, , ;-■ 1 " ”' t / • * y' - iiyyr ip!!JJ, . . . . r e RED-HEADED GIRL £. Parking Lot Owner__ RUINS COAST PARTY Dr. R. D. Curry Seeing Big League ,S Liable for Theft - , Dentist * A -parking lot proprietor Is Makes Fur Fly When Things TELEPHONE BUILDING By ' Phones " - • • liable for damages if, through Annoy Her. Sportswritcr, ]Big League tad General of the Indian* $ his negligence, an automobile is * s ' Office 355 ßes. 54-W ■■ ". 111 1l"1.11..*"■■ 111 ...... 1..■". * removed by .-some one without -. San' Francisco.—There’s no doubt . I got through my first American tunately the corset reference didn't league’» latest Importation—a college- * i lie proper Ucket, the Michigan about It—when a red-headed gal LEWIS & WALKER league ganu\ ihy baptism of lire, you stick long enough to make ~'u real bred umpire. It is reported that Mr. * Supreme court has held.,: David r starts making "whoopee” the police . might say, without a hitch, I had "goat” out of-me among the players. Evaus.is.a linguist. He speaks seven s}: s. Block left his automobile dn—4 areTSute7 W ' bs~catted~Boonor-or-ffater- “ASSSTEESasa-CHEMISTS gained experience that- was to prove Otherwise, they might have-made life languages, Including the language of | a parking lot at First and Bag- $ That’s what happened recently in invaluable to me in my career that' miserable- for me.. Hut shortly after­ baseball In -all its variations and inflec­ * ley streets, Detroit, and it was 3 front of an apartment house ib Bur- Shipments and Settlements was just unfolding. ward I again fell victim to a-newspa­ tions.” _■ ^ .stolen.- His insurance company .-Unftame. > , • Careful Attention Given to Smelter Thernexi day, as matter of course, per. man’s humor and this time the.ap­ •'Ciriftljh found himself all tied in a * paid him ?375 and sued the After about the sixth call for help I,turned to the newspapers, half hop­ portion appliedsjo me stuck. knot in this classic battle of the king’s ijl Service Parking' corporation, op- had come ovijr the telephone from the ing but not ..really expecting-to see Charley Dryijen,,.then on the Phil­ English, The little controversy ended * orators of the * lot, for that apartment house, Policemen A1 Mar­ P. 0. Box No. 114 ’some word about me. There it was adelphia North American, and one of in Clark’s being given the bum’s rush. * amount. The lower court en- ion, and Charles . Thomas put up the North Wyoming Butte,, Mont. nil right. the most famous sport writers that After excusing, Mr. "“Griffith.from the * torn! a judgment for the de­ checker board and went^down to look • “liilly Evans, who hails from the., ever lived, wits its author. ' Charley hall game. Fearless Hill Evans gave fendants, holding that the words tilings over. It was'all very iconfusing M. PAUMiE’S 0. ami P. league, which sounds more .was the originator of .most of the the'. Old .Fox a personally conducted "not insurers,’’ on the parking when they arrived. But one tiling was like a brand*of: corsets than a bnse- sport slang of his-day. Among sport tour to the .exit." * ' ticket absolved the ‘ company sure—the red-headed gal was in the Parisian Dye House writers the faculty of being able to All through Dryden's account of the from responsibility. Disagree- center of the scrap, and she was mak­ originate catch phrases and Slung épisode he made constant reference .to * ing. the Supreme court reversed ing the fur fly. 60 West Galena St., BUTTE, MONT. names is regarded ns-somewhat of a "Fearless-'Hill. Evans.’’ Of course, it | the verdict. The corporation The police got six different stories French Dyeing and Cleaning-- Satis­ distinction—If they stick. Take today, was done for the sake of humor, but * Imd the duty of proving it.had from the six participants, but they all faction Guaranteed. Outside work for instance. The originators of those ‘'Fearless Hill” stuck to me like wall | not been negligent, the court agreed in one particular. One,of the famous sporting phrases, "The Wild paper. The flayers applied the naine j held, and failed to do so. * solicited__ Phone 516.—Adv. - tf T wives on the party—which began in Hull of the Pampas," as applied to to me. • * * San Francisco two days* before and *************************** l.uis Firpo, the Argentinian heavy­ <©. 1931. Bl-U Syndicate.)