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A]Rd^R Eyvcraj Crzdvd Y`Avd 4 = , % $ > > > SIDISrtVUU@IB!&!!"&#S@B9IV69P99I !%! %! ' "%!7"8.3-1 ).).5 /). 6 !)-17 % A -0+-+*, *A B+-'& 8!*,+&%-B+& ,+-.-)#*/! 0./%-0.)0*+&! *'+ :5#D'# +A)&+ / /)+* *.%) .*,. ,+.,)* .B,+0,C;B!, - &6:2 ""+ :78 ? & + ' 102029 .00 ! *+!,+-. - *+!,+-. “While physician-scientists SARS pandemic, the 2009 around the world scramble to influenza H1N1 pandemic, xpressing concern over onvalescent plasma thera- test new drugs and treatments and the 2015 Ebola outbreak Erecent reported acts of van- Cpy is emerging as one of the against the Covid-19 virus, in Africa. dalism of 800AD Buddhist ) most promising and safe treat- convalescent serum therapy heritage in Pakistan Occupied ment options for patients with emerge as potentially one of the Pakistan (POK), India on severe Covid-19 symptoms, a most promising strategies,” said Wednesday asked Pakistan to new trial in the US has found. study researcher Eric Salazar (P"%*!"%& “immediately vacate all illegal- The therapy involves tak- from Houston Methodist ly occupied territories”. ing anti-bodies from the blood Hospital. *"+, This strong reaction of a person who has recovered Patients were treated under relayed by Ministry of External from Covid-19 and transfusing emergency use guidelines Geneva: The World Health Affairs Spokesperson Anurag those anti-bodies into an active (eIND) from the US Food and Organization on Wednesday Srivastava here came after coronavirus patient to help Drug Administration and then said clinical trials of the drug reports of vandalism, deface- kickstart the immune system to received approval from the hydroxychloroquine will ment and destruction of fight the infection. FDA to open up the trial to resume, having been suspend- Buddhist heritage in Published in The more patients as an investiga- ed pending a safety review in Gilgit-Baltistan. Registering American Journal of Pathology, tional new drug (IND). the search for coronavirus protest, he said “egregious the study conducted by the According to the treatments. “On the basis of the activities” of this nature dis- researchers from the Houston There were no serious adverse 3 lakh people with over 63 researchers, the therapeutic available mortality data... the playing contempt for the Methodist Hospital in the US side effects caused by the plas- lakh infected cases across the approach dates back to at least executive group will commu- ancient civilisational and cul- destruction of invaluable said. said that the results of the trial ma transfusion. world. as early as 1918 when it was nicate with the principal inves- tural heritage are “highly con- Indian Buddhist heritage He said India has sought showed that 19 out of 25 The findings have gener- The clinical trials to trans- used to fight the Spanish Flu. tigators in the trial about demnable”. located in Gilgit-Baltistan immediate access for its experts patients (76 per cent) improved ated hopes in the global com- fuse plasma from recovered Recently, the convalescent plas- resuming the hydroxychloro- “We have conveyed our area of the Indian territory to visit the area in order to with the treatment and 11 were munity rattled by the virulent Covid-19 patients into critically ma therapy was used with quine arm,” WHO chief Tedros strong concern at reports of under illegal and forcible restore and preserve the invalu- discharged from the hospital. virus which has claimed over ill patients started on March 28. some success during the 2003 Adhanom Ghebreyesus said. vandalism, defacement and occupation of Pakistan,” he able archaeological heritage. R # '() * +) , -./' & .)0 *+!,+-. tally on 122 deaths and as dence from the fact that there $ %% & many as 2,560 more people have been a total of 816 deaths ndia on Wednesday for the tested positive for the pan- in Maharashtra during the pre- ' Ifirst time went past 9,000 demic in various parts of the vious nine days. *+!,+-. new cases in a day amid a State. On May 26 (Tuesday) the Chinese study indicating that With the fresh deaths and State had witnessed 97 deaths, t’s likely to be the end of road the countries could see around infections, the total number of while there were 105 deaths on ' *+!,+-. Ifor cricketer-turned-politi- 15,000 new cases from June 15 deaths in Maharashtra jumped May 27, 85 deaths on May 28, cian Navjot Singh Sidhu in the onward. The country recorded to 2,587 while the total num- 116 deaths on May 29 and 99 mid coronavirus scare, the Congress. 