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BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/title~content=t741771156 The tangency : three looks

To cite this Article: , 'The tangency problem of Apollonius: three looks', BSHM Bulletin: Journal of the British Society for the History of Mathematics, 22:1, 34 - 46 To link to this article: DOI: 10.1080/17498430601148911 URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17498430601148911


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© Taylor and Francis 2007 Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 otsgiiaty h is ee fhsegtvlm treatise eight-volume his of seven first the significantly, Most aymteaiin h ovdtepolm hylvdi ifrn rsadhdvery had and eras different in lived They problem. the Vie approaches. solved different who mathematicians many oue2 20) 34–46 (2007), 22 Volume Bulletin BSHM I and problem, the in interest revived was there by Franc posed later, today. was centuries challenge continues construction it eighteen intriguing an Some geometry, Greek Apollonius. of period great the During ois n egneepoe e nesadn fivringoer properties. geometry inversion of understanding new a employed Gergonne and conics, ad fPpu fAeadi,wowoethe wrote who Alexandria, of Pappus construction of hands ten any here. That for . emphasis actually given most three allow are the to given receive three conditions there will through a requires case circle the case a points, challenging of Since most construction circle The and elementary points. a circle. the is on lines, that simplest point The circles, A problems. to all definition. three to of tangent special tangent Greek given circle a combination considered a classical observe solution: construct must be point, the a a we or may of Here has line objects. a many actually circle, given a unlike three being one them and of this each however, objects, problems, known, construction well geometric is subject. the problem on The word authoritative an as regarded still are and h agnypolmo plois he looks three Apollonius: of problem tangency The iecnuisatrAolnu,acp of copy a Apollonius, after centuries Five two-volume the from comes problem tangency The bu h a isl,mc fhswr a uvvdi n omo another. or form one known in survived is has little work Although his Geometer. of much Great himself, the Apollonius man was as the there about known , after sometimes and Perga, after of BC, century third the n SMBulletin BSHM SN14–40pitIS 7984 online 1749–8341 print/ISSN 1749–8430 ISSN ¸ ` i Vie ois esae ls ogoercfnaetl,Nwo sdhsgapof grasp his used fundamentals, geometric to close stayed te ` e sa etn n oehDa egnewr mn the among were Gergonne Joseph-Diaz and Newton, Isaac te, ahmtc uo,Hn Kong Hong Tutor, Mathematics http://www.informaworld.com/journals O:10.1080/17498430601148911 DOI: a unkel e k n Ku l Pau ß 07BiihSceyfrteHsoyo Mathematics of History the for Society British 2007 Synagoge Tangencies Tangencies or uthv eni the in been have must Collection Conics hc snwlost. now is which , aesurvived have h seventh The . Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 w ie ice.Teeaeifntl aycrlstnett oh eei brief a is Here both. properties. to useful tangent and interesting circles only some many with expose infinitely beginning to are problem investigation simpler There a circles. consider given circles, two three the on working Before circles eyes. Two our before Apollonius a them doubt With see No circles. actually mentally. given can images the we moving to Now such changes too. visualize make to did the watching used we of we as satisfaction one head the instantly only clear us not it. place gives fit This into with circles. would slide along three solution solutions any ideal change but An circles, construction challenge. of the set added given an have can introduces We and this needed. conditions fact, as We view In given rules. into the the back to them change bringing adhering arcs, even still and while lines precision construction pinpoint hide with can plot now can We results. Historically, too its paper. draftsman. proving the or and on finest large construction marks too a the many describing be too validity. with will very even themselves simply objects contented be are have certain overwhelm there can geometers