This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd.

Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Introduction Number: 100019980 ( Gladman Developments Ltd have successfully invested in communities throughout the UK over the past 30 years, developing high quality and sustainable residential, commercial and industrial schemes. A process of public consultation is being undertaken by Gladman Developments Ltd in Site Boundary order to present the emerging development proposals for land south of the A48, Tutshill to the local community. We are proposing a new residential development of up to 185 homes.

A48 The purpose of this consultation process is to outline the details of the draft scheme and seek comments from the local community, which will be considered before an outline planning application is lodged with District Council.


Sedbury Ln Site Boundary Railway line

P1530/14/OUT Site for residential development for 91 dwellings with reserved matters approval Gloucester Rd

P1911/15/OUT and P0651/17/APP A48

Site for residential Meadow development for 45 Bigstone dwellings with reserved matters Tutshillapproval P1557/15/APP Site for residential development of N up to 110 dwellings with reserved matters NTS Sedbury Ln approval The Application Sedbury Ln Site Description

Gladman Developments Ltd intends toA48 submit an outline application The site is situated to the east of Tutshill, south of the A48 near the for up to 185 homes to Council in the Spring of border between and . The site is located less than 1km

River2019. Wye This would establish the principle of development and details of from , 24km north-east of Newport and 22km north west of client the main site access, with all other details forming part of subsequent Bristol. Gladman Developments Ltd project reserved matters applications if planning approval is granted. Land South of A48 Tutshill The application site is currently in use as a mix of arable land and Rd drawing title Development Proposals pasture, and extends to a total area of 11.77 ha. Consisting of two fpcr LOCATION PLAN Scale: 1:25000 @ A3 • A residential development to include up to 185 new homes of varying field compartments, the site is bounded by the Gloucester to Newport scale drawn issue date N 1:25000 @ A3 JUB 30th July 2018 drawing / figure number rev 0 sizes,500 types and 1000m tenures, including up to 40% affordable housing. railway line to the south, the A48 to the north and north west and the FPCR Environment• New and Design landscaping Ltd, Lockington Hall, Lockington, to enhanceDerby, DE74 2RH t: 01509the 672772 site f: 01509 and 674565 its e: [email protected] boundaries. w: Figure 1 - masterplanning environmental assessment landscape design urban design ecology architecture arboriculture existing settlement edge of Tutshill to the west.

K:\8400\8462\LANDS\LVIA\8462-L-Figure• Integration of1 Location a SustainablePlan.indd Drainage System (SuDS). • On-site public open space for use by new and existing residents. • Walking and cycling connectivity between the site and the surrounding area. • Equipped play area accessible for use by new and existing residents. Gladman House, Alexandria Way, [email protected] Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB LAND SOUTH OF THE A48, TUTSHILL


Historic Maps

Historic map regression analysis illustrates the incremental development northwards and eastwards. Orchards have decreased or disappeared of the local area over time. It highlights that the setting of the site has over this time but the pattern of fields appears generally unchanged. sustained significant change.

The historic Ordnance Survey mapping shows the growth of Tutshill over the last 122 years.

It is evident from the historic maps below that in 1880 the vast majority of the land within the context of the site is undeveloped and in agricultural use, with a network of fields and scattered blocks of woodland and orchard.

By 1938 Sedbury Camp has appeared to the southwest of the site but little else has changed.

The largest changes occur between 1938 to 2002 as the development of Tutshill extends eastwards to reach the edge of site, bordering the new A48. In addition, Sedbury has expanded considerably, extending

1880 1938

1900 2002 Gladman House, Alexandria Way, [email protected] Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB LAND SOUTH OF THE A48, TUTSHILL


The need for new housing Why is the site suitable for development? Every Council is required by the Government The proposed development site would represent to boost significantly the supply of housing a logical extension to the existing settlement and to make planning decisions in light area. The proposal would provide new homes of a presumption in favour of sustainable to maintain and enhance the vitality of the development. community, in a sustainable location to provide further residential development.

Forest of Dean District Council has a View looking into the site from a point on public right of requirement to provide further deliverable The site could be sensitively developed to take way at gate access in southwest corner of site. housing sites to meet the authority's full housing account of its characteristics and surroundings New development at Gloucester Site needs. There is a demonstrable and evidenced and to provide a high quality residential Rd/ Elm Rd, Tutshill need for more housing land in the District. development. Land south of the A48 represents a suitable and sustainable location to accommodate a proportion of the District's future housing growth. View from a public right of way to the south of site. From this point the site can be seen in the context of the development edge of Tutshill.


Site Boundary

P1530/14/OUT Site for residential development for 91 dwellings with reserved matters approval St Arvans

P1911/15/OUT and P0651/17/APP Site for residential development for 45 dwellings with reserved matters approval P1557/15/APP Site for residential A48 development of up to 110 dwellings with reserved matters approval Tutshill Existing Settlement

Existing Significant Vegetation Chepstow

Waterbodies / Watercourses Sedbury

Main road

Secondary/Unclassified Road

Railway Line Gladman House, Alexandria Way, [email protected] Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB LAND SOUTH OF THE A48, TUTSHILL


The site comprises two large fields, split into one arable and one pastoral compartment bounded by hedgerows and hedgerow trees. Agricultural access is off Sedbury Lane. An internal hedgerow separates the field compartments, although this has become gappy in places. A small stream runs along this hedgerow , and this meets a stream with associated dense tree cover that runs along and defines the eastern boundary of the site.

