

Senate Journal

MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008


Printed daily by the State of Iowa during the sessions of the General Assembly. An official corrected copy is available for reference in the Secretary of the Senate’s Office. (The official bound copy will be available after a reasonable time upon adjournment.)


71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 761




Senate Chamber Des Moines, Iowa, Monday, March 24, 2008

The Senate met in regular session at 12:10 p.m., President Kibbie presiding.

Prayer was offered by Greg Christy, president of Northwestern College in Orange City, Iowa. He was the guest of Senator Mulder.


The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Senate Page Cassondra Holstad.

The Journals of Thursday, March 20, 2008, and Friday, March 21, 2008, were approved.


On motion of Senator Gronstal, the Senate recessed at 12:12 p.m. until the completion of a meeting of the committee on Rules and Administration.


The Senate reconvened at 12:14 p.m., President Kibbie presiding.



Bill Title: SENATE RESOLUTION 111, a resolution to honor Northwestern College as it celebrates its sesquicentennial.

Recommendation: DO PASS. 762 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 71st Day

Final Vote: Ayes, 10: Gronstal, Kibbie, Wieck, Angelo, Courtney, Danielson, Dearden, Dvorsky, Ragan, and Zieman. Nays, none. Absent, 1: Lundby.



Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Resolution 111.

Senate Resolution 111

On motion of Senator Mulder, Senate Resolution 111, a resolution to honor Northwestern College as it celebrates its sesquicentennial, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Mulder moved the adoption of Senate Resolution 111, which motion prevailed by a voice vote.


Leave of absence was granted as follows:

Senator Ward, until she arrives, on request of Senator Wieck.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration House File 2645.

House File 2645

On motion of Senator Dearden, House File 2645, a bill for an act concerning public employee collective bargaining and teacher discipline, with report of committee recommending passage, was taken up for consideration.

71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 763

Senator Zaun offered amendment S–5190, filed by him from the floor to pages 1–4, 12, 13, and 18–30 and to the title page of the bill.

The Senate stood at ease at 12:30 p.m. until the fall of the gavel for the purpose of a Republican party caucus.

The Senate resumed session at 12:52 p.m., President Kibbie presiding.

The Senate resumed consideration of amendment S–5190.

Senator Zaun moved the adoption of amendment S–5190.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5190 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Houser McKinley Wieck Boettger Johnson Mulder Wood Gaskill Kettering Noble Zaun Hahn Lundby Putney Zieman

Nays, 29:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Danielson Heckroth Ragan Dearden Hogg Rielly

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5190 lost.

Senator Mulder offered amendment S–5193, filed by him from the floor to pages 1 and 18–30 and to the title page of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested. 764 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 71st Day

On the question “Shall amendment S–5193 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 23:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Horn McKinley Wieck Boettger Houser Mulder Wood Gaskill Johnson Noble Zaun Hahn Kettering Putney Zieman Hancock Lundby Rielly

Nays, 26:

Appel Dearden Hogg Schmitz Beall Dotzler Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Dvorsky Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Fraise McCoy Stewart Connolly Gronstal Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Danielson Heckroth Ragan

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5193 lost.

Senator Wieck offered amendment S–5197, filed by him from the floor to pages 1, 10, 15, and 17 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5197 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 21:

Angelo Houser Mulder Wieck Behn Johnson Noble Zaun Boettger Kettering Putney Zieman Gaskill Lundby Rielly Hahn McKibben Schoenjahn Hartsuch McKinley Seymour

71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 765

Nays, 28:

Appel Dearden Heckroth Quirmbach Beall Dotzler Hogg Ragan Black Dvorsky Horn Schmitz Bolkcom Fraise Kibbie Seng Connolly Gronstal Kreiman Stewart Courtney Hancock McCoy Warnstadt Danielson Hatch Olive Wood

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5197 lost.

Senator Hartsuch offered amendment S–5210, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5210 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 19:

Angelo Hartsuch McKinley Seymour Behn Houser Mulder Wieck Boettger Johnson Noble Zaun Gaskill Kettering Putney Zieman Hahn McKibben Rielly

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal Lundby Stewart Connolly Hancock McCoy Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Olive Wood Danielson Heckroth Quirmbach Dearden Hogg Ragan

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5210 lost.


