Trump administration toolbox A guide to the first 100 days

February 3, 2017

Producer: Presentation Center team Director: Alistair Taylor ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 2 CYBERSECURITY: FIRST 100 DAYS

Cybersecurity in the first 100 days of President-elect Trump’s administration Details on the president-elect’s potential cybersecurity lineup

Reviewing sanctions Critical infrastructure 90-day plan Advisors have indicated the president- In a November transition video, Trump The president-elect has indicated elect will likely examine the sanctions said he would ask the Department of cybersecurity will be a priority in the Defense and the Chairman of the Joint recently levied against Russia to ensure early days of his administration. Chiefs to develop a strategy to defend they are “proportionate to what Following his intelligence briefing on critical infrastructure from cyberattacks. occurred, based on what we know.” Russian hacking, President-elect Trump The video triggered jurisdictional President Obama announced the announced plans to convene a team in controversy given that the law vests measures, whose targets include two the first 90 days of his presidency to authority for the protection of domestic Russian intelligence agencies and the “aggressively combat and stop infrastructure in the Department of expulsion of 35 Russian intelligence cyberattacks,” though further details Homeland Security, separate from operatives from the U.S., in response to have not yet been released DoD’s focus on cyber warfare and its the Kremlin’s cyber interference in the own networks U.S. presidential election

Sources: “’s statement after intelligence briefing on hacking,” NYT, January 6, 2017; Chris Bing, “’A grave mistake’— Rep. McCaul pushes back on Trump cyber-defense plan,” FedScoop, January 5, 2017 Susan Page, “Conway dismisses need for independent hack probe, says Trump may reconsider sanctions on Russia,” USA Today, January 9, 2017; David E. Sanger, “Obama strikes back at Russia for election hacking,” NYT, December 29, 2016; Images by Edward Boatman, Phil Laver and Nikita Kozin, The Noun Project, January 2017.

January 19, 2017 | Jessica Grischkan 3 EXECUTIVE ORDER ON CYBERSECURITY

Draft of President Trump’s latest executive order calls for four significant cybersecurity evaluations Details on the order, “Strengthening U.S. cyber security and capabilities”

1. Review of cyber vulnerabilities 3. Review of U.S. cyber capabilities The order directs the secretaries of defense and homeland Upon completion of the vulnerabilities and adversaries reviews,, an security, the director of national intelligence, and the assistants examination of cyber capabilities at the Departments of Defense and to the president for national security affairs, homeland security Homeland Security as well as the National Security Agency will and counterterrorism to assess “the most critical U.S. cyber identify those capabilities in need of improvements in order to defend vulnerabilities.” Within 60 days of the order’s publication,publication, the U.S. critical infrastructureinfrastructure. In addition, the secretaries of defense and secretary of defense will provide the president with homeland security will address the long-term maintenance of the recommendations, while the secretary of homeland securitysecurity will U.S. cyber capability advantage by assessing computer science, offer recommendations for infrastructure in the public and mathematics and cybersecurity curricula from elementary through private sectors as well as civilian federal government higher education. infrastructureinfrastructure. Properly equipping relevant agencies ”adequate legal authority,” will also be addressed in the vulnerabilities review. 4. Private sector infrastructure incentives report Within 100 days of the issuance of the executive order, the 2. Review of cyber adversaries secretaries of commerce, treasury and homeland security, along with Officials will also conduct an assessment of “the identities,identities, the assistant to the president for economic affairs, will advise the capabilities, and vulnerabilities of the principal U.S. cyber president on ways to incentivize owners and operators of private adversaries.” The resulting report will be delivered within 60 sector infrastructure to implement stronger cybersecurity defensesdefenses. days to the president by the director of national intelligence.

Analysis and unanswered questions • It is unclear when the order may be signed, but the directive reassured previous concerns triggered by the then presidentpresident----elect’select’s statement regarding a DoD review of critical infrastructure cyber defense, which is under the purview of DHS • The range of cyber adversaries that will be considered is also uncertainuncertain: traditional nation-states like Russia, China and Iran are sure to top the list, lesser-ranked cyber threats such as terrorist groups or cybercrime syndicates could also be included

Sources: “Executive Order — Strengthening U.S. cyber security and capabilities,” January 2017; Joseph Marks, “Draft Trump order would launch 4 major cyber reviews,” Nextgov, January 27, 2017; Andrew Forrester, Creative Stall, Noun Project, Jan. 2017.

January 30, 2017 | Jessica Grischkan 4 EXECUTIVE ORDER ON CYBERSECURITY

Postponing the executive order on cybersecurity, the White House holds a “listening session” and signals potential revisions

Details on the status of the cybersecurity directive

Listening session • Though President Trump had planned to issue the cybersecurity executive order on Tuesday, the signing was delayed in favor of a “listening session” with cybersecurity experts and White House officialsofficials, including senior advisor , national security adviser Michael Flynn, homeland security adviser Tom Bossert, NSA director Adm. Mike Rogers and , who will lead a private sector cybersecurity council

Additional provisions Agency accountability • The White House indicated several potential revisions to the • During the meeting, President Trump declared his initial draft of the executive order that surfaced last week, intention to “hold my cabinet secretaries and agency which called for evaluations of U.S. cybersecurity heads accountable, totally accountable for the vulnerabilities, capabilities and adversaries as well as a review cybersecurity of their organization” of ways to incentivize stronger cyber defense among owners • The White House official who briefed the press and operators of private sector critical infrastructure reinforced the president’s statement, saying that • A senior White House official informed reporters that the despite the directive’s toward centralization, directive will now centralize cybersecurity risk assessment in individual agency leaders will be in charge of the Office of Management and Budget. If included in the final cybersecurity “as opposed to delegating it down to order, the OMB director would “assess and manage the their CIOS or more subordinate junior staff” collective risk of the federal executive branch” • As part of this effort, the draft will also be amended to • Some cyber experts questioned whether the OMB has the include a requirement that agencies incorporate the cyber chops to fill that role, while others indicated that as long National Institute of Standards and Technology’s as the different security risks and requirements of the cybersecurity guidelines, which are currently voluntary numerous federal agencies are taken into account, and individual agencies remain primarily responsible for their own security, OMB centralization would be feasible

Sources: Brendan Bordelon, “Trump delays cybersecurity order as experts voice doubts over OMB role,” Morning Consult, January 31, 2017; Jose Pagliery, “Big changes in Trump’s cybersecurity executive order,” CNN, January 31, 2017; Sean Carberry, “Trump postpones cyber executive order,” FCW, January 31, 2017; Images by Remy Medard, Chameleon Design, Alv Jorgen Bovolden and Icons Fest, The Noun Project, January 2017. February 1, 2017 | Jessica Grischkan 5 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 6 CRIMINAL JUSTICE REFORM

Trump has been vocal about supporting and protecting police forces across the nation

What to expect from President Trump on criminal justice

Police • Trump often defends the police and takes the position that they are widely underappreciated • “Sure there’ll be a bad apple, and it ends up on the news for weeks, and everybody hates the police. The fact is they do an incredible job" Body cameras • Trump supports the use of body cameras, but has said individual departments should make the determination whether or not to use them for themselves • Trump has expressed support for federal funding of body cameras Mass incarceration • Trump has not released specifics on mass incarceration, but the he has criticized the Obama administration’s “rollback of criminal enforcement” and promised he would be “tough on crime”

Racial profiling • Trump has actively encouraged the practice of racial profiling, especially in the context of fighting terrorism • He praised the profiling methods used in Israel in the days following the Orlando shooting

Death penalty • One of Trump’s longest held views is his support for the death penalty, which dates back to 1989 when he took out four full-page in newspapers in reference to the “Central Park 5” case saying “when [murderers] kill, they should be executed for their crimes” • He has softened his language of late, but still supports the death penalty

Sources: Jenna Goff, Joan Greve, “Trump vs. Clinton: criminal justice reform,” PBS, September 19, 2016; “Donald Trump on Crime,” On the Issues, December 14, 2016; Images via Noun Project.