The landscape character of the site was assessed View looking east from a point within the southern field View looking east from point where the public right of way as part of the Forest of Dean District Landscape compartment enters the southwest corner of the site Assessment (2002). The site falls within the Landscape Character Type: Unwooded Vale. At a finer grain of detail the site falls within the Severn Vale - Stroat and Sedbury Landscape Character Area.

The site is situated within a soft, rolling lowland character type with extensive wet meadows, winding lanes and well defined hedgerow field

boundaries. View looking north from southern field compartment. The new development along Gloucester Rd is visible beyond the site

This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised N The Greenperson, either whollyInfrastructure or in part without written consent of ofFPCR Environmentthe scheme has been designed and Design Ltd.

NTS Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence from theNumber: outset 100019980 ( to protect and enhance the existing site ecology. It focuses on improving opportunities for both dormice and Site Boundary horseshoe bats which are of local significance to ensure there

This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued NCA Boundary on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised NCA 105: Forest Dean & Lower Wye person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment will be no significant effect on the populations. In addition, further and Design Ltd. A48

Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence National Character Area: The Site lies within National Character Area Number: 100019980 ( enhancements105 Forest of Dean and will Lower Wye ensure the site offers valued dual purpose

public openForest of Dean spaces Landscape Character for Assessment both 2002 people, and wildlife that will provide Site Boundary (Forest of Dean District Council): The site lies within Landscape Character Type: Unwooded Vale an overall biodiversity gain. This has been achieved through: NCA Boundary NCA 105: Forest Dean & Lower Wye Wooded Valleys A48

National Character Area: The Site lies within National Character Area Unwooded Vale 105 Forest of Dean and Lower Wye A48 • The protection and enhancement of existing hedgerows and Wooded Scarp and Lower Scarp Slopes Forest of Dean Landscape Character Assessment 2002, (Forest of Dean District Council): The site lies within Landscape Character Type: flight lines for bats. Sedbury Ln Littoral Sands and Rock Outcrops Unwooded Vale Railway line • CreationLimestone of highPlateau value meadow grassland and species rich NCA 32: Wye Valley Wooded Valleys & Wentwood Unwooded Vale native tree / woodland planting. A48 Gloucester Rd Wooded Scarp and Lower Scarp Slopes Natural Resources Wales LANDMAP Visual • Proposedand Sensory additional Classification 2007: enhancements such as a wildlife box and


Sedbury Ln Littoral Sands and Rock Outcrops Meadow Bigstone Bigstone Railway line refugia scheme.Wooded Lowland Valleys Limestone Plateau NCA 32: Wye Valley Tutshill Urban & Wentwood • Sensitively designed SuDS, including attenuation ponds. Mosaic rolling Lowland Gloucester Rd Natural Resources Wales LANDMAP Visual Sedburyand Sensory Classification 2007: Sedbury Ln

A48 • A suitableOpen Ecological Hillside & Scarp Slopes Management Plan. Meadow Bigstone Bigstone Sedbury Ln Wooded Lowland Valleys Flat Open Lowland Farmland Tutshill Urban A48 NCA 34: Gwent Levels Mosaic rolling Lowland Sedbury Sedbury Ln Open Hillside & Scarp Slopes client Gladman Developments Ltd Sedbury Ln project Flat Open Lowland Farmland Land South of A48 A48 Tutshill

Beachley Rd drawing title NCA 34: Gwent Levels Landscape Character Plan fpcr CHARACTER AREAS Scale: 1:25000 @ A3 River Wye client Gladman Developments Ltd scale drawn issue date N 1:25000 @ A3 AWM 15/01/19 project drawing / figure number rev 0 500 1000m Land South of A48 FPCR Environment and Design Ltd, Lockington Hall, Lockington, Derby, DE74 2RH t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 e: [email protected] w: Tutshill Figure 4 - masterplanning environmental assessment landscape design urban design ecology architecture arboriculture Beachley Rd drawing title K:\8400\8462\LANDS\LVIA\8462-L-Figure 4 Landscape Character Plan.indd fpcr CHARACTER AREAS Scale: 1:25000 @ A3 scale drawn issue date N 1:25000 @ A3 AWM 15/01/19 drawing / figure number rev 0 500 1000m Gladman House, Alexandria Way, FPCR Environment and Design Ltd, Lockington Hall, Lockington, Derby, DE74 2RH t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 e: [email protected] w: Figure 4 - masterplanning environmental assessment landscape design urban design ecology architecture arboriculture

K:\8400\8462\LANDS\LVIA\8462-L-Figure 4 Landscape Character Plan.indd [email protected] Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB LAND SOUTH OF THE A48, TUTSHILL


This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd.

