ a) s. allowed the mold spores progr.1m in exchange for generous asst-.tance [has vioiated that nf El.:-m.:rc. satd re,tdenh began~ to to nugrate into the other apartments. agreement. r kaYe thetr apartments Oct. -+~ after he -,aid. President George W. Bush reffered to Nonh Korea as a member of the the Ill\\ n \\as notified of the unfit Llewellyn said the most common ..axts of evil."" al1~1g 11.1th lra4 and Lran 111 hts State of the Union address comiittlln .... reaction to mold i-, .tllergte'>. but carher this vear. On Oct 7. he satd. a full team of infections and in less ~common to\tcolniper shootmg- thought : e1 acualion of all 600 re,idents_ health branch has been on stte at th~ to be the best descriptions yet tumcd out to be contltcting and imprecise. • Each building contatn' one apartments and has sent samples of THC RE\ IL\\ i(dia Dc1tL "'L'p tn 50 pcrcem of the time. eyewitne'>Ses are wrong:· said Jeralyn ba,.:mcnt apart~1ent and four the mold to an om-of-state lab that The remaining residents of the Fem~ick Park Apartments in Merritt. a Dem·er defense allorney and a member of a federal task force apartmenh above ground specializes in mold testing. El-;mere were eyacuated l\londay because of poor lh·ing conditions. -;aid mold problems at .. We don't k.no11 1\hat type of that studied problen1-. wah the reliahtlny of eyewttness te umony ...They're the Cl>mpiC\ first began in 1989. mold we ·re dealing with."" she said. sc\cn h.11 c used the shelter based Envtronmental Tes[lng. Inc. nut lymg- the) 're mJstak.en ... 11 hen a flood forced six feet of .. We are tnvesttgating the stram of overmght. satd there ts a heightened sense of She cited a 1996 U.S. Depanment of Jusuce report that examined the \\ ater mto the basement apartment mold to see if it rs toxic." ··JI.\(;re people have been coming public al\arenes-, about the potential cases of 2X people convicted of sexual assaults and murders who were of each of the hulldtngs. The Sharp said the DDPH has not in dunng the day for a meal:· she dangers of mold because of rcccnt released after post-conviction DNA tests pr01 ed they could not have hasement apartment were deemed received the re-,ults vet. but Will satd. "but have found a place to metna attention C< mmitted the cnmes. unfit for living anJ boarded up SIX po"tbl~ hav.: them by -today. sleep at night:· .. Thts IS an e1·olving field of In 2-t of the c.tses. eve\\ tlne.. ses td.:ntified the defendant at rrial as the \ears .t\!o. he atd Boneker s ..ud rc,1dcnts \\ ho Herrman 'aid Elsmer.: 1s f1nd1n!! ne\\ 111form:;t111n and a.ssadant The 2l\ tmnaies -.ened a wlle.:tne 197 year' in pn-.on before rctmbursing the Red Cross for all of - \\ h~en 1 ou have a combmation 'oiced concerns about thc1 r health findtng\d1at healrh effects there are being exonerated. 11f 'H Yctittlatton. no ltght and the shelter·"::. expenses. between mold and people's health."" were adnsed to see thetr personal Hearing oth.:r discusslllg an event. reading about 1t 111 the mtltsturc. \ ou get mold."" Boncker Boneker said Ehmerc is he 'oaid. doctors. newspaper or V1e11 mg accuunh on T\ can ad1·ersely affect the accuracy of atd ...Thele is ~muld that has been Jcanntne Herrman. DelmarYa var1<1Us apartment complexes to said there ts a memor~ or sk.c\1 observations. 1\ temtt and other legal experts warned. ~flll\ ing for -..ix vcar-.:· Red Cross communications pro1 tde housmg for the displaced possihiltty the restdents may move Gar) L. \\'ells. an C.\ pert on eyc1\ itncss accounts who teaches " Gcr,;ld Lkwellvn. a toxicologtst manager. satd Elsmere asked the residents and to drop the first back. to the apartments in the future. psychology at Iowa State t.:niversit) -Ames, satd this could be happening 11 hu e\amined the-b111ldmg. o,atd -not R~d Cross to manage and operate a month's rent smce re'otdcnh . Catholic Church's Sucial Hall. Park Apartments. rehabtlllateJ.". he '>aid. "Once the report gch out and gets shar' . Wttncsses. once they get thetr d.:terimati ng \\~ood and open \\ tres 11 htch is able to accommodate 150 Herrman said the shelter would The owners of I·enwtck. Park 11 1l'o ahnut them. are then ba-.tcally ll)Okmg for a whtte truck or van. It ts not 11 ere also found at the apartment people. llowcYer. she satd. on!) rcmatn as long as there t'o a n•~ed. Apartments could not be reached surpnsmg th.:n that the reportts going to pop up routine!):· he "oaid. complc\ Gar) Hayes of the Del.1artei!J of the \\'ilmtngtun ,\ccnrding to a surYe) sponsored oy the "'Do not alkm :mother wnnc-.s or media to contaminate ) our memory:· co~lled to acttl'c mtlttarv duty will cont1nue to Police Department satd he ts ecstattc ah conflict." sat d. Commtttee. the Corp." she satd ... It is our poltcy to make up the .. , Witnesses aren't lymg ahout it."" he said ..The) honestly end up . Len Gratteri of the Delaware l\ational difference:· behevmg that" s the person ... Guard -.a1d \\'tlmtngton currently has .tO While there is no special account set aside Saul Ka-.sin. a psycholog)' professur and chatrman of legal studies at cmplo)ces who arc in the U.S. Armed Forces -Cpl. Ste1·en Marrelli (~frhe Wilmingron for th1s program. Blevms said funding would not R.:,erYe ... 11 of whom have already been called to \\ tlhams College in William'>tolln. I\ lass .. said the ctrcum-.tanccs of the Police be an issue for the state. •tcti~e dut\. crime contribute to erroneous \l'llne-.s accounh . John Rago. spokesman for the ma)nr. satd ··!\to~t of these men are law enforcement "I wouldn't -;a\ evewitnesse' arc inherent!) unrehahlc. but in situations Wilmtngton plans to spend anyll'here from ofticcr-.." he said... The) act as military pohce or like this. 11h.:re ti·, ~t a di-.tance and tt"s dark and the exposure time was Martelli is also a corporal in the Resene $150.000 to half a mtllinn dollars on this secunt\ reserves \1 hen called to dut\ :· bncf. it"s nntuncommnn to find that 11 ttnesses will disagree:· he said. ~1anne Corp as a militar) pohcc officer. pmgram \\-ilmtngton l\1:l\or James 1\.1. ·Baker said he Abo troubling. he said. were reports that som.: of the wune., were "It's great that the city recogmzcs thcrc·s .. ,,.,hard to tell the e\acl dollar amount the stands hchmd the btll to the fullest extent. tall-tng to each oth~r before to polic.:. several people 11 ho wish to serve thctr country as city wtll have to -.pend:· he satd . .. 1: wili depend ·•rt is important to ~upport our employees and well as their local dutie~ when not in sen icc:· he on how many get called to duty and fur ho\1 long .. Stories the) share can hccomc pa11 of th.: l~tbri.c of th~i r memory:· he th.:tr famtlics a' they -.tep forward to support their sa1d. "Their decision [to compensate] helped me (they are active] ... satd cuuntn :· he said. decide to re-enlist in the Corp." The cndcmment 11ill come from the ctt) ·s B;tker stgnecl th.: bill into effect last week 1artelli 'aid he would make close 1\l 60 General Fund. Rago said. -compiled hi' Kaytie DoH1tiJ~ fmlll rile L.A. Tim<'.\ mtd Washini{Ton Post after the coun~il unanimoll',ly approved it. 11·ire reports EE-DA Y FORECA Police Reports

BO.\lB THREAT.\ T SCHOOL Chinese Re-.taurant 111 l·aufteld The bicycle. putchased at the 1\pprmtmately .tO students were Shopptng Center h~l\lecn unt1ersit1 ·s bic1de auction 11as evacuated from Quest \eadem) on approximatcl) HUO p.m. Sunda) and L'-timateJ at $25. flargro1 e satd. Elkton Road after a bomb thr.:at '"" 6:45 a.m . .\londay. Hargrove s;ud. Thei•' are no suspects. called in at approximatdy I 0:20 a.m. He said the unkno11 n pcrslln \\'ednesdav. 'ewark Polic.: said. sm;L-;hed 111 the lock. on the front dt>11r THEFT FRO:\ I YEHICLE Cpl. v-hlltam Hargrolt! -.atd an and entered the butldin~. The cash An unk.tlll\l n pcr,on removed ~ unknown man called the sdwol and regtster at the front of tl1e hudding propc11) from a car at Ttmber Rtdge threatened to blm1 it up. was remm cd 1\ tth an undisclosed Coun between approximately 8 p.m. Students and employees of the amount of money Tuesda) and 7 am. Wednesday. 'cJdO~dCf;d school evacuated the building. he said. HargroYe said no other proper!) Har~rovc said. New Castle County Police responded \\as disturh.:d and there arc llll lie -..tid the car·, m1ner left a bao o1:; to rh.: scene with bomb -.nillmg dogs. suspects at thts lime cont:umng his dtgttal camera and '1/?J but a search of the area showed no e!.juipm.:nt nn the frnnt pas-.engcr seat e\'ldcnce BIKE STOLEN of hi' car Tuesda1 c1 emng amd found Hargrove satd students wer.: sent An unk.JHll\ n p.:rslln renlln cd a the ha~ len \\'cdnestla\~mommg . ~ home 'for the day and no further btcyclc fr

over the years." he smd. "It 1s time to "Thts 1s a 'll!fltftcant amount Rick DiLiberto make change~ so students, residents Liane Sorenson of money becau~e ol the buugt:t and businesses can live m reasonable ~:n~is tho.: '>tate is in." Soren~on saiu. runs to preserve proxumt} and get along." ain?S for re-election Fighttng the state buuget tudenh deserve to have thetr Jeftcit i\ another of the senator's pomt of v te\\ cons1dered. he sat d. primar) concerns. Denz. n1ajority 'ot all unt,erstty students are on Republican ticket ·'\\'hat we need to do ts hnd new sources of revenue,'' she said 8\: KA \:'TIE DOWLJ:-..G creatmg a problem for the BY K.\ \:TIE DO\\ U\i(, .. There may be rcstru.:turing in slught h.1s been Dt,l!iCt 111 a'l .tttempt to>p a locusmg on matt..:rs she cunstders The goal is 10 create better tmportdlll to her~)\ .:r the past Dcm,>eratic maJ,>nl) in tl1L 'i.:nate hnmls amnng the dtstnct. DtLtberto import~ult to .:-.:c,, ark. o;udl a-. prescrvtng open sp She \\ .ts one of the DtLtberto s::ud hc1n~ a member scud. and that ts \\hat motivates hun pre\ enti•Hl and endrng th.: ntrn:nt ke\ kgt~laln.Jtc m.tjortt\ ts a gte,ll to w,1rk. tor the Akohol Commts,wn. hud"et crisis in her re-election C•i, Cnu11ctl 111 1999 to get state re'pl>lhthtltl) "( Jlht \\ant to get inYOIYed." he campaign for the 6th Dt.,tnct thts lunding for the proposcJ reser\'Oil "Th.: m.Jl>flt) c.LUclh 'cts the satJ. vear 111 :"\e1\ ar". she 'illll. ~HL RL\ ([\\/Court~" ot R1c~ .t>.!l'nda tor tht> \ .:ar anti leaJ, Recent!). he 'atd his work. \\llh - These art' all tssucs she has Smcnsnn s.ttt.l maintaintng .1 tHL IOs." h.: satJ Safety Committee has resulted tn to moYe from the State House of tenure as a state senawt lllT\\ ard her Jco..tre to pre.,en e open Sorenson-seeks re-election to the fhe P•"ltlllns tnclude state passtng a form of i\legan·s Law thnsllfcu •tppli.:s to the Internet high cancer rate. she saiu. and f~;r She said her t.ltstnct needs UlltVl'r,Ltte' · f,,)ards 11f tru,tces Th.: ne\\ amenJment rc4uire., ProtectiOn of area parks. \UCh as that reason. Son:nson has \1 more grcel1\\ .tys st.lle sponsored heftl!C runntn!! lor 1 le '),: J tC II' hike .mu jogg tng paths that loop Jt)l)4. - DrLLDt'rto sJtd he 1' an a\ td tnfonmltion on Del a\\ are· s con\lcted \\ htte Cia) Creek. ts a focus fot on se,·cral btlls to cumbat cancer. through area parks. In the llothe. ')orcnsun c'J,IIftc1 'UJ'~'0rll'r nl the UOI\<.:rstt) anJ child 'e" offenders to be available to Dtl iheno. who "LY' he has worked Durin!! her first term. Sorenson Sorenson satt.l she t\ the l.Jucatt of years. Son-:11son saiu she is better the cxc~ Jtt· ~ d r:~tur dl the Go\ ernmt'nt Del a\\ are has \1.ttntatntn!! r~latlllns "ith terwnsm outside of U.S. borJ.:rs. ra tst'd '\20.000 qualilied for the Senate pnsttllln. Commt.,.,tot or It~ St~tt.\ Lf Accountahtlity Part four of a six-part tudcnh I' .tn- tmportant goal. The act retroacu Yely changed each year through "The Senate is Jiffcrent than Women at tch ~'i lL· tr\ til rddnwn commtttces 111 th.: DtLibertll satd. Larlter thts month he the Ia\\ so any vtcl!ms of terror series mz the Delaware the blll. she -,aiJ the House." she said "It's a bn.!gcr hctng n1ohct.l 1\itb the compcnsatwn as of Sept. I 0. 200 I. 1' \I or k 1 n g on a to represent: more people arc Sorenson sened on the Jotnt 1 untlet,it) gl\e' htm an He said thts bill has made a \\Orks on the Delaware He.llthcare bill that \\ oulu re4uire the ~tate to ~alltn!! anti \\llting. It's a bigger hnance Ll>tmnitt~l' .. nd the lk;Jit 1 comm~tmcnt." ' '' anti Social Set\ k.: Corlnuttec anJ under,tanutng ol the commumt} ·s Jtffl:rcnce hlr sc\ era( Del a\\ arc Dtabctcs TiL'" Force. the umvcrsit; ·s pay fur cer\"Jcal cancer t':--ams for State Scn;.Llors · responstbtl!ltes no\\ \I ork.s on thl' 1.:. "\e.:u•t \.:. l'lents and tdeas. DtLthcrto satd he famtlies that lost loved ones m '\e\\ Board of Ad,·i ct., Sea Grant lm\ -income ,,.,,men. Program anti on th.: B•1aru of Go\. Ruth Ann 1\ltnn.:r tncluJc apprm ing all nominati,ms Banking. Ethtc·s and Lcgts • t ' .. hl'P'-'' to o,trengthen rclation\htp~ York City or \\'a~hington. D.C. reccntly approveu simtlar lor judtcial anti cabinet postt!Oil'>. as Coun..:tl Committees. hct11e..:n tht' unl\crsit) community. DtLibcrto -,att.l h1s agenua al-,~~ Drrectors for the Blu..: Golu All-Star Basketball games. lcgislatinn. sponsored by Sorenson. well as trw,tees for slate spon\oreu "I''" h.: en around .tnd \\ orkmc the cit} .Jnd the state. focu'e' on preserving open space and schools. includin!! the Ullt\'Cr\Lt\'. on so mt!Lh le!!i-datwn." she ard. "I Current!). he is a pili tner at !'he governor appwpriatcu S.'i "It 1' Oll\\ tim..: h1r [the mayor'' protecting the en\ tronment whtk Sorenson also sened in the \\ant ,, ) nc he~e to ma"e sure. It all 'l oung. Com1 a). St.1rgatt .mJ Taylot mtllion of state mone) In pay for ,\leu hoi Commisswn I to 1110\"C aliO\\ tng room for growth for State House of Reprcsentall\'es fm goes thr ntgh." La11 hrm. screening f<>r those at hi!!h risk of !Of\\ arJ on thing., \\ e ha1·e obsef\·ed busine'>'>. he satJ. colorectnl cancer - the 16th Di.o,trict for two years Lecture traces hip-hop to bebop Education

