
Computer Science : Web Development

Belchin, Moises, Juberias, Patricia Web Programming with Dart

Become a Dart Pro. Web Programming with Dart teaches you all about the Dart language. You will work with web services, Dart and JSON, and understand the potential that Dart brings to the server side. You will also work with Polymer.dart for creation. Web Programming with Dart is for programmers who want to master the new Dart programming language from , and also web developers who want to understand how Dart can integrate perfectly with HTML5 and CSS3. With this book you will understand the ins and outs of the language, how the tools work, and how to get the most from the core Apress functions and libraries. Web Programming with Dart is a practical, example-led book, with case 1st ed., XVII, 472 p. 261 studies involving developing UI animations for the web, working with web services such as 1st illus. JSON, server side Dart applications, and the new Polymer.dart library for advanced HTML UI edition web components generation. Take a full tour of Dart's core features and its advanced functionality Learn the tools that come with Dart SDK and the most important libraries. Additionally you will work with the newest Polymer.dart library for web component creation. Printed book Develop your own command-line and server side applications and, of course, web applications Softcover with Dart. Printed book Softcover Order online at springer.com/booksellers ISBN 978-1-4842-0557-0 Springer Nature Customer Service Center LLC 233 Spring Street $ 44,99 New York, NY 10013 Available USA Discount group T: +1-800-SPRINGER NATURE APress Short (19) (777-4643) or 212-460-1500 Product category [email protected] Professional book Other renditions Softcover ISBN 978-1-4842-0558-7

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