A&M University System Texas Agricultural Research and Extension Center Beaumont, Texas June 2005 Volume V Number 4

st 31 Annual Rice Field Day at A field day favorite, Dr. Mo Way always the Eagle Lake Station has lots of good information about insect pests of rice. The 31st Annual Rice Field Day The evening meal and at the Eagle Lake Research Station program will follow the field will be held Tuesday June 28th start- tours and will begin around ing at 4:00 pm. The 65 acre facility 6:30 pm. The dinner is cour- is located on FM 102 between tesy of BU Growers, a lim- Eagle Lake and Columbus. ited partnership business With all the new varieties and specializing in seed rice pro- production technology, farmers and duction, drying & storage, other industry representatives are and rice brokering. Based in encouraged to come and learn the Bay City, the company has latest information in rice research sponsored the Eagle Lake from Texas A&M and USDA sci- and Beaumont field days entists. Field Day activities will since they opened for busi- begin with a tour of the research ness in 1989. knowledge regarding government plots on covered trailers to provide The evening program will fea- programs. some shade from the hot Texas sun. ture State Representative Robby Nathan Childs is a senior Speakers will include Dr. Garry Cook with an update on important economist with the USDA’s Eco- McCauley who will discuss man- water issues and legislation. Robby nomic Research Service, who spe- agement for the ratoon crop, in- is a fourth generation rice farmer, cializes in rice. He will provide an cluding main crop cutting height born and raised in Eagle Lake. Now update on the supply and produc- and methods to reduce stubble in his fourth term in the Texas tion stock levels. height. House, Robby has been a champion And of course, there will be Dr. Mike Chandler will share of Texas farmers. He served on the opportunities throughout the after- his research on aerial applications Joint Interim Committee on Water noon for producers to ask questions of Command herbicide as well as Resources, and has a clear under- of scientists conducting research at important considerations in red rice standing of critical water issues fac- the Eagle Lake Station. control systems. ing the state of Texas. Continuing Education Unit Dr. M.O. Way will discuss in- Ronald Gertson will present (CEU) hours will be given to those sect pests in both main and ratoon land leveling ideas and options to who participate in the field tour. crop and will also provide informa- make EQIP funding more benefi- Anyone interested in rice research tion on Icon seed treatment alter- cial. Ronald is a fourth generation and production is encouraged to at- natives. farmer, and part of a family part- tend. Mike Jund will give an over- nership in Wharton county. He has For more information contact view of fertility requirements and served on the Regional Water Plan- Coleen Meitzen at (979)234-3578 ratoon potential of both conven- ning Group for the Lower Colorado or Brandy Morace at (409)752- tional and hybrid varieties. River Authority and has extensive 2741 ext 2227.* From The final message that Judge Griffith left the au- dience with, following the June 18 ethanol meeting, the was that each of our producers should contact their Editor... Congressional representatives, asking them to support pending legislation supporting crop based ethanol pro- Welcome to the June Is- ductions. sue of Texas Rice. This is- It’s hard to believe we are in the final steps of pre- sue provides an overview of paring for next week’s 31st Eagle Lake Station Field conservation tillage and Day. The local arrangements committee has again done some of its benefits to farm- a superb job of lining up speakers and arranging the ers. Conservation tillage meal and evening program, and all of our scientists from a rice production perspective can make good are busily preparing. This year’s speakers for the Eagle business sense. Limited till rice farming, in particular, Lake Field Day tour will include Garry McCauley, has the advantage of providing a firm soil surface, Mike Chandler, Mo Way, and Mike Jund. Garry will which allows a producer to get equipment into the discuss his research on ratoon crop management, Mike fields earlier in the season. Except during extremely Chandler will discuss weed control using aerial appli- cool springs, early planting allows the crop to start cation of Command, Mo will discuss insect control growing sooner and begin to mature before the high and alternatives to using ICON, and Mike Jund will temperatures of late-July and August. High daytime provide an overview of main and ratoon crop fertil- and nighttime temperatures have a detrimental impact izer research for conventional varieties and hybrids. on rice growth, development, and yield. As tempera- The evening program will feature Robby Cook, Ron tures reach the high 80’s and low 90’s, the rice plant Gertson, and Nathan Childs. Robby will provide an begins to respire (breath) more quickly, in the process update on the current status of state legislation address- using a greater amount of energy to keep cool, result- ing water issues, Ron will discuss land leveling op- ing in less energy for production of the grain crop. tions and how to make EQIP funding work for our Previous research conducted at the Beaumont Center growers, and Nathan Childs will provide an update on shows a 300 to 500 lbs/ac disadvantage for every week U.S. rice stocks, prices, and global markets. Hope you a rice crop is planted after