9,238 new cases and 258 deaths ber of infected cases went up to deaths on May 30, 89 deaths on AGovernment has asked Sources said Sidhu has on Wednesday, which took its 74,860 in the State. May 31, 76 on June 1 and 103 animal breeders and owners of been approached by Aam overall tally of cases to 2,16,429 The worsening situation on June 3. Wednesday's toll was the exotic live species such as ! Admi Party (AAP) and poll and total death count to 6,087. in the State can be evi- 122. animals, fish and birds to vol- strategist Prashant Kishor is National Capital Delhi saw untarily declare their stock/s believed to be mediating a big spike with new cases ris- 01 within next six months as between Sidhu and AAP. ing to 1,513, the highest so far ' 12345 6731 86869 also ensure health cards of AICC sources said that in a day, and as many as 59 peo- ..23 * 67316 653 :28:4 their subjects. Sidhu has himself not been ple succumbing to the dread- , 68427 -./ 9726 The plan is to prepare an active in recent times within the ed virus in day. So far, Delhi has inventory and streamline the party and has distanced himself 23,645 confirmed cases and ( :3::1 ::66:66:6 import of exotic animal/birds from the cadre. 615 deaths. ( 9476 6594122 or fish species in the country, Punjab Chief Minister A Chinese study which ) % 3169 6697:14 which is now being considered Amarinder Singh has never had rightly predicted the 0.-10 to be fraught with risk of concealed his dislike for Sidhu’s growth of coronovirus in many ' % 3733 81:7227 zoonotic (animal to human) political posturing. countries including the US has -234 ! 0 4753 8276735 transmission. Exotic live Sources confirmed that poll painted an alarming picture, 0 2864 676567 species are animal or plant strategist Prashant Kishor has saying that India will add # $ 2548 78:7:2 species moved from their orig- spoken to Sidhu about his future around 15,000 new cases every inal range (location) to a new in the AAP. day from June mid. .251 % 891: 436242 one most often by people. Sources said Sidhu wants to Maharashtra appeared to 8565 99:774 This is for the first time be named as the CM candidate be peaking in terms of Covid . 6972 68:539 that the Government has taken of AAP in Punjab for the next 19-triggered fatalities and .2-530 such a move. The officials at the elections as a precondition for infections on Wednesday, as it ; <# 6371 82:551 Union Environment Ministry joining the party. notched the highest-ever day's / 6833 9:2:4 have asserted that precaution is better than prevention before the trade. any coronavirus kind of pan- “Considering the signifi- " #$ % % demic spreads here. In India as cance of import and export of O !" in the world, much of the exotic live species, this Ministry # &' exotic live species is currently is issuing an advisory to P legal. There exists a large streamline the process for 0.). demand and market for ani- import and possession of exot- *+!,+-. mals like ball pythons, pocket ic live species here. $ 5 6 ight workers were killed and 50 others were monkeys, crocodile skinks, The aim is to develop an he Delhi Police on Wednesday filed a Einjured on Wednesday in a massive fire trig- hissing cockroaches and a wide inventory of exotic live species Tchargesheet before a court here in relation gered by a blast in the boiler of a chemical facto- range of exotic birds. through Voluntary Disclosure to riots that took place in February during anti- ry at Dahej in Gujarat’s Bharuch district, police However, till now, there has Scheme to streamline CITES ' ' Q) " * CAA protest in which the building of a pri- said. The death toll may rise further as some of been no detail about the pop- compliance as well as stream- -)#*/! vate school was burnt down in N-E Delhi. the injured workers are in a serious condition, ulation status, numbers line the import procedure,” ' +$$$$ R Faisal Farooque, owner of Rajdhani according to police. poached, illegal trade hubs and said the official about the laiming to have proved School in Shiv Vihar locality was among the As companies of methanol and xylene chem- dynamics of these species. This guideline. Cexperts wrong UP Chief 18 arrested, for involvement in burning the icals are located near the affected factory, author- makes it difficult to know the As per the advisory, it will Minister Yogi Adityanath said pioneer adjacent DRP Convent School. Apart from ities have shifted about 4,800 people from near- impacts of illegal trade on the be mandatory for the own- that because of the effective DRP Convent School, a sweet shop was also by Luvara and Lakhigam villages to safer places population status of many of ers/animal breeders to regis- measures taken by the INTERVIEW set on fire and one of its employees, Dilbar as a precautionary measure. these captured animals, said the ter/declare progenies of the Government there are only over Negi, was trapped inside and his charred body About 230 workers were present inside the officials. imported exotic live species. 8,000 corona positive cases in said that the virus was found later, police said.
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