Senator McKinley offered amendment S–5202, filed by him from the floor to pages 1 and 18 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5202 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 19:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Houser McKinley Wieck Boettger Johnson Mulder Zaun Gaskill Kettering Noble Zieman Hahn Lundby Putney

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Wood Danielson Heckroth Ragan Dearden Hogg Rielly

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5202 lost.

Senator Johnson offered amendment S–5207, filed by him from the floor to pages 1 and 18 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5207 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 19:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Houser McKinley Wieck Boettger Johnson Mulder Zaun Gaskill Kettering Noble Zieman Hahn Lundby Putney 71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 767

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Wood Danielson Heckroth Ragan Dearden Hogg Rielly

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5207 lost.

Senator McKinley offered amendment S–5200, filed by him from the floor to page 1 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5200 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 19:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Houser McKinley Wieck Boettger Johnson Mulder Zaun Gaskill Kettering Noble Zieman Hahn Lundby Putney

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Wood Danielson Heckroth Ragan Dearden Hogg Rielly

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5200 lost. 768 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 71st Day

Senator Noble offered amendment S–5192, filed by him from the floor to pages 2 and 3 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5192 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 22:

Angelo Houser Mulder Wieck Behn Johnson Noble Wood Boettger Kettering Olive Zaun Gaskill Lundby Putney Zieman Hahn McKibben Rielly Hartsuch McKinley Seymour

Nays, 27:

Appel Dearden Heckroth Ragan Beall Dotzler Hogg Schmitz Black Dvorsky Horn Schoenjahn Bolkcom Fraise Kibbie Seng Connolly Gronstal Kreiman Stewart Courtney Hancock McCoy Warnstadt Danielson Hatch Quirmbach

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5192 lost.

Senator Zaun offered amendment S–5203, filed by him from the floor to pages 2 and 4 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5203 lost by a voice vote.

Senator Zieman offered amendment S–5199, filed by him from the floor to pages 3, 4, 18, 28, and 29 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 769

On the question “Shall amendment S–5199 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 19:

Angelo Hartsuch McKinley Seymour Behn Houser Mulder Wieck Boettger Johnson Noble Zaun Gaskill Kettering Putney Zieman Hahn McKibben Rielly

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal Lundby Stewart Connolly Hancock McCoy Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Olive Wood Danielson Heckroth Quirmbach Dearden Hogg Ragan

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5199 lost.

Senator Hartsuch offered amendment S–5194, filed by him from the floor to page 4 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5194 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 19:

Angelo Hahn McKibben Seymour Behn Hartsuch McKinley Wieck Black Houser Mulder Zaun Boettger Johnson Noble Zieman Gaskill Kettering Putney


Nays, 30:

Appel Dvorsky Kibbie Schmitz Beall Fraise Kreiman Schoenjahn Bolkcom Gronstal Lundby Seng Connolly Hancock McCoy Stewart Courtney Hatch Olive Warnstadt Danielson Heckroth Quirmbach Wood Dearden Hogg Ragan Dotzler Horn Rielly

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5194 lost.

Senator Zieman withdrew amendment S–5195, filed by him from the floor to page 4 of the bill.

Senator McKinley offered amendment S–5209, filed by him from the floor to page 7 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5209 lost by a voice vote.

Senator Wieck offered amendment S–5196, filed by him from the floor to page 16 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5196 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Rielly Behn Houser McKinley Seymour Boettger Johnson Mulder Wieck Gaskill Kettering Noble Zaun Hahn Lundby Putney Zieman

Nays, 29:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schoenjahn Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Seng Black Fraise Kreiman Stewart Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Warnstadt Connolly Hancock Olive Wood 71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 771

Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Danielson Heckroth Ragan Dearden Hogg Schmitz

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5196 lost.

Senator McKinley offered amendment S–5206, filed by him from the floor to page 16 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5206 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Angelo Hancock McKibben Seymour Behn Hartsuch McKinley Ward Boettger Houser Mulder Wieck Gaskill Johnson Putney Zaun Hahn Kettering Rielly Zieman

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Kibbie Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kreiman Schoenjahn Black Fraise Lundby Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hatch Noble Warnstadt Courtney Heckroth Olive Wood Danielson Hogg Quirmbach Dearden Horn Ragan

Absent, none.

