
THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 1934 THE NEWS SEC. 2—PAGE 3 T^ Intere m/vcHiIH Y T jT^ tf^\ ^s O 1914 Leading U? to the Founding of Van Nt'rs and Covering- ihe JANUARY 1—Van Nuys band, with M. N. Callender director, ap- ( pears in neat in Roje -Carnival parade in Pasadena. First Five Years of Development in New Town ; JANUARY 6—High school district formed at special election. j JANUARY 19—High school trustees, D. M. Gibson, Wm. Campbsll in From 1769 to 1913 I and Mrs. H. F. Leslie, meet to organize and take first steps to secure i building. _. I JANUARY 17--:8—4.46 inches rainfall. Ccmpikd by Frank 5-?. KefTsr fcr Old-Timers' an-J Fc-jnds;rs' Bay Ceie- JANUARY 20—Nathan F. Smith chosen as high school principal 'bratlin February 22, 1934, Sponsored by Van Nays Khvanls Club i and eiee'-km ordered for $120,000 bond issue to secure site and building! .' JANUARY 24-23—Heavy rainfall. Van Nuys on main line of 17G9 i Sv. iithei n Piicifi.-. when tia:nr> luuted ever Chatswcrth branch line. Don Caspar de Forto'a, on historic exploration journey, fc-und this | JANUARY 25—First Ccrholic service in Van Nuys held by Rev. F: valley and christened it "El Valle de Sania C&ttUins dc Bc-nonia de Zos j C. F. Campbell of Burbank. Emir.'^s" (The Valley of Saint Catherine cf Ecnonia of trie Live Caks). i FEBRUARY 2—Chamber of Commerce starts move to secure protec- In'qjiins only settlers. • ' tion :'rcm storm waters. H. M. Lennox, J. H. Calhoun and Frank M. Keller n.vau-ci on committee. ,"""** 1797 j FEBRUARY 10—Southern Edison company opens head- 'Septembcr 8. Valley renamed "SI Valie de San Fernando," when Mis-- 1 quarters lu-:v with Chas. H. Coulter as district manager. iitin San Fernando 'Ray de Espana was founded by Father P-_rmin FEBRUARY 11—Branch of county library opened with Mrs. H. S. Francisco de Lausen and Francisco Dumetz. TrciUT and Mrs. Paul F. Shepard in charge. Room in school building. FEBRUARY IS-21—Heavy rains, totalling 7.17 inches, cause flooded 1831 j condition when goes on rampage. Pio Pico victor in battle at Mission with Manuel Victoria, after VAX XUYS TOWXSITE AT IT LOOKED OX FEBRUARY 22, 19H—JUST TAVENTY-THKEE YEARS AGO TODAY i FEBRUARY 2-:—Election en S120.000 bond Issue for high cchcol. he received a large grant of land included in the Valley, | Preposition carried 118 to 0. : The above photograph was tak'.-n 1'rr.m abcut the location cf the present William Andrew building-, lucking m.-ih on Van. Xuys boulevard. The | MARCH io--c. E. Varney opens theatre in Whitson block. 1842 j auicmcbife in (he foreground is facing- east on Sylvan street. The tent is at the present, location cf (he Sulton building:. The derrick for the ! Icwn wel! can be seen ever the tent and was located about where the new Van Xuys Theatre building now stands. \V. P. Whitsctfs small of- MARCH 17—G. G. Steere starts poultry plant near Van Nuys. Grant of 126,000 acres by Pio Pico to Eulogic F. de Celis for $1-1,000. MAY 2—-Tentative, boundaries for proposed Water Works D~istrict, ! i ice building:, to the right cf the center cf the picture, a:id the large black beard, were the center cf nctivitio -. the «:>enin <•; lot sa!e being hull! I embiacing B5.545 acres in Valley, approved by Valley committee. 1854 i that day. Today (Vie Security-First Naticsial Bank building: stands at the corner occupied in the picture by Mr. Whitsctt's office. JUNE 1—First rural route established for Van Nuys postoffice. Fio Pico reoought a half interest in these lands for $15,000. JUNE 3—Van Nuys Masonic Lodge instituted with 15 members. Partial List Pioneer Business Firms, Industries, Profession etc. in the Early Development of Van Nuys Rooms in First National Bank build.ine. J. A. Bailey, W. M., L. L. 1869 -Original owner and developer W. P. Whitsett.^First Commercial Hatchery... 