Other Information

CAMPUS POLICIES POLICY PROHIBITING HARASSMENT objects; pictures or materials; sexual innuendo; sexually- oriented verbal abuse; sexually suggestive comments; Harassment based on an individual’s race, color, religion, unwanted contact such as touching, patting, stroking, age, sex, gender orientation, national or ethnic origin, pinching, or brushing against another’s body; sexually disability or other status protected by law is not tolerated at oriented kidding, teasing or practical jokes; jokes about Fontbonne . Harassment consists of unwelcome gender specific traits; foul or obscene gestures or language; conduct, whether verbal, physical or visual, that is based on and physical acts of aggression, assault, or violence, a person’s protected status. Examples of harassing conduct regardless of whether these acts are being, or have been, include: epithets, slurs, jokes, teasing, kidding, negative investigated as criminal offenses by a law enforcement stereotyping, and threatening or hostile acts that relate to an agency (such as rape, sexual assault or battery, and sexually individual’s protected status, and physical acts of aggression, motivated stalking) made against a person’s will or where a assault, or violence, regardless of whether these acts are person is incapable of giving consent due to victim’s age, being, or have been, investigated as criminal offenses by a intellectual disability, or use of drugs or alcohol. law enforcement agency.

Sexual harassment also involves inappropriate conduct Any written or graphic material, including any electronically toward an individual which, although not motivated by transmitted or displayed material that likewise denigrates or sexual desire, would not have occurred except for that shows hostility toward members of these protected groups is person’s gender. considered harassment. will not tolerate harassing conduct that:  creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive working or Reporting Procedures academic environment. All employees and students have the responsibility to assure  affects tangible employment benefits. that Fontbonne University’s non-discrimination and anti-  interferes unreasonably with an individual’s working or harassment policies are effective. Any University employee academic environment or performance. or student who experiences, observes, hears, or otherwise witnesses unlawful harassment or discrimination, or who This policy applies to complaints alleging harassment receives a report of unlawful harassment or discrimination of carried out by 1) University employees, 2) University which one or both is carried out by 1) University employees, students, and 3) third parties, in accordance with applicable 2) University students, or 3) third parties, in accordance with law governing liability for third parties. applicable law governing liability for third parties, must immediately notify either of the compliance coordinators identified above. Sexual Harassment Sexual harassment involves any one or more of unwelcome If a report of discrimination or harassment alleges sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other Sexual involvement of the Vice President for Finance and harassment involves any one or more of unwelcome sexual Administration or the Director of the Kinkel Center for advances, requests for sexual favors, and other visual, verbal Academic Resources and Section 504 / ADA Coordinator, or physical conduct based on sex when: then the report of discrimination or harassment may be made  Such conduct has the purpose or effect of creating an to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. intimidating, hostile or offensive working or learning environment or unreasonably interfering with an No employee or student is required to confront the alleged individual’s work or academic performance. harasser or report that person’s concern to the alleged  Submission to such conduct is an explicit or implicit harasser. The University will thoroughly and promptly term or condition of an individual’s employment or investigate all complaints and take corrective or disciplinary academic activities. action when appropriate.  Submission to rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for employment or Likewise, the University will initiate a thorough academic decisions affecting that individual. investigation and take corrective or disciplinary action as appropriate against incidents of discrimination or harassment Sexual harassment may include: unwanted sexual advances; that come to the University’s attention, regardless of whether explicit sexual propositions; displaying sexually suggestive a formal complaint is made.

