ANNALES ZOOLOGICI (Warszawa), 2006, 56(1): 187-195


Xingyue Liu and Ding Yang*

Department of Entomology, Agricultural University, 100094, China *To whom correspondence and reprint requests should be addressed; e-mail: [email protected].

Abstract.— The species of the genus Neochauliodes from Yunnan are revised. The following three species are described as new to science: Neochauliodes bicuspidatus, N. parcus and N. punctatolosus. A key to the species of the genus from Yunnan is presented. 

Key words.— Corydalidae, Chauliodinae, Neochauliodes, new species, Yunnan.

Introduction are recorded and keyed from Yunnan. Three species are described as new to science. Further more, the other The megalopteran genus Neochauliodes Weele, 1909 three species are redescribed, including one species belongs to the subfamily Chauliodinae, with more than recorded from China for the first time. 30 described species. It is widely distributed from far All the specimens for the present study are depos- eastern to southeastern Asia. The genus is characterized ited in the Entomological Museum of China Agricultural by the following features: antenna pectinate in male but University (CAU), Beijing, and Institute of Zoology, subserrate in female; wings usually with distinct dark Chinese Academy of Science (IZCAS), Beijing. The ter- marks; 1A and 2A not sinuate; male ninth sternum with minology of the adult genitalia generally follows Glorioso membranous apical process; male tenth tergum simple, M. (1981) except the sclerotized plate of the male is named short, and thickened; aedeagus unforked, as long as as aedeagus, not the tenth sternum as in Corydalinae. length of ninth plus tenth terga. The major revisionary works on Neochauliodes are as follows: Weele (1910), Lestage (1927), and Kimmins Taxonomy (1954). However, the Chinese fauna is still poorly known with only 13 valid species, and half of them Key to species of Neochauliodes from Yunnan were described by Yang and Yang (1986, 1991, 1992), Yang and Yang (1997), Yang, Gao and An (2004) and 1. R3 and R4 curved backward at tip (Figs 1, 5–6) . . . 4 Liu and Yang (2005). The Neochauliodes sinensis com- –. R3 and R4 smoothly straight and not curved back- plex has been confusing, with many unknown species ward (Figs 2–4)...... 2 and subspecies. Considering the fauna of Yunnan, only 2. Forewing with several small brownish spots on basal two species, Neochauliodes orientalis and Neochauliodes portion (Figs 3–4) ...... 3 yunnanensis, have previously been recorded. Navás –. Forewing without any spots on basal portion (1930) mentioned in his original description that the (Fig. 2) ...... fraternus (McLachlan) male tenth tergum of N. yunnanensis is elongated tri- 3. Forewing with several brownish marks on apical half angular, while in all the other Neochauliodes species (Fig. 4); aedeagus with middle portion inflated in the male tenth tergum is shortened and subquadrate. lateral view (Fig. 17) ...... orientalis Yang et Yang So, N. yunnanensis might be erroneously placed in the –. Forewing without any marks on apical half (Fig. 3); genus Neochauliodes. In the present paper, excluding aedeagus simply flattened without any inflation in N. yunnanensis, six species of the genus Neochauliodes lateral view (Fig. 14) ...... moriutti Asahina 188 X. LIU and D. YANG