Amendment S–5206 lost.

The Senate stood at ease at 3:21 p.m. until the fall of the gavel for the purpose of a Republican party caucus.

The Senate resumed session at 3:45 p.m., President Kibbie presiding.


Senator Boettger offered amendment S–5189, filed by her from the floor to page 18 and to the title page of the bill.

Senator Dearden raised the point of order that amendment S–5189 was not germane to the bill.

The Chair ruled the point well-taken and amendment S–5189 out of order.

Senator Zaun offered amendment S–5211, filed by him from the floor to page 18 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5211 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Houser McKinley Ward Boettger Johnson Mulder Wieck Gaskill Kettering Noble Zaun Hahn Lundby Putney Zieman

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Wood Danielson Heckroth Ragan Dearden Hogg Rielly

Absent, none.

Amendment S–5211 lost.

Senator McKinley offered amendment S–5205, filed by him from the floor to page 18 of the bill.

Senator Connolly raised the point of order that amendment S–5205 was not germane to the bill

71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 773

The Chair ruled the point well-taken and amendment S–5205 out of order.

Senator Ward offered amendment S–5191, filed by Senators Ward and Kettering from the floor to pages 18–21, 27, and 30 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5191 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 23:

Angelo Hartsuch McKinley Seymour Behn Houser Mulder Ward Black Johnson Noble Wieck Boettger Kettering Olive Zaun Gaskill Lundby Putney Zieman Hahn McKibben Rielly

Nays, 27:

Appel Dotzler Hogg Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Horn Schoenjahn Bolkcom Fraise Kibbie Seng Connolly Gronstal Kreiman Stewart Courtney Hancock McCoy Warnstadt Danielson Hatch Quirmbach Wood Dearden Heckroth Ragan

Absent, none.

Amendment S–5191 lost.

Senator Zaun offered amendment S–5204, filed by him from the floor to page 21 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5204 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Houser McKinley Ward 774 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 71st Day

Boettger Johnson Mulder Wieck Gaskill Kettering Noble Zaun Hahn Lundby Putney Zieman

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Wood Danielson Heckroth Ragan Dearden Hogg Rielly

Absent, none.

Amendment S–5204 lost.

Senator McKinley offered amendment S–5198, filed by him from the floor to pages 27 and 28 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5198 be adopted?” (H.F. 5198), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Angelo Hartsuch McKinley Ward Behn Houser Mulder Wieck Boettger Johnson Noble Wood Gaskill Kettering Putney Zaun Hahn McKibben Seymour Zieman

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Rielly Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schmitz Black Fraise Kreiman Schoenjahn Bolkcom Gronstal Lundby Seng Connolly Hancock McCoy Stewart Courtney Hatch Olive Warnstadt Danielson Heckroth Quirmbach Dearden Hogg Ragan

Absent, none.

Amendment S–5198 lost. 71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 775

Senator McKinley offered amendment S–5201, filed by him from the floor to page 29 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested.

On the question “Shall amendment S–5201 be adopted?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 20:

Angelo Hartsuch McKibben Seymour Behn Houser McKinley Ward Boettger Johnson Mulder Wieck Gaskill Kettering Noble Zaun Hahn Lundby Putney Zieman

Nays, 30:

Appel Dotzler Horn Schmitz Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Black Fraise Kreiman Seng Bolkcom Gronstal McCoy Stewart Connolly Hancock Olive Warnstadt Courtney Hatch Quirmbach Wood Danielson Heckroth Ragan Dearden Hogg Rielly

Absent, none.

Amendment S–5201 lost.

Senator Zieman withdrew amendment S–5214, filed by him from the floor to pages 2 and 3 of the bill.