Fontbonne University Page 320 2016-2018 Catalog Fontbonne University will investigate every harassment and complainant, the accused, and the University designee feel discrimination complaint thoroughly, promptly and that a resolution has been achieved through this informal impartially and the parties will be given an opportunity to procedure, then no further action need be taken. Fontbonne present witnesses and provide evidence. Fontbonne University recognizes that a voluntary conversation between University will evaluate all relevant information and the complainant and the alleged harasser may not be documentation relating to a complaint of discrimination or appropriate for harassment complaints. The results of any harassment. All investigations shall be conducted in a informal resolution shall be reported by the University sensitive manner and, to the extent feasible, confidentiality designee in writing signed by the complainant and the will be honored. The investigation and all actions taken will accused, and submitted to the Vice President for Finance and be shared only with those who have a need to know. The Administration. investigation findings will be documented, and the complaining individual and the alleged harasser will be kept LEVEL II - FORMAL PROCEDURE advised of the progress of the investigation and of the The complainant shall submit a written and signed complaint University’s final determination. If, after investigation, with the Vice President for Finance and Administration Fontbonne University determines that an employee or which clearly states the particulars concerning each incident student has engaged in illegal discrimination or harassment, of harassment or discrimination, including: appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including  the name and position of the accused discharge or dismissal, will be taken against the offending  the nature of discrimination or harassment individual. Fontbonne University will take prompt steps to  the date(s) when the alleged harassment or prevent recurrence of any harassment or discrimination and discrimination occurred correct its discriminatory effects on the complainant and  the details of the alleged conduct including any others, as appropriate. In addition, the University will take information that would support the immediate steps to stop any retaliation and prevent its  complaint recurrence against the alleged victim and any person(s) associated with the alleged victim.  the redress that is sought

In the event that the complaint involves an employee of the In the absence of a written complaint, the University will University, a complaint of alleged discrimination or investigate any notifications of discrimination or harassment harassment may also coincide with a Grievance (see online that may come to its attention. Such investigation will be policy manuals, Volume V, paragraph 5.8). At the discretion considered a formal procedure. of the University Administration, separate investigations The Vice President for Finance and Administration shall may be conducted, or the investigations may be merged. The inform the Vice President(s) in whose area the accused and University will not wait for the conclusion or outcome of a accuser are employed of the complaint, or, in the case of criminal investigation or proceeding to begin an students, shall inform the Vice President for Student Affairs investigation required by this grievance procedure. The Vice President for Finance and Administration will promptly investigate the complaint or will appoint a Investigation Procedures University designee to promptly investigate the complaint. Fontbonne University will provide a prompt, equitable The complainant and the accused will each be interviewed. resolution of complaints of discrimination by students, The accused will then be furnished with a copy of the employees and beneficiaries of the University’s programs written complaint and will have an opportunity to respond in and activities. writing within ten (10) working days.

LEVEL I - INFORMAL PROCEDURE Within twenty (20) working days after the time the accused Informal procedures are designed to work out a mutually has to respond in writing to the written complaint, the Vice agreeable solution to a problem and are completely optional President for Finance and Administration (or University and voluntary. Any informal resolution activities will not designee, if applicable), will prepare investigation findings delay the prompt, adequate, reliable and impartial and, if appropriate, determine any corrective or disciplinary investigation of the complaint of discrimination or action to be taken. The Vice President for Finance and harassment or interfere with the provision of immediate or Administration will inform the appropriate Vice President or interim actions, if necessary. Dean of the findings of the investigation. Both the accused and the complainant will be informed in writing of the At the option of the complainant only, it may be possible to findings of the investigation by the Vice President for resolve a harassment or discrimination complaint through a Finance and Administration within three (3) working days of voluntary conversation between the complainant and the the preparation of findings and, if appropriate, determination alleged harasser or discriminator, which conversation is of corrective or disciplinary action. facilitated by a University designee appointed by the Vice President for Finance and Administration. If the

Fontbonne University Page 321 2016-2018 Catalog Appeal Procedures ONLINE STUDENTS - FILING COMPLAINTS Individuals requesting an appeal of the findings of an WITH YOUR STATE OR ACCREDITING investigation of a harassment or discrimination complaint must appeal in writing to the Vice President for Academic AGENCY Affairs within ten (10) days of being informed of the Students not residing in the state of during the time findings of the investigation. of attending online courses should also follow Fontbonne’s internal administrative procedures. However, if the issue or If an individual requests an appeal, the appeal must be in complaint is not resolved at the institutional level, a student writing, and, if applicable, it must cite any alleged may file a complaint within the state he or she is living in at procedural or substantive error that occurred during the the time of enrollment. Visit the following website to obtain investigation, if applicable, and provide an account of any student grievance contact information for individual states: new information that has become available since the http://www.fontbonne.edu/stateauthorization investigation was conducted. In order to maintain proper state authorization for Within ten (10) days after receipt of the written appeal, the distance education, it is vital that you inform Fontbonne Vice President for Academic Affairs must meet with the prior to moving to a different state. Even if the move is complainant and with the alleged harasser or discriminator. temporary, Fontbonne University is required to submit The written decision of the Vice President for Academic the state in which the students are residing at the time of Affairs shall be issued within five (5) days of the latter of taking the online course. We are not currently authorized these two meetings and shall be final and binding. to enroll students in our distance education programs in If the underlying allegations involve the Vice President for all 50 states. Please contact Jo Ann Mattson Academic Affairs, then written request for appeal shall be [email protected] or 314-889-4514 when made to another member of the President’s Cabinet. relocating to another state.