Figures 1–6. Habitus photos of the Neochauliodes species from Yunnan. (1) N. bicuspidatus sp. nov., male holotype; (2) N. fraternus (McLachlan), 6 male; (3) N. moriutti Asahina, male; (4) N. orientalis Yang et Yang, male holotype; (5) N. parcus sp. nov., male holotype; (6) N. puntatolosus sp. nov., male holotype. Etymology. The specific epithet ‘bicuspidatus’ refers to the unique feature of aedeagus with a pair of small 4. Head dark brown; aedeagus in ventral view widely dents on apical margin. lingulate, with one pair of small dents on apical mar- Diagnosis. Forewing with median transverse band gin (Fig. 8)...... bicuspidatus sp. nov. transversely separated into three narrow bands; R3 and R4 –. Head yellow or yellowish brown; aedeagus in ventral curved backward at tip; aedeagus in ventral view widely view slender suboblong, without any dents on apical lingulate, with one pair of small dents on apical margin. margin (Figs 22, 26)...... 5 Description. Male. Body length 22–30 mm; forewing 5. Forewing with many small brownish spots through- length 31–37 mm, hindwing length 29–33 mm. out (Fig. 6); aedeagus in ventral view with subapical Head dark brown, vertex yellow on middle portion portion not expanded (Fig. 26) ...... and lateral margins. Compound eyes blackish brown, ...... punctatolosus sp. nov. ocelli yellow with black inner margin. Antenna blackish –. Forewing with marks rather reduced (Fig. 5); aedea- brown. Mouthparts dark brown; mandible with apical gus in ventral view with subapical portion expanded half pale yellowish brown. (Fig. 22) ...... parcus sp. nov. Thorax brown; pronotum pale yellowish brown near basal median portion and basal lateral margins. Legs brown with short, dense, brown setae; femora yel- Neochauliodes bicuspidatus sp. nov. lowish brown, tarsal claws reddish brown. Wings pale (Figs 1, 7–9) smoky brown with brown marks; pterostigma moder- ately elongate, pale yellow. Forewing respectively with Type locality. Yunnan (Longling, Wanding). a brown stripe before and behind pterostigma, and the REVISION OF THE SPECIES OF NEOCHAULIODES WEELE, 1909 FROM YUNNAN 189

Neochauliodes fraternus (McLachlan) (Figs 2, 10–13)

Chauliodes fraternus McLachlan, 1869: 37. Neochauliodes discretus Yang et Yang, 1993: 246 syn. nov.

Type locality. Northern China. Etymology. The specific epithet ‘fraternus’ may refer to the similarity with Parachauliodes japoni- cus by the appearance. 9 Diagnosis. Forewings with median transverse band cloudy and indistinct. Aedeagus rather broad and flattened; in ventral view trapezoidal with arched apical incision. 7 Description. Male. Body length 24–30 mm; forew- ing length 39–42 mm, hindwing length 35–39 mm. Head yellowish brown, with ocellar triangle and area outside posterior ocelli blackish brown. Compound eyes blackish brown, ocelli yellowish brown with black inner margin. Antenna black. 