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. T'.-fKSDA'L §EfTCMBER fe,494V i- ■ (■ The Weather Manchester Evening Herald Avera|:e Dally Circulation ZWK£a X PoreeMt of U. S. U rather Bareon For the MonUi of Aaguat, 1944 I instructom in all ' bases of Inter­ Partly eloudy tonight and Hram- Mr. and Mrs. Fred F. Oarpon. day: ellghtly cooler in Interior to­ i - / Aviation Cadet George Palnicr Vllla Louisa in' Bolton on Sunday. ior Security tactii ,. % ter of 63 Pitkin atroot have left 8 , 7 7 . ^ night; little temperature rhange Luurtacma, son of Mr. and Mrs. State Guards Sept. T7. for a vacation of two weeks in About Town Peter Luurtaema,' 396 Hartford Captain Schiebel announces that ALICE COFRAN Member of the Aodlt Thumday. Dorset, Vermont, where thiey will road, waa recently awarded a Rank Raised enlistments tri Company G for men (Known Aa ()ueen AUce) Bureui o f ClrculnOons Sharpshooter’s medal for profi­ ba gueaU at tiia Barrowa Houae. between the ages of 17 and SO are SPIRTTUAL MEDHIM Back T 0 School Mcdtcheeter— A' City of J^iUage Charm i^viaUoti Cadet WtoUiwp A. ciency in firing the .45 caliber a«- t Ml !■ still open and ellgibles can apply ■ m l Jr~ ion of Mr. and Mra. W. Seventh Dnnghter of n Seventh Son tomaUc pistol at MauwMI ftoM. Mlaa Sblriay PorterflMd. daugh­ at the State Armory. Many letters ------M Volty atreet. w m ra-i Bom With n Veil. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CBI .AlaliM iM • M tagtaHatton o f the ter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert 8. Por­ Capl Schiebel Aniioiiiir- are on file in company offices of Rendings Onlly, Including Sunday. (ClEMlfind Advertining oa Psgn 19) * 'MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1944 ^ U y awarded an A.A.P. ttaln ln g Command. terfield of 178 Oak Grove street, the local units, from many former VOL. LXJH., NO. 287 ^ proficiency in M a f V ttM B A. M. to 9 P. M’. Or By Appolnt- has returned after a week’a vaca­ #*» ProiiioRons; Anni­ members, now overseas, comment­ mehL In the S ervice^ ! the Peo­ "Jiber automatic platol ing on the valuable training gain­ The regular meeting of Ander- tion at Groton Ismg Point, ple for SO Venm. * » Field, Alabama, an ■on-Shea Poet. Veteran*, of For­ versary Dinner Set. " ed as members of the state forcea. of the A.A.F. Tralnlnt Com- 169 Churhh Street, Hertford, Conn. c School eign Ware will be held this eve­ The monthly meeting of the More and more equipment Is be­ Phone 8-2024 Dieppe dfiisipns Qear Road block'for Allies nd. ning at 8:15 at the Arm y and auxiliary to Mons Ypres Post, ing made Available-to the State % Capt. Frank Schiebel of Com­ Guard through the First Service Reds Bross Narew Yankee Bridgehead Navy P)—Powerful London. Sept. 6.—(d*)— As Lon­ baking and canning sections shall Springfield, Mass., and frequently Peneils . ern front troops which captured are able to mass their air power in themselves firmly across. ' Bear — #• OOoper Street be the work of the individual ex­ Wednesday Specials don «n j03^ a quiet night— the visited hla brother, R. J. West, Craiova In southwest Romania a comparatively small area and Eighth Arthy forcea haVV cap­ Moselle river today in prej hibitors. , and sister, Mrs. Edward Boyca of BELTS fifth In a row broken only by one Art Gum Erasers drove along the Wallechian plains that a "long and bard" fight ia In tured' ai. important ridge ruhping ration for an assault on Hit thia town. on the approaches of Yugoslavia brief flurry of flying bombs early EXPERTLY FITTED Store Open All Day This Wed, prospect. from the key town of O>rland''\to ler’s west wall after their Pencil Erasers for a junction with Marshal Tito’s He said at a news ..conference the Adriatic sea in furious batr^ yesterday— the Germans hinted The monthly meeting of the offl- mored patrols, reconnoitei^|| High Quality Cleaninf Of partisan army to cut off all the that a year ago the Japanese bad tling below Rimini, eastern anchor•"Mhey would turn their " V - l" ro- i cial board of the Church of the Gold .Medal Reinforcements the path of the advance, " fO r y o u r n e w enemy In Bulgaria, southern Yu­ their Air Forces spread over an of the Nazis' Gothic line, but Cori'* ^ t s against Allied *Armiea on the Heating SystiBins and I Nazarene nill follow the midweek crosses the German border A RT MUR goslavia, Greece and the Aegean. immense Pacific area but that ano is still in German bands. A l­ cohtinent now that most of the I prayer and praise service tomor- DRUG STORES 2.'>-Lb. Blotters then returned to. the main eli Chimneys No Invasion Newn Told with the capture or neutralization lied headquarters sail) today. buz bomb coast hat been lost. AND I row night at 7:30. Flour "w $1.29 ments. The swift Russian columns - in and by-passing of some 50 enemy Allied patrols have penetrated "^R N AC E REPAIRING I ______i------— , Paper Clips starting aa soon aa retreating Germans had left the t^nm. citizens of Dieppe clear road barricades to C one^ing that the flying bombs Battle of Germany to Begin Romania were less than 50 miles biases by American forces "the the town, but tropp* have not been "m ay ^ be launched against A Fnel (tevtag favealment Campbell's faclhtate the advance o f Canadian troops which swept thrdtqrh, the town to Abbeville on the north from Yugoslavia, leas than 55 Japs are relieved o f the responsi­ able to enter it in force. The Ger­ EnglandXwlth the same regularity Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower Is Tonr PnWoGe Duty. OLD WORK Celluloid Rulers. FYench coast. EdwMd Worth, Associated Press pho togrnpher >vUh the war still picture pool, made thia mans were said to be putting up s f W ^ FOR TOP VALUE from the Iron gate where the Dan­ bility of supplying them with as hitherto" a Nazi radio commen­ dared the battle of Germany planes. picture. (A P w l r ^ o t o l . \ ______■ fanatical defense on high ground about to begin. For Full InfonnnUon Call Sot .r IN A NEW HOME 3 Cans 25c Wohd Rulers ube cuts through the Transyl­ tator declared: "The V -l can be Tomato Soup vania Alps, leas than 140 from Gan Mass A ir Power to the left of Coriano. employed against other targets on "Battles soon will be fought $ee the Ones Being Built By Van's Til Brown and Black Shoe Laces. seething Belgrade and 175 from "They can masa their air power AniiericanB Continue Gains tbe European continent. The German soil,” be said in hr Von Comp Bros. William Kunehl Sugar Heart Hungary pre^r. There was no So­ in the narrowing theater of ac­ Outppl Curbs North of Pisa on the western weapon will lose nothing of Its Im­ instructions to foreign wolkers Bandage Strips viet announcement that Red tion, the Pliilipplnes, China and Army to Freo Some end of tbe Italian front the Am eri­ portance.” Germany on ways to aid AUlS TELEPHONE 5244 greenbrooke 'Japan proper,” Forrestal aald. cans continued to r a s t e r gains, troops In combat areas. General Contractor troops had Invaded Bulgaria, upon Londoners while naturally sus­ Retreading Peanut Butter Lb. Jar I 9 c He a d d ^ that the Jananese ob­ driving the Germans from Alto- Supreme headquarters officii Adhesive Tape which Russia declared war last picious of the Nazis, are about Free Inspections! 518 Center St. Tel. 7773 HOMES, IN C viously have been saving their Be Lifted pascia and -sending patrols deep described the penetrations of night. (The- German-controlled ready to hall their own "libera­ Sunsweet Oslo radio said Russian forces, had forces for engagements to come After NaziT^eaten into the Important communica­ Reich frontier as actions per' On Walker Street , Rat Tail Combs tion"—the freedom from four and as a result w ill have more tions center of Lucca, s provision­ 25 to SO miles ahead of the Service entered Bulgaria.) years of bombing. , For further Inforuintlon onll nt Pocket Combs Swarms ot Stormovik planes planes In .future engagements. On Nazis’ Fall al capital with a pO| ulition of 82,' front. The Third Army permit Alexander Jnrvls Co. oitice on Prune Juice Qt. 27e paced the renewed Russian offen­ Also, he said, the Japanese have 000 ten miles northeast of Pisa. Evacuees Returaing disclosure only today that the Tires brought in on or be­ (No Points!) Plans f^r Start at De­ WILL BUY ANY Craftsman Center etreet or nt 28 Alexnndet fore Monday, returped on sive In (he Narew area, 312 mUea made "many Important technlqAl 37 Jap sliips British columns ran into grow­ While the British government had occurred Sunday— the firat i streeL • Improvenienta" In. planes. mobilizing, Based in ing resistance north, of Florence, has warned the thousands who ficially reported armed entry ini Thursday, and tires brought Store Open All Day Wednegday^ Sept, 6 from Berlip—the closest lepbrted Only Controls Essen­ Pboneni 8119 ev 7X78 approach of any Allied army. On ‘’Thus," he said, "the Ubited but scored Important gains in the left London at the height of the Germany by land since the fa ll' GOOD in Tuesday. Wednesday and States Navy will face 3/^ air Part on Soldier Sug­ high terrain overlooking the city. robot raids to stay where they France. Auto Body Shop 16-Qt. Bskt. one 24-mile acetor, the Germans tial to Assure Produc­ Again Victims Thursday, returned the fdl-. T omatoes 69c concentrated four divisions. power in the coming yeay- roat will The resistance of the Nazis, on are a while anyway, railroads re- W hat has happened since SS be stronger both qi^ntiUtively tion to Defeat J ^ a n gestions, Announced. "fsthe Adriatic showed signs of day on the Third Army front at REAL ESTATE Body and Fender EBP&li^nK lowing Monday. Offer fTonsidernble. Resistance I I ' N Front dispatches from Romanis ■ -- WHcakening as the Canadians and ( Continued on Page Tw elve) was under the secrecy of securlt; Welding Will Be Enforced. Of Air Blows but it was announced offlcia TWICE. A WEEK . TN m .H g L 4 C O M said the Germans were offering (Continued or P p ie Twelve), Washington, Sept. 6.— (/P) other elements of the Eighth McIntosh Apples A rm ^ severely mauled fresh tank ithat the Third Army's breac Fair Prices T m d i Painting M A H C H i s r m C o m m - considerable resistance in Tran­ ' y* Plans for a lim its start ^ at SERVICE! Washington, Sept. 6 All and H)fantry - reinforcements ’^of the Moeelic. last river ba •W • • • .s sylvania mountain passes north demobilizing America’s' huge short of the Rhine itself, had. Expert Work! and northwest of captured Ploesti. control* over production, save Raids * Continuing at thrown I n ^ their path. German Hate cife Guides WE RECAP ANY TIRE! Lbs. 25i: Army soon after Germany’s The Germans have been com­ curred midway between MetS i Wm. F. Johnson 10-Day Service On Truck Advancing at a breakneck Bulgaria Asks those "absolutely essential neces­ Rapid Tempo 4>f i^ast Nancy, some 40-od^ ■'nilee short Prompt Service! speed o f mors than 70 mUes In 0 defeat— based in part on the pelled to relieve their much bat­ sary to assure the reduced meas­ tered parachute battalion by an the niarest point o'f the O e r~ ' . Builder — Real Estate Tires. single day in Romania, Soviet ar­ solicited suggestions of fight­ Pre • Invasion Tactics ill-assorted collection of men from Brings Death frontier. , TalephoBe 742f or 4814 127 Spruce St. Tel. 2-1348 mored torctM seised a strategic Reds to Give ure of war production necessary to beat Japan," are to be removed ing G. I. Joes— were announc­ the Turkoman division, which was Headquarters said the Thtr springboard for an Immediate Attain Deadly Results. Army waif acfoaa the Moselle 111 |i ^ ...... WARTIME VACUUM CLEANER immediately, upon Germany’s de­ ed today by the W ar depart­ commanded by Maj. Gen. Otto Van We Do Our Own. HEALTH MARKET united front with Marshal ’Tito’s To Villagers strengtl; Pcesumably there waa feat. ' ment. Because of the continu­ VIedemayer, but who has appar­ partisans and an Invasion of the General Headquarters, South­ second bridgehead near Nancy. Nation Truce A fter producing what is needed ing war with Japan, releases of ently been relieved of his com­ 9 t ■— Fresh Ground " 'Hungarian plains. west Pacific, Sept. 6.—(jp)— mand. Stiffer Opposition Suggewled A t truly 08 tkt North Star VULCANIZING SERVICE SPECIAL! ’The occupation o f Craiova, larg­ for the Japanese war, industry troops from service at first will be will have virtually a free hand in slow and amall in number. Smashing ne^r Allied air blows The new Canadian drive which Between 1,200, 1,500 What little Information did for centuriet directed leilort ONE-DAY SERVICE! I.b. est road and rail center In west­ Joint Peace with Amer­ star,ted two nights ago haa carried come back to supreme headquab>| Hemburg 27e (1) NEW DUST- ern Romania, placed Russian resuming civilian production— W ill Take "F irst PrioVity"* against Japan’s crumbling posi­ Persons Locked in on the right ooutm, our rec­ cars, washing machines, electric to] within a half mile, of the Mara- tera through the screen of tile PROOF BAG troops less than 150 miles east of ica, Britain and So­ The Army cautioned soldiers tion south of the Philippines have noi river, in the face of consider­ ord for feithful public Mrvico refrigerators or anything else. suggested that stiffened Gen Belgrade, 115 miles north o f Sofia and th« public that the war with able opposition from self-propelled Church, School and A policy of allowing manufac­ destroyed or. crippled 37 more oppoiition 'vas being met in guido* old end new resident* (2 ) BRUSH and f85 miles from the Hungar­ viet Union Ex|>ected Japan wlU'Uke "first priority" in and-anti-tank guns. preliminaries to the' main batUs| WANTED COLD MEAT SPECIALS: turers to make "whatever peopie enemy ships, including 13 laden Houfics„to Die in Fire. RE-BRISTLED military calculations and shipping. 4o e modem funerel lervlce VAN'S ian Jmrder. * with troops, Gen. Douglas Mac- No New Gains Reported for th3 border. As Result of Appeal. want,” without - direction from Since demobilization has been No new gains were'reported in of widely known deponde- Flee In Wild Rout Arthur said today. ^ The total American bag of prla«l Man with retail store experience to work Service StatioA (3) NEW BELT Washington, was outlined today fixed on an Individual basis, some the direction of Rimini, although (Editor'e Note: Associated oners since D-Day is n.iw m orsl biiity. Front Tuspaiches said the Ger­ by J. A. Krug, acting chairman of Raids Sunday and Monday, con­ Press War Correspondent Ed­ 427 Htfd. Road TeL 3866 Cooked Salami Lb. $9£ London, Sept. 8— Bul­ men will be sent hack from the for the last 48 hours the British than 205,000, it waa announcsCl In HardwM^ Store. Hardware store experi­ (4) CLEANER . mans fled in a wild rout ahead of the W ar Production board. Pacific as well, as from Europe tinuing at the fast tentpo'^of past have been less than six miles from ward Kennedy recently .com- • a Red Army spearhead which had garia appealed to Russia today pre-invasion tactics, achieved The Third Army haa estimated Itl ADJUSTED Unanimity on Program and American outposts. that vital terminus to the vulner­ pleted a remarkable 4p0-mlle gaptured 76,000, w ound^ 62,2SO| almost corhpletely outflanked the fo r an armistice, a few hours after these deadly results: ence helpful but not necessary. Hours Ham u. 49c Krug said the Arm y, Navy, and Four essential factors, wiiuiow- able valley of the Po. Journey by jeep from the AMBULA.N'CE SERVICE northern frontier of Bulgaria, Air patrols sank or wrecked 13 (5) OltBDAND the Kremlin declared war. Cairo- major war agencies unanimously ed from suggestions gathered in British warships bombed Rimi­ southern French front to (Continued oi. Page Eight) against which Russia yesterday barges and small ships filled with 8:00 to 5:30 except Thursday until 9:00 advices said a joint peace with the agreed on the program, .intended an Army survey, will guide the ni, however, slamming more than Nantes, behind, the Allied lines TIGHTENED declared war. troops along the Menado coast of to provide "maximum employ­ priority system of releases. They 6o!o rounds into .th;? . batteries In northern France. The dnn- Fire Insurance There was no official word in United States, Britain and the Dutch (Celebes. p. m. > • ment, just as quickly os possible" are: LeDgth of service, overseas guarding the port. Excellent re- i gerons trip through territory u r k e _ Moscow of n Red A rm y march in­ Soviet Union was expected as a Night patrols destroyed a 1,000- On Your after Germany goes down, but at time, combat credit and number of suits were claimed. still occupied ; by scattered ) to Bulgaria, confidently expected result. ton freighter and left a 4,000-ton- The Fifth Army consolidated i German 'forces provided the the same time protecting produc­ dependents. $6.95 to Involve virtually no resistance The German radio at Oslo said ner probably sinking from direct rapidly all the high ground to the | material for the following 5H CfNTERST (DIN tion necessary to fight Japan. ’ The bulk of the Army’s strength Flaslies! by tbe Bulgars. the Russiana had marched Ipto will be shifted to the Pacific. The hits ofl Halmahera, the stepping- west of Florence which haa fallen ' F, T. BLISH HARDWARE CO. FURNITURE A reduction of about 4o per cent story of Nazi hate). B REPAIRS AND ESTIMATES ON ALL MAKES. iT h e Sofia radio said that Bui- the Balkan kingdom. There was awesome might of the additional stone island between New Guinea (Late Bnlletlm ol the 793 MAIN STREET MANCHESTER,,CONN, And Personal Effects FRPE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. no confirmation from Moscow or forces to be unleashed against Ja­ and the. southern Philippine‘island (Continned on Page slight) I By Edward Kennedy. Sofia. (Continued on Page N in e ). (Continued on Page Eight) pan is indicated in these words: of Mindanao. Six smaller freight­ j Oradour-aur-Glane. France, Sept. Lumber Curbs Modified We can prutMt ynn for as Inw "All Else Must Walt" Strang Menaurea Ordered ers and 13 barges also were de­ 1,— (Delayed)—(4^—Oradour is a Boston, Sept. 8,—(JPI—The W arl as 84,50 per 81.000 for/S yenre’ RE-CAP 4------^------. "The Pacific theater will have stroyed in this area. i l^ d u riio n Board announced tn*l RANGE and The Bulgars asserted that their ghastly village of charred and tot- time. TELEPHONE 2-1439 government bad ordered strong No. 1 priority. All else must wait. In the Gulf of Davao, principal I Navy Will Not dav a modification of lumber eale.j Death Takes To t will be transported millions Your Tires Now Use of Force measures against German forces, port of Mindanao, night patrol ! ^ ■j./r ‘ tering walls set in the midst of a restrictions to permit sale oil Let me call at your home and of fighting men, millions of tons accused o f attacking Bulgaf A rm y planes sank a 1,'000-lon merchant- K A lp a C d a IV Iftll lovely rolling countryside. It haa Number Four or lower gr*dm oil FUEL OILS explain details or of landing barges, tanks, planes, units—clalma countered by' the jnan- . n r ^rn.a./aa no ,„habitantsinhabllani* becauseDecause on anotheranuuiui certain rm s in timberIimur-I VIIon asssm-w^.--^—uncertified^ or-1 GET YOUR CANNING NEEDS AT Telephone 5440 or 5938 Noted Bishop guns, anununitlon and food, over ■iMlOl R SKItVK'K Plan Decided Russians, who said the ruler* o f Another thousand-tonner was 1 sunny Saturday afternoon just 12 1 dem. The order wlll'«permlt M ie w driven ashore and a coastal vessel w - | | ' weeks ago the Germans buroed the ^ nawmllls and lumlier d lstrib u w * 1 * U ()N K the country' were tools of the (Continued on Pag* Eight) Arthur A. Knot la Nazia and tied to the. (Serman war sunk off Amboina. west o f New Expanding and village and its population of low grade ‘ "Douglas ’ fir, southerBl 'Proposal for Automat­ chariot. Cannon Known Nation­ Guinea. Between 1,200 and 1,560 per.<)on8, yellow .pine, western hemIocll»| "The Furniture Fire . These enemy losses brought to Continue to Expand; western red cedar and Sltkfil Ineurance 51an*’ . Whether terms drafted ^y the ally for His Opposi­ Treasury Balance most of them women and children, BOLAND ic Action to Pre- Americana and British fo r the 54 the number of ships sunk or were locked in the village chui-ch, spruce, and Number Three or low -j FOSTER'S 875 MAIN S'lUEET ' > damaged'Since last Wednesday in Must Beat Japs First. ei grades of air species of hard­ abortive peace talk* in Cairo tion to Liquor < Use. Washington, Sept. 6.— (ff)— ’The \ Oniee Open Daily serve Peffee Certain. the Phlllpplne-Moluccaa area, (Continued on Page Two) wood on unoertl’fled order# p f*"l For Fine Foods and Thure. Evening 7 to 8 P, M. position of the Treaauiy Sept. 4: OIL CO. (Continued on Fag* Eight)' Receipts. 178,719,065.57; expen­ where shipping is so hard-hit that Washington, Sept.’S'’— (F) — vidrd that the sale'will not Inter-j 84 OAKLAND STREET ' TELEPHOp: 7386 Washington, . Sept, 8.—(F)— A Chicago, Sept. 6.—(8*)— Bishop barges make up a good part of the Navy Secretary Forrestal qpld to­ fere with the filling ol certified or-] Jamea Cannon Jr., 79, Methodist ditures, 3297,081.602.62; net bal­ pro^^osal that the United States enemy supply fleet. day there will be no demobilization dera ' churchman known, nationally for ance, 316,931,856.336.22. agree to use force automatically of the Navy when Germany is de­ South France - 7 ♦ * * at Ihe direction of a world organi­ Senator Holds his opposition to liquor and his feated. German Troops Bombed We Can Supply You With All J sation to preserve peace now ap­ participation in political contro­ "On the contrary.” Forrestal ¥ T *a x f'C G lrkG Al*! ' London, Sept. 6.— (/p>—Some 738 pears.’certain to result from the versy, died today, in Wesley Me- said, “ the Navy is expanding and _ U U l l S X _ < U j!9 e a I i:. s. heavy b<*mbers flying troas Your Canning Needs G. E. WILLIS & SON, IN C Dumbiiirton p a k *' seenrity confer­ mbrial hospital ' of *' cerebral Beheaded Head Conscious w «l continue to expand. The NeVy I Italy bon>i>ed concentrotloua ef i , H _ , 1‘Hay Service ence.^-^ ' ' , - ■ hemorrhage. cannot demobilize until Japan ■ is ’ *i cerniOn troops moving northward He suffe'red an attack of heart defeated." YELLOW ELBERT A FREESTONE h Lumber of All ‘Kinds Eventually, this idea, developed French Troous Lillie from b*low the Danube today, by post-war planners at the State disease last week and was remov­ For . About Five Seconds The Navy strength now is slight­ 4 * 1 - alonx with Nari retreat routes ju New Attacks Made on ed froth'his, hotel to the hospital, . ly above 3,000,1)00 officers and en­ MasoD Supplies—"Fttint— Hardware SAVE WHAT YOU HAVE BY RECAPPING NOW! ucpartmenL may prove to be the More Than 90 Airline n , c Balkans. 'They struck as wav* key piece in congressional debate He bad come to (Chicago from his listed personnel, and Forrestal Balsam Wool'Insulation W e have installed 55,000 worth of new equipment and New Deal by Three home in Richmond, Va„ for a By Howard W. Blakeslee • due to the centrifugal force. The said it will continue to grow until Miles ironi Yanks. j over American participation in a . weight in itself does no damage, will be able to give you O N E D AY SER VICE, or if world peace agency. Repjtiblican Governors. meeting of the Anti-Saloon League Associated Press Science Editor the authorized strength of' nearly for a solid hour and ranged beluafi with which he was identified for ' but the force pulls the blood from 4,000,000 s reached next July. you want— drive over and we will recap a tire whito Exhaastlvely Kxajnlned 8t. Louie, Sept. 8—(F )—There the brain, resulting ii) greyout, Bulletin! j the western ffont and Into Ger­ T h e plan has undergone exhaus­ many years. Post-war Navy plans, he said, | many, snarling transportatloa. COAL • COKE OIL you wait. BRING YOUR CAR IN THE MORJ^ING— By The Associated Press now is scientific evidence that a blackdut, uncoifbciouknesa ,1 - Rome. Sept. 6— iF>— Sweep- | tive British and Russian examina­ Active Foe Of M Smith will be determined to a large ex-1 DRIVE IT HOME AT NIGHT ALL RECAPPED.. Senator Pat MeCarran "held- an Bishop Cannon, who acquired beheaded peraon'e head may re­ When the blood starts to drain tent by the "unique problems" fac- i Ing up the Saone valley of | Bushel 2 Main St. Tel. 5125 tion during-the conference but has down uni^r the tremendous pull, ' Held On Rlurder Charge $ 4 - 5 0 853-vote lead today in a sharp po­ prominence in political affairs main conacloue for about five sec­ ed by the United States in waging I France In pursuit of the Ger­ i San Francisco, Sept. 6 . ^ ^ — A : stood up unchanged. In the pro- tbe peraqn does not lose ronsci.oue- mans, French troops today oc­ litical contest in Nevada as ballot- through his efforts to defeat Al­ ond!. - a war. ’ !veti-ran ol two wars w alM up to ceu Russian representatives ap­ counting neared Conclusion in his It came out of a hitherto secret ness immediately. H is ' mind re­ cupied Chalon - sur -Saone . These are ideal for canning. Nice size and excellent parently have relinquished their fred E. Smith for the presidency Must Fight Far Away the rostrum during a Veteraaa sa Dembcratlc renominatlon try military investigation of the puz­ mains clear from five to seven "W ars." Forrestal said, "have (pop. 31.810). strategic com­ notion for an international air in 1928; retired In 1938 as bishop Foreign Wars meeting here ^ I »vor. ;.v ' ‘ agqinst Lieut Gov. Vail Pittman. zles of blackouU among avlstora • seconds, then suddenly, he ^be- got to be fought a long way from munications center from which NEW TIRES force and accepted instead -the o f the Methodist Episcopal church. night and fired eight buHete f v t o ,. And on the national scene, with and was presented for the first ' comes unconscious. our shores. I f and when we fight a highways fan out toward We have quite a few Grade I tires at the present idea thSt the use of force can be South, having served since Ms]^ two pistols Inlo Dlslrlet VPW Cam*. 1 presidential elections hsrdly two 1918. A fter the church unification- time to the Aero Medical Associa­ Blood Leaves Brala war east of the Alleghenies or southWeelern Uernmny and LA ST C A L L FOl^ British and American time. If you hold a certificate bay one now AS made certain and qqick by a ■months off, there came new at tion o f the United Statea here. These few seconds were shown west of tbe Rockies we've lost a central France. The French - quota system, oterating under a in 1939 he had the status o f a re­ P olk * Lieut. -iMaes Q u lg l^ a ^ i tocks oh the New Deal from Re­ Blackout studies were reported | to be exactly the time' It takes WAT ** swept- through a number ol THEY ARE VERY SCARCE. sort of work! high command. tired bishop of the Methodist today Harry Barton. 50, whom publican governora church. from the Mayo cUnic and Mayo for much pf the blood toN eive the He said collapse pf Germany towns la eapturing Chalon, War Relief Under this system each country foundation, Rochester, Minn., described as a loejrilme j SIR! ANIMALS AND PQULTRY In the Nevada Primaries, bn the Since then his principal activi­ brain. 'hiis centrifuge draining rather than easing the job o f the which is about 110 airline the victim, was held oa a murfer.^ - would agree to make available basis of returns from 249 of 283 where for nesrty two years Drs. is as fast or faster, than in be­ Navy. will present it with new miles eouthwest of Belfort and BARTLETT ties have bean with the Federal charge. , , , adequate forcea to suppress ag­ E. Jw' Baldsa, E. H. Wood, E. H. WE HAVE PLENTY OF GRADE 8 TIRES precincts, the standing was; Mo- Council of Churches, in behalf of heading. tasks. One Forrestal said, will be tha Nasi eacaps poea Into *»iaii recognise the diffc’renc*:'* too« between , gressor nations when the proposed Csrrsn, 10,441; Pittman. 9,588. Lambert and C. F- Code have been eonthwoat Oermany. Thena- In­ vsriouh peace oixonlzations and in "The . earliest data.” said the the transportation o f men and Bring, Your Certificates, world council decided the time for Mokme Coaoeded Noniinatloa cxperlmenUng ■with a huge whirl­ Mayo report, "deollnx with dura­ materials freed from the European cluded Cliqiy, famed for Its good feed and ordinaiTr types. 'ITiey reflect oetteh had come. George W. Malone was conceded the Anti-SaloCn League- ing machine called the human cen­ laee; Seanecey-le-Oratid, and Mrs.. Cannon, vtsiting in Port tion of this latent period (^^time of theater into the Pacific to deliver and BuppUee were recsivea PEARSf 5.00x16 ^ ’ ' 5.50x 16 7.00 X I f i In the United States, this would the Reptiblioan senatorial nomina­ trifuge. it very definitely as far as growth and fatten- blood draining) probably was that heavier blows against >Jspan. Le Vlllars. tbe Allies this week by take the form of a proposal to tion. 'CSinton, Ohio, war notified and . 'Phe human centrifuge ie a part- ■ collected by a Parisian physician “Germanv’t defeat," Forrestal vak force# and Slovak ^ t W CongreU to guarantee to have a ’Final figures were not announced was en route here. Arrangements ly-'clrcular platform with a cage LAR G E SIZE— 16-Quart Baskett. . . ing are concerned, Feedx .'’em' the good J fo r the funeral will be made after who requested his aristocratic declared, "will result In a redistri­ Rome. Sept. 0.—(F)--French battliag the G e r a ^ to ^ definite number of Army, Navy immediately but an early count on top, to .one edge of which is fit­ friends during the French revelu- bution rather than a reduction of $ 2 * 5 0 her arrival. ted a seat, surrounded by testing troops o f the Seventh Arm y chas­ tltkMed naGoa. Ksvslgfi M M brands we carry, for best results. ^ ' and airmen ready for Instant ac­ gave Malone nearly. 9 to 1 over Uon to blink at him os long as Naval atrength.'i Oeater Of Csatroverslea instniWients. The seat swings free­ jmM Maaaiyk sC the tion, srithout seoourae to Congress Kenneth F. Jedinson with Kendrick jiossible after their heads rolled . H * reported that tha N avy for ing the Germans out jp l southern For a considerable portion of ly, as in a whirling plane in an governmsat la exile CAMPBELL'Sl — congTMsioaal authority for such A. fohnaon trailing. from the guillotine. He reported a jrear haa studied ddmoblHoation Francs are approa.hihg '* Oialon- TueMlay at 8 O’^Qck his Ufetims Bishop Cannon was today. *nw arrival ot I MEDIUM SIZE-^16;Qiiart Basket . .. use at this limited fjirca would Gov. Thomas B. Deiycy got set amusement paric. iqethb^ and has completed tenta­ sur-Ssone, a little more them W the osntsr o f eccloaiastleal afid Dos to OeatsttHgol Force that on tbe average, his sobjeeta Z S a e o has hod a gtsa , '' t, fi' $ 1 . 7 5 have bean ebtalnsd in advance. meanwhlls to start on Ms active tive plans to most any eontin- alrtlae miles from American Third political oontrovaraies.' A bitter But speeds are ao much greater eontlauiM] to blmk fo r five aed- •fleet omang tpe Larsen’s Fe^ ^rvice Along with virtual agreement’ speech-making campaign, bulwarit- oads. Our observations and oth­ fancy. The N avy haa worked In Army units last reported at Bar- SEE VICE ETATIOIt fo e ofJlquor, he once described his that the persm. in the seat becomes •aid. Preeamebly \Vc Will Deliver Two Baskets or More ORANGE HALL pn the American plan, the Dum­ ed by three more o f hla RepuMican ers confirm by somewhat leas ,cooperation with the Army and sur-Mine southeast of Troyes- AJ- r75Main(At.^leTampike) ^ ^ Dialflll .38 D E M SQUARE < * < J^LEPHONE 540fi barton negotlatoi^^Wno can not governor colleagues who told radio work in that line as more than .40 “ heavier and heavier” until, as’ his and auppHea were Today and Tomorrow Only. ♦ ADMISSION .... V . .'.^...... *25c ‘weight” approaches half a ton. drastic technique these earlier (OSOtlMMd :• Tw e).' (Oeattnaad on Fosps Etoktl (Oentlaaed aa Fag* Tw*) (Csatlaocd sa Fog* ^Continanl sn FitoTw e)' fiudinga'*

■ ''' . -1* ' V ' T- 1 .