Retaliation Prohibited Fontbonne University prohibits retaliation against any SUBSTANCE ABUSE POLICY person who makes a complaint of discrimination or It is the goal of Fontbonne University to protect the public harassment, opposes discrimination or harassment, or health and environment of the campus community by testifies, assists or participates in an investigation proceeding promoting a substance-free environment. or hearing relating to such discrimination or harassment. Retaliation includes, but is not limited to, any form of TOBACCO-FREE CAMPUS POLICY intimidation, reprisal, harassment or treatment based upon Fontbonne University is a tobacco-free campus. Smoking is retaliatory motive that is reasonably likely to deter protected prohibited on all University property, including all buildings, activity. outdoor spaces, and in University-owned vehicles. Smoking is permitted on the sidewalks along Big Bend and Wydown Right to Alternative Complaint Boulevards and in personal vehicles that are parked on campus. This policy applies to the Clayton campus. Procedures A student’s complaints of discrimination on the basis of Off-site campus locations shall continue to prohibit all race, color, religion, age, gender, gender orientation, national smoking within buildings and shall also comply with any or ethnic origin, or disability, including complaints of racial, local municipality or county restrictions. No smoking will be sexual or other unlawful harassment, may be filed with the: permitted within 15 feet of the entrance of any branch location. U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights 8930 Ward Parkway, Suite 2037 Kansas City, Missouri 64114 Phone: (816) 268-0550; TDD: 1 (800) 437-0833; E-mail: [email protected].

Fontbonne University Page 322 2016-2018 Catalog Administration and Faculty

BOARD OF TRUSTEES (AS OF MAY, 2016) EXECUTIVE OFFICERS (2016) Jean deBlois, CSJ J. Michael Pressimone (2014) Nancy Georgen President Dennis G. Gipson (chair) B.F.A., Catholic University of America Craig L. Glover M.A., Regis University Allen J. Grieve, CSJA Ed.D., Leo G. Haas Katherine Hanley, CSJ Carey H. Adams (2015) Marie Joan Harris, CSJ Vice President for Academic Affairs Barbara Jennings, CSJ B.A., William Jewell Joan A. Kelly M.A., University of Kansas Doug Koch Ph.D., University of Kansas Kraig G. Kreikemeier Mary Margaret Lazio, CSJ Joseph Deighton (2014) Elizabeth Leiwe, CSJ Vice President for Student Affairs Peggy Maguire, CSJA B.A., Walsh University Richard J. Mansfield III J.D., Case Western Reserve University Michael P. McMillan Ann Pace, CSJ Mark Franz (2009) Brian Abel Ragen Vice President for Information Technology Carol C. Spehr B.S., M.B.A., University of Wisconsin, La Crosse Richard Greenberg, General Counsel Joseph Havis (2015) COUNCIL OF REGENTS (AS OF MAY, 2016) Vice President for Enrollment Management Jeanice Baker ’94 MBA ’98 B.A. Millikin University Matthew Banderman ’01 M.A. Eastern Illinois University Caroline Battles Valerie Beason Kitty Nangle Lohrum (2015) JoAnn C. Donovan ’72 Vice President for Advancement D. Samuel Dotson III MBA ’01 B.S., Regis University Tim Fitch MM ’99 M.A., Mildred Galvin ’92 Karen Gedera ’65 Gary Zack (1984) Patricia Giljum, CSJ ’65 Vice President for Finance and Administration Sarajeni Hammond MBA ’00 Lecturer in Business Administration Rick Katz B.A., Wabash College Daniel Meyr M.A., , St. Louis Chuck Nagelvoort, AAMS, CRPC MM ’12 Ph.D., Saint Louis University Juli Niemann ’68 Andrea Purnell ’03 Garrett Ray ’97 Kyle Segelle Rhonda Travers Ibrahim Vajzovic