8 Mouthparts brownish yellow; maxillary palpus and labial palpus with apical portion blackish brown, mandible with apical half reddish brown. Figures 7–9. Neochauliodes bicuspidatus sp. nov. (7) Male genitalia, lateral view; Thorax dark brown to blackish brown except (8) aedeagus, ventral view; (9) male tenth tergum, dorsal view. for pronotum medially with one pale yellow vitta. Legs pale yellowish brown to pale brown, with short stripe before pterostigma much longer; basal marks dense brown setae; tibiae and tarsi much darker, tarsal and apical marks with scattered dots, and apical marks claws reddish brown. Wings hyaline with pale brown sometimes enlarged and connected with each other; marks; pterostigma long, pale yellow. Forewing with a median transverse band transversely separated into brown stripe before pterostigma, and sometimes with three narrow bands. Hindwing similarly marked, with some spots at basal costal area; basal marks somewhat basal half entirely hyaline; median transverse band short connected; median transverse band cloudy and some- and longitudinally separated into two or three bands. times separated into small distinct spots; apical marks Veins pale brown except costal crossveins dark brown. small and dotted along longitudinal veins. Hindwing Rs four-branched, R2 apically three-branched, R3 and R4 similarly marked, but with base mostly hyaline; median curved backward at tip; three crossveins between R1 and transverse band much narrower than forewing, only Rs; M two-branched; 1A two-branched. extending from costal area to M. Veins brown except for Abdomen black. Tenth tergum (Figs 7, 9) in lateral costal crossveins blackish brown. Rs four-branched with view subquadrate with upper apical corner rounded; in R2 apically four-branched; three crossveins between R1 dorsal view apex slightly inflated. Aedeagus (Figs 7–8) and Rs; M two-branched; 1A two-branched. strongly sclerotized, in ventral view widely lingulate, Abdomen blackish brown. Male tenth tergum with truncate basal margin and pair of small dents on (Figs 10, 12) in lateral view subquadrate; in dorsal view apical margin; in lateral view scoop-like with apical half its apex strongly and globally inflated. Aedeagus (Figs distinctly enlarged. 10–11) strongly sclerotized, flattened and broadened, Type materials. Holotype ♂, Yunnan: Longling in ventral view subtrapezoidal with arcuate apical inci- (1600 m), 24°35′N, 98°41′E, 1955.V.20, Le Wu (IZCAS). sion; in lateral view apical half moderately inflated and Paratypes: Yunnan: 1♂, same data as for holotype, slightly curved upward. Yi Chao (IZCAS); 1♂, Wanding (820 m), 24°06′N, Female. Body length 37–41 mm; forewing length 98°04′E, 1979.VI.7, Cuiyi Lin (CAU). 46–50 mm, hindwing length 42–45 mm. Distribution. China (Yunnan). Eighth sternum broad with posterior margin appar- Remarks. The new species is a member of the ently prominent. Tenth tergum (Fig. 13) subtrian- Neochauliodes sinensis complex by the R3 and R4 which gular with pointed tip, obliquely directed upward. are curved backward at tip, but can be easily distin- Gonapophyses (Fig. 13) subquadrate with round tip, guished from the other species by the unique feature of obliquely directed upward. the aedeagus, which is widely lingulate and has a pair of Specimens examined. Yunnan: 1♂, Zhenxiong (1200 small dents on its apical margin. m), 27°27′N, 104°52′E, 1980.VIII.3, Jiahua Zheng 190 X. LIU and D. YANG

