Withlacoochee River Watershed Initiative Scenario Locations


Lake MARION Rousseau W 18 ith 19 lac oo ch 8 e e 15 R 14 iv er 11 Lake 13 7 Panaso kee CITRUS Tsala Apopka 10 17 12 Gulf of Mexico 9 SUMTER LAKE W it h la c o 6 HERNANDO o c h

e e 5


i v e r Green Swamp 1 N 2 3 PASCO 16 W E 4


HILLSBOROUGH POLK Withlacoochee River Watershed Initiative Scenario Descriptions

1 Green Swamp – Railroad berms and 6 Lake Oriole – The natural connection Tsala Apopka – The construction of canals, Green Swamp – Several natural rock drainage ditches in the Green Swamp, built between Lake Oriole and the berms, structures and roads throughout the formations within the Green Swamp may decades ago to support logging and other Withlacoochee River may have been altered Tsala Apopka Lake System have highly have been historically removed. The model industries, may have signicantly altered contributing to chronically low lake levels. altered its natural interaction with the will simulate the addition of rocks to the the direction and amount of water ow The model will assess the availability of Withlacoochee River. The model will main channel of the Withlacoochee River at through the Green Swamp. The model will water from the Withlacoochee River with remove these alterations to simulate key locations to determine impacts on simulate their removal. increased channel connections. pre-settlement conditions. water levels and ow.

2 Green Swamp – Bridge pilings from old 7 Wysong – Chronically low water levels in Tsala Apopka – Dredging the Orange State Jumper Creek – The Withlacoochee River railroad trams have created log jams across the Tsala Apopka Lake System have Canal and lowering the Floral City structure may have been channelized downstream of the main channel of the Withlacoochee suggested that the Wysong-Coogler Water may benet water levels in the Tsala Jumper Creek. The model will simulate the River in the Green Swamp. The model will Conservation Structure should be raised Apopka Lake System. The model will addition of rocks to the main channel of the simulate their removal and compare river higher. The model will assess the regional simulate the impacts of lowering the canal Withlacoochee River at this location to ows and water levels with and without impacts of raising the structure. on water levels and ows throughout the determine impacts of water levels and ow. these log jams. watershed. 8 SR 200 – Capturing excess water near SR /Lower Withlacoochee – 3 Green Swamp – The construction of SR 471 200 may help alleviate ooding during high Tsala Apopka – Water conservation The construction of the Inglis Dam, Barge through the middle of the Green Swamp water events and provide available water structures in the Tsala Apopka Lake System Canal, and Bypass Channel downstream of may have substantially altered ows for public supply. The model will simulate a may be undersized compared to the Lake Rousseau have limited high ows to downstream. The model will assess the storage reservoir near SR 200 and assess conveyance potential of their canals. The the Lower Withlacoochee River. The model impact of SR 471 and e ectiveness of regional water level di erences. model will simulate larger structure will simulate increased conveyance current bridge and culvert crossings under openings to determine whether the through the Bypass Channel. the road. 9 Entire River – Water levels throughout the structure or canals are limiting ows. watershed are critical for comparing Lake Rousseau/Lower Withlacoochee – 4 Green Swamp – The construction of the US scenario results with current conditions. Tsala Apopka – Filling Tsala Apopka The construction of the Inglis Dam, Barge 98 bridge between Dade City and Lakeland The model will simulate statistical storm starting with the most downstream pool Canal, and Bypass Channel downstream of may have constricted natural ows to the events with higher starting water levels for rst may optimize inows into the lakes. Lake Rousseau have limited high ows to Hillsborough River from the Green Swamp. additional comparisons to specic model The model will simulate di erent structure the Lower Withlacoochee River. The model The model will compare levels and ow scenarios. operation strategies and provide will simulate the use of the Barge Canal as a from the Green Swamp with and without suggestions for system management. means to increase ows downstream. this constriction. 10 Tsala Apopka – Existing berms in the Flying Eagle Preserve may a ect water Tsala Apopka – Water ow from Tsala 5 Trilby/Lacoochee – The SR 575, US 301 and levels in the Tsala Apopka Lake System. The Apopka may impact ood levels in US 98 bridge crossings as well as the model will simulate the interaction Arrowhead Estates during high water railroad crossings near Trilby and between Tsala Apopka and the events. The model will simulate ood Lacoochee may have constricted natural Withlacoochee to better understand the events with and without ows exiting Tsala ow downstream. The model will remove berm’s signicance. Apopka to isolate ooding sources and the footprint of these bridge crossings to evaluate management options. assess what e ect they have on river ooding. Withlacoochee River Watershed Initiative Scenario Descriptions