April 15. can attend the field tour, evening program, and dinner Limited till rice farming on most soils also reduces at the Eagle Lake Community Center. water loss from the soil surface, which means a pro- Keep sending us your suggestions for Texas Rice. ducer can plant into moisture, reducing the need for at least one early season flush and sometimes, two flushes. With increasing water and pumping costs, lim- Sincerely, ited tillage conservation farming makes good business sense for rice producers. This past Saturday night, I had the opportunity to L.T. Wilson attend a town hall meeting organized by Judge Carl Professor and Center Director Griffith, to discuss the potential for ethanol produc- Jack B. Wendt Endowed Chair tion in Southeast Texas. John Johnson, an attorney from in Rice Research Carl Griffith’s office, provided an informative presen- tation about the history of ethanol production in the Inside This Issue U.S., and current approved and pending federal and Cover Story: state legislation that could promote the production of Eagle Lake Rice Field Day ethanol from agricultural crops. During his presenta- Conservation Tillage ...... 3 tion, John described a proposed pilot study by research- National Conservation Tillage Awards ...... 6 ers from Lamar University and the Texas A&M Farmers Supporting Research ...... 7 University System, Agricultural Research and Exten- Rice Leadership Development Program ...... 8 sion Center at Beaumont, which, if funded, would de- Biomass to Ethanol Technology ...... 9 termine the economic feasibility of producing ethanol Rice Crop Update ...... 12 using sugarcane and rice. 2 Farming Rice a monthly guide for Texas growers

Providing useful and timely information to Texas rice growers, so they may increase productivity and profitability on their farms. Conservation Tillage Improves Soil, Water Quality and Dollars The term conservation tillage applies to any till- Ridge-till - The soil is left undisturbed from harvest age and planting system that leaves 30 percent or more to planting except for nutrient injection. Planting is of the soil surface with crop residue after planting. completed in a seedbed prepared on ridges with Conservation tillage has proven to be an extremely sweeps, disk openers, coulters, or row cleaners. Resi- efficient and effective tool for reducing erosion, pro- due is left on the surface between ridges. Weed con- tecting the quality of surface and ground water, and trol is accomplished with herbicides and/or cultivation. providing habitat for a variety of wildlife species. In Ridges are rebuilt during cultivation. addition, no-till farming has helped many growers Mulch-till - The soil is disturbed prior to planting. become more efficient and cost effective producers of Tillage tools such as chisels, field cultivators, disks, key commodities. And after several years in continu- sweeps or blades are used. Weed control is accom- ous no-till, the physical characteristics of most soils plished with herbicides and/or cultivation. improve. Zone-till and Strip-till - Although these are popular As more farmers take advantage of precision farm- terms in some areas, they are not official CTIC survey ing tools like yield monitors, variations in soils can be categories because they are considered modifications targeted and addressed. Conservation tillage, coupled of no-till, mulch-till or “other tillage types.” with a precise and systematic process for improving Other Tillage Types soil, will help ensure the farm fields of today realize Tillage and planting systems that may meet ero- the production levels required tomorrow. sion control goals with or without other supporting Each year, the Conservation Technology Informa- conservation practices where less than 30 percent crop tion Center (CTIC) compiles a national survey of till- residue left after planting. age practices by crops and acres planted. USDA Reduced-till - Tillage types that leave 15-30 percent Natural Resources Conservation Service field offices, residue cover after planting or 500 to 1,000 pounds soil and water conservation districts, and others gather per acre of small grain residue equivalent throughout data for the survey. the critical wind erosion period. The definitions used to gather the information are Conventional-till (intensive tillage) - Tillage types listed below. Year after year, these definitions assist in that leave less than 15 percent residue cover after plant- compiling comparable data to track national tillage ing, or less than 500 pounds per acre of small grain trends. residue equivalent throughout the critical wind ero- sion period. Generally involves plowing or intensive Tillage Systems Definitions tillage. No-till - The soil is left undisturbed from harvest to planting except for nutrient injection. Planting or drill- Benefits of Conservation Tillage ing is accomplished in a narrow seedbed or slot cre- Reduced labor requirements - No-till requires as little ated by coulters, row cleaners, disk openers, in-row as one trip for planting compared to two or more till- chisels or roto-tillers. Weed control is accomplished age operations plus planting for conventional tillage. primarily with herbicides. Cultivation may be used for Time savings - On a 500-acre farm, the time savings emergency weed control, when the herbicide program can be as great as 225 hours. has escapes or there are problems with perennial spe- Reduced machinery wear - Fewer trips save an esti- cies. mated $5 per acre on machinery wear and maintenance 3 Conservation Tillage continued...

