Cubitt Town Junior School

Wednesday 4th July 2018

Dear Parents / Carers,

To celebrate the end of Year 3 we will be having a fun day in Park on Thursday 19th July 2018. This will include a picnic, music and games.

Depending on the weather, they may need a raincoat with a hood, sun hat, sun cream and a sensible pair of shoes that they will be able to walk in for a sustained period of time.

There will be an opportunity to buy an ice-cream at the park. In order for this to be possible, we kindly ask for a contribution of £1.00 for each child. Please fill in the permission slip below and return it to your child’s class teacher with the £1.00 by Monday 16th July 2018 telling us if you give permission for your child to attend this trip.

We will be walking to the park via the Greenwich foot tunnel, possibly taking the DLR but this is dependent on the weather. We will be leaving promptly so children need to be in school at the usual time and will be out for the whole day so please state below if you will be providing your child with a packed lunch or if you would like the school to do so.

Ms Seifert Miss Grey Mr Martin.

End of Year Trip

I give permission for my son/daughter ______to attend end of year trip on Thursday 19th July 2018.

I will / will not be providing my child with a packed lunch.

I have enclosed £1.00 for ice-cream. Yes No

Signed: ______

Headteacher Robyn Bruce - Deputy Headteacher Dale Pendlebury - Manchester Road, , E14 3NE Telephone 020 7987 4362 - Fax 020 7987 7304 - Email - [email protected]