B\ SETH GOLDSTEI~ Lamb grew up in Queens. N.Y. in a He also spoke about the division of St"· Jr \1t1.'T Rrporta neighborhood predommantly made up of Amencan socret) along racial and economic scholarship Dand Lamb. author of "Do Platanos Go blacks and Puerto Rtcans. lines. Wit' Collard Greens?" spoke Wednesday He \\as also surrounded by ''American society is classified in class mght tn .Kirkbnde Hall about how hip-hop neighborhoods of Italians, Greeks and other and race not In place a"nu space like it ~houlu music evolved from Latin Jazz and was nationalities. be:· he satt.l offered to influenced by black and Latino cultures. "[The African Americans and Puerto Lamb went on to explain that this Lamb is a professor at Hunter College Ricans] would walk to school together." he dtnst·on of soctet\ ts rcflecteu tn music. in ·e11 York City and has spent man} years sard ·'Everyday after school. we would nm especially htp·hop. · teaching and lectunng about Afro-Lattno back to our neighborhood as fast as we could He dtscussed ho\\ the htp·hllp recording minorities reLnon ~o that we woulun't get beat up:· industr~ 1s ntn prcuomtnately by blacks who 1 He read excerph from hrs book.. He satu the black.s anti the Puerto ha1·t' rcalued the mark.t'tabtlt•y of th.: 'llll'-IL • d ~u"mg hm\ the popular culture of today Ri~.:ans shared a bonu hecau~e the) li1 eJ In domg so, hu\\ ever. they have created DER \IC(,RO \RT\ \ ~ ts ... ftect,J by the pa"t. together. "bmuer, .. tn, of bndges • bct\\\:en THE Rl \"1[\\ 'itC\C Duncb' A ne\\ full s.: wlar\htp 111ll oe o•tcr.:d for "Sla\cs 111 :"\urth .\merica \\ere not Breakuancing. hke hip-hop. Lamb satd. themsc!YC\ !UC. ntt atcd the the Jrumming as coJe to plot to 0\"Crthrow Bran!. stereotypes affect hip hop .md populur mustc "I think. it's tmportant for the umversity Achiev;mcnt :'llatters' Scholar hrp 11 them·· Lamb demonstrated some of the <.lance ,1\ •I 1\ hole. to bnng 'peak.ers to campus. especi.Jll) those coll showed a ,·iueo that mcludeu mten iews \\ tth Amanda :\oda. grauuate as-.tstant for the the tmportant tssuc. that are tntcrcsttng to \ltcia Cl r" Vtl'e prestder.t of were ;tllowed to holJ on to their heritage." he jazz musician Diny Gille.,pie and htp-hop Offtcc of Htspanic and Latin r\mencan student.... aunl!ntstratton for the \lctrupolttaP saiu "Drumming was kept alin: because of entrepreneur Russell Simmon-. The \·iuco Concerns. sne ol the tbts." focuseu on Latin Jaa and ib roots tn both campus for Hispantc llentage i\lonth. L'nll) Speech series. 'ponsureu by the Center oluest ctvil nghts nrganmllton~ n the l'n!lcd Laun Jaa ts the origin of hip-hop Latmo and black. cultures 111 !':cl\ \'ork City "The topic\ he audressc., go hand tn for Black StuJit>s. Htspantc anJ Latin St.~tes bec,luse many of the st)' le~ were Lamb played samples nf Latin Jazz and hand \\ uh ltUr theme - ·an. acti1 tsm and \ Concerns. Htspamc Organ11atiun She s.tid the ALlllC\ ement :\latter mcorp,1rated tntu the nel\ form. he satd. compareu ns beat Ill modern hrp-hop beats. cuucatwn: "she said of Lal!n Americans anJ Alpha Kappa Alpha S..:holarships prm tdes a "a) t > ehnnn, k' the "Latin Jaa retntrouuceu the Jrum to showtng hO\\ touay·s mustc mimtcs Junior Ly sanura Cheatham sat <.I she soront~ achievement gap that e"\t'ts bet\\ e.:n n•tnonlt s African \mencan. and thetr music,'' he said. yt:sterJay·s. came to the speech to sec what Lamb hau Ill and their" hllc counter parh "The misston of our organtzatton. ts to enable people t among member of the the administration, he said. University of l\1arylanu - College Park. said thb semester i-. ro pur.,ue a teachmg carl!er. university community to warrant the creation of a minor and ··we plan to have the proposal ready to submit to the the first official semester that Maryland will offer an Blacks. ;'l;ativc Americam LH.nos .1nd how it nught be orgamzed. admirustration by the first of the year:· Peter~on said, "with a undergraduate certiticate in GLBT studies. Astans are all eligrble for the scholarship . . he Larry Peterson. a musrc professor. said he initiated the proposal Implementation date of Fall 2003." There are approximately five to 10 students enrolled in the satd. idea because he belteves there IS a ufficient amount of It is important to have the GLBT mrnor available to certificate program this \cmesrer, she said. and enrollment ts "We don't '' failures. Peterson >md he felt the demand For all students interested in sexualttv. historv anti said. tnteresteu 111 beeon11ng elemcnt~r) anti 1\as still there and dectded to issue a call for support from sociology. thts sub culture is important, he siu~l. - "The program is startmg small. but I antictpate it 11·ill secondat\ educatwn majors facult) The GLBT minor \I til offer a varit't) of claso,cs tn gnm :·she said. "l am glau to hear that rnure uni1 l'rsttic\ are "ITht>~ ]mu'>t Cl•I11Pllt thenheh e' to tcac 1 Ill ·A task force of heterosexual. gay and lesbian faculty was literature. music. sociology, gender studies and se"\U,tltty. he implementing simil.~r program' as well" a ht!!h-n-eed target school \\ tthtn the stn,e o Del;~\\art' tor .1t 1e,,t four )e .. r ·· HoJ,l\\a) stud. The mtmmum adm1 sion rcqu remL·'lt \\ II Kohl's opening benefits Newark firefighters 'ary from ) c.n to ) eat rei. tl\ e to the .tpphcatwn po0l, bl! ~id '"Th.: standards of the scllllld 'ht'l \\Ill dr. \\ BY S\R,\ SHILLI!'\GLAW 26. 1oluntcer ftrcfi!!lllers. and also to educate emplrr ' ( Lr't.tlltte, -.he '>ULU. communtt\ \\til sec thctr hard \\or" sh..: s .. td for the State Ofltce of \'oluntcerism. said applicants tn the 'PCLtt .:d cdi.IL twn P.l ot Green satd it is impnrtant to contribute comtng ha~k. and ma"ing a differcnc:e in K,lhl's ,\ssistant :'ll.m.tgLT .\1lke Htshnt sen·tce to the community evnyda} Garn~on said K1>hl's granJ llpt.:ning w,ts ncetkd anti also ,..Jhm .:d 11 to brnn..:h out reccrvcu .1 Jonation of approximately 'S27 '' tlltngnc'' tn C..1P11'1tl '•1 \\otLn• tn tl·~ John Farrell. public tnfornMI!nn officer a place tor volunteers tl> help '' tthin the tnw a nc11 c.PnHnumt) tn ht'u ot • paycheck.. td!}t't.:d 'L hoP '• along 1\ ttl the .l!llll.Lnt ot for Aetna Hnsc Hook. & Lauucr Co .• said COilllllllllll)' "It \I .ts a good \\ ay ol rc.:d11ng ot.t hl :'llarianne Green. asst,th[ ', don.ttt'd the lll'tllllUlllt\ and !!dl'n_ to "now out cxpcrtmcntal programs at the ~1BNA Clark. said Jl\ Ct sit\ \\ uh.n '1~ P.Lttor 1 of the volunteer-.. and he is happ) anJ chantahk hours to !!oou causes .tnt.l '' tth nc\\ L'Ct!!hhnrs:" T1c said. - Career Servtces C~nt.:r. satd the event was gnl\\ Ill~'· honoreJ to accept the don,!lton. all th..: 1\ork it ta"es to l>pcn a store. Lt ga,·.:­ Garri~on satd the g"' t>riwr \I tll rrc,cnt one of many projects treated to promote "There .1r.: !.!I'll\ n lllll'lhcr ''' mmotlltt He s.ttd he hopes the money \viii he L•s opportuntl)." she s~ud. tb.: J,lnJtwn to tl•c lttt' dql.trttll.:nt 111 a volunteeri~nt st,ttel\ ide lcadtng to the 1\ lw all f. l e thl 'llll.: rro!>(t.n" ot used to huy ne11 e4u1pment for the Volunteer' \\orkcd alollf'idC ten:mot ~ s .. h.:-duled for Ckt 22 annual ''.\!Jke a Difference Da) .. on Oct repn:sent.Lttk.. on Elkton Road desptle -.trong White satd the plot of land 11a' .. ,lle senstlive" plan calls for the -.atd 'he \l work.tng dl'llrLicr' and bPlh image 1 1'1ted th~ ..:fhe ~tniver,uy does a good Jnb of n1ght "It seem-., that anvth1ng can I!O 1\'tlh the ctty on severnh and treatment' 11f annrc'l.ia can go. and teachers to achieve htghcr states. "the spirtt of zoning dc1 eloper' do not foresee any majot .tnd huhmi;.t to co,mcttc 'ur!!crv and Dash sa1d caung pwblems thually awareness ol bmly unage prohlcm,. the standards." he satd . bod1 tmagc ~ · ordinance 1s to rc,tncl rather than problem-. becau-.,c of the time start 111 h1gh 'chool and .:oll ege. when stand also 1nlormed studen t!> abnut Albert Porach. a Newark tncrease a non-confonmng use .. schedules that the new trafftc will l:tiLnC ~ L'ren"m. d1rcctor of the office hod1es begin to change. different uni1 er"l\ sen 1ccs \\here restdent. said the State Planmng "Th" i-, a clear an~d hlatant neld 11f \\1'111cn·, Alf;.tir, at tlu: umver,ll\. ' ' b<.;d1cs change. body tmage students can recel\ e help for thetr bod) Cnmmtsswn warned that the s1tc vwlallon of la11 ... he said. Shl said students. parent... or 11 htch 'P1'n'med the c1 ent. 'ani Ln~e changt:s a-., well. she said. tmage disorders. propn,ed b) the bill is less than "It's Yo-Yo 10111n!!. The\ vank 1t huse-., \\ill not nl'ed lt stde tlf Elkton Road and Lisa Goodman. a representati\'e Jackie Fo-.,ter. \'ICC president or idcnllf) a pmblem... 'he "ud problem before it gets out of control .. Coun,elmg and Student De\clopment the \\Cst stde of the Chnst1ana of the Newark Charter School. said the PT \ at the cunent Newark :'-lcmhcr' from 'tudcnh \clln!! for Sorenson said '>ertou-, medical can aho help studenh 11 tth Parkway. It ts dangerously clu-,e to Gender Eyualtt) anti Stud~ents problem' can result from prolonged or psych,llogical problems. the charter -.,chool. v1 htch 1s Charter School. also spoke in favor the Intersection uf Christtana current!) heing run from a of the propo!>ed -.,ne. ,\d\ oc·atm!! Se\.ual Health A11 arencs. cxccsstvc eatmg dt'>order>. There ts a Bosch satd one male student 1\ ho Parkway. 1 oluntcercJ throughout the da1 temporary. location. needs a home. Fn,tcr reinstated Goodman's 1\ hole range of problems associated \\ ith stopped b) the k.tosk. seemed ... urpri'e "The whole concept i-, absurd," Jun111r Rachel ~Dash. cn-pi-e,tdent of eattng d1sorders. includ1ng dental by some of the tnformatton tn the "The Kewark. Charter School i, clatm of the need for the e\\ark Porach 'aid. an asset to the commumt) a-, well as Charter School. ..., \GE. 'atd the cwnt 11 a' mtcndcd to problems and k.1dney failure. piunphlets. Jean White. a ewark restdent the school svstem.'' she satd. She 'aid the school ha' a unique mcrc.t'c a1' arenc" 11! the problem of The most extreme effect is death. she "He wa' -.,urpnsed that disorder~ also argued adamant!} agamst the callng dt,Lndcr' and ncgatJYc bod) sat d. happen to men and women alike.'' !>he Goodmai1 '~ud the student' of the curnculum and a philosophy of SltC. charter school were te,ted last June commumty serv1ce ima~e . Dash <,atd man:~- of the studtes !>at d. \\ h1te 'a1d her concern is the "The da) and the 'land were set up tn after one complete school year. The "lt promotes :roung cmzen' [of concemmg unhcalth) body image focus Bo>ch 'atd setting up a stanu 111 a proxunity of the proposed school to create a11 arcncs' about ea11ng results of the te;ts showed that 1\'ewark] and benefit'> the citv 111 on women. but men are abo affected. high traffic area such a-, Trabant helped the mt.::rsection. the railway and the J • l'rJcr...:· 'he aid. "\\'hen vou knm1 "Although men aren't trying to lose Newark Charter School student... many \\':1) <. Foster said • break. the commumcatton ban·ier. Suburban Plaza Shoppmg Center. the ') mptoms. tt'' ea,1er tn · not1ce an weight. they arc harming their bodies m placed lirst out of 57 !>Chools 111 the "When people see the ...rand. they She -.,aid one side of the propo-,ed t:ating prublem Ill a rncnd or cla,... mate. state. order to look better:· ~he said. "Men are realize these di,ordcrs arc not a taboo area 11 a> I i ned by the rai I way "Pe1lple can also discol'er a problem taking supplements that speed up thctr '.Ubjet:t." she sa1d. ·•Jf \le can get people system. wnh thenbeh·e, ... heart." to think about the problem. it served tt'­ · ,\!though an eight-foot fence ~cnwr ·amantha Bo~ch. a member of Sorenson satd m addition to creating purpose.'' Quigley's Hayrides, Inc. Welcomes you to visit our new \Vorld \Vide \Yeb "Farm·· Home Page! pennfar·m Main Street businesses offer gift certificates • Dunn Parties ·Sorority • Fraternity · Social Groups ·Clubs · Birthday Parties BY JE\'1\\ DL!\NE businesses as well as the shopping Newark.'' Boncclct said. said. • Celebrations of all kinds' · Theme Parties plazas on surrounding treets. wtll The program is destgned to Br}an Gretm. owner of Main The '\lcrchant's Comm1ttee of be designated by decals in the make '>hopptng easter for the Street l'lomt and Plant Shop. said It's time to make your fall ha~Tide reservation! the Do\\ nto11 n \'ewark Partnersh1 p store 11 1ndows. Feeney-Roser ~atd. con~umcrs. she sa1J. The rectpient the bustne"es inl'olved in the Call (302) 328-7732 ts 11011 offen ng a !!I ft certificate Carol Boncclet. owner of It of the gtft certtficate can redeem program do not ha ,·e any Bonfire included! 20 minutes from campus! pmgram that \\ rn allow con-.,umers Village Import... on East Main at numerous stores Instead of being additional C'l.pcnses m, part of the tn purcha e a single gift certificate Street. ~aid she proposed the idea confined to one. ~ program. redeemable at a 1 anet1 of store-, in for the gift certificates. t-.lost hustnesses 111 the Although Greim sa1d he has not the area. · "People gt l'e gtft certificate: to UOI\nto\\11 di-.,tnct responded redeemed any gift certificates yet. !\.Iaureen F.::ene\ Roser. the Christiana !\.!all. so this positively to the proposal of the he said he feeh the program will a'>'>i'tant planning director and program offers an alternative a nd program. Boncelet said. help all the busmesses involved. admtnt,trator of the DNP. satd out encourage~ people to '> h op Some merchants were 110rried "People that would not have of an c'>limated 160 stores in down tO\\ n." she sa1d. the Jenominallons of the gift normal!; come here to !>hop may TUTORS WANTED do11 111\l\1 n ~e\\ ark.. 57 agreed to Boncelet said she feels the certificates would be too la;ge. no11 come:· he -.,mJ. JOin the 00\1 ntown t\el\;rk. Gift program will help busine es Boncelet said Customers co~ld This program will benefit Certificate Program. because the downtown shopping then make a small purchase and shoppers dtlflng the holiday Feene\ Roser said she feel' the area 1s closer for Newark residents the store would ha\'e to gi' e the season. Greun -.aid. IMMEDIATE OPENINGS IN: program· will expand once it starts and ea~ter than gomg to the mall. remaining balance to them in cash. "It will be great for the last­ up and spark.-- tnterest from other The gift certific.i"tes will come To counter thts pwblem. the gtft minute shoppers who arc ha1 ing a Accounting, Biology, Business, bu,messes. \Vith a list Of the Stores certiftcates will only be sold tn hard tune dectding 11hat to get for "Th" " a great \\'a) to promote partictpating in the program. she increments of $5 and $10. she sat d. present,:· he said~ "Th1s way they computer Engineering, do\\nto11n a' a umfied dimn!! and satd. The gift ccrttfieates arc gmng to don't have In choose from a retail dtstn..:t.'' she said. ~ "[ think this program will keep be sold at \tllage Imports. Jewelry spectfic store. They can let the Engineering, Computer Science, The parllci panh Ill the program. people focused on the wide variety Studio. the city municipal butldtng rectpicnts choose." '' h1ch include t-.laJn Street of stores located 111 downtown and the parking authonty. Boncelet Geology, Geography, Chemisty, Math and other areas Meeting marks 40 years since crisis Must have A or B in courses tutored and 3.0 overall <30 credits+> continued from A l equipped with about 80 pages of "The ~ational Securitv interested in this:· he -.,atd "Thi~ \\here tht. So11et missiles were the declassified Soviet documents. Archive and Bro11n Untlerstt)· 11 as not a joyride." Pay Rate: m'-talled tn 1962. went to St. Petersburg State with ha1 e been engagmg 1n research on Hendrid.:son '>l'> -.,mcc the mld-19XOs:· he not believe the npportuntl) she was $9.25/hr. for undergraduates and rematntng So\ 1Ct installation on show them to absolutely no one. satd g11en 1n Fcbruar~ 2002 11 hen she $12.25/hr. for graduates the l'dand where the mts>tles were She -.,aid the documents were It was becau'e of the~e factms learned of the eon terence 111 Cuba. once held." ~layle 'aid. difficult to translate. that he was asked to go to Cuba. he "I remember 1t hetng a bad Translating the documents. "I 11as used to my Russian said. da). and then I get thi' e-mail contact: wh1ch he worked on for eight hours class \\here we translated three­ Begleiter stressed hu11 a-,king me if l would lik.e to go to Eunice Wellons per Ja) for two weeks. prm ed to page excerpts.'' she said. ''The important tt 1\ as that only yuahficd Cuba:· ~he said. "I couldn't believe be a complex ta-.,k for f-. Ia} le. grammar 111 these documents 11 as stlldents be ch1lsen for the tnp. 11. Then 1 called everyone." E-Mail: "The documents 11 ere really very difficult. and there were httle "I \\anted student... who 11·erc dtplomatic." he satd "There v1 ere tdioms in there that did not make turns of phra'e' as well as code scn~e when translated into words." English ... One phrase translated into Hendrickson and Mayle ptck.ed Englt-.,h was ...,, tth the table cloth up the documents in May. and once mto the road.'' they translated them. they had to " 1\tayle said thts meant. end them back to the National literally. "away with you." Security Archive. where they were "I felt a little paranmd when I checked and corrected. was translating the documents ... he An alumnus of Brown 'ittd. "1 sat there at a cafe wtth Umversit). Beg letter collaborated them. and thought. ·I hope nobody with the Nauonal Security Archive thmks I am a spy.' " on a Cold War documentary while La't !>Ummer. Hendrickson. he worked at C~N. Widener Educates • Pat McGee The 4th annual production of Top Educators The Vagina Monologues Obie Award winner Eve Ensler's response to 1 A T idener offers a wide variety of Band V V educational programs, including 33 certification, 21 master's, and 4 w/ ~ doctoral programs. the violence against women and girls in our • Part-time programs a\·ailable. Fighting Gravity 4• society. We're looking for a DIVERSE group of •• • Late afternoon and evening classes-perfect for working professionals. • dynamic women to help in our efforts this ~ • Graduate assistantships available All 21 & over r year, whether you are astudent , faculty ' ' Theresa DeGeorge, Ed.D. At member or campus affiliate, bring your Ass1stant Superintendent far Ages Show Elementary Educat1an. John Curtin, Ed.D. Wilson Schaal Dtstnct Assistant Superintendent, $6 Advance talents to agreat cause. Anyone interested in lnterbara School Distnct Alcohol-free $8 Day of show performing or contributing to this year's Take charge-choose Widener. $8.00 cover Tickets available@ @door only Ticketmaster @ 215-336-2000 or production should contact Laini Weide at f\\ Center for Education Doors open & Bert's Records - 454-1064 [email protected] "•J @6pm Doors open @ 9 pm ~ fv One University Place, Chester, PA 19013 •1-888-WtDENER • E-mail: [email protected] Call 368-2001 for more info • -~·~~~•;trt-. lit. ~~· -C"•~ ~•; ' J,;~, .ECNI OIB 115 East Main Street • Newark, DE I f( JtW-Yt~~~~-lj'f G t '-Jt ,. -v'f t October 18, 2002 . THE Rl~ \I • Massage therapy Study finds body image taught to sorority linked to sexual orientation B' .IOH'\ \I \RCHI0'\1 '\lor.: gu:-" pantctpatcJ tht' yeat CtHnparcd t•> Ia-.t year." 'he -.aid. BY IIOLL\ SCH:\ITTGER "[ am not surpn~cd lwtth the -,ex fccltngs were at a htghcr n'k Studcnh' nt thL \lph.t 1\..tppa '-;om.: of tho: other program' \ R, rc ... ultsl. but I \\ould not have for eating disorders than those who \ 'pha "'ront~ h:amcd ltr-.t hand ht>\\ dunn•• the Thmk Pmk \\ c.:k mdudc Homosexual and htsc\ual buys prcdtctcd them. either." 'he sa1d. are certain about thc11· scxualuy. h> !!I\ t' ma-.,a~e-. \lnnda\ 111~ht at tho: an AID~ \\\:uene-.s lecture. a lecture d1et more than thetr heterosexual The stud) found that Thtrty-two percent of "most!) .. CL·"iHt'f lor Bt.~ck Cultun:- - ahtntt htp lwp. dtscu,stnn on counterpart .... and lcshtan and homoscxtral or bisexual buys dJCtcd heterosexual girls said they dieted. \lcmhcr' of the 't>n>nt\ \\o:n: rclat11 >nship' and a clue ken and Knot br-.e\ual girb care less about thc11 more and felt tnadequate ahout Gnh whn had -.ome ... ame-sex taught 'e' t' ma' .tg_L ti1cr.1p) rud dtnner. JilL Rl \ ' IL \\ Cda.a D<·iu hod) image than heterosexual g11Is. thctr hodic' more than heterosexual feeltngs were more lil-..cly to fet'l te.:hntquc-. h\ the \\ clbpnng OtTi..:c .lunwr ,\nn Rohcrhon. asst,tant Students "ere gh-en lessons in accurdtng to a report pre ... ented last hovs. prc~surc to look ltkc women 111 the "' part 11! th<' 't>IL'flt) ·' Think Pmk !Dr the unin:r'll) ·, \\elbpring massage technique ~londaJ. month at the Nallonal Lcshtan 'seven percent of hetero-,exual mcdta. \\ eek There '' ,,, .t ,mall cnnnl of I~ Center. ,atd the uni\ersll) pnnide' Health Conkn:ncc. boys reported dieung. compared to !\me percent of girls \1 ho haw 'tudcnh \\Ill> p.~rt.t·.p.Hed. \\ ht k pen cducall>r' to group' '.:eking to "1!\la,,agnl ollcr a lot of :\lore than 10.000 teen-agers 17 percent of homose\ual or had some same sex feeling' 'l'\ ct.ll othe )U't \\ .!!Lhed. h:.1m<' therapy. hcndn' to anyone \\ho ha' tncrea ... ed ran~tng 111 age from 12 to 17 \~cars bt>cxual hov>. admtlled to ahusing laxative-. or Scni.n l''ll.11'1L' !),,, "· I'hc peer educator' taught hand tensiOn or lllCt:ca .. cd anxiety." he >atd. (1\d- pa~lictp'atcd in the "Gro\ving f~IVC percelll Of homOSC\Uai boys inducing vomiting, more than t\\ ice c, nl \ph.! h:.tpp.t •\tph.t, 'a1d •111d back mas...age techmques to the The massage programs arc alsu L p Toda)" suncy. adnutled to btngc eating eating the percentage of hetero-,e\ual Tlunk l'mk \\ eck '' o.l -enc' •>I gn>up tn appro.'l.imatcl: 30 minute,. <1\ allable at Chnsllana Care Health Dr. Bryn Austin. instructor in more than necessary and feeling gtrls. progr.1111' \\ t>rk hl\\ o~rJ the Roho:rhon 'atd. Ser\'lces. \\ htch ts laking ad\'antagc pediatncs at Harvard L ni\ersity out of control compared 10 .5 Stmilarly. percent of "most!:,;'' ,t>rt1flt\ ·, !!Pah. 2 The \\ clbpnng Center rcccl\ cs of th1.., t) pe of thcrap). Siehold said~ and Chtldrcn's Ho,pital 111 Boston, percent of hetcro-,exual boys. helerose'(ual males 1epot ted "Tht' '' the thm• \ c.u \\ o: h.' c appro\imatl'l) three mas...age rcquc~ls ~anette Witmer. a licen .. ed 'a1d the rcwlh of the -.tudv Austtn satd partner' of men abu,mg l;nattves. compared to 5 J,>nc D:l\ t- 'at d. • u:· per mtH1lh. 'he ~aid. \\ith an increase massage theraptst ;~t l\1assage\\ orks. tllustratcd differences among teen;· seem to he subject to more pressure percent of heterosexual male .... "\\c .tl\\~'' q,trt \!liT \\Cl'k \\llh dunn~ final and midterm ume. the uni\'crsit\ 's site for maS\agc>. sexual prcl'ercnce and how they related to bod) image. smcc men 111 Austill said one pos\lhlc reason 111.1 th ·r.tpy "'1J. \ ltdtcrm' ,,l~~: :·'h.: Dr. Jo,eph Stehold. dtrector ol >aid massage; arc available at L~lllft:l vie\\Cd thctr hodic-. and dieted. general seem to put attracttvcncss this group o! teen agers struggles aro: ,t, 11111~' It> 'tre" pc•>ph: 11ut. Da\ '' Student Health Sen tees. "lid the Hall as \\ell a' at thetr offi.:c on She satJ the finding.., concluded at the top of the list of qualues wilh hod) tmagc is that they are not "ulJ... tnJ n, ...., .... ~,~~.., ~tr(" .. t gre.. u \\ '') tP uni\ cr,tt\ has been offertn\! ma ... sa\!t:s '\onh Chapel Street. that g11·is who con,ider themselves they look for in a partner. mvolvcd 111 e1thcr the stratght or rda'l.. to studen-ts for four vears. - - The mas">agcs cost $50 per hour to hc~kshtan or hi>cxual tend to he "Homosexual males tend to place a ga) communll) and may feel as \ nt the mcmb.:r' of tho: The program hegan \\'hen sewral <1nd ')30 per half hour for ... tudcnt">. less prcoccupted \\ tth dieting and higher priority on physical beauty." though the; do not fit into -,ocial 'DrDrtt\ .1rc rc,tdcnt ,t,,ht.tnh. 'he ,llldo:nt-. brought the idea up to an Witmer sa1d. more sattsfied \\tth their bodies she ... aid. norms. 'aiJ. ,,, the\ .m~ .marc "f the ho:a\ \ .td\ ''lH\ councll more than three She >aid the main reason than gtrls who Ctlll~tder themselws Austtn satd tim also explain why "I was surprised hy this unique 'trc' that 'tud~nh .lro: under. • year' al!~l. he 'aid. students come for mas-.a~cs IS stress. hctcr~snual. heterosexual girb are more hl-..el) group, '>tncc very ltt!lc ts kmJ\\11 Scn11H Lctghla Lm\ lcr. pn.?,tdent · iebnld satd the program appeals hut mas>a~cs arc alstl bencf'icwl to T\\ cnty-two percent of to diet than lesbian women. about them ... she satd. "Thev arc ol -\lph.t l\..1ppa \lph.t. '"'d the C\ ent to -.tudcnts because stre>s actt\e stu-dent~ \\llh InJuries and hctcro,cxual gtrls admitted to Ktm Siegel. graduate as'>istant h1ddcn and need more attention ... cnJo~ eJ th higge t turn•>Ut e\ cr tht-. management has been a problem on student... \\'hu -.uffcr from cattng or dieting. ,\ustin ~said. compared to for the Le ... btan Gay Bt!-.exual The study tesults should prompt ~ campu-.. 'lceping dtsorders. l o percent of lcshian or bisexual Transgender community ....aid she discus ... llln of what is cau>ing "It doe' seem as though requests gtrls. thought the re-,ults of the study dieting and other unhealthy body arc hcancr during finals week ... >he I • I • RATED , ~ She said lcshian girL· seem to be seem \·alid. tmagc '"ues among teen>. Austin ... md. protected from feeltng.., of "I'm not surprised that sat d. "'f0f ~ ~ "'~ 'BEST CHINESE FOOD' * Jan a ltcensed massage inadequacy ahout thetr we1ght and homosexual men and heterosexual 1\'ov. that researcher-, ha>c "~ ' ' "~ by 'THE REVIEW' theraptst at 1\.lassage\\Orl-..s. said trving to fit social norm-, that can \~omen are paralleled, since results. Austin >atd. the) can sec massage reconnects the bmh with the be un~attainahle. physical appearance is what men why this is happemng and how they Happy Garden mmd.- . Austin said if researchers could tend to look for." she said. may be able to prevent it. "One thing that is great about determine \\ hy lc-,hian girls appear Austtn said another group of Freshman Chnstopher Morton ChinE).£ cRE.).tau 1-ant massage therap)·:· she said ...,., when to be more comfortable about their teens that showed tntrigumg results sa1d he could relate to the resulb of a person is on the massage table. bodies. it could potentially help \\as heterosexual teens that had the study. Tel: 302-737-2238 Fax: 737-0280 great things happen on man) h:\·cb ... stop the pressure to diet among some same-sex tendencte~. "A~ a gay teen-ager. I feel that 1368 ELKTON ROAD, NEWARK, DE 19711 Students receive benefits on an heterosexual gtrb. Six percent of girls and -l there is so much emphasis placed emotiOnal and mental level. in PLUS 10% Off Hours: Mon-Thur: 1 am-11 pm Suzanne Chernn. a umver..,.ty percent of boys satd they \\ere on the way a bod) should look - with coupon Fri & Sat 11 am-12 midnight • Sun 12 noon-11 pm addttton to the oh\'IOU'> ph) sica! \\'omen's •.tudres professor. satd the undectdcd about their sexual it'~ ndtculou~.-- he said. "I l ~ick-up only) WE DELIVER!! (Min. $10.00, within 3 miles) benefit~. \\'a! said dtet mdustrv tends to target preference, thereby formtng thetr shouldn't pay attcnt1on to 11. but I ..!!!!...!!!!!!!! ------"[1\lassagc] doc> promote a heterosexual· gtrls. \\hich could 0\\ n group. she -,at d . get the urge to conform to what is relaxed state ot awareness. \\ hich ts parttally explain wh) the) tend to Stati>tics shO\\Cd that ~iewcd as ~acceprablc. the hc't thmg for a stressed student.'' diet more. tndividuals \\ho had some same- Stanford historian speaks on feminism