costs. That’s a $2,560 savings on a 500-acre farm. Managing crop residue Fuel savings - Save an average 3.5 gallons an acre Ideally, crop residue management begins at har- compared to conventional tillage systems. vest with proper distribution of residue behind the com- Improved long-term productivity - The less you till, bine. It continues with subsequent residue cover the more carbon you keep in the soil to build organic measurements after each trip (fall or spring tillage op- matter and promote future productivity. Intensive till- erations) and finishes with measurements after plant- age speeds the breakdown of crop residues and the ing to ensure that desired levels are achieved. loss of organic matter. Between harvesting and planting operations, a large Higher soil moisture - Crop residues reduce water portion of residue cover may be lost from overwinter- evaporation from the top few inches of the soil. No- ing or from burial by tillage equipment for those not till can make as much as two additional inches of wa- using no-till systems. Because overwintering losses ter available for growing plants in late summer. are nearly impossible to control, crop residue man- Improved water infiltration - Crop residues act as agement strategies typically concentrate on limiting tiny dams to slow water runoff from the field, allow- tillage practices to maintain high levels of surface ing the water more time to soak into the soil. Infiltra- cover. tion is also increased by channels (macropores) created The amount of crop residue cover that remains be- by earthworms and old plant roots that are left intact. hind a combine depends primarily on type of crop and All help significantly to reduce or eliminate field run- crop yield. Row spacing can also influence cover but off. to a lesser degree than the crop grown. In nearly all Decreased soil compaction - Reduced weight and crop production systems, residue cover following har- horsepower requirements with no-till can help mini- vest is 70% or higher. Exceptions are crops where large mize compaction. Additional field traffic required by quantities of biomass are removed (corn silage), low intensive tillage breaks down the soil structure, pro- residue-producing crops (soybeans), or below-normal moting compaction. crop yields. Improved soil tilth - No-till increases soil particle Typically, there is little or no difference in residue aggregation (small soil clumps) which makes it easier cover remaining after harvest among varieties of a for water to move through the soil and allows plants given crop when yields are normal or above-normal. to use less energy to establish roots. More wildlife - Crop residues provide shelter and food Combine Adjustments and Accessories for wildlife, such as game birds and small animals. Wider combine headers and higher residue pro- Improved surface water quality - Crop residues help duction with new crop varieties are two reasons a well hold soil particles and associated nutrients and pesti- adjusted combine is critical to high-residue farming. cides on the field. On some sites, conservation tillage Without special attachments or modifications, com- can cut runoff rates in half, thus protecting lake, river, bine headers of 20-30 feet or more are not adequately and stream water quality. equipped to spread today’s larger volumes of residues Reduced soil erosion - Crop residues on the soil sur- uniformly. face reduce erosion by water and wind. Depending on Common Problems the amount of residues present, soil erosion can be re- The most common mistake made in the harvest- duced by up to 90% compared to an unprotected, in- ing operation is to allow crop residue to accumulate in tensively tilled field. windrows behind the combine. This accumulation Reduced release of carbon gases - Less tillage keeps causes the soil under the windrows to stay wetter and naturally occurring carbon in the soil for use as or- cooler which can limit early season plant growth. Plant- ganic matter. Intensive tillage releases soil carbon into ing into windrows can result in uneven stands because the atmosphere as carbon dioxide where it can com- the seeds take longer to germinate and grow, resulting bine with other gases to contribute to global warming. in significant yield reductions. Reduced air pollution - Crop residues reduce wind Other problems associated with improper combine erosion and the amount of dust in the air. Lower horse- residue distribution include unsatisfactory weed con- 4 Conservation Tillage continued... trol from herbicide interception, poor performance of Two Examples in Rice planters and tillage implements, increased demands Curtis, Joe and Rodney Mowery of Rosharon have on planter equipment, poor seed-to-soil contact (usu- a diverse farming operation of rice, soybeans, corn, ally from “hairpinning” of residue into the seed row), sorghum and occasioinally wheat. They have acreage excessive residue lying directly over the seed furrow in a corn/sorghum/soybean rotation that has not had resulting in an allelopathic effect (natural chemicals any tillage in 7 years. or toxins from related plant types that could inhibit For their rice/soybean rotation, they practice a germination or growth), increased pest infestation, in- minimum-till regime.After the year in rice, they disk creased weed seed concentration, and poor plant nu- in the spring to level the fields and smooth out the trient uptake (from fertilizer tie-up or interception). ruts. Group IV soybeans are planted in early March To avoid these problems, make sure you always check for harvest in August when we generally have dry residue distribution patterns of newly purchased com- weather. When harvesting the beans, they use a chop- bines. per and chaff spreader to make sure the residue is Straw and Chaff Spreaders evenly distributed. A straw spreader uses rotating blades or rubber Later in the fall, P and K are added and the ditches batts to throw or deflect whole pieces of crop residue. are cut to facilitate good drainage through the winter. While the spreader typically distributes the residue They use a burndown herbicide in October and Janu- more uniformly, the straw chopper can provide more ary to keep the fields clean. In early March, the rice is residue cover, since it chops the residue into small planted into the soybean residue using a John Deere pieces before spreading. 