The election of George Weah to be the 24th marks a historic event in that country. Georg~ Weah, a former international football legend, replaced Africa's first elected female Head of State, , making it the first democratic transfer of power in more than 70 years from the time that President was replaced by President William Tubman

The "Country Giant", as he is popularly known, President Weah, aged 51 years old (born, 1 October 1966), had a humble beginning, having been raised in a slum in Liberia's capital, . As he said during his inauguration, he spent many years of his life in stadiums. So it is that he was first signed by Arsene Wenger from Cameroonian Club. Tonnerre Yaounde and made his Monaco debut in 1987. He then went on to play for AC Milan, Paris Saint-Germain, Chelsea and Manchester City-all top-flight European football clubs with large followings in this country. To crown his successes, he won both FIFA World Player of the Year and the prestigious Bailon D'Or in 1995, being the only African to have achieved that to date. In 1989, 1994 and 1995, he was also named the African Footballer of the Year, and in 1996, he was named African Player of the Century. President Weah first entered politics after his retirement from football in 2002. And in 2005, following the end of the second Liberian Civil War, he first ran for President, losing to Mrs. Sirleaf in an election run• off. After a number of failed attempts he won elected office as a Senator in 2014, becoming the first Liberian international athlete to represent a country in the Legislature. He was elected President of Liberia in the 2017 election, winning a run-off against Joseph Boakai who served as Vice-President under Mrs. Sirleaf, by more than 60% of the vote.

There is another ~aspect of President Weah's life and career worth mentioning. Citing his lack of formal education as a handicap to his ability to lead his country, though not a necessary requirement to become a President of Liberia or for a successful leadership, he accepted the challenge, graduating with a business administration degree from DeVry Universityin the .

President Weah comes to office at a time when the expectation of his people and country, as well as , Africa and the world as a whole, is all up to him. But the challenges are many. We wish him well. And in doing so we, the august House, must recollect his words spoken at his inauguration on 22 January 2018, words which resonate in West:

• I have spent many years of my life in stadiums, but today is a feeling like no other. I am overwhelmed with the crowd and the energy here today, and I guarantee you, when we finish, there will not be a winning or losing side. Today, we all wear the jersey of Liberia, and the victory belongs to the people, to peace, and to democracy.

• The tens of thousands of Liberians here today, and many more in our communities across the country who are listening gathered together around radios in the palava hut, it is to you we are responsible to deliver the change you deserve. Indeed, we must deliver the change that our people need in in order to transform their lives for the better .

• It will be my task, my duty, and my honor, to lead this nation from division to National Unity, and toward a future of hope and prosperity. I have here taken an oath before you, and the Almighty God, to uphold our constitution and to preside over this Government and this country to the best of my abilities. REST ASSURED, I WILL NOT LET YOU DOWNH


In conclusion, I wish to congratulate the people of Liberia and the President--CJLlt;;;;.€t in particular for this enviable democratic feat achieved and to use this opportunity to admonished the youth of this country to emulate H.E. the President Oppong Weah's example and be assured that irrespective of wherever you find yourself with, patience, humility, perseverance, dedication and respect you can achieve whatever you aspired to do in this world. THANKYOU!!!