Green Swamp – Railroad berms and Lake Oriole – The natural connection 11 Tsala Apopka – The construction of canals, 16 Green Swamp – Several natural rock drainage ditches in the Green Swamp, built between Lake Oriole and the berms, structures and roads throughout the formations within the Green Swamp may decades ago to support logging and other Withlacoochee River may have been altered Tsala Apopka Lake System have highly have been historically removed. The model industries, may have signicantly altered contributing to chronically low lake levels. altered its natural interaction with the will simulate the addition of rocks to the the direction and amount of water ow The model will assess the availability of Withlacoochee River. The model will main channel of the Withlacoochee River at through the Green Swamp. The model will water from the Withlacoochee River with remove these alterations to simulate key locations to determine impacts on simulate their removal. increased channel connections. pre-settlement conditions. water levels and ow.

Green Swamp – Bridge pilings from old Wysong – Chronically low water levels in 12 Tsala Apopka – Dredging the Orange State 17 Jumper Creek – The Withlacoochee River railroad trams have created log jams across the Tsala Apopka Lake System have Canal and lowering the Floral City structure may have been channelized downstream of the main channel of the Withlacoochee suggested that the Wysong-Coogler Water may benet water levels in the Tsala Jumper Creek. The model will simulate the River in the Green Swamp. The model will Conservation Structure should be raised Apopka Lake System. The model will addition of rocks to the main channel of the simulate their removal and compare river higher. The model will assess the regional simulate the impacts of lowering the canal Withlacoochee River at this location to ows and water levels with and without impacts of raising the structure. on water levels and ows throughout the determine impacts of water levels and ow. these log jams. watershed. SR 200 – Capturing excess water near SR 18 Lake Rousseau/Lower Withlacoochee – Green Swamp – The construction of SR 471 200 may help alleviate ooding during high 13 Tsala Apopka – Water conservation The construction of the Inglis Dam, Barge through the middle of the Green Swamp water events and provide available water structures in the Tsala Apopka Lake System Canal, and Bypass Channel downstream of may have substantially altered ows for public supply. The model will simulate a may be undersized compared to the Lake Rousseau have limited high ows to downstream. The model will assess the storage reservoir near SR 200 and assess conveyance potential of their canals. The the Lower Withlacoochee River. The model impact of SR 471 and e ectiveness of regional water level di erences. model will simulate larger structure will simulate increased conveyance current bridge and culvert crossings under openings to determine whether the through the Bypass Channel. the road. Entire River – Water levels throughout the structure or canals are limiting ows. watershed are critical for comparing 19 Lake Rousseau/Lower Withlacoochee – Green Swamp – The construction of the US scenario results with current conditions. 14 Tsala Apopka – Filling Tsala Apopka The construction of the Inglis Dam, Barge 98 bridge between Dade City and Lakeland The model will simulate statistical storm starting with the most downstream pool Canal, and Bypass Channel downstream of may have constricted natural ows to the events with higher starting water levels for rst may optimize inows into the lakes. Lake Rousseau have limited high ows to Hillsborough River from the Green Swamp. additional comparisons to specic model The model will simulate di erent structure the Lower Withlacoochee River. The model The model will compare levels and ow scenarios. operation strategies and provide will simulate the use of the Barge Canal as a from the Green Swamp with and without suggestions for system management. means to increase ows downstream. this constriction. Tsala Apopka – Existing berms in the Flying Eagle Preserve may a ect water 15 Tsala Apopka – Water ow from Tsala Trilby/Lacoochee – The SR 575, US 301 and levels in the Tsala Apopka Lake System. The Apopka may impact ood levels in US 98 bridge crossings as well as the model will simulate the interaction Arrowhead Estates during high water railroad crossings near Trilby and between Tsala Apopka and the events. The model will simulate ood Lacoochee may have constricted natural Withlacoochee to better understand the events with and without ows exiting Tsala ow downstream. The model will remove berm’s signicance. Apopka to isolate ooding sources and the footprint of these bridge crossings to evaluate management options. For more information, contact assess what e ect they have on river Mark Fulkerson, Ph.D., P.E., ooding. senior professional engineer, at 1-800-423-1476 (FL only), ext 4410.