Neochauliodes moriutii Asahina (Figs 3, 14–16)

Neochauliodes moriutii Asahina, 1988: 8.

Type locality. Thailand (Chiengmai). Etymology. The specific epithet ‘moriutti’ refers to Dr. S. Moriuchi who kindly loaned the specimens. Diagnosis. Forewing almost hya- line except basal portion with a few small brownish spots; aedeagus simply flattened in lateral view with apical 11 margin nearly truncate in ventral view. Description. Male. Body length 10 22–25 mm; forewing length 31–34 mm, hindwing length 28–30 mm. Head brown or dark brown. Compound eyes brown, ocelli yellow- ish brown with black inner margin. Antenna blackish brown. Mouthparts blackish brown; mandible with apical half reddish brown. Thorax brown or dark brown. Legs pale yellow with short, dense, yellowish brown setae; narrow api- ces of femora, tibiae, and tarsi dark 12 brown; tarsal claws reddish brown. Wings pale brown with only a few 13 brown marks on costal areas and bases of forewings; pterostigma moderately elongate, pale yellow. Forewing basally with a few brown- Figures 10–13. Neochauliodes fraternus (McLachlan). (10) Male genitalia, lateral view; (11) aedeagus, ish spots on costal area, and respec- ventral view; (12) male tenth tergum, dorsal view; (13) female genitalia, lateral view. tively with a brown stripe before and behind pterostigma, the stripe before (CAU); 1♂, Zhenxiong (1350 m), 27°27′N, 104°52′E, pterostigma much longer; basal marks with scattered 1980.VII.24, Jiahua Zheng (CAU); Guizhou: 1♂, dots. Hindwing similarly marked, but with basal half Fanjingshan, 27°55′N, 108°41′E, 1983.VI.28 (CAU); 1♀, entirely hyaline. Veins brown. Rs four-branched, R2 api- Maolan, Banzhai, 25°23′N, 108°04′E, 1990.V.15 (CAU); cally two-branched; three crossveins between R1 and Rs; 1♂, Duyun, 26°15′N, 107°31′E, 1979.VI.6 (CAU). M two-branched; 1A two-branched. Distribution. China (Shandong, Anhui, Zhejiang, Abdomen blackish brown. Tenth tergum (Figs 14, Jiangxi, Fujian, Hubei, Hunan, Guangxi, Sichuan, 16) in lateral view subquadrate with apex somewhat Guizhou, Yunnan, Hainan). widened; in dorsal view apex slightly inflated. Aedeagus Remarks. This species is widely distributed in China (Figs 14–15) strongly sclerotized, in ventral view basal and easily recognized by the broad trapezoidal aedea- incision shallowly arched, lateral arms well developed gus. After a careful examination of the type series of and distinctly produced, apical portion slightly narrow- N. discretus, the holotype and paratypes from Yunnan ing with nearly truncate apical margin; in lateral view and Guizhou appear to be synonyms of N. fraternus. In simply flattened. the type of N. discretus, the branches of Rs are rather Specimens examined. Yunnan: 1♂, Menghai, straight and not curved backward at tip, and the aedea- 21°57′N, 100°29′E, 1978.V.13, Yunxing Hu (CAU); gus is trapezoidal with the apical half distinctly nar- 1♂, Xishuangbanna, 22°01′N, 100°48′E, 1978.V.11 rowed. According to the photo and the illustrations of (CAU); 3♂, Menghai, Nannuoshan (1100 m), 21°57′N, N. fraternus (Weele 1910, Yang and Yang 1999), these 100°29′E, 1957.IV.27/28, Fuji Pu (IZCAS); 1♂, Menghai, types bear strong resemblance to N. fraternus and are Nannuoshan (1200 m), 21°57′N, 100°29′E, 1957.IV.29, probably the same. Lingchao Zang (IZCAS); 3♂, Menglongbanna, Mengsong REVISION OF THE SPECIES OF NEOCHAULIODES WEELE, 1909 FROM YUNNAN 191