—WNU Service. was still in full force—objected to weight and “The Four Horsemen of something the red-tieaded gal did. t.nd Notre Dame,” in reference to the fa­ TINY FRONT-DRIVE AUTOMOBILE IS SPEEDY then the rqd-hend started in earnest.’ Dr. F. H. Bimrose mous hackfield of Notre Dame’s equal­ One pretty little brunette In eve­ ly famous football team, really con­ ning clothes was all . mussed up and — Dentist— tributed something to the national showed positive evidence that *'ie had vocabulary. Those phrases struck the been knocked down and had sat quite - Telephone Block public fancy and they lmng on, and heavily in a mud puddle. their originators, were proud of {lieiiir Down at the police station the boys Well, Charley Dryden, was good at gave tlieir names as follows: Kenned) that sort of thing, and he exhibited Thomas, Joseph Stone and G. G. Pen­ r i c h a r d m c c a r t h y^ a little of his brand of humor, at my nington. Police Sergeant .Tat , Theuer expense in a ball game in' acted its arbiter, sorted out husbands Assayer and Chemist shortly after the opening of the lPOfi and wives, pacified tlie red-hcad*-T-who 56 East Granite, Box 858 season. didn’t have any Inmhnnd—and extract­ New Fork was playing Philadelphia ed $15 apiece from each of the boys. Butte, Montana that day, and during the course of the And the police nil heaved individual game Clark Grillith, now president of sighs of relief when tiie car contain­ the WashingtoiV baseball club and then ing the six moved over the northern manager of the Highlanders, was city limits toward San Francisco with­ coaching on first base. 0riflith pro­ out any further signs of an' eruption tested one of my decisions so stren­ from tlie red-head gal In the rear seat. uously that -1 was forced to send him PRINTERS’ INK . off the Hold. And so peeved was I, ball organization, made bis American that 1 followed close on his lu-els to Girls Look Alike; He . league debut yesterday. There was no make sure that he left. 1 wanted to Asks License for Both AS been respond riot.” be thorough. sible for thousands Riverside, Calif.—“1 want two mar­ H There was a brief reference to my The next day Dryden’s account of riage licenses. I want to marry those of business successes work, which 1 fail to remember. The the game contained, substantially, the two girls over there,” said a man with only thing that sticks out is the hu­ folowing passages: throughout the country. morous crack about the corsets, a mor­ "The Old Fox has met his match at a German accent to a woman clerk in Everybody in town sel tlmt clung to.me quite a while, too. last. Clark Gntiitli, who talks the the city hall recently. The horrified clerk saw two girls may know you but Sometimes a little "wise crack'’ in most convincing line of baseball ar­ they don't know what n newspaper sticks to a man and, try gument known, was forced to take the who looked exactly alike. One, as as he will, lie can't shake it oil'. For­ count at the hands of the American horrified as tlie clerk, started forward. you have to sell. “But you can’t ’rinirry two—” began the clerk. “Sure—otherwise how can I tell Advertising Will Help Yon them apart?” Study Impact of Motor “Here, now, Vincent Barnett, stop your ‘ribbing’! This is serious," said the first twin. The name meant nothing to the clerk, Bus Over Public Roads hut It lias meant plenty to Vincent’s victims all over tlie United States. When tlie wheel of a motor vehicle elements, which was designed and Tins tiny trom-nrivo automoone mav resemble an animated top, hut it can passes over an obstruction or a rough built by the bureau as a modification 70 miles per hour, get bo miles to tin* gallon and he tucked to sleep under He is the noted “rlbber” who, for a place in the surface of a highway, of a single element instrument used in tlie back steps o, behind tlie In-a-door bed. Edward A. llorntraeger is explain­ good foe, pretends to be a waiter at there are two impacts of the wheel earlier impact tests. The accelero­ ing to Viola Uoscbrock that lie spent two years building this midget “limou­ a banquet, and tells Mrs. Emily Post upon the road—shock impact when the meter was mounted on the-rear axle sine" entirely by hand, using chased aluminum for the body. It's SO inches she's eating soup with the wrong wheel conies in cnriiast