January 25, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 7 CRIMINAL JUSTICE: FIRST 100 DAYS

Trump has positioned himself as a president who will stand for “law and order”

Trump’s ‘five actions to restore security and the constitutional rule of law’

Cancel every unconstitutional executive action, memorandum and order issued 1 by President Obama Analysis These points are a section of Begin the process of selecting a replacement for Justice Scalia from one of the 20 • Trump’s first 100-day plan he judges on my list, who will uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution 2 calls his “ with the American voter” • Some objectives, like Cancel all federal funding to sanctuary cities removing two million illegal 3 immigrants, might be initiated in the first 100 days, but will be very difficult to do quickly Begin removing the more than two million criminal illegal immigrants from the • Considering he has a country and cancel visas to foreign countries that won’t take them back Republican-led House and 4 Senate, Trump will have a significant amount of political capital to work with Suspend immigration from terrorterror----proneprone regions where vetting cannot safely occuroccur————AllAll vetting of people coming into our country will be considered “extreme 5 vetting”

Sources: Jenna Goff, Joan Greve, “Trump vs. Clinton: criminal justice reform,” PBS, September 19, 2016; “Donald Trump on Crime,” On the Issues, December 14, 2016; Images via Noun Project.

January 20, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 8 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 9 DEFENSE: FIRST 100 DAYS

Trump’s national security plan, “Peace Through Strength,” requires broad spending increases

Trump’s national security priorities for the first 100 days

Expand the Army to 540,000 active duty Feasibility: soldiers, the Navy to 350 ships, the Air • The Budget Control Act of 2011 Force to 1,200 fighters, the Marines to requires 60 votes in the Senate to 1. Expand capabilities 36 battalions repeal the spending cap on the Pentagon Modernize the nuclear arsenal and the • While the 2017 National Defense ballistic missile defense system Authorization Act (NDAA) mandates military spending Present a plan to defeat and destroy ISIL increases, Congress still has to within 30 days of entering office pass an appropriations bill 2. Defeat ISIL mandating how the Pentagon will spend the funds Reassess relationship with Russia in • In terms of eliminating waste, the Syria the fight against terrorism Pentagon has never been effectively audited and solutions to eliminating errors that created Eliminate all unnecessary bureaucratic trillions of dollars in excess spending in the Pentagon spending have yet to be put 3. Increase spending forward • Further, Trump’s desire to Request the repeal of the defense alleviate tensions with Russia will sequester likely face strong opposition in Congress

Sources: “Peace through strength,” Donald Trump’s speech on national security,” September 7, 2016; Rob Garver, “Trump could make good on his defense spending promise in his first 100 days,” , December 9, 2016.

January 24, 2017 | Libbie Wilcox 10 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 11 ENERGY: FIRST 100 DAYS

Trump aims to increase the number of high paying jobs in the U.S., especially in shale and coal industries

Actions on energy and the environment Trump will take in the first 100 days

Step 1 Step 2 Executive action to Formulate Shale Shale cancel restrictions regulations so that on American energy for every new to encourage more regulation, two high paying jobs in must be eliminated both industries

Clean coal Analysis The regulations most likely to be repealed could be environmental regulations as President-elect Trump seeks to revitalize the coal and natural gas industries

Source: NounProject, Luis Prado January 23, 2017 | Claire Carter 12 ENERGY: FIRST 100 DAYS

Trump has vowed to leave the Paris Climate Agreement, but that process could take four years

What the Trump presidency means for energy and the environment Clean Water Rule (Waters of the U.S.) Clean Power Plan Likely to be removed/overturned Likely to be removed/overturned The rule makes small waterways like wetlands and ponds The Clean Power Plan has been put on hold by the Supreme subject to federal rules. The rule is in the Sixth Circuit Court Court and the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals is deciding of Appeals and will likely go to the Supreme Court unless whether to overturn it or not. If a decision does not come by Trump repeals it inauguration day Trump’s Justice Department lawyers could ask for the case to be dismissed and the EPA would undo the regulation Lawsuits regarding regulations Paris Climate Agreement Likely to be removed/overturned Withdrawing is possible The Clean Power Plan, Clean Water Rule, ozone rule and Trump has repeatedly vowed that he will withdraw from the fracking rule among others are currently under litigation. deal, but the process of leaving will take four years. Trump could direct the Justice Department to delay litigation Republicans and the Trump campaign say it will be easy or in other cases simply not appeal the decisions because the Senate has not ratified the agreement

Offshore oil and gas Energy extraction from public lands Unlikely to be increased Unlikely to be increased Obama has designated many offshore locations that contain Development of renewable energy on public lands will likely oil and gas as national monuments and there are no continue, but Trump wants to increase oil and gas provisions for Presidents to revoke this status. Trump could exploration on public lands. It is unlikely the administration get rid of a five-year plan for offshore leasing, but if Obama will find a way to do so without having to go through the full includes it in the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act there will rule-making process. be little Trump can do to include arctic waters in offshore leases

Source: Robin Bravender, “Can Trump deliver on immense energy, climate promises? ” E&E News, November 14, 2016; Steven Mufson and Brady Dennis, “Trump victory reverses U.S. energy and environmental priorities, ” , November 9, 2016; NounProject, ProSymbols, Adreine, Jason Dilworth, Irene, Icon Fair. November 17, 2016 | Claire Carter 13 ENERGY

All regulations that are not final by the time Obama leaves office are likely to receive stop-work orders from Trump

What the Trump presidency means for energy and the environment

‘Midnight’ regulations Likely to be overturned All regulations that are not yet final are likely to receive a stop-work order. This happens every time there is a change of administration. Given Trump’s goal of Coal industry and regulations reducing regulations overall, it is unlikely that any will Likely to be reformed , regulations removed survive. His freeze on the publishing of regulations in The Interior Secretary is likely to remove the the Federal Register has already halted four energy moratorium on coal leasing which effectively ends a efficiency standards. program review on royalties and climate change. The final stream protection rule could also receive significant revisions. Given an GOP-Congress, theoretically coal regulations could be rewritten. Renewable Fuel Standard However, coal faces a significant competitor in natural Likely to be modified gas which Trump plans to expand. The Trump administration will likely make a decision quickly on the federal renewable fuel standard and whether to require blenders instead of refiners and importers to meet the RFS volume requirements for ethanol and other renewables

Source: Robin Bravender, “Can Trump deliver on immense energy, climate promises? ” E&E News, November 14, 2016; Steven Mufson and Brady Dennis, “Trump victory reverses U.S. energy and environmental priorities, ” The Washington Post, November 9, 2016; Chris Mooney, “Trump’s regulatory freeze halts four Obama rules aimed at promoting greater energy efficiency,” Washington Post, January 21, 2016; NounProject, David Chapman, Claire Jones, Bakunetsu Kaito.

January 23, 2017 | Claire Carter 14 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 15 EDUCAITON: FIRST 100 DAYS

Trump and DeVos likely to advocate for school choice

What the Trump presidency could mean for education

School choice and accountability Trump has advocated for a $20 billion school voucher program. He Betsy DeVos’s education stances highlighted the School Choice and Education Opportunities Act as DeVos is Trump’s nominee for education secretary one of his priorities in his first 100 days. The bill “redirects education dollars to give parents the right to send their kid to the public, • While she is a longtime activist in support of private, charter, magnet, religious or home school of their choice.” charter schools, DeVos said during her confirmation hearing that the issue of school choice should be left to the states; DeVos said she Reverse trans bathroom rights executive order would not try to force states to embrace school The new administration is likely to reverse the Obama choice administration’s executive order requiring that schools allow • DeVos indicated that she would reduce federal students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. oversight of education and allow states to adopt their own education policies, even going as far as to suggest that federal laws ensuring the rights of Eliminate Common Core standards disabled students should be left to the states Trump has said in campaign ads and on that Common Core is • During her hearings, DeVos did not substantively a disaster and that he would get rid of it. However, Common Core discuss Common Core standards or racial inequality standards were adopted at the state level by governors and state and school segregation school superintendents, so Trump may not be able to prevent states • DeVos also refused to say that guns should not be from using the program. However, through the Race to the Top allowed in school program, Obama used federal dollars to encourage such educational standards, and this is likely to stop.

Source: National Journal research; Emily Deruy, “What Betsy Devos did (and didn’t) reveal about her education priorities, The Atlantic, January 17, 2017; Cory Turner, “Can a president get rid of Common Core?” NPR, November 10, 2016. January 24, 2017 | Owen Minott 16 HIGHER EDUCATION: FIRST 100 DAYS

Trump not likely to support debt-free public universities

Students Can Government Free Public DebtDebt----FreeFree Public Free Community Refinance Loans at Subsidizes Student Universities For All Universities College Current Rates Loans

Donald Trump    ? 