Fontbonne University Page 324 2016-2018 Catalog Laura Farrar (2014) Linda Markway, CSJ (2015) ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Director of Annual Giving for Advancement Director of Mission Stewardship Rebecca Bahan (2005) B.S., St. Louis Christian College B.S., Incarnate Word University Director of International Affairs M.A., M.A., Saint Louis University Lecturer, Interdisciplinary Studies B.A., University of Wisconsin, Kate Flatley (2015) Christine Keller (2014) Eau Claire Director of Alumni Relations Director of Career Development M.S., Southern Illinois University, B.A., B.A., Carbondale B.A., Jill Hofherr (2012) M.A., Webster University Elizabeth Brennan (2009) Senior Director of Advancement Services Director Communications and B.A., Fontbonne University Jo Ann Mattson (2013) Marketing M.M., Fontbonne University Director of eLearning B.A., McKendree University Director of M.S. Instructional Design and M.S., Fontbonne University Mary Beth Gallagher (2009) Technology and Learning Technologies Assistant to the President for Mission B.S. Ed., University of Missouri, Columbia Claudia Charles (2011) Integration M.A.T., Webster University Director, Counseling and Wellness B.A., Saint Louis University B.A., Saint Louis University M.A., Washington University in St. Louis Miriam Moynihan (2015) M.A,, Saint Louis University Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis Director, Advancement Communications LCSW and Stewardship Alexandra Gwydir (2004) B.J., University of Missouri, Columbia Seth Carruthers (2014) Director of Paraprofessional Pathways to Registrar Teaching Program Michelle Palumbo (2000) B.M. Missouri Baptist University Senior Lecturer in Education/ Associate Vice President for Admission M.A. Missouri Baptist University Special Education B.S., Fontbonne University B.A., Harris Stowe State University M.A., Webster University N. Lee DeLaet (2009) M.S., M.Ed., Southern Illinois Director of Academic Advising University, Edwardsville Kevin Pelzel (2015) Lecturer in Interdisciplinary Studies Director of the Kinkel Center for B.A., Purdue University Lori Helfrich (2014) Academic Resources M.Ed., Louisiana State University Director of Campus Ministry B.S., Kansas State University B.A., Marquette University M.A., Pepperdine University Janelle Densberger (2011) M. Div., Catholic Theological Union J.D., Saint Louis University Director of Leadership Education and Student Activities Carla Hickman (1986) Amy Peach (2010) Lecturer Associate Vice President for Student Affairs Director of Instructional Technology B.A., Saint Louis University B.S., Murray State University B.A. University of Missouri, Columbia M.A., Saint Louis University M.B.A., Fontbonne University M.Ed. Georgia State University Ph.D., Saint Louis University M.Ed., University of Missouri, St. Louis Ph.D. University of Missouri, St. Louis

Leslie Doyle (2005) Cassandra Johnson (2013) Katie Piacentini (2011) Director of Service, Diversity and Director of Corporate Academic Services Director of Accreditation and Social Justice B.S., B.A., Southeast Missouri State Academic Support, Eckelkamp College of B.S., Northwest Missouri State University University Global Business M.S. Ed., The University of Kansas M.B.A., Webster University B.A., University of Missouri, St. Louis

M.Ed., University of Missouri, St. Louis Maria Eftink (2009) Dennis Johnson (2002) Ph.D. University of Missouri, Columbia Director of Athletics/Senior Woman’s Associate Vice President of Administrator Finance/Controller Linda Pipitone (2008) B.S., Fontbonne University B.A., University of Northern Iowa Director of Human Resources M.A., Southeast Missouri State University B.A., Webster University