3. R. Holiowa-. Whitson. S. W.. L. E. Bliss, J. W., J. ~G. Hathaway, secretary, M. N. -organized a. syndicate of San FrenciEco capitalists. IFirs t Bank. First National Bank of Van Nuys....President.XH. J. WhitleyTFirst Building Contractors J. A. Cakhvell, J. T. Ccleman. W, B. Doo" Callender, treasurer. known as The Sain Fernando Farm Homestead association and pur- i . Cashier, L. E. Bliss. little, J. W. Miles, W, R. Lehman, W. E. Young. Geo. Hunter. JUNE G—Thirty-five miles of highway lights turned on with Mardi chased 59,500 acres in the southern part of the Valley for $115.003. i.'' First Newspaper. "The Call," published by E. R. Elkins for thirteen Pioneer Real Estate Salesmen. .Prank R. Haddock. M. M. Me- Gras celebration. N. Van Nuys .was one of the large stockholders of . Soon weeks and purchased by The Van Nuys Publishing Co., Inc., chang- Cc:uiug-h'jy. Rebt. U. Biggert, Chas. E. Thurstcn. L. L Whitsyn. JULY 3—Block E in townsite selected for high school site. after there were formed from these lands and in the south and west ing the name to "The Van Nuys News," and establishing the first _ Paul F. Shepard. JULY 20—FiiKi surveys started to provide storm water control for parts of the Valley six large randies, known as the Sheep, Kester. printing- plant. Editor and publisher. Frank M. Keffer. ' f-hft Cement Contractors D. L. Cowan. Jos La3e!le. Vv. E. Peck , Van Nuys area. Home, Fatten, West and Workman. First Grocery Stores ...H. S. Trctter, Simgcn & Newman Fim School Ttachur . Edith Pri'scot; \ AUGUST K—Bids opened for high school building and contracts j First Hardware Store Win, Andrew Firs; School Principal .Mrs. Rhode1;-! awarded to Fred Stuhlhuth and others fcr $70,244. 1871 i First Drug Store W. E. Bechtelheimer First High School Piincipal .. Nathan F. Smith j AUGUST 10—Boundaries of Water Works district reduced to 76,030 .-Name of association changed to The San Fernando Sheep Company ! First Restaurant.: E. O. Cunningham First Ministers....R;:v. Willard Aldrich, Rev. D. F. Barnes, Rev. W. F. acres and allotment el' S2.555.104 approved as districts share of cost for when 40,000 sheep and many cattle were herdecl on the lands. ' j First Plumbers J. A. Bailey, H. O. Jett Dowd. entire Valley installation. Bond issue cf $2.GOG,000 recommended to i First- Garage F. R. Cyriacks First Sunday School Superintendent. S. T. Meyer supervisors. 1873 ! First Transfer Fred Donneliv, F. E. Willits First Church Erected AUGUST 10—State Bank cf chartered. First Presbyterian 1. N. Van Nuys rented a large body of the lands and pioneered the cul-| Hotel Joseph Donnelly First Chamber of Commerce President S. O. Houghton AUGUST 25—L. L. Whitson nominated for Justice of Peace at Ovation of wheat, which soon became a major industry and replaced iFirs t Lumber Dealers . G. A. Huffaker. The National Co. First Chamber ol' Commerce Secretary... Frank M. Keffer primary in close race. f sheep herding. i First Nursery C. B. Hewitt, E. W. Hewitt First Social Club Pioneer Club NOVEMBER. 10—Special election on formation of Water Works ! First Feed & Fuel Dealer ; .-j. M. Frazer First Woman's Club President .Mrs. H. S. Trotter District No. 3 and S2.GOG.OOO bond issue. Vote: Van Nuys, 431 for, 1880 ; First Physician Dr. E. E. Patten First Woman's Club Secretary ...Mrs. W. A. Bowen 8 against: Owensmouth, 78 for. 0 against; Pacoima, 79 for, 1 against; Van Nuys and Lankershims pool interests and organize The Los An-|pir£t Dentist Dr. M. N. Callender First Grammar School Trustees . Jas. Lyon, W. E, Lane, D. E. Gib-son Chatsworth 150 for. 3 against. Total, 738 for, 12 against. geles Farm and Mining ccmp'any, adding fiour milling to their extcn-i Pirst Blacksmith R. Stachowica First High School Trustees D. E. Gibson. Wm. Campbell. Mrs. H. F. DECEMBER 14—School trustees authorize installation of pipe organ sive operations > First Postmaster Z. B. Langum, A. E. Nordvcld, assistant Leslie in high school. | First Bakery P. Bobeldyk First Furniture Dealer and Undertaker J. B. Langum DECEMBER 15— station opened with Mrs. X. C. 1838 . First, Dairy W. E. Lane, Chas. Lane First Child Born (October 18. 