intersections, and could solution weak manage, to be single matter, solutions small to a practical bound eight a even are all As of There configuration. construction and given straight-edge difficult, the and on compass depending a impossible continues pursuit be the may and followed solutions Other it. solve to today. first the among was oko the of book (2007) 22 Volume r l qa.I olw hnthat then follows It equal. all are ssee triangles isosceles rdc iesegments line Produce ooht dlto,smltd)o h w ice.Ti stecnr fahomothety a From of other. centre the the onto is circle This one circles. maps two that the of similitude) (dilation, homothety n onteewsrnwditrs ntetnec rbe.Franc problem. tangency the in interest renewed was there soon and there. not to Apollonius’s is lemmas itself some solution introduced the and but problem solution, the Apollonius’s stated support author The problem. tangency point circle ieitret circle intersects line e h ie ice aecentres have circles given the Let better realize to us enabled has software geometry dynamic of availability The them of all or any but case, three-circle the to solutions eight are there general, In tmynvrhv curdt apsta his that Pappus to occurred have never may It A N Let . stecnr foeo h ouincircles. solution the of one of centre the is Collection Q Tangencies eteohrpito nescinbtenline between intersection of point other the be PAQ B tpoints at AP scalled is and u oi i.I a vnulypbihdi ai n1589, in in published eventually was It did. it so but , and P 0 BQ BQ P rauyo analysis of Treasury ff 0 0 NPQ and 0 r iia,so similar, are oteritreto at intersection their to A Q 0 and 0 and h oohtciae fpoints of images homothetic the , E ff B rwascn ietruhpoint through line secant a draw NQ n let and , 0 P ff AQP n hr apsdsusdthe discussed Pappus there and , r loeul so equal, also are , E ff APQ Collection N eteetra eteof centre external the be ne h homothety, the Under . EP , ff BQ n circle and 0 NP P ih outlive might 0 and ¼ ¸ i Vie ois P NQ ff A and BP The . 0 P and 0 on Q Q 35 ` te . 0 Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 circle obt ritral agn obt.Lmtn ae nti aiyaetetwo the are family this in cases Limiting exist. they both. if to lines, tangent tangent tangent externally external say, internally common to is or which circles, both given to two the to tangent homogenously are 36 h rbe mut ofniga nescino w oi etos This sections. conic two of perfectly intersection although constructions. which, geometric an solutions, not Cartesian are gruelling finding correct, some circles, concentric to to three (given led original has circle amounts the observation a from or pairs problem for circles) two cases picking congruent special the problem, (given also three-circle line are the a There In . be circles). an may or the a which be may solutions of family points tangent with one point circles, to tangent respect homogeneously with two power same Q omntnetlns fte xs.Alcrlsi hsfml aetesm power same the internal have two family the this are in cases circles point Limiting All tangent to exist. other. respect circles, they the with given if to two lines, externally the tangent to and common tangent one nonhomogeneously to is internally family this in circle ihrsett point to respect with ( orsodn nlsi h ooht. homothety. the in corresponding h te with other the ylcquadrilateral cyclic ER 0 P Point eedn nterltv oiin ftegvncrls h ou ete o a for centres locus the circles, given the of positions relative the on Depending the have family this in circles the of All property. important another is Here h aecntuto ok o point for works construction same The 0 )( R A ES 0 Now . oti ehdcnb sdo hl aiyo ouincrls l fthem of All circles. solution of family whole a on used be can method this so , 0 P ) ¼ soeo h agn onsadi ol aebe lcdayhr on anywhere placed been have could it and points tangent the of one is ( EP RS R 0 )( Q EQ and 0 E P S I 0 R 0 sacci udiaea because quadrilateral cyclic a is and , ,alcrlsi hstnetfml aetesm power same the have family tangent this in circles all ), E 0 S P and , 0 0 Angles . Q 0 I n steeoeeult h poieitro angle interior opposite the to equal therefore is and iso h aia xso n w fthem. of two any of axis radical the on lies E Q iso h aia xso n w fthem. of two any of axis radical the on lies S