1560 No-Till drill. A chaff spreader is effective in handling fine ma- Steve Devillier and Ford Frost have benefited from terials-primarily from harvest of small grains or soy- their partnership in a rice/cattle operation for over 20 beans. Chaff makes up nearly half of the harvested years. Some years back, they began to integrate re- materials of some crops. It does not usually reach the duced tillage methods as a way to maximize land re- straw spreader or straw chopper because it drops to sources and reduce inputs. the ground from the combine sieves. Utilizing a 3-year rotation (rice-cattle-cattle), this The most commonly used chaff-spreading attach- is how their system works. After the first crop of rice ments are hydraulically driven single or dual spinning is harvested, Steve plants rye grass into the rice stubble disks that have rubber batts attached. Generally, dual using an air seeder. This insures that the rye seed makes spreaders are more effective for wider headers. good contact with the soil for proper gemination. The However, growers must be careful not to overcor- cattle are moved into the field in the fall, taking ad- rect for windrowing problems. For example, spread- vantage of the lush winter growth, which reduce feed ers may be set to spread the crop material too far, which inputs. simply creates windrows outside the harvested swath. After two years in rye/cattle, the animals are re- Residue Decomposition moved in late summer, and Steve goes over the field Rainfall, higher temperatures, fall tillage or knifed- with light disking to smooth out the ruts left by the in fertilizer applications can all speed the decomposi- cattle. This year they plan to try using an airway aera- tion of crop residues between harvest and planting. tor, which will accomplish the same as disking, while Breakdown rate also depends on the type of crop. Non- leaving more of the residue on the surface. To com- fragile crops like corn leave residues that are tougher plete the cycle, the field is drill-seeded back to rice the to breakdown than soybean residues. Time is also a following spring. Steve says the system helps reduce factor in the decomposition of residue. A summer-har- weed pressure in the fields and improves the soil prop- vested crop has more time to decompose than a fall- erties, making a better seedbed for rice. harvested crop. As long as adequate moisture is available, decom- Information for this article was taken from a booklet on position can occur when temperatures are above 50 conservation tillage published by the CTIC. To download a degrees Fahrenheit (10ºC). complete copy go to http://www.ctic.purdue.edu/Core4/CT/ Checklist/Checklist.html 5 Farmer, Scientist Win National Conservation Tillage Awards

A Poinsett County farmer and a University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture scientist received the Rice Farmer of the Year and Rice Researcher of the Year awards at the National Conservation Tillage Cot- ton and Rice Conference Jan. 13-14 in Houston. The awards were presented to Scott Matthews of Weiner and Dr. Merle Anders, Assistant Professor of crop, soil, and environmental sci- ences, based at the Division of Agriculture’s Rice Research and Ex- Dr. Merle Anders shows stubble in a no-till rice research plot. He has found that reduced tillage to prepare the seedbed makes the clay pan under the topsoil less resis- tension Center near Stuttgart. The tant to root penetration by soybeans that are often planted in rotation with rice. annual conference provides a forum for researchers, crop consultants and farmers to share rutting, which often requires using tillage equipment information about conservation tillage. to prepare the seedbed for the next planting. Anders has been conducting a long-term rotation Matthews sometimes has to work rutted fields in study since 2000, comparing conventional tillage and the fall, but, he said, “I don’t remember the last time I no-till systems in rice, soybeans, corn and wheat in worked a field in the spring.” collaboration with other scientists and organizations. Conservation tillage encompasses the three levels “We see a significant reduction in runoff of soil of minimum-till, which includes using equipment for and phosphorus from the no-till treatments,” Anders minimal preparation of a seedbed in the spring; con- said. He also cited benefits such as: till, which involves working land after harvest but not •less clay-pan resistance to root penetration, in the spring; and no-till. “No-till works the best for which helps soybeans that follow the rice crop; me,” Matthews said, “but every farmer should match • no soil crusting after heavy rain, which saves the system to his ground.” Keeping tillage equipment water normally used to flush a field when soil is crusted parked allows major savings in fuel, labor and repairs, over before seedlings emerge; and he said. Matthews said he is very pleased with the • increased organic nitrogen uptake, which sug- yields from his no-till system, especially in soybeans. gests the potential to reduce nitrogen inputs. And he has reduced watering of his soybeans, which No-till systems are widely used in cotton and soy- are all irrigated, from three or four using conventional beans, but have been slow to catch on in rice, Anders tillage to one or two with no-till. said. Matthews said he uses no-till exclusively, when Matthews’ advice for other farmers who want to possible, on his 1,150 acres, which are all in a rice and try a conservation tillage system is to match the sys- soybean crop rotation. tem to their soils, and, “I would stress, use the new “The bottom line is that no-till saves time, labor, technology.” He said he is looking into precision sys- equipment repairs, fuel and water,” Matthews said. tems that use Global Positioning System (GPS) tech- “Early is what makes it go for me,” Matthews said. “I nology as the next innovation in his operation. am very aggressive in using new, earlier varieties and For more information contact Merle Anders, Ar- other technology.” kansas Rice Research & Extension Center, 870-673- By early planting of varieties that mature early, 2661.* Matthews hopes each year to harvest beans and rice Excerpted from an article by Howell Medders, before fall rains begin. Combines in wet fields cause UARK Communication Services 6 Farmers Supporting Research

Through farmer check-off dollars, the Texas Rice Research Foundation has pro- vided nearly $600,000 for research in 2005. This is the second in a two part article sum- marizing the projects funded.