College Affordability Plan No free or debt-free public higher education* •Community colleges & public university: When asked if Trump would support debt-free or free public university, his adviser said “unequivocally no,” saying that it would be too expensive for the government to pay for. He also would not support free community college. •Student loans: Would overhaul the student loan system, moving the government out of lending and restoring that role to private banks, according to an adviser. •Liberal arts: An Trump adviser said that schools should think carefully before allowing liberal arts majors at non-elite Donald Trump institutions to borrow, based on future earnings. •Accountability: Trump believes all colleges should share the risk involved in distributing student loans, including schools that educate low-income students. •Accreditation: The GOP platform promotes new systems of learning, including technical institutions, online universities and work-based learning in the private sector. The GOP platform says that “accreditation should be decoupled from federal financing.” •Sexual assault: The GOP platform criticizes the Obama administrations crackdown on sexual assaults, claiming that it distorts Title IX and that all sexual assault reports should be resolved only by university officials.

Sources: National Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators, 2016; , “Hillary Clinton ’s $350 billion plan to kill college debt ”; Washington Post, “How O ’Malley wants to lighten the load of college debt ”; Washington Post, “How student debt became a presidential campaign issue ”; MarketWatch, “Where each of the 2016 candidates stand on the student-loan crisis, ”;; Heather Gautney, “College Affordability: Comparing the Clinton and Sanders Plans, ”, August 15, 2015; Scott Jaschik, ”Trump ’s Emerging Higher Ed Platform, ” Inside Higher Ed, May 13, 2016, “What the Republican platform sats about education, ” Politico, October 3, 2016. October 4, 2016 | Owen Minott 17 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 18 FINANCE: FIRST 100 DAYS

What to look for in finance in Trump’s first 100 days

Seven potential finance changes that could happen in Trump’s first 100 days

DoddDodd----FrankFrank CFPB and FSOC declawed Under the Trump administration, Dodd-Frank is likely Republicans will likely pass a finance regulation law to be severely weakened but not repealed. One that places the CFPB subject to congressional source of conflict on the repeal will be between appropriations. As head of the FSOC, Mnuchin sets House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling (R- the tone for the financial body and would likely TX) and Senate Banking Committee Chair Mike Crapo promote a “deregulatory” era (R-ID). Hensarling will most likely release a CHOICE act 2.0 in February Easing of bank and insurance regulations While the Fed is writing two sets of rules for insurers, Housing and GSE reform the new Republican led FSOC would have little Many policy analysts believe that despite Mnuchin’s incentive to implement the Fed’s policies. Many also comments about full privatization of Fannie Mae and expect that the Fed’s stress test will be less rigorous Freddie Mac, not much will change for housing policy, due to disagreements between Mnuchin and OMB Fiduciary rule Director designate (R-SC). However, The Trump administration will likely scrap several because of anger over the recent mortgage insurance parts of the fiduciary rule, like Obama did in 2009 premium cuts, Republicans could pass a small bill that when he took over from the Bush administration. helps mortgage insurers While many expect the “best interest” component to stay, the private right to legal action and BIC State cases exemption will likely go Motivated by full Republican control of the government, states will fight the federal government Banking ratios over several aspects of financial regulation. Though While Trump’s new Fed supervision chief will be they will not win all of the battles, they will win some highly influential in changing capital rules, only Congress can finalize the rules. Some Republicans support raising capital standards, but not enough of them to drastically raise rates Sources: Capital Alpha Partners, “Seventeen for ‘17- our finance themes to start the year,” January 18, 2017. January 18, 2017 | Hunter Hamrick 19 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 20 HEALTH CARE: FIRST 100 DAYS

Trump’s first 100 days in health care likely to focus on ACA repeal

First 100 days in health care

1: Circumvent the filibuster  Congress passed a budget resolution, instructing committees to draft repeal legislation to cut $1 billion from the deficit by Jan 27

2: Draft legislation for the reconciliation bill Jan Legislation is likely to focus on eliminating the individual mandate penalty and cutting subsidies for insurers on 27 the public marketplaces

3: Executive orders On January 20 th Trump issued an executive order, giving agencies license to reduce the economic burden of the  ACA . While the order does not dismantle the law it is the first of many steps needed to repeal it. It is likely that Trump will attempt to stabilize the health insurance markets and prevent them from collapsing. Other actions could include repealing Obama administration polices, such as coverage of preventative services, ONC health IT certification standards, or nutrition labeling requirements.

4: Converge on a replacement Apr A replacement is likely to be a blend of current Republican plans. The replacement is likely to include tax credits 29 to lower premiums, encourage the use of health savings accounts, and possibly roll back the Medicaid expansion. The last day of Trump’s first 100 days in office is April 29

Sources: Robert Pear, “Republicans’ 4-Step Plan to Repeal the ,” , January 4, 2017.

January 19, 2017 | Emilia Varrone 21 HEALTHCARE EXECUTIVE ORDER Trump’s executive order contains sweeping, but vague, language on scaling back the ACA

Summary of the executive order on minimizing the ACA’s economic burden The executive order tells all relevant federal agencies to do all they can to:

Eliminate any “fiscal burden on any State” or any “cost, fee, tax, penalty 1 or regulatory burden” on individuals and providers While the order does not specify the suspension of any particular part of the law, it could result in the weakening of the “individual mandate.” Although the mandate cannot be eliminated entirely through executive order, the hardship exemption could be expanded and the IRS could cease harsh enforcement of the mandate. In addition, the order could settle some ACA-related lawsuits, such as those filed by employers seeking relief from having to cover contraceptives for female employees on religious grounds

2 Give states more flexibility The order might allow federal officials to be more receptive to state requests for Medicaid waivers, which allow states to design alternative coverage models. For example, waivers that allow insurers to charge higher premiums or co-payments than are now allowed, or that allow insurers to offer less generous, cheaper packages of benefits could be in the offing

3 Encourage the interstate sale of health insurance The order instructs agencies to work to create a system that allows the sale of health insurance across state lines, an idea that Republicans have been proposing as the centerpiece of an alternative to the ACA Sources: White House office of the press secretary, “Executive order: minimizing the economic burden of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act pending repeal,” January 20, 2017; Nicholas Bagley, “Trump’s executive order on Obamacare,” the Incidental Economist, January 21, 2017; Julie Hirschfeld Davis and Robert Pear, “Trump Issues Executive Order Scaling Back Parts of Obamacare” The New York Times, January 20, 2017.

January 23, 2017 | Alexander Perry 22 MEXICO CITY POLICY

Trump expands anti-abortion Mexico City policy to potentially include organizations that fight the Zika virus

Mexico City policy executive order reinstated and expanded

Trump expands partisan executive order • The Mexico City policy (opponents refer to it as the Global Gag Rule) prevents organizations from receiving any family planning funding from the United States if they provide or promote abortion, even if they receive funding for the abortion-activities from other sources • The newest iteration of the executive order as signed by Trump also includes all programs that receives global health assistance. This could include maternal health programs, anti-Zika efforts and HIV/AIDs programs

1984 Reagan implements the Mexico City policy • Following Roe v. Wade , many anti-abortion policies were implemented, such as the Helms Amendment (1973) and the Hyde Amendment (1976) • The Reagan administration developed this policy in the run-up to his reelection in 1984, and presented the plan at the International Conference on Population in Mexico City • President George H. W. Bush continued the policy

1993 President Bill Clinton rescinds the policy through executive action • Calling the policy “excessively broad”

2001 President George W. Bush reinstates the policy through executive action • In opposition to the policy, Barbara Boxer created an amendment in 2007 that would lift the funding conditions, passing the Senate by a vote of 53-41. The amendment was threatened with a veto 2009 President Obama rescinds the policy through executive action

2017 President Trump reinstates, and expands, the policy through executive action

Sources: Anna Diamond, “Trump strikes at abortion with a revived foreign-aid rule,” The Atlantic, January 23, 2017; Somini Sengupta, “Trump revives ban on foreign aid to groups that give abortion counseling,” New York Times, January 23, 2017; Jennifer Haberkorn, “Trump revives funding ban to groups providing abortion overseas,” POLITICO, January 23, 2017.