QPR E R eetesm ytmi hw with shown is system same the Here . P and I h nenlcnr fhmtey Each homothety. of centre internal the , Q Q S ′ 0 ′ P 0 RS R 0 0 Q r qa eas hyare they because equal are ff 0 QPR R sa xeirageof angle exterior an is ′ P ′ ¼ff RS P SMBulletin BSHM 0 Q and 0 Therefore, . Q 0 and , Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 ups h rbe ssle.Let solved. is problem the Suppose oue2 (2007) 22 Volume iceadoeo h w ouin.Let solutions. two and the of one two point and and circle on circle one centred with be begin we circle here the so with, Let dispensed points. be can case three-point The points two lines circle, involving One cases the for solutions The and the points one. three in by interdependent. with solutions started likewise one of he were circles, case, use with three-circle making the them cases to replaced get later To the cases. simpler with earlier, complexity, of order increasing nescsline intersects ( from Vie sacci udiaea n ( and quadrilateral angles cyclic Since a segment). is alternate in (angle equal are ihrsett point to respect with and Triangles circles. Franc BH ` D epbihdhssltosin solutions his published te aigpoint Having en hi on ftnec,point tangency, of point their Being F HFE )( ¸ i Vie ois h iethrough line The . B BD n e titretcircle intersect it let and ) r qa atraeitro nls aalllns.Angles lines). angles, interior (alternate equal are ¼ ` e(1540–1603) te ( BJ BD )( DGB H loat also E BK ol epbigaotteslto.Cntutascn line secant a Construct solution. the about bring help would B and ) . and A F H n agn ocircle to tangent and Construct . EGF KJHD H BH G F ploisGallus Apollonius r iia and similar are )( B A sacci udiaea.Cntutcircle Construct quadrilateral. cyclic a is BD G at ) etepito agnybtentegiven the between tangency of point the be HF GD ¼ G J ( h agn emn from segment tangent the , sas eteo ooht ftetwo the of homothety of centre a also is A and BF and n e h ie onsbe points given the let and )( D K BG GB A DB o ( Now . 10) esle l e ae in cases ten all solved He (1600). intersects BHF .Ti stepwro circle of power the is This ). nesc h ie circle given the intersect sprle to parallel is and BJ DB EGF )( BK K at ) r equal, are EF ¼ H HFE ( Angles . A . BF H J H ocircle to )( B G and BG F JKD and GFHD A B BHF ,so ), EGF at .It D 37 A A E . Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 irgr n ftegvncrls hsi o aeo w ons( points two of case a now is This circles. given the of one Disregard saslto.Teohrtnetsgetfrom segment tangent other The solution. a is Line two). of (one Circle ( ihte,cnie nyoeo hm h iceta setral agn ocircles to tangent externally is that circle the them, of and one only consider them, with h he-icecs eeal a ih ouin.T nesadhwVie how understand To solutions. eight has generally case three-circle The circles Three four. centre of other total the a Using for solutions. more, two two are There yields above. homothety solved of was which circle, one ice,cnrdon centred circles, point from away circle 38 yai emtysfwr.I ok iefraytregvncrls u o nan in not but circles, given three any for fine works It software. geometry dynamic ntehmteycnrdat centred homothety the in point at circle hrfr,( Therefore, points at circles given the homothety, of oignwt h etlvl eaegvnpoint given are we level, next the to now Moving point one circles, Two hsefcieyrdcsterdu fcircle of radius the reduces effectively This hc stnett h ie ice at circles given the to tangent is which eaieszso h ice.Ta swyVie why is are That solutions seven circles. other the The of point. sizes one and relative circles two manner. of similar a case in a constructed to it reduces ups h rbe ssle,adteslto icei agn otegvncircles given the to tangent is circle solution the and points solved, at is problem the Suppose B , L on akt h tr,cntutcnr fhomothety of centre construct start, the to back Going ups h rbe ssle ihpoint with solved is problem the Suppose hr r o ftig owthdrn h osrcin atclrythe particularly construction, the during watch to things of lot a are There B 0 n nenlytnett ice( circle to tangent internally and ) KJC n nenlytnett circle to tangent internally and , A E G srdcdt on.Teei icethrough circle a is There point. a to reduced is F Line . and EK F B N N E G )( ,so( xeiri hseape e line Let example. this in exterior , EJ sw aese,points seen, have we As . EC E B BF A ydistance by ) and EN nescsti iceas at also circle this intersects ¼ nescscircle intersects ( EN D )( J EC n hog h epcietasainimages respective the through and , and )( EC ) E ¼ AH K .I a ensonta ( that shown been has It ). n points and ) ( C EG oeo ahcrl,btntcrepnigpoints corresponding not but circle, each on (one h aiso h mletcrl.Cntutnew Construct circle. smallest the of radius the , A )( D EF loat also H Circle . D F , .Ltascn iefo point from line secant a Let ). , L and B M K and n nrae h aiso circle of radius the increases and H G 0 ` esslto sntwl utdto suited well not is solution te’s ,hvn h aecentre same the having ), , E G n h icethrough circle the and , C A J N illa oteohrsolution. other the to lead will , h eteo h ouincircle, solution the of centre the utainwt n ftecentres the of one with align must E Point . M n ice ihcentres with circles and a h mletradius. smallest the has C K EC rnlt h agn points tangent the Translate . and A B N xenlytnett circle to tangent externally , loitrettesolution the intersect also N N E so ouincircle. solution a on is r concyclic. are EK A eatline secant , )( EJ J SMBulletin BSHM C ) ¼ and B ( E L EG , EKJ 0 A G intersect ` and E edealt te N C and )( This . and and ) EF and M D B D A ). 0 . . . Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 n h ieti,adlet and directrix, the and n epniua to and A yebl orsodn ocircles to corresponding hyperbola BN (2007) 22 Volume etxo yebl aigfoci having a hyperbola Construct three. a all of to tangent vertex externally a is circles that to tangent circle externally the circle of the centre equivalent to the are applied construct as radii construction their Newton’s between is differences follows circles. the What three and conditions. circles Newton’s three to concepts. the the those of in on centres heavily interest depends solution. great solution own no Newton’s Apollonius’s showed directrix. restore Apollonius the to Vie conics, or effort with by no work the solved making extensive been of was his had description Newton Despite problem brief that same very clear is the a This It that After known. acknowledged . are points Newton three given solution, of three XVI the intersection differences to Lemma The an point fourth. solution. constructed describes a the a construct from points, derive distances three the did Given of construction. he a is not, I or Book from intentionally but problem, tangency the In of completion (1642–1727) Newton after Isaac change can conditions given the construction. where environment and rnii mathematica Principia ei ihcrlscnrdo points on centred circles with Begin the However, circles. any include not do XVI Lemma of conditions given The ¼ AM B P divide h cetiiyo h yebl is hyperbola the of eccentricity The . L B ′ N L MN A H amncly osrc ieti ftehproathrough hyperbola the of directrix a Construct harmonically. P AB T E M sn h aepoeue osrc ieti fthe of directrix a construct procedure, same the Using . T 18)IacNwo a o pcfclyadesn the addressing specifically not was Newton Isaac (1687) A eteitreto ftetodirectrices. two the of intersection the be D Q C A M A and M and ′ A B A ihiscentre, its with , C and , letting , B AB/MN and B Let . B C Q eeteojciewl eto be will objective the Here . eteitreto fteaxis the of intersection the be osrc point Construct . L N ′ eteohrvre with vertex other the be M nline on , A P R T E AB Z S A Point . P U uhthat such Q D M ` te. 39 M P is ′

Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 nfu ie,ec ieicuigoepito ooht rmec aro circles. of pair each from fall homothety points called six of be The point will homothety. one lines nine of including the the centres line Here the of each construct lines, many and four to pairs on applied three in be circles also the can it journal, and his circles, given in cases. the other problem of positions an tangency the published the Gergonne Joseph-Diaz to as Mathe appreciated problems. solution widely construction became simplifying technique inversion-based would the of it that but way century geometry, nineteenth a inversion the of until understanding be some not had have must Apollonius (1771–1859) Gergonne Joseph-Diaz construction same This well. hyperbola. as a constructing and cases of ellipse those