MANCH£STEB EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, SEFlEMBER 6^, 194€ residents Inducted Into the arme^i th® board said was record low ' for tw'o years, diplitheria rea]^ / (3o baeV to work tomorro.W’- W® I drastic action on' the i^ari of high forces and wlthi a corresponding- for the state. ' poared In 1043 with two deaths. Gas on Stomi TWO had a disputeAiita wWith ifk the manage-manage authority. A s soon as the neces­ Iteliavad fat * ssinates ar 194$. Deaths ly higher mortality. Heart Disease Leading Cause \ Influenza caused 124 deaths, the failed signally to meet and wive Plant Seizure ment. That nvana^ment no longer sary steps are u keh , Cleveland largest number since 1937 when desfala yaar aaaay keek I Inf nnemy line* and backli^ the Graphite Bronze will again be Heart disease was the leading WhM nmt tioauH* vM nuw ninM.«_ our domestic economic dlfllcultles Gerwan llate ; Lc>cal Marine Writers exists. Don’t celebrate here." Blrtha b W New High 208 deaths occurred. Poliomyelitis hMTtbqm. i.'.wtana I defeated German* to the north. At known to our employes. and the cause of death during 1943 with (infantile paralysis) caused 22 P. O. Receipts .while Governor Dewey "has suc- Later Smith told reporters the 5-Year Peak There were 87,724 birtlis to (jon- TODlOTitle nlUf-ni^riw. la, umm IiiTL timet the infantryman had to move Ends Walkout community as synonymous with 6,683 victims, an increase of 688 deaths and cerebrospinal menin­ tcessfuliy governed a great slate union could not continue the strike nettcut residents In 1943, the larg­ F irst rapidly to kaep up wttb the flaeing everything good and decent and! over 1942. Thu 1943 j^Lte per 100,- gitis caused 37 deaths. or *Dobl«> your montf bMfl m tnSmmh ►cal Bo' and will demonatrate hia^ grasp of Brings Death "as long as the Army retains con­ est number In the history of the to u*. SV *t dmg^iiUk I enemy. In other Inatancea impor- Here Boosted Of Saipan Experii^hces piogreaslve in American Indus­ 000 population was 383.5, com- There were 11 dca'ths from i tant polnta were captured onIy.af* foreign affali-s.'- trol o f the plant." He added the Some of IiicrsHse Due state, producing a birth r&te of pared with a rate of 46.1 for 1942. I Kelly—The Roosevelt adminis­ Production of Bearings try." whooping cough; eight from meas­ I ter bitter houae-to*houae flghting. union would continue to Insist on The National War Labor Board 21.6, the highest since 1922 which :ond leading tration "has not hesitated to di­ To Villagers To Influx of Workerh Cancer was the les; two from typhoid and paraty­ In addiUon to M ing the divi- reinstatement ot the discharged bad referred the case to the White had the same rate. 2,793 deaths JJnit to Fight in Italy vide the American people or con­ Robert Salter* Say* It For War Equipment cause of death wi phoid fever; and one from scarlet alon’a first regiment to enter com­ Aiigiist Shows 21 P. t- worker. He withdrew his threat to House only yesterday afternoon, Despite the record number of :ed a rate of done tlie actions of others who I n War P l a i t t s , in 1943. This p: fever. bat. the 351at was its first regi- (Cuntiniird from Page One) Resumed at Qeveland. call aympathy strikes at 64 other bypassing It* usual practice of Is­ births, the infant mortality rate ipulatlon. Both’ Over l-ast Year; lA*tlers sprean the doctrine of hate. o lfllC ajim rC lS ,;^Wa* BIoodie*l Battle 160.3 per lb0,000 Marriages decreased sharply FRESI^ CANDY for more than five meiit to arrive overseas, first to plants In Cleveland, Toledo and suing a back-to-work order anJ remained at a low level. ■ There the cancer death^ and the rate from 1942, the report said. There Also First arrive In Italy, first to earn a .DIs Langlie—'There is a feeling on in the school and In house" and per- Detroit but said the union’s Na­ Hartford, Sept. 6.— — A l­ 5lrt Was To Stihliprs, the Cause.;ever" hand that our nnti"i!iil gov- ToHold Test : Of AiitSom. »f m. Cleveland, S ep t — Pro­ holding a subsequent show-cause were 1,098 deaCKs o f Infants In the were the hlghes^ Connecticut has were 17,170 marriages In 1043 com­ Part of the 88th Infantry Dlyl- "ipguighea Sen'ice Cross, and first islird in flames. tional Executive committee would hearing as to why such aiL order though the general death rate In first year of life, a rate of 29.1 ever known. ■ pared with 21,010 In 1042. POPULAR MAKESl legim ent to Arrive Sion, the first selective service in- | fpeelve a battlefield promotion. ------^ . i cmmi nt is no longer of th e pco- Ten In Mental Institutions duction of bearings for B-29 meet here today as scheduled: ______j Best Friend* Kille^. had t\M been obeyed. Ckinnecticut for 1943 reached 11.2 per 1,000 living births. This was Paeumonla Im th s Incitsase - Firat to R e* fanti^ division to come overseas ReceipU the Manchester 1 p|^ Koii** mor y<*ars of this trend Only 17 escaped and ten of these Superfortresses and other war Takes Possesslnn Qnlclily .5 lower than the state 1942 rate Pneumonia j deaths Increased A new self-contained flight t O v e n e a S , r i r » l t o * * j vv„rld w a r n . the aoist was the I Dost office for the month of A u -; would place a disheartening dam- are now in mental institutions. per 100,000 population, the highest Mobilization Maneuvers______After a two months’ delay, while equipment was resumed at two Lieut. <3ol. George D. Ljmn, ex­ __ X • rate In the last five' years, the of 29.6, the lowest Infant death materially In 1043, rising to a to­ vibration recorder so light it can F ield P rom olip n - l first element of that division to, Public Record* Oradour is 12 miles 'weat of be held comfortably on the lap ,C«ve rwm as combat. After two months, Oiis>l1 Theoretical the Mand of Saipan in th* Mari- plant* of the Cfieveland Graphite ecutive officer of the Cleveland Dr. Pope to Be State Board of Health today said rate in the union. - . tal 'of *02 in pompariaon with 506 Limoges and It would have been 1 o v u e ll 1 neorem-ai ^ ^ captured by the ordnance district, took possession in 1942., The death rates were rs- of the observer now simplifies' ■ of aggressive patrolling in the difllcult to find a more tranquil or Bronze Oo. today after the W ar "it does hot mean that 1943 was The maternal' death rate based . With the Fifth Army, MInturao sector, the regiment par- Warrantee Deeds department'.acted on an executive of the two plants at 9:02 o'clock an unhealthy year.” on 58 deaths produced a rate of spectlvelyt 30^7 and 29.2. study of airplane vibration and Kohn Tobacco Company. Inc., to ncr cent. ' But from Representative McCor- prettier village anywhere. It atood Riot in State. 1 Marines aW Army, Mrs. Robert last night, 12 minutes after Presi­ Among Speakers Absent f^m the death column flutter during flight Salvatore A. Fellce, of ticipatcd in the smashing Fifth on a side road beside the rippling order from President: - Roosevelt 'The department, said some of 1.5 i>er 1,000 living births, which Army drive-beginning May 11. the town of Manchester, land on *^For August 1944, the teceipU mack (D.. Mass.), eame t"'* "P* Saltere of 31 ^Wzel street has fin­ and took possession of facilities. dent Roosevelt’s executive order llllr ld f* itreet. Manchester, ------^ were $11,929.63 against *9.46i.71 praisal of Mi Roosevelt in a radio little River Glane, scarcely more the increase In the death rate Three daya later t ^ regiment the north aide of Spencer street. Test mobilization to quell a ally received woM from her eon, An Arm y spokesman Said "v ir­ was made public. could be accounted for by the in­ * nm riflkman and Pfc. Charles Three days later t ^ Admlnlstnifoni Deeds ^ 8f>60Ch * than 12 feet wide with trees .lining stomied into Santa htarla Infante, a year ago. or an increaae o f $2.- theoretical domestic diaturbano* Robert Salter* of tlM 4th Marine tually all" members of the Me­ "The’ facilities Involved In this New Haven, Sept. 6— —Dr. crease in the state population, R n r iic r f 3(1 William street, v stormed into Santa ^ a iii F.Htiite of .lohn A> Turnbull to "N o mutter how much one_ its banks as It makes its way smil­ * ^ e r f C onhT machine-gunlaa key enemy baatlpn.bastlpfT OverOy rugged 474.92. There is no known reason in one of Connecticut’s Inlustrial Division. ' " \ ---- chanics Educational Society of strike are the most Important pro­ brought on by an Unflux of war Helen Sanford Hewitt, property on for this Increase unless It ‘is due might disagree with the president ingly through the open valley. The letter came tecently,lrom a ducers o f aircraft bearings In the Liston Poi>e, professor of social mountaina and ^ross broad val­ on ,soi))e of his domestic policies, citi68» will be held in O^'tober and America reported for work today, workers, largely older than those iltlon bearer, are awving Arvine place. . . to the many letters that are be­ That is why Oradour was swol­ rest camp on a small IsUUMxnear nation," Colonel Lynn declared in ethics .. at Yale University and leys. the 351st pdahed forward and partlclpatsd -In by the entire tad ending a six-day w'alkout precipi­ .IhirSBlat Estate of George Tedford to El­ ing sent to boys in the service ever>^ne will agree that he lias len with refugees, especially chil­ Saipan where the survivors or'lh* a statement. Every hour this pro^' helped to liberate Rome. unlimited courage and that his Battalion. SUte Guard, members tated by discharge of a worker ac­ chairman of the national religion Of Gan. Marit Clark's W th len Tedford, property on Foster overaea*. The- mall in most cases dren. Many mothers from Paris fanuius Marine outfit went to r* , gram la delayed means that less and labor foundation, will be Bacl^After a Rest ' conduct of the war has been su­ of the staff of Lieut-Colonel Wil­ cused o f breaking a lock, on a iPPUa that helped to drive street. ^ ^ is going out as air mall which, and other cities In danger of being cuperate 'from the bitter fighting American bombers and fighters Soon a f^ r the city's fall, the liam J. Maxwell, battalion com­ among the speakers at an Inter­ ermans from the Garigliano Estate of George Tedford to perb." bombed came with their children to o f two weeka which resulted In Its company-owned locker. Approxi­ will be available ito throw into the regiment/was given a well-earned ccsta six cents a half ounce. i Dewey is to make a major national nli^on.-lahor conference 't o the Am o. Except for a Vilot M. Clough, property on East pa«« the summer. Other families mander, were informed last night mately 7,0(X) are employed at the fight against our enemies In Eu­ ECZEMA t nertoo me rcn....v..v rest., "m e e weeks later., however, Some of the Increase Is alsoj speech at Philadelphia tomorrow capture. He stated he, was well which will be held at Pittsburgh, rest period, the regiment Center street. ilaced their children to board at in the state armory, Hartford. but tired and extremely, nervous. t~.-o plants. rope and In the Pacific.” A simple way to quick relief J S toiight almost con-: the ^ i n g 381st was again siaah- tliought due to the increased night and follow It up with a tour Pa., on Oct. 9-11. homes In the village. The 2nd battalion la the only Claims “ Great Victory” Dealgnated General Manager Foundation Executive Secre­ from the itching o f Eczema, pim­ charge* of one cent for mail sent acros.i the country. His New York mobile infantry battalion in the Hie Worst tixperiene* ^ X, through the local office. Oradour was swollen also by Matthew L. Smith, national Ben F. Hopkins, Graphite tary Willard Uphaua said today ples, angry red blotches and other City schedule, today included talks Connecticut State Guard and upon A veteran of eight and one-half akin Irritations, ia by applying Pe­ \ . '!*. r many persons from Limoges who _iX^tary of the unaffiliated union, Bronze president, was designated that leaders from ^0 or more de­ with party leaders. this organization tests a heavy montha o f bloody fighting In the terson’s Ointment to the affected had bicycled out to spend SaUir- mid-Paclflc. the Hazel street boy orde^ the strikers to go back to general manager by Ck>loneI Lynn. nominations and from 50 labqr r4 - A Democratic governor. Ste­ day afternoon lit the country. T ^ responsibility in the event of in­ work aitd claimed "a great vic­ Hopkins %hd other company 6ffl- unions will attend the conference parts. Relieves Itching promptly. phenson of Texas, traveled to ternal cUaorders occurring any­ said that the Saipan battle was Makes the skin look better, feel Senator Holds normal population is about 800. the worst he had experienced. tory.” ctals issued a joint statement, de­ at which PLlllo Murray, CIO presi­ Waahington meanwhile at the in­ No one knows (hcacUy how many where in the state, for this unit After the Army took possession, claring ". . . We were faced with dent; Bishop <3. Bromley Oxnam, better. Peterson’s Ointment also vitation of President RoosevelL will be the first called upon for Some of his best frim ds in the soothing for tired, itchy feet and Slight Margin persojis were in the village on the company were killed or wounded ,mlth climbed testhe shoulders of the issue as to whether the com­ New York area, Methodist church; m MAIN SI. MANCHtSe = Stephenson said in Dallas that "po­ day of Its doom, June 10, but It is emergency service. l-.vo unionists on rae picket... line pany is tp be run by the manage' and Prof. Francis E. McMahon of cracks between toes. 3 ^ all dnig- litical talk comes naturally In a Local ITnlts In Problem seriously and his buddy, was shot known that the number was »’*- and shouted. ment, or the union. . ... This situ the University of (Chicago, will be glsts. Money back If not dellght- You’ll Discover GOOD TASTE meeting of this kind.” Texas poli­ Companiea G and H of Manchrt- down at his side in the heaviest of (CbntinuM from Page One) tween 1,200 and 1,500. "You have won a freht, victory. atlon can now be cured only by among the principal speakers. e department. mended as a linlt for it* overaB WORKUItl WHO SUFFER "Like the Army,” the secretary into certain spvifled house^ 'This caused no great alarm. A t first it efficiency, training and military said, "the Navy In establishing bearing • bv^ the Adjutant General priority for severance, intends was believed the Germans were merely searching for Maquisard.^ of Connecticut. Brigadier General 'luioiriRii when the time comes for demob About 600 women and children R. B. De Lacour and by Major illzatlon to give due consideration crowded into the church, a h ^ - General Sherman Miles, Command­ to the factors of length of service, some ston^Romanesque structure ing officer of the First Service service outside the continental SB I M S H B in the Bhape of a c ro ^ ot femr Command, Boston. limits, combat service and parent­ equal arms. Some wheeled their A t the annual encampment at NOW PLAYING First sppUcaUons of wonderful sooUiiog, hood.” babies in perambulators. Other Camp Baldwin, Niantic, thia past medicstedliesWZemo—a Doctor'slor- To Work In Cooperation women and children who could not summer the unit as a whole main­ tained its enviable record for tac­ muls —promptly rolioTo intense itch He added that when demobiliza­ be squeezed into the church weve \ i end buminc of simple skin rashes, oe- tion is possible for the Navy it ord^ed into the school adjacent tical efficiency, receiving the praise Including W gr»^fam ouf Super Geras asms and rimilar skin and scalp irrita­ will work In closest possible coop­ of Governor Raymond E. Baldwin, tions due to estemal cause. Zemo ^so eration With the Arm y in an en­ Germans Lock Doors the Adjutant General and high aids bealinc. Backed by 85 years' suc­ The Germans then locked the Army and Navy officers who saw deavor to establish uniformity of ■" , x^'x cess! Clean, stainlMS. invisible Zemo demobilization and methods. doors of the church and school the unit in action. won't show on akin. s a n w u M "Furthermore," Forrestal con­ and the houses into which the men j 8^dif(erent_alaoaj^^|^P^ i . , tinued, "since demobilization of had been herded. at this amazin^j^rice 2 4 TS the Navy roust await defeat of A t a given command the uer^ Death Takes Japan, the Navy will have an op­ mans suddenly opened fire ^ ith portunity to observe In operaUon machine-guns, rifies and machlne- Noted Bishop Personal Notices a partial >lemo’ollization of the Sstols on all the huddled Arm y and will thus be able to Weapons were thrust into win­ dows and the occupants of tne - A. profit bv the Army's experience.” (Continued from Page One) You've heard about them .. .surelyI Super^ordf'— those famous Card of Thanks Asked about release of over-age ■truclurcs were mowed down. Men 'XC/T/N6 4$ O^LY SHf CAMB£i \Vc'X**i‘ thank our frteiidi and in the houses were shot mainly m "active anti-liquor war- Ward exdusives everyone loves. Wrinkle and water resistonj. VxKode of ■& ralati\ca^ho hava a»tende I .£ S Mr. and Mrs. Peter Petrtece. ed ladders to fire through the This design Is one of newer ver­ we get up to strength.” Roman Catholic and Senator f a r ­ church windows at the women and sions of a long popular English In Meihoriam The Navy, It ia understood, has ter Glass of Virginia called Bishop In bright, bright colors. Every coot warmly interlined • *ALL m COLLIER 'fASRIONS cljildren packed there. ^ (iannon "the Methodist pope.” The Lounge model. Custom-type divid­ a plan under consideration for In loving memory ^ f Victor T. Le The crackling of the **’ °5* - ed back sofa ia deeply tufted, to Chspelle, who died Septfmher «. l»4.i retiremant of over-age officers and bishop, however, contended his op­ \ accompanied by the 0 real Word value at just $24.75. give form-fitting support. Coil men, but conditions of retirement position to Smith actually was Desrly loved/to Ilfs screams of *"^..htes " d based on his own long fight against springs give seat cushions o f sofa ARE EXCLUSWE WllH Tresaured ip dcatli. i include assurance that the Individ­ the helpless crying of -ables and and chair the ease and buoyance A beautiful memory ual leaving the service ili relin­ $ .«o the groans of wounded men. *^He accused John J. Raskob’ for­ rut 0*f 6£«nEMAi4 m me* l« w» s- X you knew In pre - war days. 149 It all wa have left. quishing an assignment which can Phosphorom mer Democratic natlpnal ,chOTr- Chair and sofa are tailored In' be permanently abandoned. ^ • Wife and OUldrell Then the Germans hurled phos- man. of trying, vrith Tammany hall X smart rugged -.Woven tapestiy. Dhorous grenades through the win- aid. to make the Democratic party x l Feature value! l V Sows and «H,n the whole ^ v l l ^ a partner of the liquor Interesta Z9P was a huge bonfire with a great Personal Record Scrutinized pall of black smoke ascending from > The bishop's personal record was closely scrutinlwd’ too. He ^ English I The 88 battalion withdrew to was accused of "gambling’ In the ATERS I i the outsUirta of the community, stock market and , Comfortable Lawson > shooting and killing some men who funds used against A l Smith to \ r Sizes 8-10-12-14 had broken from the hoasw Md Virginia came under Inquiry. But were attempting to run into the In 1930 he was exonerated by the 2-Pioce Suite fields. * general conference of < his church CLAUDE RAINS Platfohvi Rockers J00% A ll Thera are bloodataina on the in Dallas. Tex., after tta i^ U y con­ wall* and ffoor* of th* wrecked fessing he had erred In s^^k Ilia: Sslected Short flMhJsOTs! Combines comfort of a loll Slight Irregulars, - church, achool and ket ventures and promising ne chair with the rela.xlng e.ise o f bodie* later were collected _ana would < not enter euch scUvity rocker. Deep seat, high bnck^ ll •»Mr. SkelUngton” Shown A i buried In eommon gravM. _ 2 :te — ld)6 and P -*4- plenty of room. Covered in heavy The phosphorous grehades gen **The Senate Lobby committee figured tapestry.' erated such heat that crucifixes and later the Senate Canjpalpi and other metal fixtures of the Funds committee looked Into the 'I \ $2*68 Virginia campaign expendlturoa to church melted and ' Cardigan Style, Bulky Knit. rivulets over the floor, then hard­ h e S n g a In 1930 and 1981. Blahop Cannon defied »»»•_ \ ened. SUtue* iches. but are c^ a m d and brok- challenging their authority and re­ IRCLC 1 \ The altars are black and chip- fusing to answer qileaUons, X A *naUv* OT Salisbury, Md.. i i le Hugging ‘la i l ^ B Blahop Cannon studied TODAY AND THURS. 100% All Wool Some'^omen died hugging chil­ dolph-Macon CoUege and ton Theological Semina^. In 188» dren t o ^ e l r brcaat*. fnnts d led ^ their baby carriages, he married Virginia B<^^ 1.50 i the twiated^eel wreokagro of who died to 1929. and In 1980 to • > ! which arc stillNln the church. Londoh he married hi* former W - The Lawson is a decora­ SLIPONS These detalls^tame from me ret*ry,,Mre. Helen Hawley Mcltal- tor's favorite, for it Ht* — —% seven survivors wtu> are wne. .smai tly into Modern, 18th Their accounts werV gatherro oy *'*For many ,y®nr* he head^ toe Centuiy of' Early Ameif- Board of Temperance of hia commandant Marchel>s^ief_of W Plw: ”A1XEBOIO io can"rooms. Ketth''S Law- church. son is smartly tallohed in j ' , . $ 2 .2 8 . ■ French Forces of th® w erlor ot DISHES TO THE L A O m i the Umoget region.and MroporlM nc'.'.'est fabrics and colors, by photos taken* of ta* bodl^ bs- ifse of Force is built with deep sail fOM burial. ' springs.' ^ I did not talk peraonally to the Plan Decided Retail SaleBraom J. ' survivors because they war* not s available -when our party OT ror- 18th Century 'X ' ■ - X X rtapondenU passed through. Bin ^CoBtiBUSd* f r w fs g e One) I ASK ABOUT WARDS I t^ed to farmers living just ’ I ___ ITPOSIO N ow *«B oa O «9 ls*e X Desk MANCHESTER outMde .th* village and they coi^ tak# Anil deolsloiui without roborat^ the account They tow pMval of their B w u tifu i BWwwW vwjrlflUViE how they saw th* fire and snoke w have decided. It waa J ® " ^ ®" but were unable to approach the v x iria the composition of a ^ and Lay-away Ptan$, lESIBNED, $39.95 KNITTING MILLS Tillage because of the German Which the Wg power* would h aw Bi'ci:ud flat top is outlined . . MANCHESTER GREEN inachlne-gims. donitoBiit poalUoB. I n * * * * ^ , ^ , ” 'Ona OT theee farmsrt, Pierre would b*. .four ubUBLEDUTY with richly jpafved mould- X-'*" Follies frig. Eight roomy draw­ Milord, whoee farm le a mite from O iim , Britain and rtho Unltro Open Every Evening Until 9. the toWn, loat 12 relaUvse. r States. Later, It la plannsd to ers, one is'^double-jjepth' ciubMEH for flling letters. Rich ■Why did the Germane do ItT add France. . « . list hM BUT SKATS MOWI Po*. EdBW A SIMMONS! mahogany finish. ■ I asked him. Midnight Show fri. 1:13 ».tn. •*No reaeon,” he replied. The smaller Reprisal Reports Incorrect j r Is not dlsclossd— woukT b* m Marchel lald reporte pubHeh^ ^ t s d on a rdtatto* small nation agrssment would o* abroad that the burning waa in Alii COH <■* $59*95 Desk Choir ti SliE EIRIIE reprisal for the klUlng of four nocesaary to German soldiers In th* toam tlon wheii aggraasioa You gain a spare bedroom when you Invest in this • World psaoo, but no small-nation Simmons bed-divan. Beat and back are resilient ' / $9.95 incorrect. There were n« A r­ w •A NEW TWO-PIECB DRESS WITH THAT “LITTLE SUIT’ LOUK ABOUT mans killed there and no Maquis would nave veto power. . spring construction. Easily opens into double bed Duncan Phyfe reproduc­ activity in that area,' he * ^ - . On the other hand. It «* e * p e ^ i ...gives equal comfort to two. Tapestry cover. tion, with typical slip seat The Dae Reldi dlvlsloa had just ed that aach large natton wUl poB- o n t g o m e r y Maple arms. covered to tapestry.' Keith IT . . . PRECISION STITCHED TO GIVE YOU A TINY WAISTLINE. come up from the.Pyrenes* a w seal snougb vsto power to *u*r- valuel AND SATURDAYS o n n t t i i Normandy landings, the m ^ :mI A! I ^ iL. 'M S' s S'.' s "f ble action to this hemlaphore# i USE OCR BOiDOBI TEEBIIkl plausible explanaUon Is that the WiTid • A. .^ TO • P. M. order was given by tlie general In DomeaUo Blr express J o t^ e iiw s a frsnxy Jhd reflected the 1115 MAIN ST OPPOSITE HIGH SCHOOL ‘^v' •U A 50 ahlpmsnta In th* fliiit 1 ^ Icky state OT the Oerman* at w d a r i e c a sf ll«4. compered ^th TtX.lM A ^ titwe It may have been orders atalpmtaU to thr zlmiler l»*5 < 2 0 PIKE ALL GIRL BAND on the baala of some Inaccurate ttOMAlSYAtOBWT** AI»PG«OAD«».BROTll^ l period, an tocrease OT 12.5 pOT TEL. 1161 UANCBMTEIl O N m a U B V K L •report that. Germans had been killed In ^hc area. ’ ceaU ' '- . ' 1 ■. Y- -T—» I i. •\. HAKCSE9TEK EVEim W HERALD, |UNCHES1®R, COfTN., WEDWESDAT, SEPTEMBER

HANCHESTTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , BIANCHESTER, CONN., IP rT O m 4 In the Manchester Pipe Band and also In training In We Army Air member of Company I, SUte Corps, Two unclei' live In tlua Taggart Gets Guard, Hartford, was accepted for tovvn, 8. Stewart Taggart »f TO ik P etition on W hite training In the Army Air Corps FalrfieM atreet and' William R over a year ago and he trained at Taggart of'^111 Cooper Hill street. Silver Wings fields In Oklahoma and Texas, ad­ Held for Federal Court Western Auto vancing uninterruptedly to Wo Hartford, SepL 6—UP)— George SEIUNC Tract Be Withdrawn final phase of We Army Air Forc­ S. Davis, 26, of New l.ondon, em­ Former Resident Now a es quallficaUons which close Fri­ ployed bv a used car dealer Were, Second Lieutenant in day. Was arraigned ye»tord^ b e f^ U. Associate Stori Original Signers Bid Aboui Town Cadet Taggart Is a graduate of 8. Commissioner William J. Army Air Force. Manchester High school and was Wholean on an Information charg­ fclecunen Caheel Pro- employed In the United Aircraft ing him wlW having acquired 18 when he was accepted for train­ counterfeit 100-gallon Inventory Vote; Ask Pur- Manchester lodge o f Jasons Ernest Stuart'Taggart of West B A N G -U P will hold Its first Mtlvlty c i We ing. His wife and two children live gasoline coupons. He o f Old G olf Lota WlHington, formerly of this town, in West WlHington. nocent. and was held for We Fed­ season on will receive his silver wings as a Cadet Taggart has a brother eral court In 31,000 ball week when We FeUowcraft degree 2nd Lieutenant in the U. S. Army be conferred. It vdll b? a 25% D IS C O U N T ^ « t e « n e t the Air Fbrees Fridiiy, Septerfiber 8 oeUtion to the Board of Se- cial communication eT.**>* « at Lubbock Army Air Field, L.ub- aiS°w ai begin at 7:36 TOe first aaklng that a apeclal bock. Texas. act oo the regular meeting of Ws *®dge f cadet Taggart, a former piper M ^ the Harlan White tract the FaU and Wlhter sea^n w«l ^ WARTIME VACUUM CLEANER ^eu catlon purpoeee have now held Tuesday evening. Sept 12 in iS ertirS T to withdraw the Temple. The Master M asw (to* t Application for the preamt eree will be conferred and mi SERVICE SPECIAL! J m ifte r waa to have »>«« members of We fraternity are In­ HEALTH QUIZ HMut t5. at the aame time that vited to attend. (1) n 4:w d u s t - I vvtm would he a^ed to^°te liliilmpMriiutiNT D P p r o o f BAG SALE! the propoeed pur^aM of the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Palusal, of 1 <361f lota on Eaat Center atreet Ii |H fMl iMtoby attv MtiilT □ □ te for a World War n me- 46 Blssell street received notillca- (2) BRUSH Uon today from We War J^epa^ mufitMiirifsitiMilfT □ □ RE-BRISTLED F Ezplaina Action ment. to the effect that their sot klMlNltirai-listiissT □ □ Pfc. Peter E. PaliiMl, was wotm.r follow-., Camp Robertson in Arkansas and help digestllgest your lo^looti. . II.. Nature ,— ." Isjls, j" - |TOW fcfood msy remain undigested—' TIGHTENED Your 2 5 % Discount On It! __ ncheater Improvement Asso- transferred to . England early In [ you headachy and irrllsble. ’'^ t lo n June. Before enlisting he w m em Therefore,efoi you must------increase the flow iancheater. Conn. ^ ployed by the Manchester Postof­ of this digestWs juice. CsrUr s Uttls LISTED BE1J)W ARE A FEW OF THE HUNDREDS OV ITEMS THAT ARE A fice department U»slrT»uiirinaeasJ''this flow quickly-— LisTiEu HEiATw e v e r y d a y o f l i f e oltM In M little as 30 m inu^ And. $6.95 ITEMS; litor of The Herald: you’re on the roed to feeling to t^ . *,_i— I I • , Sir; I Sergeant Leslie A. Buckland, Don't depend on srtiflclsl aids to FLOOR MATS (Cars) LEATHER JACKETS ••Ai a mcaUng of the Manche^ eounteraet Indigestion—when Carters BEPAIBS AND ESTIMATES ON ALL MAKES. LUCAS PAINTS son of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest N. ,-toJroTmen't Aiaociatlon held little Urer Pills eld dlgeriion after FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SERVICE. KEMTONE 2-GALLON c a n s' , DRESS PANTS ■tag w e paat week, the Wllow- Buckland at 36 Bush Mill Road, to ture's own order. Take Carters Llttls ' rw lutlon waa adopted by the home on a furlough from Randolph liver PllU as directed. Get them at any PYREX WARE OF OIL •ruFWMOG f’fVrTLES Field, San Antonio, Texas. i^ugston. Only 10< and 2Sr. )■ SILEX GOLF CLUBS FLASHLIGHT S^rMancheater TELEPHONE I 2-1439 •vv. a adatlon la In favor of all civic COFFEE MAKERS TOOLBOXES eatlonal projecta t ^ t h ^ YARD FURNITURE WTNDOVl SCREENS arlt The Dlrectora of thla A ai^ TOOLS atkin believe that Were la Preen $1.75 Vz Gal. CHILDRENS CLOTHES HAMPERS SCREEN DOORS PLAY PENS CIcsM and waxes tas one IRONING BOARDS Harlan White tract operation. Does two Jobs In GARDEN HOSE I purchaae of We Old GoK CHILDREN’S SAND BOXES BICYCLE TIRES IRONING BOARD . r« furWer believe ttat to CAR SEAT COVERS COVERS ••We SHELL KITCHEN ng up two HABTFOBD W'HEELBARROWS FURNITURE POLISH STEP STOOLS BOOKCASES ^ d for r^creaUonal P“ n><*“ CROQUET SETS tt one town meeting "***J“ ^ 25c and 60c Telephone t - i m . . . Out of Town ALL GARDEN TOOI.S CARD TABI-ES S w proJecU are very Ukely to be rustomera Call Enterprise 1000 SHOWER CURTAINS Without Charge. -BICYCLE TITBES WORK PANTS r ^ ^ ^ w o u ld like to aee We V ^ t o T H * CHOICE o r THE ABSORENE .\RMY SHIRTS PORTABLE SHOWERS •The Ban of Magic” PABCO RUGS nwlipct and the Old Oolf TEXTOJC MANHFACTCBEES HURRICANE LAMPS ^ '^ p r o je c t conaldered aeparat^ Cleanh waUpaper, window CLOTHES CABINETS SWEATERS different town meetlnga, eacn ONE APIWATION_^ idea. - 17c Can W’E ARE NOT GOING OUT OF BUSINESS! Just Clearing a Heavy Stock Ddwn I Ita own merlta. tUkSTSLONOEBr “ -We Werefore aak t ^ ^ ^ ? To Make Room for Winter and Xmas Merchandise. thA ADOlication for a town wcax PASTE CLEANER White Tract The new Sclenttfle Mlraele that Only 45c QL $1.25 Gal, We Are Giving Yon Your Choice of iraw Weir AppUcaUOT for ^ Immunizes sU Fabrics and Fars. One cleaning for aralls, WE ARE NOT RESERVING CERTAIN ITEMS! aaent and to renw }t *t a la ^ woodwork, arlndows, etc. itThing In Our Store! of the Old Oolf Loti hM for Storing, MoUdtoga, eta. Not SKIN PROTECTOR Discount .Applies! dmlded. We •!*» altectod hy expoOTio to air or ON TIRES AND BICYCLES . . You Mus* Have OPA Certlflqite. ibera of We Itancheater Im- 30c Jar rement AaaocUtlon to atto^ ■Hght. Protorts hMdB from paint. /. ' its entire stock for sale at discount town meeting ^ get sac, dirt. LANZ REEFER This is the first time that a store has oTered id to give favorable coMldera- Mirra Moth Is aa Inunimlaer without going out of business. . , to We propoeed purchkae of _Hiot A eoataet spray kdller. DEXTI You can tell at a giance Old Ctolf Lota.’ ^ ALUMINUM CT.EANER It’s a Lanz! Fitted coat ■A wiWdrawal o^W e AW"!** wiW red frogs and sil­ “n o EXCHANGES! NO REFITNDS! ^ (NO SALES TO DEALERS). A for a Special Town Meeting A fORMCLA MADE 10c and 25c ver buttotos. Peaaantly We queatlon of We P»»chaae of No Steel Wool Needed! EXCLUSIVELY BY MIRRA. lined in gay calico. THIS IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO STOCK UP — AND SAVE! , White property. * Wopdsman gyeen, 9 to lorlty of We algnera of We w lg- J^O ILA X 16. Mary Lewis Shop. ■ A l^ ca U on , has been jmbmltj Regabr Size 25c y Board of Selectaen. 1 5 Pounds 75c 39.95 •we Wat many REST , Hnprovement A a ^ a U ^ WET-ME-WET Th utsday— Friday—Saturday Only I ler ■upportora of P“ '^?**5 Cleans silverware, ghu«K., the White property $1.75 town meeting and v6te for We etc.' of We Old Golf L ote^ QUART lOc “ Frdhk Nackowski, Free, BEACON EXTRA SPECIALS ieheator Improvement Aeaocla- n o n -r u b b in g w a x weie 19 slgneri on We 79c Quart lUtion for wlWdrawal of We flret FAR THOSE WHO (XT HERE FIRSr itltlon. There were 33, slgnnve on original petltlqi. BoW ^ tl* were headed W George Hall, urer of We Manchester Im- McGlLL-CONVERSE, Inc. WHILE THEY aovement Association. Waste DUST There waa some q u ^ lo n today .P aint — Vamlsh — Painters’ Supplies — Wallpaper LAST! FELT leWer or not We P®tj- . Art Material — Picture Framing — Drafting Instruments SAGE-ALLEN . . . HARTFORD wUl be wiWdrawn. Th% legal- ^ Pictures — Window Glass — Mirrors 2-CUP of 19 algnera wlWdrawing a HATS Baskets MOPS lUon signed by S3 was 1^1^ 645 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 6887 lUoned In some quarters, i t a ^ SILEX ••red Wat We Selectmen would REG. $2.98! REG. $1,981 REG. $1.39! S v e to dmide on what action to REG. 45C! ;*ke, ______Manchester offers you the dual advantages o^ cities. From the largest stores to the smallest speci­ ality shops they are able to fill every conceivable M c V ^ T e U s Country and City living, k if v truly a "City of ^merchandise desire. Few cities of Manchester's size Village Charm." k ii known^ ^or its fine homes^ Of War Front can boast anything like the number, variety and its excellent schools and places of worship, its nnany Colonel, Home on Leave scope of our stores. They're right up-to-the-minute^ LUNCH U n D a i n t e d clubs and - recreation facilities. Globe Hollow, our Gives Word Picture of SH ELL O IL in -the merchandise they pri^sent and the services German Robot Raids. municipal swimming pool, fe an example of a city 2 GALLONS BOXES CHAIRS they render. . Ueut.-Colonel James H. Mc­ Veigh, of We Inspector General s REG. 98c! REG. S1.98-$2JI9.$2.98I proje^ offered by our Town- ^ Jpepartroent. U, S. A m y . w m the Iniest speaker last night at the So w e say "M a n ch e ste r is a go *oppIy qI Con‘

WS'-V'. • r-\. l»v, '♦.- ■

- -r 1 ,. 1

4IANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6,1944 ^ A < ^ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEt»TEiHBER 6, 1944 S I X - good- demand at market centers. ing'with slow demand at market will be under way. by end of week. Size running sniall this season. the laA refuge for the fleeing Rlsley; Corporation Counsel Bern­ Rain needed to aid late plantings. centers. ander Hamilton and Gouvcineiir ard J. Ackerman, Alderman Wil­ Crop Yields Elbsrta peach harvesting has Bartlott'pears and ptuma In mod­ Fascists and Nazis of Europe. In Rockville Bad Fortune Carrots —. 8uppUes ganerally M anchester Morrla Ip refutation of Dr. Butler. liam Sdhmalz, former Alderman J. Competition Halted light. Late erop making alow prog­ started and general movement erate supply. The Courant'B view la that the making such an appeal to the peo­ Stanley M cO ay and Mra. Phoebe Cut Sharply ress. . ming Herald matter waa fully dlacuaeed then, ple of Spain, Moscow should inot Pray, a past president of the Strikes Twice Celery—Irrigatsd acreages In Women’s Republican club dnd'-ac- and that the declaion made then have to act alone. All United Na­ Nurses’ Aides By Use of iCartels good shape, other plantings in poor tive In the county Women’s orgkn,- condition. waa yrlae for all time. tions are, by their general pro­ Ization. Lack of Moisture Af­ u BiaMlI 8ti«et Cauliflower — Late erop haa lUaebMtar. Conn. ..■^pere la in thla vlew an Inatinc- nouncements, committed to'' the In addition delegates will be yiothipr Injured in One TBCUAB FBROOTON To Be Capped fects Growth o f Vege- made slow growth and most areas tlve aveiWon to change which. If end of all diefatorahip. There elected to the Senatorial and Pro­ Accident; Daughter Is Strong Government Ef* Rolda Martin Gibson Owwnl Itonntjr expect light yields. ' . IpBondad Oetobor 1, U P bate conventions and also can^- Plays *H)theIIo' more widely applied, would have couldn’t p o s ^ y be a good reason ' — tabl^in State. - 1 dates for Justices of the Peace, j Hiht in Anothen fort to Break Them Cueumbers—^Volume quits light ■rntns Bseopt operated to defeat progreaa at why . thy/ Franco ’dictatorship Oilorful Ceremony to Schools Reopen and demand ootlve. '' I and Boliaara. ■aUrad at tba should b4^ permitted to survive the Both the public and Parochial AS AN EXCUSE Up; Would Forbid Hartford. SepU 6—(dV-Lack ef School of Dancing n fff At lISBObester, ConiUa ^ many atagea in thla nation’s life. Be Held This Evening Ill fortuh^ struck twice In the Eggplant—Peak paa^ and re-1 ' c u m lUU lUtUr. Th«r Oonatltutlonal Convention defeat of those dictatorships schools of the town of Vernon German Participation. moisture has caused crop growth celpts moderate. opened today following the sum­ family, of Mrii, Palmira Marinelli, '^■OBSCRIPnON RATES alao discussed a Bill of Rights, which created it. In Rockville Chapel. la the i^them part of the state Peppers—Heavy movement still 1.00 ------1 mer vacation. of Hebron road, in the Bucking­ .vaar tar Kail ...... and omitted It from Ito draft of Only Ruseia, so far, has taken By Jsmes Marlow V to„be deficient with yields cut under way with peak past In Btli by Mail...... f .76 More Donors Needed ham Four Comeni'fectlon of Glas­ northern part of state. Market ,...$ .08 aa honest position with regard to Rockville, Sept.- 6.— (Special)— sharply, the State Departmentv of Otm the Constitution. This was one The Rockyllle Chapter, Ameri- tonbury, last'Thursi^y afternoon. Washington, Sept 6.—(Al—Car­ demand slow at low prices. Annouiices Registration Dates , _.ia Tear w .l 9.00 The Volunteer Nurses’ Aides who esm Red Cross reported Tuesday Agriculture ^Id today In Ita week­ tad On( ...,813.00 decision of the ConaUtutional Con­ Spain. Washington still follows Mrs. Marinelli was tM victim of YOU STILL GET tels— ^international trade agree­ Stataa and APO received training under the pro­ that more donors are needed for ly report on crop conditions. Crop Sweet com—Peak past at Hart­ vention which waa remedied quick­ a sickening technique of appeise- a wellhouse cave-ln at 'her home, ments between firme of two or ford and receipts lighter at other iiMBER or gram spon.sored by the Rockville the visit of toe Mobile Blood Unit more countries—^wlll continue in productUm in the Hartford and Tba AflSOCTATED PRESS ly. In future years, other experi­ ment,^ So, believe it or not, does on Friday to meet the 300 quota. as reported that day in 'hie Her­ market emtera. Chapter, American Red Cross, will ald. She was taken to toe M ^ o r - the news. Aaaoelated Pratt it atclutivaiy ence, and othir demonstrations of that same Mr. Churchill who once Wateroury areas were less sert- Tomatoes—Fairly heavy to to tba uta ol lapubltcsatlon rf be capped this evening at exer- lal hospital here in Holloran’s Ain- COURTEOUS SERVICE There ll strong government oualy affected, the report said, al­ Friday, Sept. 8, 1944 hea.'vy volume being marketed and dlapatchet ciadited to it or not popular will, brought about other knew all the fqUies o f appease­ clsea to be held at eight o’clock at bulanct suffering with aeriotu In^ pressure to break thSm up—^par­ though rain waa needed in all sec­ prices unchanged. Surplus from S-S P. M. r ..^ ciadHad in tbit papar and changes in the Constitution, all de­ ment when appebsement wuja toe Union church chapel. Five Promoted jurlea. ticularly to forbid any German tions of the state. tba local nawt publlthed btra. northern part at state being chan­ 3 9 - 5 0 signed to make an improvement Chamberlain’s policy. The capping ceremony will be Tot Falls From Car firin’* participation in a cartel— Crop conditions: neled through New Haven evening rtehta of republlcttlon ol tpMlal open to the public and will be fol­ That same afternoon her three- Beans, lima—Peak past at Hart­ in the conduct of American life. In It would be pleasant to find after the war. market. Ripe stock at erdiniary !S u herein, are lowed by a social for the invited At Wesleyan year-old twin daughter, Mae Mari­ s ill EXPERT WORKMANSHIP on GompMite Example ford where eupplles were still fair­ 1 aarrlea ellant of N. B. A. Sarrlca other worda,^ giving due credit to these follies coming to an end, not nelli, waa admitted to the hospital. quality finding slow sale. guests and friends of the aides. Here la a composite example of ly heavy. 'Volume moderate at Wa- Fototo YIelto Variable by the a c t ^ of any one nation, Riding in an automobile driven by the lasting wisdom of the found­ The social ia in charge of the Middletown. Sept. 6.— (A*)—The a cartel put together from various terbury and light at market cen­ Potatoes — Harvesting of In­ fWbMahert RepratanUtlTet; ^ a an older sister, the little tot fell ters in the.southern part of the ing fathers, there were aspects of but through honest, consistent pol­ Fourth Division of toe Hospital Board of TIruateea of Wesleyan eaoes cited by the Justice depart­ termediate varieties continuing Saturday9 Sept. 9, 1944 * JtSi Mathawa Special f**"‘7~*^** Auxiliary headed by Mrs. Daniel out of the car door to the roadwray ment: atatA Oileaco, Detroit and Botton. American life they did not fore­ icy on the part of all the United University today announced toe and waa badly bruised. Fortunate­ ^ CARS and TRUCKS! J with yields variable. Irrigated Oatien. A (Serman firm and an Ameri­ Beans', snap—^Market receipts 10-12 Noon. bcread or see, problems with w hich' they Nations. promotions of three faculty mem­ ly the tot’s uncle, Peter Urbanettl, acreages ^showed good production The following la toe program bers to full professorships and of can firni both made the aame kind light and prices holding steady. while crops in dry areas yielded Start yogr bedroom were not forced to cope, and this shoe repairer on Main street near Paul Robeson aa he appears in for the exercises; Processional; In­ two to assistant professorships. of metal. They were toe world’s Late crop small due to dty poorly. Growers attempting to Middle turnpike, wae following in “Othello” which will be present^ weathen rrha -Herald Printing Oompany.’ Inc,. nation has, at various stages in vocation, Rev. H. B. Olmatead, Made profeasora were Dr. Hugh YOUR TRANSPORTATION WILL LAST LONGER WITH ;$ro outstanding makers of that by the Theatre Guild on the stage sell in vOhune before sdiedulad ‘ ■ no flnanclal retponelblllty for another car. Beets—Marketings light due to its history, not hesitated to de­ rector of St. John’s Episcopal Brockunier, In hlatory; Dr.- Sig­ Not Told of Accident Ynetai. They had the bcjit factories o f the Buahnell Memorial in Hart­ ceOing drop with buyers tending iphical errort appearing In to- 1st Campaign Star church; Welcome, Mrs. Grace B. and toe best brains. poor growing conditions sinoa In The Manchetter Bre- clare their wiadom incomplete. mund Neuman, In social sciences; Urbanettl stopped and picked ford for three days starting to- early in the summer. Demand to postpone purchases. with a piece or\two Payne, chairman, Volunteer and Dr. Carl L. Steams, In as­ the child up and hurried with her ENGINE TUNE UP BRAKE ADJUSTMENT^ But they scrambled for the morro-v. "Evening performances Fruit— Harvesting of McIntosh H a r a l d . ______It is. taking a great deal for Nurses’ Aide committee; Capping moderate with other vegetables in At The Masonic Temple For Pvt. Saverick tronomy. Made assistant profes­ to toe hospital. Mrs. Marinelli is world markets. They were com­ are scheduled for 8:15 o’clock and apples by bulk of oommercial grjinted, then, to argue that a rule Ceremony and Pledge, Instructor, petitors^ Both lost money by their sufficient variety to kMp inquiry Wednetday, September 6 sor* Were Russell T. Umach. in still in serious condition but her COMPLETE LUBRICATION COMPLETE ELECTRICAL tbe Saturday matinee at 2:30. for beets at normal levels. growers on In full swing. Fruit made 150 years ago governing the Miss Phyllis Orlowska, R.N.; art; and Dr. Frederick W. Stem- little girl is doing well. Because of rivalry. In order to get business reported tending to drop earlier Preaentotion of Diplomas, Ken­ AND OIL CHANGE . IGNITION CHECK UP Good Demand for Cabbage Claases Will Commence Saturday, September 16. you can match Ibter lyith the Americal Infantry Dl- feld, in music. the mother’s condition she was not away from each other they con­ than usual due to hot, dry weath­ The Decisive Factor negotiation of treaties, when neth M. White, chairman of the Cabbage — Late crop showing viaton, Somewhere in the South- The promotions are In effect for Informed of the accident to her tinually cut prices. er. Apples sizing well In most treaties were shifting items In the Rockville Red Cross chapter; Ad­ PIENIY OF FACTORY-ENGINECRED PARTS AVAILABLE! At last they decided to end their serve. Wounded. Parents, Mr. and small size because of drought. toe 1944-45,academic-year.— daughter and no publicity was Light to moderate receipts of cur­ areas but not developing high col­ Regristratlona Msy Aiao Be Made By CaUiig 6414. ' one were to look back and ee- game of power politics, waa ever weat Pacific—Pvt Walter Sav­ dress, “Others.’’ Dr. George S. price and trade w«r. They formed Mqs. Donald Thomson, 248, Thom­ given to the mishap for fear it as street. West Haven. ' rent harvestings meeting 'with or as yet. Apples generally meet­ With brighter days ■in view you may soon one factor among many aa conceived as applying to a pr^ erick, husband of Mrs. Walter Brookes, pastor of toe Union Con­ ■ I would upset the mother when she a cartel. They divided the wortd the key to the aucceas of gregational church; Remarks' by have all the good furniture your heart de­ 'posal for’ a wo;;ld agreemtait by Saverick, of 96 Charter Oak street learned of It. However, Mra. Mari­ FOR PROMPT AND DEPENDABLE up between, them. By agreement __ Invaalon of weatem 'Europe, Chairman of Volunteer Special Strong Parents nelli was told of the accident yes the American firm would aell only sires. . In ths meantime you can start en- which all civilised nations should Manchester, Conn., haa been Services,' Mrs. Irene Genovesi; f la paaaonable to'chboae the fact awarded his first campaign star terday afternoon ibid allowred to in the western hemisphere- By the aembling your new room with a major pieca attempt to end all power politico Oath of Civilian Defense, Dr. E. Give Long Life see her daughter. - — aame agreement the German firm or two ^ Watkins Fine Furniture.. .expect* te stUTri9«t Germane by and all war. Had such a possibili­ with ths veteran Americal Divi­ Harrison Metcalf; -■National An­ sould sell to the rest of tbe world, them, Recessional; music by Mra. DODGE-PLYMOUTH ing to add others aa they become available. able to wage full warfare ty been envisioned then, kad the sion. Demoorata Meet at Norwich 'nils meant that the Gorman France without the advan- Saverick took part in the de­ Doria Tennatedt Lutz. ■' Chicago, Sept. 6.