1911) V/hitley Van Nuys HufTaker j Balcom as agent. Bumper yield of 510,000 bushels of wheat raised on lands owned and' Electrician R. W. Munro First Automobile Owned and Operated * G. A. Huffaker! DECEMBER 17—Federat'ecleratioi n of Poultrymen organised in bank room. operated by the Farming and Milling comoany. !pll 'st p- E- Station Agent Mrs. X. C. Balcom First Meat Market Fred Balster ' B- . Holloway presided. First Dry Goods Store Mrs. A. V. Anabel Pioneer Ranchers .S. O. 1-Ioughton, H. J. Lindeman, C. B. BarkUi, E 1910 First Southern Pacific agent ; L. S. Moranda E. Rasor, T. J. Nelk, Geo. B. Jess, D. H. Peres, G. H. Graves. J. L 1915 December. Tract of 47,500 acres, including the six ranches named above I First Painters Win. Vincnt. A. A. Haskell Stevenson, G. L. Bov.-en. Paul Edinger. Mrs. Marston, J. H. Calhoun. i JANUARY I—Van Nuys postorfice becomes Third class office. purchased from Farm and Milling company by The Lcs Fu-st Expressman and Drayman B. W. Dunn F. J. Eddy, C. E. Richardson. Jos. Gilbert, Harry J. Clever, Sam Mar- JANUARY 19—Van Nuys-Owensmouth-Marian Growers and Can- Angeles Suburban Homes company, a syndicate composed of Gen. Harri- Pll-st Theatre Manager J. W. Frasei tin. Wm. Campbell, H. F. Leslie, L. A. Gilbert, Chas. Forber, J. T. ning association organized. G. G. Williamson, president; R. L. Owens, son Gray Otis, , Gen. M. H. Sherman, O. F. Brant and1 First Theatre building L. E. Greenburg Russell, J. G. Lennox. C. T. Reynolds. S. V. Rehart. W. J. Petit. C. F. vice-president; L. E. Bliss, treasurer; A. J. Boulanger, secretary and H. J. V/hitley. Participating shares were issued and taken over by I First Commercial Poultrymen....C. T. Millee. C. F. Heath, A. M. Harrison Hale, J. H. Ruby, Noah Lueinbill. Jno. Imbach, R. A. Haskins. manager. many of, the prominent business men of Los Angeles and vicinity. H. FEBRUARY 27—D. M. Gibson appointed postmaster by President . J. Whitley was made manager and an extensive program of de- 1912 101,I Wilson. MARCH 20—Valley votes on annexation to Los Angeles city. Votes: velopments outlined, including the construction of Sherman Way boule- JANUARY 23—Methodist church organized by Rev. F. D. Mather. JANUARY 17—One hundred twenty-eight pupils enrolled in gram- vard and the extension of the Pacific Electric railway from 1 First pastor, Rev. D. F. Barneo. Van Nu.vS 397 for, 14 against; Owensmouth 62 for. 0 against: Chats-' mar school. worth G9 for, 2 against; Pacoima 142 for, 7 against; Roscoo 11 for, 2 into and through the tract. The lands were surveyed by V. J. Rowan j FEBRUARY 1—Charter granted for First National Bank of Van JANUARY 27—Chamber of Commerce indorses movement to annex against. Total 681 for, 25 against. and three towusites platted, Van Nuys, Marian and Owensmouth. The! Nuys. to Los Angeles city. surrounding lands were cut up into parcels ranging from 2',i to 4Q' MARCH 31—Public reception and farewell for Dr. and Mrs. E. E. acres and an intensive .sales, campaign was projected. FEBRUARY 9—First hotel opened on Sherman Way by Joseph Don- JANUARY 31—Bids opened for Methodist church building. Fatten who leave for Maine. nelly, owner and proprietor. FEBRUARY 7—State Highway Commission authorizes bids for APRIL 5—Van Nuys Road Improvement District No. 32 created to FEBRUARY 17—Plans of Architect A. C. Smith approved by trustees paving , from Encino avenue to Calabasas. pave and curb townsite streets. County provides 815,000. District $65,000. fcr grammar school building. FEBRUARY 22—First celebration of Founders Day. Ground broken FEBRUARY 7—Grammar school building formally dedicated. for grammar school building. Evening program of entertainment and FEBRUARY 23-27—Seven inches rainfall aids farming operations. dancing at Van Nuys Hotel. ; MARCH 4—Contract awarded to John D. Marsh Co. for paving MARCH 1-12—Rains totaling 3iG2 -inches ends three weeks period Ventura boulevard, Encino to Calabasas, 10 miles for $55.555. cf wind and dust storms. MARCH 22—Pacific Electric line opened between Van Nuys and I MARCH 21—Dinner for sales force given by W. P. Whitsett at -San Fernando. ..,--.