January 24, 2017 | Emilia Varrone 23 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 24 INFRASTRUCTURE: FIRST 100 DAYS

Private financing is the backbone of Trump’s $1 trillion infrastructure plan

Trump’s infrastructure first plan

3 Revenue neutral plan based on public-private Roll back regulations: P partnerships: Use regulatory reform to fast-track projects at lower cost by Harness market forces to attract new private infrastructure streamlining permitting and approvals investments through a deficit-neutral system of tax credits that will offset costs with revenue from new wages to construction workers and contractors Prioritize clean water: Triple funding for state revolving loan fund programs to help states and local governments update drinking and wastewater infrastructure Promote private sector energy infrastructure projects: Utilize private pipeline and coal export projects to connect Analysis American coal and shale energy production with markets and • Trump’s $1 trillion dollar plan would require $167 billion in consumers equity investment from the private sector • In exchange, investors would get a tax credit equal to 82% of their equity amount, which would be repaid to the government Reform the FAA and TSA: from incremental tax revenues from project construction Work with Congress to modernize airports and air traffic • This form of financing lends itself to increased investment in control systems, shorten wait times, and ensure that mature, revenue-based infrastructure assets, such as toll roads, American travelers are safe which offers a chance of high returns with relatively low risk • It is unlikely a plan of this scope will pass in the first 100 days

Sources: and , “Trump versus Clinton on infrastructure,” Trump Pence Campaign, October 27, 2016; Kevin DeGood, ”How Donald Trump’s infrastructure plan fails America,” CAP, December 1, 2016; Robert Freedman, “Early views on the US energy and infrastructure sectors under a Trump administration,” Shearman and Sterling LLP, December 5, 2016; Jeremy W. Peters and Maggie Haberman, “Trump picks Elaine for transportation secretary,” NY Times, November 29, 2016; Noun Project.

January 17, 2017| Libbie Wilcox 15 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 26 TAX, ECONOMY AND LABOR: FIRST 100 DAYS

Tax, economy and labor: What will Trump do?

Tax, labor and economic policy in Trump’s first 100 days Will it pass? Tax reform • Trump has proposed across-the-board tax cuts for individuals as well as a STOP Overview significant cut in the corporate tax rate Trump’s advisors claim that he • Despite Trump’s recent complaints about the House GOP’s border-adjustment • tax policy proposal, the administration is expected to negotiate with lawmakers can achieve his economic goals to pass comprehensive tax reform in the Republican-controlled Congress in a revenue-neutral way • However, some economists Trade agreements have estimated that Trump’s • TPP ––– Trump withdrew from the TPP with an executive order issued on proposed infrastructure January 23 rd spending stimulus combined • TTIP ––– Trump has also criticized TTIP, which is still in negotiations, adding with tax cuts could increase uncertainty to the fate of the already-unpopular EU trade deal the national debt by $6 trillion • NAFTA – Trump is expected to sign an executive order as early as Monday, or more January 23 rd , to renegotiate NAFTA with Canada and Mexico • Some also believe that Trump’s attitude towards trade deals along with his rhetoric about Department rule rollbacks tariffs and currency • Overtime rule ––– Trump is expected to drop the Department of Labor’s manipulation could spark a overtime pay rule, which is currently in litigation after a Texas court blocked it trade war in November

Infrastructure • Border wall ––– Trump will likely push Congress to approve spending for a border wall. Republicans may tie funding for the wall to broader government spending measures to undercut Democratic opposition

Source: Adam Behsudi and Nancy Cook, “Trump will quit TPP in first days,” Politico, November 10, 2016; Tami Luhby, “Yes, President Trump really could kill NAFTA – but it wouldn’t be pretty,” CNN, November 15, 2016; Jay Yarow and Jeff Cox, “Donald Trump can be very good for the US economy,” CNBC, November 9, 2016.

January 23, 2017 | Christine Yan & Francis Torres 27 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 28 TECH: FIRST 100 DAYS

Trump administration likely to refigure FCC regulatory power and dismantle net neutrality in first 100 days

First 100 days in tech

Net neutrality • Without Chairman Tom Wheeler leading the FCC, and RepublicanRepublican control over the agency instead, the 20152015 Open Internet Order enforcing net neutrality principles could be repealed • The FCC under Trump could begin by simply not enforcing net neutrality principles

ISP management of customer data • Under a deregulatory FCC, privacy oversight could return to the FTC under Section 5 of the FTC Act • Under this, industries would self-regulate standards of how customer data is handled

FTC regulatory power • Trump’s FCC transition advisors and both of the speculated candidates for the next FCC chairman share a deregulatory philosophy of the agency • The FCC would enforce the telecom industry much less and release weaker regulations

Sources : Larry Greenemeier, “Trump’s first 100 days: technology, privacy and intelligence,” Scientific American, December 2, 2016 ; Noun Project, 2017. January 23, 2017 | Yanni Chen 1 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 30 CONFIRMATION STATUS TRACKER

Chao confirmed as Transportation secretary

Confirmation status tracker (1/2)

Committee Confirmed by full Nominee Position Senate committee holding hearing Approved? Senate? Sec. of HUD Banking, Housing & Urban Affairs  Sec. of Transportation Commerce, Science & Transportation  93 ––– 6 Betsy DeVos Sec. of Education Health, Education, Labor & Pensions  Ambassador to the UN Foreign Relations  96 ––– 4 Sec of Homeland John Kelly Homeland Security & Gov. Affairs Security  88 ––– 11

Robert Lighthizer Trade representative Commerce, Science & Transportation

James Mattis Sec of Defense Armed Services  98 ––– 1 Linda McMahon Small Business Admin. Small Business & Entrepreneurship  Sec. of Treasury Finance 

Sonny Perdue Sec. of Agriculture Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry

Rick Perry Sec. of Energy Energy & Natural Resources 

Source: National Journal research, 2017. February 2, 2017 | Owen Minott 31 CONFIRMATION STATUS TRACKER

Tillerson confirmed as secretary of state

Confirmation status tracker (2/2)

Committee Confirmed by Nominee Position Senate committee holding hearing Approved? full Senate? Director of the CIA Intelligence  66 ––– 32 Tom Price Sec. of HHS Health, Education, Labor & Pensions  EPA Administrator Energy & Natural Resources 

Andrew Puzder Sec. of Labor Health, Education, Labor & Pensions

Wilbur Ross Sec. of Commerce Commerce, Science & Transportation  Attorney General Judiciary 

David Shulkin Sec. of Veterans’ Affairs Veterans’ Affairs

Rex Tillerson Sec. of State Foreign Relations  56 ––– 434343 Sec. of Interior Energy & Natural Resources 

Source: National Journal research, 2017 February 2, 2017 | Owen Minott 32 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 33 TRUMP’S CABINET

If confirmed, Trump’s cabinet will be the first in a generation not to include a politician from the opposing party

Trump’s cabinet nominations In order of succession to the presidency

Secretary of state Secretary of the treasury Secretary of defense Steve Mnuchin James Mattis

Attorney general Secretary of the interior Secretary of agriculture Jeff Sessions Ryan K. Zinke

Secretary of commerce Secretary of labor Secretary of health and Wilbur Ross Andrew Puzder human services Tom Price

Secretary of housing and Secretary of Secretary of energy urban development transportation Ben Carson Elaine Chao

Secretary of education Secretary of veterans Secretary of homeland Betsy DeVos affairs security John Kelly

Source: National Journal research, 2017; Chuck Todd, Mark Murray and Carrie Dann, “Trump’s cabinet, by the numbers,” NBCNews, January 19, 2017. January 19, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani and Libbie WIlcox 34 TRUMP’S CABINET

Tillerson declares his support for Israel

Bio of Trump’s nominee for secretary of state

Secretary of State Issue Stance Details Ban on Muslim Against Broke from the rhetoric from Trump’s campaign to say he immigration would not support a ban on Muslim immigrants to the US, but wouldn’t rule out a registry for Muslims in the Trump administration. Prioritizing fight Against Tillerson said that he did not view climate change as an against climate imminent security threat, saying that literature on the issue change was “inconclusive,” although he did signal openness to carbon taxes. Sanctions on ??? Tillerson declined to say whether he would support Rex Tillerson Russia sanctions, and refused to call Putin a war criminal for Chairman and CEO, ordering the bombing of civilians in Chechnya. He avoided ExxonMobil answering questions about whether ExxonMobil had lobbied against sanctions on Russia under his leadership. Israeli Supports Tillerson spoke out against Obama’s decision to allow the settlements in UN Security Council to condemning Israeli settlement, the West Bank calling Israel “our most important ally in the region.” Embargo on Supports Tillerson said that he would advise Trump to veto a bill Cuba lifting the US embargo on Cuba.

