’s on Eye the Realms The beautiful, capable, strong-willed wife of King Azoun IV of Cormyr is now long dead, but she left behind a hidden, living legacy. A small, secretive band of loyal agents, her personal Blades, remain Queen Filfaeril’s dedicated to furthering her aims for the Forest King- dom. Still willing to slay and die in her memory, they seek to make “Fee’s Fire” burn in every Cormyrean’s Blades heart and hearth. By Ed Greenwood ✦ Illustration by Wayne England The Founding In life, Queen Filfaeril, or “Queen Fee” to those close to her, was a masterful manipulator who did much to guide the realm from behind the scenes. She gov- erned her husband even more firmly and effectively than the wily and powerful Royal Magician Vanger- dahast did. She also influenced events at court, as well as the tide of rumor and popular opinion, far more subtly than even the “most brightshield” (smoothest) of courtiers. Filfaeril worked by means of deft and subtle infer- ences, suggestions, and misdirection (particularly by spreading false rumors) where Vangerdahast bluntly threatened, mustered War Wizards to his will, and gave orders. In contrast to them all, her royal husband gave imperious royal commands. Azoun knew what his beloved Fee was doing, and he loved her for it, with occasional testy irritation being his strongest negative reaction. Vangerdahast and Filfaeril fought an ongoing battle on many levels. The wizard believed that only he had the wisdom and good judgment to guide Cormyr, and Filfaeril was grimly determined to ensure that Azoun should rule the realm, with

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February 2011 | Dungeon 187 1 Eye on the Realms

Vangey acting as a wise advisor and capable servant ight spirit perceives the world through the crown, which at most. A R Toraunt keeps hidden except during Blades meetings This three-way power struggle seldom boiled over Loyal Company at which he is present. Some say that it sends dreams into open confrontation or anger, because all three Queen Filfaeril’s Blades are now about two dozen and other “signs” to individual Blades who call on her participants (despite what others believed) had the strong, and they have another dozen or so novices when they are uncertain what to do. best interests of Cormyr at heart. They frequently dis- who do little more than act as passive “eyes and Anathur was murdered by furious elder Cor- agreed on what those interests were, but none of them ears” for the veterans. Most Blades are rogues (of 5th myrean nobles in 1471 DR when they overheard was concerned with gaining personal advancement or through 12th level, most of them aerialists), backed by him explaining that better-paid servants and tenants power for its own sake. a few fighters (of 6th through 12th level, most being who were treated as social equals would be happier Azoun, Vangerdahast, and a handful of other Wiz- 7th or 8th). Their current leader, Toraunt Hawkgar and more loyal than oppressed ones. Over the years ards of War (such as the senior “mother” War Wizard, (a good human male 12th-level rogue), took over the since, Anathur has been slowly and carefully avenged Laspeera) and courtiers (such as the sage Alaphondar) Blades after the violent death of Anathur Hawkhorn. by his chosen successor, Toraunt. This most recent were aware Filfaeril worked covertly with the Harp- Before Toraunt’s time as leader, Hawkhorn, the leader of the Blades has slain Anathur’s killers in a ers. They also knew that she had her own handful of grandson of Baerlus Hawkhorn and a bastard son of series of clever murders that he arranged to seem like spies and agents, including some Highknights who Azoun IV, held the mantle of leadership of the Blades. accidents that were caused by the dead nobles’ own were more loyal to her than to Vangey or Azoun. Like other Blades leaders before him, he was intensely excesses or imprudent actions. Yet Filfaeril also had a smaller handful of personal loyal to the Obarskyr family and the realm of Cormyr, Other than those slayings, Toraunt’s leadership of agents that she (with the aid of Storm Silverhand and he was dedicated to moving into accord with the the Blades has avoided most bloodshed. He prefers and Dove Falconhand) successfully kept secret even aims of Queen Fee with a minimum of bloodshed. If to keep a low profile instead of doing dramatic deeds from her husband and the all-seeing Vangerdahast. a reigning king or queen of Cormyr has to be elimi- and gaining a growing “rumorfire reputation.” Since These people were her Blades, a dozen or so human, nated to bring about a Forest Kingdom that follows most of the Blades share his preferences for being , gnome, and half- Cormyreans who were Filfaeril’s aims, the Blades have failed—but defending deft, silent, and patient, there has thus far been little crucial in blunting several noble revolts. Such lethal the monarch against those opposed to Queen Fee’s dissatisfaction with his style of leadership. response from the Blades had a chilling effect on aims, with violence whenever necessary, is essential Toraunt’s trusted lieutenants are his lover Maha- rebellious nobles, who began thinking carefully about and entirely acceptable. rantrae Snardren (a good half-elf female 10th-level the personal consequences of sedition. Anathur dubbed the Blades as being “a right loyal aerialist rogue, who is an accomplished dancer and Today, nearly ninety years after Filfaeril’s death, company” and began the tradition of reporting the sometime revel-consort and tutor to young nobles) the descendants of the original Blades are active in deeds of the Blades to Filfaeril’s personal crown as and Daskur Halorth (a good human male 12th-level Cormyr and wherever powerful Cormyreans go in if she was still alive. The crown in question is her fighter, who is of stolid rural—Hullack—Cormyrean the Realms. They continue to carry out the aims of personal “tall tiara” rather than the heavier and more stock). Maharantrae and Daskur maintain internal the dead queen, operating as an independent secret valuable “state” crown that she wore at her marriage discipline within the Blades and watch for infiltra- society that is known to the Harpers and, on rare to Azoun, which remains a treasure of the realm tors. Thus far they have seen no disloyalty, in large occasions, working with Those Who Harp. The group in the vaults beneath the Royal Palace. Over the part because Toraunt runs the Blades diplomatically, is only a persistent rumor to the current War Wizards years, this near-worship of the Queen’s Crown has giving all senior members a say in missions and of the realm, and it avoids all wizards as much as engendered reverence and awe among the Blades. activities, and adopting good ideas from the entire possible. Many of the younger members believe that Filfaeril’s membership.