„ I i Christophers in Los "Angeles."'"Attended by many prominent business j leaders of city. -"** MARCH 29—Auto road race at Owensmouth draws crowd. Thirteen j [ MARCH 30—First National Bank of Van Nuys opened for business cars entered, including Oldflckl. Taft and Tetzlaff. H. J. Whitley, president, Lewis E. Bliss, cashier, J. H. Heinen, vice APRIL 12—Poppy Day celebrated with John McGroarty and Gen. president. H. G. Otis 0.5 speakers. Barbecue. NJW street lights turned on :'n i APRIL, 3—Woman's club organized with sixteen members. Mrs. townsite. !i H. S. Trotter, president; Mrs. J. H. Calhoun, vice-president; Mrs: W. MAY 3—P. E. O. chapter organized at home cf Mrs. J. T. Russell j A. Bowen, recording secretary; Mrs. T. E. I vie, corresponding secretary: with eleven members. j and Mrs. Ida Bailey, treasurer. MAY 12—Sam Lascll and Ernest D. Gibson organize baseball team. [ Scene en Opening: Da-y Van Nays Toivnsite APRIL 7—First Presbyterian church organized with, forty-four February ZZ, 1911 members by Rev. W. B. Noble, D. D. MAY 17—Announcement that Murray M. Harris Pipe Organ Factory APRIL 8—Announced by A. B. S. Co. officials that 6,500 acres el would locate in Van Nuys. sugar beets were under cultivation 117 Valley. MAY 30—First baseball game. Players on local nine, H. Forbes, C. VAN NTJYS DEVELOPMENT APRIL 20—Poppy Cay celebration with barbecue and sports. Forbes, Gibson. Lasell, Swaim. Nordvofd, McWilliams, Smock, Johnston. Building P. E. Railway Van Nuys Blvd., 1911 1911 APRIL'22—New highway opened from east terminus of Sherman MAY 30—Poultry excursion to Pctaluma. by local men to gather Way to Lankershirn, connecting with Lankershim boulevard. data and information for expansion of industry around Van Nuys. JANUARY—W. P. Whitsett purchased half interest in Van Nuys APRIL 29—Meeting held to organize Board of Trade. Temporary j Resulted in bringing to Van Nuys O. B. Hubbell and L. E. Rankin to APRIL 7—W. P. Whitsett purchases 24.0 acres north of Van Nuys townsite named for I. N. Van Nuys, and starts development program. and opens tract for settlement. Well drilled, water lines laid, streets graded, buildings started, and first officers. Dr. E. E. Patten, president; F. M. Keffer, secretary. assist in movement. MAY 2—Van Nuys delegation attends meeting in San Fernando to i ,TTT ,t .,_..,_ «-i »•.- t- • APRIL 19'—Contract awarded to R. H. McCray & Co. by supervisors fales mji.de in townsite and tract. Construction started en Sherman JULY 1—Chamber of Commerce files petition requesting supervisors for town«S—Secont ^j-j-AAUt VVtlUVdl wateii.H-,^UiJ.lrQ meetinJ.-lOJ.V_l ili ga_JU. heli (JCliilVd . iniX/^OW Burbank- U'.JlWXJ J,l«,.70. - Resolutio: ^^ . n ~. pass- , -, , , merc e at boulevard. tion sale of lots, barbecue prepared by Jose Romero, and dedication i et} expressing desire cf Valley to negotiate acceptable terms with Los | Sheep ranch on Ventura ley area. speech by Col. Tom Fitch. Excursion from Lcs Angeles over Southern r aqueduct water. R. P. Waite, San Fernando.! . JULY 13—Chamber .of CommercCommert e inaugurates move to get directing MAY 8— Contracts let to J. W. Duke, Geo. Drake, J. A. Bailey and Angeles citj' for securing Ei Pacific railway, autos and horsedrawn vehicles brin^ large crowd. Sales chosen chairman; C. H. Kline, .Burbank, vice-chairman; and F. M. i &n placed at Ventura boulevard and