Description. Male. Body length 26– 28 mm; forewing length 36–38 mm, hindwing length 32–35 mm. Head pale brown or brown, with anteclypeus pale yellow. Compound eyes brown, ocelli yellow or yellowish brown with black inner margin. Antenna black. Mouthparts pale brown or brown; man- dible with apical half reddish brown. 16 Prothorax pale brown or brown with one pale yellow triangular mark near api- cal margin; meso- and metathorax pale brown, dorsally with lateral sides much darker. Legs brown with short, dense, 14 brown setae; coxae, trochanters, and wide bases of femora yellowish brown; tar- sal claws reddish brown. Wings hyaline 15 with brownish marks; pterostigma short, pale yellow. Forewing basally with many small brownish spots on costal area, and Figures 14–16. Neochauliodes moriutti Asahina. (14) Male genitalia, lateral view; (15) aedeagus, respectively with a brown stripe before ventral view; (16) male tenth tergum, dorsal view. and behind pterostigma, the stripe before pterostigma much longer; basal marks densely dotted; apical marks much paler (1600 m), 21°37′N, 100°40′E, 1958.IV.23/27, Chunpei with scattered dots along longitudinal veins. Hindwing Hong (IZCAS); 1♂, Kunluogonglu (1050 m), 22°01′N, similarly marked, but with basal half entirely hyaline. 100°48′E, 1957.IV.26, Lingchao Zang (IZCAS). Veins pale brown. Rs four-branched, R2 apically two or Distribution. China (Yunnan); Thailand. three-branched; three crossveins between R1 and Rs; M Remarks. This species was originally described from two-branched; 1A two-branched. the material from northern Thailand and considered to Abdomen brown. Tenth tergum (Figs 17, 19) in lat- be a member of Neochauliodes bowringi species group by eral view subquadrate with round apex; in dorsal view Asahina S. (1988). Here it is recorded in China for the apex slightly inflated. Aedeagus (Figs 17–18) strongly first time. The species seems to be closely related to N. sclerotized, in ventral view slender triangular with basal bowringi and N. orientalis in having the forewing with incision deeply V-shaped; in lateral view middle portion many small brownish spots on the basal portion, which slightly elevated. is also the distinguishing feature of the N. bowringi Female. Body length 30–33 mm; forewing length group. However, it is easily separated from the latter two 46–50 mm, hindwing length 41–45 mm. species by the forewing without any marks on the apical Eighth sternum subtrapezoidal in lateral view, with portion and the flattened aedeagus with the nearly trun- apical margin slightly produced backward. Tenth ter- cate apex. In N. bowringi and N. orientalis, the forew- gum (Fig. 20) claviform with upper apical corner round- ing is distinctly marked on the apical portion, and the ly produced. Gonapophyses (Fig. 20) membranous, aedeagus is strongly inflated on the medial portion. obliquely directed, apically narrowing with blunt tip. Specimens examined. Holotype ♂, Yunnan: Binchuan (1800 m), 25°49′N, 100°32′E, 1980.VI.9 Neochauliodes orientalis Yang et Yang (CAU). Allotype♀, Yunnan: Huaning (2050 m), 24°12′N, (Figs 4, 17–20) 102°56′E, 1979.VI.11 (CAU). Paratypes: Yunnan: 1♂, Gejiu, 23°21′N, 103°09′E, 1980.VIII.11, Guoxiu Neochauliodes orientalis Yang et Yang, 1991: 74. Li (CAU); 1♂, , Haikoulinchang (1930 m), 25°04′N, 102°42′E, 1980.VIII.9 (CAU); 1♂, Kunming, Type locality. Yunnan (Binchuan). Xishan, 25°04′N, 102°42′E, 1943.VII.7 (CAU); 1♂, Etymology. The specific epithet ‘orientalis’ refers to Changning (1650 m), 24°50′N, 99°45′E, 1979.VI.28 the distribution which is restricted to Oriental China. (CAU). Other specimens: Yunnan: 10♂1♀, Jinping, Diagnosis. Forewing with distinct small brown spots Hetouzhai (1700 m), 22°47′N, 103°12′E, 1956.V.9/16, on basal portion and indistinct brownish marks along Keren Huang (IZCAS); 1♀, Menghai, Nannuoshan longitudinal veins; aedeagus slender triangular and (1100 m), 21°57′N, 100°29′E, 1957.IV.28, Fuji Pu moderately inflated on middle portion. (IZCAS); 1♂, Jingdong (1170 m), 24°26′N, 100°50′E, 192 X. LIU and D. YANG

Neochauliodes parcus sp. nov. (Figs 5, 21–24)