February 2011 | Dungeon 187 2 Eye on the Realms

Aims High and True and worthy of respect, and not as a land to be feared, long-standing feuds and rivalries among the nobles to dismissed, sneered at, or readily made war upon. break up common fronts before they can gain solidity. The dream Queen Filfaeril had for Cormyr is the Doing the above would, in turn, make Cormyr The Blades seek to learn all noble plots and Cause of the Blades, though more often they call more prosperous and important, benefiting all schemes, and they act against those who weaken the it “Fee’s Fire.” It is this: Although no kingdom can Cormyreans. Dragon Throne and would thwart the aims of Queen ever be free of strife, struggles for more power, and Filfaeril. As they do all this, they whisper, “For Filfa- personal feuds and hatreds, a land is strong when eril and Cormyr, forever!” most of its inhabitants are prosperous and busy, and Bold and Recent Exploits when inhabitants can see clear rewards for being law- The Blades seek to further Fee’s Fire by forging friend- About the Author abiding citizens day in and day out. The strength and ships and business partnerships between nobles Ed Greenwood is the man who unleashed the Forgotten sense of ownership the citizens gain can lead to them (particularly younger nobles) and commoners. They Realms® setting on an unsuspecting world. He works in gladly rendering extra support to Crown and realm in try to guide such relationships into being conducted libraries, plus he writes fantasy, science fiction, horror, mystery, and even romance stories (sometimes all in the same troubled times. in the open, rather than in secrecy behind mansion novel), but he is still happiest when churning out Realmslore, In other words, the “old ways” of wealthy, oppres- gates, so that they can minimize traditional percep- Realmslore, and more Realmslore. He still has a few rooms in sive nobles lording it over commoners who have fewer tions of nobles “buying and corrupting” commoners his house in which he has space left to pile up papers. . . rights and less coin must be swept away. This process with whom they deal. must be done in a slow, subtle, guided way and with At the same time, they try to expose and thwart as little violence as possible. Fee and her Blades want nobles who work against the Dragon Throne (in acts commoners to gain wealth and take pride and plea- ranging from dire treason to small-time smuggling sure in being Cormyrean without seeing lawbreaking and evading taxes), and they try to spread the attitude or “becoming noble” as the only ways to achieve such that nobles and commoners should be treated equally contentment. in law and in everyday business practices. So for commoner and noble alike, coin must be This season, the Blades have been active in Amn more equitably distributed through “solid” salaries and along the trade routes, trying to frustrate Cor- and fair treatment before the law and in the market- myrean nobles (notably of the Gauntweather and places. The Cause of the Blades calls for this goal to Hartalan families) who’ve been hiring armed thugs be accomplished by changing the attitudes of Cor- to harass rivals and seize goods outside Cormyr. In myreans over time and through open adjustments of Suzail, they’ve been working hard to sow distrust Crown law, not by overthrowing nobles or the Dragon between angry nobles who gathered for King Foril’s Throne, nor by strengthening guilds into militant Council of Dragons (see Must Die! and antinoble groups. Bury Elminster Deep), to prevent strong anti-Crown Queen Filfaeril further saw that the more widely alliances from forming, and to highlight the harsh Cormyr traded not just with its neighbors, but with reactions of nobles who seek to roll back the rights those far across the Realms, the less “outland” (myste- that King Foril granted to commoners. The Blades try rious, distant, and expendable or disliked) the Forest to expose traitor nobles, frustrate their attempts to Kingdom would seem. Rulers elsewhere would treat place spies in the Palace and at Court, and exacerbate the Land of the Purple Dragon as useful, formidable,

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