South Sherman Way. J. B. Mollett for erecting cannery buildings in Van Nuys and Owens- rrj^de on this day totalled over $200,000. Keffer, Van Nuys, secretary. JULY 21—Construction started on organ factory. mouth. JUNE 16—Pioneer Club, a social organization, formed to meet at MAY 29 — Valley celebrates opening of Topanga Canyon road from homes of members. F. D. Haddock, president; W. E. Bechtelheimer, ocean to Owensmouth. vice-president, and G. G. Hunter, secretary. Fourteen members. MAY 29 —Pirs t aqueduct water turned into mains and washes for use in Valley. JUNE—Community church organized by Rev. Willard Aldrich of JUNE 1 — Van Nuys casts its first vote in a municipal primary ele'c- Lankershim. Meetings held in room in Syndicate block. S. T. Meye.-. : tion as part of Los Angsles city. Sunday school' superintendent. Thirteen present at first service. '. JUNE 7 — Los Angeles County Press association guests of local AUGUST 18—Postoffice established with J. E. Lanjum as postmaster . Chamber of Commerce. Banquet in Whitson Hall. : ~" and A. E. Nordvold, assistant. ' JUNE 16 — First high school .Commencement. Graduates, Wiaona AUGUST 24—First issue Van Nuys Call. Maiie Lane and Sara June Johnson. SEPTEMBER—Miss Edith Prescott employed by townsite owners ! JULY 2 — Van Nuys Poultry association organized with large mem- as school teacher. Fifteen pupils enrolled. ' bership, owning and controlling 200,000 hens. OCTOBER 28—School district organized. Jas. Lyon, D. E. Gibson i AUGUST 1— Aqueduct water turned into townsite mains. an .W. E. Lane chosen as trustees. j AUGUST C—Easter n Star chapter instituted. Mrs. L. L. WhitsorT, NOVEMBER 15—School trustees meet to start action to secure a I W. M.; C. B. Bartda, W. P.; Mrs. L. G. Fancher, Associate M.; Mrs. grammar school building. | Carl B. Barkla, secretary; Mrs. B. R. Holloway, treasurer; Mrs. G. A". NOVEMBER 24—First issue of Van Nuys News, successor to The I I Hollander, conductress; Mrs. Wm.1 Vincent, associate conductress, . '."'j Call. Frank M. Keffer, editor and publisher. [ NOVEMBER 30—Study club organized by Mrs. Howard S. Trotter.) I AUGUST 10— H. J. Whitiey buys unsold holdings of Los Angele.-; DECEMBER 2—First election held, in new town defeated proposition i j Suburban Homes company for $830,000 and forms new syndicate "to to consolidate with San Fernando Union high school district by a ! handle same. * ' ~ vote of 17 to 0. j OCTOBER 1 —Telephon e service extended to West Sherman Way: •- -. DECEMBER 4—Election, to vote on $50,000 bond issue for a in 1911 i OCTOBER 4—Wate r Works District No. 3 bonds validated by State grammar school building. Proposition carried 80 to 0. 1 Supreme court allowing installation of Valley distributing system -to DECEMBER 12—Branch office of American Beet Sugar company ! proceed. ~ : opened with Maj. P. Carr in charge, W. A. Connolly, assistant, and May 11—Methodist Sunday school picnic held at Encino ranch. j OCTOBER 23 — City establishes garbage disposal service in townsite. Frances Taylor, chief clerk. MAY 13—Chamber of Commerce permanently organized. S. O. DECEMBER 16—First street car, Los Angeles to Van Nuys, over'. Houghton, president: Frank M. Keffer, secretary; W. E. Bechtelheimer.1 Opening gale Took Place in 1911 on This Corner i NOVEMBER 22-24— W. P. Whitsett conducts poultry show in Lcis Pacific Electric line. Regular service established with ten cars each j vice-president, and Louis E. Bliss, treasurer. I Angeles with cooperation 'of Van Nuys poultrymen. way daily. Fares 45c one way. 75c round trip. Barbecue and MAY 14—Van Ntiy gives Roosevelt and Clark its majority votes j NOVEMBER — Dairies established by J. W. Chase and V. DelFanter: bration. Large crowd. - . in Presidential primary election. : JULY 28—Bids opened by supervisors for installing 124 five-light DECEMBER 10—Knight s of Pythias Lodge instituted. L. M. Cleve-- December 22—Van Nuys Publishing company incorporated to con--; MAY 14—Farmers and Fruit Growers Cooperative association posts and 295 three -light posts in Van Nuys Highway Lfghting District ' land- c- c-'- c- T- Millee, vice C. C.; Geo. Drake, Prelate; A. W. Rueg£, duct publishing and printing business. F. M. Keffer, president. A. E.lganized. Rev. E. F. Boiler, president; Geo. F. Beales, vice-president: AUGUST 1—Sherman Way, deeded to'county, becomes public high- j £• whHwJbSwta?