BY :\liKE FOX prompted many >ocial movements "Feminism is not dead."' light all the things I didn't know 1"1 R demandin~ education and suffrage. Freedman said. condemning before ... Estelle Freedman, Stanford she said. new~paper arttcles that declared the History Professor Anne Boylan. UniYcr~it\ femtnist hl\tonan. Fcmmist agendas have changed death of the movement. \\ ho teaches the class Women in outltned the evnlution of feminism o,·er time. Freedman satd. from ·The media probabl} thinks that Amcncan H1~tory. satd she admtrcs \\'cdne-,da\ in Gore Hall. getting the \Ole to reproducttve if lthc mcdtal declares the death of heedman and compares her style of Founder of the program in nghts. lesbtan nghts and the femmtsm. tt wtll happen ... scholarship to renowned h1stonan femintst studies at Stanford. redefinition of "work." Confrontmg and analy Lmg anti­ James McPherson in that Freedman Freedman\ isited the universit) on an ''On!) by redefining its poltttc' feminism is the TIC\\e~t fcnunist reache' out to a broader audience l::ast Clla't lecture tour prumotm1,! her Utle-, femintsm remaan restltent."' she umccn, she sat d. She rckrred to a than 'tudcnh and educator~ new ht>ok. ";-;o Turn1ng The ,a1d 'tud) where R'i percent of Americans mterested in the ,ut->jccr. Hi>tnrv of Fcmim'm .md the l·uturc Freedman said a longer life .tgrecd '' ith f.:nuntst agenda'. but Boylan s~id Freedman·, of \\'o~1en ." expectanL) and fe\\ er htrths haYe on!:- 35 percent ------prc\' tous \\orks Before a crowd of contributed to more femin1nc profcs-,cd to he were about approxtmatdy 90 students and pruductton. feminists. "People are Still \\omen's reform facUlty. rrecdman C\plaincd ho\\' the The tnternattonal fem1nist "I dnn·t care and sexuahty. gro\\lh of dt:mocracv and \\age labor mo\·ement in the earl) centur) was \\hat the) call arguing the Freedman's ~onverged to first promote feminist onh nom mal. she scud. :\'m\. with themselves. as long f prior books ideals among \\omen Rejecting the-help of the L:mted .'\attnns Jnd as they do it." meritS 0 include "Thctr 'ocial hierarchies ha' been a 'trong n;>ngu\ ern mental orgamzations. can Freedman said. Si-,tcr·., Kcept'r· part of the development of femini'm fcmintsm trill) ~be a global She satd feminism and itS \\omen's Pmon m cr time. she sa1d. moYement. Freedman satd. "dcmoni/ing the L- value." Reform Ill Freedman ... atd princtplcs of She >a 1d toda) there is a \\nrd." referring to Amenca. 1830- untversal rights spurred hy the "feminiSt infra...rructure" that both "liberal" and 1930... ''1\laternal Enlightenment contradicted promotes women·, issues. This .. I e s b ian... -JessicaSchijfman, Justice: 1\liriam patnarchal government. tncludes sdf-dcfen~c groups. contnhutes to anti- assi.\Wnl director o,t'The Van \\' atcrs and By the dawn of the 20th century. domestic ahu>e a\\·arencss and public fcmmtsm. the Female a "secondary status·· of \\omen policy concerning women·~ health. Current!) in a department (~f II'Omell 's slltdie.\ Reform Tradition" 20-year lesbian------and "lntimate relationship. Freedman said tssucs 1\lauers: A Histor) of Sexuality in concerning sexuality and gender Amenca." written with John The things a polife~ ident1ty are the most controversial in D'Emilio. femmism today. Jc~sica Schiffman. asst'>tant "Thi' ts not a won revolution:· director of the department of reford fan do to 0 (Q) she said. 'There· s a lot left to do." women-~ studtes. satd she considers Fre,hman Ruth l\ovick. who Freedman the preeminent >OCial attended the lecture. said she found it historian on women· s t>>Ues. intere>tmg and she learned a lot. "[ con,ider her 'the' definttt\'e your future are a trime "What tntere'>tcd me most was histonan of femmism in the t: .s.:· Fe lim Newark can be the best time of the year. For some students hO\\ [fcmtnism] has changed so Schiffman ~atd. "1\.lany student>- and much over time." she said. "but profe..,.,ors go to Stanford to meet and however - because of stepped up efforts to control alcohol, there's a long \HI} to go." \\ ork \\ ith her .. occupancy of private residences, or noise- it means an arrest. Or, Junior Joe Meredith. \\ ho Schtffman said in comparison to because o~ past arrests, some students receive bad news from attended the lecture. said after her earlier works. Freedman's nc\\est employers, graduate schools, or the military services. SDJ DanGe Part] hearing her speak he will probably book takes a more global approach to read Freedman· s new book. femmism. Most violattons of State and City codes - thmgs for whtch you "I \\a' very intngucd." :Vleredtth "People arc still argutng the receive cttat1ons from the Un1versity or Newark police-are reported said. "It made me rcahLe and bring to men!\ of fcmmism and its ,·alue ... as criminal arrests in national and State crime reporting. Convicltons 8 00 of City ordinances ore reported as criminal convictions. They are 2. EVERYTHING not like "parking tickets". And an arrest record will turn up in the -- future. On background searches for employment. Or military service. ALL NIGHT Or graduate school. And an arrest can result in University discipline, STUDENT TRAVEL $1 Cover w/UD ID $5 w/out up to and including expulston. Scrutiny of criminal records for all these purposes has increased dramatically since *::' September 11, 2001, as reported in the Wall Street tal~e oPP Journal on March 19, 2002. Por the holiday1... !f yot.. have been arrested 111 the past-or are arrested this semester - don't panic. Whether you have had charges in the past, have NO COVER charges pending now, or are arrested this semester, you have the right to legal representat;on. I served m Newark City Prosecutor $2.00 CORONAS & BUD LTS. for many years, and have for the last several years represented many students tn the Delaware courts. If you have been arrested and have quesltons about your pending case, or your past arrest ~ 25HOWSl record-call. Thanks to DUSC, you, your parents, or both, can consult Newark...... $190 with us by phone at no charge. Miami...... $244 Pat McGee Band Austin...... $301 DON'T LET A CRIMINAL RECORD ROB YOU OF YOUR FUTURE. ~ London...... $311 Brussels...... $428 ARK D. SISK, ATTORNEY and Fighting Gravity Sydney...... $1263 F~res •r• rou11d tnp r • ..,. not includ.d FlltttS sUbJect to ch•nge •nd •v•1fJJb1lity Hughes, Sisk, & Glancy, P.A. Rttstncticm~ •pplr All Ages 21 & over Show (302) 368-1200 X 15 Doors open @9pm 299 East Main Street, Newark Doors open @6pm $6 Advance/$8 Day of Show $8.00 ticket @ door Tickets available@ Bert's Email: [email protected] Records & Ticketmaster 1 DUI• Alcohol• Noise Violations • Overcrowding • University Administrative Procedures Call 368-2001 for more info . 1..1;,tng f:Jre1'l fp f'ldcesn · e-present ,1 olcerht1 cllono~a~pecu1 ~t- thr .eo eo 115 E~~t Main Street • Newark, DE _ onune on THE PHOnE on cRmrvJ on THE ITREET A6 October 18. 2002

. . " .' • • . . 4 .. .. Unopposed candidates ' .. . .. " Dd.tll .u~ s~~m to be \\ ould hear our 1 11tcc' and Llo 11 hat Jc~ommg a-. .tpath~uc a' uniYcrsit) thetr con,utuenh \\ant th~m to Lin tu,knh. hc~,utsc the) would knm1 that the) .. . . \\ tth ,, I:; p.::r~.:nt tncreasc in 11 ould not be re-elect tf thej dal not. ~.o.· unopp1>'cd candiLI;ucs twm last year. Hut unJe,, 'tat.: restLI•:nt~ dcctLI~ to . • . ·not~ th.m -ib percent get more tnvolved by . - Jt Dela11 arc Stat.:: 1 otmg and runmng for .. and lhnh~ ,,f !X''tuon,. thi' wtll never Rcpr.::,.::ntatl\ e' 11 til he a posstbtlit). c rc ·L·k.:tcd hand'­ One 11 a) 111 "h1ch the :h'lln Review 'itu.ttton could be One thmg 1' dear. This: con·L·cteLI is to phtce tenn . . ~ )el.t\1 .trcans arc !units on '>tall: officials as lCCilllll ng nJI)rC Delaware the L'nncd States Lim:' on .. m.tctl\ ~ than C\(~t voters should tis presidents. -~ C!carh. th1-. l' 1111t But CYen then. Dcla11arc .. be more active 1 mart ;no1 e made 11ould '-llll need new • 1 'tate te,td~nh - in their local legislators to run ..z...... 0 "-((; I' <)~ !Ttcwl' .tre gctllng governments. H1~pcfully. our state .::-cledcd C\L'n tt' the;. not "' apathett..: that Ill' CJ ~..... • tre d.,mg nPthing to nne would run for a ~ ~Iter the uHIUllllllll) po\ttion. but we just may ~ ~ lunl:enn,m:. th.:: e be .... & v 0~~ 10 tlld.lnS ha1·c llO Dela11arc residenh ~ mcen1J1 e II> chan~c and correct the complain about ne11 legt~latton. such • \Hong th.u the;. n-1a;. he dtHng. \\'h) ,1, the smoktng and drink special-. " 0 ~tv# hould the1· lt,ten to what the bans. all the t11nc. :'\Ia1 he tf th~\ ... 4.~ / ommunit) ~1anh 11 hen tht:) km•11 \IOttld actual!) get tn1Z1lled. such .. • co

·he\ are ~om~ l•l 11111 'tnee nn one is Ia\\' fell through after the dean the fir't women. s studies course left his office. was offered in the United States. Smce the universil) has such an the uni1·er. ity's women's studies acuve ga)' communi!). there 1~ an · Letters to the Editor program ts viewed as apparent need for a pioneer 111 the field. such a minor. The admirustratJ.on There are manv SAGE apologizes for fliers It's preny obviou~ that Fatone is a singer: he\ made should try to uphold students who could Joanna Wagner mtllions b} doing just that. And to say he's too Senior over1¥e1ght for the pan? That's funny, I didn't know tht' high honor now. benefit from takmg Review This: We. SAGE. \\ailted to extend our apologies to the joH·[email protected] there was a wetght limit on Broadway. and help the GLBT classes. staff of tht! Revie11 for not seeking your approval to univer,itl be one of cspectall) stnce When I saw "RENT' for the first time, I didn't If there are use The ReYiew· s image in making a flier for our most even realize the weight of Trey Elliot. On top of the the fLN ,C:hools 111 the there are so te11 of recent event, Take Back the ' tght. 'RENT' fans unite for Fatone nauon to offer a enough students these classes offered weight issue. there WlL\ al~o the subject of not belllg In light of your recent editorial about this incident. able to see d1e sho11 unless you're 17. My brother saw mmor 111 !!a\. lesbian. interested, the at the moment. I wanted to make tt clear that we dtd not tntend to Kitt Parker's column ·'E\'Ict Farone from bt exuaC · and it, and he's 11 l'\ot only did he understand it. bu_t he There arc so create tension' bem·een our organizatton and yours. 'RENT"' not only exemphfies her small town value~ trnn,~enLier studie,, loved it so much he "ant~ to see 1t again. ;\1y ;tster university should man\ areas that and I must 'll) that I 11 as surprised to see what l that '>he mentwns. but ts based completely on Profeo;sor Larr) 1\ as 15 when she 'a" tt. and understood the 'an1e studeJ't c~n ~hli'SC thoLght 11a, ._. prilu~c 1ssue brought into the publi;:. spcculatiun implement it the ainount that I chJ '"'~ a 17-year-• ld. \t,J 1t's a shan1e Petcr,on has to stud\ .. t thts While this apology is o1erdue. you must I understand t::1ai d1e anicle ts ba.'ied on opinion. or!!antzed a un11ersi't) and that you think the producer.-. of "REi'ur I understand your concern ol'er the cup) right not automatically dtscredttmg him from playmg the Lli,CU\' the pnsstbtltnes of ereanng -.tudents to leam about more 'about were a tmc "RCJ\T' fanatic. you would tlunk 1\l!ce 1\~ues of us usin~ vour material. and in all honest\', we role because of hi-. background. such a nunor. ~uch prc1aknt issue~ 111 soci.:t~ is a about nnt gotng to see it. 1 know It geh better did not eYen thinl-that 11e were Llomg anything ~~~ong. I have seen "REI\T' on Broadway four ttmes and everytime. The GLBT mtnor has alrcaLI\ step 111 the nght Lltrectwn. 1 hope that you too. understand our concern that your understand her complamt that he does not have the been tntroduceLI to universn} The univer,it\ has shill\ n It ts a eduonal. while clatmmg It wa' "not personal" read same bOLl) type as the prenous actors who played offtcials before Sn \ears ago_ leader tn ~uch p~ogre-.sive lhtnktng len Jfc.\'eil more like defamation to our group for making an ;\lark. hut I would ltkc to pomt out that the dtrcctor Lltd Sophomore protc"1n Ht ton - B ro~1 n before and need\ to contmuc alung innocent nustake make an cfti.m to make htm look like !\lark b)- Llymg unsu..:cessfullv tned to start the that path. jcmnc@ We have apprec1ated your support 111 covering his hatr blond. shaving hts goatee and adding the mJnor Then: t11o \ears ago. If there '' a high student dL•manLI uur ev.:nh. and I hope from noll on. 11 c can rc­ tmdcmark hom-rimmed gla.~ses and same outfit that Rtchard Holland. coord.inator ufihe the unilersity sht1uiLI implement the e-tahltsh a 11nrk1ng relationslup 1\ith you at The hlLs always been wom by !Vtai·I-... Printing petition~ the mark CiLBT caucu. began Lltscu,smg the GLBT minor. R.:1iew. and put the-.e issues hehind us. .\s for the criticism of his ahilif). she states. "He P<1\\thtlmes nf maJor wtti1 the die doe' not c1·en sin~ that much tn *NSYi\'C. so he mu't After reaLimg the und out the pcttlion is 11111/0r H011 does ~he knLm he does not smg that much in nppo,ed to unptNng an) financtal re,ponsthihty ~n Co-Presitlmt ti{SAGE 'Sil\C because the) 're using the lead singers that students for printing. nnt just because the cost IS l.mwler@ ude/.edu arc cons1dered mt>re attractive as a marketmg tool. or mcrcdibh ht!!h. that most of the lead pans m their songs are written for \\11ilc pnnting lilr free is nice. I unLici taild that WHERE TO WRITE: Computer labs aren't that bad a different \'OlCe ran~e'! the um\erstt} needs to prcS!>urc stuLit:nh to pnnt less The Review She also claim; she· s heard of re\lews about how fn 1·olously. 11 htle abo encouragtng students and bad he is, but on the contra!), 1l1e 1 e11 York Times facult\· to use Llouble-siLicd or .,ccond-u..ed paper. By I'm \Htttng to contraLIJct Jenmfer Blenner's and The Star Ledger (the newspapet for Union nor charging students for pnnt _1nhs. the C1Jst nf -,n1dent 250 Perkins Student Center 15 statements in ~he1 Oct. column about the County. N.J .. 1\hich '>UPJXllts the arts in NYC>. along printing (0\'Cl" half a milhon dollars tt ll costs mne Newark. DE 19716 inconvenience of the computing labs on can1pus. with a piece done on 1\ITY about it. all giYe h1111 ra1 e cent-. per page l ts Lli!>uibuted across the whole student Fax: 302-831-1396 I am a senior and haw nel'er had a computer on revtews. population including those that print at thetr 0\\n Gllllpus. nor have I ever tdt the melination to get one E-mail: [email protected] I personally people that have ~een him homes. 11·hich is not fair. because the labs here are so great. 1l1e computers are playing the role (who are "RENT" fanatic' like Oh1 iously. the small financi:ll burden will requrre f to Jeicm1ine the 1·alue of each printed page: The Opinion/Editorial pages are an open forum for public debate and get in. get done and get out 11 tthout messing around. perf01111ance. but came out not even nottcing that tt 11 tthout thts ntle, impanent students 11 ill continue discu~sion. The Rev1ew welcomes response~ from its readers. For Granted, 1 hve m Cannon Hall and am within was Joey Fatonc on stage instead of someone like sending print job' tl\ ice if the) Ut\CO\ er that one \crification purposes, please include a daytime telephone number with "walkin~ Lltstance" of both HaiTJngton and Morns Anthony Rapp. pnnter works ft? 1\ly 1mst ha.~n 't broken yet and m not about to get carpel tullllel syndrome. r Ever hear that sa}ing "Don't knock tt until you The Revie~ reserves the right to refuse any ads that are of Also. Harrington does allow users to select smgle try itT Those were the first thought\ thm came to mind an improper or inappropriate time, place and manner. The or double-stded printing. It's all in the manipulation of Correction: the "print" dialog box. after readin11 The Renew for the first !line. It's ;deas and opinions of advertisements appearing in this amazing dlal ;omeone who clatms to he such a big fan And does Blcnncr honestly expect a public In Tuesday's issue of The Review, publication are not necessmily those of the Review staff or computing site to compl) with an inLitvidual destre to of "REI\T' could bash its cast members. I must admit. I wa.s skepncal at first after hearing the university Questions. comments or input may be pnnt stuff on fancy paper'1 What about all the students the column "Sam is their man," bv 11 ho' Ll have to wait to pnnt their asstgnments out one of the famous '1\SYNCers would be pcrfonmng Matt DaSilva, stated the incorrect directed to the advertising department at The Review. m "RENT... espectall) Jney Farone. Compared to th: plain!) while the tech messes 11ith s11itchmg paper Ill other four member,. he's more of a background athletic status of sophomores the dra11 ers ior her ctm\ cmenee·1 orn;m1ent than a key pe1forn1er. But I forced myself to I'm sun: if she 11as in tho'e patient kids' shoes. Morgan Funsten and David Egosi. not bad-mouth IllS perfnnnance until I expelienced tt she'd be