with the ob­ of lite bus, unii was in a position-to long, 20 inches high, has a wheelbase of 00 incites, and weighs just 500 spoon. He steps up to Bobbie Jones struction! and impact when it hits the respond to any vertical accelerations pounds. .Just imagine a big outdoor policeman directing traffic at the world’s and offers him a driver when Bobbie’s pavement-following the bounce. imparted to the axle by the wheel. busiest corner with the streets full of these little gasoline hugs! about to putt. The trend today is toward higher This was just another of Vincent’s VMiicular speeds, particularly with the "ribs.” It was aimed at both tiie heavier wheel loads, such as in motor clerk and the first twin—Genevieve bus operation and the bureau of public Meier, daughter of a prominent De­ roads, United States Department of | INTERESTING LITTLE BITS OF DIFFERENT SPORTS I troit clock manufacturer, and they Agriculture, . lias studied the impact both fell for it. forces produced by the rear wheel of Barnett was getting out n license a modern bus operating on a concrete Raseball players are like sailors in Manager Joe McCrthy for the pur- forty-one pitched in 40 games, finished to marry Genevieve and Induced her when you want pavement at various speeds up to 55 one respect—they never carry um­ chase of . 41 of them,, and won 20. to bring along her twin sister, Ger­ that next job of miles an hour and over two types of brellas. * * * maine. ______- * * * road obstructions. The studios have of tlie A’s attended .Timmy Foxx broke into baseball as included various wheel loads, sizes of Herb ^McQuaid, formerly Boston university, and Ed Phillips of a , then tried his hand Man Occupies Half of tires, inflation pressures, rim dimen­ with St. I’aul, recently was released tlie Pirates attended Boston college. at catching, and finally, after four House; Wife the Other Printing sions and rim Widths. The Rubber by the Seattle club. Both are catchers. years, got the ’s job with * * * * * * the A’s. Beacon, N. Y.—After seven years ot You will get first-class Manufacturers association and the living in a section of his home apart Society of Automotive Engineers co­ Mr. Fothergill makes . astounding Our one and only experience with * * * work, and you will get catches out in left, considering that lie ping-pong would incline us to any When the 1031 season begins, the from ills wife, Chester A. Jones, operated in the investigations. , wealthy builder, is seeking an annul­ it.when promised, for The operation of, heavy vehicles at seems to be going about in a barrel. movement for raised seams and a football realm will find that more than • « * thicker cover on the hall; 25 men who learned their football at ment in Supreme court at White having work done high speeds has been made practical • * . *..•••'•*•• Plains. by tlie comparatively recent use of Chick Meehan, New York univer­ Notre Dame are occupying positions sity football coach, once tried out Jones told Judge William F. Bleak- „when promised is one high-pressure tires and balloon tires Tlie famous Joe McGinnity, “the as head coaches throughout coun­ the as an infielder with the Boston Braves. iron man of baseball," at the age of try. ley that soon after their marriage he of the rules of this office. on heavy trucks and busses, says the * * * found his wife cold toward him. So bureau. Of last year’s fine pitching staff he divided their home at Pleasant If you prefer, send the High Speeds. only one man remained at Toronto Plains. She lived in one- half and he order by mail or bring Tlie tests revealed. that the impact this year. lie is Nick Harrison, relief ■ “Pie” Traynor Now Has Own in the other. it to the office in person. varies in almost direct proportion with twirler. Judge Bleakley reserved decision ■llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllfflillilllllD IIIlillllilll tire Inflation pressure. Tlie variation * * * until a later date at Poughkeepsie, of impact with sliced proved to be Ray Caldwell, aged pitcher, with Way at Dreaded Hot Corner when Mrs. Jones will appear. “I will Let Us Show You different for the two types of impacts, Birmingham, lias been in the game not grant you" an annulment until"! What We Can Do drop and shock. The drop impact When John McGraw, manager*, of ing and chowder