Type locality. Yunnan (Lianghe). Diagnosis. Wings almost hyaline and sparsely dotted; R3 and R4 curved backward at tip; aedeagus slender suboblong with subapical portion somewhat expanded. Description. Male. Body length 21–23 mm; forewing length 31–33 mm, hind- wing length 27–30 mm. Head yellowish brown. Compound eyes brown, ocelli yellow with black inner margin. Antenna blackish brown. 17 Mouthparts yellowish brown; maxillary 18 palpi and labial palpi blackish brown on apical portion. Prothorax yellowish brown; meso- and metathorax dark brown, dorsally with each center pale yellowish brown. Legs yel- lowish brown to brown with short, dense, pale yellow setae; tibiae and tarsi blackish brown; tarsal claws reddish brown. Wings almost hyaline, sparsely dotted; pterostig- ma long, pale yellow. Forewing with a few small brownish spots before and behind pterostigma, and small spots also sparsely 19 dotted on base, middle portion, and tip. Hindwing with marks rather reduced, middle portion with one to five small spots, tip with less than ten small spots. Veins yellowish brown. Rs four-branched, 20 R2 apically three-branched, R3 and R4 curved backward at tip; three crossveins between R1 and Rs; M two-branched; 1A two-branched. Figures 17–20. Neochauliodes orientalis Yang et Yang. (17) Male genitalia, lateral view; Abdomen blackish brown. Tenth ter- (18) aedeagus, ventral view; (19) male tenth tergum, dorsal view; (20) female genitalia, gum (Figs 21, 23) in lateral view subquad- lateral view. rate with round apical corners; in dorsal view apex slightly inflated. Aedeagus (Figs 21–22) strongly sclerotized, in ventral 1956.VI.10 (IZCAS); 1♀, Jingdong (1200 m), 24°26′N, view slender suboblong with basal incision deeply V- 100°50′E, 1957.V.17 (IZCAS); 2♀, Jingdong (1170 shaped, subapical portion somewhat expanded, apical m), 24°26′N, 100°50′E, 1956.V.22/28 (IZCAS); 1♀, margin shallowly incised, V-shaped; in lateral view Kunming, 25°04′N, 102°42′E, 1957.VI.4 (IZCAS); curved upward with slender elongated stem and dis- 1♀, Menglongbanna, Mengsong (1600 m), 21°37′N, tinctly inflated apex. 100°40′E, 1958.IV.26, Shuyong Wang (IZCAS). Female. Body length 30–32 mm; forewing length Distribution. China (Yunnan). 35–41 mm, hindwing length 32–36 mm. Remarks. This species may have a close affinity to Eighth sternum subtrapezoidal in lateral view, N. bowringi by the similar aedeagus with the middle with apical margin distinctly produced backward. portion inflated in lateral view, but can be easily dis- Tenth tergum (Fig. 24) subtriangular with pointed tinguished from N. bowringi by the absence of median tip. Gonapophyses (Fig. 24) membranous, suboblong, transverse bands of both wings and the aedeagus with obliquely directed. apical portion slightly narrowed in ventral view. In N. Type materials. Holotype♂, Yunnan: Lianghe, bowringi, the median transverse bands are present, espe- Sanchahe (1100 m), 24°48′N, 98°18′E, 1979.IV.26, cially darkened and widened in hindwings. Jinliang Zhang (CAU). Paratypes: Yunnan: 1♂, REVISION OF THE SPECIES OF NEOCHAULIODES WEELE, 1909 FROM YUNNAN 193