\lunaging ~c"'' Editor~ t.ditodlll Edilor: '•"s l.tnout ~.ditor: Cit1 '<'" Editor<: Jen Rh:tHh!r JuH;1 D1L;.ur.1 13nrtnh.~ \\·nrringtr'll ktf.l ..ud\\1!-' Frtn l·u~t; B! K..thorJ. Fditur in ( hitl": \m!r•a ~nl) \f ~ [, Ph e J·.ditor: rom \lonJghon rc~lun....; \'""'isb:mt Photograph)' Edihtr!<.: 'EdihJI" .. : StudL·•tt \ftld~ l·ditcu·"i; Kelly 11•)l~:,~n Lh~'J !' \lana~ing Sport' Editor;: Laur~1· Dt·ant-r Pnt T{1ohc~ \fch"'<~ lkmum K1m B"OI.HI \bH Dr>: 't'W~ Fealu~ l<"di1nr..: K \\ Fa ...t Ri~ a Pit1nan Cnp) lle• ( bl•f: J1)hn l'ht:nng Tr~1Ct')' S~o.·Jumtt 1nh:\· Ortit ~~t·ph.mie \\ h·ikn Sus; Su h\.HI • • llllOll October I X. 2002 A 7 Fighting Whites' message is clear

Ch1cl\. lmli.ln'> .md Redskin'>. "lome ma\ argue <~!!rl'. t\ld and I hate Corporate tiits rare case. the US .:hose not to Punk the .. red' k1 n s.. an\ '' a v. I h a,. e Nathan Field block a re,olut1on condemnrn!! :n:d a[,, a\ s be II that t-hen: wa-. lsrach acl!ons. ~ some-thlllg '' nmg '' 1th having a \ report tn the 1-.racli medra Redskin a'> a team mascot. Guest Columnist quoted Defense .\ltn~'>ter Bcnpmin Whtle ''anucnn!! around the I would con-.1der the term \\ \>rid Wtde \\'.:h th; nthcr dav. I Ben-Eiiuer as s.tvin!! that the Redsk1n Jan!!erouslv simtlar to a United States would- :mack Iraq at came aero" a \\ eh site fo.r a ra.:1al -,Jur. I ~ fact. i cannot th1nk the end of "\m emb.:r l 'nl\crsllv ot :\orthern Coloradn uf .t possible s1tuauon m '' hich a .\s the Bush adnllluslr;.ttwn rntramurtration ·, public stance. A bv '\au ve Amencan students and I bet there would he '>enous check the L:ntted '>tates for their 'eemtngl) ummportant statement ai-.o nnn-:\atl\ e r\ backlash if the ne'' halftime ritual own personal gatn Surprisrngl). hy .111 tmponant official ts read all students. but the kicker ts thetr tor the Vrkings became se\eral over the past month. a ne\1 countr) team name and mascot. oY..:r the world and carnes Jar men with horned helmets has jOined this group rcachtng implications. The name of this intramural guzzling mead. ra,·aging the Dra\1 Ill!! the wrath of the basketball ream ts the ··Fighttng Sharon htmself ha-. said man\· cheerleaders and sailing off '' ith Bush admi-nistration for ih times that Israel ''ill retaltate Whites:· a hoa rd of -.tokn rt2hes rn a hornhlv miscalculated and ag.ttnsl an) Iraqi attack. Thrs I cannot comment on the fa-.hwn that would m.tkc Beowulf tneffcciive siege of Y;.~;,ser creates problems for the L'nited opinron the a\ erage male. blush. But the use of a term like Arafat · s compound and for its til­ State-. because it desperately needs Caucastan college ,-.tudent would Rcdsktn ts totalh timed leaks of politically sem,ill\e the lsraelt-. to stay out of the war. ha' e on thl\ tssue. but I unobjectwnable. - = information. Israel is causin!! l[u,sem is goin!! to launch ml'>siles p.:rsonally frnd it htlarioth. I realize the compari.,on Is a many an1idahlc problems for th~ at Israel an~d attempt w provoke a A-. soon as I sa\\ the Web bit extreme. Sttll. the concept rs Bush administration. retaltal!on that would cause major \Jte. I busted om 111 lau!!hter. 1\ot sound Some people would find The first incident wa-. the problems for the Unites States. onh Js the name funn~~ but also thrs extreme scenario offensr\·e. thought he \\as 111 Indta. "-'ot had; the best way poS\ible. As a result botched and poorly planned -.iege If Israel retaliates. 11 \\'Ill ..:nd thcfr mascot added to ihe Qeneral but some already consider the \\ m·er nulitants on \1 orrytng about To top every thing off. the demonqrate' !!Ood form. rf not make -.uch ,i tuss ahout the \dllllc head. To ha\·e l-Ighting Whites as Israel's wanted This is a very the defense of his team·-. slo!!an is. ··eventhang·s the be'>! form. i'n protesting social thrng Attacking Columbus· a mascot " ah-.urtl tn the pmnt of gonna be all ''hue:· • - list. -\rafat"s countn. hut the issues. [\. [any '' oul d a rg u a b I) ehar'acter real!\· does not hernl! laughable. so wouldn't a supporters were sensitive period L'nited- States is The purpose in the1r choice doubt the effccti venc-.s of humor accomplish much: Alter .dl. the similitr ab~urdit} appl) to the use not behind this going to do of name and mascot. 111 the team·s 111 tr} tng to pronwtc an Important for the United man has heen dead and gone for of Redskin'1 Apparent!) not yet. attack. whtch eYerythtng word-.. rs "to have a ltttle '>a tmcal issue. but humor ts perhaps the quite -.orne lime. But 1 digress; I still thtnk we wa-. clatmed b\ human!) posstblc fun and to deltver a simple. be'-1 weapon in the exposttion of States as it Thus, I say both stdcs to the all have a lot to learn from those Hamas anj to protect Is rae I srncere mes-.age about e t hnic rdea~. Columbu-. Day battle should take behtnd the Fightin!! Whrtes. It stereotyping ·· lslamu.: Jihad. attempts to build from an) thtng In fact. I think these methods a page out of ihe Fighung \\'httes · ma} be In)' craz~) barroom Aralat was Hus-,crn would Undoubted!\. the team " arc app l rcable to the recent playbook. Both side-. should use a mentalitv. but l would rather see suppo,edly reacttng to the presence of a coalition against fire at tt. lsrael"s tension over Columbus Dav. I do little satire and humor rnstcad of jokes fly-ing than fists. declared role is going to questwnahle choice-. in mascots not care if vou arc :\'ati\·c O\ getting up 111 .11rns cr the irrele\ ant b) Iraq. Israel needs have to be sin1ilar of sport-. teams on all Je,els of Amencan or italian Amcncan marter. A J. R11"o i.\ a (OJIY editor Jill Sharon l11mselt. to the role tt competition. Some notable (\\hich ! am): I think evenonc is In Ill\" mind. the fil!httn!! The Rcrie 11 . S1 11d conllllt'/1/ ~ to so the po int o t to realize that the p!JycU Ill J99J example., '' nuld be the Bra\es. tgnonng the intnn-.ic humor rn Whiles have all thctr l;iston~ ~ round@ p u b I i L" I } when it sta)cd on the ''hole slluation. Columbus ftring. The:. tacl.led therr issue 1n humtliallng htm next year and a the sideltnes and when he- had half is going to was an ennrmous nnthin!! to do help tn the { 'nited wtth th'i-. attack have to be a States coalitron remains to he b) not retaltatmg I don't belong nowhere but Delaware seen. period of relative agatnst Iraq. \\ h,Jt like!\ Durin!! the '>!Cge happened \\ a~s quiet. Any plans o ~ ~ Arafat\ that the Israeli compound. it was v.·here are " to '>Chool. Somethmg about the campus and town W to questron lot of Delawareans have satd to me And it's funny what people think of Delaware. terrorist came Yassin or begin ph)stcall) In The and 1t '"Massachuseu.,·1 Ho'' the hell did you end up People up north think it is a southern . tate and from. and tn remove \rafat should here>"" people down south think it is part of New England. order to "lYe an wide scale anti­ and dump him in Fogg ha,·e a \Vhen I first got here. it was an adjustment ! Delaware is a limbo state. It doesn't realh fit in appear.t;ce of the Libvan 1 terror crackdowns s m p I e don·t think I met a single fellm\ :\e\\ Englander an~whcrc. - responding dessert w i th.ou t answer. my fiN semester. Delaware was a challenge. but I · J\lay he Delaware Js a haven for people who forcefully to in the- Gaza Strip noufvin!! the· You hear conquered it early in m::r freshman year. Pretty soon don·t belong anywhere. people like me. terrori-.m, Arafat L 1 -b 'y a n ll at parties. in the checkout lme. at cia>-.. in the I couldn't get enough of this place Bm I always \\as chosen as a street. pretty much anywhere. A college town rs So in response to the ""where arc vou from?"" need to be f government. enjoyed going back to l\.lassachusetts for holidays. convenient probably one of the most drversel) JJ Carolina. Nonh Carolma is almost as t~11· a\\ av from more unneeded -tenston and up. It rs a great conversation topic. but tt rs more I wonder what people would '>a} to me tf I haYe the right to respond 'ew England a~ you can get. 111 more wa):, than simply answered""[ don't know:· foreefull) to pmtect them-.elves. ho-.trlity. TillS lack of discrpline ts than that Its answer is rmponant in tlgunng out one. Talk about being discombobulated. who a person rs. Would they look at me '' etrd if I -,aid but the) need to pick and choose shocking. and II IS hard to see \1 hy For the past tw'O year,. l"ve been that person ""nowhere:· "'e\·cf\where:· or ··Nen:r-Never Land""·> thetr battles more eftinentlv. The\ thts rnform.ttton needs to be So \1hat happens v.hen you cannot an\wer that who stmggles when asked where they are from. ~ly qucstion·1 When you hesrtate and stumble and look [\.fa\ be l will trv it some time. -.hould ha\e gone after Hama·s released to the pre". emotional attachment to Ill) roots - 1'\ew England Thl\ ts a \ery sensitive pcri11d a httle more perplexed than the asker intended~ - In the meantime. though. 1 think Delaware is instead of senling for usrng Arafat foliage. snow. beaches. accents and mannerisms "home:· and I think if other confused youths like as a scapegoat in thts ca-.e. H) lor rhe L'ntted States as it attempts What happens if you were an army brat. if usually stded wllh my contempt for confederate your parents swnched jobs a lot. rf vour mom and myself reall) thought about it. the) wmild come to maktn!! decisions l1kc this. the to build a coalttwn against Iraq. flags and Ill} gm mstinct to laugh Ill the face of a Israel needs to real11e that the next dad divorced and you '>pent your-years getting the same conclusion. Delawme Cnolticial Home brae lis' are hurung both then eau'e Wall\.lart employee who actually said to me. "'Ya"ll ot Lost Souls. \ear and a half" go in!! to have to shuffled between two homes. if you arc an orphan. and the Cnitcd States. come hack now. hearT I went through a pha-.c L>l The qrategy of tgnortng he a perwu of relati,·e-quiet. Any tf you are an rmmigrant. tf you feel like a nobody claiming my Massachusetts roots and denying any and an everybody at the same time? Erin Fogg !.1 a city nell.\ cdi1or _t(,· The Ret·il!ll'. Arafat and '' aittJH! for nc\1 plans to depnrt Arafat. arre-,t southern connecuons. \hmad Y.tsstn or begrn wide -.cale \\'hat do you do when you don·t kmm where P!t.·mt 1md COI/IIIIl'll/s to ".fin.;!!@ uddedu. leadership to en~o:J h.: \\ 'l' But my family ,.ts duwn there and so \I the heginnrm.! tn \\ ork, and nntrceahle anti-terror cra.:kdowt1s 111 the Gaza your home Is 1 Is It where your parents live. where your tnend-. are. where you feel comfonable. where reforms 'were being made. No\\ Strip need to be shch·ed. hrael '' you go to school. ·•where the heart ,.,·· or wherever that progre-.s has been delayed. nn .tlh and a fnend of the Cntted you are at the moment? While Arafat 111.1\ not be 'en Stat.. < and ,,·til eontrnuc to he. hut It needs to be more under-,tandtng . I'll u.,e my story as an example of the popular. Palestinians'rall~ around ; comple.\.ities of ""home·· and try to help all the lost htm and hrs appnn al rating ris~s of the poltucal consequence' th ha' a mall or a supermarket. let alone a traffic hraelrs leaYe the compound. ~ underst.tndrn!! .tnd ordered his light. We had cranberry bogs. horse farms and tree-,. Arafat '' ,,n a treml'nd,>us public cabrnet ll• stnp-talkmg about h aq. lot' of trees. For you non-:\"ev. Englanders. thts relations \ 1cton and sudden!\ .tnd hopeful!) thi-. \\ill end the means 1 dtu not ""pahk my cah m Havahd Yahd."" regatned some phomore at \ 1ak.rn.:; that life-changing deciston of\\ here to agamsi Ir7tq. Israel \\a-. def) tng a go to school not that hard for me. I was rai-,ed L 1'-i resolutwn cal lin!! for them t<> !he llllit·cl sill St lid COII/11/t'//{\ /0 lea' e the compound. ~rhe l S [,,,.:, \Fit•!d@udc/.,•du. to be mdependent and 1 didn't mind gomg far away I\ 11-\\ l\. n-.le n \LJPloH,l

Sport' Fdilors: Cop~ Fditor,: Kl'l \ JJ..~ilc\ \'.JI~n~.. fh:.tft1rt \ dn· Oin·t.·lf~r: ~1au ,\mis Allan :-.t Kmle} \,..,i, fc~nt Sport"i Lditnr: Hrotlldr rn L C.. ;nJ\ \hlnh.J l~l l r n \kf), n.. !d D~7111HliC \ntnnw As,htaot Lntertainooent Edil•>r. ;\nth1 i1·. Ru ~' Otlit·l• ~tnd 'luHin~ \ddn.·,,: \dH·rH'iing -\ ....ii,tanr Uirt'l'lors: Jam t" Ahn.;. Stnior SporL' Editur... : "' ~~ 111 \\:nh..:r :.. \\ r~. [lr lJ., ~f) K~u H.m " £iu 1 '0:1 S'tl q1 .. Be~h hk • h'i\tant F!'".>tun-., •. ditur: Onlhw blitur: CI:.N~ittrd \(hl'rtbtJUf'Oh: \' e .. n' ,n l _11_,-::; S Chn. Reno \nJ1 ""I on•. R..\an Sn\'ltcr \ ..,fl:: lhlTIJll '0..,, X~~ 'l J F \ \I):!JS~)~ 'lf.Jt, AS. rm: RE\ U.\\ • (ktnbcr 1 ' 200" ·s pace Could Be. Winter Sess·on w rking For You I Registration is now available Call Review Advertising @ 831-1398 ONLINE ;== ;== For details and the latest course listings, see: Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2002 & Thursday, October 31, 2002 •11 ¥0U tiiN ERT Titne: 8:1Sarn to 11:4Sarn & Kids 2-5 yrs. Kids 6-10 yrs. Adults IN6 LUNCH $2.49 $3.99 $5.99 1 :OOprn to 3:45prn MONDAY-FRIDAY BuFFET BRUNCH $2.99 $4.49 $6.99 Location: SATURDAY International style Student Health Service, Laurel Hall DINNER $4.49 $5.49 $8.99 10% DISCOUNT WITH STUDENT ID ALL THE TIME! MONDAY-THURSDAY

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BY l\IELISSA ;\lCE\"0\' most damage from tmvclmg all over the world. We nhile doing a bit for the show? Fl!h rtainmt Ill &fitor went to Japan. I\.1C\ICO. England. all mer the FollOI\ ing the c:-.trcme success of the telev i­ United States and hit almost eYef)· bar in e\ef) Well. unft>rtunatcly there were copycat inci­ SIOn series. the film ver,ion of the MT\' 'h011 cit}. dences 11 htch brought us the most uuublc. That·' "Jacka-.s" will be released on Oct 25. The Revic11 unfortunate hccaus~ there are \\3nlings before the had the pleasure of sitting dO\\ n with Johnny " "here nas your fanwite place to go? sh011. in the middle of the show. afte~·- durin!! bih KnO\\ ill e. the ring leader of a crC\1 or guy" \\tiling it is srressed 'cion 't do thi-, at home: and I m~an 11 to do almost anything for a laugh. In t is inten ie\\. J lo1ed filming Ill Miam1 [and] Pennsyh·ama. and we mean it. and so that's tough. KnO.\I'ille explains the evolution of "Jackao.,s:· ·as but the boys were probahl) on their vlor'>t behmior well as his plans for the future. in Japan. Do you still get tapes?