club were shouting more than 20 years and never had a tlie New York Giants, shifted Fred see this woman, until I see what such . readied a maximum value at compara­ for Harold, Lindy was playing the a woman looks like," Judge Bleakley sore arm. Lindstrorii to right field, Traynor of best third base in the Big Show. tively low speeds and ^decreased at * * c * told Jones. higher speeds. Tlie shock impact va­ the Pirates heaved a long and deep However, with Freddy the Terrible ried almost directly with speed, but It looks good to see tlie boys ■warm­ sigh of relief. Swede gone to the picket line, Tray­ did not attain a value as great as the ing up on tlie diamond in the vacant For some years Traynor had held to nor is left the undisputed pace maker maximum drop impact until a very field, even if you can’t do it yourself tlie belief that he was just about the for t*jie third-basemen of both majors. Reliable Service any longer. Land Office high speed had been readied. Tlie fanciest tiling around tlie hot corner Last year “Pie” got off ,to a poor relations of tlie various factors in de­ * * * in either ■ league. fans start, as he had been suffering from Filings & Proofs in Land Matters tail are described in tlie April issue Colonel Ruppert is report,ed to have chimed in with the “I’ie” pean. eye trouble. Now he is the Traynor of Public Hoads, placed $200,000 at the disposal of "‘But while Traynor and his march- of old—fast and hitting, too. And These bus impact tests are tlie lat­ lie’s a brand new benedict, is Harold. II est of a series of impact investigations Got married at the close of last sea­ ■which tlie bureau-has been making for BRAINS BEHIND 1931 START OF GRAVES son and announces that having two a ten years or more. Tlie earlier studies managers is just great. dealt with the measurement of im­ Oldest Set of Pearl I. Smith pacts caused by heavily loaded motor „Charley Borah is not a candidate Abstract Title Building trucks, especially those with poor tire for the 1932 Olympic games. The one­ equipment. time University of Southern Califor­ B ook s in .D illon, Tlie recent studies were conducted nia track captain, and former national QONOCO tin a concrete road at Aberdeen champion sprinter, recently repeated County ^abstractors! Montana. (Maryland) proving ground, tlirougn a former statement that he would not tlie courtesy of. tiie ordnance depart­ be, a competitor for a place on the 4*4*4*-Di--!* 4* 4*4*4* »I* 4*4*|t*|fr ♦ ♦ 4* American team. An injured leg, which v *r ment. The vehicle used was a modern X * * high-speed bus chassis with a special Borah hurt whilè he was a student, if body. The floor of the body was di­ still bothers him, and he has no hopes ❖ I 7f vided into small compartments for re­ of ever running again. - 4.f •* taining 100-pound ' cast-iron weights * I used, to vary tlie loads. “Dutch” Carter, one of the best pitch­ * I'. Tire Equipment. ers Yale ever had and now an official E ARE fully equipped •The test car tire equipment indud- of the Brooklyn club, thinks the New «fr fd both high-pressure pneumatic and Ybrkv Giants have a great ball club I balloon types, and the range in size arid likes Freddy' Lindstrem in par­ to handle all kinds of was from 7-inch high-pressure to 12- ticular. “Lindstrom is one of the great ■ inch balloon. Inflation varied from 53 right-hand hitters of alt- time,” be commercial printing. . to 107 pounds per square Inch. Rims said, adding,, “I know, because I saw -e- , et were- of 20 and 24-inch diameter. them a ll” The tests involved two types of ob­ struction each D /2 inches high; one John W i “Jack” Coombs,. Duke uni­ All orders receive our an Inclined plane 30 inches long, anrl versity baseball-coach former big the other a rectangular obstruction 12 league pitcher, was quite & college inches wide. Here are sonie, of the brains that are responsible for the remarkable athlete himself. At Colby college, Wa- personal supervision * * The magnitude of impacts yas measj showing .that the Boston Braves have made In their 1931 diamond season, terrille, Maine, he was a five-letter :^UEed.-bjLmnm tipi e-element cor tact ac­ Left to tight: Coach Duffy Lewis, Manager Bill McKechnle. and Coach Hank man, winning “C V .In football, base- celerometer, consisting of ten sensitlvi mpMpyz ... V . . y - — J\