—WV-Maj. Ed­ ' firm would not sell to anyone in founding fathers been given fore­ City Court of thoae port faclUtiea which fense of the Empress Augusta Bay gar. Bomson Tolman, one of Chi­ Norwich, Sept. 6— (if)— Robert tbe western hemisphere even In your bedroom begtp with this pineapple sight to imagine the minority Vincent Strycharski, si,' of 79 cago's oldest and 'most noted A. Hurley, gubernatorial candi­ though western Hemisphere huy- advance reckoning conald- beachhead, Bougainville, during SERVICER scuttling of a peace program aft­ March of this year when the Jap­ West Main street, waa fined 819 lawyers, celebrating hla 85th date, Brien ’ McMahon of Norwalk, •rs were dissatisfied with’' the top poster! with its mahogany veneemd head- neceaaary. er the first world war, thetr'debate anese Oth D i ll o n (notorious a in the Rpckville City Court on birthday yesterday, said that the nominee for U. S. senator, and -American firm. boards, $39.80, or a quaint solid maple modeL few years sgp for the Rape of Tuesday by Judge Laurence M. gift of longevity Is Inherited from virtually all members of the Demo­ Syery advance reckoning, that would certainly have been recast, '* Nor would the American firm ^dsoept the reckoning of the Al- Nanking) attacked with suicidal Dillon on charges of intoxication being bom of strong parents.- cratic state ticket along with sell to anyone outside the western and their decision might have been Tolman, who won' national State Cllhalrman Adrien Maher and If your plans rim Modem yon’s want » blgh command Itaelf. it results. A t this time Saverick did and breach of the peace. He was hemisphere. Completely different a fine job aa a cannoneer. Private arrested by Supernumeraries Clar­ recognition for hla work in revis­ Mrs. Eloise Brockunier of Mid' No Need to Cut Price# Hidlywood bed.. .box spring on legs and mat­ the technique and had pro- 'Hie entire spirit and tradition Saverick has been overaeas aix ence Weigel and J'red Veber after ing the rules of civil procedure in dletown, the lice chairman, met By this neat arrangement both tress. .,.for onh’ $49.76 amnidetsl the equipment for a ayatem months and has visited New Cale­ it waa alleged he started an arg;u- the Federal courts, goes to hts here last night with all democratic and purpose of- American demoo* flrma could jack up their priMS supply which could function at donia and Bougainville. Besidea ment In a West Main street grill. loop office dally and Is active as towm chaitmen, registrars and Solimene & plagg, Inc. and keep then* at any level they racy has been the safeguarding of his dally 'duflea, Saverick also state Central committee members a t ' volume acroaa ordinary Relief Corps Meeting editor of TTie Journal of the TEL. 5101 chose. It was easy. Neither firm minorities. When^ however, any playa third baae for the battery There will be a meeting of Bur­ American Bar association. from New London, coimty. 634 CENTER STREET any longer had to fear competition hea. With this equipment, we particular proi(islon Included wiU soRball team. pee Woman’s Relief Corps this 80 there was no need to cut prices. our own porta where we Saiawerick ia a graduate of Man­ evening at eight o’clock in toe G. When either firm, through Its that object in view turns out In chester High School where he A. R. hall. This wlU be preceded research ^vork, found a cheaper practice, to make the minority played vaffalty baseball and baa- this which outwitted the by a members supper at aix way of miaklng that metal. It pass­ ruler, this nation is at adult lib­ ketball for two years. Later he o’clock with Mrs. Viola Newmark- ed the knowledge on to the other •ol tin e As can be seen from erty to revise procedure in toe waa employed by the Colt Patent er as chairman. firm. , „ . that the port of Brest Is, Firearms Company as a setup If either firm had been faced by interest o f ' even more perfect de­ man. He haa four married sisters. To Receive Names' ny weeks' of siege, still in Stiff competition. It would have mocracy. His one brother, Michael, is a first Leo B. Flaherty, chairnian of the Dernobratlc Town Committee had to ^ to Improve the quality hands, the Germans bad sergeant in the Ariny Air Corps. of Ita metal. But this wasn’t nec­ iHsri'®' will be at ithe Pollde Court room thoroughly for the de- Saverick has also studied the ma­ essary any more. SO for years C t B Before Warsaw chinist trade in toe Manchester this evenin'!: to receive toe names those two firms kept turning out «Tid all port facilities of candidates to the General As­ I f ^ retain Trade School. e’s west coast. They the ssme old kind of metal. The beat news on toe world’s ’The men of the Americal, like sembly and also ?dr the offices of GzmdusUy, the Germi^ firm ac­ Jculated that, Jf these battlefronts today la not that Gen­ Saverick, are proud of toe fact Justices of the Peace. ■ quired a financial Interest Ir. the a coin- Memorial Ma9s ^ T h is could be held long enough, eral Patton’s Third Army has al­ that their outfit was toe first DUPONT American firm and thus obtained A Memorial Mass will be held »* ^ Invaslo^* strength could be Army unit to launch an offensive O voice In Its operations. of <•”« in for yoiir ready ventured on German soil In World W w ll. Major General Thursday morning at 8 a. m. at St. It-so happened that ths metal kept at a minimum, and at such but the disclosure that the grind­ Robert McGHire of Palo Alto, Cal., Bernard’s Catholic chuTch for Lt. made by the American firm was 6 minimum that they would be ing Russian offensive In toe. War­ is' the present commander of the Byron Yost who was killed in Nor­ used in t im ^ planes and battle- N o mandy on July 15. A delegation self-cleaning lUntYT*. b oth bedroom H e to succeed ^ their dream of saw region has finally achieved division. Thus far toe Americal ahips. By its financial interest in Division has participated in two from the American Legion will at­ - Hirllng these fOrce^ back into the the American firm, the German some breakthrough aucceas. The campaigns, Guadalcanal and Bou­ tend, the members meeting at 7:45' firm was able to know exactly the ' im. .When our iiWasion forces Red Armies advanced 16 miles gainville. m. at toe Town hall. amount and quality of American ' Nothfng tihs 8 Ut of bright erstonm id tept o h . strengthening themselves Officers to Meet ona north of Warsaw yesterday.'’This HOUSE armament. •wa» ifnctut’* reviva old, tirad bedrooma. Add oonifor^w rven without the use of a poll, the A special meeting of the Official Another Side to Picture ia a small distance, compared with Board of the Methodist church will And there was another side to too. Fins adaction-Aow, firom flSJO ta lerman game was lost. . But they some of the recent advances of Police Court be held in the Chapel this evening YOUR FIRST DIPORTANT - -I ,4rawn the aupport of Dr. Nicholas tempted to pass ai car going in improve peacetime Uving. a We will be glod lo laeommend.* reliable painter. He knows 3950 ment of Ste&ms 4b Foster advance. Thiia w a / ia in reality how to do the ieb right, how much or how lilHe point to UM 'Murray Butler, president of toe the same direction and strueje the Quality., b e ^ n g were just 18^ toe greatest military partnership left rear fender, losing control of • Through an this SAVINGS will play a very im­ His tkiii moons sayings for you—odd point censorvotion for fjnraegie Etadovrment for Intorna- Washington, 'Sspt. 8.—(dWThe of these sproial twin size mat­ Winthrop Desl^ in history, with ample credit for hia car and turning over twice. Navy department aiufounced^ to- Known almost as many yean aa Stearns k Foster Ikmal Peace. The proposal ia a portant role. They will help you participate in Aniorica. tresses! Steams Foster all partners. ■' There was no one Injured in the Say a list of 809 oasimltlee In the as "Tops” in fine felt b id in g . Pure white fififfy k live ona at the present time, for accident. 'I the better things when they become available. U. 8. Nav^ forces, including 30 made them for twin beds only Here’s a major living room piece you eaff Cora Lee Chappell of 11 Pavil­ New * Englanders, Including the long-staple cotton, felted into layen and laym^ of the whole county cannot help downy comfort. Through the center of mat­ .. .in large quantities . . . so own right now.. .begin to enjoy and use... looWhg forward and imagining Moscow To Spain ion street,. Hartford, who was at (ollowing from Connecticut. ~ this regular $22.50 quality can first charged with assault on Bigeol, George Armand, ship’s tress is the famous Steams k Foster patent^ Popular around which you can plan your postwar lo w it will feel if a one-third mb It has repeatedly been wished Marie Anderson, also of Hartford, JOHNSON PAINT GO. cook, third class, U.. S. Naval Re- InsulG cushion which helps kOep the cotton from be had for only $19.75. It’s home! It’s a regulation four dnwer, 36 inch .Roklty of the- United States Ben- that Moscow would join .the rest pleaded guilty to breach of~tbe MiTS. Woigided.' Wlfs, . Mrs. an opportunity for you twin model with four small interior drawers and 699 MAIN STREET TEL. 6854 rvonne.Blgaol, 161 Washington shifting. Also sewn to this interior cushion are should happen to reject, for of ' toe United Nations world in peace and waa flnsd 810. Her therpre-built, quilted edges . . . the kind you can’t "Hoteliuir 2 9 ” bed users to replace your mato authentic serolled pigeon holes. 88-inch iooist reasons,.a treaty pro- sister, Carrie Johnson, at tbs sams itreet N*w Britain. tresaea at a salting 1 considering that problems ^ like Frats,. Anthony R., private, first brei^ down. Box Springs to match, $39JiO. models in genuine mimogany at $79.95 and for United States participa^ addresa had her ease ntdled. Mias that of Poland are international in Chappell was arrested as the re­ dass, U. 8. Marine Corps reasrvs. Steams k Foster’s smashing hit in tha $98.00. In the world security organi- scope, not to he settled by solo sult of a fight in which the And-, jWRBOniS The Savings Bank Dead. Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dom­ $29.76 price field . . . a loxurioualy cbm- ' iOB being devised at Dumbar- action on the part' of any one erson woman called her a vile inick J. Frate, Middlesex roafi, f oitaUe mattress designed to take tha day* Oaks. Such a rejection would great pdWer. name, which she resented. She Voroton Reichta (SoleMeitid, Heitiry, private, U. in-and-day-out wear a hotel mattress re-5^^ nlnoiity rule, not the majority clalm ^ she only Intended to Today, there ia room for a aimi-, throw -some water that was in ) Marine Corps reserve.. Wound- ceives! Made of fine combed, Ipng staple typical of ideajl democracy. It lar kind of hope in a reverie sit­ O f Manchi^ster PAI NTS id. Father, Ignacy Oolehieaki, 77 glass and the glass Slipped out of m& ebtton felt with pro^built Seat-edge bor- ' ", - .X .’ ■ ' ..I Slid easily defeat>and betray the uation. It wauld bs at) admirkbla her'hand and struck Uie Ander­ FOR PROTECTION THAT LASTS rhird-’avenue, 8eymoiur. Jobniton. Robert Heiury, seaman. derg. Tailored in a beantifuliy -colored llorlty will of this nation. thing if the rest of the United son woman In the eye. A Mutual Savings Bank , dui^le^'woven striped ticking. Pre-war Aaron Logan and Anne (3ar- iimcsERyiiz Irst ctasa, UJ 8. 'Naval Reaerve. Qbs answer to this proposal -was Nations should , join with Moscow ■ quaRty Box Springs to match* ^ . 7 6 . rett of 607 Hartford road, both All deposna Is tau tank a n gasraalMd la tuD Iqr Tha A'ounded. Parents, Mr. and |frs. t R O T U f R S ’sgrprsssed in < the Hart- in its solo action in f»iiin|> upon ch4r8:*d with laadvioua carriagt, danry W. Jnhpion, 868 Fanning- llN C Owunnt tte othsr ds^r, which ths psi^U of SpMn to fiss tbem- had thalr caaaa continuad unUX . naviaga Depoatt Oaanmy Dmd ad Caaa., iaa. -on avenua, Kenahigtcn. dM aliadss e f ths original Septesnbar ISth and Judge Bow­ AdvertlM In The Herald—dt Pays w Thomson. DonaM Joseph, w selves of Franco, the first totaU- *uuii. first class, U. 8. Naval Rs: CdhVenttbn, Alsk- ers ordered them to. have a medi­ tiriaii puppet of this age, and now cal examlnayon. , ,

v\ . I ) ■ ■..'■fr

‘t 'L ^


MANCHESTER EVENtNC HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 10<4 *MONTGOBIERT orities regulations from .Washing­ iQ E E I O ^ ton. ' ■ Soap-Box Rac<^ Pet Dogs .Do^ Not Realize ‘mMm CLEARANCE SALE OF HARDY P^RfiNmAL Output Curbs W PB, however, ^11 retain its' In­ Wfeddings celvebly be no time to apply the feeds Cross Narew A bou t To\m Ralph H. Haul! PLANTS dustry divlstons and Industry di­ plan to men of that unit before the Ridge Running We have over IM m IIIIoii grosrixg plants, maay tai bloam. vision requirements committees to Mdy Be Held That Summer Fun Is Over Fruck Wreck emergency transfer is made. Con­ at our mammoth anraerjr la lowm u order to eleaa eat ear To Be lifted "make certain that no one Is per­ Thompson-KoBki sideration will be given these men To Strike Against A number of locai Townsendltes Dead at Age 49 tor fan plaatlng aad at the eaaM time give yea aa oppori. mitted to procure an unreasonable The marriage of Miss Elsie B. when they arrive in the new the- From Coriano and friends plan to attend the field tmilty to see oar strong' field-grown doarere, we me he ttrie amaa- amount of any material or prod­ Koekt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rotary Gub Considers I R bappena every SepUmb heels, But In Its eyes wrai a hurt Bolton Hill East Prussia Area day -events of the Aqsoclated Qn Nazis’ Fall uct, that needed materials and look, 4 ' • ... *^Tihe active unite needed agaiM t John.Koakl of-thlg-town, and Her­ and It happened In a VALUES Townsend Clubs of Connecticut, Tolland Resident Born FOR $2.00 WE WILL SHIP THE POLI^WING components are made available to bert C. ThompsoA formerly of Sponsbi^ng Event If| Another and mors violent chase WA Japan will be shipped to the Pe- To Sea T^ken places tela morning In Manctaes- (Continued from Page One) ' Sunday, September 10, at Beech- POSTPAID: (Oonttnned FroSa Png* One) top essential civilian activities Whitlnsville, Maas., took place in homeward and finally, the shaggy clflc. Those imita required for land Park, West Hartford. Harry In Manchester; Veter­ such as transportation, utilities, Site Can Be Found. ter. canine stopped, lowered Its now npany _ ^ cupatlon duty in Europe will be 12 Belladonna Delphlntams, stately light hlae perennials. Whitlnsville, Saturday, at TUnlty (Continued Froni Page One) N. Anderson will be program di­ in wrar productloi^writbia three and fuel, and that email bueineee Episcopal church. The rector, Rev. Three boya were ifaUUng to stilled tall and, slowly wralked llortn, 22 B«ik ■t«et •en? to their staUoni, garia had already asked Russia an of First World War 12 Belamosam Delphlnlnms, very dark bine. VK> rector of the events to begin at mbnth* after Germanyli defeat Is given an equal opportunity to William T. Armitage officiated. The Rotary Club held Us month­ tchool wrhen suddenly on* of tee home. tie, operator, went out or units will be returned to the Uni­ tor an armLstice.) 12 OrienUl Popples; bright red llowers to nine Inches across. ^ . secure materials and supplies." ly open meeting for general dis­ to It in the three-day advance and Soviet forces were only 110 1:00 p. m., to include an Old 'Pm- and the freeing of 4,00(),0 o f the rear dual Urea as they tend with elaborate minefields and lapsed as disastrously as it has in conv-enllon. The cau^cus will be held Tolland, just over the Rockville can be found for holding the races. "From these surplus pools the 5 Bare and Lovely Bose DswirPlants, silver pink, two to throe ■ the program will allow any man­ First Fall meeting, vD^rcas So­ peas write orchid center. such a thing, and in the pretence .,_■«« In contact with Uuj steel un- extensive demolition*. Many great Frante and the Lem countries. at 8 o'clock in High School hall. line, practically ■•all his life. He Joseph Sylvester, Arthur IlUng, reduction of various types of Arm y leet, Free If yop order the above assortment this week. ciety of Emanuel Lutherkn church The ceremony waa followed by of other lads whom hs had trailed li^ rrla g e of the truck. explosions which were unexplain­ Little interest has developed here was educated in Rockville and T ol­ ufacturer to use any plant and ■personnel will be rhade. The num­ a reception In Pythian haIl,"Whlt- Jay Rond,. Sherwood Robb, Herb­ all summer. * Jlorln, the driver, reported to ed were reported east and west of in th^ State Senatorship. it being land schools. any materials not needed for war at 8. ert Swanson, Karl Keller, Ernest ate I^llceman Ralph Boyington ber to be returned to civilian life Attach two one dollar Mils to this ad, write your name and pr^uctlon to turn w t anything Tomorrow insville. On th dr return from Tbs boys oontlnued on, engross­ Pistola, a key objective 26 airline generally conceded that William Mr. Haun was a member of the wedding trip to Nantucket, for Bush, William ScMeldge, Stephen ’ theI Colchester' State Police Bar- as no longer essential to ^overall Bulgaria Asks address below and mall to _ ^ „ Win Encourage Industry Meeting Zoning Board of Ap-' ed In aubjecta -probably ndt a^l Arm y needs will be- chosen from mll^s northwest of Florence. Hanmer, of Wethersfield, will be Rockville Methodist church and' a which tee bride is wearing an olive Dube and Carl Furay were ap­ m, the Investigating officer, CLARK GARDNER _ W PB and other government peals. Municipal building at 8. conneoted with school. Then the among those with the highest pri­ . North of the fighting on the the leading candidate and possibly veteran of World War 1. He w-as greegn wool suit with black adeea. pointed to a committee to assist ___ mt he waa driving dow’n Nigger Adriatic Allied fighters and bonib- with a Medical Detachment at a’ ROCTE 1, BOX 469 OSa OE, IO W A agencies, he said, wdll "do every­ little master looked around again ority Credit scores. . , , the only one. Meeting of town officials to pre­ sorieS, the couple w ill live In Man­ Dr. Sheridan on further plana for fS in shortly after 8:15 this morn- ers continued to raid communica­ Reds to G ive base hospital and had served over­ N am e-...... thing within their powera to as­ The dog w af. stiil elose at his ' following a truck owned by the "It is emphasized that the rate Cash Eiici. . pare budget. chester. \ — tee ^oumament. inf 1 tions and destroy ferj.dgcs. The senior choir of Emanuel seas. He waa a member of Stan­ Address'...... sist and encourage Industry In re­ Jinecticut Milk Producers Aaso- of return of surplus men Send C.O.D. 2 Lutheran church will hold its first ley Dobosz Post. American Legion, suming -bivlUan production and atlon of Lebanon. Ahead of the overseas will depend upon the Nation Truce rehearsal of the season this eve­ of Rockville, and of Frank Bad- maintaining employment through (Ck waa a private car operated number of ships available. Thous­ Ltnick ning at 7 o’clock In the church stuebner Post, V.F.W., of that the use of the ‘know-how’, of Its an unidentmed woman. With ands of ships will be required to Urn supply the Pacific theater. TOe Local Schools (Continued From Page One)' vestry. place. A Mason of Fayette Lodge Industry divisions and Industry- i three vehicles proceeding dovm ^ Rockville, and a member of the labor advisory committees." ger Hill, the woman driver sud- Pacific theater will have Number would be revised or presented in Mr. and Mrs. Harold L. Rich­ Tdlland Fire Department, he found TTie productidh ' agency- wdll ily decided to turn into Silver- 1 priority. All else must >yaiL To the same form in the name of.aill time to take great interest in Boy maintain Its organization and pow­ I’e fllling station, then .changed it will be transported millions of Opened Today mondmona ofoi 114iio Henry neiiry street uavchave iiavahad uiTie vo tanc i^xcai. ... fighting men, millions of tons of three Allied governments, includ­ as their guests recently. Mrs. Rich- 1 Scouting. andiWas the first Scout ers "until It is certain that the war mind and stopped in the production program Is adequate landing bargee, tanks, ing Russia, has not yet been de­ mond’a parents, Mr.\Cp. And and \frs. Mrs. Fred master maaf-^r in Roctcvillli. Rockville. r line o f traffic. ’ The High school and other t«Swn A fter hli return from the war he for'Victory over Japan." milk truck was forced, guns, ammunition and food, over cided. The Russians have been Littlefield, and her brother-in-law Removed schools opened this morning with I iir Controls will be continued over a n d sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest becaihe Interested In horse training said, to puU sharply to his longer supply lines then those to consulted on the U. S. and British lU P iiw roR is what was stated by ofTlclals as terms and it was learned lij Cairo Green, all of Pawtucket. R. I^ and for yeara w-as associated with such "tight” materials as lumber, . to avoid striking the pleasure "less confusion" than in “ ’’ y Permanently — Painlessly -- Safely! textiles, and certain chemicals WORK CLOTHES and his ovm truck was forced ‘This means that most of the that little If any change would Mrs. Allan Thomp.son, daughter of the Lyster Stables. ous years. Both the Franklin and .• Mr. Haun leaves besides his through a systeim of allocations and to the left o f the truck ships and planes that were used be necessary.' Mr. and Mrs. Richmond, has re­ to supply the European theater High school buildings were press­ turned from a vacation at Lake mother a brother, J. Frederick FREE CONSULTATION designed to assure an equitable ____ d. It struck the roadside Tne armistice appeal, the offi­ dietrlbution based on essentiality. 