How did ''Jackass" come about? Where are you originally from? We didn't ha1e an office at MT\': our office 11 a independent of MTV. so thoo.,c tapes would be Big Brother magaLine - we all met through Tennessee. sent to MTV and they would just '>end them hacl-. that. I ~~as writing to~ different underground mag­ unopened. so they ne1er got to us. azine,. ;md B1g Brother v..a~ the on!\ one that Knowille? \\OU)ci let me ~do an at1icle about self-defen'>e What was vour fa,orite bit and )Our favorite equ1pment. 11 here ltc~ted various different de1·icco., Yeah. prctt) clever. huh'1 thing about filming? on myself: stun gun. tater gun and l shot myself 11ith a .J8 11ith a vc~t on. So. Jeff Tremaine. 11ho Arc there stunts that vou didn't do that you M) favontc bit was the thing 11 tth Ryan 11 a~ editor 'at the time. com inced me to tilm it. wanted to for the mmie? Dunn. M1 fa1·orite thing about filming " these guys. We're all fnends ~1d we hang OL~t together l{on did "Jackass" become a motion picture? There were some. hut we ran out of time and when we're not shootmg. and to be able to tra1·el there v.. ere a lot of stunts we had left o1·er that we all 01 er the \I'Orld and (k) what we do.'" ridiculou'> We stopped making the shov. after nine wanted to shoot May he they will make their \\a} a-, it may -..eem. io., just a lot of fun. months on the air. V. e real!\ 11 cnt a' far a' we into the '"CKY" 1 idcos or Steve-0 1 icleos. 'cauo.,e could on TV. and with the cori'ycat inctclence,. peo­ this is the end of '"Jacl-.ass:· How much money "as spent on damages dur­ ple started coming dm~n on us. We wouldn't he ing the filming of the mo~ie? able to do the shm1 the \Ia\ v1e had been domg it, Will you stick to acting after this? so we were left with a backing of ideas that we did­ We kind of budget for that. We want damage n't get to do on telc1ision. 'omc of which we \Ve produced the film a' v1ell. and I like being - damage is good. - ~ would ne1-er be able to do on televtsion. Then we on that side. I don"t like being a powerless actor­ took that and lilmcd for four or fi1e months. '-oO. continue acting and producing. ls there much ~ ou can ~a) about a possible deal with FOX? Did you e\er think '•Jackas.~" would catch on? Is it true 'ou turned down an offer to be on "Saturday·'light Lhe?'' The deal is done. acruall'. It's for Dickhou~e o. It just happened. We don't kmm v..hat Production-... 11hich is mine. Spike and Jerr.., pro­ 11e're doing. That happened right at the I I th hour. We duction company We are going to produce a half­ were getting read] to ~hoot the pilot for '·Jackass:· hour television <,hov... but we don't kno11 at this Are there an) stunts that you will turn do\\ n? We assembled the cast and the cre\\ and v. ere get­ point 11hat fonnat it will be. tmg to shoot. and then ··saturday Night Li,-e .. If things are too naught) or dirty. usuall) they comes 111 '' ith an offer of til'e minutes io shoot How did Spike Jonze get im·oJ\'ed with all of !!O to Ste1·e-O. But Ill the llllllle. \\hat we consider each week. and that would he a situation\\ here my this? Z1ur best ptece. and 11hi..:h the guy-, love the most friends wouldn ·, he 11 ith me and l would ha1·c no \las a stunt \lfittcn for me. 1vhich I turned dovm. control. Nothin!! a~ainst "Saturda\ 1\;i~ht Lil'e." He \\Cnt to high schnol with the editor nf Big Ste1·c-O then wok it and ended up turning tt do11 n hut thew hel'i' ~.:r.7 in ml>llon for .:Jack·a,,:· Brother \laga11nc. Jeff Trcm;1ine. People would because h1s rather sJid il he d1d it he v. ould d1sm1 n see those skateboard \IUCos. and 'c' era I people htm. Dunn ended up doing the stunt. but I can't Have you ner been arrested? approad1cd me to do a T\' shO\\ and I told them gi,·e 11 a11av. All I can sav i-. \OU willnelcr look at no. Then JefTand I talked. and we were like. 'lct'o., little toy c;rs orR) an Dunn the same e1cr again. Yeah. 11e got arre-,red 111 Pcnno.,yhama for call Spike and o.,ce if he"ll dn it." and then Spil.;e 11a.-.. trespassing. and 1"1·e had guns pulled on me three into tt and then there were some guys from Big Have there been stunts that resulted in seriolL~ tnnes by cops. each time h: u-,uall) about four car Brother 11c hrou!!ht in and we called Bam and he injury? loads [or cop' J. wa-. mro tt. and !hen boom. 11e were oft and run­ ning. There ha1·e been near-ml'-ses as l~tr as gettmg Why'? seriou-,1) hun. In the mm ic we tlipped a goll cart". Since '"Jackass"' is over. what are the other gu)s Ryan Dunn ,md .I Well. I o.,hould say Dunn flipped One was a bit that \IOuld nel'er make It on the going to do? a golf can and it thre11 me into the ground and mm ic. 11e just shm1 it to friends. I got into a ,1lmost snapped m:r neck and knocked me out for orange prison jump,utt '' ith '"L.A. County"'' ritten Well, Pontiuo.,. '' ho is currently filming quite a 11hile. It could have been bad. but it ended on the hack. And I went into a hardwart: store and ··charlie's ,\ngeJ.., T right 110\\. does not k.no11 if up good. a'-ol-.ed them to sal\ the handcuffs off. and they. he ''ant!-. te be:IJX)rn -.ta'f or an ultimate lighter. but called the cops. I walked outside and they cleared I think he v. ill be \\Onderful at both. Bam wtll con­ An) injuries that held up the mo' ie'? e1eryone out of the place. A lad) cop buN on the tinue doing "CKY" 1.idco-.. Ste1·e-O will continue scene. got out of the parked car. pulled a gun on doing his ,-ideos. Pre>ton will get acting jobs. Wee­ 1\'o. thcre·s nine !W\'s. so when one gets me. told me to get down, but she didn't put her car Man will he a skateboarder and probahh oct a~:tintore ''a.-, ptssed but '' e come up \\ith at least the footage. It is 1e1) funny though. Do you skateboard? IItie RE\ JL\1 hk l'hutu• I don't knO\\. there's breaks and sprains and Johnny KnoxYille stars in the motion picture ''Jackass: The concussions. but I think our li\"ers suffered the What is the most trouble you have gotten into l\loYie,'" which collides into theatres Oct. 25. ee JACKASS page 84 Hollywood pulls a double take

B\ .IU'F \[ \'\ produ~:t1on-; and complain." In Demme\, \'ersion. Grant and Hepburn arc replaced zombie !lick "Da11 n of the Dead ... and the odd painng or 1-.m. 1~ uu~ 111 I 1//t 1 Ar!!uabl\ one of the more '·shodd\ .. movie remakes by Marl-. Wahlberg and Thandie Ne11ton. Michael Dou!!las ..\I bert Brook\ and ··\ :m \\I icier'_-· R) an In movte theater-, u.:rn" the cmmtn. audiences haw ha' hee~1 tlla~lonna · s ··swept Away ... Di'rected by her hus­ "[ was ao;ked by a reponcr o1·er the summer about Reynolds 11 ill headline a remake of the 1979 Peter Falk been e:--periencing a blast from the pa'ot. - band GU\ Ritchie !"Snatch.. ). the ne\\ 1·ersion is a remake remakes and thev said. ·so do vou think amthing is fatr comed1 "The In-Lll~'> ... tttled. "Till Death DoL.., Pan." While mmie patrons 'l~nd milhons this \\ee!...:nd on llf the IY7-l- ltal1an ma-.terpiece "Swept Away ... by an game·r and I sail! ·sure. win no[·r "Demme ·..,avs.~ F~rthermorc. if negotiation-. ;u·e succe.,sful. Chns ,ueh recent releases as "The Four F'earhcr<· ''The Rim! ... nusual De~tim 111 the Blue Sea of August." which stan·cd - "And then the reporter a'kcd. ·what about ·'Citizen Tucker will follov.. 111 the footsteps of Peter Sellers and "Red Dragon" and "S11ept A11a) :· onl) some 11ill realit.: :-.ranangcla tl1ciato and Giancarlo Giannini. Kane·r · and I thought to mvself for a second. then I pic­ Roberto Beni!!ni and o.,tar in a modem I'Crsion of "The Pink hov. deep the1r cin.:mati~.: roots :m: · Tl]c nt:\1 version features Adriano Giannini. tured. Spike Lee's citizen Kane And I '>aid. yeah. "Cititen Panther." - The um:ann) parallels between "R.:d Dragon" and Gtancarlo ·,son. who filb in fo1 the role that his father made Kane!"' Espeeiall) ·Ctti7cn Kane." .. While the idea of Tucker pia) ing ··Panther" m1ght Michael Mann·, 19 'o film --:-.1anhunter" are equi1alcnt to famous more than 20 vcars ll!!O. But recardle'>s of Demme ·, film is not the last of the remakes this year. -.ound appeahng. Kn011 les ts less enthu\la,tic ahou~ a the '>lmtlaritie-. het11een tho: ne11 lilm "The Rin!!." starrilh.' Giann1111 ·, t.:,lsllll!!. the ftl;n has - - On Nov. 27. Ste1·en Soderher!!h · s rumored update of Sidnc) Poitier·, "Guess\\ ho's Commg Naomt W;ms, aml tho: hit 19lJ~ Japane'e horior cJa,,IL:. ··solans:· starring George To Dinner·· 11 ith Bernie \lac "Rin!!u."' !'CCCI\ ed Jc.,s than f1 atteri ng Pal~.t:--o_n_e_o_;""F''"'it::.-v=e=e--p-a_r_t':""' Cloo~e\. rc1 ie11' from film crittcs. 'j f/1 ' orbits 1nto theaters natio1micle. Tl1e "Tocla\. with that film. it'' less of a ground-breaking lhe'e are ju't two .:xamples of the alarn11ng trend n<: lilm i-. Sodcrhcrgh · s adaptation of thin!!:· he sa\..,_ mov1e remakes that hale taken Hoi I~'' Pod stud it" by "Pcopk arc hasicall) bu)- serieS On movie fefnakeS 111!! the titk :· Knm1 les o.,ay-,, legendary Russtan filmmaker Andrei ~Knowle~ abo -.;a\ s he ha-, been k•ss than impressed storm. - ·· \ remake of ·Gorle '' ith Tarkln'k' ·, 1972 at1 film of the \\ ith the re~:cnt script,-for a remake of Fntz Lang ·.., German "It has been <~n ex~:use for the I.Kk of ima!!ination on the Wmd· would prohabl) be a bad idea. unless someone same title ahout mysterious hapJiening-. on board a space sta­ e\pressionist tour de force."\!."" rumored to he a ,tan·ing the pan of the stud1o." says Harry K no11 tes, · Ai~ 't-It Cool News· \\'eh master ha' an iiH!t'llt!HI'> 1 ision that would make it vvor!..." tion. Yehicle for rapper Dl\.1 X. \hn-ic dtrcctor Jonathan Demme ("Silence of the \nd the ... aga continues next year. "The\ need to lind dtrector' \\ ho ha\ e a passtonatc Kno11 les. ho11 e1 cr. '" not completely dgamst the ILk a Lambs" and "Philadelphia") might d!'>agrec A :-.1ichacl Bay (director of "'Armageddon") produced lm e lor the matenal :· he "" s of remaking mo1 ies. H.: compares the ~:oncept ol remaking "llo1e remakes. lthmk n·, \Cf) e\citmg.'' he '>ays. remake of the horror cla...sic "Tht: Te"" Chainsavv t\'oncthclcs'>. mo-,tlilm-critic-. will probahl) agree'' ith mo1 tes to theater produuions Part or Dcmmc ·, enthusiasm might be becaU\e his Massacre" ha-, alreadv gotten u:lllcl'\1 a\ and will star Je-.stca \\ ashin!!ton Post critic Des-..on Hm1e. •·Just because William Shakespeare i' dead. doesn ·t upcomm~ film. ··The Truth -\bout Chat1ic ." 1s one. Biel ("7th HcaYen··; and feature the music or 1\.Iarily n "I think that most nu1vies shouldn ·, be remade ... he mean you can·, make an: more prodUL'tions of ·Romeo and "( harltc" '' a contemporary verston ol the 1961 \1anson. sa\-.. Juliet,' .. he ~a}s "There an: loh of shoddy pn>Juctton-, of Stanlc) Doncn film "Charade:· which '>tan·ccl Caf) Grant Bict...' ··Rules of ,\nraction" dtrector Ro!!cr A1an has - "I think Dcmmc·s nut' to sa\ that 'C1t11en ICme· 'Romeo and Juliet' out there. and lots of people go to the e and ,\udrt:) llcphurn also been recently attatchcd to n:makc Geo7-ge Rom-ero's should be remade ..

111[ Rl \II\\ hie n~*" "The Truth About Charlie." "Red Dragon," "Solaris," "S\\ept Awa)" and "The Ring" (left to right) are all remakes of previously released feature films. ~"Pu nch-Drunk"' in love with San'ctler

"Punch-l>runl.. l.m l'.. make !1arr: c\plrcs the- bpnl'<. fnJsllTitltlll 11 u:"ctl •.:mper '' D.: an lrumbell (Philip Scymour a.1d psyl'lh>I<'!:!IC.JI !unnni' !!<'lllg ''11 inside the- character. lhc lloffman L a l tah mattress saksman 11 ho .tlsu n.1ns a phone rl'sult 1s rather h) plllllc'. t.~stu;·bmg. but altogether -,.:, btN'll's'. \fter one ol Ius phone -,e\ uperatoro, litib to LOll !{an'\ intn ~i1 llll! hcr monel. Trumbcll sends a trio of "-mdlcr pla1' Bam I l!.m • .1 lunch. 1\ ell-nw.1ncred bus:­ nc"man \\ ho · a;, .lrdh'll'l' ·,pccJ.Jiizmg in ntn L'lt) l!<'<'lls ltl-lcm,ri;c h11~1. · - Dc,pite th..: hc;l\) of dram.1 111 ihl' film. there arc tmlct plungers IIi' apprehe'JN\ c' n.uurc ma"c' hun an ea') dtN~ IJrget '''r harassment .md ridi,·uk. nll>'l \ t[t>ll' his sCI en 'I'· SLIITI(' <'titll\ ltll1ll\ mtll11l'ntS i.b \1-cll tl'rs Shonl\. a tier hrcakinl! a set of\\ 1ndo11 s at Ins sister's hllus..:. lllllldll hi, bwther-in-la11 about his "Is lltmc that \t1llthre11 ,l i'J;H'll11er thmu~h .1 slidmL! ~Ia" h~ wnli~lllh d<>or ,.... Retard:'"\\ !11 .m:: \OU 11carinL! that su1t ae<~irf.'" pl'y ... .. 1 11antcd ~'' .1s" ~ou ~nmcthmg bc..:ausl' you're ,1 doc- brin~ .1 "'ectnes' to the romant1c c\chanl!t:> bcl\\een b\ thi' dramatic c\oduo,. and'' ill notice an unusual scnsiti1- lllr.. Sandlcr and \\atson. One catch) no!c !l·om the 111m man­ 1 ~ and cuten..:ss 11 hile Sandler is lilp dancmg 111 the aoslcs of l11c'e .1rc JUst '><1111\.' l,• the th!•Jgs that pC I;Ke and bcums to en. The st\lc that l!t:h do\\ n to the nittY gritt\ of the character of Ltw..::· is a strange yet litscinating picture. W1th a colorful ~'c ~'t ~'c ~'t Lc ft Hoot-... tilm.JIIustrates the un,ellhnl! nature of 1:3an~ ·s bdta;ior h\ u:m: l:ga~. L:mcrgmg as on.: or'th~ be~ I young dircctmg tal­ blend of cometh. romancc and drama. P.T. Anderson has putting the audJCJKC throu~h an

"Thl' Ring" "Knocl..around Gu\ s" [)ream" or!..~ '\e" L~o•e Cinema · ~i ~'i -'c I 2 \\hi •.: ill\..: lll!.tllll.! the sudden d ath ol her llll'Cl'. "Knocbround (Jll\s.. 'hould hme been dcstrovcd and nc11 ,p,tpcr n::pL'rter Rndtcl "-elk ( aomi \\ <~th l stum­ had all of it' rccords l{umed in order to sm·e facc to"r l'\ en- ble-s aero" a mystenPth 1 Jdcot.lpc bo(h 1111 olwd 111 thJs ,o1n 111m. · On the tape ,, <1 n>dcetwn of c..:nc lJH,Jgl'' of a RaJT) Peppcr. Seth Green. \ in DieseL John \ lalkm 1ch 11 oman bru-,hinl! her hair 1n front <'f .1 n1irn>r. a burn JilL! and Dcnms Hopper star 111 this monstrosity. r-or 01esel and tree• a I:JdJ..:r. ,I linger bcmg p1erced b)- ,1 n.11l. a f'ICf Green. tillS laughing-stock might be nothing out of the of blood and a stran~c ima~c of 11 hat h1ok~ 'tkc an ord111ar)-. but 1 cterans \ Lllkm ich and llopper -,hould be ccl.psl' that i~ simp!~ ~-dcrreJ tn as "the nn~. ashamed of thcm,ehes for signing Lln to this mo1 ie. \fwr 11atclun!! the tap,, Rad•..:l's p'1onc r 1'!.!' \ "Knockarnund Cilll s" \\as initialll' set to bc rcleased front L'f .. llliJT(•r ti\ I'L! his l c 11 ith his nwthcr's dre'' hi-, chums sere\\ e1 crythmg up. \\n. The only point that could be deduced from i'lc\ nah1 - the 11 hole !lim. 11 hich are so bad 1hat thc\' make "'Dr l hn 1\.ruge•r's c·<:;..:r.:am :>") 'cnpt change' little to '"Knockaround Guys" is: don't join the mafia. Mov1egoers The other r1.m •n R.!chcl'~ fe ' 11cr s(ln \ j I' (.)u1nn \kd1cine \\ l'man" look like .. The :-..l:llri'\ ... ,1 l'h P,! m ter 1 L'f th~ ston I 'I c a 1d pi t ''' 1~ts md a shl'LIId •espe<.'t their mtelligence and their wallets by not ( D 1 1d Do~tmar l. II · lt'Pe~r o h~ r P1ore .u~ \laklll!; 'cnsc- of the ch,wtJL' plot b a mind-bogg'ing r f"l,lJ!h I \ ol tic 111•lll1 .tLli0Jl happens 111 the 'dll1l' 1?\ul'• h~> l .. tas". but hcr.:: gnes. \latt; (Pepper) is the son of mob boss sccmg tin' mo1 1e. It's up>cttmg that trul) taknt..:d writers 1 c•ars old. but 111 a lot t'f 11 a\' rnatur t\ is r ...,t:l UCI1CC' b vond hi' mother·~. lie 1\Jl"; to "hool thn;ut.!h the 1 Benny .. ( ham-,-- (Hoppcr). 11ho docsn't think that hi'> hoy and directors are pushed :Jside just to let money-hungry c1 .:nhclcss. "Thc Ring .. 1s an cft.:ct11 c lwrror ti lm studios n::lea-,c crap like "'Knockaround Guys" because it en\ all h1 hirmc Land 11 hilc Ra..:hcl frantiealll ~ar..:h­ a1 d gill's nc11 mean1n~ to-:., wlcncc on tht! tl'le1 Jston." 1s hard cnough to be in the bu'-lncss Ln an att.::mpt to pro1e es .hcr closch ltlr her hlad urc". Aidan " ,t,inding Ill Pops \\Tong. \latt::v begs his daddy to let him make a sim­ is laden 11 ith a star-studded cast. -Jeff llan - Ken ,\fcCauley ple dcl i1 er~ 13enn; agrecs. and unsuqxismgl}. \latt) and


''I got report­ ''The first "When I,P..f .. ed for teach­ day we met room.ue ing people him, myRA walked into The Review asks how to make s.tid he can the room students: t mselves go from zero really high throw Oup." to bitch in .5 with the seconds.'' RA right on his t:u1."

~'What's your most memorable "I got reported for teaching ~eople ho~ to make themselves throw-up." - junior Colleen Kirby experience with an RA?" LINDSAY JASON ORR LENZINI Freshman Junior

"My roo­ "OurRA "My friend mate split knew every­ ripped a her head body's name flyer off the open the by fat:e rhe wall and the RA only first nighr \\'e RA wrote us cared if she wete there.'' up for theft was dnmk, and bur­ - cumpiled by Chris Reno which she glary." 't." •