Janice Johnson (2005) M.A., Webster University Mike Ehlert (2015) Director of Grant Support-CDDE Director of Research and Prospect B.A. Fontbonne University Heather Rich (2015) Development M.S. Fontbonne University Assistant Vice President for Advancement B.A., Saint John’s University M.M. Fontbonne University B.F.A., Arkansas State University

M.A., Saint Louis University AJ Friedhoff (2016) Mark Johnson (2002) Director of Residence Life Associate Vice President of Gail Schafers (2001) B.S., University of Missouri, Columbia Communications and Marketing Director of ESL and Study Abroad M.A., Saint Louis University B.A., Southern Illinois University B.A., Saint Louis University M.A., Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville

Fontbonne University Page 325 2016-2018 Catalog Geralyn Schultz (2014) Zahid Anwar (2016) Patricia Durkin (2006) Executive Director of Graduate Assistant Professor of Computer Science Instructor of Education/Special Admission and Professional Studies B.S., Eng. GIK Institute of Eng. Sci. & Education (Early Childhood) A.A.B.B. St. Louis Community College Tech., Pakistan B.A., Fontbonne University B.A. Webster University M.S., University of Illinois, M.A.T., Oklahoma City University M.A. Webster University Urbana-Champaign Ph.D., University of Illinois, Allison Edwards (2007) Brent Spies (1986) Urbana-Champaign Associate Professor of Education/ Director of Physical Plant Special Education Kelley Barger (2002) Director of Advanced Programs in Larry Vertrees (2015) Professor of Education/ Education Director of Public Safety Special Education B.S., University of Missouri, Columbia B.A., Missouri Baptist University B.S., Stephen F. Austin State University M.S., University of Missouri, Kansas City M.A., Webster University M.Ed., University of Houston Ed.D., University of Missouri, Columbia Ed.D., Texas A& M University Kevin Eiler (2008) Michael Barla (2015) Instructor of Philosophy and Religion FACULTY Assistant Professor of Education/ B.A., Marquette University Date denotes first appointment Special Education M.A., Gonzaga University A.A., Illinois Valley Community College Linda Abernathy (2016) B.S., Illinois State University Judith Failoni (1991) Instructor of Accounting M.S., Illinois State University Professor of Education B.S., Mt. M.Ed., Missouri Baptist University B.M., B.A., M.A.C.C., St. Ambrose University D.Ed., M.A., University of Kansas M.B.A., St. Ambrose University Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis CPA Laura Beaver (2008) Assistant Professor of Social Work Jason Finley (2015) Mary Abkemeier (1977) B.S.W., Baylor University Assistant Professor of Psychology Professor of Mathematics and M.S.W., Washington University in St. Louis B.S., University of California, Los Angeles Computer Sciences M.A., University of Illinois, Chair, Department of Mathematics and Jill Bernard (2010) Urbana-Champaign Computer Sciences Assistant Professor of Marketing Ph.D., University of Illinois, Director of Master of Science in B.S., Fontbonne University Urbana-Champaign Computer Science M.B.A., Southern Illinois University, B.S., Saint Louis University Edwardsville Joanne Fish (2013) M.S., University of Pittsburgh Ph.D., University of Missouri, St. Louis Assistant Professor of Education/ Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh Special Education Paola Brush (2000) B.A., Pittsburgh State University Mark Alexander (2001) Instructor of Communication M.A., Pittsburgh State University Instructor of Business Administration Disorders and Deaf Education M.Ed., B.S.B.A., Washington University in B.S., Fontbonne University St. Louis M.S., Fontbonne University Adam Flores (2015) M.B.A., Saint Louis University Assistant Professor of Fine Arts/Theatre Catherine Connor-Talasek (1978) B.A., Fontbonne University Amanda Alton (2011) Professor of Art M.F.A., Baylor University Instructor of Communication Disorders B.F.A., Wichita State University and Deaf Education M.F.A., New York State College of Dena French (2014) B.S., Fontbonne University Ceramics–Alfred University Instructor of Family and Consumer M.S., Fontbonne University Sciences (Dietetics) Jamie Daugherty (2016) B.S., Fontbonne University Dyanne Anthony (2005) Instructor of Family and Consumer M.F.N. Bowling Green State University Associate Professor of Education/ Sciences (Dietetics ) Special Education B.A., St. Louis University Kathryn Graves (1995) B.A., Harris Teacher College B.S., University of Illinois at Chicago Assistant Professor of Mathematics M.A., University of Missouri, St. Louis M.S., St. Louis University and Computer Science Ph.D., Saint Louis University B.A., Benedictine College Mark Douglas (1999) M.S., Iowa State University Associate Professor of Fine Arts Chair, Department of Fine Arts Paula Gross (2011) B.A., Truman State University Instructor of Communications Disorders M.F.A., Southern Illinois University and Deaf Education B.A., Fontbonne University M.A., Fontbonne University