Aerial imagery © 2018 Bluesky, DigitalGlobe, Getmapping plc, Infoterra Ltd and Bluesky. Map data © 2018 Google The visual envelope of the site is restricted due Site Boundary to the dense boundary vegetation and undulating C topography. A48

Walkers on the public right of way that crosses the site will experience open views of the site. There are occasional glimpsed views of the site that are

experienced by travellers on the A48 that runs along A48 the northern boundary of the site.

Railway line With regard to views from the wider landscape, intervening topography and vegetation largely curtail Gloucester Rd

A48 Sedbury Ln Meadow

all but glimpsed views of the site. The clearest views Bigstone of the site are from the public right of way to the Tutshill south of the site (see photo B below), as the rising Sedbury topography here allows more elevated views. Sedbury Ln A Sedbury Ln

A48 B

River Wye client Gladman Developments Ltd N project Land South of A48 NTS Tutshill Beachley Rd drawing title fpcr AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH Aerial photograph with site boundary and viewpoints

scale drawn issue date N NTS @ A3 JUB 30th July 2018 drawing / figure number rev

FPCR Environment and Design Ltd, Lockington Hall, Lockington, Derby, DE74 2RH t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 e: [email protected] w:  ÿÿÿ ÿ ÿÿÿÿ Figure 2 - masterplanning environmental assessment landscape design urban design ecology architecture arboriculture

K:\8400\8462\LANDS\LVIA\8462-L-Figure 2 Aerial Photograph.indd Site

A View looking east from point where the public right of way ( Footpath 84) enters the southwest corner of the site. Dense boundary vegetation restricts views into the site from nearby

Site Tutshill Tump Farm Sedbury

B View looking from the public right of way (Tidenham Footpath 85) to the south of site. From this point there are partial/glimpsed views of the upper parts of the northern parcel of the site. The site is seen in the context of the settlement edge of Tutshill

Site (just visible through gap in vegetation)

C View from the public right of way (Tidenham Footpath 81) that runs to the north of the site. Vegetation cover curtails all but glimpsed views of the site Gladman House, Alexandria Way, [email protected] Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB LAND SOUTH OF THE A48, TUTSHILL


What are the local facilities?

The site is sustainably located within easy reach of local facilities and the public transport network. Local amenities within Tutshill and Sedbury include secondary and primary schools, nursery schools, a GP surgery, a supermarket, Convenience store in Tutshill Play area in Tutshill Pharmacy in Sedbury post office and pharmacy. There are additional services and facilities in Chepstow town centre, which lies 1.5km to the west of the site.

There are bus stops located to the north and west of the site on the A48 and Gloucester Road, which provide links to the the local area and further afield to Chepstow and Lydney. Chepstow Primary School Tutshill Nursery in Tutshill GP Surgery in Sedbury railway station is located approximately 1.5km to the south-west of the site and connects Chepstow with Cardiff, Gloucester, Birmingham and Bristol.


Site Boundary Pub/Restaurant/Cafe Pharmacy Library Sports Field/Play Area

Primary School Post Office GP Surgery Secondary School Supermarket/Butcher Dentist Train Station Attraction Convenience Store Place of Worship Community Centre Bus Stop Nursery school



500m Gladman House, Alexandria Way, [email protected] Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB LAND SOUTH OF THE A48, TUTSHILL


Key Considerations The assessment of the site and its surroundings has identified a number of features which should be protected, retained and enhanced as part of the development proposals for the site. These provide the opportunities and constraints for development and have been used to inform the preparation of the Development Framework Plan.

Site Boundary: 11.77Ha


Existing site contours Existing trees & hedgerows Key views into site Water pipe easement

10m landscape buffer to Public right of way Easement of 5m from bank of Potential pedestrian access vegetation along railway line watercourse point

Grade II* Listed Building Potential location for attenuation Area most visible from Mead basin Potential primary access point Farm Listed Building Gladman House, Alexandria Way, [email protected] Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB LAND SOUTH OF THE A48, TUTSHILL


Design Principles The assessment of the site and its setting has helped to inform the preparation of a Development Framework Plan for the site. A number of design principles have influenced the development proposals for the site. These principles include: • To deliver a high quality, sustainable development which reflects the • Scheme design to be visually attractive, respecting the context and scale, layout and pattern of Tutshill and is appropriate to its setting. existing built form and building styles evident within the local area. • To deliver a mix of up to 185 dwellings, including 40% affordable • Development creates a robust, green development edge which housing and a range of property sizes and types. provides a sensitive transition between the proposed development • The retention, where possible, and enhancement of the existing and the wider setting.

vegetation structure within the site. This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Existing stream corridor retained and enhanced with Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Site Boundary: 11.77Ha native planting Number: 100019980 (