Ru; 11. Pt·ot't.L~ J>L\L\ The Ringi2:1Xl. 2.35.5 IO.X:tXl. !tU:'i (!!34-8510! l'he Ruk">of \ttraction 12:55.+:10. FRtt)\' S\tl RO\\ \bandon 12 10.2:25. --I .til. 7·10.9:-tll (l:--15. 10:05 Barhershop l 2:10. 2:-tll.--l::i:'i. 7':!0. The Tran.~porter 12:-tll, :?::i5. ~:05. 7:-til. 1000 10:10 Trahan! 01111'£'1'\it\· C en!< r !hellier A/on< ilk< Aa!£'·.,: Tom Tra' ers 1-tHsl L:\10'\ CE n .R- <2l5) 336-3600 Bnmn Sugar 12:15.2:--15.5:15.7:--15, The TU'\L'J Riel.. THI· EUCI RIC F \(. I OR\ - (215) 627-1332 h.nockaround Gm<, II 50 2:05,--1: 1 ~. 'UO Sw. 12:--l'i. 250. 5:05. 7:::'0. 'J: "l Dal'ing. 9 p.m .. no em er The \ronl' Balloon: The Interns. 9 ( ~).9:20 . )'un U0.3:-tll.5:'iO. ~·I' p m. R~~l Big p.m .. \ 17.50 1-tsh. Od. 19. S:30, 'I~ Big Fat Grt>el.. \\ t'J Eze-E, 9 p.m .. 'i.'i · Red Dragon llXL 2:10. 4.20. 'i:W. 7.<0. lJ:I)(l )wJ. 1:05. '1:!Xl.5:i0. 7:iU :-.:t:\\ l·ouncl G lor~, NO\ 6. 7 p.m • S 15.50 7 55. 10:20 Rl' p(hsibk tlunugh the mud, nne 1-x:hind the nlhL'l. lhlng ROTl i-; a prugr;un tl'iat '' a buildmg pnx·e.,.,. [),,,,11 '\orth l oll.:!.!t: . \\.:nut:. ll\ .:r th.: train n1 Sn·L"':l ,lfound\h..: lxnd. to d1.: ldi, thrnugh ,1 R.1~ · l11e Plll11k and:~Ill'\\ smuk.: bomb, dilll1se throu[!h ha1<.: to put1n qurtc ,~'> muLh tnne a' upJX:r-{:i;r,..,m<.:n. '' ind\ padlIl"\ ln:shm..:n hl:!!in at path m trom oftl1em ;md ~hrtlrnt<> tl1e kl\\-<.1~1\\ I posrlt '' hll ha1 e II tl1c tought:,L he s;ry s. ,\s l'adL'L' dn.l!! tlll'tr b ili:1g '\aironal . \d\ anc.:d I .eadet'-.hip ( ·,m~p held 111. Fon I t:\\ is. <'I.L'T nx:b and bn.JtKh~ .tk'ng the gm1md "hL'me on. wu got 11. Jt~>t a little da) camp that ts high!) rmcnst\ c. but notl1ing like baste k)lh;~r:· "Just the other day my tmmmg lh1' camp marb the lthl e\aluaunn pointli.1r the rhc atr I"L'l?k.... of bummg .. utti.u· "-'nlL\lnl' ..Cb oil.! cadet-. <:ntcnn" tl1cir semnr \e;u· at tl1<: lllli\ ..:rsit\'. m>cn ,m,,ke !x1mb ;md a 1.~llo'' ti.l!! lloaL' among tl1c boyfriend couldn't get Typical{ a junror cadet's phy .. ical u·ainirig '''n"kout ~hrut~'> Hidd.:n cadets tire ·,hoh ti"Oill \ f-1 6-. that :>ch<> progmm I'-. C\ Cf) \ fondll) ii·om 6:.\0 to 7:.10 a.m Sclm al7 tluuu0J,,utthc \\\>rxh h<:n tl1nugh the\ arc bl;mk.. tl1c his closet door to shut. r.. in charge of planning all the \\ pping nm""' •mJ hnght Llr..~Jgc ,,:;.ru ot1cr a mcc "\\ e usualh '-.la11 the mon1111g '' itl1 a Cad.:ncc Run. ell\.>ct. I just grabbed one of 11 hrch rs a l\1.0 a1;d a half to f(mr mile nm. Then\\<: do our l"hc ROTC cadcL' ... pend tl1t' part.icul;u llllu'-lt.J) upper txxl;. 1\0rl-.ouL '' luch ts a SL'<.tucnl:t: ofplLsh-ups ;:u~d afiemLXlnat \\ h11e Cla\ CrL>ck. rolling in tl1e mud ;md toss­ his belts and wrapped sit-ups. It's a pretl\ grllxl ,,·orkout tl1at k~.:cps c\·eryone 111 mg pmk. \elkm. or..uig<> ;md g:t"L'l?ll- grenades mtl1er. shape."" '' ah:r bat k>~'Ib. Cadets cheer each odlcr on and <:OITt.'Ct it around the door in a 1l1<: j1miors ancnd a 50-minute class \ londa; mom­ mhtakcs a.' dletr [lL'l?rs hu--.tle dlruugh tl1c COLIN.~ dlat sim­ ings :u1d abo hav.: a l\1 o-hour leadet>hip lab on 1lmrsdays ulate anTI) attack. way to keep it closed." in which the~ apply the inli.mnation lc;m1ed in class. 1l1c "It's real!\ a lot offi.m." four-vear member and scmor \I near. !-mall\ UIC\ make Il through and ha\C Ult: tind out\\ hich . \nm· branch \\·e \ · ~.:been accepted nno. B: w1ique . . dma17 rs referring to \\ eekend exctu·­ chance to launch ""grenades"" at dle \\aitu1g "cnemv." ··As ion!! as wu do well 11 rtl1 tl1.: program. you don't sron.. to pla.:c;. lik.: Gll11powd.:r Falls. \ 1d .. \\here they ben tl1ou!!h the\ w·c cmcrcd in mud w1d tired !Tom need to be tooner~ ous ab<1ut getting one ofyour top chorc­ tackle L'h...tacle cow"S\.-.,. experier.ce a field leadership I"L of training. ·the= cadets can't help but smile=. es on your \\ish list. I lmle\·cr. it ah\ays depencb. on dle non col~~"".: and n:pcl otfa 5().. fi.1ot tower. "\\llen I came to tlte lUll\ erst!\' tom v<:<~r-. ago_ .. needs ofdle , \nm at tl1attnnc ...o no one c;m be rcallv sur.: Thr.. Thurs<.b'. the cadeb are traimng in the Sch\\at7 ~\s. "I had no idea I"d joir~ dlc ROTC. It-has \\her.: he Pr ,h._.\~ ill end up."' · lndi' idual \to' ement T echmques Program. 1l1ough hclJX-d me mso many\\ ays." . Sdm at7 s.1y' she 1s hoping to h.: accepted imo either hours of ram ha1.e 'llficned the 1!11lLU1d at \\lute Cia\ But ROTC is more dlatl.JLISl holdmg gw" and rolling \liliuuy Polic.: or Srgnal Coq1s. CrL>ck.. <:rcaung mud puddle- tllick-enough to s<1allow ai1 in tl1e mucl Schwa!7 say ... 1l1e student.. in the progrc-to-fi, C-'-.c.'COnd buddy ru~h. 111 couldn't get his closet-door to shuL I itht grablx-d-one of ·.. 1 real!\' like dlc li.ll"t tlmt bY the time \\e n.'Cctvc our '' hrch dlc\ strategrcalh ad,·ance tluuudt dlc \\ood.., Ius belb and \\ mppcd it arOUild tllt: door 111-a way tll keep dtplom \\C II Rl \ II \\ l , !111 ' tO\\ ~lfd tl1~ir dcsnnauori. ll1cn there ~~ ll1<> h1gh-{:ra\l! or the Lnncd '-;taLL"' \mly ... it closCLI. \1~ Dtl.' filend JUst looked at me. am

Students env·sion Newark B\ JEV\lFER TALLIS ··Jtr' hO\\ \\e '>L't: t:\cr~thing that shape' and defin<:.., our 0\\11 \\Orlds." Sto Rqw1tt' With open eye~ and camera in hand. lre..,hman Emil) Gup. a student in E\eryone liw' 111 a 'i'>ual '' orld. \\ Ilh e\er) glance 111 each pa..,.,ing the\ rsual \\orld cia". kne" her deptctwns of;\e\\ark \\ere limrted to .\1ain moment. peop!t: proce'>S and respond ro all of the' isual information embed­ Street but \\lt> not 11orricd becau>c of the Yisual di\·er..,it~ present ther<.>. ded in the world. Nincteclllh ccntun '' riter Henn Da\ id Thoreau once said, ··!\Jain Street i' definite!\ home l Proft:'-.Sor Janet Hethorn teaches CNST-110. a\ isual 'he has '>Cen. \\ orld. The couf'-.e focuses on hO\\ people see. process and respond to their Freshman Lauren Sims sm' :'\C\\arJ.."s colorful vet laid-back feel is 'urrounding, from immediate personal en\ ironments to the larger places in appealing to th.: campu.., commt;nit~. " \\hich the) -liYc. The course is designed to make student'> aware of any \isu­ '":'1.1ain Street seem-. like the focus of Newark. and b.:ing as '-.mall as It is al di1·er it\ related to cultural. social and en,·ironmental issue . on top of the \\a) it look... to me gl\es rt ..,uch an inl'iting. hippie. \er) nalll­ '"Visu-al Sl) le. as I sec it. is the expression of an idea. an identity. ral and down-to-earth feeling ... implied meanrng. through \"t-,ual means. This Yisual expression is seen Sims says she tried to comcy this feeling through the picture' -;he took eYef\1\here: in what we wear. in the buildlllgs we lil'e in. in the streets we for class. Looking. through the e:c of the ..:amcra ...he capwrcs the colorful walk through. \Vc read meaning into every thing we see. We also beha\ e in and eclectic mix of flyers and pictures on th<> bull<>trn board on the side of re,pon e to \\hat we -,ee." Hethorn sa)s. Old Market Road. '"Someho\\. we ha1.e come to an agreement\\ ith others about what\ isu­ Freshman Brenda Greene says she tried to take photograph' that \\ ould al thing, mean \\ ithout even talking about it.'" portra) her artful vr,ion of Ne,,ark. Recent!\. the Llass \\as gi\en-an a-.signment to \elllure out with the1r ··r took a pu.:ture of all the art that jumped out ut me as I ''at ked do" n cameras and take '" man) p~ctures as th;y pleased of the \ isual -.ty le in Main Street," -;he .. ays. "The combinatron of different people. and the man: !\:e\\ ark. The goal of thi<. as'-.ignment. Hethorn says. ,,·as to dcYelop the abil­ murals and collage.., on the sides of buildtn!!' and \\all-; makes me want to it) to recogntLt: one·' surroundings with an added appreciation of the 1 I su­ label It as arts). [ per,onally see th-: an e\Cf)\lhcrc." 'he '.a}'· a! st~ It: that shapes thi-, .:nvrronment. Hethorn show' fierce dedication to her clas' and h.:r craft. ··B) stopping ""lt i' incredrbl: important to inYcstigatc ,·isual style becau ewe base so to really sec. and trying to find out h0\1 others .. cc and creatt: meaning from much of\\ hat \\e think and how we react to our world on \ isual cues." she \ isual cues in our shar.:d t:n\·rronm.:nt. I trulv belie\C that \\C \1 rll become says. ··The 1.bual \\Orld is a source of pleasure. a "\\ell as confusion." more compassionate in our und<:r.,tanding of l;thers and oursehes Not a bad She e\plains that people do not nece"aril: take 111 all the \ isual infor­ goal." mation ... urrmmd1ng them. T !l !{I \II\\ ttr < , "We na\ igate our world ba-,ed on habit and preference'-. ... Hethorn 'ai'· C:\'ST-110 students roam 1\e,\ark srarching for pictun.osqur imagrs. Just an ordinary day for an RA

BY \IELISS \ BR \CHFELD Lc\ me chime' Il1 and -.ays freshmen often \\ant to r.:quired lC\1. .. ·luc,day.., \\ rth \1orne: An Old \l;.,rJ. ,\ Ht•)t pia: hall .. port,. <:;he ~ays one 1;f her residenh tned to con Youn!.! :\Ian .rnd Life·, Greatc-,t Lc"lm<· b\ ~lttch They lurk in the donm. put up the multicolored llit:r' \incc her that golf i' not technical!\ a -.port. so it \\Ouldn"t \ lhottl · "allpapcrinl! tht: hall\1 a;'· condull floor mc.:ung-, .rnd be 1 wlatin!! th~ rules. · fhe gue-.t 'pcak<.>r tor the da;. i' Ld\\ ard I r.:~ I. pl1hcy documem noise 'iolauons Tht:\ carcfulh balant:t: hom.:­ "You·~·c like a police oflicer." Le\inc sa.''· ··You go scicnti't I(Jr the ln .. tillltc lor Public Admini,tratton. H.: a.. ks work, a o.:ial life and do;cn,·or meeting, each month. on \lith ~our normal life and if >omething L·nmc' up :ou the )!roup to frni-,h the phrtr...e: "To the swdenb onrn: tlocll These wdividuab arc rcstdcm a"rstant>. ~ deal '' ith rt." lam ..... It"' 8:15p.m. rrida). and JUI110r Joe .\lered1th SWi\Cis Thc mom comes ali\c Hand' \\<1\"C in the Jir and back and forth in his chair. The HarTinl!lon Hall C oft1cc is ,·oiccs call out "!.!rt:at." ""God." "shrink:· "k.:\ ma,tcr" and -.mall and quiet. 'fhc onl) audible ~ound heard is the "computer tcchnicran." One ,tudcnt !rom the rnddk 'CL ' of his chair. Meredith I' a >econd-year RA. It" s "You're like a police tion call' out "The btl!. had R1\ ... hi' tum tn hold oflice hours and do round'. Wh.:n the kcwre h O\cr. the -.wd.:nh break uJ 1lllo Meredith .. a\., the 11l(ht mtcrcsting thing he has ..,een officer. You go on with groups ol 15 or tc ...... and talk about the da) · s wpic · a' an RA occurred last \Car wh.:n he ~~a,.; nn process in .\pril 2W2 into her ht:d. I had lll tr} to \\ake htm up at 5:30 in the something comes up, you "Tht: proL·c-,.., ts arduous:· '-.he 'a~ s. "[Rcs1detKe Ltle, mornmg:· l\leredith 'ay-.. "He kept rolling O\Cr. I llnall) keep' ) kt )r not." that"-. OK be.:,tu..,c h..: doe' not do the job !"or the cxcrtc­ jwuor uTine. Rune// Hull C rnidmt u\\t\to/11 Ro-,elcldt fumble, \\ ith tilL' s1 her cham .Slll.nd her m<·nt. Meredith 1s maronng in p. ycholng~ and thought it neck. She '-.a\ s she I".: It ten·ible ''hen 'he\\ as Ill>! s.:leeied \\01tld be ,1 good ''a~ to appl) his major. meet ne1\ people ") ou hti\c lll \\,Ilk O\Cr to5 (\lul1nt:) l.,t. and pte!-. up and a ... ume a lcad<:r,hlp mle. l.t:\ inc ,,1\. ., tho? meetinl!s. mail dtll\ . round, and other n>ur lcncr." Rnseft:ldt -.a:'· ":\I~ fn.:nd ;md I d ,i [lhL' priLa Polikoff. the R.-\ on the t~r t lloor, is trays R \'i in an unr~.:alt,tic li!!ht. w take on the apphLs a.!_.! a in thi' ) ..:ar kcepmg her company \\hile working on her cultural di\"cr · 'e" R,\s at ... n ha\t: to ~1llend an RA cia" once per \lcrcJith -ays th<: pc•rils 111" assistmg re-.idcnts ,IrL ' 1l -,it\ bulletin board. She bounce' to and lru bct\\Cen the \\ eek. PnlikoiT says she has to go to thc'e cia".:' becau-.c \lcighcd b) tht: great t:\periencc h.: ha-, had oli"ice and the hall\\ll) PolikotT '"Y' bc:ing an R,\ lor the cia" is onl) offered in tht: fall and '-.he became an R,\ · ) ou're on dut\ 24 hours ada\ hut 1nu h\c 1.1r tr,'C frc,hrncn can he interesting. last April. l!t:t \l '' e.:kend. -.ome art: In rng to pic I'll gain ~.tlluabk ltk.t:\pt:ricnccs th;rt I'll \\Ilk .J\\ , \ l 'ni' ersit' residt•nt assi•.tants earn mon' n·sponsi­ 'h.: 'a~'· squcet~ in a · nap, 11 hilt: other' arc paging thrmigh- the '' rth ''hen I graduate: · hilit~ thai1 tlw a\ l't·agr .,tudent on. campu .... ' H-' . THERE\ IE\\. lktob~r I'. 200' feature forum no place like Delaware

111) ap.lrtm~nt fi<'lll to the post t11licc I kno\\ JOUrnaltst. rttl Rl \II\\ I "'"' Sll , '"' Elissa Serrao the LhtlcrcncL bl't\\CL'II k>n!!llUd.:: and latnude. And \\hat"-, more. this time next year a tier .111d that slllctimc, vou JUst haYe to 1 can't order p1zza at 3 a.m. either 1 make a.:n lic~s . I can I! •t h\ ;m fi:Otcn \ C!!cta­ mean, 1 guess 1 feasibly could. hlc' Ir It m~.Jlh I can h:l\ ~ t\\ ll llH!hb out at the But I'm not pathetic. b,trs c.. ch \\CCI- . \nd llLl\C '\att~ Lil!ht I\ c final!} gotten to the pomt ''here I can l mu't 'a) I'm real!\ st,lrl ng to bllle But Llcspue thi' \\l>rldly kno~' ledge. I still call this place "home," and not JUSt "school." I nmcemeJ. J,,n't thmk I'm rcau\ tomll\C on. IO\ e the hellhole that is m\ tO\\ nhouse. 1 take t Ul .I c·ap .md gLl\\ 11 .md I bcglll tn )),•IJUst ~'' h,linc and li\e Ill Ill} old the brown and blue plaid couches and the one hy p.:n cnulatc "\t>, I'm st:ll\lUs r<>Oill • \ Ia) b~ 1f I painted Ill\ room another piece of plastic deck fumirure slttlllg on our I ,,okm!.! h.lcl- It' Ill\ scmnr 1 c\ tr t>f l11!.!h ct1l to n>llcgc lnnug'!1 nf this let!<: !!r.tdu,llc like Ill\ sci f \\ Ottld pam! her furniture With four chairs. l fear the adjust­ pett) lugh ,dll'O!, I thllllght. I ,,,u)dn 't ro:,n - \nd maybe I w~dd hang up pamtmgs or ment may be emotionally scarring. ''.tit t,, e lwme. I 'camcd lllr ,1 chan!!<' L> f s\lmctlml!!. Then It ''ould sort 11fb~ like mo\­ 1 abo enjoy how my tO\\ nhou·e 1s either ,._:cn<.:r\ I "as rcaJ, l lc;:l\ c··m, ali­ \,,IPt:hll\\ I li:cl a, thnu!!h I am !!fll\\ing temperature in between. You know\\ hat else'' glr'-. pm ate· l.lllwlic dc'ad~lll) ;:md g,,-Ill a Lk"' n m,t.::ad of gnm ing up~ - - I like the puddle of water that is a pennanent ,,l,.x,J \I h..:rc I \\ ,h .tll0\\ .:d tl' '' ~Jr J~alb tll!Olll; Fnda) a~J \aturdJ) n1ghts look older than fixed. And I like that. too. 1<1 ltc I'm sc~1rcd shitJe,s. ~ ~ me At my house in Lansdale. there arc hard­ ~lwuldn't I be e'\penen~ltlg that ··urg.::" to I bet I could n:-appl) as a freshman. spend wood floors in the kitchen. '' ,lJlt tL' m'''.:: ,,n to ,,,met him.! hl!!!!t:r and bet­ l\1ur m<'rc Years h.:re, graduate all over a gam. And no refrigerator puddle. ter than this unm:rsll) '! \pp~r~1rtG. I'm sup­ and still lo;,k tno young. - Maybe the key to a smooth transition is to po,..:d to h;:l\c a _1ob hn.::d up aticr I'm dlkgc bll.t th.:: real I don·t ''ant to lcaYc mv roommates. ··spill" a glass of water under the fridge, you \\ Llrld . t'mn11. C1a and -\nnamanc can't come home know, for old time's sake. [),,n' t !.!Ct me \\TOll!.!. I\ c dcfinnch leamed '' nh ·me Do vou think the real world \\ill Then I could step in my makeshift puddle, thing' in ::ollef!C that-,, tll help me OUt in the admtt us a' a package dcal'1 I'm sure there·, close m) eyes. and just for one brief moment. r~al "nrlu. I can "nte a damn good thesis somL' bt~sme" out there that needs a hi tory be transported back to the place'' here life wa~ p.1pcr l kn,m hLm to graph the shonc't route teacher. ,1 nurse. a second-grade teacher and a good and the pizza wa~ on its \\ay. 'Jackass' gang VH 1/ Vogue • takes risks Ill best dressed their new film The VH I !Vogue fashion awards took place Wedne day night. setting a whole new continued from B 1 \\hll Jl \\,t,.nM\Ix· 11 \\,l, \\bO ~ou wanted in the mo,ie'? your gut in>tinct is the right one. Other th(lll!.!ht 111,; \ 11-': \ \ .; LOtllJ !!et fn:.; than that. drink one I! las' of'' at.::r "1th standard of fashion for the l-x:cr'nut of n. ~~, -th~' 'cm.likc ~0 ..:a-.c-.. \\'e had a thing where we sa1.1. on each g l a.">~ of boo;e~you drink that year to come. Hosted by '\o. mll ''ell I'm the onh on.: on of b.::cr a cit\ at a tinie. \\e "nulu haYe. the lmemel \\here an elephant sat on a wa) you aren ·t as hung O\Cr in th~ Debra Messin!! ("Will & th.:: slum "ho·' not compct.::nt. on the mal \\bile \\e \\Cre tnt\elin!!. guy·~ head and hi., head wem up the morning. \\C \\otlld ha\c e\enone·, mom nun1- c kphant \ ass - by the way. you· re Grace"'), and c;ntaining per­ b it true that durinj! the filming or hcr on a pic..:c of 1iap.::r and then '' c 'Cf) pretty. Did you gu)s hang out with Andre\\ formance<; by Steven Tyler, "\len In Hlack 2" \OU nould onh \\otlld lta\C the "L-x:er mom" on the W.K. '~hen shooting the music Pink and P. Diddy, it was a "car loose boxer~ ".hen filming the p1cce ot paJ><:r. So you "ould go get a Thank you. video? '>hob "ith the green '>treen'! night of fashion and fun. ~a .. c. put it 111 \ (llJI' bathtuh. anu )OU \\Cf~ , ._:t. ,\11\\\ a\. we tried to re-im ent that Y cah. we !0\·e ,\ ndre'' \\ .K lll.Jt I I \\ell. w l•.ll P<~ Ppc "'·d \\ '" I '' <1' for th<.. l{lll\ 1~ . '-O we said we \\anted to !!U) · s Sl' fuckmg p'ychcd IL' be dom,; Here are the winner": \1 ·.trill~ the pant' f,,r Ill) ~haractcr. but \\hat's ~our fmoritc drink"? get an elephant to sit on Steve-o·s head i, hate1 er it is he·, doing at the moment. the\ ''mild make no1sc for sound. anu and the) kind of jumped up and down He doe'>n ., usc ,·erb' ~,n all: ·Jacka". s0 j \\a' like. Til just t.tlc m~ bl.l\Crs \ Breakthrough Style Award: SL'Ot.:h on the rn..:ks. But 1f ,·ou about that. So. we couldn't sho\e mu-,ic \ideo. fun.' and h..:"sJUSl talkmg I off.' hut the\' rcfu,cd that.l1\1. I \\O excited and he·, wonderful­ Eve 'I'll ju,t tak~ off 111) pants to do,1t.. and got but other than that we pretty much shot )y off his nutter. l sa\\ hm' much it repul,cd \ tr. the moon. It would ha\'e been funny if Rockstyle Award: ~c1r kiLl and I prett) much haLl to do it Ha' e ~ ou hccn a hie to go out around the elephant had stood up and started Is it harder for you to mess around Ste•en Tyler tr c rest of th.:: mo\ 1e Philly whilr ) acting roles? Toromo .tftcr thi·,. BLit I jo like Ho" were the songs for the sound­ rare!) d1d we get rccogn11cd. ·cause \\e Phlladclphw I loYc the tram '-latlon. track cho en? usualh !!O into areas ''here there 1s a 1\:o. I mean. 1 \\ill Jo '-Crious roles The tram riuc t'mm Philly to Nc'' York vef) lru·ge congregation of old people. Leading l\lan Award: d' ''ell as comedic roles and I J,m·t 1'- ,o gt"'Li We picked all -.ongs that went Hugh Grant thmlo. It \\ill matte! The nC\l rol.:: rIll along with our O\\ n sensibility. Much What was )OUr fa\orite stunt to do'? doim: is not a serious role. hut n'' not a Do ~ou gu~s sec ~oursehes a.s profes­ the -..ame groups that appeared on the Newcomer Award: hn.: -?omed1. The tone 1s some\\ h.::n.· 111 sionals. as it says on the sho"? TV shO\\. The Ramoncs. The Misfits, I don't knm\. I just reall) l1kc the ~l\\Cen . The Resilos. Sir Mix-A-Lot. CKY. other guv,· slllnb. I don't think of Ill\ Kieren Culkin we·,·e oune this for \Cars. This b Andre\', W.K. We totall) picked thmg 'tullls ~a,' much. One stunt that I "a' :1 \. hat is the name of the mo\ ie ) ou ''hat "e do. and '' e get 1)a1d for n. In that ji,ed with w .. pan of that I reall) liked wa' the ">penn :Model of the Year A\\ard: ~ ill be starring in next'? that scn't:. we a1 e pmfcss10nah. Did \\ c bank Olympics. '' hich wa' for the T\' Karolina Kurk.o\a co to stulll s-:lmol and train'7 , o. but So you made all of the picks. show. It is an independent film h) Irish ~,c·vc done thi' lor 1car,. and 111 that Li1re..:tor Da\ 1Li Callcrt\. It·, called ca'c "~ knm\ \\hat \,c·re getting into Yeah. me. Jeff and Spike made the How did it feel heing hit \\ith \later Designer' of the Year "Crand Theft Par,on,:· -anu it's about anJ what \\C're domg. final decisions. but we had a real!) from a fire hose? Award: Gram Par-.ons '' ho W0 much pres· \\ .~~ 111 The rd.,.~ Fh IIll! Burrito ih did ~ou h banging you in the chc't Revolutionary Designer pa t \\ ith hi-, road manager Phil ,\" 1-..r a' idea'. the Ca'>t. ere\\ and tions. So it ''as a te'am effort. with it. It hurts. I don·t C\en think \\C K.1ufman. that ''hen he died he nu!!ht A''ard: frienJ-.. t-.lo't ,,f the creatiYc and busi­ had it full force. it ''a' prett) high. hut Alexander McQueen to he' taken up to the Joshua Tree· ,7nd ne" de<.:l'-l''llS \\ere left up to me. Spike Are there any celebrity cameos in the those things hurt. bumed. So. he d11:d at age 2o in the and Jeff. Bur. we would con,ult "' ith mo,ie? midulc of the nil!ht. and-'-ll the road the cast gu) s and see ''here C\ ef)·onc Who takes the most risks'? Visionary Video A~\ard: manager haLl to m~akc good on the pact. ''~ts. \\'c ''ere open tn hear\\ hat e\·cry­ There are no big-time celebrities \lonl! the \\a\ . 'ome unhclic\ ahle 'tull Thef White Stripes· "'Fell in onc haLl to sad mana!!<:r Phil Kaufman. that·, What major diffe1·ences can fans Hoffman, Tony Hawk. Henry Rollins. to see the mo,·ie anu go from there. '' h\ I ha\ c-all thi' fac1al hair. I stan expect to see beh,een the sho" and Butter Bean. Preston. though. takes a-little prodding :\lost Influential Artist fih{lin!.! alier the first 0f the \Car. I'm the mO\ ie? sometimes. Luck\ for m he !!Cis 1ef) c'\cncd because it'-, a great 'cript. Award: Do you treat your parents the same grump) on came;·a. but re:tll) great Li1rc..:tor. and there's '-Omc !.!noLi he·~ Jennifer Lopez /\ lot nf male nutiJt\. thinl!s l!Oing '' ay as Bam does? fucking funny. \!,e're lucky to hmc pic 111 it '' ith me. ' fico m and out nf holcs.jLht like the\how to Preston. and we're luck:. he ha' a tem­ the 10th JXmer. It i' e\Cf)thing the No. I coLJidn't do that to my par­ per. - compiled by Jamie (<,it true ~ou had a beer .,pon.,orship ,hO\\ should ha\ c hecn. enh. We don't ha\'c that relationship. l during the filming of the mo' ie'? lo\'e them dearly. but Bam just has a So you '~ill be keeping prctt~ bus)'! \lore like the "CK\" \ideos then? Jifferem relationship. r mean, they're 'r eah, that \\a' the best 1dea we close-knit and they love each other: it's Yeah.! will be bus). but it's goud had on the mm 1e. Someone a'kcd lts 1! ·CKY .. and Bl!! Brother. It's ''ide just a different relationship. to be bus). I quite like ha\ mg an inter· we \\anted 'Pllllsors l1l the llltnie. anJ open. Ril! Brother ~11a!!l took a little time and had dialogue girl. and we monitor \\hat 'h~ '"~<.:h~s wllh their kids about what the) were on TV. And talk to her ''hen thin!!' watching on TV. stuff like that would­ happen. so. no. '>he ''on't. ~ n't happen. Has she seen )our stunts"? Do you ha\ e any ad,ice for kids with creative endea\ ors? \!,c let her sec th1nl!' ''here IJaLkh or someone doc-.n ·t rc.~lh !!Cl hurt anJ Tt) to maintain as much control when it's not naught\ siufl like \\hen and try to do it yourself. Don't let Wee-man dressc~ like the Oompa TltL RL \ It \\ hie Pl>