Source: National Journal research; ExxonMobil; LinkedIn; Zeeshan Aleem, “Donald Trump’s pick for secretary of state is a Putin-friendly Exxon CEO,” Vox, December 13, 2016; Rebecca Shabad, “Rex Tillerson grilled on ExxonMobil conflicts, Russia sandtions, climate change at confirmation,” CBS News, January 12, 2016. January 25, 2017 | Owen Minott 35 TRUMP’S CABINET

Trump has tapped his campaign finance chairman as Treasury Secretary

Bio of Trump’s nominee for treasury secretary

Treasury Secretary Previous positions BioBioBio

• Co-founder, co-CEO and chairman of Dune Mnuchin has been heavily involved in the Capital Management LP finance sector for many years. For the first 17 • Chief information officer at Goldman Sachs years of his finance career, he worked at • Investment professional at Soros Fund Goldman Sachs, where he became a partner Management and eventually served as CIO. After working at • Chairman of CIT Bank Goldman Sachs, Mnuchin moved out west • Vice-chairman of ESL Investments where he created his own hedge fund, Dune • Director of the Yale Development Board Capital Management LP. He has been a major donor to both Republican and Democratic campaigns over the years. Steve Mnuchin Steve Mnuchin joined the Trump campaign as his chief finance Finance Chairman, The Trump chairman in April of last year. Mnuchin is also a Campaign financier of major Hollywood hits such as Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and The Legend of Tarzan .

Source: Bloomberg, “Steve Terner Mnuchin,” November 30, 2016; Wall Street Journal, “Who is Steven Mnuchin, Trump’s choice for Treasury Secretary?,” November 30, 2016; New York Times, “Steve Mnuchin is Donald Trump’s expected choice for Treasury Secretary,” November 30, 2016., November 30, 2016 | Hunter Hamrick 36 TRUMP’S CABINET

Gen. Mattis opposes Trump’s plan to reverse Iran deal

Policy positions of Trump’s nominee for defense secretary

Issue Stance Details Secretary of Defense Reversing the Against Mattis said that the nuclear deal will not stop Iran’s Iran nuclear deal ambitions to get nuclear weapons, but that the US should not back out of it because unilateral US sanctions would be futile without support from allies. LGBT in the Supports While Mattis wrote that he opposed imposing a military + “progressive agenda” and “social change” on the military, he opening up said he would not revisit the Obama administration’s combat jobs to reforms on social issues at the DOD such as protections for women LGBTQ service members.

Gen. James Mattis Two-state Supports Mattis warned that if Israel continues to expand Former Commander, solution in Israel settlements, it could eventually become an apartheid state. US Central Command + Palestine He also said that his job as commander was made more difficult because the US is seen as biased in support of Israel in the Arab world. Sanctions ??? Mattis broke from Trump by declaring that Russia was one against Russia of the largest threats to the US and that he did not have high expectations about the feasibility of cooperation between Russia and the US, but declined to take a position on maintaining or increasing US sanctions on Russia.

Source: Dan De Luce and Paul McLeary, “Can ‘mad dog’ Mattis temper the impulsive president-elect?’ Foreign Policy, November 29, 2016; Richard Sisk, “Mattis could see Senate clash on women in combat, PTSD,”, December 1, 2026; Dan Lamothe, “Trump picks retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense,” The Washington Post, December 1, 2016; Eric Cortellessa and staff, “Ex-general and settlements critic Mattis named new US defense secretary,” Times of Israel, December 2, 2016; Rebecca Shabad, “James Mattis defends NATO, calls Russia a threat at confirmation hearing,” CBS News, January 12, 2017.

January 25, 2017 | Owen Minott 37 TRUMP’S CABINET

Former two-term Georgia governor Sonny Perdue is well known to the agriculture community

Policy positions of Trump’s nominee for agriculture secretary

Secretary of Agriculture Issue Stance Details

Strong anti- Supports In 2006, Gov. Perdue signed into law strict legislation that illegal would require checks of citizenship status of arrestees, immigration employees contracted with the state and of those seeking policy many state benefits (education and childhood services excluded)

Chicken GIPSA Against Perdue has not publicly opined on the new GIPSA rules rules regulating between processors and farmers, but has received a glowing endorsement from the National Sonny Perdue Chicken Council, which strongly oppose the rule. Founding Partner, Perdue Partners, LLC International Supports While governor, Perdue led delegations to China, Cuba and trade South America to promote trade between those areas and Georgia.

Drought relief Supports A major drought struck the southeast in 2007 and Gov. Perdue, in addition to leading a prayer service asking for rain, sued the federal government to allow more water to flow into Georgia.

Source: "Trump to announce Sonny Perdue for Agriculture" Politico, January 18, 2017. “Poultry industry objects to new USDA rules,” Wisconsin State Farmer, December 27, 2016. “Trump taps Perdue as agriculture chief,” The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, January 19, 2017. “Georgia Enacts a Tough Law on Immigrants,” The New York Times, April 18, 2006. “In Drought-Stricken Georgia, a Prayer for Rain” NPR, November 14, 2007. January 19, 2017 | Daniel Stublen 38 TRUMP’S CABINET

Sessions looks to the Judiciary Committee, which rejected him for a judgeship in 1986, for his January 10 th hearing

Policy positions of Trump’s nominee for attorney general

Attorney General Issue Stance Details Immigration Supports Sessions is known as a hardliner on immigration. He opposed the last restrictions two immigration reform efforts put forward in Congress. He also opposed current Attorney General Loretta Lynch’s nomination due to her support of Obama’s immigration executive orders.

Gun control Opposes Sessions opposed President ’s executive order expanding background checks for gun purchases. He is a strong defender of gun rights.

Gay marriage Sessions voted twice for a constitutional ban on same-sex marriage Opposes and opposes expanding federal hate-crimes law to include violence Jeff Sessions based on sexual orientation and gender identity bias. He is also co- Republican Senator from sponsoring a bill that allows taxpayer-funded organizations to ignore Alabama laws that conflict with their religious beliefs about marriage. If confirmed, he would take over responsibility for the Justice Department's lawsuit against North Carolina’s anti LGBTQ law, HB 2.

Legalized Sessions has a long history of opposing marijuana legalization. He has recreational and Opposes criticized Attorneys General Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch for not medical enforcing the federal prohibition of marijuana. marijuana

Sources: “Sessions know for tough stance on immigration – and failed judgeship,” PBS Newshour, November 18, 2016; Louis Nelson, “Sessions: need to balance gun rights with anti-terrorism measures,” June 19, 2016; Jennifer Bendery, “Pick any LGBTQ rights issue, Jeff Sessions has voted against it,” Huffington Post, November 22, 2016. December 14, 2016 | Libbie Wilcox 39 TRUMP’S CABINET

Freshman representative from Montana tapped by Trump to serve as interior secretary

Policy positions of Trump’s nominee for interior secretary

Secretary of Interior Issue Stance Details

Selling of public Against On numerous occasions, Zinke has vetoed legislation lands that would allow for the sale of public lands, particularly in Montana

Moratorium on Against Zinke included a provision in the FY2017 federal coal leases appropriations to end the moratorium by September 30, 2017

Ryan Zinke Waters of the U.S. Zinke has stated that WOTUS is an unconstitutional use Representative, Montana Against (WOTUS) of executive power and supported the appropriations bill that completely defunded the program

Land and Water Supports Zinke has called for the permanent and full Conservation Fund reauthorization of the fund, which preserves land and encourages recreation

Source: Ryan Zinke, “Zinke applauds passage of Department of Interior Appropriations,” Office of Ryan Zinke, July 14, 2016; Britany Patterson, “Who is Rep. Ryan Zinke?,” Energy and Environment Publishing, December 14, 2016. December 14, 2016 | Claire Carter 40 TRUMP’S CABINET

Trump has tapped one of his chief economic advisors as secretary of commerce

Bio of Trump’s nominee for commerce secretary

Secretary of Commerce Previous positions BioBioBio

• Founder and CEO of WL Ross & Co. LLC Ross is a billionaire investor known in financial • Chairman of Nippon Investment Partners circles as “the king of bankruptcy” for his • Chairman of Nano-Tex Inc. success in building new companies from the • Director, The Business Roundtable assets of defaulted ones. Rothschild entered • Vice-chairman, Central Bank of Cyprus the finance world in 1976 as a bankruptcy • Director, British American Business Inc. advisor for Rothschild Inc. Ross has been a • Chairman emeritus, International long-time Trump ally, having him helped bail Automotive Components Group GmbH out his casino companies in the early 1990s. A • Director, Assured Guaranty Municipal Corp former Democrat, Ross was an adamant Wilbur Ross supporter of Trump from the beginning of his Chairman and CEO, INVESCO campaign and went to serve as one of his main Private Capital economic advisors.