Establishment of Puerto Rico Winter Nursery for Generation Advance and The Texas Rice Research Foundation Board is made up of farmers and industry Seed Increase - Anna McClung, Rodante representatives who volunteer countless hours to insure that check-off funds Tabien - $37,580 are spent responsibly. Although greenhouses are available to U.S. rice breeders, one season field planting limit gen- Monty Jones, one of the key scientists responsible for eration advance, selection and seed increase of impor- this work. To determine whether similar crosses could tant materials. Winter nurseries speed up these play an important role in increasing the competitive processes, eventually shortening the duration of vari- position of the Texas rice industry, we are thus begin- etal release. The project aims to establish winter nurs- ning to make crosses with O. glaberrima or existing eries composed of 9,000 elite lines selected from glaberrima/sativa lines and to set up anther culture summer plantings in Beaumont. technology needed to overcome F1 sterility.

Cost Effective Application of Biotechnology to the Evaluate Four PGRs to Enhance Ratoon Texas Rice Industry - William Park, Rodante Tiller Number - Lee Tarpley - $47,481 Tabien, Ted Wilson - $46,927 Evaluate gibberellin applied during grain filling This project has two goals. First, in collaboration to stimulate ratoon tiller earliness. Identify how high with Ted Wilson, we are further examining transgenic night temperatures depress yield. Evaluate PGRs to Cypress over-expressing the gene for cytosolic alleviate this and other environmental stress effects. glutamine synthetase from alfalfa. This gene plays a Identify seed treatments that promote optimal early key role in nitrogen assimilation and translocation and growth in cool soil. there is evidence from work in other species that it may lead to a significant increases in yield. Evaluation of New Rice Varieties, Herbicide Plants are being grown under both greenhouse and Resistant Varieties, and Hybrids for Main and field conditions and yield will be directly examined. Ratoon Crop Production in Texas - Fred Turner, Cell lines over-expressing this same gene are known Mike Jund - $40,000 to have significant levels of tolerance to herbicide This research identifies the weak and strong points “Liberty”, thus these plants will also be tested for her- of potential or released varieties and hybrids from uni- bicide tolerance. versity, USDA, and private breeding programs in Ar- The second goal, in collaboration with Rodante kansas, , , and Texas. The Tabien, is directed toward developing the technology eighteen entries in this year’s test will be evaluated for wide crosses with the African rice species for various agronomic traits, including main and ra- Crosses between O. glaberrima and O. sativa are toon yield response to fungicide under intense N man- technically difficult because of sterility barriers, but agement. some of the resulting progeny have much higher yield than either parent. Such crosses have already had a Insect Control in the Texas Rice Belt - M.O. Way - dramatic effect on rice production in - as indi- $59,287 cated by the 2004 World Food Prize awarded to Dr. The entomology project will conduct multiple stud- 7 TRRF Funding continued... Rice Leadership Development ies in 2005 both at the Beaumont Center and at the Program Now Taking Applications Eagle Lake Station. The project will evaluate seed treatments to replace Icon 6.2FS for rice water weevil STUTTGART, AR. - The Rice Foundation is accept- control; conduct third year planting date study to de- ing applications for the 2006 Leadership Development termine cost benefit of controlling rice water weevil; Program. Rice producers or industry-related profes- evaluate Prolex, Mustang Max and Intrepid 25 for stem sionals between the ages of 25 and 45 are eligible to borer control; begin developing economic thresholds apply for the Program. The application deadline is for stem borers; monitor spread of Mexican rice borer October 1. in the Texas rice belt; survey Texas rice belt for South The Rice Leadership Development Program gives American rice miner; complete studies to develop future leaders a comprehensive understanding of the easier and more efficient sampling method for rice stink rice industry, with an emphasis on personal develop- bug; evaluate residual activity of insecticides and ad- ment and communication skills. The class attends four juvants for rice stink bug control; begin developing one-week sessions over a two-year period that en- relationship between number of rice stink bug appli- compasses studies of all aspects of the rice industry cations and rice grade; and begin revising economic through firsthand observations. thresholds for rice stink bug. A special committee of rice industry and The entomology project will extend results of agribusiness leaders evaluate applications, letters of above research to clientele via one-on-one discussions, recommendation, as well as conduct personal inter- ‘levee’ meetings, field days, winter extension meet- views to determine the five rice producers and two ings, Rice Production Update, Rice Production Guide- individuals from rice-industry related professions who lines, Texas Rice and other extension-type publications. will make up the Rice Leadership Development Class. Information also will be placed on the Beaumont Cen- This class will have their first session in the spring ter Website. of 2006 when they will visit Texas and Louisiana. They will receive an orientation to industry and organiza- Personnel Support - Eagle Lake Station - $60,000 tional structures; learn organizational leadership and The TRRF Board continues to supply significant effectiveness skills; and tour rice production, milling, support towards staffing at the Eagle Lake Station. The research, promotion, and marketing facilities in the money funds two full time technician positions, which Gulf Coast rice-growing areas. support both Eagle Lake and Beaumont Center scien- Session II will take place in Arkansas and the tists. Midwest in late June 2006. The class will observe and discuss area rice production, milling, marketing and research; improve their communication skills - busi- ness etiquette, public speaking and media training; Rice Field Days and observe the rice futures market at the Chicago June 28: Texas A&M Research Station, Board of Trade. Eagle Lake, 4pm In September of 2007, Session III will be in Cali- fornia, where the class will discuss agricultural and environmental issues unique to that state. They will June 30: LSU AgCenter, also observe rice production, harvesting, milling; and Crowley, 7:30am learn about marketing and research. The class will finish up in Washington, DC where July 7: Garrett Farms, they will discuss industry issues with regulatory and Danbury, 3pm governmental agencies; and have bipartisan discus- sions with key legislative contacts. Go to http://www.usarice.com/industry/communi- July 14: Texas A&M Research Center, cation/leadership.html for more information. Beaumont, 8am *