'will be needed to supply the Paci­ ed for available space for classes, Macawam, Maine. Haun. of Montana; three sisters, ^ iM ^ n g , went up and over it and cial Bulgarian radio announced, The extreme emergency AAA The Only Kbd Ward’s Sell! fic theater. The majority of sWps as In the past several years, and it was delivered to the Soviet lega­ Mrs. Roland Usher. Miss Edith TELEPHONE ^BWong back into the broad shoul- waa evident from the popularity of preference rating will be retained, proceeding to Europe wiU contlhue tion in Sofia shortly after mid­ Haun. both of Rockville, and Mrs. " «er of the highway. The loaded the High BChodl cafeteria in the and there will* be only one other, t n c k skidded on, with hydraulic on to the Pacific Laden with troops night. _ G Clef to Open^ Arthur Carlin, of Hartford. Franklin school basement, that A private funeral service will be reeerved exclusively for the mili­ tn k e a froaen, for a considerable and supplies for that distant cam­ Miss Rena natefh s v A L u u 5-nici D i m m this department will have to be held for the, family at the home, tary programs during the war I iBatance until the rear wheels and paign.” enlarged. If possible, to care for Its 17th Season Saturday morning at 11 o’clock, against Japan. A ll other produc' ‘axle, fom from the frame, blocked While In general, the Army lald, tion wdll be "Unrated." flT IN fOUD OAK the seme selective formula for dis­ all of the student patrons. Yank Bridgehead and a public seiMce at the Lucina 49.9® further progress. Muat Fill Rated Orders First charge will be applied ■ am *g The census of the High school The G Clef Club will open Its Chapel In Grove Hill- cemetery, ELECTROLYSIS SALON The mUk truck continued on with this morning was 1298 or twenty Any manufacturer may accept You'll bs bnprstMd with the mouivs Unst'of-ffiU dinsHs t a t . . it troops Btatlofied in the United Across Moselle; seventeenth season Thursday eve­ Rockville. Rev. Frederick A. Dyck- R O O M 15 - R U B IN O W B L D G . 84.T M A IN S T . "Ita perishable load to Hartford and above last year’s first day lirtlng "unrated” orders for anything, but ■■ reported the accident, returning for States, their priority scores nor^ ning. Sept. 17, with a rehearsal and man will officiate and burjal will be you'll ogrss ths *pdcs b fowl Ruggsd, tqlid-ook construction w tij of 1278. Two new teachers have he must fill rated orders ahead of pdice investigation two hours mally will be lower than those of social at. 7:30 in the Emanuel Lu­ in the family lot in Grove HHl cem- been added to the High school Assault Soon all other business. glvs- you ysort o f tsrvics. Nots the added beauty o f ths ; men who have seen combat duty theran, church. etery- ' There Is to be no "programming" The remains will be brought to OVEN ROASTER APPLE BAKE SET GLASS FRY PAN Morin, the driver of the P*P»i- overseas, and troops lii this coun­ faculty this year. . Tryouts will be held at this of civilian production from Wash­ dstigh on choirs at wsll at table. "Saddle" teats for extra cowtfwTilj try will serve as the main reser­ The total student census in the (Continued from Page One) time, and any girl who desires to the Haun home Friday monilng. yonr Roaiitt wfll Taste Better, Pot BaUng aad Sarr- Hcbm iMlslaal —: Tb* Hoadte i Cola truck, suffered a wrenched ington. Krug said available sup­ end. Easier to Make In this voir of replacements for oversea* grammar, intermediate and prim­ V -- ■ try out for membership in the club Funeral Director Mark Holmes of Stoyi Cool—No toMk* 7 0 Eig 36x48 in. table extends wHh leaf to seat six pertonti back but narrowly pscaped severe Advertise in The Herald— It Pays plies of materials, components, fa- Large Dual Roaster, 1 Q C I Inlurv when the truck he waa op- theaters. ary grades of the various schools and killed 19,500 Germans. The will be given an opportunity at that Manchester Is In charge. clUtiss and manpower indicate S ^ I U r M c whan Fryin*. 7 heb 8lm • ■ w Only 3 0 % Dawnl MenHJ^ PaymanI Pkml 6 X $70...... la F 9 ■ anting careened with its tons of The. same formula for priority of is not yet available but it 1* ®x- U. S. First Army reported Aug. 30 time. G. Albert Pearson Is direc­ maximum civilian production could ; glasa bottles awlnst the bank w release also will be applied to the i>ected to top last year's census. that it had captured 115,000 Nasis. tor of the club. ba achieved wdthout detailed pri­ » BO yards.______A. helper 'riding with Women’s Arm y corps, as a separ­ Since then it has mopped up at Plans , are tn the w-orks for an M o ^ was uninjured. ate group. In addition, all womdn least 14,000 in the pocket south of unusually busy season. PIE PLATES State Policeman Boyington in the Army, whose husbands havp Explosion Causes Mons. CIStARD CIPS PlM Toito Baltar bobad atated that the investigation of the been released will be discharged! - It also was estimated officially For Bcddng or^ m- gocldent would be contltuied. H e upon application. ' Loss of Fingers that 50,000 Germans now are Hospital I Notes FRESH FISH ia Olota— 9 A waa unable to state what charges. caught in the Pas de Calais coastal Serving, each eVG t Incb— i.-|f any, would be pressed against strip which was thinning hourly. Five thousand of these are in Admitted-ye9le*’‘I“ y ‘- George A. AT PINEHURST any of the drivers, involved. George' O. Rose, Jr., 13. of Bol­ G ift o f Land ton, is recovering as well as can be Boulogne and 5,000 In Le Havre, teooley, 55 Blssell street: Charles FOR POISE AND HEALTH THURSDAY . . . expected at the Memorial hospital where garrison waa given a Ferguson, 193 East Center street; I . • lAnny to Free where he Is being treated for second surrender ultimatum _to- Peter . Dounorowitz, 56 Birch Haddock Filletn For Cemetery wounds he received Saturday af­ day. street: Alfred (^ingnot, 627 Center street; Louis Kluntz. Jr., 81 Drive Whole Haddock TO lU T SEAT ternoon when a dynamite cap ex­ Butterflsh ROOFING Som e Soldiers ploded in his hand. He was brought C, Garden apartments: Norma REOPENING THE By a deed recorded in the town> to the hospital by his father and South France Richard, 281 Center street; Thom­ Sole Fillets comnin PtonenoM at tow cost as Atamian, 335 Center street. ^ (Oeatlaned trom Page One) clerk’s office this morning convey­ given emergency treatment, but Moda el blqb «rada iah and aphali. ing land from the Kohn Tobacco the explosion cost him the loss bf Admitted today: Mias Ruth Mc­ AT PINEHURST fiaialoread widi erica end tale. XoII TOUGHEST PIONEER Cbmpany, Inc., to the town, a Units Closer Neill, 35 North street: Patrick MEAT DEPARTME|«T covera 101 aq. k Complata widi neib OIL TANNED WORK SHOE | ! > *iger supply Hues than those, to a thumb and two fingers on his OVERALLS FOR MEN STURDY AU hardw ood CARRY RARV M TW * strip of land has been added to the Sheridan, 783 Main street; Mrs. JUNE JAYE DANCE STUDIO Better count your points, aad cement Aarope.” left hand. , Bessie Merkel, Newington. *•- ■ ' f . . ' * " WITH TIRE CORD SOUS JTho priority system win govern 'West cemetery. The boy also suffered a body (Continued from Page One) 4S l a BOU S8 1$. ROLL HIDH CHAIR 9 ,9 S ■ASOT Galif The deed calls for a strip, 100 Discharged yesterday: Clold Lee, and get as many point free ’ the mlease of the relatively small wound from the blast.. CLASSES IN ALL TYPES OF DANCING AND BATON TWIRLING CswftH Rtr M number of men to be demobilized feet wide, fronting on Spencer lied headquarters disclosed today. Bolton. meab as possible . . or 1 .4 9 1 .9 8 1.47 Sound eenalrucHan fer . boby’a- Discharged today: Miss Esther 4 s 4 9 :%fider theae ocndltions. The four street and running along the west American units of the Seventh Specitd Tap Classes for Boys! points win not carry aefaly. Ramevable tray, adjust* melhsr. Made e l I line of the cemetery for a distance Arm y have captured Louhans and Shapiro, 15 Ashworth street; John ji.jfMtors 'WIU bo oaloulated in this Pension Board It through the four week pe­ lulll lo take ptenly of real hard able footrest. AAopIo or birch Anidu of 245 feet. The additional land Lons-le-Saunler in the area be­ M, Lowe, 32 Garden street; Fred suh SURFACf ROOnNO Popular Mua land qua$ly~Hn manner: Schw’arz. 6 Lewis street. riod. flood qooUty IM " atoek — weorl Extra heovy 9 oo. Sonfer- 1. Service eredlt, based on the wlU make possible enlargement of tween the Saone valley and the to Ibe. wlU loal 20 yean. Now Organized Birth, today: A daughter to Mr. sturdy ofl tanned laalhan. Rugged total number of months of Army the cemetery and brings t o ‘an end Swiss border, headquarters said. Registration Friday, Sept, 8, 19^ 2-«> “• Jle better Roefiag Mata- Experily mode and Hard Izi^ denfan. Ruripreof stetal bum and Mrs; Lester White, 109 Avery . Point Free Items: Hre eerd lelea Pina for sutdoor service since Sept. 16. 1940, when a search on the part o f the ceme­ Loubans is 21 miles southeast of riol mode at any price. Enameled — Com pletely Uoi^ riveted stetal bultem. Dou­ tery committee to secure addition Rear 324 Center St. Saturday, Sept. % 1944, 2-6 p. m. ROASTING CHICKENS Hella ovarava IS U». the draft law became effective. The Pension Board of the Towm Chalon-aur-Saone. street. > Hinged—ready to tnalatL worken who must work out bi wet | al land for cemetery'purposes. Moda el thick Aaphali ble Mwn aeomal 2. Overseas oredlt, based on the b f Manchester held' an organiza­ FRICASSEE FOWL weolher. Worth your dioe soupoa -^The land Is level and can easily Miss Jhye his just retilrned from New„york afUr eompletinf igThral advaaesd s le if Soturalad Fait aevarad number of montha overseas. tion meeting yesterday afternoon FRYING CHICKENS be developed for cemetery purposed with glata. 8. Combat credit based on each in the office pf Town Treasurer courses. . Fresh Stewrlqg Lamb •nrard of the congreasional -medal at a very low cost. OPgN- m nm (Seorge H. Waddell. Attorney Soup Bones KHONT — 3 .5 9 at honor, distinguished service Charles 8. Mouse was elected TELEPHONE: HARTFORD 5-1226, 10-12 A. M. MANCHESTER.7126,1-5 P. M, 2 .2 9 oross, logiom of m erit silver star, chairman; Richard Martin, secre- Grote^s Frankfurts, Polish dU ^gu lsh ed flying cross, sol- tary. Rings, Pres.sed Ham' an^- iiljjlii j j j'l^ m r ’s medal, bronze atar, air med- Engagement^ It * a » brought out, at the meet­ Liverwurst. ■1, purple -heart and battle clasps ing that any ehgtble Official or f. TRANtFABEIT LOHCH KIT ea theater campaign ribbons. Krest-Pnmtice employee of the town who desires V. Freshly Chopped Pinehurst 4. Credit for each dependent Mr. and Mrs. John A. Prentice to be excluded from the provi­ child under 18. up to three chil- HAMBURG. Mode oi Durable of 489 East. MlddleTumplke an­ sions and benefits of the Pension Pound ...... Transparent Plastic. * dren. .* • , nounce the W gngem ent o f their Plan, mu*t~flle a written state­ 29c Most of the reduction In total Light and Easy In daughter. Miss Edith Prentice to ment to that effect, or notify Mr. Dried Beef .... •/, lb. 23e BIG MAPLE strength, will occur In the ground \enim at work Carry. Largs enough JUVENILE PLAY Waddell at once, as payroll deduc­ Beef Kidneys lor Vacuum Bottle forces, with considerably less de- Petty Officer 2C Marcus B. Krest YARD AT A, PLATFORM of 24 Huntington stfeet. ^ tions will begin next week.- Swift Premium hnd a good eited KEM-TONE : mobilization of air and service hinch V LOW PRICE 8.95 ROCKER forces, which will be needed in Jill* i« Nature** time for plaining lawn *eed. Yoe have two (2'/z to 3 lbs. average) Excellent' for Tho Miraclo Wall Roomy and ielaxfiig! a geto f 1 greater proportion in the Pacific. rowing tooton* aliea 11 Beamy $3l6x16V44b. top . . i BOILED HAM hag. Most HOIaBl r ia llk M 100% WOOL WORSTED Perfect comfort in high bode tup. . the four points In calculating the MEN’S RIRRED COTTON glam pretecH'froia mors. Wolnut individual adjusted service ratings FOWL PEACHES, , _ BOTTLE OF " f C k ftiiimal era haww sL Dries )| . port and tpdng seotl SoM hard.' 65c lb. bardJsajtaSim IS A COAT SWUTERI S e l f miONSUITS 1 ^ 1 Vanoar eri mlect hardwood. wood flniihod Walnut will not be disglosed- until after the Right now we can offer UGHTERFkUID ■ # 9 f - Vh PW te— , s 9 w Mto * -*a- -A si. —------A —^ ■ ^ h tih g has^ended in Europe. In you a large fancy Hale va­ P a rf^ for chilly weolherl Worm, general, however, the priority 41c lb. SLICED THUBINOER 1 ar vrarmai. Isng mssttag, teo-w rating will be used to determine riety of Peaches fdis can­ Mwg.ffiflng. Ixira M Sri for | RIBAA i SALAMI ning. Next week "thefa Ihmiki Is riurdy yara Rbars. EXTRA een fafH which men are ’’surplus" within Um artatos D O O S i f X a theater of operations; this sur­ should be iQenty of Native lOMNSON’S plus personnel will be returned to 39e lb. perstmialfy Elbertas, .GLO-COAT CLEANER the United States, and the, same, STEAKS ■Vs SLICED .\MERICAN 1 Ths Rasy To d e e * Pleem — Be.' priority rating will then determine This is. the week to can ntavee WamVaralsh. which of them will 'be released as 35c lb. Apply—^Fasl Dry- ghoBcta, eta. ho longer essential to any Army CHEESE Tomatoes,' Wild Grape or , amt S te m Me mm mSeta e » aW •m m m m Crabapple Jelly. Gei these IngFlooc r A Paehoqe — o 2 5 purposes. „ • . MILK-FED [ The Army said that some men, j-M i «a rear hM W ng. at Pinehurst and all the Wax. Pint a 9 9 UI.C— , 7 5 LEGS AND RUMPS 41c lb. because of their particular .qualjfl- W »«a » M a faa iilie e taaa afcwil SO mam tjm g g f canning silppUes yon need. SAV-A-BRUSH I cations, will never become surplus i DANISH blue . NU— * a Mat *a l eaam aw * a etam. Wa aaw WOOto I While the war continues. i tu m ADArreO Uaa taO. Aad a« aaa Ma OCEDAR CIsaak Paint CO LD FOAM VEAL aaeahra lidiaaanaB ekaat dMau a law Aa awa eataami Pinehuret opens at 8 Brushss No Matlsr ■ "Aa an example of how the plan | CHEESE o’clock Thursdays. . POLISHES The Heavy Duty I will work,” said the announce­ n kaalky. WhWwiMa aaadHaa M raw Imm, aaea li Bcroldi s How Dirty. 4 A aeopleee Cteoaot lor Walls. Pabries. ment, "assume that there are four 57c lb. sad MS la'at Maw n. ^ ■ Ripe Honeydews . and Reamrot— n A V Padtags-^- b AU WARDOLEUM ' infantry divisions In the European 33c lb. Cream or An etc. Foams la CeM UPHOLSTERED TOP l-STBP [ theater. One ia declared aurplua. vine-ripened Cantaloupes* Puipoaa Pelish- a A d Wataa. Idsol tor * FOR YOUR I Men in all four divisions are rated are fine quality this ,week. Sell Pehali. M ga Cais.taa. : o e KITCHEN STOOL 4 ,4 9 KITCHEN Sq.Td.494 lb.Caa— e «9 MEN’S CASH SAVER i according to the priority , credit 1 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables ^Jag Wax— a d V dVARDS FAMOUS, trURDV Handy ladder, Utahan stool eom* This win save yam i ' Korea, The top fourth la aelectad woodriffI Cauliflower is^ lower and PANTS FOR bkigdl HeovRy padded lop on— give you e r * aad those hot aaatntial for reten- RttCHANIC SOCKS |9c WORK Z981 MeINTOBH Becker eqntinucs to send in ered bi ortWIdol leelhea eovenegi I ( tion in service by reason of mlU- Native 'parrots. Celery, ■ a ’ I «... I CRACK FILLER Wofli tech* * s t are bult «er I tary necessity are designated aa 1 BANANAS t E E i Wanri, tigbtly waves wool 1 ^ 9 ^ Far Ftadag PtsriM '' masri CumlutkiMe reamlem faetl aun>hi*. Men ’ in the surplus divi­ APPLES Beets. Peppers and Summer map Wafis son be Mid eoMos Mend. Belaforoed sion who are iharked for retention 13c lb. Squash, -r OMdasWasri StoeslOlsISsadlS. aesms, bar-tack at polats a( by reason ^f .'m illtarv necessity 4 lbs... 29c W lflikiiaHan^ Bow f taws. Do are than shit ted'into the active di­ 1 CANi^'O The Manchester^ —Rhnriso w * D o — visions. A ll of the men derignat- P o d — a O d LtaOsn — ^ as’ surplus are shifted into the PEACHES CUCUMBERS surplus division, which now w ill I Plumbing & Supply^C®* .ontgoihery Mrvs as a vehicle for eventually 1 99c basket 4 for 15c retunilng them '•bati.tbs tlhltsd |F.T.BLISB,SR. F. T. BUSH, JR. | States. ' . TEIXOW “If It’g HardwMU W# Havu It" AST MAIN STREET MANCHESTER Montgomery "No man In a unit that remaiaa BLAIR’S to. aerv-los can )>ecome surplus an- 1 TOM ATOES SVfEET CORN 757 MAIN STREET til a quallfisd r«placsm4nt’is avau- 1877 MAIN STREET - TELEPHONE 4425] E24-82SMA1NST. TEL. 5161 MANCSES1SR |i t24-588 MAIN 8T. TEL. 5151 y .a l^ . I f military, necessity should ’me aatsll tl)r Ikn" tiaqsffr of 1 5 lbs. 25c 39c. doz. h illll 1$ III

■ . f ' ■ , . f-f.l4~fipt, * •.' H* 'fc 'H . V-1 ’ '^■ V- h- . MANCHKSTKR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN„ WEDNESDAY. SI^PTEMBER 6,'1944 PAGE 1944 — \ l e v e n i n g HERALr. MANCHESTER. CONN.-WEDNESDAT. SErTEMBER A. ^^ ^ ■ ,» _ rtANCirESTTCR r ^ wirC->ioMi WDBO—1860 Today’s Radio WNB^im selves regarding their choice of a Eastera War Tim* Fliers Clinch Second Place in TwiJLeagu foster mother. . . Doctors Rap iyes Reaspiis - The chronology of legal moves en WTHT—Flying for Freedom; concerning the children . Interest to Local 4 ;00—WTIC — Backstage W lfe ;f July 28, 1939—They were given Hospital Plan WDHC — Service Time; WTHT WNBC—The Lone Ranger. Yesterday’s Scores WilUnuuDitic Te«ni ^AppealTaken to Mia. Hubbard In adoption by — 'i — Walter Ckjmpton; 'WKBC — 7:46—WnCJ-^H. V. Kaltenborn. T h a t ’ s That ^ cree of the New Haven Probate Parade of Stars. 8:00—w n c —Mr. and Mrs. Rockville by 6 S I 4:15—WTIC — Stella Dallas; Cadets Nosed Qtit 4> Association Apparently North; WDRC—Woody Her­ Scranton 7, 20; Wllke*-Barre »rmick Objects to “ Mwch 11. 1943-M rs. Hubbard Tomatoes Liven _ WTHT—^Time Out for Tea, mans Orchestra: WTHT—Cecil *, 3 (7). Raymond Hangs resigned as ihelr guardian, pre­ Mtdflle of Controversy 4:30— WnC^T— LorenBo Jones; Brown; WNBC—Ray Henle. Utica 15, Binghamton 6. His Eighth Win of ric h e r Serving as paratory to joining the Women s On Unlimited Service. Let ’Em Have WDRC — Ad Liner; WTHT ■^8:15—WTHT—War Garden For­ Elmira 6, 8; WiUlamsport 6 Army Corps, and the ^ W d le to ^ Advertisement— Plain Food True Detective Stories; WNBC um; WNBC—Lum and Abner. By Suicides, 6 to 5 (7). 5. Advertisement- son; Fair Sired iopting Parent. Probate court named Mrs. Elvira 'Their Snacks Adi^ertlsement— —^Time Views the News. 8:36—W n C -B e a t the Band; (Only games scheduled.) Parsons, Mrs.' Hubbard's house­ New Haven, 6ept. 6-(>P)— An Lima beans and dried kidney 4:45-^Wnc — Young Wldder WDRC—Dr. Christian: WTHT Amerkmre On Hand; Game ’ keeper, tlielr guardian. littje'ionger. 'Then cool and use as beans—both good food-.-take on Brown; WDRC—Conn. Heroes; jtown, 8«pt 6 — — insurance plan guaranteeing sub- j little girl— and a fruit spre.sd for after-school —News; Castles in the Air: Detroit 6, Chicago O.. Charged Cnlldren Beaten When l was new taste interest when tomatoes Ad Liner WNBC—United Press North Enders Get Early (Only game scheduled.) in Fifth. _ McCJormtck,' C!hlcsgo Indus- March 4. .1944-McCormlck pe­ scribera expanded hospital service were — we'd snacks. WNBC—My Best Girl* Pitchers Hold perhaps when you are combined with. them. New* 9:0—w n c—The Alan Young NaUdnal li«t w!io went to court with titioned the Probate court to re­ has precipitated a controversy 6:00—w n c — When a Girl Mar­ Lead and Maintain ^ come home from school, shouting, Forgotten at Chrlst- Chiu Kidney Beans With Show; WDft(J—Frank Sinatra St. Louis 4, 0; Cincinnati 0, The Wlltimantle Fliers al objection* "to Wls sister, move Mrs. Hubbard as the adopt- wlfa the Connecticut Hospital ries; WDRC—Ad Liner; WTHT o raus time? Not your Tomatoes Show; WTHE—Gabriel Heaf- 4. second place in the-local Twill Infif parent and Mr«. PAi^nns as service (the Blue Cross) on one ••Mother, may I have something to —News; Music; WNBC — Ter- It Until Darknes*^—Tiorer O iailC eS Muriel McCormick -Hubbard, The chUdren are off tp school again, many ^ ■0^ boy In the sendee if (Serve* 6) ter; WNBO^Dunhl^r. Tf__ 1 (Only games scheduled.) g u W a n . He charged hla "later side, certain medical groups on e a t ? ” ^ and the Pirates, Forces Game to End. League last night when they fester mother of two cjilldren. with excessive use of alcohol, with the other, and the Connecticut time The* children trooping bask to school signals the real ^ you inall before Oc­ Two cups dried kidney beans, 1 3:15— WTIC — We Love and 9:15—WTHT--Screen 'ftst. rested the Rockville HUl BUUe* 1 Usually the whole Idea was s ^ m e r foi them and for us too even though the weather says^othv tober 15th. cnioose 9:30—w n c —Mr. District Attor­ set forth also 'th#~-resSons for besting the children and with con- Hospital association, composed of greeted -vith disapproval. Ka^ large onion, sliced, 1 large clov* Learn; WNBC—Dick Tracy. now from the wide ney: WDRC—Jack Carson Ibe Suicided' soSftbair team Trout and Newhouser a score of 8 t o '3. The gama-^ S ^ K n d lfig to impair their "mor­ most of the state’s hospitals, ap- Ing between meals” was regarded ewlTe New Usks will garlic, sliced, I green pepper, 5:30—w n c — Just Plain Bill; opposition to Dr. Frances M. oirr energy. The tag-ends of victory gardens reinaln to be . assortment of ovet'^ Show; WTHT— First Nlghter; called after the fifth innlnff 1 als. health and happiness. *^e narently in the middle. «s^the surest possible vray to "P®*' minced, cup bacon drippings, WDRC — W ar Commentary; squeezed out a one run victocy Constitute Whole Sue See Fast Tilt been, completed and justly, :e of Durham serving as their court scheduled s hearing on the And whether or not you’re sick and tired of ca n n in g not a bit of aeas gift*, at Wel» WNBC—Spotlight Bands. tSa I In a March 1 contract between dppetites for proper W . oc­ Ink of ■ 3(4 cupsTresh or canned (No. 2(4 Baseball Scores; WTHT — Tom last night over the Ipwly Cavil Air should have been called at parent.' petition for May 15, the Connecticut Hospital service precious f o ^ sh o u ld V wasted. That pver, we ll bepln to ^ , don’s 901 Main street. Including can) tomatoes, 2 teaspoons salt, 3 Mix; WNBC—Jack Armstrong. 9:55—WNBC — Coronet Story cess o f the Detroits. casionally we managed to wheedle fall cleaning-heigh ho—If your mood matches mine, that s all we’ll wallets, brush seU and so forth. Cadets at ^ the Y playgrounds in one Inning earlier. Two weeks ago Mrs. Grace Bement of Deerfield and the Hospital association. Blue or sneak a handful of cookies or fall cleaning—heigh teaspoons chill powder. 5:45— w n c — Front Page Far­ Teller. ~ Ati Y Tonight A' fair-sized crowd waa oa Mass., where the children are Ir.. Cross members are protected to do for awhile—think about It. Soak oeans overnight In cold rell; WDRC — Swoon or Croon; 10:06—WTIC— College o f Musi the Mancheabsr Softball League. Ident of the some breai-and-augar. Keep hair bows pretty by wash­ By Jack Hand to witness the proceedings and I «ster company, appeals w school, temporary the extent of what Is described Nowadavs we realise that chil­ water qr about 5 hours In luke­ WTHT — Superman; WNBC — cal Knowledge; WDRC — Great Th* “ Giant Killers}’ score one In A. P. Sport* Wrltee game in addition to settling , Mav 12. 1944—Mrs. Hubbard ing them when the ribbon Is mus-| the first, two In the second, and Superior court from a decision as substantial additional medical dren, especially little ones, fre­ Your winter coat js Just about j^biegpoons flour, 2 cups cooked warm water to cover. All onion, Sea Hound. Moments Ih Music; WTHT — Newhouser or Trout pitching nmner-up spot, was highlight petitioned the court for pejm l^ sy or soiled. Use a little starch garlic, green pepper, bacon drip­ 6:00—w n c — News: WDRC — three In the third, . while the Cheneys and South End the Middletown service at member hospitals. ‘ • quently aren't able to eat the most Important purchase you i j,in,atoes, 2 cups whole kernel Royal Arch Gunnison; WNB<3— and Trout or Newhouser warming by the appearance of Jeff Kott* roving an agreement between where needed. pings, tomatoes, and salt, and News; WTHT — News; WNBC Ravmond Gram Swing. Cadets managed to 'aeoi’e one in ProtesU From Two Groups at meals to tide them over to the will make, so buy wisely. Mont- i teaspoon salt, 1-4 teaspoon up! Firemen to Battle It ^ rightfield for the Hifi BUBeX' wealthy Mrt. Hubbard, now a foster mother and asked that Dr. The current l.ssue of The Cdn- next meal without hunger pangs. gomery Ward. Justly famous for ^ puprik*. 