Description. Male. Body length 15–24 mm; forewing length 27–34 mm, hindwing length 24–31 mm. Head yellow. Compound eyes blackish brown, ocelli yellow with black inner margin. Antenna blackish brown. Mouthparts yellow; mandibles with apical half reddish brown, maxillary palpi and labial palpi with black apices. Prothorax yellow; meso- and metathorax pale brown, dorsally with each center pale yellowish brown. Legs pale brown with short, dense, pale yellow setae; tro- chanters pale yellow, tibiae and tarsi blackish brown, 22 tarsal claws reddish brown. Wings hyaline with many 21 small brownish spots throughout; pterostigma long, pale yellow. Forewing basally with many small brownish spots on costal area, and respectively with a stripe before and behind pterostigma, stripe before pterostigma much longer; two hyaline areas without marks located on basal ⅓ and apical ⅓. Hindwing similarly marked, with basal half entirely hyaline; median spots somewhat fused into a transverse band. Veins pale yellow. Rs four-branched, R2 apically four-branched, R3 and R4 curved backward at tip; three crossveins between R1 and Rs; M two- 23 branched; 1A two-branched. Abdomen pale brown. Tenth tergum (Figs 25, 27) in lateral view subquadrate with round apical corners; in dorsal view apex strongly inflated, globose. Aedeagus 24 (Figs 25–26) strongly sclerotized, in ventral view slen- der and suboblong with basal incision deeply V-shaped, apical margin shallowly incised; in lateral view curved Figures 21–24. Neochauliodes parcus sp. nov. (21) Male genitalia, lateral upward with slender elongated stem and distinctly view; (22) aedeagus, ventral view; (23) male tenth tergum, dorsal view; inflated apex. (24) female genitalia, lateral view. Female. Body length 26–30 mm; forewing length 43–46 mm, hindwing length 39–41 mm. (1000 m), 24°10′N, 98°08′E, 1956.VI.3, Benshou Zhou Eighth sternum subtrapezoidal in lateral view, with (IZCAS); 2♂, Mangshi (900 m), 24°10′N, 98°08′E, apical margin slightly produced backward. Tenth ter- 1956.V.6/7 (IZCAS); 1♂1♀, Mangshi (900 m), 24°10′N, gum (Fig. 28) short claviform with upper apical corner 98°08′E, 1956.V.18 (IZCAS). distinctly produced. Gonapophyses (Fig. 28) membra- Distribution. China (Yunnan). nous, suboblong, obliquely directed. Remarks. This new species seems to be closely Type materials. Holotype ♂, Yunnan: Jingdong (1170 related to the following new species N. punctatolosus m), 24°26′N, 100°50′E, 1956.VII.4 (CAU). Paratypes: in having similar aedeagus which is slender suboblong Yunnan: 1♂, Zhenyuan (1280 m), 24°00′N, 100°06′E, with inflated apex, but can be easily distinguished from 1980.VII.4 (CAU); 1♂, Zhenyuan (1100 m), 24°00′N, N. punctatolosus by the wings with sparse small spots 100°06′E (CAU); 2♀, Yiliang (1600 m), 24°54′N, and the aedeagus with the subapical portion expanded. 103°09′E, 1976.VI.27 (CAU); 1♂, Jingdong (1170 m), In N. punctatolosus, the wings are densely marked with 24°26′N, 100°50′E, 1956.V.25 (IZCAS); 1♂, Jingdong many small spots and the aedeagus is not expanded on (1170 m), 24°26′N, 100°50′E, 1958.VI.2 (IZCAS); 1♂, the subapical portion. Hekou, Xiaonanxi (200 m), 22°31′N, 103°59′E, 1956. VI.10, Keren Huang (IZCAS); 1♀, Mangshi (900 m), 24°10′N, 98°08′E, 1955.V.16 (IZCAS); 1♂, Mangshi, Neochauliodes punctatolosus sp. nov. Santaishan, 24°10′N, 98°08′E, 1955.V.18, Xingchi Yang (Figs 6, 25–28) & Yunzhen Zi (IZCAS); 1♂, Simao, 22°48′N, 100°58′E, 1957.V.27 (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna (1050-1080 m), Type locality. Yunnan (Jingdong). 22°01′N, 100°48′E, 1958.V.15, Fuji Pu (IZCAS); 1♂, Diagnosis. Forewing with dense small spots through- Xishuangbanna, Menghun (1200 m), 21°50′N, 100°22′E, out; R3 and R4 curved backward at tip; aedeagus slender 1958.V.13, Yiran Zhang (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, suboblong with subapical portion not expanded. Menghun (750 m), 21°50′N, 100°22′E, 1958.V.30, 194 X. LIU and D. YANG

Xishuangbanna, Damenglong (550 m), 21°37′N, 100°40′E, 1958.X.4, Zhizi Chen (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Kunluogonglu (1050–1150 m), 22°01′N, 100°48′E, 1957.IV.26, Guangji Hong (IZCAS); 2♂, Xishuangbanna, Mengla, 21°29′N, 101°33′E, 1984.V.6 (CAU); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Mengla (620–650 m), 21°29′N, 101°33′E, 1959. VI.30, Facai Zhang (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Mengla (620–650 m), 21°29′N, 101°33′E, 1959. VII.9, Yiran Zhang (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Mengla (620–650 m), 21°29′N, 101°33′E, 1959. VI.6, Xiaofu Li (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, ′ ′ 26 Mengla (620–650 m), 21°29 N, 101°33 E, 1959. 25 VI.6, Fuji Pu (IZCAS); 5♂5♀, Xishuangbanna, Mengla (370–500 m), 21°29′N, 101°33′E, 1956. IV.14/22 (IZCAS); 1♀, Xishuangbanna, Mengla (420 m), 21°29′N, 101°33′E, 1956.IV.19, Keren Huang (IZCAS); 1♀, Xishuangbanna, Mengla (620–650 m), 21°29′N, 101°33′E, 1959.VI.9, Fuji Pu (IZCAS). Distribution. China (Yunnan). Remarks. See the remarks on N. parcus. 27 Discussion

