Cynllun Gweithredu Bioamrywiaeth Lleol Sir

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Cynllun Gweithredu Bioamrywiaeth Lleol Sir CYNLLUN GWEITHREDU BIOAMRYWIAETH LLEOL SIR GAERFYRDDIN - FYNGAU CARMARTHENSHIRE LOCAL BIODIVERSITY ACTION PLAN LBAP/S42 FUNGI Please refer to for more detailed species description information All photos used with permission. OVERALL OBJECTIVES • To identify new sites for survey in the county. • Encourage volunteer interest in fungi. • To use key species as a focus for public/school engagement. • To raise awareness of these species and the issues affecting them. NB. All waxcaps and other grassland fungi are a priority group for survey and public engagement. Enw gwyddonol/Scientific name Photo Habitat/Carms sites Issues/Action required Armillaria ectypa • This species is found in wet, • Lack of understanding of its Marsh Honey Fungus often base rich habitats ecological requirements. • The only known site in Wales • WTSWW to monitor. is at Ffrwd Fen SSSI. Managed • Consider possible impact if by WTSWW. scrub removal required in area. © Phillip Jones Clavaria zollingeri • Found in unfertilised • The main reasons for decline Violet coral grasslands including domestic are agricultural intensification lawns and churchyards as well (primarily the application of as semi-natural grasslands, phosphorus) and the reduction • Found in a number of sites in of habitat. Grassland neglect the county including Penboyr where the sward becomes rank Church and a site in Felingwm. also restricts fruiting, although it is not clear if this affects the © Isabel Macho organism under the ground. • Survey for at potential sites. Hohenbuehelia culmicola • Rare species that is • Inappropriate coastal Marram oyster associated with shifting dunes management. growing amongst the • Pass on info to Coastal larger grasses colonising the rangers/contractors undertaking dunes. This habitat has declined sea buckthorn management. as dunes have stabilised. • Should be considered as part © Phillip Jones • Recorded from Pembrey of any dune rejuvenation dunes systems. projects. Hypocreopsis rhododendri • Usually found in the UK on • Overgrazing; coppicing; Hazel gloves standing dead stems of hazel, clearance of scrub. but has also been recorded on • Survey of other sites with living and cut hazel branches stands of Atlantic and living and dead branches of hazel/blackthorn woodland, blackthorn, willow and wild should be surveyed. rose. The species is believed to • Produce info sheet circulated be parasitic on Hymenochaete to contractors/forest managers © Jon Hudson corrugata (Glue crust) which is to try and get records and often found on dead and dying highlight species when clearing hazel stems. scrub. • Found at two sites in Carmarthenshire. Microglossum olivaceum • Found in old semi-natural • The main reasons for decline Olive Earth-Tongue grasslands in habitats ranging are agricultural intensification from upland acidic grassland to (primarily the application of sand dunes to neutral phosphorus and other nutrients) grasslands and man-made and habitat loss. Grassland habitats like churchyards. neglect where the sward • Recorded from 23 sites in the becomes rank also restricts county. fruiting, although it is not clear © Sam Bosanquet if this affects the organism under the ground. • Survey suitable sites. Phellodon tomentosus • Associated with • Threats to microhabitat Woolly Tooth microhabitats within (trampling, vehicle compaction; broadleaves and pine (banks, track maintenance; paths, tracksides within woods). tipping); felling of host trees; • One historical record from a eutrophication. plantation edge at Cynywl Elfed. • Revisit site at Cynwyl Elfed. © Elizabeth Holden Phylloporus pelletieri • Associated with broadleaved • Threatened by air pollution Golden Gilled Bolete trees such as beech and and forestry plantations. coniferous trees such as fir or • Survey other suitable sites. pine and associated with acidic or sandy soils. • Recorded from Waun Las NNR and Stradey Woods, Llanelli. © Justin Smith Other S42 species not currently found in the county but may well be present Hygrocybe spadicea • Generally associated with • Changes in grassland Date waxcap unimproved grassland. In management including fertiliser Pembrokeshire these have been use and a reduction in grazing grassland fungi-rich grazed sites levels. with semi-improved acid to neutral swards. © David Harris • Found in old semi-natural • Changes in grassland Entoloma bloxamii grasslands, especially calcareous management including fertiliser the Bloxam's blue pinkgill grasslands. use and a reduction in grazing • In Pembrokeshire has levels. relatively wide ecological • Survey suitable sites. preferences, occurring in neutral and calcicolous grasslands, but is entirely © John Bailey restricted to sites with low nutrient levels. Two colonies are in calcicolous grassland; the others are in grazed unimproved neutral grassland. .
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