8 Biomass-To-Ethanol Technology Could Help Replace Half Of Auto Fuel In U.S.

Half the automotive fuel in the could ethanol production by converting celluloic waste into be replaced with ethanol from renewable agricultural fuel ethanol, more than doubling current ethanol pro- crops, forest wastes and energy crops, says a Univer- duction. sity of Florida researcher who has developed a bio- Ingram, who is Director of the Florida Center for technology “bug” that converts biomass and other farm Renewable Chemicals and Fuels at UF, cited a recent wastes into fuel. report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture and “We can reduce our dependence on imported oil DOE that indicates more than one billion tons of bio- and lower the price of automotive fuel by reformulat- mass can be produced on a sustainable basis each year. ing our gasoline with ethanol derived from inexpen- Converting this to fuel ethanol could replace half of sive farm wastes,” said Lonnie Ingram, a professor of all imported petroleum in the United States. microbiology with UF’s Institute of Food and Agri- A member of the National Academy of Sciences, cultural Sciences. Ingram said he genetically engineered the E. coli or- His breakthrough technology — a genetically en- ganisms by cloning the unique genes needed to direct gineered E. coli bacteria — produces fuel ethanol from the digestion of sugars into ethanol, the same pathway farm wastes such as corn stems, cobs and leaves. A found in yeast and higher plants. These genes were related technology can be used to produce biodegrad- inserted into a variety of bacteria that have the ability able plastics from biomass. to use all sugars found in plant material, but normally “With the cost of imported oil reaching record produce a worthless mixture of acetic and lactic acids highs, we can use this new technology to produce etha- as fermentation products. With the ethanol genes, the nol for about $1.30 a gallon,” he said. “Ethanol will engineered bacteria produce ethanol from biomass stretch the nation’s fuel supply and make gasoline burn sugars with 90 to 95 percent efficiency. more cleanly. Gasoline-ethanol blends also boost the “Until we developed this new technology, the octane rating of automotive fuel.” chemical makeup of biomass prevented it from being Ingram, who was invited to present a briefing about used to make ethanol economically,” Ingram said. the technology to the staff and members of Congress “Biomass is a much cheaper source of ethanol than in April, says his genetically engineered E. coli bacte- traditional feedstocks such as cornstarch and cane ria is capable of converting all sugar types found in syrup, but the cost of processing is higher.” plant cell walls into fuel ethanol. Ingram’s organism Greg Luli, vice president of research for BC produces a high yield of ethanol from biomass such as International’s laboratory at the Sid Martin Biotech- sugarcane residues, rice hulls, forestry and wood nology Center in Alachua, Fla., said the firm plans to wastes and other organic materials. build a 30- million-gallon biomass- to-ethanol plant The bioconversion technology, selected by the U.S. in Jennings, La. The plant’s technology and process Department of Commerce to become Landmark Patent will be based upon Ingram’s genetically engineered No. 5,000,000, is being commercialized with assis- bacteria. tance from the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). BC “The facility, expected to be operational by the end International Corp., based in Dedham, Mass., holds of 2006, will convert organic waste into ethanol,” Luli exclusive rights to use and license the UF-engineered said. “Waste from the sugarcane industry in Louisiana bacteria. will serve as the plant’s main feedstock.” Until now, all of the world’s fuel ethanol has been “Energy independence is important to Florida and produced from high-value materials such as cornstarch the nation, and it should be a 10-year national goal,” and cane syrup using yeast fermentations. In 2005, Ingram said. “Energy independence should be the more than 4.5 billion gallons of fuel ethanol will be ‘moonshot’ of our generation.” * manufactured from cornstarch and used as automo- Excerpted from an article by Chuck Woods tive fuel. He said his technology will further expand Source: Lonnie Ingram (352) 392-8176

9 Gasoline Additives Explained County Judge Proactive Over Ethanol Funding MTBE (methyl tertiary-butyl ether) has a chemical attraction to the water molecule and in- Jefferson County Judge Carl Griffith organized a creases the solubility of other, harmful components meeting with area farmers to discuss a strategy for of gasoline. Because of this, MTBE often ends up securing funding in the Energy Bill that will bring etha- in drinking water, especially in cases where oil stor- nol production to Southeast Texas. The following is age tanks leak near populated areas, and may make taken from a policy paper released by his office in early contamination by other compounds more likely. June. MTBE biodegrades very slowly, remaining in wa- ter for decades and has been labeled a “potential GOAL: To bring ethanol production to Southeast human carcinogen” by the Environmental Protec- Texas using crops grown in the as a feedstock, tion Agency. for manufacture of ETBE as a replacement for MTBE. Ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) is produced This effort will reinvigorate agriculture production in by mixing ethanol and isobuylene and reacting with Southeast Texas, while also providing a conversion them with heat over a catalyst. ETBE offers the option for MTBE producers in the region. same or even greater air quality benefits as etha- WHAT IS NEEDED: Assistance from Senators nol, without some of the technical and logistic chal- Cornyn and Hutchison to offer an amendment to the lenges that face the alcohol. ETBE is approximately pending Energy bill to fund a feasibility/demonstra- 42% ethanol. tion/pilot ethanol production project using rice, Like ethanol, ETBE reduces air pollution, in- sugarcane, sorghum or other crops as a feedstock. Note creases gasoline octane and can help reduce the im- that Sec. 207 of the pending bill is specific to sugar- portation of crude oil into the U.S. One of the cane. While it lists Texas among the eligible states, its logistic challenges that has hampered ethanol his- limitation to sugarcane restricts the ability to use rice, torically is its inability to be shipped in the U.S. sorghum and other crops. We support the efforts of pipeline system. Because ethanol is likely to pick- the sugarcane producers and would not want to see up any water or other contaminants left in the line, Sec. 207 changed in such a way as to diminish their it has been confined to transportation by truck, barge efforts. Ideally, we would explore the feasibility of or rail. This is not the case with ETBE. ETBE can a single facility utilizing all of these feedstocks. Per- be blended into the final gasoline right in the refin- haps Sec. 209 could be amended at Sec. (c)(1) to in- ery and then shipped to its point of sale through the clude rice and other grains that have not been studied traditional transportation pipeline. as an ethanol feedstock, as well as cellulosic material, Another plus for ETBE is its lower vapor pres- and provide that one of the projects be done in Jefferson sure - or evaporative properties. When ethanol is or Chambers County. blended with gasoline, it makes the fuel evaporate IMPACT: The Reformulated Gasoline (RFG) and more quickly, which is a concern when air quality Oxygenated Fuels programs of the Clean Air Act re- is considered. By converting the ethanol into ETBE, quire the addition of oxygenates to fuels. The two this issue is eliminated. In fact, ETBE can actually most common oxygenates are ethanol and methyl ter- cause a slight reduction in the overall volatility of tiary butyl ether (MTBE). Ethanol produced in South- gasoline. east Texas could be used in the region’s refineries to There are two basic types of facilities that can produce ETBE. The facilities are currently refining produce ETBE; a small plant based in a refinery MTBE. As momentum builds for the phase-out of that produces ETBE only for the gasoline it pro- MTBE as an additive, these facilities and their duces, or larger “merchant” plants that produce workforces are threatened. With liability protections ETBE for resale. Currently there is no real ETBE and conversion incentives, they have expressed inter- production in the U.S., but virtually all of the ex- est in conversion to ETBE. This approach would re- isting MTBE plants have the ability to switch to invigorate agriculture in Southeast Texas and ETBE production. ETBE is used much more in elsewhere, while also addressing the MTBE issue.* . * 10 State, National and International News... Alternative Fuels Take growth opportunities for traditional would allow companies like Spotlight In Energy Bill ethanol, cellulosic ethanol technol- ExxonMobil, ConocoPhillips and Makers and users of various al- ogy (see article on page 9) and Lyondell Chemical Co. to duck li- ternative, home-grown fuels are biodiesel,” he said. ability and stick communities with anxiously awaiting passage of a A comprehensive energy bill the cleanup bill. proposed energy bill, which is has been delayed in the U.S. Sen- From www.planetark.com channeling its way through Con- ate because of debate over the cost gress. In late May, the Senate En- of the legislation, in addition to the Climate-Friendly Farming ergy and Natural Resources provision that permits oil drilling Reducing greenhouse gases Committee approved a comprehen- in the National Wildlife Ref- from agriculture is the goal of Cli- sive energy bill — legislation that uge. Final legislation is expected to mate Friendly Farming, a five-year the Senate leaders say could be cost more than $8 billion. cooperative project involving the brought before the full Senate floor The recent spike in gasoline Agricultural Research Service and in the very near future. prices has enhanced the national Washington State University. Also in May, the Senate interest in becoming more depen- Agriculture accounts for 7 per- adopted a measure in the version dent on energy sources other than cent of all U.S. greenhouse gases. of its bill that calls for an 8-billion traditional crude oil, as well as de- For example, cows release methane gallon renewable fuels standard by pending less on fuel from overseas while digesting food; applying ni- 2012, (as recommended by the countries. trogen-based fertilizers leads to ni- Governor’s Ethanol Coalition re- Of the 20 million barrels of trous oxide emissions; and tilling port published in April 2005). That crude oil the United States con- speeds the breakdown of soil or- amount is significantly higher than sumes daily — one-quarter of glo- ganic matter, releasing