Yunnan, with a tropical or subtropical cli- 28 mate, faunistically belongs to the South-west and South China regions of the Oriental realm (Zhang 1998). Six species of Neochauliodes are Figures 25–28. Neochauliodes punctatolosus sp. nov. (25) Male genitalia, lateral view; currently known to occur in Yunnan, and most (26) aedeagus, ventral view; (27) male tenth tergum, dorsal view; (28) female genita- of them are endemic except N. moriutti and N. lia, lateral view. fraternus. However, besides Yunnan, N. moriutii is only distributed in northern Thailand which Chunpei Hong (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Menghun is adjacent to Yunnan and may have a similar tropical (1710 m), 21°50′N, 100°22′E, 1958.VI.7, Chunpei Hong climate. Neochauliodes fraternus is the only species that (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Menghun (750 m), is widely distributed, even extending to the Palaearctic 21°50′N, 100°22′E, 1958.VI.3, Shuyong Wang (IZCAS); realm. Within the six species from Yunnan, N. moriutti, 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Menghun (1200–1400 m), 21°50′N, N. fraternus and N. orientalis seem to have basal phy- 100°22′E, 1958.V.23, Xuwu Meng (IZCAS); 1♂, logenetic positions in Neochauliodes by the straight Rs, Xishuangbanna, Menghun (710 m), 21°50′N, 100°22′E, which are similar to the primitive Chauliodinae genera. 1958.VI.4, Leyi Zheng (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, The other three species obviously belong to the N. sin- Meng-a (1050–1080 m), 22°10′N, 99°12′E, 1958.V.23, ensis complex by R3 and R4, which are distinctly curved Yiran Zhang (IZCAS); 6♂, Xishuangbanna, Meng-a backward at the tip. Thus, because of the high propor- (1050-1080 m), 22°10′N, 99°12′E, 1958.V.10, Shuyong tion of endemic and primitive Neochauliodes species, Wang (IZCAS); 2♂, Xishuangbanna, Meng-a (1050– Yunnan might be a center of the origin of this genus. 1080 m), 22°10′N, 99°12′E, 1958.V.13, Fuji Pu (IZCAS); The highly diversified environment in Yunnan may 2♀, Xishuangbanna, Meng-a (1050–1080 m), 22°10′N, lead to active speciation, and it is probable that more 99°12′E, 1958.V.10, Shuyong Wang (IZCAS); 1♂, Neochauliodes species will be found and recorded there. Xishuangbanna, Meng-a (1080 m), 22°10′N, 99°12′E, 1958. V.19, Fuji Pu (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Mengyang (850 m), 22°04′N, 100°53′E, 1957.VI.17, Shuyong Acknowledgements Wang (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Xiaomengyang (850 m), 22°04′N, 100°53′E, 1957.VII.8, Lingchao Zang We are grateful to Mr. Jian Yao (Beijing) and Dr. (IZCAS); 1♂, Xishuangbanna, Damenglong (600 m), Xiaolin Chen (Beijing) for loaning many specimens from 21°37′N, 100°40′E, 1957.IV.29, Dahua Liu (IZCAS); 1♂, the Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Science. REVISION OF THE SPECIES OF NEOCHAULIODES WEELE, 1909 FROM YUNNAN 195

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Received: March 25, 2005 Accepted: September 23, 2005