1-4 teaapoo’n chill pow- simmer for 2 hours In the soaking -“ News. **■ 10:15—WTHT—, Brad Hunt’s Or­ the first, two in the third, And two Slinging Sammy Raimond’ Clarke be named adopting P">'0"t. 'Thoae of you leaving county or That appeared to be Detroit’s corporal, and Dr. ClarKe. necllcut State Medical Journal re­ For that reason a mother who low-prices, and good quality, Is the i gf cayenne, 3 slices but- water. Ado more water, 11 need­ 6:15— w n c — History In. the chestra; WNBC — Ted Malone. more in the fourth. Out; Evenly Matched. up his eiglith win in leaguq- The petition was granted, and the shore cottages will be wise to put Headlines; WDRC —, Lyn Mur­ Game b Oslled success formula today as the g her the foster mothM of ports protesU from at least two does her Job well, plans the after­ place for you to shop. Their Super- bread. ed, during cooking. Add the chlU 10:30—WDRC — The Colonel; Ijgers crept to within two games against three defeats in flln. hearing scheduled for May 15 all empty bureau drawer* In up­ powder, stirring ** Httl# as possl- ray’s Music; WTHT — War Oar- •The North Enders went to bat th Rockefeller Hubbard, 11, groups against this contract, and noon snack sltuaUon carefully^ Gora coats which come In •*ven , jj, heavy skillet. Saute WTHT— Music; 'WNBC —Stop of the American league-leadtog Tonight. In the local SofthsII the Willlmantic entry Into the! l .Saisha Dyer Hubbard, 2nd, 7. continued. It has not been side down. W hy?.T o prevent mlc* hi* to avoid mashing the beans 4ens; Concert Hour; WNBC — In the sixth Inning and scored editorially supporta the protests. Experience In Industry has proved beautiful colors are only 824.76— | garlic until brown. Remove the VlUlan. Yankees. League, the only team that was behind the Polish American* States Reasons for Appeal Mrs. Hubbard said fn a statement making nests In a place that’s apt Place In a\baklng dish or bear Sports and Scores; Race Result* four more runs only tc have the The medical staff of St. Marys that time out for a bit of en gr^ - think of It! You’ll be able to girlie, add meat. Brown weU. to be undisturbed "r or 8 months 11:00—-W T IC — News: WDRC — On paper the race still was be- Irish Johnny Mack started' Yesterdav Cyril Coleman of that her brother's charges choose either the chestei^ld or | the flour and when lyell pot, cover, and bake In a moderate 6:30—WnCJ— Strictly Sport#; game called during the first half able to pin a defeat on the first the losers and was chased o u t' hospital. Waterbury. reported The glvlng fbod between meals in­ of the year. ; WDRC—Jack Stevens: WNBC News; WTHT—News. iween New York and St. Loui* round champion Cheney Brothers ftford. one of three attorneys false. . - Journal, adopted a resolution dis­ creases production among work boy type coat In slsea 10-20. i mixed,. 4dd tomatoes, corn and oven (350 degrees F.) for about 3 11:16—WTIC— Harknees of of the sixth, and the score revers­ less than two Innings. Moose June 5, -M cC orm lck petl- —^Hull’s Program of Song. separated by only a half game, but nine will appear at the North Ehid ,resenting McCormick, filed a 1944 approving of the contract as "not era. Young children are very ------. seasonings. Pour Into a greased hours. Uncover during last part Washington; WDRC —Dance ed to the end of the fifth inning Steve O’Neill’s Bengal* were fear­ reir the hugh catcher, doffed thy document with the* Super- Uoned the probate court to vacate We noticed an -,fibundance of of the cooking 1| brown beans are - 6:45— w n c —Lowell Thomas; which they led by the score of 6 Playground when the South End catching regalia and took up directed to the good of the pub­ energetic people and while their Glamorous bathing suits, lingerie mie-quart casserole. C!ut slices of Orchestra; WTHT — Music. ed most by the thrre other con­ Firemen collide with the best team oourt clerk, stating the rea- the May 12 adoption decree. scatter rugs of aU sires and d^ desired. Il preferred, use Unaa oi WDRC—News; WNBC-^Nkws. to 5. mound chores and pitched the i lic, the hospital and the medical “ production” may seem and slippers are among C:3irtatmas | j^^^d In half and place on top of 11:30—w n c —Arthur Hopkins tender* In the circuit. The game is acbedr for the appeal. June 19. 1944-A hearing on uhlmportant. you will be build­ gifts most requested by service meat mixture. --Bake In hot oven scrtpUons at Benson’#, thta week, navy beans In place of kidney " T:00— w n c — Music Shop; snd Clifford of the way. Mack waa ch profession." you’ll And one for every rootn in WDRC—I Love a Mystery: . Presents; WDRC — Invitation I yjj*?’. The pride of Mhiooka, P * , had uled to get under way at 6:16. document contended, among McCormick’s June 5 petition end­ The resolution said there was ing productive adults If you keejg girls overseas. But check with re­ (400 degrees F.) for 15 minutes, beans. been criticized by'some sources all with the loss, his fqiurth at r things, that the probate ed In a wrangle between opposli^ the house from $1.98, Includl^ J WTHT — Fulton Lewis, Jr.; WTHT - 8h.p FlHd'. I o.aS h ST MU The Machinists, representing against no victories. an erroneous Impression that their basic nutrition sound when latives before buying to avoid or until top is browned. Lima Bean-Tomato Casserol* season for “overworking* the Cheney* have found the pickings ■t lackeo authority to approve attorneys with Judge Leonard o. duplication and make certain your raga Shags, braids and axmln- • WNBC—Page# of Melody. Orchestra. apiece, white both Capra an to retire plentiful—lean and not very tender An’ him not fquEi^___ ^ I Brooks, pq • — 3 0 1 2 1 the White Sox loser as Newhoulser defeated the team single handed -lb be entrusted with the" care, "Connecticut medicine ■will not op­ dress up the milk. Make It a milk­ boll a weak solution of bicarbonate Chances ar* you’ll b* w*arln| PniniMil Broadcasts Tonight When “ Information Please, side. Guests of W AGs —hut It lJ Just as nutritious as of soda solution in It periodically Eure I saw the fright ^ 1" him earned his 23rd decision. / as he pitched perfect hair and ^ « ^ g b t and upbringing” o f the pose anything that Is good for the shake. Children love to prepare a hair decoration this fall If you 8:15 EWT MBS—4top. Ever­ conducted by (Jllfton Fsdlman, The Hill Billies scored sU dther scarcer cuts. Omklng " It and then wash with soap and wa­ When he left the door. Totals .1...... 32 6 12 16 7 3 With the bulk of the donblehead- wielded a heavy b*t. It appears to tallies In the first, second and : people of the state, but It Is not these for themselves and the only property makes It good and flavor­ haven't succumbed to the ■ fad al- ett IMrksea o f Hlinols from Chl- returns from vacation to NBC next OvU Air Patrol be a pitchers' battle with both ^^sSeenied Chleny With Ctoeer equipment needed Is a bowl and ter. I Monday night, Wendell .WUlkie is ^ ers out of the way, it Was proba­ frames while the Fliers ne Fort Devens, Mass., Sept. 6—{K^ Impressed b y , the magic of this some. But he took a hand o Denny, eogo under sponsorship Repnb- AB. R. H. PO. A. E. ble that the pair would do most of West Sides in Finale teams out to win the tilt, I t said she was unmarried, was plan,” and It asserted there was beater or some sort of shaker with Though the flower-bedecked Ucoa National Commlttoe. scheduled to join the panel of ex- I j ‘ .1, only two to register their six-i lOemed chiefly with her career --Seven New England women will An’ a hand o’ Dan, . 3 1 1 1 1 the Work in the 23 remaining Carl Peterson, the hOme-run hit tot^ the second saw four spend Friday and. Saturday as "more than a little truth” in the a good tight top. Save left-over Make your chll Hot one day, cold the next, W r Joe’s cwJd coat upon him— headdress has been fashlonabis perts aa a return visitor to the ter of the Machinist nine and Vince a teacher In a New London meaning cottons one day. winter Murphy, os games, eight of which were ' with cross the platter while in guesU of the WAC detachment at protest of the St. Mary’s hospital Juices from canned fruit. They Iren’s school hours Och. the poor wee man! for some time there ar* many New York,' Sept 6.—(#*)—Sena­ program. \ The other guest la McKinnev,' sf Del Mastro, Pat Anniello and il, had no home of her own, mix- beautifully with milk for woolens the next. Thus '\wlth Alexander ^ f^ ox of the movies, Cleveland, t Twenty-five games With Props Tonight fourth’ two more qpme home the fort, performing tasks ordi­ medical staff. orofitable and hap­ new thlngamabobs to ■ emphaslM tors Burton |C Wheeler of Mon­ Ursin, p won appeared to be within easy Hank Skoog appear to pack too their total. and spent her time In New Lon- The .Tournal said the contract unusual end acceptable flavor. woolens, furs and so on, taktnt,out He cut thd quarest figure, ^ while the regulars, John Kieran den, Durham, New York City and narily assigned to WACs on duty py one* See to it the current vogue of ladyllk* half tana and Josepk. Ball Of Minnesoy Gustafson, lb reach of each many guns for the South End Fire­ Rockville scored first on Hirth’lj Imposed a Axed maximum dally Chocolate la almost always a fa­ that they have all of storage, lt’;s a wise woman who More stout nor thin; and F. P. Adaipp will be on hand. men, Ray Zamanek, the High i at "* cottage on Lake Erie.’' at mlllUry posU. . . ^ uses Mirra-moth whlc'h will Im­ faishlons. BunCe, If .... All other contenders were . Idle aingl* a stolen base and an er The womei. were selected by the payment for services "the cost of vorite, and molasses or maple the supplies they An’ trottin’ right, an’ steady Victorian Jeweled combs, popu­ to will be among the debaters for Some changes fire being made in Offeria, 2b .. Hamilton Must Win in School football star has signed ^ ■ The document said the Tfew syrup (about a tablespoonful to munize and keep safe from the w r his toes turned in. i yesterday so the Tigers gained a and Morrell’s single to left. WU New England conference of State which cannot be forecast accu­ need--and the right lar two generations ago, are Ar erica's Town Meetliig Thurs­ the methods of listoqer awards. Stevenson, c half length on the field. St. Louis JanazzQ Gains with the Cheney team, and has mantle bounced back In its hi j London child welfare service” was a glass) make good milk' Shakes. moths that are still about, every­ Programs tonight'(Wednesday): iBattle for Runner-Up f^dbuged with Investigating the sit- Federation of Women’s Clubs and rately" and that for this reason ones. The Dewey- I watched him to the corner tucked In upswept hairdos. The day night wheij^ the matter of a. Mainevill* cf. found'-solace for losing the lead in added power behind the plate. to score foui run* Johnson sln^e the visit arranged ns a reward for It's also cosslble to beat a bit of thing she sprays. It Is not neces­ NBC—8 Mr. and Mrs. Nqrth: 8:30 ■ Fritz Wilkinson, with the three --(iatioa before the children were hospitals and their X-ray tech­ Richman Company, 767 Main O’ the tig turf stack. casual, simply combed bob Is held world organization la discussed. - Agnew, IT the return of Bob Muncrief, sore- advanced to second as Miela w| their efforts in siding WAC re­ nicians were placed'In the "posi­ the pulp of good ripe bananas or sary to.store things when they Beat the Band; 9 Alan - Young All Easy Win* oppose Freheit oroUiera to back him up, ’ ■given In adoption to Dr. Clarke, street, has a g ^ selection of An’ the more- his feet went forrit. In ,place with a Je’weled hair clip, The broadcast, from Los Angele* armed rignthander who had won safe on Morrell’s error. McDS cruiting. tion of Involuntarily sharing the mashed prune pulp Into the milk school supplies- pens, pencils, have been treated with Mirra- Show: 9:30 District Atorn'i^ 10 Totals ...... 23 5 7 15 4 6 Kapura on the Mound. is all set and ready to niskn it two ; hot did not talk with the tempo- moth—so be smart—take a few Still his .head turned tack. or a plain silver or gold beret. also is flrst under a sponsor for 12 games up to Aug. 5 but failed to was safe on a fielder's choica Among them Is Mrs. Baymond Insurance risk ■ which is the re­ base. I’ve found that most chil­ blotters, crayoiih, ink. tywwriter Pha.Btarri.s Muslc-Qhlz. C B ^ Suicides ...... 123 OOx x —6 * I ■ ■ ______straight over the loop leaders and load th* base* O’Routk* | W y guardian assigned the cWl- dren love egg-nogg. which Is made minutes out to protect your The colored snood Is more pop-> this BLU network series which go the route in bis last four starts. ‘ dt«a TMwuUpg the outcome of liti- Andrews of 851 Evergreen street, sponsibility that the hospital plan ribbons and so dp. Drop In tomor­ and ncedle-ssr He waa lookin’.rUn, Wouldw 1 call him— ular than ever. It la worn tecked 8 Red Barber and Allan Jonn C.A.P...... :02 20x X—5 A . test inning of relief duty Labor Lamey Moore Is Ocarly •the West Sides were eliminated with .the rtsl of the team ready to as Pizzo'flled out to Clemen* I HamSen, Conn. .4implv by beating an egg Into) the row and get w»%t you need for clothes save time b ^ t waa w oe-r , has been on the air since ^ * y 30, 9 Frank Sinatra, Orson Welles; Runs batted In, Brooks, Vllga, swing Into action, another good mond singled to score Miela. r^atlim or with the children them- has assilmcd." , milk v/lth s very little sugar, and expense later on. At McGlU-Con- Och, my ' with flowers or tiny bows made of Day showed the flipper had im­ Charles H. Holt, acting general the kids. \ Sure It’s lost I am without him. 1835. 9:30 Jack Carson Show: 10:30 Stevenson 2, Capra, Ursin, Cltf- Outclassed and Referee ; playoffs last week but, game is in view. noche beat out a bunt for a hit < topping the whole with a dash of verse, 645 Main street.’ felt or ribbon. Or It Is worn proved. manager o f the Connecticut Hos­ But he be to go. plain, to match or contrast with Senator Ball appears In replace­ The Colonel; 11:30 Invitation to foril, Mason; two-base hits, ' Du- New York was taking first place tonight when they stack up load the sacks again. Dadalt nutmeg. Bright Baby Clothes ment for the previously, announc­ Music. BLU— .7:30 Lone Rang­ bashiqski. Ursin, DlFazlo: three- Stops Uneven Battle. against the Hsmlllon Props they gled to score McDuff and Ray pital service, declined to comment As the weather gets snappier In buying unratloned shoes, np- the color of a hat. in stride "ofter many years of set­ on the situation at present on the I followed to the turnin’ \ > A coiffure Inspired by C 'l’ - ed Sen. CHaude Pepper of Florida. er; 8:30 My Best G*ris; 9 Dun- base bite, Maine vine; home runs, ting the pace, vindicating Joe Mc­ can knock the Propeller men down tor four runs thst proved to 1 perhaps a hot drlnl*. will he M- To wash baby Kxrments, from ^^g^her the fabric of the left (When they passed It by, ground that to do so might "em­ gresswoman C?lare Booth Lu - ■ Other speakers are to be Wayne nlhger’s Broadcast; 9:30 Lduis (?aprai ^evenson; double plays, Carthy’s season-long Judgment Hartford, Sfept. 6.—(/P)— Pum- Into third place in a Twilight big for the Hill fillie s to ov raptahlc after school. Many chil­ finest batiste drcs.ses to ■t'’ '‘t cor- ^ right shoe really match. If Gbd help him he was cryln’. Local Sport barrass" certain negotiations now feiroy overalls, start by dlsMlv-. though. It were coronet hairdo 'revived the •' Morse, Republican Senatorial Prima^Band; 10:30 Scramby Am- “ Fazio td^Mason: left on bases, that his team was as good as any mcling his foe at will, Izzy Janae- League game that is scheduled to come. * dren dciirly love cambric tea. An’, maybe, so v-as I. nominee of Oregon, and Joseph icides 5. CA.P. 2; base on. balls. Rockville Is TralBag In progress - about various phases Ing mllo soap and bluing made from ill-matched pieces of head bando. Ribbon 1s al^o in­ by, new time. MBS—7 Fulton in . the league, not better, perhaps, Sturt at 6, which la made by pouring about Scott, Los Angeles attorney. Lewis, Jr. comment; 9:30 First Ursin 2j BroOl(s 0; strike-outs. zo, the veteran New York middle­ With one out, in the Roc of the contract. two, tabl3spoonsful of weak tea in softened hot water. Then add fabric. It la carelessly made. tertwined through the braids. but Just as good. weight, stopped Larney Moore of Tho doughty West Side team Chatter J. Sweeney of Willi- cold water until the temperature Specifically, the question is to Nigh ter-drama: 11 Radio News­ Ursin 2, Brooks i,,: hits off. Brooks The Yankees, Boston and Browns half of the second inning with i of William Into a cup of hot milk and adding Valley Stream, N. Y., last night In got off to a bod start this year out, Clemens .doubled and see mantle, -president of the Connecti­ Is lukewarm. Squeeze suds through Skins of ripe bananas should i be: “ Should We Join a World Or­ reel. 7 for 5 runs In 5 tpilings; Hits off were idle egain today as Detroit and lost seven o f ' their first eight n dash of sugar. Children can alM Bette, have those packages for ganization which May Require Us iirsln 12 'o r 6 run.s Ip 5 innings; the fifth round of a 'scheduled 10- within the next few day* fig­ on Tucker’s single and an errqr.l cut Hospital association, had no fahric, gently rubbing soiled spots, flecked with brown. wound up Its season business with games and practically threifr learn how to make cocoa well. the servicemen*' all packed and Z To Fight to Enforce Its De­ wild pitches, Ursin 2, Brooks 1 round feature at the Hartford ures will be released on the Rockville trailed 4 to 2 at comment pending study of The and rinse at least twlc.. In luke­ ready to mall by the fifteenth of Thursday broadcasts: NBC —9 the White Sox. St. Louis opens Its away their chances of gaining' a Here’ s a good recipe for them. cisions?" winning pitcher. Brooks; losing Auditorium. Janazzo weighed 163,; amount of pioney taken In at the point. . Medical Journal’s accounts and its , Double Boiler Coco* warm water. the month. Mitthew^ Wlor, 977 a. m. Mirth and Madness; 12:30 1st road trip Thursday In a flye- place in the playoffs. The club Twilight League games this year p. m. Sky High orchestra; 6:45 pitcher, Ursin; umpires, Steven­ ame.-visit to Chicago, and New Moore, 156. In the flrst half of the fourtkl editorial. 1 teaspoon cocoa u . Aat. Main street, is ready to help you suddenly took on a new lease of at the Oval. W e think that your frame the Flier offensive -^prunff^l BURTON’S FOR BEST Tonight’s premiere .is still Front Page Farrell CBS—1:45 son, Brainard;. scorer, A. (JowleS; Yorkfand Boston meet feuir tli^s, Moore, who told reporters after 1 teaspoon sugar n Don’t let your lipstick out-date things the boys really need the fight that he waa not in con­ life after this and ranked with the eyes will pop when the figures are life 'again and on two walks sllfil 68 Reserv ists Transferred another quiz. Scheduled for MBS Goldbergs; 4!30 Raymond Scott ||ime, 40 minutes. starting Friday., ‘ , 1 cup scalded milk you. While changing Into fall want and at reasonable prices, dition, was on hi feet and ap­ better teams in the circuit. It made public. two doubles off the bats o f Dad6lt| RE-UPHOLSTERING Mix cocoa and sugar together.) fashions, don’t forget you'll } f-j-arette lighters, identification at 8:30 It bears the title, ’’Stop Show; 6:15 Ted Husing Sports. Mort Cooper and Bucky Walters was too late, howfever, and after and Johnson they managed ta| parently taking no heavier punish­ New Haven, Sept. 6—(/P) 841 Main S t„ Manchester | That Villain." An actor, not Iden­ BLU— 12 noon. Glamor Manor: blossomed forth 'as the National Scald milk In top .of double holler «_ change of lipstick joq. New j,racelet.s and insignia rlnga are all il ment than he had from the start giving the Rockville Hill Billies The Twilight League has played score two markers. Wllllaii' P". Bowe, commander of tified, will appear as a villain to 1:45 p. m.'Little Jack Uttle; 3:30 league's first 20-game winners as REG. NOW over boiling water. Mix two table- v.arm shades to go with I**® "c™ f.yorites and Matthew Wisr has of the bout when Referee Frankie a battle for fourth place in the to better crowds this year than Jeff Koelsch opened the .last battl 2-PIECE Army training schools at Yale, an­ spoonsful of this milk with the fall colors. Matching lipstick and do all he can to prevent a con­ Appointment with Life. MBS- List Winner3 the St. Louis Cards and Ciheinnati league, the climax came last week ever before and the race was a of the fifth inning by drilling a M tf 145 HOMESPUNS- nounced yesterday (hat 68 Army nallpdlish Is a smart fa.shlon trick. testant ftom answeripS correctly. 1:30 Luncheon with Lopez; 2:45 took turns dividing 4-0 shutouts. Portelle stopped it. Portelle said corker'throughout with the fourth sugar-cocoa mixture, making a he called a halt because Moore when these two teams collided to lefL'Furphy and Hirth pop LIVING ROOM $69 DENIMS specialised training reservists had smooth paste. Add to milk in (juinn’s Pharmacy. 873 Main Save pear and apple -peelings Hollywood will be the locals Jane Cewl; 4:30 Waves Variety. Cooper outpointed Ton Deliacruz and the Hill Billies triumphed- In place the battle of the season. out but Osborn. , running i At Columbia on a six>):it effort In the opener, obviously w'as outclassed. $99 TAPESTRIES- been transferred from other col­ double boiler and beat for two street, has a goodly supply of, and boll down slowly and strain. SH0R| i m EAl a bitter contest. ) Koelsch stole second and went SUITES -$ao leges to the ASTRP unit here be- these Items In all your favorite but Walters came bacK to match George, "Red” Doty, 150.' of minutes with rotary ^ g beater. Add sugar or molaSaes and boll a but loser of his last eight race* The West Sides have ajillt in Clarence Lupicn Onally won the third on an error, Morrell singlaffl esuse of Yale’s area and language brand* i, Cooper and beat Max Lanier in the Hartfdrd, stopped LeRoy Saun­ attendance prize at the Oval last as Osborn scored easily and tfigf Serve at once. will race no more this year. Train­ finale. ders. 155, of New York, In the sec­ two previous contests with the Ik* abov* price* tawliid* stripping your *^,*'|* curricula. Fruit makes a wonderful after­ er Ben Jones announced at Chi- | Andrew and Austin Ri night. He is one of the better night's scoring .activities cam* to| th* eoinplete rebuilding of yoor set, new springs and filling added. Cariy 'a sachet In your> purse to It was the sixth straight time ond round of the senji-flnal, sched­ Props. The Hamilton team won sportsmen in town and usiuilly can noon snack. Have In Uie refrigera­ X M D U L M l cago yesterday the star three- the IJrst 10 to 7 btit dropped the an end. 1 " w edworfc reflalshed-. tor, as Invltlnjg an assortment as get a whiff of perfume when It is BUSTER BROWN ker in First Place in the Waiters had beaten St. Ixniis. He uled for eight rounds. The bout seen holding down the fence in WUllmantic year-old had bowed a tendon in j lasted five minutes and seven sec­ second by a score of 8 to 3. To- '•ou can buy of fruits to be .eaten opened. < last week’s Washington Park has allowed only four runs in 68 rightfield. AB R H w i- w Eastern Comet Class. >■ innings against the' leaders and onds, and Saunders was knocked ‘night both will be out to win the Menoche, 3b .. . 