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\n alternathe to dorm life: I bdrm apt> lHl" Hnnde~ PrduJe. pe•rrl \\hile. 2(Wlhp. ,\ national hl)ntlf' on.!anilatit'n h,irH! l.OOKI'-G fOR U.GLI: SCOL TS ('tu­ Grove Par~ at 9.nn Sun ~71h. Cra/\ Cia"'" l"hc \\ e"crn l·anul\ Y\IC\. '\ c\\Jr~." a\ail for immed & futun· occupant). \ TEC ~n~me. p,,r. e\enthing. moon ruoL highl\ mnti\ a ted "tu~krw.. h1 ~'""'i't m .... ta~t­ tl·~nh. Jacull\. ,wffJ Dcl-\lar-\ a Cnd '\atl anJ ;\llt!hu\\ held from i l.rm to team rL'gl ... lJ,;tilllh forth \\omen·..., 5 Qualified p<'J' "cltomc. Call 368-2357. "PniiL'r. ...,p{lrt \\hed .... gaiagc (cpt. mim lllg a·lu"rl ,·hapter. 3.0 GP \required Lde Scnut-. \"n Comm1ttee to help Cih: l 4pm m GnnL' ParJ.. tlll S~ll 2tlth m gontl nn -1 Ba... J..~lhall l.l'aguc. '' htch he~ ill!<. "n' c,>nd. "17 .5110 nbc• ~()2., 3~-S945 Crml- Suroritic~ Club'- Student Squ1rc. cl.: Golf Club. Bonfire and Clam Bake ••n Kul\\ntx.illi~h\\~1\.~c\\ark.leanh are our people. off ~treet ,\\ail Oct. greal 52.1!~1 nho. 10:!-X12-S99:; Group<;. Earn $1,000- -.2.000 thi<; the Bcad1 ~ :r i tli.t\ C\ cnin1! the 2:"'th '' Hh l.'lll.'tlllraged. J)o\\C~ er. inJi\ tdual pia~ er.... an~ I, 2002 $975 mo+ -,975 'ccurit) dcpn,it. ~cme.,ter "ith a prc11 en I he· \mcncan Red C'ro" of the Deln:an a ~ac h game ...... rCamcU c~:mh. hot dog ..... \\c.:kollll.'d Lno RL'~i\ttatinn c..'an he dune at j9mo-l)r lea,c. \lon-Fri. Caii368-~-U~ ~OOUJ,. "t~rm appk c1ller and rna't ma"h· 1 \IC \ Re~i,trati:,., lleadl111e '' ' "' :'ith. .\'1.. for Dehh~. ilm fm ~a ... ~ue. onh :!SK m1. t:\C t.:onJ. C\ent. Our pru!!ranh maJ..c fundrai,ing li"lructnr CPR .\1:1) lor the Prnte"ll>nal mallow' 'dO adult and ~5 children under J'C~IIll c...tptain..., lllCL'Illlg j, ,0\ )th .tt 7pm. \5.999. Call Sle\t:f.\0~) J~)-6-\0-t nr (712! eas) \lith no ritl..<;. Fundrai.,in~ d:ue' are Rc,cuer on Satun.h". OL'! 19th. fwm 9am· I~ Du~.:J.. t:allin~ l."llllte"t Sun 27th ·1 rid... or htr more info call 'I \IC\ at .<0~) 704- Ll\ m~ Ill '-~"ark thl' ,umm~r? I ~ p.:ople 4%-15SO filling quicl,l~. so get '' ith the program! 5pm in the Cnmmunll} S~n il.:c-. Buildmg. tn:atln!.! '' mcr~hanh. ttcnt<.H!C ani .... an ) \ IC\. nl!cJc.:J to -.uh-lcr m l·nl\c:r Jt\ Courl\:m.J. It \\Ork,. Contact C'ampmFundrai<,cr at 100 \\ lOth Si. Suuc 'iOI \\ ilminghln, The "hO\\ ~ hahc.... "~tic .... face panltt~l~ .... tn:3 \partm~nb. ~h~' mo mcluJc~ \I L ut1l Laptop' at Outlet Price'! \ i'it 1888!-923-3138. or' ;,it"" \l.campu<;­ l't.'ht j, \I~' and pre- regir..;tr~Hinn ;, f~yuin:d. -.,ure hL t. pumpl-..1n ro·h. ktJ.., nta"-c tl 'Jkc rhe: l ... \C'r ... tt\ \)f D~lL.t\\o.J !.! JnnoUOI.L' ... the uc' p,.,ol. 2' rr. \C. JJBO. [1\\. \\ () clo'c '"'"·Ourl'C\lall.mrn or call (252! 937- Pqnr to thl t..'t'l!f"L" date. (';.t~h participant " H area un g~n1c..'"i kin !<.lift noanline \..0111 c!Mrl ~ttf' I ~cimlu ·~c I 1hr~n \cnc,. \ to campu,.'~nmplctel) lurm'h~J: Call (.~(1~• 7(17-t. r ... qlllrcJ hl Ctltllpkte .t ta~c.:--hnmc. '~-"1 1 pl.'ltl IJil dth.l guc~ 10~ ~.1111e .;.n.:J.., J or mntL' .,rc ... cnt,tflon .m Hl.'J.\\ \ktal. 'lLhnt•l V>5-h-Pil \tte ntion Hard' - Don"! mi'; thb ... tdJ\ ~..·our .. ...- ~ntith..~J llf inl"nrmat OP curu~u.t !.:lc Rchnht)lh Bc~t,.:P ~hootmg"~ lnJ "'\.lturai Born "-ill~r': \kJia >ppnrtunit) to catch Delirium Thcor) - Jn ... truclllf rr~tlllilli.!." \\ hil.'h j, ;.til atltlillllllal De'' C\ Hc~11.:h chamN:r of comnH.'n.:c. xoo. Liabrlll\ .tnJ the ht \mendment .. l:n Juliet l-oxcroft ro,, nhomt"> - I or 2 hdnn Li\e, !.neal & Free! Spon,orcd h~ 93.3 ~2")_ ~-~·r more mf~1. c'mtaLl \\·cnJ) Ringler. +-t 1-1 ~29 or _;112-227-213.~ c\1 I nr 12 Dt:e. \ "~tll... "t--' 1t.' Prok...... t,r. Dcp.trtment ot apartment'" \\ 1>. Onl) 2' from Services \\ \1\lR. this hand opened for Default ,\dmllli,Jr•rtnr or ln,tructor,, a! J302) 656- Email: rchohoth(lr ht.'a\.:h· ( unl! on.'' Jlll"ll.' ht:'ld in the \tnrri .... campu,. Include~ free parking. Call for ja~d BLSH this past Sprin~ and i> sched­ 66~0. e\1 1>~75. In \lD. call Laura\\ '"'· \\\\\\ .bCa(h-full.l"lHll ,\lTOllllllllt11Hinn p~tt.:k. l'hran. Cia" of lq-ll Lecture R'"'i11 <•n immediate or future occupant). -t56-9167 juled to perform at t'w major major Hcallh S~nice' ,\dmin"Jratnr. al 1-llOJ age.'" an: a\ ailahk fnr thi' C'\ cnt \\ ednc,Ja\. ''" 6th trnm noon to I pm. '\l.'cJ ~~ c.Ji...,tln!.!ui ... hcd rc,umc·' !e'en!' at the Cores States Spectrum later X~2·2.ill. rtk Sdwbr m the l .1hrar) Sene' " 'P<•n \\ail- Jan 03- Sin~le Famil) his Fall! Brou~ht to )OU thi'> \\Cel..end b) \1,\\" .dr .... tin!l~i ... hL'dn!\Uilll!,_com ' Pal.·cm m '1\:rri .... a l''l.'allntl.!rf:.uth p~·a..:c " .orcd In the Pmte,,i<1nal De\ clopm~nt 3 BR - "on - Student Rental \IJ2-2lJ~-II 'iN I'J-1.7 \\ RD'\- Dcla\\are·s Cla.,sic Rock On Oct 24th· An e\citmg L'Ycnmg of mu,ic Jll'll~t-' urgam1atu)n ha' nrgamtt-'d bu ... Comlllill~L' nt the L lli\c..T,il\ of n~. .'l.t\~ arc !Located on E. Pari, Place Station. Delirium Theon "ill do 1\10 lhe h\ the ) chrome' t 1.: or D all-male a cappcl­ tran-.ptlJ1atJnn for D~b\\~m:<.uh to attend lhc.: l.d'\ _\,cmhh nl Prok~''o11al Stall

\\ all, to l () Campu'- ~ l~'ihle oncerts ( appro,. I lam-& lpml this Sat. 1 lti g•oupl. guided ,,n galle~') tour,_ cocktail\. STOP HH-. \\ \R 0'\ IR.\Q BEF'ORE rl tl DL\PSl. Bro~n bag lunchc' .11c 1\cl ong or Short Term Lea'>e l9ct. 19th at the Gear.,, Game' & Gadgets and hnr... t..l'lh.!'U\n.!:-. i.ll the Dda\'-.i.lre Center Sl.\R Is: \larch .rnd ralh 111 \\;"hin~lon come at Jhe pr~'en!ation and the k l.icen,ed \gent. Travel jcenter. for more info. go to "'"' .deliri­ ~l.1di"'n St. \\'ilmmc!on. Dcla\\arc a prc~mpu\ c.: "ar a~ain't lra4. 'uppnrh a urnthcor~ .com. Pn•ccctb bcnctu rh·c 1-amil~ & W nr~placc return or L '\ \\capon' ln,pectur,, and L'S rilL' Cu~ of '\c\\ art.. ' 'IXllhnnng ,, tnp to Connecuon·, free child care anJ elller care re,pe.:l for mternational Ia" anJ the l' :\ the 2002 Chri,tma' Spcclt~cular in "-"" ,\ttcntion Spring Brca"cr' rckrral -.en ice~ am.l ... uppon scrYicc:-. for Charter Cooruinated ill lntanatumal Yor~ Cit\ on I nJ'". Dec 6th. C 6-8pm. ,\'\ \\.CR t•\L'l ;\n\\ ,;, Stop\\ ar and l:nd .md l.'nju\ the.~ lwJi&n "~t:a ... on til '\c\\ York m~ak Pam \1 \Ir\ H<>ttc't De,lination,, - - ~ I :S50io;,2o t•l\-deductibk contrihut!On!. Ract\m i. th1' maJnr march ha' hc-c.:n Cit\ i1i addition to 'ecme Radin C11' \Ju,ic .\lo't Relrablc. """ _,un,pla,hlour,.com. I cndor,cJ ill 0\ cr IIHXI national. local Hail·, Chri,lm'" SpCLI60 for nnn rc,idenh. 366-7060 ~6th fmm Rodnc~ S4uar~ u1 \\limington Suburban PL11a. \\c,t F"tnn Rd hemcen C\1. ~11-l. ~.,10 • <111 X:30am ,harp and from the Par~ and \\ ilmrneton Tru,t .md .\C\11.: a! 7am anll Reci,wr 10 \'pnng Brca~~r,• \\ant to go to BOOt-.. '\OW' 1 -r~c meal,. partie,, dnnb "tth ,en 1cc dc,b stallcu. Spec1al Cancun J,ml.tiCa, \l.t7;! \c,tpuko. the Free Trip,. l.n\\c't l'flcc'. Sl''\SPL\SH Collection' in the ~1 orri, l.ihran '"II be Raham:t-, or J·lorid.t f-OR J·REE "' C'a' 1- TOLRSC0\1 1-X00-426-7710. open 9:lXl am to S:(Xl pm. The \gricultur~ 00-... 95-47 0 orcma11 ... ... ll 'UO\..tla,t\a­ Lihran. Chenl!,tr\ l.ihran. and \Iarine 1 calH n .... ~,.om tuda_ \t L"t:• Spring Break r;, n~ar"· Stud1c~ Libra•} "ill be open R:OO am to Bnn~ llLI\\ rur.. .tree meal,. partie,. cl.: 'i:IXI pm. The Ph~"c' L1brar) "ill be .,hippin~ Oepartmcm of\\ holc.,alc drin~'· ~f-ree Tnp,. Lnwc't Price,. SL. '\­ l'i pr r paci,in~ 'tall'. S(llnc lifting he '" '"lahlc '"' ihe Interne! at all h<>U~'- imohcd 11-60 lh". \I"' ntctl imnicin~ Acapulco Cancun Jamaica and cu,tomer ;,en ice '>tall. I fl-15 minute Bahamas Florida Th.: Cit) of 'C\\af~ i~ -.pon"'urin!! a trip h.l drhc from campu'>. Start 8 hr. Call Jhe Peddler'\ ille~ge ". \ pple f·c,tr\>il" 111 731-2995. Fa\ rc,umc to 731-3181. Prcrer ~ Ltha,~a . I'·\ on Saturda\. '-o' 2nd Come ~ear round emplo~ ee.,. along and t'llJO) a IC'>Il\·ciJ l ~aturing "onder­ ~~;~.~~ A lawn mower Po\Ner ww~. \t· · 'Jl't. t n rut hamkrafted countn and folk art' anu m.:cJ~d mured' tn B.trfcnJc:l"'o LJ.rn up fools R.Pc::orded rnustc cn.tfh. ll\'C eniL'rl<.HnmC.nt lkiiCIOU"- h10lh da~ :\o t:\p nc('c_...... ary. 300 "I raming ~mJ appk' pn.::parcd in C\'t'f) imaginable thro Jgh heodphon€"~ Pn•\ldd Call . n6-~'JI-l'\X4 C\1 llh20. hour po'>iblc "hile u;ing the inler·­ from and return' to !he ".:war~ \ lunic!pal oxposure to thPse nose net. ~or detail,.'onlinc re~i,tration 'cc Buildin~ at X:lKl am ami return' appro\! htt p:l/dnn.icollegedirect.conli\i. lc vel:s 18 5 Uec tl>ei sl co,... m;llcl\ at (1 pm. Your CrtJI.,•n Kennett '"luare arc.t. Ctll hcor:ng lo $ n cor"~dlt on ~110 l>lfl-925-0-llJ.I that nftectc nnp tn t('f" l."lll>n' J\ .tilaole '" Hktnu Rd Arner cons for on Fiudler' Fc,ti\ al October 25 27. ~llll~' \\ arehOLhc nor~ 'lex,'lie 'chcu­ cvolun I( n :::>f tt, ...... no1st: Strut and "'pook out in the ClhtumL" paradL". uk, on-call & "cekcnd only 'hilh. Crll The par.rdc ntlcr' '" er IOlll! co,tumed par­ evels in your work or Rcmell~ r,, ~02 ~6V-6X.W. tit.:ip.llll'-. hand .... dc~.:ora t~d car...... nrpri"t' hornt:,! 1.•nvirunrncnt, ond for en1nc,. and " kd b~ the nur lemple at II am Telemarketcr'- .;,11 to SIO/hr- \Jain St. 32,000,000 Americans wish they weren't here. o cornpiR1t=t CJSsessn1enl on Oct ~hJh dn\\n Rehoboth ,\\cnue \bn ~elling "all map' to '<:nenee ncedeJ. Amenca -and more than 32 million peop.e nationwide- and ments. and/or 'uggestion<; about our ser- BanJ,tand \\ atch brnc•m' tl\ at the \\ ac~' tint<: E\ enmg' & \\ ee~end' S-l-81-ll bt 6~0 or b' rc,umc --nnre tnforrnnt on R~h,,h,,th hoarch\al~ at ':1~! pm-on Jo -t'i+-9SX5. \till: kannc Saturua~, ~6th. Sec Ihe Pet ParaJe Bnng >Rt.G"' \"'I"'! 1..\ IF .\:\0 \\ORRIED'! c.unloct the AmP.riCOr" And though many people live 11ere, it doesn't feel hke home. !Pregnane~ te,ting. option> coun,eling \OUr Clhtumcd mon,lt'r..,, at I :00 pm (ll1 Childcarc alt~r ,,houl ~ hm,, age' 10 & 'Speech l.unquoge Heuring jand contraception a\ailludenl Htalth Sen ice(;'"' Clinic. ~or Assoc.1u1 on of 1 BOO 6~s8 \\ atd1Jhe \lan l"nd Rmld1 R1der' "' the\ m111 I rom campu' nil· "'16 111 P,\ - tr.nh­ ·nforrnation or an appointment. call 831- prnnde Ho"c i'crlonnan~c' and drill' nn. 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In IIOH THL:RLO\\ an) uf Its chance-. season ... RaJ..owsl-.1 satd 'and we <..amc off \J J\ ! Sophonwrc goaiJ..eepcr Kyle Havncs. really flat. A roller of a Dd,l\\ arL' men·, 11 h,, recortlctl ,i.x -.aves fot the 1-kns. -,atd sm:cer '-L'Ull lut another l1l\1 Tucsda} "I thtn!.. a little fattguc might have '>et tn Dt:hl\\atc v1as unprepared for Dn:xel'-. tor Tuesda) ·,gam~ ... . \ 2 0 road luss to <..onfcrente nv al gam~..· plan Drt:\t:l rnarb the si\th time the Heth haVL' hcshmnn mtdfieltl~r J D. Vun Acker -.,ud "'The) came nght out antl st.u ted !..nod; been held s..:un:k" this"ln dcspit~ allmnng t11o goals. the d~kn~e in!.! Ion!.! hall-.." lla1 nes '><.lld "It L.lU!.!ht us kl.'pt Dl.'l:.mare 111 the g.un~. The Dra~ons (7. --1-1. 1-0-1 ColDni;d un~ our l1ccls... • ' Athkti..: , \ tool-. the carl) and "The defense h,f, been soltd all )l.'ar.·· he 1-'rt:shman fon1 artl and leadtng goal scor­ dccidin!.! lead 11 hen freshman mttlftclth.:r ':ud "I JUst thtn!..' they captt.tl11~tl on our er I.{)' an Edward' sattl the Hens were unable" Kc1 111 Doman-.J..i 1-.nocJ..ed 111 the 1!<111lt:"s first goal 5.31 intn the match to defend the Dragon,: aggres-.tve u!Tenstve But the Hen' must dtmtnatc such mis­ style. Drnd ":alctl the vtctorv ,n 7S:21J 11 hen takes II thl.') hope to sail .tgc thctr 'ca-,on as "They dttln ' t giv<' U'> a chance to adJUst fr<.'-.hman mtdfieltlcr Do;ninic Balsamo thev embarJ.. on thctr toul!he t stretch of to thur attacJ.. hdorc they -.cored ... he sa:d rc.:o1 ered a rebound off a hy sopho the;r 'cheduk thts 1\ecJ..cnJ. Tht-. tldcat came on the heels of a tuu!.!h more midftcldcr Jusun Sadh.:r Tomght Delaware hosts Old Donunion IHI Rf-\'11"\\,( Lt~ PtH>l,, Delaware (2-7-2. 0-2) was abl<.' 1\lmustcr ...f-J ""' to conlcrcnce foe Hol\tra Sunu:ty ( 5---l. 2-0 C\A) followed h) \\ill tam antl Freshman midfielder Ed c,, iek and the rest of the Hens· attack "as held afternoon. II shots. hut It WJs unahk to capttalt;e on ,\Luy <5-5. 1-0 C\,\) on Saturtla). coreless for the sixth time this season in a 2-0 conference loss at Drexel. ·•J tlunJ.. Hof\tra was om h..:st game of the Hockey plays host to URI