Fontbonne University Page 326 2016-2018 Catalog Julie Hamdi (2013) Susan Lenihan (1994) Jaimette McCulley (1998) Assistant Professor of Biological and Professor of Communication Assistant Professor of Family and Physical Sciences Disorders and Deaf Education Consumer Sciences (Dietetics) B.S., Texas A&M University Director of Deaf Education Program A.S., Rend Lake College M.S., University of California, Los Angeles B.A., Fontbonne University B.S., Eastern Illinois University Ph.D., University of California, M.Ed., Trinity University M.S., Eastern Illinois University Los Angeles Ph.D., Saint Louis University Justin Megahan (2012) Sarah Huisman (2007) Richard Lewis (2001) Reference and Electronic Resources Associate Professor of Education/Special Professor of Communication Librarian Education (Early Childhood) Disorders and Deaf Education Assistant Professor Director of Early Childhood Program B.S., Clarion University B.S., Fontbonne University Director, Center for Excellence of M.Ed., University of Pittsburgh M.A., University of Missouri, Columbia Teaching and Learning Ph.D., Northwestern University B.S., Northern Arizona University Catharine Mennes (2009) M.Ed., National University, San Diego Tim Liddy (1995) Associate Professor of Social Work Ph.D., University of Missouri, St. Louis Professor of Fine Arts Director of Field Education in Social Work B.F.A., Center for Creative Studies, Detroit B.A., B.S., Webster University Sharon Jackson (2000) M.F.A., Washington University in St. Louis M.S.W., Washington University in St. Louis Associate Professor of Social Work Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis Chair, Department of Social Work Angela Dowell Liljequist (2009) Director of Human Services Program Assistant Professor of Business Barbara Meyer (1980) B.A., Fontbonne University Administration (Fashion Merchandising) Associate Professor of Communication M.S.W., Washington University in Chair, Department of Fashion Disorders St. Louis Merchandising Clinic Director LCSW; BCD B.S., University of Missouri, Columbia B.S., University of Missouri, Columbia M.S., University of Missouri, Columbia M.A., Saint Louis University Deanna Jent (1995) Ph.D. University of Kansas Professor of Performing Arts Amy Meyers (2013) Director of Theatre Program Jack Luzkow (2004) Instructor of Business Administration B.F.A., Illinois Wesleyan University Professor of History (Fashion Merchandising) Ph.D., Northwestern University Chair, Department of History, Philosophy B.S., University of Missouri, Columbia and Religion M.S., Fontbonne University Jay Johnson (2014) B.A., Wayne State University Dean of the Bonnie and L.B. Eckelkamp M.A., Saint Louis University Benjamin Moore (1994) College of Global Business and Ph.D., Saint Louis University Associate Professor of English Professional Studies B.A., Furman University Associate Professor of Business Linda Magrath (1999) M.A., University of Iowa Administration Professor of Business Administration Ph.D., University of Iowa B.A., Truman State University B.S., Saint Louis University M.B.A., William Woods University J.D., Saint Louis University Rogene Nelsen (1979) Ed.D., University of Missouri, Columbia CPA Assistant Professor of Business Administration (Fashion Merchandising) Speratus Kamanzi (2016) Brian Matz (2015) B.S. University of Nebraska Instructor in Theology Associate Professor--Sisters of St. M.S. Louisiana State University University Chaplain Joseph of Carondelet Endowed Chair in B.A., Apostles of Jesus Major Seminary Catholic Thought Laurel Newman (2006) M.A. Leuven Catholic University B.S., Washington University in St. Louis Associate Professor of Psychology Ph.D., Leuven Catholic University Th.M., Dallas Theological Seminary Chair, Department of Behavioral Sciences Ph.D., St. Louis University B.A., Lindenwood University Christine Krekow (2007) Ph.D., S.T.D., Katholieke Universiteit M.A., Washington University in St. Louis Instructor of Communication Disorders Leuven Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis B.S., Northwestern University M.S., Arizona State University Sharon McCaslin (2005) David Newton (2014) University Librarian Assistant Professor of Fine Arts Kelly Lane-deGraaf (2014) Professor B.F.A., College of Creative Studies Assistant Professor of Biological B.A., Kansas State University M.F.A., The New York Academy of Art and Physical Sciences M.L., Emporia State University Program Director, One Health Ph.D., University of Nebraska, Lincoln M. Elizabeth Newton (1978) B.S., University of Denver Professor of Mathematics and M.S., Saint Louis University Computer Sciences Ph.D., University of Notre Dame B.S., St. Bonaventure University M.S., Saint Louis University Ph.D., Saint Louis University