carbon di- the $5-billion fuel standard called bal consumption — 65 percent is oxide into the atmosphere. for in the House of Representative’s imported. Agriculture can have positive version of the bill, which passed Excerpted from an article effects, too. Modifying farm prac- last month. by Andrew Bell, Farm Press Daily tices can preempt the formation and But two senators, Democrat release of gases. For example, in- Tim Johnson of South Dakota and MTBE Lawsuit Costs and stead of tilling, a farmer might Republican Jim Talent of , Energy Bill Debate adopt direct seeding, a practice that both on the Energy Committee, Powerful House Republicans, leaves organic matter relatively un- expressed confidence that a final including Majority Leader Tom disturbed and increases soil carbon bill would outline standards closer DeLay and Rep. Joe Barton of storage, according to ARS soil sci- to the Senate’s version. Johnson Texas, want to revive an energy bill entists Dave Huggins. noted that the production of etha- including a provision to protect oil Huggins is designing novel nol, which currently amounts to the companies and other MTBE mak- cropping systems that avoid dis- largest percent of renewable do- ers from defective product lawsuits, turbing the soil. Two examples are mestic energy, peaked in 2004 at meaning they could not be sued conventional and organic direct- 3.45 billion gallons. “I do expect simply for manufacturing MTBE. seeding, and perennial cropping an energy bill to pass in the Senate They contend that the Clean Air systems. He's also integrating glo- this time around,” Johnson said. Act required refiners to use addi- bal positioning and geographical Bob Stallman, president of the tives like MTBE to reduce ozone, information systems to devise new American Farm Bureau Federation, and refiners should not be punished methods of applying and using ni- said the standard “raises the bar.” for following the law. trogen fertilizer that will mitigate “If enacted, an 8-billion-gallon re- Moderate Republicans and greenhouse gas emissions. newable fuels standard would not many Democrats in the Senate ve- Excerpted from an article by Jan Suszkiw only benefit the environment, but hemently oppose the liability shield ARS News Service also provide substantial market as a get-out-of-jail free card that 11 2007 Farm Bill Forums Rice Crop Update Agriculture Secretary Mike Johanns announced As of June 17, 94% of the Texas rice crop was in the first Farm Bill Forum and the topics on which the permanent flood, well ahead of last year, but slightly USDA will be seeking input from America’s farmers, behind 2003. PD was reached on 61% of the crop, ranchers and rural residents regarding the development 10 points ahead of 2004, and slightly behind 2003. of the 2007 Farm Bill. The first Farm Bill Forum will Heading was at 4% of the total crop, well behind the be held in Nashville, TN on July 7 from 6:00 to 10:00 three previous years. p.m. CDT at RFD-TV Northstar Studios. Permanent Flood Johanns noted in his remarks that he was approach- 100% ing the Farm Bill Forums with an open mind. Through- 80% out 2005, Johanns and other senior USDA officials 27-May will participate in the Farm Bill Forums that will be 60% 3-Jun held across the country. The forums will be announced 40% 10-Jun 17-Jun as they are scheduled and be available on the USDA 20% website at www.usda.gov/farmbill. Six topics have been identified to provide a frame- 0% work for the forums: 1. How should farm policy be 2002 2003 2004 2005 designed to maximize U.S. competitiveness and our PD country’s ability to effectively compete in global mar- 100% kets? 2. How should farm policy address any unin- 80% 20-May tended consequences and ensure that such 60% 27-May consequences do not discourage new farmers and the 3-Jun next generation of farmers from entering production 40% 10-Jun agriculture? 3. How should farm policy be designed 20% 17-Jun to effectively and fairly distribute assistance to pro- 0% ducers? 4. How can farm policy best achieve conser- 2002 2003 2004 2005 vation and environmental goals? 5. How can Federal Headed rural and farm programs provide effective assistance 40% in rural areas? 6. How should agricultural product 30% development, marketing and research-related issues be 3-Jun addressed in the next farm bill? 20% 10-Jun USDA will review the public comments received 17-Jun by December 30, 2005, including any analyses, reports, 10% studies and other material submitted with the com- 0% ments that address the six questions. * 2002 2003 2004 2005 Professor and Center Director: L.T. (Ted) Wilson [email protected] Texas A&M University System NONPROFIT Ag Communications Specialist: Jay Cockrell Agricultural Research and Extension Center ORG. [email protected] 1509 Aggie Dr. U.S. POSTAGE PAID Texas A&M University System Agricultural Beaumont, TX 77713 Research and Extension Center BEAUMONT, TX 1509 Aggie Drive, Beaumont, TX 77713 PERMIT NO. 367 (409)752-2741 Access back issues of Texas Rice at http://beaumont.tamu.edu Texas Rice is published 9 times a year by The Texas A&M University System Research and Extension Center at Beaumont. Interviews, writing and layout by Jay Cockrell. Editing by Ted Wilson, Jay Cockrell and Brandy Morace, with additional support by Jim Medley. Information is taken from sources believed to be reliable, but we cannot guarantee accuracy or completeness. Suggestions, story ideas and comments are encouraged.