Site boundary 11.77 Ha Community Parkland • Amenity area for new and existing residents of Tutshill Built Development • Wildflower meadow and native tree planting Proposed residential area 3.90 Ha • Including kick-about area (up to 138 dwellings at 35dph) • Creates a softer, greener and defensible edge to Proposed residential area 1.55 Ha Tutshill A48 (up to 47 dwellings at 30dph)


Primary access Hedgerows along the A48 reninforced and enhanced with additional native planting Pedestrian access

This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued Indicative primary route on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd. Existing stream corridor retained and enhanced with Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Gloucester Rd native planting Proposed informal recreational route Number: 100019980 (

Site boundary 11.77 Ha This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued CommunityExisting Parkland public right of way on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised • Amenity area for new and existing person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and residents of Tutshill Built Development Design Ltd. • Wildflower Existing stream corridor This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure meadow and native 6.32 Ha retained and enhanced with A48 Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised tree planting Proposed residential area 3.90 Ha native planting Number: 100019980 ( person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and This drawing• Including is the propertykick-about of area FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued (up to 138 dwellings at 35dph) Design Ltd. on the condition• CreatesExisting it ais softer, not trees reproduced, and hedgerows retained or disclosed to any unauthorised Existing stream corridor person, either greener wholly and or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and retained and enhanced with OrdnanceSite Survey boundary material - Crown Copyright. 11.77 All Harights reserved. Licence This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued Design Ltd. defensible edge to Proposed residential area 1.55 Ha native planting Community Parkland Number: 100019980This drawing ( is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued Tutshill Existing stream corridor on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised Tutshill • Amenity area for on the conditionretained and it isenhanced not reproduced,Chepstow- with A48Gloucester retained rail or line disclosed to any unauthorised Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence (up to 47 dwellings at 30dph) new and existing person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Native tree and woodland planting Built Developmentperson, nativeeither plantingwholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and Number: 100019980 ( residents of Tutshill Site boundary Design Ltd. 11.77 Ha Existing stream corridor Design Ltd. Existing stream corridor • Wildflower Community Parkland retained and enhanced with Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright.This All drawingrights reserved. is the property Licence of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued retained and enhanced with meadow • and Amenity native area for Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence native planting Proposed residentialThis drawing area is the property 3.90 Ha of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued Site boundary 11.77 Ha Access native planting tree planting new and existing Number: 100019980 ( on the condition it is not reproduced, retained or disclosedAccessible to any unauthorised public open space Number: 100019980 ( Community Parkland • Including residents kick-about of Tutshill area Built Development(up to 138 dwellingson the conditionat 35dph) it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to anyperson, unauthorised either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and • Amenity area for • Creates• a Wildflowersofter, person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR EnvironmentDesign Ltd. and Play area accessible new and existing This drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and is issued Primary access greener and meadow and native HedgerowsExisting along streamthe A48 corridor Site boundary 11.77 Ha via footpath that will serve DesignSite boundary Ltd. residents 11.77 of TutshillHa on the conditionBuilt Development it is not reproduced, retained or disclosed to any unauthorised Existing stream defensible corridor tree edge planting to reninforced Communityretained and Parkland enhanced and enhanced with Proposed residential area 3.90 Ha Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence new and existing residents Community Parkland Proposed residential area 1.55 Ha • Wildflower Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] retained and Tutshill enhanced• Including with kick-about area with• Amenity additionalnative area native plantingfor Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved.Number: Licence 100019980 (, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and • Amenity area for (up to 138 dwellings at 35dph) meadow and native A48 native planting • Creates a softer, planting new and existing (up to 47 dwellingsNumber: at 10001998030dph) ( Design Ltd. new and existing Existing stream corridor Built Development tree planting Proposed residential area 3.90 Ha Pedestrian access greener and residents of Tutshill Built Development residents of Tutshill retained and enhanced with • Including kick-about area Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence defensible edge to • Wildflower (up to 138 dwellings at 35dph) • Wildflower native plantingProposed residential area 1.55• CreatesHa a softer, Site boundary 11.77 Ha Tutshill meadow and native Number: 100019980 ( meadow and native Community Parkland Site boundary greener and 11.77 Ha Attenuation basin tree planting Access (up to 47 dwellings at 30dph) Proposed residential area 3.90 Ha A48 tree planting Community Parkland • Amenity areaProposed for residential area defensible 3.90 edgeHa to Indicative primary route • Amenity area for • Including kick-about area new and existing (up to 138 dwellings at 35dph) Proposed residential area 1.55 Ha • Including kick-about area (up to 138 dwellings at 35dph) TutshillWalking routes new and existing • Creates a softer, residents of Tutshill Built Development Site boundary 11.77 Ha • Creates a softer, A48 connect areas of (up to 47 dwellings at 30dph) residents of Tutshill greener and • WildflowerBuilt Development Community Parkland greener and Primary access the site and Watercourse Hedgerows along the A48 • Wildflower defensible edge to Access meadow and native • Amenity area for defensible edge to Proposedconnect residential to area 1.55 Ha reninforced and enhanced meadow and native Tutshill tree plantingProposed residential new area and existing 1.55 Ha Proposed residential area 3.90 Ha Proposed informal recreational route Tutshill Gloucester Rd (up