BY \ LLAN \I CK l ~LE \ What Brandwenc ma\ he ks> totaling I R mmutes. with n>ughtng dte ... he 'atd. "They arc well-Jtsct­ '" e'\citetl abnut. hnwc1 e;·. ts the betng the most frequent otlen,e. pl ined and can wear you down. \\hat ongtnall) appeared to be a amount nf time the Hens -.pent in the fatrl\ cushY weekentl tor the Rt 200i- wccJ..cntl. Brantlwenc has a tkcts!On 2002 l::.CHA champiOn Rhotle bland to make ''ith regartl to his goalie stt­ tomght and al) tomornlll mght uatton. The Rams 12 ·2, 2-0 l skate tnto Rosenberg pttchctl a -,hutout ver­ tO\\ n tomght hoptng to rebound st!', \\'est Cheqer. but senwr goalte from t~ o '>tratght losses to perennial Adam Barbour's 2.21 goals against power Penn State. aYe rage Ja,t season prm ttles But after Del a\\ are·, --1-0 thra-,h­ Brandwene with a pkasant dilemma. THE REVIL\\ I Roh \1dent ing ot West Chester last Fmlay. heatl Delaware ma~ also have to hattie the fatigue that re,ulr... from the For the second time this season, Allison Hunter and the UD ,·oJ­ coach Jo-,h Brandwene welcomes Ieyball team haw won two in a row after a 3-2 defeat of LaSalle. the opportunit) to nm, it up with hacJ..-to-had wce!..l.'ncl format that some of the regwn ·s better competi­ the) employ throughout the season. tiOn Dt:hl\\ arc ''til play hn-.t to Rhotlc ··Both teams \\til be qual it) oppo­ lsl.llld tonight beginning at 7 p.m .. and will trawl to Annapolis to take Delaware sinks nents." he satd. 'Tm very excited about the schedule change:· 1HL RL\ 11:\\ hk Photo on 1\'a,·y tornornm at 7:30p.m. The UD ice lulCkc) team \\On il-. first game of the )Car, -t-O. last weekend. Explorers' ship

continued from page sg with the homestretch of the season UD looks to dehorn the Rams coming ... by a score of 30-27 Delaware linally Instrumental to the vtctOI) Whtp dtsplayed by Onmmndsen fourth game and finished off the 1 tcto­ sophomore middle hmer Valene The injury front: ry with a l 5-9 ganu: to beat L1Salle coach Mickey Manhews sattl the Hens 1\.lurphy. l\1urphy had 16 k.tlls to com­ Througlmut this -.eason. Delaware Head coach Bonnie Kenm sattl she defensive front seven is the be't he has plement Ommundscn ·s career game. has had to deal 11ith a number of is impressed wtth the resilience and the ~een ~o far this season. and that is what injunes at I-.e) pn-.ttton'>. which has Sophomore mtdtlle hitter Linusey a shak' Rams offense has to contend tough work and trauung hahtl'> of her Vtehmann letl LtSalle with )() kills. forced the Hens to their hrt:al-.m,! pomt squad tlus year. with tomorro~ . at several positions. h1e I:.'\plmcrs produced douhh! fig­ "We are a long way from where we '"\\'e tvely]." Keeler s:utl. timsh off a hungr:- Hl.'ns squad. bnnging a fatrl) health) antl st.tbili;cd n.aJ..c the right dccistotb." he said. ·'But the improvement from the begm­ K been dra- Red-shirt freshman LaSalle folded in the latl.' -.tagcs of the matte. She said the wm 11 as important m gatne re.:etvef Brian lngr.un. who butldmg momentum. ,md satd that she A btg reason for tlus has "L!Salle .JUSt broJ..e Juwn:· she s:ud. sufli:red a htgh ankle spram expected to beat the Explore!'>. been the play of Kcnn) has told them thctr d.:-,tiny FOOTBALL two \\t:cb af!<) . and la-.t 11 ct:J.. ·s ~ontcst. shoulu the hole against LtSalle. the) hutltlktl Semor Joe Minucci antl that the) Cthcr team' to he read) to play come game together dunng thl.' hrcak in between !>Ophomore Chris Mooney lo-.c:. The Ci\A toumament starts '\m. time the third and foUJlh game to compose have been able to stabilize the mtddlc 23. \\tth only the top six '>eed-, bemg With Ingram hac!.. in the ltn~up :.Ud. ''but tt\ ume to start THL REv ti:.:.\\ /Pat Tnnhcv Hunter satd Delaware has matured Samba limng up at defensive end. have Also. juninr runnmg hack .Antal\ n winning and being conststent"· been able to add the pass rush to their Red-shirt freshman Justin long tries to make a block for a fello~' 'tgmficantl) in tenm of mental tough­ The~ Hens will look contmue their Jenkins should be .tbk to retum to ness. arsenal. teammate in Saturda) 's \ictory over James l\ladison. wmmng streak 11hen they travel to action after suffering a ltm cr back "One month ago. \\e mtght not have "[Samba] hll!> that twttch:· Keeler inJlll) Juring that same game

.Managing Sports Sports Senior Editor Contributing Managing Assistant Last Photo N Title Sports Editor Editor Sports In Editor Sports Sports Week's Editor Editor Editor Chief Editor Editor Winner F L

Name C.Sherman Overall (54-33) w Last Week (9-5) (7-7) (9-5) (6-8) (10-4) Buf @ Mia Bills Bills Dolphins Bills Dolphins Chi @ Det Bears Lions Bears Bears Lions E Jax @ Bal Ravens Ravens Jaguars Ravens Jaguars Sea @ Stl Rams Seahawks Rams Seahawks Rams E Car @ Atl Falcons Falcons Falcons Falcons Panthers Den @ KC Broncos Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs Chiefs .Min @ NYJ Jets Vikings Jets Jets Jets E SF @ NO 49ers Saints Saints Saints 49ers TB @ Phi Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles Eagles SD @ Oak Raiders Raiders Raiders Raiders Chargers K Wash @ GB Packers Packers Redskins Packers Packers Hou @ Cle Browns Browns Browns Texans Browns Dal @ Ari Cowboys Arizona Cowboys Cowboys CardinaL 7 Ind @ Pit Colts Colts Colts Colt Steelers l'D Facts, Figures and otes • Ice Hocke) takes on URI On Monday. former head foot­ Tuhh) • l\len' soccer coverage hall coach Raymond, along with eight others, was • Week 7 NFL pi ks named to the Delaware ...... see page B7 Athletic~ Hall of Fame. .. October 18, 2002 • B8 Commentary Beth Iskoe Delaware defeated in double OT

BY DOMI IC A:-ITO 10 trom Delaware's defense and scored \\\ \lt.rH Sf'orl.\ LJitPr an unas~i~ted goal at the 96:04 mark. A brcaJ...a\\a) by Lafayette enior gtvn1g Lafayetle a 3-2 wm forward Megan l\lonahan with 3:56 Then Hens out-shot. the Leopards remammg tn t.he game proved fatal 18-15 tn t.he loss. and both teams fc>r the Del a\\ arc field hockey team recorded 12 penalty corner' m the a~ Jt Jo-,t 3-2 rn double overtime match up. Tue,;day night at Rullo Stadium. Del a\\ are scnwr goalkeeper The loss was the fourth stratght for Stephanie Judefind recorded seven the Hens (6-8. 0-2 Colonial Athletic sa\'es m a losmg effort. while Devlin Women Assoc1at10n ). \\ hile the Leopards recorded 10 in the \\ m. 1mproved their record to 12-2. Wagaman sard she was dtsap­ Del a\\ are sophomore mtdfielder pointed \\ ith the loss and took the Jc..,s1 Balmer sa1d Tuesday's defeat goal that Lafaycl.te scored at the end do belong was a major blow to the team, and of the second half personally. she hopes the Hens will find a way P-!1~"!!11!'"'!' h!le ~lmumng over ··r took it. to heart.'' she satd. ··M y out of the losing streak. E:SP .com\, headlmes respon'>lbtlny on thts learn as a "The loss was extremely rough:· last week.. one m pa.ruc­ defender ts to make sure we keep she said. "especially because we ular caught my eye­ control of the game after the offense have been losing so many games and .....-.. ··Rotme) - Bhbts pur­ ... cores. and we didn't do that to he that close to a win and then lo e po-.e of female '1ddme reporte~:· Tuesday:· it in the second overtime, it felt hor­ Betn" a P1tt~hunzh native and Hens head coach Carol Miller said nble." Steele~ tanhful. m) h;art ~l. l won­ that at tht> pOint m the season, the The Hens controlled the majority IHL REVIL\\/ Pal Tooh~'" dered. \\nat did Steelcrs owner Dan ream has several options in of the game. scoring the first goal at Junior Jessica Breault battles against a pair of Lafayette defenders Thesda~ night at Rullo stadium. · Roone\. a man \\horn I had always approaching the remainder of the the 30:37 mark. Senior co-captain adrmr~d. ha\e agrl.u­ I unde~t.Lmd that he 1s from a differ­ "We have two roads we can fol­ ty stroke and fired the ball past Melissa Ferrand scored the game at two sent into the: Dann) Boy. t}u.., 1s the year 2002. still have the potential to wm." Then. 56:37 tnto the game Balmer at the 57: 23 mark. cutting Hocr~Y contest into m ertime. final m enime. l:pon reading the art1cle. I was Del a\\ are will return to action connected with a pass from sopho­ Delaware ·s lead to 2-1. The Hens held con- At this pornt th.:: members of both plea\ed and relieved to see that n was ton1ght as it. travels to James more rmdfielder Erica LaBar and The Hens controlled the -:L:-a- f::-a_y_e_tt_e--3=---- trol of the hall f1>r the teams appe .. red to he \\ orn I rom the none nther than 3-year-old crad:pot :-.tad1son at 7 p.m .• followed by a slipped the ball past Devlin for a next several minutes. but Hens lOT maJonty or the ftrsl. oYer­ ~5 mtnL.te' <>f play !hat had alre.tdv CBS "60 Minutes" commemator i\ndy 2 cont.e'>t at Y1rg1ma Commonwealth 1 Hens 2-0 lead just when it looked as if ------trme period hut. were gone h) · Roone\. whom I forget I'> still e\·en on p.m. Sunday. But just less t.han one mrnute later, Delaware would walk unable to penel.rate the rtnally. after :?.6 scoreless mrnule'> tele\lS;on until! an1 ;hannel surfing and Lafayette put its first point on the away with the win. Leopards jumor fierce goalkeepmg of De\ ltn. nw.. ,- nf O\ertime. \lonahan broke away an1 unfortunate enough to hear h1m go off on tmother mcaningles.., rant. As a guest on the "Boomer Esiason Show" o~ :\.ISG "'etworl. Rooney said. 'The on.l; tlung that really bugs me about television's CO\Crage IS those Football preps for R.I. damn women the) have d~own on d1e stdelme-. who don't kno\\ what the hell the; 're talking about. I mean. I'm not a sexist pe~on. hut a woman ha-, no busi­ ne s bemg down there trymg ' make some comment about a football gan1e ... Perhaps he ligurcd. Hell. I've already offended blacb. Kati\'e Amencans. gays Game 7 and eYery other group other than 83- Delaware (3-3, 2-2) year-old-crank)'-IJUt-of-touch-with-reali­ ty•-white-males why don·r I JUSt pick at Rhode Island (2-4, 0-3) another group to g• after? It won't mat­ Saturday 12 p.m. ter. n<>b..ll.l) lakes me seriously. any'\\ ay Last Week: Bccau'e ewr •r•.: IS c.:nutkd tn their Delaware 23,JMU 10 opuuon. e\en AnJy. lets take a qUick Northeastern 38,Rhode Island 13 look at the fac~ behind rw(, female SJdelme repone~. At age 10. ESPN\ Suzy Kolber feeders of the A-10. and, for second time rn t.hree wee b. the s1gned up to pia) recreation fcx)[ba!J and BY CRAIG SHERJ\.lA Rhode Island has dropped all three Hens did not allow an opponent to nhh llwwginr.: \.,~on\ Fditor of its conference gan1es thi~ season. for 100 yards. THE REVIEW/Pal Toohey made the \"tl) temn. tJnfortunately Even after two straight conference 'The A-10 ts a very tough confer­ Tomomm. however. DeJa,\ are 1\ til Junior running back Keith Burnell runs for daylight last week­ for her. the league wa, for boys only. victories. the Delaware football team ence from top-to-bottom." Ran1s head take to the road. \\here l!t.s 0- "'\ thi·, vear end against .James l\Iadison. The Hens are now 3-3 overall. and parents threatened to pull their chil­ still find\ itself fighting for it.~ potential dren out if she did not. quit. 'ot wanu­ coach Tim Stowers said. "But, if you "We havcn·r won on the road ;..:t," playoff life. ~gamst Bnm n two 1\ eek a;tl. 1\ hen he lreshman recein:r Justin Long, in last had to pick a weak stster of the confer­ Keeler "But all l'\c done IS ju't ng everyone else to lose out she qmt. The Hens (4--3. 2-2 At.lantic-10) roll week·, Homecommg Yictory. ence. it probably would have to be us." told the kids to maintain their fo.:us: .. n.n f<>r llJ7 ) ;mb. the most e\ cr for a but resumed her playing career at the into Rhode Island tomorrow fresh off a qtlarterh~Kk .n sdmniJu,I.Or). and three Long lini..,hed the gan1e \Vith nine Over the l~t two weeks, the Hens It seems thi.., weekend could be the Unive~il) of M1m111 when she played 23-10 vt.ctory over James Madison last tnuchd< >Wih. cat.che ... for 99 yard and was named A­ on ll'> mtramural football team. defense. much maligned for it earl} one for Delaw;u·e to gam that elust\ e Saturday. season struggles. has miraculously tir'>t road \ ictof). Dd;marc. nn the •>!her hand. has had I 0 Rookie of the Week. After secunng an intem\hip with the With the win. Delaware was able to nn prnhlem putting rotnts 1>11 the bn;u·d. !::sen Keeler said he could not have sport'> Jepartrnent of a local TV station transfom1ed into one of the best in the The Ran1s defeated the I lens at bnng tts conference record back to A-.10. Delaware Stadium. 10-7 in last season·s ~nd \\·ith the \\a) the defense has foreseen Long's expedient coming-of- after her junior year of college. Kolber .500. and climbed to sixth in the confer­ "Last week, our defense played upener. marking the tirst trrne sm.:c evul\ ed in recull. \\ ecks. could pose age. was hired before she graduated Then. ence standings. another great garne,'' Delaware head 1989 that they bad done '>o. 'omc mate 1-up pwhlcnh for Davh .md "[Long] wa... a fa\\ talent when he after a fe\\ other job~. she wa' htred by As a result. the Hens have a number Rh,>Je bl,md. arrived here:· Keeler said. ·'And I ESP'\ at age coach K.C. Keeler said. "We dominated But it looks a-; if tim trcnJ ma~ be econd lime tlus sea­ edgeable audtence. no Jess _ as the Delaware women's With the one-goal cushion. Grzenda Two e.\amples of are Terry said he was able to pack players back ~on. the Delaware Vlllleyball team Bradshaw and Eric Dtcke~n. Gr..mted. soccer team downed Pennsylvania 1-0 into a defensive mode. was able to post. back 1.0 back victo­ Brad,haw is not l. uphiU both ways. Or his father come out and get two wins so we could night, 1-0, on a rain-soaked Delaware 1\Iini-Stadium ticld. · pe1fnrmance... she sa.d. "After used to bumble htm with hts paddle. While most of the play took place in go back into the conference on a roll." hemg do\\ n two gtarted Ill get ABC took Enc off the stdelmes. I home tilt wtth Navy. until the remain­ to leep playing our same dcten,t\e li1-!ht in (lrder 1.0 t:unt.rtn the nllo the gan1c ... AssociatiOn) managed to capitalize on game" always looked forward to hearing what \ltd htpmen leading su>r.:r. tumor for I -re ... hman En n Kardme said com­ one of its two corner kicks. der of conference play resumes. The 1 words he would mvcnt next. outcome of those matches wtll go a Whtle the reeling Quat..ers (()4-1 1 I\ .trd \me ia ~he\ eland, \\ ho hth U­ mumcat.ion was the key to Lewing one-limed a pass from So Andy. before you go opening your long way m dectding the Hens· playoff may have been \'ulncnble. \\ mlc.:" m licd 2 ~ potnh (mn.: g<'.tls. t\C a '"t ) Ddaw~u·e\ late resurgence btunhlin' mouth again. maybe you should jun10r midtielder Caryn Blood just positiomng. their last live outmgs and sufknng then thus ..At the end of the dmd gan1e under the crossbar and over the out- get your bumblin' tacb straight so you Grzenda satd there are a fe\.1. items fifth shutout of the season. IlK Dela\\ -e returns to act on Sund.l\ C\ ervone started \\ ork.tng to!!ether won't sound like a bumblin' old man. stretched arms of Quaker junior goal- that still need to be tweaked before the Midshtpmen \\ tll present a fommbblt \1 h ·n ,t ht"h ,I\ y at ~ p m. • mnr~ ;md !mentum Beth /skoe 1.1 a semor .sports editor · .onightJ. we worked on keeping 36. but Jropped thetr next two. both "Corners arc always a great sconng this seZtson. gom<> I 0-0-4 throu1!h 1-1- up ji1r 77Je Revieu. Plmse send commems the midfield tighter but obviously. we ~ e • opporturuty:· Lewmg said. "Caryn set to [email protected]. have to work on creating better chances games ..,o far ... ee DELAWARE page B 7