Senator Dearden moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (H.F. 2645), the vote was:

Yeas, 27:

Appel Dearden Hogg Ragan Beall Dotzler Horn Schmitz Black Dvorsky Kibbie Schoenjahn Bolkcom Fraise Kreiman Seng Connolly Gronstal McCoy Stewart Courtney Hancock Olive Warnstadt Danielson Hatch Quirmbach 776 JOURNAL OF THE SENATE 71st Day

Nays, 23:

Angelo Heckroth McKinley Ward Behn Houser Mulder Wieck Boettger Johnson Noble Wood Gaskill Kettering Putney Zaun Hahn Lundby Rielly Zieman Hartsuch McKibben Seymour

Absent, none.

The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

The Senate stood at ease at 6:23 p.m. until the fall of the gavel for the purpose of party caucuses.

The Senate resumed session at 6:35 p.m., President Kibbie presiding.


Leave of absence was granted as follows:

Senator Johnson, until he returns, on request of Senator Wieck.

CONSIDERATION OF BILL (Appropriations Calendar)

Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate File 2400.

Senate File 2400

On motion of Senator Danielson, Senate File 2400, a bill for an act relating to and making appropriations to certain state departments, agencies, funds, and certain other entities, providing for regulatory authority, and other properly related matters and providing an effective date, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Behn offered amendment S–5212, filed by him from the floor to pages 1, 14, and 18 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

A record roll call was requested. 71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 777

On the question “Shall amendment S–5212 be adopted?” (S.F. 2400), the vote was:

Yeas, 17:

Behn Houser Noble Zaun Boettger Kettering Putney Zieman Gaskill McKibben Seymour Hahn McKinley Ward Hartsuch Mulder Wieck

Nays, 32:

Angelo Dearden Hogg Ragan Appel Dotzler Horn Rielly Beall Dvorsky Kibbie Schmitz Black Fraise Kreiman Schoenjahn Bolkcom Gronstal Lundby Seng Connolly Hancock McCoy Stewart Courtney Hatch Olive Warnstadt Danielson Heckroth Quirmbach Wood

Absent, 1:


Amendment S–5212 lost.

Senator Danielson offered amendment S–5184, filed by him on March 21, 2008, to page 4 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5184 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Danielson offered amendment S–5213, filed by him from the floor to page 17 of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5213 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Danielson moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.


On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2400), the vote was:

Yeas, 32:

Appel Dotzler Hogg Ragan Beall Dvorsky Horn Rielly Black Fraise Kibbie Schmitz Bolkcom Gaskill Lundby Schoenjahn Connolly Gronstal McCoy Seng Courtney Hancock Olive Stewart Danielson Hatch Putney Warnstadt Dearden Heckroth Quirmbach Wood

Nays, 17:

Angelo Houser Mulder Zaun Behn Kettering Noble Zieman Boettger Kreiman Seymour Hahn McKibben Ward Hartsuch McKinley Wieck

Absent, 1:


The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent to take up for consideration Senate Files 2350 and 2134.

Senate File 2350

On motion of Senator Hogg, Senate File 2350, a bill for an act relating to trusts and estates including the administration of small estates, and including retroactive and other applicability provisions, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Hogg moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.

71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 779

On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2350), the vote was:

Yeas, 49:

Angelo Fraise Kreiman Schoenjahn Appel Gaskill Lundby Seng Beall Gronstal McCoy Seymour Behn Hahn McKibben Stewart Black Hancock McKinley Ward Boettger Hartsuch Mulder Warnstadt Bolkcom Hatch Noble Wieck Connolly Heckroth Olive Wood Courtney Hogg Putney Zaun Danielson Horn Quirmbach Zieman Dearden Houser Ragan Dotzler Kettering Rielly Dvorsky Kibbie Schmitz

Nays, none.

Absent, 1:


The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title was agreed to.

Senate File 2134

On motion of Senator Warnstadt, Senate File 2134, a bill for an act relating to requirements and duties of members, directors, and employees of county commissions of veteran affairs, was taken up for consideration.

Senator Warnstadt offered amendment S–5039, filed by him on February 28, 2008, to pages 1–3 and to the title page of the bill, and moved its adoption.

Amendment S–5039 was adopted by a voice vote.

Senator Warnstadt moved that the bill be read the last time now and placed upon its passage, which motion prevailed by a voice vote, and the bill was read the last time.