toexisting 47 dwellings PROW at 30dph) Built Development with additional native A48 tree planting • Including (upkick-about to 47 area dwellingsProposed at residents 30dph) residential of Tutshill area 3.90 Ha (up to 138 dwellings at 35dph) planting A48 • Wildflower Access • Including kick-about area PedestrianDevelopment• Primary Creates access a offset softer,access 10m from (up to 138 dwellings at 35dph) Hedgerows along the A48 meadow and native • Creates a softer, railway greener line: and to buffer existing track- Other reninforced and enhanced tree planting Proposed residential area 3.90 Ha greener and side defensible vegetation edge creating to wildlife ProposedN residential area 1.55 Ha with additional native defensible edge to Tutshill Access• Including kick-about areaThis drawing is the property of FPCR Environment and Design Ltd and(up is toissued 138Primary dwellings access at 35dph) Existing public right of way Hedgerows along the A48 Public right of way set Accesscorridor Proposed• Creates residential a softer, area 1.55 Ha planting A48 Tutshill Indicative primary route on the condition it is not reproduced,NTS(up retained to 47 ordwellings disclosed at to 30dph) any unauthorised reninforced and enhanced in 10m wide corridor Pedestrian access greener and Foul Water Pumping Station - at least A48 (up to 47 dwellings at 30dph)person, either wholly or in part without written consent of FPCR Environment and with additional native with native tree planting defensible edge to 15m from wet well to nearest habitable planting Primary accessDesign Ltd. Proposed residential area 1.55 Ha Hedgerows along the A48 Primary access Tutshill Pedestrian access Hedgerows along the A48 Existing stream corridor (up to building47 dwellings at 30dph) reninforced and enhanced A48 Ordnance Survey material - Crown Copyright. All rights reserved. Licence Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure 6.32 Ha reninforced and enhanced retained and enhanced with A48 Access with additional native Indicative primary route ThisThis drawing drawing is theis the property property of FPCRof FPCR Environment Environment and and Design Design Ltd Ltd and and is issuedis issued withGloucester additional Rd native native planting Proposed informalAccess recreational route Number: 100019980 ( planting Pedestrian access Existing trees & hedgerows Accessible public open space planting Public right of way Pedestrian access on onthe the condition condition it isit notis not reproduced, reproduced, retained retained or ordisclosed disclosed to anyto any unauthorised unauthorised Sedbury Lane Pedestrian access Indicative primary route Existing trees and hedgerows Primary access person,person, either either wholly wholly or inor partin part without without written written consent consent of FPCRof FPCR Environment Environment and and Hedgerows along the A48 Site boundary 11.77Access Ha DesignDesign Ltd. Ltd. ExistingPrimary stream access corridor GloucesterHedgerows Rd along the A48 reninforced and enhanced Community ParklandExistingProposed public right informal of wayExisting recreational stream corridor route reninforced and enhanced with additional native Tutshill retainedretained and and enhanced enhanced withIndicative with primary route OrdnanceOrdnance Survey Survey material material - Crown- Crown Copyright. Copyright. All Allrights rights reserved. reserved. Licence Licence Proposed residential area Proposed informal recreational • Amenity area for Indicative primary route Chepstow- Gloucester rail line N with additional native planting Scale: 1:2500 @ A3 new and existingProposed tree planting nativenative planting planting Indicative SuDS feature Pedestrian access Primary ProposedaccessNumber:Number: informal100019980 100019980 recreational ( ( route Native tree and woodland planting planting Hedgerows[up to 138 along dwellings the A48 @Gloucester 35 DPH] Rd route Built Development reninforced and enhanced residents of Tutshill Pedestrian access with additional native • Wildflower Existing public right of way meadow and native SiteSite boundary boundary 11.77 11.77 Ha Ha 0 planting50 100m Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure 6.32 Ha A48 Gloucester Rd Proposed informal recreational route Gloucester Rd tree planting Proposed informal recreational route Community CommunityProposed Parkland Parkland residentialIndicative area primary 3.90 route Ha Pedestrian access K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 G Development Framework Plan.indd Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] Existing public right of way Accessible public open space Proposed residential area • Including Vehicularkick-about area access Indicative primary route • Amenity• Amenity(up area areato for 138 for dwellings at 35dph) Proposed indicative • Creates a softer,Existing trees and hedgerows new new and and existing existing [up to 47 dwellings @ 30 DPH] Play area accessible greener and residents residents of Tutshill of Tutshill BuiltBuilt Development Development masterplanning primary route environmental assessment via Sedburyfootpath Lane that will serve Green Infrastructure 6.32 Ha 1:5000@A3 A48 Gladman Developments Ltd defensible edge to • Wildflower• Wildflower Indicative primary route landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Existing public right of Proposedway residential area 1.55 Ha urban design Lockington Hall Gloucester Rd new and existing residents Tutshill Existing public right of way meadow meadow and and native native Proposed informal recreational route Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] Tutshill ecology Lockington (up to 47 dwellings at 30dph) May 2019 JUB / GH ProposedProposed residential residentialarchitecture area Derbyarea DE74 2RH 3.90 3.90 Ha Ha Gloucester Rd Land south of the A48 A48Chepstow- Gloucester rail line DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORKProposed PLAN informal recreational route tree tree planting planting Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure 6.32 Ha A48 Existing trees and hedgerows arboriculture Native tree and woodland planting • Including• Including kick-about kick-about area area t: 01509 672772 (up(up to to138 138 dwellings dwellings at at35dph)f: 01509 35dph) 674565 Tutshill • Creates• Creates a softer, a softer, 8462-L-02 rev G fpcr e: [email protected] Gloucester Rd greener greener and and ProposedExisting informal trees recreational and hedgerows route w: Tutshill Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure 6.32 HaExisting public right of way Attenuation basin A48 Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure 6.32 Ha defensible defensible edge edge to to A48 Chepstow- Gloucester rail line Existing public right of wayAccess ProposedProposed residential residential area area 1.55 1.55 Ha Ha Accessible public open space Tutshill Tutshill Native tree and woodland planting (up(up to to47 47 dwellings dwellings at at30dph) 30dph) Tutshill A48A48 Existing trees and hedgerows Walking routes Existing treesChepstow- and hedgerows Gloucester rail line