mention an to no or made applies , he two that of though intersection interesting an is It is problem. equal. This are the way. intersect distances solve can the which hyperbolas along of Two made two three. only be construction not points, The must hyperbolas, four it. decisions two capsize at itself; of to likely of intersection is in an care circles actually change take given a the simply of correctly, not one completed does of is location construction or size the the after Even software. geometry nescini h eteo h nenlytnetcircle. tangent internally the of centre the is intersection ete on centred and fAolnu bign sfl ice,adi h ou falpit h ai fwhose of ratio the points all of locus the is from and circle), distances full us (bringing Apollonius of hsrtoi nw,as known, is ratio This ai n h ietie,cntutteline the construct AQ directrices, the and ratio Therefore, AZ/ZS ZR ice nitreto ftetohproa.Points hyperbolas. two the of intersection an circle, 40 egnesslto ae s fti ataotasse ftrecrls Take circles. three of system a about fact this of use makes solution Gergonne’s the of three all or two which in cases special simpler, the addressed also Newton swt Vie with As o ofn nte ratio, another find to Now ups httepolmi ovdadta point that and solved is problem the that Suppose and at UT ´ matiques U r h cetiiiso h w yebls hc r ohnwknown. now both are which hyperbolas, two the of eccentricities the are . ZS aebe osrce.Therefore, constructed. been have AT ZS/ZR r epniua otersetv ietie.Teratios The directrices. respective the to perpendicular are n dividing and , ` 11) h egneslto sepcal lxbewt eadto regard with flexible especially is solution Gergonne The (1816). 4 , e etnsslto sabtpolmtcwe tcmst dynamic to comes it when problematic bit a is solution Newton’s te, A and stertoo h cetiiisadi osrcil.Uigthis Using constructible. is and eccentricities the of ratio the is T AZ/ZS is AZ/ZT AT ie fsimilitude of lines steecnrct ftescn yebl,and hyperbola, second the of eccentricity the is nenlyadetral nti ai.Ti sacircle a is This ratio. this in externally and internally AZ hscrl nescsline intersects circle This . / ZT ¼ ( TZ AZ/ZS AZ/ZT . oeo w) e hsln intersect line this Let two). of (one R )( ZS/ZT and skon osrc circle a Construct known. is Z stecnr ftesolution the of centre the is S r on are ) ¼ TZ ( AZ/ZS PT at SMBulletin BSHM Z and AZ/ZR h other The . nae de Annales )( UQ/UT QT and , and UQ ). Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 oue2 (2007) 22 Volume l he pee.Snetepaeicue omntnetln nec arof pair each on line tangent common a includes plane the Since plane, . a Lay three . all a define to circles given aia eteo h ice n let and circles the of centre radical ie faltreo h icecnrsaeofe ntesm ieo h ln,the plane, external. on one the and offset of internal is side two centre same is one the result If the on homothety. others, offset of the are a centres opposite in centres side external circles circle the all the the of are distance plane of constructed the a must points three intersect points by must all offset vertically it three If and the point line. homothety, by centre of defined centres plane each three The radii Offset include radius. plane. corresponding the by the to the leaving equal on intersected by points offset sides. effected are offset opposite are be centres on the the offset circles joining if are external they line homothety, The if The of internal centre centres. side, circles. a same their at two axis joining the axis intersects for the to homothety perpendicular of centres n hog h aia ete fashr a t eteo hsln n is and line this on centre three. all its to orthogonal has is sphere it then a circles spheres, the traced If of the plane centre. of the is one to radical it to perpendicular planes then this line orthogonal the three a circles, on The at circles. given through centre three intersect the its of axes and by system has radical a traced the sphere with spheres by same a the the traced If do of Now plane. one both. to a to orthogonal traces orthogonal is axis and radical plane interesting the and an spheres as process trace thought here construction. the included be his even discover is may to It It Gergonne concept. proof. led the that of of explanation short intuitive an falls exercise, which investigation, an