Official Publication of the Ravenna Ordnance Plant of Ohio, Volume 2

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Official Publication of the Ravenna Ordnance Plant of Ohio, Volume 2 EMPLOYEE TRAINING 1 .f> ~ Organized to Better Prepare the Individual to Produce ~ I p Maximum Results in This 1-/our of Emergency .... R A V E N N A 0 R D N A N c E L A N T Volume 2---------------- JANUARY, 1942 ----------------------------Number I By F. L. Woodbridge colleges and unive rsities. Supervisor, Foremen and Employee Training All those employed for the Fuze and Booster Lines wi ll be given t raining in the assembly of parts under work ing conditions. This train­ Institution of an employee training program at the Ravenna Ord­ ing is amplified by the showing of moving picture fiims of t he various nance Plant is now under way. A ll supervisors, foremen, and trainers operations. A part of this program is d evoted to the careful st udy of take the Job Instructor's Training Course, as outlined by the 0. P. M. the Safe ty Manual. Weekly foremen 's conferences are being scheduled. In the En gineering Department, a series of courses is being outlined In preparation for these conferences, a " Conference Leadership to prepare those already employed for up-grading in the various de­ Institute" was recently conducted at the Administration Building by partments. These courses wi ll cover shop mat h, shop practice, and Dr. R. D. Bundy of Cleveland, Industrial Coordinator of the Cleveland kindred subjects. Board of Education, and Pane l Member of the Training Within Industry Division of the 0. P. M. Me n who attended the Institute were instructed Th ese courses are the initial steps of a program, wide in its range in the fundamentals of leading conferences. Additio nal courses in a nd organized to better prepare the individual to produce maximum adul t education are being arranged through the cooperation of near-by results in this hour of emergency. Men who attended the "Conference Leader­ Russell Shaw, Jack Branch, Marshall Popelka, Aery, Edward Sanders, and Enoch Vaughan. -Not pictured are Robert Mumm, Vaughn McCloskey, ship Institute," conducted by Dr. R. D. Bundy Dr. Bundy, Edgar Luerich, Ro bert Wynes, John Ralph Heister, Herbert Anderson, Robert are left to right , Frank Strahl, Walter Carr, Finch, Jack Taliaferro, Thomas Brant, Ernest Wehrung, Edward Lofberg, and Max Smart. PAGES 6·7 Charles Graeff, Pat Blamire, Robert Finn, Sentman, Charles Hirsch, Fred Verigan, Vincent FOR 'lOUR NEAL TN ~ PROTECTION .• • Page 2 ROP January, 1942 January, 1942 R 0 P Page 11 is done by turning a knob at the bottom ~il~ of t he box. ~- RIIP ~ -- I .. v I .... 0 I 0 .... .. ' I ' , ' .... I I ~ I The box can be used by Headquarters to summon a guard, or sound a general Official publication of the Ravenna Ordnance Plant, Ravenna, Ohio emergency. Operator in the cont rol room can set the light flicker in opera­ J. C. Donna! . Director of Industrial Relations tion and , if this is not enough to attract the attention of a nearby guard, he ...... Editor Paul A. Ryan . may sound a siren concealed in the box• Mrs. Betty Rowley . Assistant Signa l boxes will be installed in all areas. Division• Editors Evelyn Horne... ... -·---·-·---·--··-··-·-· .. Administrative John Bjorkman ___ _ ·····-·-·-··-----··-·-----·----·------ ... Sports tfJ.~UJm- (!}wz. ReaJ.eM. Miss June Bird ______ ____ _____ ~ War Department _ __ __ _ Trinidad, B. W. I. ~is~ixL~is _ Bo-~~-" ::: ~ Fred Kellogg ... ____ -··--·- --·---·---·--- .......... Commissary Dec. I I, 1941 Miss Colette Corriga "··------·-·---·---·----- Purchasing Mr. Paul A. Ryan Edward R. Sanders... _____ Fuze and Booster Lines Miss Bern ice Hunter........ ····-·-·-···-Transportation Dear Sir: Miss Elizabeth Sherrer____ ..... Control Laboratory Here are a few oddities from Trinidad, from D. S. Long ........ Pianning and Production Control a former F. A. Pease Engineering employee. Mrs. Ethel Besse.·-·-··-··---··--· _______ _____ Medical I worked at the arsenal from October I 0, 1940, Miss Betty Valentine .. .. Accounting till Sept. 23 , 1941, at wh ich time I left there Robert Stockdale ····-··- } Protection to work on t he air base in Trinidad. I hope Jack K~ you'll find some of this in teresting e nough to o./ tits KEYS Dick Loyer __ ____ _ .. Industria l Relations publish in "R.O.P." wh ic h some of my friends A couple of "key" men a t the Ra venna Ordnance Pl a nt James O'Lear .. ............ Load Line I are thoughtful enough to send me, way d own whom no o ne hears much about are J ohn Bechdel a nd Miss D. M. Steel .. ........ Engineering here in the tropics. Joseph Posedly, address Bu ild ing EE- 156. They a re " the keepers of t he keys." Frank Lukas .... ········--·-·- ... ·--··-·-· ~ The natives a re usually too poor to buy H ube Briers----·-- ------·----·------·---· --· Photographers a coffin to bury their deceased, so they rent ( Bechdel, who has had five years' experience in settlin g Harley Walters.. ······-·--·-··-·---·-- one. The rented one is used throughout the " key" sit uat io ns, cla ims that he can open any lock on the ~2 entire ceremony but the corpse is finally re­ Reserva tion. He ought to, for he has I 0,000 keys of a ll moved in t he cemetery and a wooden box used sizes a nd shapes to choose from. for the actual burial. A key to every buil d ing in the Plant a nd Depot can be We, The People Trinidadians buy their new c lothin g for fo und at the key house. If you lose a key, a new o ne W e, the people of the United Christmas instead of Easter. The day after c a n be made in a few mi nutes. If you're in a hurry, lnstallatton of a police and ftre o~gnal Christmas is a bigger holiday than C hristmas, they'l l a llow you to use their most carefully-guarded treasure, States, in order to form a more a master ke y t hat wil l open a ny lock. box in front of the Hospital marks an­ and everyone goes to the ra ces to show off perfect union, establish justice, other ,tep toward providing fool- proof his new "duds", like Americans d o o n Ea ster. Aside from their key-keeping duties, Bechde l and insure domestic tranquility, pro­ Posedly repa ir locks, cylinders, or use their influence on facilities to cope with any emergenc.y. When a na tive is injured he says " I am stubborn tumb lers, revolvin g p lugs, or bo lts. vide for the common defense, damaged." When he means soon he says Bechdel a nd Posedly ha ve no morale proble m. It's e asy promote the general welfare, Th"' signal box is for the u ,e of any "just now." "Soon" means tomorrow. The to keep "keyed up." and secure the blessings of lib­ one. When the door opens, a light on date is written with the day first t hen the erty to ourselves and our poster­ top of an attached aerial and anothet in month and yea r. Bankers hours are from 8:00 the office of the central control room at a. m. unti l noon every day. A ll stores close ity, do ordain and establish this at noon Saturday. Carpenters saw away Guard Headquarters begins to flash Constitution for the United instead of towards themselves. A ll traffic States of America. This is an indication that the sy~tem is drives on the left side of the road. " No entry" Procurement Fuse and Booster in opera+ on and that you may converse means o ne way traffic. "Stick no b ills" means These famous words, the preamble of Our greetings are extended to the Mr. and Mrs. Max Smart celebrated wtth Guard Headquarters or with an post no bills. Tea is breakfast , breakfast is ~u c:ffiKemorium o ur Constitution, were written more following newcomers in this Depart­ t he New Year by moving from Kent to other box. If the light does not flash, t he noon meal and the evening meal is dinner. than 150 years ago, yet today hold full ment : L. Derrell Ake, Philip Hutchison, C. Denny, father of C. R. an attractive home at Twin Lakes. the telephone system is out of order One of the chief in dust ries is the manu­ meaning for these United States of Charles W. Wakefield, and Roxanna Denny, railroad conductor, died but you may use radio facilities. This facture of rum, and surely the chief pastime * * * drinking it. The native laborers are trans­ Zidan, a ll in the Expediting Division; in Mansfield, on December 26. America. Ed Luerich and his assistants are con­ ported to work in stake body trucks and look and Janice Green in the Stenographic By warring a nd conquering our self­ Coca Cola bottles on a Coca Adam Griggy, father of G. d ucting classes of Fuze Line employees provide for t he common defense. An exactly like Division. asserting enemies, we will eject servi­ Cola truck. Can you imagine going swim ming E. Griggy, railroad foreman, through the int ricacies of fuze produc­ end less stream of ammunition, guns, ,! * * * tude and once more establish justice, in December? Well, we do here. Ha! Ha! died at his home in Kent, De­ tion, using motion pictures a nd t heir tanks, a nd planes, will avenge the un ­ Carol Kandle spent the Christmas not only for t he wrongs committed in In c identa lly, I am working for Walsh -Driscoll cember 4. own ingenuity in getting across key provoked attacks made upo n us. Construction Co. as a transit man with the Holiday in the old home town-W il­ our W estern hemisphere but throughout points.
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