Source: NPR, “Trump taps billionaire investor Wilbur Ross for Commerce Secretary,” November 30, 2016; Bloomberg, “Wilbur Louis Ross Jr.,” November 30, 2016; CNN, “Wilbur Ross fast facts,” November 16, 2016; Forbes, “#232 Wilbur Ross Jr.,” November 30, 2016. November 30, 2016 | Hunter Hamrick 41 TRUMP’S CABINET

Trump nominates fast food CEO Andy Puzder to lead the Department of Labor

Bio of Trump’s nominee for labor secretary

Secretary of Labor Previous positions BioBioBio • Executive vice president and Andrew “Andy” Puzder was born on July 11, 1950 in general counsel, , . He attended before Fidelity National Financial dropping out in 1970; he would later earn a BA in history • Partner, from Cleveland State University and receive his JD from Lewis, D'Amato, Brisbois & Washington University School of Law. From 1978 to 1994, Bisgaard Puzder practiced law in several private firms. At the time, he • Co-author, was considered Missouri’s leading anti-abortion lawyer and Job Creation: How It Really was an active member of Lawyers for Life. He is also a Works and Why Government founding member of the Common Ground Network for Life Doesn't Understand It. and Choice. In 1997, Puzder was appointed executive vice Andrew Puzder president and general council for CKE. In 2000, CKE's Board CEO of CKE Restaurants of Directors named Puzder president and CEO of Hardee's Food Systems as well as president and CEO of CKE. He is credited with driving growth for both the Hardee's brand and CKE. Puzder was kept on as CEO of CKE after the company went private in a $1 billion takeover in 2010.

Sources: Noam Scheiber, “Trump’s labor pick, Andrew Puzder, is critic of increases,” The New York Times, December 8, 2016; Ballotpedia; National Journal Research. December 13, 2016 | Francis Torres 42 TRUMP’S CABINET

Rep. Tom Price, a former physician and vocal ACA opponent, is Trump’s pick for HHS

Policy positions of Trump’s nominee for HHS secretary

Secretary of the Department of Issue Stance Details Health and Human Services Repeal the Price has been a vocal opponent of the ACA, and has Affordable Care introduced detailed replacement plans in every Act Supports Congress since 2009

Create vouchers Price made it clear that an ACA replacement would not for Medicare reform Medicare; however, he dodged the question as Unclear to whether he would cut Medicare funding

State expansion of Price’s plan in “Putting Patients First Act” includes a full Tom Price Medicaid Against repeal of Medicaid expansion U.S. Rep. from Georgia (6) Women’s access to Price opposes abortion and funding Planned Prior: reproductive Against Parenthood. He voted in favor of a Georgia state -State senator, became health care requirement for birth control coverage in insurance Republican majority leader plans, but against the ACA provision -Orthopedic surgeon CMMISupports During his HELP hearing, Price gave his support for CMMI demonstrations, but objected to the mandatory nature of its demonstrations Sources: Robert Pear, “Tom Price, Obamacare critic, is said to be Trump’s choice for health secretary,” New York Times, November 28, 2016; Louise Radnofsky and Peter Nicholas, “Donald Trump Chooses Tom Price as Health Secretary,” Wall Street Journal, November 29, 2016; Anna Edney, Billy House and Jennifer Jacobs, “Trump picks Tom Price to lead Health and Human Services,” Bloomberg, November 28, 2016; LinkedIn, 2016; Anna Maria Barry-Jester, “What We Learned (And Didn’t) About Tom Price At His Confirmation Hearings,” Five Thirty Eight, January 27, 2017.

January 27, 2016 | Emilia Varrone 43 TRUMP’S CABINET

After much speculation, Trump finds a place in his administration for Ben Carson

Bio of Trump’s nominee for HUD secretary

Secretary of Housing and Urban Previous positions BioBioBio Development • Resident surgeon, Johns Hopkins Carson was born in Detroit, Michigan and is a Hospital graduate of Yale University and the University of • Director of pediatric surgery, Johns Michigan Medical School. He was the director of Hopkins Hospital pediatric neurosurgery at Johns Hopkins Hospital in • Author, six bestselling books Maryland and a pioneer in neurosurgery. He performed the first and only separation of Siamese twins joined at the back of the head. In 2008 he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian award in the U.S. Carson rose to political fame in 2013 after criticizing President Ben Carson Obama during a National Prayer Breakfast. Carson ran Retired neurosurgeon against Trump in the Republican primary, and at one point during the race Trump questioned the intelligence of Iowa voters for believing some of Carson's claims. After dropping out, Carson later joined Trump’s campaign and made appearances on political talk shows as a surrogate.

Sources: Philip Bump, “Ben Carson: from Trump friend to enemy to ally to outsider to Cabinet member,” Washington Post, December 5, 2016; David Wright, “Trump taps Ben Carson for HUD secretary,” CNN, December 5, 2016. December 5, 2016 | Madelaine Pisani 44 TRUMP’S CABINET

Trump taps former labor secretary to run Department of Transportation

Policy positions of Trump’s nominee for transportation secretary

Secretary of Transportation Issue Stance Details

Union spending Supports As Labor Secretary in the Bush administration, Chao transparency introduced rules requiring unions to disclose how they spend their membership dues to their members.

Reducing public Supports Chao wrote an opinion piece praising governors that pensions took steps to reduce retirement benefits for government employees.

Increasing Chao routinely wrote for Elaine Chao Opposes Fellow, The government warning about the danger of the national debt, urging Director, spending the Obama administration to cut spending. Board Member,

Free tradeSupports She wrote “Our leaders should…leverage trade opportunities overseas. Obama has been admirably pro-trade in public remarks but there has been no progress in moving any new free trade agreements to exports abroad.”

Sources: LinkedIn, 2016; National Journal research, 2016; Elaine Chao, “A day of reckoning for public pensions: the bills are due, the coffers are empty,” The Heritage Foundation, October 1, 2010; Elaine Chao, “Obama’s war on the private sector is no way to create jobs,” The Heritage Foundation, October 17, 2011. November 29, 2016 | Owen Minott 45 TRUMP ADMINISTRATION PICKS

Trump picks VA health chief for VA secretary

Policy positions of Trump’s nominee for VA secretary

Secretary of Veterans Affairs Issue Stance Details

Incorporating Supports Shulkin has pushed for incorporating the private sector in private providing veteran healthcare. The founder of Iraq and practitioners Afghanistan Veterans of America said, however, that his into the VA’s association would be keeping a close eye on Trump and healthcare Shulkin’s plan to expand privatization because, “veterans system nation-wide continue to overwhelmingly oppose [expanding privatization at the VA].”

David Shulkin Expand nurses’ Supports As VA undersecretary, Shulkin was a proponent of an Undersecretary for Health at authority to initiative to expand nurses’ authority to provide care to help the VA provide care reduce the VA’s backlog and address the shortage of medical staff in rural areas.

Reduce federal Opposes After members of Congress created a commission on VA role in veterans’ healthcare last year and called for drastically reducing the care federal role in veterans’ care, Shulkin told the Daily Press in Virginia the idea was “terrible.”

Sources: Lisa Rein, “David Shulkin tapped as Trump’s VA secretary,” Washington Post, January 12, 2017; Eric Larsen “How David Shulkin runs America’s largest healthcare system,” Advisory Board, August 2, 2016; Camila Domonoske, “Trump announces David Shulkin as pick for secretary of Veterans Affairs,” NPR, January 11, 2017. January 12, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 46 TRUMP’S CABINET

Rick Perry, a vocal climate skeptic, is tapped to be Trump’s secretary of energy

Policy positions of Trump’s nominee for energy department administrator

Secretary of Energy Issue Stance Details

HydrofrackingSupports According to Perry, hydraulic fracturing does not cause any contamination of water and should be fully supported

Regulations on oil Perry has stated that the U.S. should focus on Against and gas drilling supporting domestic economic growth and reducing reliance on foreign countries for oil and gas by lifting regulations on federal lands

Rick Perry Climate change as a Against Rick Perry has stated that temperatures have always Former Governor, Texas human-caused fluctuated and that science has not proven that current phenomenon change are man-made or permanent

EPA regulationsAgainst Perry, in town hall meeting during his presidential bid, stated that the states should have the power to regulate the air

Source: Nathalie Boyd and Lisa Desjardins, “What does Rick Perry believe? Where the candidate stands on 10 issues,” PBS NewsHour, June 3, 2015; Andrew Restuccia, “Perry at town hall: I’m ‘not afraid’ to call myself a climate change skeptic,” , December 1, 2011. December 13, 2016 | Claire Carter 47 TRUMP’S CABINET

Trump taps DeVos, pro-charter Republican donor, for secretary of education

Bio of Trump’s nominee for secretary of education

Secretary of Education Previous positions BioBioBio

• Chairwoman, Michigan Republican Party DeVos leads the pro-charter and pro-school- • Chair, American Federation for Children voucher nonprofit American Federation for • Finance chairman, National Republican Children. As secretary of education, she is Senatorial Committee expected to push for school choice. DeVos is also a longtime Republican donor and fundraiser, having led the Michigan Republican Party and managed finances for the National Republican Senatorial Committee. She and her husband have been supporters of charter Betsy DeVos schools for decades and oppose regulation of Chairman, Windquest Group education. In Michigan around 80% of charter schools are run by private companies.

