Remedial Action Plan for River Raisin
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Michigan Department of Natural Resources Remedial Action Plan for RrYW RAISIN Area of Concern October 27, 1987 M ichigan Department of Natural Resources Surface Water Quality Division Great Lakes and Environmental Assessment Section P.O. Box -W28 Lansing, Michiw 48909 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The initial draft of the River Raisin Remedial Action Plan was completed through the technical assistance of Science Application International Corporation under EPA Contract No. 68-04-5041, Work Assignment GL86-11, SAIC Project No. 2-813-03-202-11. Assistance in reviewing, selecting, extracting, organizing available information and shaping it into a readable initial draft is acknowledged and appreciated. Thanks is also given to those individuals that have provided technical assistance and information during the preparation of this remedial action plan. We are grateful for those who took the time to become involved in this project. We are also deeply indebted to the numerous people whose hard work produced the research papers cited in the Remedial Action Plan. A special thanks goes to Ms. Julie Rann in appreciation of her patience, innumerable hours of hard work, and conscientious efforts in the editing and typing of this Remedial Action Plan. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................. INTRODUCTION ................................................... 2 2.1 BACKGROUND ................................................ 2 2.1.1 Great Lakes Water Quality Management ............ 5 2.2 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES .................................... 6 2.3 INTENDED USE OF THE PLAN .................................. 6 3 . ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING .......................................... 7 3.1 LOCATION .................................................. 7 3.1.1 General ......................................... 7 3.1.2 The Area of Concern ............................. 7 3.2 NATURAL FEATURES .......................................... 7 3.2.1 Drainage Basin .................................. 9 3.2.2 Topography ...................................... 9 3.2.3 Hydrology ....................................... 9 3.2.4 Soils. Runoff and Erosion ....................... 10 3.3 LAND USES ................................................. 16 3.3.1 Industrial and Port Uses ........................ 14 3.3.2 Regional Sewer Service and On-Site Disposal ..... 18 3.4 WATER USES (RIVER/STREAM) ................................. 18 3.4.1 Water Supply .................................. 18 Water Supply in the AOC .................... 18 Water Supply to the External Area .......... 18 Agricultureal Land Use ..................... 25 3.4.2 Navigation ...................................... 25 3.4.3 Waste Disposal .................................. 25 3.4.4 Contact Recreation .............................. 25 3.4.5 Recreational Land Uses/Open Space and Wildlife Habitat.. .............................. 30 3.4.6 Fishing ......................................... 30 3.4.7 Canoeing ........................................ 30 4 . DEFINITION OF THE PROBLEM ...................................... 35 4.1 IMPAIRED USES AND SPECIFIC CONCERNS ....................... 35 4.1 .1 Eutrophication/Impacts on Biota ................. 35 . 4.1.2 Fish Consumption Advisory ... and Contmi~~~tlon............................... 35 4.1.3 Acute Toxicity Impacts on Aquatic Life .......... 37 4.1.4 Chronic Toxicity Impacts on Aquatic Life ........ 42 4.1.5 Physical Impacts on Buman Health ................ 45 4.1.6 Toxic Impacts on HuMn Health (Drinlring Water) .. 46 4.1.7 Impacts to Navigation .......................... 46 4.2 MAJOR POLLUTANTS OF CONCERN ............................... 46 4.2.1 Water Quality Contamination ..................... 46 4.2.2 Sediment Quality Contamination.................. 52 4.2.3 Plum Creek Contamination ........................ 57 4.2.4 Biota Contamination............................ 57 4.3 SUMMARY ................................................... 62 5 . SOURCES OF POLLUTION (PCBs) .................................... 67 5.1.1 External Sources of Major Pollutants ............ 67 5.1.2 Internal Sources of Major Pollutants............ 67 5.2 POINT SOURCES OF MAJOR POLLUTANTS ......................... 67 5.2.1 City of Monroe Waste Water Treatment Plant ................................. 67 5.2.2 Detroit Edison - Monroe Power Plant ............. 69 5.2.3 Ford Motor Company - Monroe Stamping Plant .................................. 72 5.2.4 Union Camp Corporation .......................... 76 5.2.5 La-Z-Boy Chair Company - Telegraph Road Plant ..................................... 76 5.3 NON-POINT SOURCES OF MAJOR POLLUTANTS ..................... 