3 1 1. PRICED PROPORTIONATELY from the hand — apples, pears, SHOES . Elmira at Utica (2). handicap, and would be rested the season's series. OTHER FABRICS orangres and such. Wash them be­ When you visit the hairdresser remainder o f the- season. An effort shut them out four time* down four time* The game last night was started Dadalt •. 2 1 2 for a new hairdo, why not take Scranton at Albany. Considerable interest has been Other results; George Lost to P n ^ late and should have been called O’Rourke, ss .. . 2 1 1 LOW. OU fore you put them away So they WiUlamsport at‘ Binghamton. to bring him back to^the races in [ c.m be snStched by someone who’s your new bonnet In too, so that : ‘p ■ ; 1945 will be made, Jones said. taken by l<^al people and others Are First Entries Jerry Darby, 131, of New York, The Hamilton nine sw ered a at the end of the fourth liming. Roy, cf ...... 2 1 0 ALL WORK GUABANTEED. TERMS ARRANGED. you’ll be siire of having your hair (Only games scheduled). in the sailing apOrt at nearby outpointed Fred Polowitzef, 130> severe blow when thelr first string Luckily no one was injured' -but Johnson, If . . . . 3 0 -2 just flying though. AmerlcM done in a style that will be suit­ Two other good ones lost for the I lakes this seas6n,| Which closed Portland, Ore., SepL 6— (4V-, of East Hartfcrrd (6K FYankle shortstop snd the bestJiltter In common sense should have been Miela, lb ...... 3 0 0 With able with Ule hat as well as with-; . Detroit at Chicago—Trout (23-. officially on Labor Day. Another B3rron Nelson and Harold (Jug) Dan|efls, 145. of New York, de- thf loop, Bill, George, was lost to used to stop activities. McDtiff. rf . . . . 3 1 1 1 know !*»• b««» on awful snoKk B«t JoS- Fancy foil* for the simply- 10) V* Humphries (6-8). . remainder of the season are Four ln> you any pUe* UUly, But afUrutandln# styled suit for fall are softening o u t , > SIZES 32-40. Freedoms, Injured In a Labor Day seasonit is proposed to award MeSpaden, the nation’s leading cialonkd Billy Kearns. 148. of the”^ team. Cteorge Is the oifiy Pizzo, c ...... 3 0 1 ^ day at m y now ioh, mty foot darn Bfmt *». ______• (Only game scheduled),. penante for evCry race. Instead golfers, today became the first Wethersfield (6); arid Al Lemirc, player In the leagtie that has q| Johnny Mack dteplayed s bit of Raymond, p .. . 3 1 1 bows sometimes tacked on In un­ National event at Aqueduct, and Flood klDod ma with calloiwtg and burnins. Now Spanish Meat Pie Town, the colt ow n ^ by Naval of for the whole season. entries In Portland’s $10,000 open 158. of Bristol, outpointed batting mark over .500 and was temper when he strolled off the M acD O N A U D Ft* n fo r a w d -e r T*th«r my f m t l » » a - expected places and show-off but­ FOB BEST (No game* scheduled). thanka to tho leo-MInt you adviwd. N o w tons that are reasonable facstmlles (Serves 6) rs Lieut. Edward Lasker. The officer Here are the Columbia Lake re­ golf tpumament slated for No­ “Speedy” Baker, also 158, of respon.sihle fotjaiuch of the suc- rubber and went ovpr to the Totals ----- 24 6 9 16 8 3 triad mnythins t ^ t Momod to draw of the jeweller’s best caboebon One pound ground beef, S ta­ said Flood Town, after being beat­ sults: vember 23-26: , - Jamaica (4). ces.9 enjoy^ by the Props. George bench. He Is one of the felldbrs who Rockville psln______sndn d Sro'risht r ' out oo foot —and tho left with the National Gi(Brd..unit . 3 0 0 UPKOLSTERT CO. way H halpa ootton coDonsm Is nobody’s emeralds and amethyy. blespoons fa t clove garUc, 4 en *n the Walt Whitman - stake, In the Comet class In arfaich ten and Tony Del Conte teamed -up to Furphv, 3b .. . businoatt Bssssbla to s*t soms sstn otst- T would .await the 1945 campaign boats were entered, Andrew and provide the one-two punafti for the three years ago and aft^r fighting Hirth. cf ...... 3 1 2 983 MAIN ST. HARTFORD PHONH?-4L27 tima monay — ao wbat do you say, lot's so aimniiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiHnn^^^^^ 23235323534823482353484848535323532323Racing Nolee before going to the post agaih. Austin Rlker won flrst place, Paul team. At presept Del'Conte Is In the South Pacific fo re m o st two MorreU, p, .c .. . 3 0 2 dandne tonlsht. Yon caa atop sa av lea. years he was given a M^lcai Dis­ •Cormier, c, lb . 3 0 0 kUat fast all you want. / 48234853482323485353532353485348904853KEMP’S RECORD' DEPARTMENT SUGGESTS and, Dickey Milter, second: The second In the race tor the batting- New York racing’s 1944 contri­ Beck boat, Jdrd place; Englert, crown. George is the sure win­ charge. Fans gave him g'nice hand Osborn, 2b . . . . 2 1 0 ^ M pertly Make* AII-TUne Record n — Cool l a m — FORTHISWEEK i ; bution to the Red Croea and the fourth; Emerson, fifth; George, Sports Roundup ner as he is 45 points, ahead of ■when he came to batdb the third Mock, p, lb .. . 2 0 Fitted b r War Ralief Fund soared to $751,- sixth; Lyman, seventh; Clark. the nearest rival and only after losing hla tempei- earlier in Clemens, if .. i .-2 ""l 2 Houston,, ^exas. Sept. 6.—iJFi— __ 1 000 Labor Day as Aqueduct turn­ Pvt. Ocil (7 ^ ) Hughimi of Kyle, eighth; Ferguson; ninth and the frame. ■llicker, ss . . . . 2 0 X-Ray By Hugh Fullertost, Jr. .• tionals... .Major Zan (Tarver, the tonight’s game to go. . 2 0 1 TO G E TH E R ^ ed over $163,000 to them. The Texa* who won 18 game* tor the Wheeler, itenth place. Prop* Must Win Koelsch, rf .. . i. heauty of a two-ptecer give* DIN AH SHORE i New York, Sept. X—UP)—Rash one-econd; Miller’* third; Jim because of the number of athletes who is cooking up that newTlrmy them and if they lose they will be yekr the total is expected to ex­ whgt not when he strolled to th* Game called end of 5th, dark- SUGAR BLUES— ^ Hugbaon'hurled the Jack an| U. basketball court by scout Jack. final bout And in normal time* RUFFLED dresa, raqo**** * yarda of '89:lBch New Jeraey track. up four straight win* The re- WUllmantic 4. Bases on balls: SPREADS .$7.98 w t m 04UOBPORATED ord. Sheehan of the Cubs, Is rated the he and Jimmy likely wouldn’t i|ven material; jacket ehort-oleeved, r e p a i r THE DAMAGE t e l . 6680 w 'most improved baseball player in get that far at the local soeje^em- noainder of the staff Includes Mike Specs Johnson the hard hitting Mack 1. Morrell 2. Strike-outs: DOTTED MARQUISETTE 1 768 MAIN S T R B ^ ' ^ Marco, the league strikeout king Filer outfielder wears his wrist- Raymond 2. Hits'off Mack 5 hits tor m w ^ ' * 1 1*1 y a ^ . Home of Frigidaire Some of yesterday’s feature race Hogan hi Good Trim the Appalachian league this sea­ porlum. ' DRAPES . . .$5.98 d 6 n e b y Furniture and Music wtoinera: . son___ Fight Manager Al Weill is as well as Yosh Ktnel. Fans can watch when plajing, Regardless of 4 runs in 1 1-3 Innings; MorreU 4 - Dalla* Sept. 6.—(F)—Ueut. Beni what he wears he sure can powder hits for 2 runs In 3 2-3 Innln For this pattern, aend 30 eenta. Narragansett—Hanid, $10.40. Hogan, from Fort Worth’s Tar­ W Pet. GBL off for a vacation In Californl* Time To Retire count on the latter tossing,them THE SUMMER SUN Aquedue^Fox Browni* $23J0. Hartford .. .94 .718 — taking Pedro Hemandexfand Jim­ Pvt. Bob Montgomery, the light­ up In -tlie playoffs as he Is one of the old apple.'•j . _ Winning pitcher: Raymond. VANITIES . $4.98 In coins, your name, address, sire liiiiiiiiiimiirniiiiiuillllimEMIMlimiEW^^^ rant field, may b* right at the top In g . pitcher: Mack. UmpirSK PRISCIUAS desired, snd the pattern number to Laurel—%rief Dance, $3J0. o f the golfing heap—jpat as he A lb a n y ...... 85 .649 9 my Hatched along tor a few weight champ, was refereeing a the beat in -the state. , Rabbit Meroche the ever tiring 0 ’L,eary, Kotach. Time 47 miauteg, | The Manchester Herald, Today'll A New Cold Wave Wffl ^ Garden State—Reztlp*, $5,30. was before the Army took him out Utica ...... 65 .496 20 scraps that' WiU pay the expenses. camp-bout at Kecafer FlelJ, Mias., Old Pete Kapura, the Iron ManI Pattern Sorvlda, 1150 Sixth Avo^ • Washington Park—Wgli Re- Binghamton 60 .469 32V4 last week when a very tlr^ boxer o l the Wekt Side team will un­ WUllmantic third sitoker, tries for With Blue — Rose — Green the Safest, o f ccMnpetitlon—In the 72-hote every ball that is hit In sight. He In Good Oondltioii Pre^hrunk Chenille nuo.-Now York .^3, N. Y. ■otv*. $7.40. Texas victory open championship! WlUiaBuqMrt 61 .466 33 Pre-Seasoh Drill dropped to the canvas... .Bob doubtedly start i » the hill for the eat Permanent Yon’ve Ever West Sides. Pete, if he Is In the is no doubt -the- finest fielding £ and Red Dots. beginxlng tomorrow. Scranton ...56 .417 39V4 Al inchMls, Penn State's back- raised his arm to start the count, New York, Sept 6—(F)—Rslpk' Tho amart now issue of the nMd- Cheney Woolens and N^.C V ^ Ainong yesterday’s dally double mood, can pitch a good ball game third sacker in the league but BATH MAT SETS Little Ben whirled through a| Elmira ...... 58 AOS 40H field coach, was* more than usually blit the fallen gladiator remarked: ZanneUl of Providence, R. L, sofi summer s tj^ book—Pashlon-kas Had. -> ' payoAb were: but he has bis nights and has suf­ weakness at the plate deprives the ga nasM oi eoOl-looklng. crisp round yesterday In 84>$2—66, five Wilkcs-Ba’s 48 A75 45H downcast when he heard that full- “No use’ countin’ Mister Mont­ Rabbit Of ranking with the best. - Jimmy. McDaniels of Los Ang*la% Narragansett — Dancing' Gog under par. ' km 1 4ck Bill Abromltis had been ap- gomery. I ain't goln’ to get' up.” fered three setbacks sigainst five froolb and accossorlos. Order your and All Free, $174.60. ------_ -V i. whOnmeet In a lO-rounder* Fridajl! ■ - For W PcL GBL pointkl to the I't-val academy and wioB. - He was reaponslble,tor the General Custer, the highly pub­ night In MaUisoB Square GasdcRi;} copy now. Price ■15 cento. Aqueduct—Insolate and Novlew, rapid belated, rise :of the' West . 'V ■ ' - WilUnme to Enter Army New York . .74 his fellow pachas took occasion Bervloe Dept. licised -rooter from the first base weighed the samer—146 pound*— $2.98 t63&06. St. Loui* . .78 to rib Al iltent his tcar-dripplng The Metropolitan P- O- A. has Siders and bas-thrlUed many fans bleacher# was seen giving out ICP. following ' yesterday’s worttmitA: • Laurd—^Patty Knott and Oraa- Philadelphia, Sept. 6—(F)— Detroit ;....T 1 tiei)denclea...;.But head-man Bob asked every member to stage a wtth Us spot pitching. lag. $48,90. to the West Side gang including Boxing commlssloo phytlclana do*,, New Fall Clothes ^ Fight fans will have their last Boeton ...... 71 Higgins put a hsdt to such levity tournament at his club thU month After five days of no baseball Binks. dared both in excellent eonditla^ J A WIDE SELECTION OF Garden State — Portage Trail CHeveland ...6 4 . . . .“ Let Mike alone/’ he ordered. to raise $20,000 for a golf courae at all U town, a large crowd Is uid Service Ribbon. $17,30. ringside look at civilian Ike Wil- following phyrical examlnatkma. - u r l z e r lianu,’ Trenton, M. J,, lightweight, Philadelphia 63 “Don’t you know t ! . first g^me Is for con'valescent soldiers at Hal- expected to watdh two o f the PosribUitiea of professional box­ W TT RoSywood - V « 6 » ^ ttoH ok Patteri Servtoa. Washington Park—NeiUe We*d when h *. meet* Sanuny Angott, (Chicago ,... .60 only a few weeks away. He’s prac­ joran hospital on Staten Island... better teams In the TVlUght ing In tdim are good and new* t o U i TMrd Ahnn Mater uid Leo’s Brandy, $497,80. Lieut. Don Faurot, who tutored DRAPES Dally 6 A. M. . e P. M. Satarday 6 A. M. - 8 P. Detroit — I M y Stardust and Washington. Pa„ tonight In a 19- Washington 56 ticing worrying.’’ league In action. For the West that effect .wlU m released within CHINTZ AND CRETONNE $2-98 ■OUBS: NadloMl the Iowa Seabawka last fall, will Sides It wlU be their last , start In the next few #*sk* Manebester uigtatfoot Lady. $102JM>. round return bout at Shibe Path. Stats OoUeg* Pa.. Sept. ALL COLORS. Pianos and Jockey teonard Bowata la far Ik* who won a split dsdsion W ' IL' SUiorto and SheRa take over the head football coach­ the kM |i this year and every dyed was, and can be again, one of the —Marine trainee Ed B an . ait front « rlvhla for tha flrat over Angott last Jun!^ leaves 6ept. 8t Louis . .98. 86 Leftover leaves from Forest ing job at the Jackaonvill* FI*. III the wool West Side fan wifi leading sport towns in the ptat* State tackle. wUl be Hills: Frankie Parker,, th* new ra|ral Air Station within a few ■hw — Duaty Bore — Gtee* " Accordions At ;wq daya o f Laurel’s fall, meeting. 19 for the army. Angott is a Pittsburgh .76 51 liiteOr b* on hand to root the boys for his third alma a C H E r ”=.Y B R O T H ER S daya___ Sailor Sam Sqead haa bom* and end th* season with a Vecatteaal lUainTt ^ PMflh — Ydlow — With He'won. four races each day, In- 6-5 faiwrits. to win th* rsti^ (ShoiifiaU ..69 tennis chomp, hopes to go back to th* football aaaaoa oi 8 6 8 6 tThlcagp ....B 6 B8)kikis old movte Job aa aaalatant di- been in the San Diego, OaUf., v l « t ^ . S \ . Moat alaphant trainers an par­ Phttnl Dwlgn. 12-42 t h e u l y Uuding t ^ featured Brookatde bout ThsrmopoU* WjkL, rurae yastarday. • ■ New York .69 35 I rector at special effects after the Naval hoajpltal for aeveral weeks tially daaf. TIm ffiriU tiumpeting RE.WNANT SALESRCX)M at the animals during the training talasd tea IM f ~~ TEXTILE STORE . ■ KEMP'S BEAUTY SALON Beethovens flrst published p>u- Boqton . V • -$4 w8r...Sgt.,Frankie can look back with an injured back but, hopes to In 1906 anthorlaatian was grant- $ 3 .6 9 SET ANCHESTER , Penalv*. winner of the Ken- Brooklyn. .;.5 S with considerable satisfaction to get out in time to play in th* ed'for an elected d elate to Con- period la Injurious .t o tbs human A. L. 8IX)COMB, Prop. INC. •toad* Farklagtoe. HARTFORD ROAD Bical composition* ippear*3~ ih OTHERS. S2.49 to $5,98 Pmprletree*- ' . ueky Detby aad th* 1788, whan b* was IX PtoladatDhl* 50 51 h ^ first appeazaffbe Jfi. Um Nsp iweatom golf toumaya tfila wtntar, Svwii 913 MAIN STREET NEXT TO THE BANK • FURNITURE A MUSIC 783 Mein S4. Tel, W*0 631 MAHil a t . CALL 1464

- i # -

. . j. ■ \

■ :\ wisirrtEBUAr SEriEMBfSn 0, IU4fU m Anuncsyi c-A avaaiaw nnAAL.U, mA«\;m:iOi en, w m i*, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, Ma S c^ S T E R , CONN., WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 104/ tA G E THTH’TOT tW E LVB Musiral Instruments 53 I Help Wanted— Male 3a j Ilou.sehntd Goods 51 No msn evsr traveled to feme dressing when my wife woke up Hul l* EVERYTHING i _ ------2 Automobiles fur Sale 4 SiluvinK— TrU cking- and laid: "Ai ?n't you getting up Announcements 3 PIECE LIVING ROOM auU'., UPRIGHT PIANO, walnut case. on^a pass. Sturage YOUNG MAN WAN’TED—Full or Ebccellent condition, banjo and / C la s h e d pretty early?" In order to save 1940 MERCURY" CLUB coupe, occasional chairs, chair and otto­ / ^ a t t h is t i m e we are ready to part time. Nice hours, excellent harp attachment, $75. Call 2-0673. an argument,’! put on my clothe.* OPA cellThg, 81,117, our price AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS tX>.- man. Sleepy-Hollow chairs, card Sense and Nonsense Employment Manager (at etor*)- O’TOOiV take on a few more repair and salary. See Mr. Lltchman, Arthur and came down to the office. *796. Terms and trades accepted, Traller van service. \ temovala tables, end tables. pictures, — YoO know hoi^ to eerve cue- -root Qasnfied remodeling Joba; alao maaonry. Drug, ■ Rubln'ow Building. ATfiEilllOD MODEL iiaed genulph^ AdveriiseinenU Copyright. 1*«4- NBA Servic, InA r ... , CO. Brunner, 80 Oakland street. Call from coast > ,-onal, deluxe equip­ lamps, table radio, cabinet radio,, The girl came home - sobbing your name? tomers, eh ? - For eatimate call A. R. Charon. Weber grand piano, good tone Ftiet Day at School Applicant—Sure, I can serve The next war bond talc Will be 5191. ment!; craung, packing and slor- WANTED —ME^J FOR power breakfast sets, maple bedroom from her date with the sailor. Private Bisson (atutterlng and Telephone 5825. ______and action. Very altractlyer de­ F or Rent F or Sale The Story: Lea and Sus toll her that or she'll feel ''In- ’em-either way;, , in November. It ja not too early ^Advortisements aga ‘ AGENT NOR'TH AMERI­ press, steady work. Good pay. aultes and cedar cheats. Tele­ sign. Only $345. 1060 Majif street, Thla morning, whan yoU left ms. I Girl (sobbing to her fatherl— growing* red in the fa ce)-^ lsle- CAN VAN LINES INC EsU- Apply Tober Baseball, Elm St. phone 5187, Austin Chambers’ Beckiry expect Unli Hiiyard suited." I didn’t cry-i- Employment Manager- '- What now to get ready .for It. Hartford. T o Bay. T o Sell sad his famll.v, aew<‘oniera to Margaret had a positive genius Jack asked me to. marry him to­ aie-sah-'- „ F or Sale. Automobiles for Sale 4 Motorcycles-BIcycles U matea ti all parts of U. S. A Tat n^arebouse, Manchester Green. I’m big now, starting to school Presiding Officer (demanding) do you niean, either way? | #or Ren*,5 Slaton, at dlaner. Lea has .for putting! everybody at jdleeaae. night. ! Applicant— Well, I can serve 5’ 87. Open dally 8-5. Saturday 8-12. With one little remark she had set and going on six! Father—Jack seems a fins chap. —What is this man charged with? Teachers to Be Tenants T oS eU FOR SALE^BOY'S pre-war W- WANTED MECHANIC and gen­ Evenings, Monday, Wednesday, known Walt a long lime hut 'em sc they’ll come back, or BO T o Buy IM l CHEVROLET SPECIAL de­ Wsilted ^ Buy 58 hasn't s®en 5lnrgaret HUySrd her daughter’s teeth on edge and But Bobbie Joe cried aWful hard, Why cry? Another Officer—Well, I think cycle, In good condition. Call eral repair man. Phone 6662. and Friday, 7:30-9. they won’t. luxe 4 door aedan, heater, deluxe R epairin g 23 In 39 yean. He remembers put Lert out on a limb. How ■ and I Girl (sobbing)— But, I love It must be soda water. Woodland, CMllf.—(JFi—The city i equipped, good Urea, gunmetal 5069. IWAN'TED—A MAN OR BOY for Hummer Homes for Rent 67 Just called him "cry-baby.” and children and Jack told me he sim­ FOR SALEl—MAPLE BEDS, with WANTED ^ W AEROBE trunk the beautiful girl she was and could he tell auen a girl that'ah® Board of Education’s social science gray, guaranteed. Price 11,095. PIANO TUNING and repairing; nice pleasant work. Part time. looked like Much a mother? Yet. said I'd fix ply can’i bear them. Bong of Ye Lady Pairs ( A farmsr recently preached hia building will have teachers In It 5 BOY’S Reconditioned bicycles. bureaus. Metal beds and oil in good ;»ndltlOn. Call 8566. FOR REINT—COTTAGES, Coven­ wonden If she’s much chang­ Oet Brunner'a propoaltlon. ,80 player piano specialty. John 8:30 a. m.-2:30 p. m.. 5 dkya ed. Aa he atorta downatoirs to how could he toll such a mother: Him after school if hs did not Fruit balad, go away! , ■ own funeral by means of a phon- this year but not aa originally In­ trfwt and Found 468 Hartford Road. Open 4 to 9 heaters. 237 Center street. Tel. try Lake at reduced rental. Ap­ Father (choking) —Er-ab-hem! agrilph and suggests that many a Oakland street Cockerhsm. 28 Bigelow street week. Call 2-1333 or 3912. greet hia guests he Is astound­ “ Bhe’s your p4st. you’re her shut up; I’ll reduce some other day. tended. The building has been con­ p. m. ______2-1561. ___ GIRL’S bicycle, boys’ ply E. L. Hohenthal. Jr., 24 ■After all, Helen,, don't you think person‘ would save the clergyman -HAU' GROWN black Md 1939 B U IcS Convertible , coupe, Tel. 4819. ior bicycle and tricycle. (MU ed to see Walt standing beside future, God help ber." He com I'd go. right In his yard and take you’re expecting just a little too verted into an apartment house FOR SALE—MAN’S 28 Inch bi­ WANTED—EXPERICTCED con- Roosevelt street- Tel. 3269. promised with: “Oh, there’s a de­ cdnslderable embarrassment ,by because of toe housing shortage. cat. Named Blbe. Call special model "40"i radio, Jieater, FOR SALE—BED AND spring, the Margaret of 20 years ago. hia "pup— ' * much from that young man? Praise cycle, completely overhauled and structlon workers who can do music cabinet and large alee buf­ cided reseibblance.’’ Rut he dldnT You bet that ehut him up! Don't be too aelflsb to see the doing the same. Ita first two tenants are, school deluxe equipped, white wall Urea, repainted. New tires, tubes, Private Instructions 28 hand grading. Steady work, high say to what. He changed the sub­ teachers. reconditioned and guaranteed. fet. Reasonable. Call 2-1539 afte^. WANTED r— Combination alnk. Wanted to Rent 68 n I helped the teacher loU, and she (fieveland— What Is all the good in others around you. Be BASEBALL glove, vldnl; wheels and fenders, 18 Seaman wages. Csll}Manchester 7531. ject to a civic welcome: “It’s * Teacher - la there anything that e l o c u t io n —FOREIGN accenU 4 o ’clock. Also bath tub, any style. Reason­ Len was stunned. By what mlr-1 waa glad, noise about? aa enthusiastic ovsr the achleve- Washington school and New Price $805. Oet Brunner’s propo- BUSINEISS EXECrtUTVE With wonderful to have you in our hibernates In summar? Circle. removed. Clear i^each. An es­ CARPEaTTERS WANTED at able. (Mil 4861. ______acle could Margaret have kept I set the'chslrs for her oil IotM Jefferson—The barber la shaving nients of others as you are of Thief Alda PaHre iilb M t Reward. Return to 54 slUon. 80 Oakland street Open FOR s a l e ;—TWO TRUNK^rug. wife and daughter desires fur­ town, Margaret. I hope you lean: Junior—Thera’s Santa C3aus. pecial advantage to o.rildrcn, once. Steady work. William F. herself immune to the years ? Then row. hlmaelf. your own. Mon., Tue., Wed., ’UU 9 p. ___ dining room set, dishes apu other nished home. EMcellent local to love Staton as mheh ss we dd." Bedford, Ind. — (P) — Lewis 1 Urtva B, Silver Lane Homes. tutoring In arithmeUc, language Johnson, Broad atreet Call 7426. Margaret’s familiar voice caugM You know what she called me? Cleveland—But why the argu­ iusiness Serviees Offered IS articles. Reasonable. ^Corntr of WANTED TO BUY 150 pound references. Call Hartford 8-0868 "I hope so,” she groaned. “ I Amos—I came near selling my Sam—You look all in today. Greene reported hia bicycle stolen r~-GOUD IDEimFICATION l1989 CHEVROLUrr MASTER de­ and spilling. Gregg jhortnand. his ear.. But It did not come from Her "helper laS’’— ment? Sterling Place andMaln street linoleum'roller. Coll 3271. from 5 to 7. suppose we do have to have • fac shoes today. Bill. What Is the trouble? and the police went out to look for “Better. cut out that back-fenoo^ _cclet on Saturday, Harlene lux 2 door touring sedan, radio, White Studio, 709 Main. Phone the girl clinging to Walt’s arm. But I was glad when the time Jefferson—He’s trying to talk heater, low mileage. Priced for r a n g e b u r n e r s InstaUed snd Side door, between^and 9, Len went a few steps farther lory towns. And ■ 1 suppose I’ll Jerry—How’s that? Bill—Well, 1 didn’t get home It. They found it abandoned In the gomip and get back to your n a * / m ignvtd oo It Reward, 2-1892. Help Wanted— get used to the climate. Of course came we could go. himself Into having a massage. front yard at headquarters. quick aale. Get Brunner’a propo­ serviced with the hid reliable. down and caught sight ot the real And, Mother, Just for fear I might Amo*—I- had them half-aoled. until daylight, and I was just un . chine, Mrs. JoaeaL**' please return to Mrs. W allbe^, Jonee Furniture and Heating, Male or Female 87 HOSPITAL B1 FOR SALE or Rooms Without Bimrd 69 Houses for Sale 72 that apartment Mr. HUyard picked sition. 