o osdrtrecrlsi oiotlpae neuvln osrcincan construction equivalent An plane. horizontal a in circles three consider Now internal and external the for constructions these use alignment, the explain To Let circles The symmetry. of axis the about axis radical their and circles two Rotate with begin will solution Gergonne the diversion, brief a forgive will reader the If A , B and , C etecnrso he ice nahrzna ln.Let plane. horizontal a in circles three of centres the be j etevria iethrough line vertical the be Æ costetps hti stnetto tangent is it that so top the across , R oaeec fthe of each Rotate . R ethe be 41 Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 ieo iiiuei ie icewl nesc htcrl ttepito tangency of point the at circle that intersect will circle. circle solution given a a with in similitude of line te w ie ice.Teln onn h aia centre, radical the joining line The circles. given two other rjcin,points projections, line A T pee,isitreto ihtehrzna ln uticuetethree the include must labelled plane is similitude horizontal of line the that Here with homothety. of intersection centres corresponding its spheres, 42 pee.Teivriniaeo plane of image inversion The spheres. A C hsmakes this Angles to perpendicular taln fsmltd,adec edrn w ouin,egti all. in eight solutions, two rendering plane horizontal each the and cutting similitude, each of planes, line counting tangent Not a two. possible at other four the plane are from Also, sphere there one reflections, solution. separated have different could tangent, a common to lead would pee r nain ne h neso,s sphere so inversion, the under invariant are spheres mgso spheres of images A mgso h te w agn onsms lob nta ln,adthe and plane, that in be also must points tangent sphere and two plane the other of intersection the of images Point . etepito agnyo sphere on tangency of point the be and n nray on and at eieashr fivrincnrdo point on centred inversion of sphere a Define e point Let hnline When k U ihrsett circle to respect with U ATP n nescigline intersecting and T r ntepaeo h ice,s stecnr fsphere of centre the is so circles, the of plane the in are en na nain pee utb apdt nte on nsphere on point another to mapped be must sphere, invariant an on being , Q and h nes of inverse the A VT P TUV htcnol epoint be only can That . TQP eo line on be k T Q A Q lo Let also. , , a eie,teewsacoc fto h ientchosen not line The two. of choice a was there defined, was U r ih nls o( so angles, right are B and , and , A P Points . j k Q ihrsett sphere to respect with R at C uhthat such iia eainhpeit ewe line between exists relationship similar A . etepoeto of projection the be en rhgnlt sphere to orthogonal Being . V oeo two). of (one T Æ A , rmpoint From . 0 Æ U soeo h ouincircles. solution the of one is k and , U ssphere is P TP AP ,so )( spredclrto perpendicular is V U AQ r olna.Teeoe oaetheir are so Therefore, collinear. are V sapito agny ic points Since tangency. of point a is Æ Æ n rhgnlt h te three other the to orthogonal and Æ A ) ahrta en nexternal an being than rather , T ¼ T 0 0 hc utb agn othe to tangent be must which , rcircle or stnett spheres to tangent is eiealn nescigcircle intersecting line a define ( notepaeo h circles. the of plane the onto AT ) R 2 Since . n h pole, the and , A Æ V and , l he fthose of three all , 0 tflosta the that follows It . k Q T AT Hence, . SMBulletin BSHM Q stepl of pole the is steradius, the is U k A , n the and Q B V k AP R j ,ofa and , Let . is Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 oue2 (2007) 22 Volume iiiuebig bu w ouincrls ih nal w ar fsltosare of solutions line of pairs each Two three Thus all. These tangency. in poles. eight of the circles, here. points of solution the shown each at two of to about circles each centre brings to corresponding radical similitude respect the the radical with from pole the intersect line its Construct lines construct a them. and Draw by similitude circles. defined of given similitude line of one Pick lines centre. four the and homothety w ouin.Gvntesm he ice,ltcircles let circles, three same or zero the has tangent group homogeneously each Given is cases, it special solutions. Excepting or be group). groups) fourth two three can tangent (the of circles homogeneously circles one three either given into all is to (falling three circle pair The solution one Each them. exactly ways. to seeing different even three without in paired solutions the for groups the encloses sphere one since are plane circles tangent the them. common When no two. produce though. is other will there here three construction spheres, these apply into Consider not Gergonne’s rolled one. does and only reasoning exist, the three-dimensional not solutions The certainly eight conflict, All one is circles. Here this. as simple xenlcnrso homothety, of centres external So ie ice.Since circles. given three. all to tangent homogeneously k rmhr,i l oe akdw otepae osrc h i ete of centres six the Construct plane. the to down back comes all it here, From osdrtesltosi rus ar culy ti osbet eiefour define to possible is It actually. pairs groups, in solutions the Consider as not is proof the but correct, is construction the and here, told were lies No o ealtepoete htwr eeldfrtesmlrcs ftwo of case simpler the for revealed were that properties the recall Now h iedfndb hs ons sterdclai fcircles of axis radical the is points, these by defined line the , Q U R s and t r ooeeul agn oaltrepis h three the pairs, three all to tangent homogeneously are E E E BC AB AC k E , AB E BC and E AC l i nterdclai of axis radical the on lie all , s and R I AC s and t I BC esolutions be t . s and E AB 43 t . Downloaded By: [informa internal users] At: 08:06 20 April 2007 ison lies to tangent nonhomogeneously of all homothety are of centre they internal as the family, Therefore, same the in solutions 44 u o l,o h te iecsso h agnypolm nodrt othis, do to order In problem. tangency the of cases nine other the of all, not but s hscs snts ipe etnscntuto lofishr,bcuethe because here, fails also construction Newton’s simple. Vie so intersect. be not not do cannot circles. directrices is centres given the case external of two This the centres with the drawn through simply be can line are similitude poles The of its lines homothety. but the of drawn, of one but attention, centres All some points with problem. to internal but a off this, such flying to not well sent is respond are it not homothety does software of Geometry centres infinity. external Pappus, at the of congruent, lemmas are circles again. with yet working pairs Although Heath, same the Thomas regularity. in century, clockwork pairs. solutions twentieth same derived with the early produced history construction the his in In different, entirely reoccurring was planes. be approach tangent Newton’s to any of seems use pairing the without so does it and solution, Gergonne circles nenlcnr fhmteyo circles of homothety of centre internal circles hw eeta points that here shown itne rmpoint from distances of circle point same this with collinear be must circles given the of each on points and FG ihsm dutet,teGron osrcincnb ple omany, to applied be can construction Gergonne the adjustments, some With ftegvncrlsaecail h aia etege wyads otepoles. the do so and away goes centre radical the coaxial, are circles given the If given the If weaknesses. certain has construction Gergonne’s surprisingly, Not This similitude. of line a with associated pair each pairs, in come solutions The If Let t B s h oeof pole The . A A ihrsett circle to respect with FG F tteetopit.Point points. two these at and and and and e point Let . t B C a entetogvncrls hncircles then circles, given two the been had G n nterdclai fcircles of axis radical the on and , htmasta h aia centre, radical the that means That . etetotnetpit ncircle on points tangent two the be FG H K ocircles to ihrsett circle to respect with R etepl fline of pole the be , F A , B K ` Since . eswl work. will te’s and , s and H h nescino h agn ie,i h pole the is lines, tangent the of intersection the , G t point , HF s r olna.Ti ost h er fthe of heart the to goes This collinear. are and s R t and B k H t iso line on lies s tas en httetotangent two the that means also It . ihrsett circle to respect with F B HG and utb nline on be must B K C and t R r qa n r h tangent the are and equal are G B utb nterdclai of axis radical the on be must fcircles of , C osrc ie agn to tangent lines Construct . n nterdclai of axis radical the on and , E k BC

hrfr,tepl of pole the Therefore, . E

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