^0™' M' °f F''' L' ^' WhitB°n' M' °f EX' R°Om^ Chamberlain, first printer. Printing equipment was first freight con-! Wm. Campbell, vice-president; Curg James, secretary, way. signment over Pacific Electric to be received in Van Nuys. i JUNE G—First electricity for domestic use in townsite turned on by AUGUST •> n-dicition of Presbyterian church ' DECEMBER 30—Snow storm provides white blanket for Van Nuys DECEMBER- 22—Two hundred attend first Christmas service held! Edison company. AUGUST „—D.chcaticn ot presDj terian church. a[.ca &nd g m residents tneir flrst c]ose up of real snow; Sno^ in temporary church room. JULY G—Formal opening of first theatre. C. E. Varney, proprietor. AUGUST 11—Chamber of Commerce sponsors move to form County men ancj snowballing. JULY 12—First proposal of pian for annexation of Valley to city Road Improvement District to improve townsite streets. ' ', i to secure use cf water. i AUGUST 31—Dedication of Methodist church with Rev. Matt. i JULY IB—First fire in townsite, when Bowe residence, with K. J3. Hughes officiating. ; Cwens 33 tenant, was destroyed. AUGUST 24—Fire destroys First National Bank and Harry Kliban j JULY 2,7—Patton and West ranches opened for sale. Barbecue store. '. JULY 23—First fatality on Sherman Way. when Martin E. Bazek'n SEPTEMBER 12—Grammar school opens with 110 pupils and five 1 was kiiicci when his motorcycle collided with auto. teachers. • AUGUST 'A—Harvest Festival with exhibit cf local products. ".,:•: SEPTEMBER 20—Movement instituted to form a high school district • cursicn over P. 13. frcm Los Angeles. and secure a building. '. ; AUGUST 9—Cornerstone laid fcr grammar school building wi:.li !«fark Kepple and II. J. Whillcy officiating. OCTOBER G—V<;!iintf-er f:r". company organized. J. W. Miles, chief; AUGUST :9--Special election for formation of a highway lisjh'i:'? L. G. Panchcr. captain; A. F Nordvold. treasurer. dist'ict. to include,- f)4.GQ'J acrt'-. was carrio:ri by n vole of GO \o 18. OCTOBER 2:1- -Con'rycl av/ai-decl for :-.l;ruet lig.'Us on Ventura boule-• AUGUST 1G—Telephone service established in new buildiirs by P ' vard. ; cific Tcie-siv.ph <*: Tv'lephrne company, I'.-Iiss Louelia Graham NOVEMBER 1—Street lights illtmiinclccJ fcr first time between En-; operator. L. G. Fsr.cher in charge. r.ino avenue find Owenitnout}1!. SEPTEMBER—Rev. Rob;,. E. McCiain chosen first oa:;tor NOVEMBER 5—First aqueduct water turned into mains running Ficaby.c-rian church. through Valley. OCTOBER, 23—Contract awarded by -'ate for six miles cf en Ventura bouievsra south of Van Nuys for £33.043. NOVEMBER 19—Organ Crmpany moves into ne?/ plant. NOVEMBER 17—Corner f.tone laid for new Presbyterian ci DECEMBER 15—Committee formed to arrangs details for annexation j DECEMBER 5—?.?n=s meeting: cf Valley citizens en water q and securing use of aqueduct water. H. G. Hu'obard. John T. Wilson. F.: ; DECEMBER 7—Pacific Electric line between Van Nuys and Owens- M. Wright. R. H. Hilie. F. A. Powell, Frank M. Keffer, C. J. Forbes, E. mouth opened and formal opening cf Owensmouth townsite. Terrific L. DeRemcr. N. A. Gray. Chas. A. Toll. Dan Campbell, B. F. Wolff. First Office Building Erected in Van Nuys j wind and sand storm marrcx celebration. Jose Romero barbccur:. John Haas, Alc>: Jeffrey, W. J, Wiliiams and L. K. Chase. Another View of Van. Nuys Boulevard Today i I