Fontbonne University Page 327 2016-2018 Catalog Heather Norton (2002) Bahareh Rahmani (2016) Catherine Schroy (2015) Associate Professor of Assistant Professor of Computer Science Assistant Professor of Communication Communication Studies B.S., Sharif University of Technology, Disorders Chair, Department of English and Tehran, Iran B.A., Fontbonne University Communication M.S., Alzahra University, Tehran, Iran M.S., Washington University in B.S., Manchester College Ph.D., University of Tulsa St. Louis M.A., University of South Dakota Ph.D., Washington University in Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University Elizabeth Rayhel (1998) St. Louis Professor of Biological and Physical Kristen Norwood (2013) Sciences Lynne Shields (1981) Assistant Professor of Communication B.A., University of Missouri, Columbia Professor of Communication Disorders Director of Communication Program Ph.D., Indiana State University Director of Graduate Studies in B.S., University of Central Arkansas Speech-Language Pathology M.A., University of Arkansas Deanna Kay Rice (2015) B.S., University of Illinois Ph.D., University of Iowa Assistant Professor of Education/ M.A., University of Tennessee Special Education Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis Laura O'Hara (2013) B.S., Southern Nazarene University Assistant Professor of Communication M.S., University of Central Arkansas Steven Stopke (1998) Disorders and Deaf Education M.A., Louisiana State University Assistant Professor of Religion B.S., Fontbonne University Ph.D., Louisiana State University B.S., University of Missouri, Columbia M.S., Fontbonne University M.B.A., University of Missouri, St. Louis Ph.D., Saint Louis University Gale Rice (1984-91, 1999) M.A., Washington University in St. Louis Dean of the College of Education and Mary Beth Ohlms (2009) Allied Health Professions Michael Sullivan (1984) Assistant Professor of Family and Professor of Communication Associate Professor of Performing Arts Consumer Sciences (Dietetics) Disorders and Deaf Education Technical Director of the Performing Chair, Department of Family and M.S., Bradley University Arts Program Consumer Sciences Ph.D., University of Missouri, Columbia B.S., Southeast Missouri State University B.S., University of Missouri, Columbia M.A., Saint Louis University M.Ed., University of Missouri, St. Louis Peggy Ridlen (2004) M.B.A., Fontbonne University Reference and Instruction Librarian Lisa Oliverio (2011) Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies Corinne Wohlford (2000) Assistant Professor of English B.S., Southwest Missouri State University Associate Vice President for Academic B.A., Fordham University M.A., University of Missouri, Columbia Affairs M.A., University of Illinois, Assistant Professor of American Urbana-Champaign Robert Romano (2015) History and Culture Ph.D., University of Illinois, Assistant Professor of Business B.A., Urbana-Champaign Director of Sports Management Program M.F.A., Washington University in St. Louis Interim Chair, Department of Business Ph.D. Saint Louis University Stephenie Paine-Saunders (2004) Administration Associate Professor of Biological and B.S, Southern Connecticut State University Jane Theissen (2004) Physical Sciences J.D., Loyola University School of Law Reference and Learning Commons Librarian Chair, Department of Biological and M.S., Columbia University Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies Physical Sciences B.A., Saint Louis University B.S., University of Wyoming Kathleen Roy (2016) M.L.I.S., University of Missouri, Columbia Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley Assistant Professor of Mathematics B.A., Avila College Guanyu Tian (2014) Deborah Phelps (1993) M.S., Central Missouri State University Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Professor of Sociology Ph.D., University of Missouri, Kansas City Computer Science B.A., Washington University in St. Louis B.S., Ramapo College of New Jersey M.A., M.Phil., Carmen Larimore Russell (2000) Ph.D., Ph.D., Yale University Professor of Communication Disorders C.S.P., Association for Applied and Chair, Department of Communication Minh Truong (2007) Clinical Sociology Disorders and Deaf Education Associate Professor of Biological M.P.E., Washington University in St. B.A., Southwest Baptist University and Physical Sciences Louis, School of Medicine M.S., University of Texas at Dallas B.S., University of Missouri, St. Louis Ph.D., University of Missouri, Columbia M.S., University of Missouri, St. Louis Julie Portman (2004) Ph.D., University of Missouri, Rolla Technical Services Librarian Kristen Schroath (2015) Professor of Interdisciplinary Studies Assistant Professor of Business-Marketing B.A., B.S., Southeast Missouri State B.A., John Carroll University University M.B.A., Kent State University M.L.I.S., University of Missouri, Ph.D., Kent State University Columbia