Sources: Emily DeRuy, “5 things to know about Betsy DeVos, Trump’s pick for education secretary,” The Atlantic, November 23, 2016; Eric Westervelt, “Trump chooses Betsy DeVos for education secretary,” NPR, November 23, 2016. November 29, 2016 | Madelaine Pisani 48 TRUMP’S CABINET

Trump taps the third general for a top post in the new administration

Policy positions of Trump’s nominee for secretary of homeland security

Secretary of Homeland Security Issue Stance Details Increased border Kelly served for three years as Southern Command security Supports chief during the Obama administration. He oversaw operations in Central and South America, taking a hawkish stance against drugs, terrorism and other perceived cross-border threats. During his confirmation hearing, Kelly asserted that a physical barrier (i.e. a wall) is not a sufficient solution.

Closing Guantanamo Opposes Kelly opposed Obama’s unsuccessful plan to close Bay Guantanamo Bay. He supports the way the military John F. Kelly handled detainees post-9/11. Retired Marine Corps. General Ban on all Muslims Kelly has said that respecting and fighting for the right entering the United of religious choice is central to the mission of U.S. States Opposes troops.

Torture – During his confirmation hearing, Kelly asserted he does waterboarding Opposes not support waterboarding and backed the Geneva Conventions.

Sources: Jerry Markon and Dan Lamothe, ”Retired Marine Gen. John F. Kelly picked to head department of homeland security,” Washington Post, December 7, 2016. January 24, 2017 | Libbie Wilcox 49 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 50 TRUMP’S SCOTUS SHORT LIST

Trump nominates originalist Colorado federal appeals court judge to the Supreme Court

Trump’s Supreme Court short list

The safe bet conservative Issue Stance Details Gorsuch wrote a book critical of assisted suicide, though it Assisted suicide AGAINST presented both sides of the issue fairly. In his book on assisted suicide, Gorusch wrote that “human life is fundamentally and inherently valuable, and that the LIKELY Abortion rights intentional taking of human life by private persons is always AGAINST wrong.” Some took this to indicate he opposes abortion rights. Obamacare Issued a decision that indicated he believes that the birth birth control AGAINST control mandate was unconstitutional on religious liberty Neil Gorsuch mandate grounds. th 10 Circuit Court of Appeals LIKELY Gorsuch has not been a friendly vote for death penalty Death penalty Age 49 UPHOLDS petitioners pursuing relief from their sentences.

Background: Gorsuch was appointed by President George W. Bush in 2006. He previously served as a deputy associate attorney general. Gorsuch has more ties to the Washington legal establishment and coastal elite than other candidates. He clerked for Justice Anthony Kennedy. Gorusch spoke admiringly of Justice Scalia and said that his death moved him to tears.

Sources: Dara Lind and Dylan Matthews, “Your Guide to President Donald Trump’s Supreme Court Shortlist,” Vox, May 19, 2016; National Journal research;; Eric Citron, “Potential nominee profile: Neil Gorsuch,” ScotusBlog,” January 13, 2016. Photo from the University of Colorodo, Boulder; Pam Brown, “Trump bringing SCOTUS favorites to DC,” CNN, January 31, 2017.

January 31, 2017 | Owen Minott 51 ADMINISTRATION TOOLBOX


Issues: Cabinet:

Cybersecurity Nomination tracker

Criminal justice Policy positions and bios


Energy and the environment SCOTUS:

Education Trump’s SCOTUS pick


Health care Executive orders:

Infrastructure Trump executive order tracker

Tax, labor and the economy


January 23, 2017 | Presentation Center Team 52 EXECUTIVE ORDER TRACKER

The executive order is a tool that has been used by almost every president since George Washington

What is an executive order?

Executive order: An official document signed by the president that declares government policy • The purpose of an executive order is to give instructions to government agencies and departments about how to execute and enforce legislation • In recent years executive orders have been used more broadly to instruct agencies and departments how to operate in certain policy areas

• Court may declare executive order unconstitutional if it oversteps Supreme Court executive power and/or attempts to legislate Checks by • Case must be heard by Court for Court to exercise authority other government • Congress may pass legislation that conflicts with an executive branches order, or refuse to approve funding to enforce it Congress • President may veto Congressional action • 2/3 majority in Congress required to override veto • Congressional annulment of executive orders is extremely rare

Sources: “First 100 days: what executive actions has Trump take?” BBC, January 23, 2017; Kevin Liptak, “Executive orders: what Trump can and can’t do,” CNN, January 23, 2017.

January 24, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 1 EXECUTIVE ORDER TRACKER

One of Trump’s first actions as president was to weaken regulations set by the Affordable Care Act

Executive orders, memoranda and proclamations signed by President Trump

Executive Order Date Details • This EO was a directive to the Dept. of Health and Human Services and other agencies involved in the nation’s healthcare system • It states agencies must “waive, deferdefer,, grant exemptions from, or delay” any Instructing federal agencies to portions of the Affordable Care Act that creates a financial burden for states, weaken Obamacare Jan. 20, 2017 individuals or healthcare providers Full text • It does not grant any new powers to executive agencies, but is a clear signal that the Trump administration plans to roll back Obama-era healthcare regulation where possible • This is called the “Mexico City Policy” originally implemented in 1984 by Reagan Reinstating a ban on • It prevents foreign nonnon----governmentalgovernmental organizations that receive any U.S. aiaidd international abortion Jan. 23, 2017 from “providing counseling or referrals for abortion or advocating for access to counseling abortion services in their country” Full text • Since 1984 every Democratic president has rescinded the measure and every Republican has brought it back

Sources: “First 100 days: what executive actions has Trump take?” BBC, January 23, 2017; Kevin Liptak, “Executive orders: what Trump can and can’t do,” CNN, January 23, 2017.

January 24, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 2 EXECUTIVE ORDER TRACKER

Trump holds to many of his campaign promises, including withdrawal from TPP

Executive orders, memoranda and proclamations signed by President Trump

Executive Order Date Details • This directive instructed all federal agencies not to hire any new personnel, except agencies related to the “military, public safety, and public health” • It is part of Trump’s effort to reduce government debt and decrease the size of the federal workforce Freezing federal government • The action does not specifically address independent government agencies so hiring Jan. 23, 2017 they will have to decide for themselves whether they will assert their Full text independence by continuing to hire new employees during the freeze • Earlier in January, the Obama administration was accelerating hiring to get employees in place before Trump took over • However, individuals who were hired, but who have not yet started working, still could be affected by the freeze • Though the Trans-Pacific Partnership was never approved by the U.S. Congress, Withdrawing from the TransTrans---- Trump signed this order the signal the official U.S. withdrawal from the deal Pacific Partnership Jan. 23, 2017 • It was once considered a key part of Obama’s international trade policy, but Full text after it became a controversial campaign topic, no one is surprised the deal will die with Trump

Sources: “First 100 days: what executive actions has Trump take?” BBC, January 23, 2017; Kevin Liptak, “Executive orders: what Trump can and can’t do,” CNN, January 23, 2017; Michael Memoli, “Trump reopens door to building Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines,” LA Times, January 24, 2017.