connect areas of Play area accessible GladmanPrimary House, access Alexandria Way, Existing public right of way Hedgerows along the A48 Nativethe site tree and and woodland planting Watercourse via footpath that will serve Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure 6.32 Ha reninforced and enhanced A48 connect to new and existing residents Tutshill [email protected] facilityAccessible [LEAP public - 400m2] open space Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB Tutshill Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure 6.32 Ha with additionalA48 native Chepstow- Gloucester rail line existingAccessAccess PROW planting Chepstow- Gloucester rail line Native tree and woodland planting Play area accessible Native tree and woodland planting Pedestrian accessDevelopmentExisting offset trees 10m fromand hedgerows Accessible public open space Existing trees and hedgerows Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure 6.32 Ha via footpath that will serve A48 railway line: to buffer existing track- Other new and existing residents Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] PrimaryPrimary access access Play area accessibleHedgerowsHedgerows along along the theA48 A48 Attenuation basin side vegetation creating wildlife Tutshill reninforcedreninforced and and enhanced enhanced Public right of way set corridor via footpath that will serve Chepstow- Gloucester rail line Accessible public openIndicative space primary route Existing trees and hedgerows Tutshill withwith additional additional native native Accessiblein 10m wide public corridor open space Foul Water Pumping Station - at least new and existing residents Chepstow- Gloucester rail line Native tree and woodland planting Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] plantingplanting Walking routes with native tree planting Play area accessible Native tree and woodland planting PedestrianPedestrian access access 15m from wet well to nearest habitable Play area accessible connect areas of via footpath that will serve Tutshill WatercourseAttenuation basin building via footpath that will serve the site and Chepstow- Gloucester rail line new and existing residents connect to Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] new and existing residents Gloucester Rd Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] Proposed informalAccessible recreational public route open spaceNative tree and woodland planting existing PROWWalking routes Accessible public open space Attenuation basinIndicativeIndicative primary primary route route connect areas of Development offset 10m from Sedbury Lane Play area accessible the site and Watercourse railway line: to buffer existing track- Other Walking routes Play area accessible via footpath that will serve connect to Accessible public open space side vegetation creating wildlife Attenuationconnect basin areas of Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] via footpath that will serve new and existing residents existing PROW Attenuation basin Existing public right of way Watercourse new and existing residents Public right of way set corridor Play facility [LEAP - 400m2]the site and Proposed informal recreational route GloucesterGloucester Rd Rd connect to Proposed informal recreational route N in 10m wide corridor PlayDevelopment area accessible offset 10m from Scale: 1:2500 @ A3Walking routes Foul Water Pumping Station - at least Walking routes existing PROW with native tree planting via footpathrailway that line: will to serve buffer existing track- connect areas of Other connect areas of 15m from wet well to nearest habitable new andside existing vegetation residents creating wildlife the site and Watercourse Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] the site and buildingDevelopmentWatercourse offset 10m from Attenuation basin Public right of way set corridor connect to Sedbury Lane Green Infrastructure 6.32 Ha A48 connect0 to 50 100m railway line: to buffer existing track- Other in 10m wide corridor existing PROW Foul Water PumpingAttenuation Station - at basinleast ExistingExisting public public right right of ofway way existingK:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 PROW G Development Framework Plan.indd side vegetation creating wildlife with native tree planting corridor15m fromWalking wet routes well to nearest habitable Development offset 10mPublic from right of way set Sedbury Lane Development offset 10m from Walking routes connect areas of Existing trees and hedgerows railway line: to buffer existingin 10m track- wide corridor building Other AttenuationFoul basin Water Pumping Station - at least masterplanning railway line: to buffer existing track- with native treeconnect planting areas of Other the site and Watercourse environmental assessment side vegetation creating wildlife 15m from wet well to nearest habitable 1:5000@A3 landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd side vegetation creating wildlife Gladmanthe Developments site and Ltd connect to Watercourse Public right of way set corridor urban design Lockington Hall Tutshill Walking routes SedburySedbury Lane Lane GreenGreen Infrastructure Infrastructure 6.32 6.32 Ha Ha ecology Lockington corridor A48 connect to existing PROW building Public right of way set A48 May 2019 JUB / GH Derby DE74 2RH in 10m wide corridor Land south of the A48Chepstow- Gloucester rail line connectFoulDEVELOPMENT WaterareasN of Pumping Station - at least FRAMEWORK PLAN architecture Sedbury Lane in 10m wide corridor existing PROW Foul Water Pumping Station - at least arboriculture Scale: 1:2500 @ A3 with native tree planting the site and Native tree and woodland planting Watercourse t: 01509 672772 with native tree planting Development offset 10m from 15m from wet well to nearest habitable f: 01509 674565 rev fpcr Development offset 10m from Tutshill railway line: to buffer existing track- 15m from wet well to nearestconnect habitable to Other ExistingExisting trees trees and and hedgerows hedgerows 8462-L-02 G e: [email protected] building w: railway line: to buffer existing track-Sedbury Lane side vegetation creating wildlife Otherbuilding existing PROW 0 50 100m Publicside right vegetation of way creatingset wildlife corridor N K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02Scale: 1:2500 G@ Development A3 Framework Plan.indd Public right of way set TutshillTutshillin 10mcorridor wide corridor Development offset 10m from Accessible public openFoul Waterspace Pumping Station - at least railway line: to buffer existing track- Chepstow- Gloucester rail line in 10m wideSedbury corridor Lane with native tree planting Foul Water PumpingChepstow- Station Gloucester - at rail least line Other Sedbury Lane 15m from wet well to nearest habitable Native tree and woodland plantingN with native tree planting side vegetation creating wildlife Native tree and woodland planting Play area accessible Scale: 1:2500 @ A3 15m frommasterplanning wet well to nearest habitable Public right of way set corridor environmental assessment building 0 50 100m via footpath