Fontbonne University Page 328 2016-2018 Catalog Jamie Van Dycke (2011) Professors Emeriti Associate Professor of Education/ Mary Carol Anth, CSJ Special Education Human Environmental Sciences/Dietetics Chair, Department of Education/Special (1965-2011) Education M.Ed., University of Central Oklahoma Donald Paul Burgo B.S.E., Oklahoma Christian University of Religion and Philosophy Science and Arts (1971-2008) Ph.D., University of Oklahoma Margaret Camper, CSJ Jenna Voss (2014) English Assistant Professor and Grant Mentor (1965-1989) of Communication Disorders and Deaf Education Janet S. Crites B.A., Fontbonne University Human Environmental Sciences/Family M.A., Fontbonne University & Consumer Sciences Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis (1972-2005)

Victor Wang (1991) Nancy English Professor of Art Mathematics B.A., College of Education, Qiqihaer, PRC (2001-2013) B.F.A., The Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts, PRC William Freeman M.A., M.F.A., Fontbonne University Education/Special Education (1997-2012) Samantha Warren (2015) Assistant Professor of Mathematics and William M. Friedman Computer Science Business Administration B.S., University of Missouri, Columbia (1976-2000) Ph.D., University of Missouri, Columbia Henry Knickmeyer Adam Weyhaupt (2016) Art Dean, College of Arts and Sciences; (1969-2013) Associate Professor B.S., Eastern Illinois University Jeanne Manley M.A., Indiana University History Ph.D., Indiana University (1959-2004)

Daryl Wennemann (1996) Rita Marie Schmitz, CSJ Associate Professor of Philosophy Education/Special Education B.A., Saint Louis University (1968-2014) M.A., Saint Louis University Ph.D., Marquette University Gene Schwarting Education/Special Education John Whicker (2015) (1998-2012) Assistant Professor of English B.A., University of Utah Rudolph Torrini M.A., University of Utah Art/Artist in Residence Ph.D., Ohio University (1968-1991)

Kasi Williamson (2015) Margaret Eugene Tucker, CSJ Assistant Professor of Communication Biology B.A., (1960-1985) M.A., Loyola University, Chicago Ph.D., University of Minnesota John Rex Van Almsick Social Science/History and Law Yi Yang (2013) (1981-2011) Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Sciences Janie von Wolfseck Director of Cyber Security Program Speech–Language Pathology B.S., Huazhong Normal University (1981-2005) M.S., Huazhong Normal University Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

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