76 5.3.1 Port of Monroe Landfill ......................... 80 Port of Monroe Landfill - West Site ........ 83 Port of Monroe Landfill - East Site ........ 89 5.3.2 Consolidated Packaging Corporation .............. 103 5.3.3 Ford Motor Company - Monroe Stamping Plant .................................. 106 5.3.4 City of Monroe Landfill ......................... 109 5.3.5 Detroit Edison - Dredge Spoil Site .............. 109 5.4 SUMMARY ................................................... 109 6 . POLLUTANT LOADINGS AND TRANSPORT MECHANISMS .................... 122 6.1 HYDROLOGIC REGIME ...................................... 122 6.1.1 Sediment Resuspension. Transport and Depostion ....................................... 127 6.2 FATE AND TRANSPORT OF COPPER. CHROMIUM AND ZINC ........... 127 6.2.1 Partition Coefficient ........................... 129 6.3 PCB MASS BALANCE .......................................... 135 6.3.1 Model Results ................................... 135 6.4 SUMMARY ................................................... 136 7 . REMEDIAL ACTIONS ............................................... 141 7.1 COMPLETED REMEDIAL ACTIONS ................................ 141 7.1.1 NPDES Permits .................................. 141 7.1.2 Waste Disposal .................................. 141 7.1.3 Waste Containment ............................... 142 7.1.4 Biota Protection.............................. 142 7.2r REMEDIAL ACTIONS IN PROGRESS ............................ 142 8 . WUL ACTION PLANS. GOALS AND OBJECTIVES .................... 146 8.1 USES TO BE RESTORED AND MAImAINED ........................ 146 8.2 GOALS REGARDING BIOTA ............................ ........ 146 9 . PUBLIC PARTICIPATION ........................................... 147 9.1 PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT......................................... 147 10 . REMEDIAL ACTION STEPS ........................................ 148 10.1 REQUIRED PLANS AND STm)IES ............................... 148 10.1.1 River Raisin ................................. 148 10.2 POINT SOURCE REMEDIAL ACTIONS ............................. 151 10.2.1 City of Monroe WWTP ............................. 151 10.2.2 Ford Motor Company - Honroe Stamping Plant .................................. 152 10.2.3 Detroit Edison Monroe Power Plant ............... 152 10.2.4 Union Camp Corporation.......................... 152 10.2.5 Consolidated Packaging Corporation .............; 152 10.3 NON-POINT SOURCE REMEDIAL ACTION a......................... 153 10.3.1 Port of Monroe Landfill ......................... 153 West Side .................................. 153 East Side .................................. 154 10.3.2 Ford Motor Company - Yonroe Stamping Plant .................................. 157 10.3.3 Detroit Edison .................................. 157 10.3.4 Consolidated Packaging Corporation - South Plant ..................................... 158 10.3.5 City of Monroe Landfill ....... ...........-...... 159 10.3.6 Consolidated Packaging Corporation - North Plant ..................................... 160 10.3.7 Union Camp Corporation .......................... 161 11 . BIBLIOGRAPRY ................................................... 162 APPENDIX 3.1 . LAND CAPABILITY CLASSES .............................. 168 APPENDIX 6.1 . RIVER RAISIN MODEL BOUNDARY. TRIBUTARY AND POINT SOURCE WATER QUALITP ........................... 174 iii LIST OF FIGURES Number Page 1 Area of Concern Location ................................. 3 2 River Raisin Area of Concern .............................. 4 3 River Raisin Basin ....................................... 8 River Raisin Average Annual Flow. Average Monthly Flow. 7 Day Minimum. and Monthly 7410 Flow ........ 11 River Raisin Basin .Soil Associations .................... 12 Erosion on Cultivated Cropland ............................ 16 Sanitary Sewer Service Area ............................... 20 Existing Public Water Service Areas ....................... 22 River Raisin Basin .Recreation Areas ..................... 31 Locations of Sampling Stations During the 1984 River Raisin Fishery Survey .......................... 32 The Weight of "Game Fish. Redhorse. Suckers. and Carp Captured at Each Station During the 1984 River Raisin Fishery Survey ............... 33 Monroe Harbor and River Raisin Sampling Stations in 1983-1984 .............................................. 43 Monroe Harbor Chemistry: PCB Homolog .. Percent Composition at Selected Stations .................. 49 Representative Specific Conductance Profiles. Vertical Profiles of Upstream and Downstream River Raisin Stations .July. September and October 1983 Surveys................................. 53 Spatial Secchi Depth and Suspended Solids Profiles for 1983 River Raisin Surveys .................... 54 Spatial Specific Conductance and Chlorides