that will serve 1:5000@A3 Gladman Developments Ltd in 10m wide corridor buildinglandscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Foul Water Pumping Station - at least K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 G Development Framework Plan.indd new and existing residents urban design Lockington Hall Play facility [LEAP - 400m2] with native tree planting ecology Lockington N May 2019 JUB / GH Derby DE74 2RH 15m from wet well to nearest habitable Land south of the A48 DEVELOPMENT0 FRAMEWORK50 100m PLAN architecture N AccessibleAccessible public public open open space space Scale: 1:2500 @ A3 arboriculture Scale: 1:2500 @ A3 K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 SedburyG Development Lane Framework Plan.indd masterplanningt: 01509 672772 building environmental f: assessment 01509 674565 Tutshill Sedbury Lane 8462-L-02 rev G1:5000@A3 fpcr e: [email protected] Gladman Developments Ltd landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd PlayPlay area area accessible accessible urbanw: design Lockington Hall 0 50 100m via viafootpath footpath that that will will serve serve ecology Lockington Attenuation basin masterplanning May 2019 JUB / GH Derby DE74 2RH environmental assessment Land south0 of the A4850 100m DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN architecture 1:5000@A3 K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 G Development Framework Plan.indd new and existing residents Play facility [LEAPlandscape design - 400m2] Gladman Developments Ltd new and existing residentsSedbury Lane arboriculture N Play facility [LEAP - 400m2]FPCR Environment and Design Ltd K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 G Development Framework Plan.indd t: 01509 672772 urban design Lockington Hall Scale: 1:2500 @ A3 f: 01509 674565 N Lockington Walking routes rev fpcr ecology Tutshill 8462-L-02 G e: [email protected] Scale: 1:2500 @ A3 May 2019 JUB / GH architecture Derby DE74 2RH Land south of the A48 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN w: masterplanning connect areas of masterplanning arboriculture environmental assessment t: 01509 672772 environmental assessment the site and 1:5000@A3 Watercourselandscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd f: 01509 674565 Gladman Developments Ltd 1:5000@A3 landscape design rev fpcr N Gladman Developments Ltd 0 50 100m Tutshill connect to FPCR Environment and Design Ltd urban design Lockington Hall 8462-L-02 G e: [email protected] Scale: 1:2500 @ A3 urban design Lockington Hall ecology Lockington w: Lockington AttenuationAttenuation basin basin 0 50 100m K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 G Development Framework Plan.indd existing PROW May 2019 JUBecology / GH architecture Derby DE74 2RH Land south of the A48 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN May 2019 JUB / GH architecture Derby DE74 2RH Land south of the A48 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN arboriculture K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 G Development Framework Plan.indd arboriculture t: 01509 672772 t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 Development offset 10m from rev fpcr Tutshill 8462-L-02 Gf: 01509 674565 WalkingWalking routes routes e: [email protected] masterplanning rev fpcr Tutshill 0 50 100m 8462-L-02 G e: [email protected] w: environmental assessment railway line: to buffer existing track- Other masterplanning connect connect areas areas of of w: 1:5000@A3 landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Gladman Developments K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02Ltd G Development Framework Plan.indd environmental assessment side vegetation creating wildlife the thesite site and and urban design Lockington Hall WatercourseWatercourse 1:5000@A3 landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Gladman Developments Ltd ecology Lockington Public right of way set corridor urban design connectLockington Hall to connect to May 2019 JUB / GH architecture Derby DE74 2RH Land south of the A48 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN ecology Lockington arboriculture masterplanning in 10m wide corridor May 2019 JUB / GH FoulexistingexistingDerby Water DE74 PROW 2RHPROW Pumping Station - at least Land south of the A48 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN architecture t: 01509 672772 environmental assessment with native tree planting arboriculture 1:5000@A3f: 01509 674565 rev fpcr landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd Tutshill Gladman Developments Ltd 15mt: 01509from 672772 wet8462-L-02 well to nearest habitableG e: [email protected] DevelopmentDevelopment offset offset 10m 10m from from f: 01509 674565 urban design Lockington Hall rev fpcr w: Lockington Tutshill 8462-L-02 G e: [email protected] ecology railwayrailway line: line: to buffer to buffer existing existing track- track- building May 2019 JUB /Other GHOther architecture Derby DE74 2RH Land south of the A48 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN w: arboriculture sideside vegetation vegetation creating creating wildlife wildlife t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 PublicPublic right right of way of way set set corridorcorridor rev fpcr Tutshill 8462-L-02 G e: [email protected] in 10m wide corridor Foul Water Pumpingw: Station - at least Sedbury Lane in 10m wide corridor Foul Water Pumping Station - at least withwith native native tree tree planting planting 15m15m from from wet wet well well to tonearest nearest habitable habitable buildingbuilding N Scale: 1:2500 @ A3 SedburySedbury Lane Lane 0 50 100m K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 G Development Framework Plan.indd NN Scale:Scale: 1:2500 1:2500 @ @ A3 A3 masterplanning 1:5000@A3 environmental assessment Gladman Developments Ltd landscape design FPCR Environment and Design Ltd urban design Lockington Hall 0 50 100m ecology Lockington 0 50 100m May 2019 JUB / GH Derby DE74 2RH Land south of the A48 DEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK PLAN architecture K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02K:\8400\8462\LANDS\Plans\8462-L-02 G Development G Development Framework Framework Plan.indd Plan.indd arboriculture t: 01509 672772 f: 01509 674565 rev fpcr Tutshill 8462-L-02 G e: [email protected] w: masterplanningmasterplanning environmentalenvironmental assessment assessment 1:5000@A31:5000@A3 landscape design GladmanGladman Developments Developments Ltd Ltd landscape design FPCRFPCR Environment Environment and Design and Design Ltd Ltd urban urbandesign designLockingtonLockington Hall Hall ecologyecology Lockington Lockington MayMay 2019 2019 JUB JUB / GH / GH architectureDerby Derby DE74 DE742RH 2RH LandLand south south of ofthe the A48 A48 DEVELOPMENTDEVELOPMENT FRAMEWORK FRAMEWORK PLAN PLAN architecture arboriculturearboriculture t: 01509t: 01509 672772 672772 f: 01509f: 01509 674565 674565 rev rev fpcrfpcr TutshillTutshill 8462-L-028462-L-02 GG e: [email protected]: [email protected] w: LAND SOUTH OF THE A48, TUTSHILL