On the question “Shall the bill pass?” (S.F. 2134), the vote was:

Yeas, 49:

Angelo Fraise Kreiman Schoenjahn Appel Gaskill Lundby Seng Beall Gronstal McCoy Seymour Behn Hahn McKibben Stewart Black Hancock McKinley Ward Boettger Hartsuch Mulder Warnstadt Bolkcom Hatch Noble Wieck Connolly Heckroth Olive Wood Courtney Hogg Putney Zaun Danielson Horn Quirmbach Zieman Dearden Houser Ragan Dotzler Kettering Rielly Dvorsky Kibbie Schmitz

Nays, none.

Absent, 1:


The bill, having received a constitutional majority, was declared to have passed the Senate and the title, as amended, was agreed to.


Senator Gronstal asked and received unanimous consent that Senate Files 2134, 2350, and 2400 be immediately messaged to the House.


On motion of Senator Gronstal, the Senate adjourned at 6:55 p.m. until 8:45 a.m., Tuesday, March 25, 2008.

71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 781



The Secretary of the Senate issued the following certificates of recognition:

Msgr. John Dalton, Dubuque—For celebrating the 50th anniversary of his ordination. Senator Connolly (3/24/08).

Liz Lynch, Dubuque—For celebrating her 100th birthday. Senator Connolly (3/24/08).



Convened: March 24, 2008, 12:12 p.m.

Members Present: Gronstal, Chair; Kibbie, Vice Chair; Wieck, Ranking Member; Angelo, Courtney, Danielson, Dearden, Dvorsky, Ragan, and Zieman.

Members Absent: Lundby (excused).

Committee Business: Approved SR 111.

Adjourned: 12:15 p.m.


Senate Resolution 120, by Dvorsky, Bolkcom, and Schmitz, a resolution honoring Lisa Bluder, Head Coach of the University of Iowa’s Women’s Basketball Team and 2008 Big Ten Coach of the Year.

Read first time under Rule 28 and referred to committee on Rules and Administration.


Senate File 595

WAYS AND MEANS: Dotzler, Chair; Putney, and Seng


Senate File 2378

APPROPRIATIONS: Connolly, Chair; Behn, Danielson, Dvorsky, and Kettering

Senate File 2391

APPROPRIATIONS: Ragan, Chair; Boettger, Fraise, Hancock, and Johnson


MR. PRESIDENT: I move to reconsider the vote by which House File 2645 passed the Senate on March 24, 2008.



The Secretary of the Senate submitted the following report:

MR. PRESIDENT: The Secretary of the Senate respectfully reports that the following bill has been enrolled, signed by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, and presented to the Governor for his approval on this 24th day of March, 2008:

Senate File 249.

MICHAEL E. MARSHALL Secretary of the Senate


S–5188 S.F. 2332 Dick L. Dearden S–5189 H.F. 2645 Nancy J. Boettger S–5190 H.F. 2645 Brad Zaun S–5191 H.F. 2645 Pat Ward S–5192 H.F. 2645 Larry Noble S–5193 H.F. 2645 Dave Mulder S–5194 H.F. 2645 David L. Hartsuch S–5195 H.F. 2645 Mark Zieman S–5196 H.F. 2645 S–5197 H.F. 2645 Ron Wieck S–5198 H.F. 2645 Paul McKinley S–5199 H.F. 2645 Mark Zieman S–5200 H.F. 2645 Paul McKinley 71st Day MONDAY, MARCH 24, 2008 783

S–5201 H.F. 2645 Paul McKinley S–5202 H.F. 2645 Paul McKinley S–5203 H.F. 2645 Brad Zaun S–5204 H.F. 2645 Brad Zaun S–5205 H.F. 2645 Paul McKinley S–5206 H.F. 2645 Paul McKinley S–5207 H.F. 2645 David Johnson S–5208 S.F. 2332 Dick L. Dearden S–5209 H.F. 2645 Paul McKinley S–5210 H.F. 2645 David L. Hartsuch S–5211 H.F. 2645 Brad Zaun S–5212 S.F. 2400 S–5213 S.F. 2400 Jeff Danielson S–5214 H.F. 2645 Mark Zieman S–5215 S.C.R. 104 David Johnson