January 24, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 3 EXECUTIVE ORDER TRACKER

Controversial pipeline negotiations are fast-tracked by the president

Executive orders, memoranda and proclamations signed by President Trump

Executive Order Date Details • In 2015, the State Department rejected a permit request from TransCanada to start construction on the Keystone Pipeline and Obama announced it was not Restarting legislation in the national interest and would undermine U.S. leadership in the fight negotiations for the Keystone against climate change Jan. 24, 2017 Pipeline • Trump’s executive order directed Congress and federalfederal agencies to reopen ththee Full text project for negotiation • It is still unclear whether the pipeline will actually be built, but Trump has effectively reopened the conversation • Obama ordered work halted on the Dakota pipeline after Native American groups and other activists protested the route due to its proximity to sites of religious and cultural significance Restarting legislation • Trump ordered Congress and federal agencies to reopen the project for negotiations for the Dakota negotiation Jan. 24, 2017 Access Pipeline • The order will have an immediate impact in North Dakota, where Energy Full text Transfer Partners wants to complete the final 1,100-foot piece of the 1,172- mile pipeline route that runs under Lake Oahe • The pipeline would carry oil from the booming shale oil reserves in North Dakota to refineries and pipeline networks in

Sources: “First 100 days: what executive actions has Trump take?” BBC, January 23, 2017; Kevin Liptak, “Executive orders: what Trump can and can’t do,” CNN, January 23, 2017; Michael Memoli, “Trump reopens door to building Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines,” LA Times, January 24, 2017.

January 24, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 4 EXECUTIVE ORDER TRACKER

Trump has reduced federal agency authority to regulate infrastructure projects’ environmental impact

Executive orders, memoranda and proclamations signed by President Trump

Executive Order Date Details • This order is meant to reduce the “incredibly cumbersome,cumbersome, long, horrible permitting process” for infrastructure projects Expedite environmental review • It especially targets the EPA’s regulatory oversight authority, which critics claim of infrastructure projects Jan. 24, 2017 hampers U.S. infrastructure and manufacturing Full text • The reduced regulation will also result in less federal agency pushback during negotiations over Keystone XL and allow the Dakota Access Pipeline to continue construction sooner, following renegotiation

• President Trump issued this directive to the commerce secretary to come up with a plan to ensure all pipelines built or repaired in the U.S. be constructed Ensure the use of American with AmericanAmerican----mademade materials steel in pipelines Jan. 24, 2017 • Despite signing actions to expedite negotiations on Keystone XL and Dakota Full text Access, the American steel requirement might slow that process due to the potentially higher cost of American steel

Review manufacturing and • This memorandum orders the commerce secretary to begin a 6060----dayday review of industrial regulations Jan. 24, 2017 regulations for American manufacturersmanufacturers, with the aim of finding ways to Full text expedite permitting and relevant federal processes

Sources: “First 100 days: what executive actions has Trump take?” BBC, January 23, 2017; Kevin Liptak, “Executive orders: what Trump can and can’t do,” CNN, January 23, 2017; Michael Memoli, “Trump reopens door to building Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines,” LA Times, January 24, 2017.

January 24, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 5 EXECUTIVE ORDER TRACKER

Many of Trump’s executive actions focus on immigration and domestic security

Executive orders, memoranda and proclamations signed by President Trump

Executive Order Date Details

• This executive order instructs the secretary of homelandhomeland security to begbeginin the process of building a wall along the border with Mexico as well as construct Increasing border security detention facilities along the border, hire 5,000 additional border patrol agents measures Jan. 25, 2017 and end the “catch and release” policy Full text • Trump’s plan is to build the wall using federal funds and then seek reimbursement from MexicoMexico————anan idea Mexico has rejected

• This order directs the secretary of homeland securitysecurity to priorprioritizeitize for deportation undocumented immigrants who have criminal convictions or have been charged with a crime • The order also prohibits federal funding for “sanctuary”“sanctuary” jurisdictjurisdictionsions where local officials have declined to help enforce federal immigration laws Pursuit of undocumented • It also reinstates the “Secure Communities” program (which was terminated in immigrants Jan. 25, 2017 2014) that enables state and local law enforcement to effectiveffectivelyely act as Full text immigration agents • Finally, this order creates an “Office for Victims of Crimes Committed by Removable Aliens” • Immigration advocates argue these moves “lay the groundwork for mass deportation”

Sources: “First 100 days: what executive actions has Trump take?” BBC, January 23, 2017; Kevin Liptak, “Executive orders: what Trump can and can’t do,” CNN, January 23, 2017; Michael Memoli, “Trump reopens door to building Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines,” LA Times, January 24, 2017.

January 26, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 6 EXECUTIVE ORDER TRACKER

Trump’s “travel ban” on seven countries has been the most controversial of his executive actions so far

Executive orders, memoranda and proclamations signed by President Trump

Executive Order Date Details • The president did not publish the full text of this presidential memorandum, but his press secretary summarized it in the “Evening Communications Briefing” of January 27th, 2017, which was published on January 28 th ‘Rebuild’ the U.S. Armed • This memorandum orders the secretary of defense, James Mattis, to review Forces Jan. 27, 2017 the military’s readiness in the next 30 days and develop a budget for improving Full text the ‘readiness conditions’ of the Army • It also instructs Mattis to create a national defense strategy and review the country’s nuclear capabilities and missilemissile----defensedefense capabilities • This directive makes significant changes to the visa and refugee programs by cutting the number of refugees allowed in the U.S. in 2017 from 110,000 to 50,000 and suspends the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program for 120 days Changing visa and refugee • The order also suspends entry of “all immigrants and non-immigrants” from programs Jan. 28, 2017 Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia and Syria for 90 days Full text • It also directs the secretary of homeland security, the director of national intelligence and the secretary of state to compile a list of countries that do not provide enough information to vet potential entry of foreign nationalsnationals----––––thesethese foreign nationals will be banned from entering the U.S.

Sources: “First 100 days: what executive actions has Trump take?” BBC, January 23, 2017; Kevin Liptak, “Executive orders: what Trump can and can’t do,” CNN, January 23, 2017; Michael Memoli, “Trump reopens door to building Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines,” LA Times, January 24, 2017.

January 31, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 7 EXECUTIVE ORDER TRACKER

Trump followed through with one of his primary campaign promises in signing the lobbying ban

Executive orders, memoranda and proclamations signed by President Trump

Executive Order Date Details

• This is a presidential memorandum aimed at reorganizing the National Security Council to make it more digitally focused and adaptive to cyber threats Reorganizing the National • The change will make Trump’s chief strategist, Steve Bannon, a member of the Security Council Jan. 28, 2017 principles committee at NSC meetings with senior security officials Full text • Trump’s chief of staff, , will also be allowed in the meetings • Political staffers like Bannon are not traditionally present at these meetings

• This is an executive order that bars every executive appointee in every executive agency from engaging in lobbying activitiesactivities with respect to thathatt Implementing a lobbying ban Jan. 28, 2017 agency for a period of five years after leaving the agency Full text • It also permanently bars appointees from lobbying for any foreign government or political party

• This is another memorandum directed at Defense Secretary Mattis to create a plan to defeat ISIS and submit it to the president within 30 days Defeating ISIS Jan. 28, 2017 • The plan must include changes to the rules of engagement, strategies to de- Full text legitimize ‘radical Islamist ideology,’ a plan for cutting off financial support for ISIS, identification of new partners and allies for fighting ISIS

Sources: “First 100 days: what executive actions has Trump take?” BBC, January 23, 2017; Kevin Liptak, “Executive orders: what Trump can and can’t do,” CNN, January 23, 2017; Michael Memoli, “Trump reopens door to building Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines,” LA Times, January 24, 2017.

January 31, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 8 EXECUTIVE ORDER TRACKER

Reducing federal regulation regulation has been a main goal of several presidential actions for Trump

Executive orders, memoranda and proclamations signed by President Trump

Executive Order Date Details • This order requires any executive department or agencyagency that proposes a new regulation to identify two regulations to be repealed • For the fiscal year 2017 it also instructs that the total (incremental) cost of all Reducing federal regulation new regulations and repealed regulations to be no greater than zero Jan. 30, 2017 Full text • For the fiscal year 2018, the director of the Office of Management and Budget is required to set a maximum total cost of all new and repealed regulations for each agency–this maximum may not be exceeded “unless required by law or approved in writing” by the OMB director

Sources: “First 100 days: what executive actions has Trump take?” BBC, January 23, 2017; Kevin Liptak, “Executive orders: what Trump can and can’t do,” CNN, January 23, 2017; Michael Memoli, “Trump reopens door to building Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines,” LA Times, January 24, 2017.

January 31, 2017 | Madelaine Pisani 9