Your comments and suggestions will be taken into account when formulating the final Planning Application submission. All comments and feedback will be provided to the Local Planning Authority as part of the Planning Application.

Once a planning application has been submitted you will also be able to make further representations to Forest of Dean District Council who will take these into account before making their decision on the Planning Application.

You can keep up-to-date on progress using our dedicated website which provides further information and includes an online feedback form for making comments:

How do I comment?

You can respond by email:

[email protected] (using 'Tutshill A48' as the subject line)

or by post:

Your Views 'Tutshill A48' Gladman House Alexandria Way Congleton Cheshire CW12 1LB



Gladman consider all correspondence received and our response to the issues raised will be set out in a Statement of Community Involvement (SCI). As part of a planning application, Gladman submit to the Local Planning Authority a complete copy of all correspondence received (including any details such as you name, address and email where you have provided them). This ensures all your comments are available to the Council during the consideration of an application and shows who we have consulted. As the SCI forms part of the formal application documents, the Council may publish it online, subject to their own Data Protection policies. Should the application be the subject of an appeal, the same information will be forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate. If further consultation is carried out as part of the planning process, Gladman may use your details to make you aware of this and to ask for your views, but will not use this information for any other purpose. Gladman House, Alexandria Way, [email protected] Congleton, Cheshire, CW12 1LB