80 Oakland atreet Call Margaret. She was a cruel satire bs late, — ------^------Is Essex street 36-38 Oak atreet Call 8254. Help Wanted— Female rent fully s( Kutabte. Rates rca- on her daughter. And her daugh­ out-^well. a man would choose The private, Slaaon by name, m 519L______WANTED—MAN AND 2 women sonable. Kelths Furniture, f u r n i s h e d FRpNT bedroom, f o r s a l e ;— 6 ROOM house, 244 place like that—tin I can find z Trake me tomorrow to the gate— was up for court-martial. Un- Woodland. Just completed. Nice ter was a cruel reminder of how An Old Story BY FRED HARBIAllJ f l o o r s a n d i n g WANTED WOMBUS and girls to to work In laundry. Good hours 4159. first fioor,' continuous hot water, house fit to live In — if there la Just fir fear I .might lie late! fortunat!ely he stuttered. RED RYDER 194^ DODGE DELUXE aedan, and pay. Apply Manchester locality, nice lot, apple trees, on far Margaret hSd let herself go Adnouncements radio, heater, beautiful Belfe Laying and Finishing do bench work, steady work, 3 minutes walk from post office. from the bright promise .shi had one In this amokey town. And L —Cecil B. Dudley Preelding Offlber— What [WHAT-' TH* J, E. Jenaen—Phone 2-0920 gooay. Apply Tober Baseball, Laundry, 52 Maple atreet. FOR s a l e ;— a” DkOP LEIAF Phone 8217.______■ ijua line. Very good terma. . For simply can’t get a decent servanL HURRY, RE.D Urea, like hew, guaranteed. 41 Information call 2-0927 or 257 given In ner girlhood. e tM E k — BUT THlHff THATy •If No Answer—5329 Elm atreet, table, a small table, a large trunk lan’t It torriblq what this war R VIE COULECT-ur\ liWANTED — PAf'ENOERS to Chevrolet Master Deluxe 2 door, and a French mirror. (MU 2-0462, A TTR A C nV E R(X>M with light Hilliard street. The rosebud, had not become a PURSE <30ES TOj radio, heater, good tires, guaran­ full-blown roae but a cabbage doing to the home front?” ^^ONE)r 10U WON i^’lT stt and WWtney, East H w t WANTESD—STORE CLERK. Part | Dogs—Birds— Pets 41 housekeeping facilities If desired. The question was s rhetorical FUNNY BUSINESS CHARITY f teed. Oet Brunner’a proposlUon, That'i proper for Brussels aproulfc Fl(5HT WITH /^O QSt- ford. 8 to d shift Uvlng i" vl^ l- a 8HES a n d RUBBISH removed.' time mornings or full time. Mat­ ConUnuoua hot water, laundry on e.« Margaret didn’t expect an i f oC Buckland Plant Call 2-0080. THREE BEUtlTTlFUL Irish Set­ but for rosebuds?—no! Many he­ A R !4 0 / , 80 Oakland, atreet______Tel 2-1588. Schultx. thew Wlor, 977 Main street Machinery and Tools 52 facilities and automatic refrig­ answer, and Len was at a loss ter puppies, female, 7 w m Us. roically built woirien accept the!.* LiWANTED— PAS ENOEM from 1938 CHEVROLET COACT. NEW (X E ’TRAC crawler tractora, eration. ResIdcntlsU. Central. Call what to say next. 8 WASHER, VACUUMS, Electric WANTE®—GIRL OR woman to Sired by W iggs U. Jack Frost Circle Meets destinies with grace, and become rjc.i. f'E!aeney atreet section to Hart- Hudson aedan. '37 Chevrolet motors, etc., repaired. All parts $1,070 delivered. (Tletrac tractors 3989 or 14 Arch atreet. majestic, or as sweet and IuscIoum assist with housework. Apply 29 Kennels, 26 Gardner atreet. Luckily the cocktails came to p i ; ford. Leave 12:30 iKiw, return 5 aedan, ’37 Chevrolet coach. 84 available. 24-hour service. (Marg­ are available now. See ua for FOR RENT—RbOM with twin ss wholeaoms candy. Some of )N *1 Dodge sedan, '35 Ford P^"®} (Mttage street — complete Information. Dublin them gracefully drape the heroic the reacu The "maid" who cp. m. call 7201 after 6. es C. O, D. Manchester 2-1439 beds. Kitchen for light house­ This Eveniiia; m in was a matron, a A N D truck. Brunner’a, 80 Oakland Live S tock — Vehicles 42 Tractor Co.. Wllllmantlc. figures they have, and dominate brought tba® mornings or evenings. : ^ WANTBUJ—WOMAN DR GIRL to keeping. 237 Center street Phope burly fugitive from i war plant. [TO R SALE— GOOD PAYING, street Phone 5191. the scene by their serene accept­ snLL^ f wan esUbllahed hualneas. For KINDS OF tractor work, care for children, 4 hours d a lly .--__ w a r m horse FOR s a l e ;- FARMALL tractor. 2-1561. She poked the tray at Margaret O q,Q lT while mother works. .Call 7018 | FOR SALE—GOOD ance of life’s generosity. There* (C- [' further information write Box P, 1941 PONTIAC 2 D(X)R. 1941 'plowing, harrowing, grading and FI 2 on rubber. Telephone 344-5, Columbian Squires to no better company than a fa.t ae if It were a riveting gun and before 1 p. m. Works single or double. Weight The HenJd.______Bulck sedan, 1941 Chevrolet poUto digging. Alao tord wood about 1400. Andrew Kamm, cor­ Rockville. woman who makes the beat of it, the old-fashioned cocktails shud­ Apartments, Flats, Gather for First Tiine dered, the ice chattered. Violet .RED/ dbOT. 1940 Bulck Mdan. 1940 ^ n - sawing. Alms LatuUlps, 758 Ver­ ner of CHark and Doming atreet 63 has a good time and thanks God ( t » ! w e o T e a t our lupch at tlao sedan; 1939 Plymouth sedan, non street Telephone 6077. Tenements Since Institution. tor what aha’a got Instead of had not been a success as a rivet­ Waklon’s, 901 Main street Swell W,ANTBa>—WOMAN) TO Do plain | Wapplng. Oa.UJ8180.______er and as a waitress she owed 1939 Pontiac 2 door. Cole Motors, Ironing. Good pay. FIN(i a REPAIR o f Chlm- WANTED — SALESGIRL, part “I needn’t tell you how lucky -L.5 WE oeya. VaUeys. fiashlnga, and gut- penses Can Be Checked trance. Available Septembei 15. o^clock. ^ y o u still :et Mr. Beckley put that part time yvork. time, 6-9 evenings. Apply Retail Although no announcement haa old dodge over on you? I don’t we are to get anybody at all." tors. Dona expertly and reaeon- Sales Room, Manchester Knit- READY TO LAY PULLETTS. R. Mra. Sheehan, 7859. been made as to the plans for to­ Margaret tasted tbe cocktail and MAOOKnAlM" ably by your local roofer. 'B. V. let Mr. Hllyard get away with It ir. Apply . . Buy liig Mills. I. Reds. 2U Gardner atreet. In the future, the Board of Po­ night’s session it la probable that do I, dear?” noanaged’ to Indicate, while pre- (M u gfa^ Tri. 7707. 890 Wood­ Chief Squire Donovan will an­ tendii^ to be trying to conceal It, ,v\0 5 \c lice Commissioners is to know plan was not approved was on the SomshowUfbat [’dear” sounded Employment Office land. WANTOD WOMAN to do house­ nounce hia selections for commit­ Uke a biff la the eye. It was an that Len’a ' whlakey was nbne too work, a few mornings a week. In | Articles for Sale 45 about the< expenditures of Its de­ recommendation of the State Safe­ tee posts and a report may bs good either. But. she did nqt let ^ ..Sell partment arid to do so It has ar­ ty Commission, who said It would unimportant* little, effort at a gay Mezzanine. the vicinity of South Main street ready on the success of the Squires cyniciam, yet It bad the important her dizdam keep her from finiab- CaU 7709. ranged to hold future meetings on add a hazard Instead of relieving at the Knights of Columbus carni­ Ing -the cocktail— and having an­ atroUer. effect Of picking up a dead fly ------i------FOR SALE—PRErWAR the first Wednesday following the val which closed Labor Day nighL other. Her epokeg words, how­ J, W. Hole Cprp. ,., Trade diRL OR YOUNG woman for fifteenth of the month. At these Idtter received- from the se­ and lightly tosaing it- into the (Mil 5494. Another matter that may come hoatess’s cocktail. ^ was only ever, concerned the war. ‘H(! has trouble keeping hia balance during a heavy sea!” general housework. Sleep in or meetings the chief of police will lectmen saying that 5 >®ed "I don't know why we ever i '■— PARLOR OIL HEATER and had been removed on South Main up for consTaeratlon may be a re­ little, fly, but It aipied a lot of HELP ou t Telephone 2-0041. check all bllia, with the board’ quest to Officers of (Mmpbell went Into the war,” she said. "But REAL drum with pump.' 58 Deepwood approval and ordpred paid. street, was Investigated by the liquor. WANTEUJ—WOMAN for clean- council to set a date for the formal Poised on the stairway like a If we’ve got to fight it, why. do SIDE <;i.ANt;ES BY GALBRAITH Drive. (Mil 2-1332. Old ProMdu.'C secretary. He reported that no they drag' in the women? Jennifer W a n t e d Ing, 1 or 2 days a week. (Mil such signs had been removed and Installation of officers. If this r ^ apy, Len could see that Walt BY V. T. HAMLUi In the past, the bills have been quest Is sent td-^Mfnpbell council wants to be a' WAC or a WAVE ALLEY OOP He Sees 6514. ' e l e c t r i c refrigerator paid by the town treasurer on the he haa so Informed the selectmen. flinched as from a familiar jab. COTTAGES ESTATE Paper Machine Tenders— wr.h motor on top. In perfect decision may be reached at the Ho cduld see the girl wince and but. aa I always say, a woman's Male. approval of the chief. ’The meet­ meeting of the council next Mon­ place is the home." . i. WANTED—WOMAN TO clean 2 running condition. 22 Hudson SL ings of the board have been heW squeeze her father's arm. In that r WHAT ’Hoeexf)! 6of5 )an Bcsioes. its For Rent A t Paper Machine Helpers— afternoons or 1 day weekly. days evening. It Is expected that family there was plainly a father- Margaret waa one of those who I THAT WAV / SOfTTA ■ WJHEALT What Have You to on the first ’Tuesday of the month the first meeting of Brown-La(3ace can offer the most ancient plati­ TO I ANY MORE' Tranaportgtlon part of way. CaU in the paat and the only check It Long FigKt daughter alliance against the two A Male. * . . Boats and Accessories 46 circle In October will be the date 'woman united In a wKe-mother tude as if It were a revolutionary ^^STRAYBO OFF THE. llT S TDO^ Offer? 6865. , had on bills paid was the state L^TRAiL S omehow^ lSIOW. Coventry Lake Dry Loft Workers— Male. selected as the officers of the coun­ axis. novelty Uiat had just sparkled In FOR SALE—SEA-SLED outboard ment showing the amount and to With Japs cil face a,heavy task In preparing her great brain. Len was suddenly afraid of l U Reduced Rates "Help Wanted— Male 36 boat. Make me an offer. (MU whom paid. But the Items have for- this new duty. -Just then Violet opened the not • been detailed as will now be Margaret. What could he say to ALEXANDER ROGERS 5919. Seen Sure make her welcome? How could dining room door with the effect HAVE: After Sept. 9. WAITERS WANTED, experience the case. of breaking It down and. forget­ The new rule will go Into effect he mask the shock he felt at unneceasaiy. Tea Room, 883 Main changes in her? He,had thought It ting all of Sue's rehearsals, an­ JARVIS Paper Mfg. Co. atreet. Garden— Farm— Dairy at once and the next meeting of ((Mutiuned from Page One) Nazis Hint nounced In a town-crier's voice: R E A LTY CO. 50 the board will be held on Septem­ would be—well, cute to do down­ Real Estate and Mortgages Corner Oakland and Mill Products stairs wltii bis tie in j me.*.* and ■^upper’s raidy! !” R o t o r s Streets . ' ber 19, and qualitatively. The fight wUl Robot Use “ I don’t know where Violet’s 26 Aiezander Street FANCY ’TOMATOES for aale, 75 At this meeting time will be beg hia wife to pretty it ^ip for ifSSMaluSt. . TeLSSOl be a long and hardone. him; a touch of pleasant nonsense place is, ’ said Len, "but it's hot Phone 4112 or 7275 cents a basftet, delivered. CaU given to tlw study of the police He contlriued that the Japanese the home —not our home. I hope manual and it Is expected that assume “we’U be bored with war On Armies to put old friends "at ease. He and T O REN T------OFFICE 8039. Sue had kept themaelves young to the Lord ahe doesn’t empty after this meeting It will be ready when the European wai Is over, by pretending to be. the soup all over that gorgeous IN RUBlNOW BUILDING FOR SALE—BALED HAY, all for printing. and knowing the problems of sup­ gown of yours, Margaret." kinds, any quantity. Prices quot­ (Continued from Pago One) Safety Survey ply In thre Pacific the enemy Now Len felt sudilenly old anu He had no sobner said this than ed. Paul Schendel, 187 Gardner - It was reported that the survey thinks **we arc a nation not willing he wonaered If he really meant it. street^ Manchesteri.- Tel. 2-0465. port a g;rowlng trickle o f return­ foolish. He t'urne d am' cUmbed w a n t e d i WM. RUBINOW made by the special commit to see through the war . . . . 1 ing evacuees—mostly adults. About the only thing Margaret Good Likeness BY MERRILL^LOSSEB FOR SALE think they are wrong In that, he the ataira, did the beat he could FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS V,' DIAL 5558 from the commission and the Any mass return would lead tr with his black bow, and went could do to cheer up the evening 51 lectmen with the statt safety declared. . a serious housing problem. In a * would be to dance a hot soup hulu. LOT Household Goods llbwn to do His best with forced WHvQPdLDNT I It .IS;-- commission last week, did not Two Years to Gain Power dition to the thousands of horns* cheer and a laborious lie: (To Be CMnUuned) *A CAM6 BA WA5 SENT TD US WITH *THE ACiCOMPANVINii w h o lv career is RUINED/ In very fine residential sec­ t h e IT HAVEhave BEBEEN - IT LOOKS WINDOW SHADES— VEINETLAN [show any real reason to make Forreatal pointed out that blasted so badly they are unlnhaly ’Margaret!” ■ he cried. ’Tt’a Film in it • WF otvELOPtb the film and PICTORF WAS Experienced tion of Manchester. Water, bllnda. Owing to our very low ] traffic changes at the Ontet, but two-year period was required to MADE PRINTS . ' 04LV ONE NOT ------' JUST LIKE Gas, ' Electricity, Sewers. itablp thousands of othera are *a grand to see you again! And look­ S P O IL E D • THE O W NER -Picture of / vou WITH overhead, get our special low further study wlU be given the buUd up the margin of power that such bad condition that only one ing simply wonderful. How are Me III •■'vVMlD-rOUR f e e t : Sidewalks. Well graded. is defeating Germany In Europe, CAN CLAIM THE CAMERA prices on high grade window situation. or two rooms are livable. you ? How are you ? But why do 8V IDeNTIFVINO IN the ClOUDS.' WANTED As to Safety lalea and said that It will be a major Underpriced for Immediate shades and Venetian bllnda com- I ask?" . 'i HERSELF.' Draftsman Sale. Regarding the proposal to put problem to build up power in the A robot bomb struck the liome Two Energetic Young Men Dletely Installed. Samplea furnlah- of Queen Wllhelmlna recently but She plainly saw that the bou­ i • ed. (Mpltol Window Shade (3o-, safety isles in the center of Main Pacific after the European war quet waa artificial; but she did The Sduation: You are intro­ ,who are willing to work con­ street from the (Mnter at different ends. He expressed his belief, she escaped Injury. One of the Apply 241 North Main street Phone house staff was . killed and tba not hand him back another. ducing two good friends of yours' Wm. Rubinow scientiously for advanlpe-- 8819. Open evenings. locations, was disapproved. that the same period o f time "Why, thank you, Mr Beckley," to each other. Later, it was reported, that a would not be neceasary. damage was so great that the 84$ MAIN ST. DIAL 5556 ment. Two good jobs in Dutch ruler moved to another res­ ahe said. ‘'Vou’ve put on weight, Wrong Way: Say, "Miss Smith UNIVERSAL EUJlfrTRIC • rangea. plan might be considered to -paint "Diete la some feeling, he said, haven’t you?— a.little around the I’d like you to know MUo Brown.' pleasant surroundings. a white line the entire length o f that the Navy was over-zealous idence about 25 miles away. I Cheney. Variety of gas, electric and com­ waiat-Ilne, et? Mr Hllyard would Right Way: Say *‘Doris, thla la m A Good salaries. Nice hours the atreet if the selectmen are bination ranges, parlor heaters, in proaecutliig the Pacific war hava a ttirapiy, too. If he didn't Helen Brown. You’ve heard me ss. ,:' and - everything else that ready to state that Main atreet . . . We could not afford to let Mosquitos Attack Hannover pot brimera, circulation neatera London, SepL —R. A. F. apend half hia time bending over speak of Doris Smith. Helen." (The iand kerosene heaters. Chambers’ work has been so far completed the Japanese get cemented In the f-o /J Town goes to m ^ e working pleas- Mosquitos last night attacked and touching the floor. And his first Introduction isn’t Incorrect, 00ft. t r mA u w tu . me- t. m. tw. v. t fat. ♦r. Brothers Warehouse, lianebeater Green. that the lines -will not again be positions they had taken, • anL Experience preferred Hannover, important €lernaan golf— Well, I’m only another golf but It Isn’t Informal enough when T w fee u s PAT orr marked out by changes made on “We haa to fight a vigorous war f i Employment Office but not necessary. Apply the surface. < uommunicationa center and Indus­ widow. But you haven’t met pny you are introducing persons v/ho **Vj^t do you want to look like today, Mrs, Jones? A [W. ■ "'V Advertisement SMALL SOFA, mahogany frame, and not a holding war In the Paci­ I daughter. This is Jennifer.” are both good friends of yours.) / in perspn. newly upholstered. In good condl- Not to Accept BesIgnatloB fic. If we had not we would have trial city 150 miles west of Ber­ grandmother, mother, or daughter?” The board approved the action lin, the Air Ministry arinounced % Aa Len turned and took the BY LKSUB TURN BE ■ ’ ■ t Uon. (MU 4698 after 1:30 p. m. been faced with a much longer girl’a hand, he seemed again to be WASH TUBBS A New “ Hoaje" Official Notice Making Yotera ______taken by a telephone vote not to war. today. No planes were .lost. FOR s a l e ;— V'ESTINGHOUSE j accept the reai^ation of Officer gazing at the bridal Margaret, He rOUNERVILLE FOLKS BY FONTAINE l>'OX The Selectmen and Town Clerk "FOSTER'S electric stove, newest model, bed- I Lucius Thral) as of Sept 1 but to claap^ the same warm, abftlittle ma.THig OH.CAPhAlN (NHrrdOMfiiu CAN YOU — T oi the Town of Manchester here­ room set, consisting of twin beds, I grant him a leave of absence to han^ looked intp the same warm, Jisdoopsvro TAKf TH»O«V0U*«.AMt» ITk by give notice;.that they will be complete with (keaser. 2 piece I March 1, 1945. and If at that tlm® soft, great.eyea; and felt the same YOOP HARPtY THINK rr P065IBLE FOR THE CAR TO MAKE INIW dUOsiCA, PagTTY bHWrCAMTTD THB MCM; WANTED! MARKET lovableneas that goes with, love of In session at the Town Clerk*! Of­ living room a«t 94 Hamlin streeV| hia condition la so improved as to ^Firefly” Filet ANY MORE RACKET THAN IT POES ORDINARILY S A s n e yeuR IVfiS fice In the Municipal Building for 84 Oakland Street be able to pass the necessary ex­ life. But the spell waa snapped ARB 6MARR,naAS, Thuraday only, 3 to 8- again, for acress her shoulders Boy for Paper the. purpose of examining the amination, he will be again return­ you CAN bfrvUUR qualiflcationa of electors and ad­ ed to duty. came the unlovely voice of the Pteury FlWWSOmMTOF mitting to the ELEJCTTOR’S OATH, SecreUuv Rand reported that r^MargareL z Of OUR NBW BASE- Route in Bolton those who shall be found qualified he had investigated the claim made "Everybody says my daughter lA syryou SAIPAN t on the following days: by CMlef Gordon that the collec­ takea after her mother. But don't CAN SIT ON rt! Notch and Saturday, September 9 and tion. of money for automobile Saturday, September 16, 1944. HELP WANTED... parking vlolatlona was too much Vicinity. work for the poUpe. It was voted frori 9 a. -ro. until 8 p. m. to have the same plan continued. Said first session may be pubUc- ’This was for tbe . convenience of ly adjourned from time to time MALE the public. ■ . W M BONDS 58 Customers. but no aeaalon shall be held latet; The reasoii that tbs safety Isle' than Saturday; September 16, ex­ Essentid industry needs unskiUed help cept a session to examine and ad­ mit those whosei' qualification itia- Apply ture after Saturday, September from 8 to 12 m. and 6 to 9 p»,in. If you Tax CoUeclor’g 16, and on or befpre Monday, Oc­ OUT OUR WAY BY J. R. WILLIAMS OUR BOARDING HOUSE MAJOR HOOPLB j Herald Office. tober 2nd, which session shall i bo are available during any o f these-^liours apply d r a t (T. MARTHA.* NCXJR hMLnAR,V r>N a c c o r d io n fo r Me H^' held Saturday, September 30th, Notice WELL. \ C VOtlLL BE WAMTIKJ’ FWiyfT \ ' <50 y ou COULD ftlT AND from 9 a. m. imtil 5 p. ms 1 (aUESS THE POLICE m e t h o d t h r o t t l e s . Manchester VOU'VE » / a m ' p o w d e r KJEXT.eUT I , , SQUEEZE MULE BttANft Signed, STORE c l e r k THE HAPPlMEBS I'VE EH30VBO in person- , Notice of the tax collector of the V.VONDEREO ' SAVEP I HARDLV BLAME yOO - 'SELECTING A GIPT FOR VOU.' '(OOTOF IT NO, 1*0 David CMambers, ME FROM \ 1 DON'T MIND PEOPLE NOTICE: South Manchester Fire DlstricL WHAT I.WAKJTED -**• I H AD PlOiEO OUT A r a t h e r h e a r . T iAE Sherwood 'G. Bowers, w it h RUB8ER LOOKIM' 1 THIMKIM’ I WCJRKED • All persons liable by law to pay MAGMIPICe NT P lA rJ O - DEEP GKOAN O f T H « Until boy can be secured Cecil W. England, G L C V eS AT VTV LIKE WED / MV WAV OVEROM a • Jack M. Gotidon, taxes to the South Manchester ACCOROlON. VOITU'^R NAME SUPPERiNG HIPPO — Fire Dletrict hereby notified -DME OF LIFE BUILT \ »OAT. BUT I DON'T to cover, the route, papers CJawnce N.iLuplen, IMLA.ID iN MOTHER.-OP- YOU'LL PR0BA3L'/ GlNC FOLDING BOXES, INC. that 1 will b a w X rate bill tor the WITH HAWPS OUR OWM j WANT 'EM THlMKlM' will be available’' at Fred Harold M. Reed. LIKE I HAVE.'y MOUSE.' _A I BUILT IT. PeA(S.L/-^' FAP.'.r OUT WITH rr njhen Board of Selectmen. Elm Street Manchester, ,Uet o f 1943 o f 3 mllta on the dol­ TC>0' GUT TO THE 0ANH. Lewis’s Filling Station at lar due and eoUaetible on BaptflP-r Bolton Notch. — ' Samuel J. 'Tilrklhgtoh, // Town CUerk. ber 15, 1944 and will bava office 'TO/' hours for the ooUactlon df such tax at Hose Ob. Mb. 4 on School w Street each Tuesday and Thuraday tvening from 7 to 9 p. m., and leaph Saturday from 10 a. m. to li' ia!' 6 p. m., beginning Tuesday, Sep­ CP tember 19,' and through* Monday, October 16, on Vhlch laat' day this office will collect from 10 0. nb to cover. Tills permlta your flaunea f/i 9 p. m . By Mia. Aaaa Cabot ths nawaat adrt ■ o f ‘‘deco- to stay on tht bed permanently. At an othar ttanea the tax may To obtain complete crocheting be paid only at my home, 117 rat(>r*’ bedsprsad dona in' flat crochet-thrae-inch' "flrsmea” form InatrucUona for the Firefi>' Filet V. Summer Street, Mondays through Spread (Pattern No-|p779) filet Fridays 2 to 7 p. m. tha deaiiji in each aeven-ineh oeparata 'loclt Tbu*H need “84 chart, amounta of material: need* O SkeelOMfsPawe <3 Fellurs to make p a y n ^ t b4- tdocka and a six tneh banding to ed. aketchee ot flounce creatinent, With a Roman palace for ■ beck* fore October 18 rbndera 'th® tax 4 ^ p leta tha spread. Use it over send 16 cehta ii Coin, plur 1 cent (*rop thla Americen gun grew is n t delinquent and Interest will be a talloreo rayon allk or a plain Ui- postage, Tour Name, Addrtaa and added at the rate of of ona pw 1-3 •xpanslva white cotton bad eover- tlui' Pattern Nuaiber to- 'Anns cent pet month or portion thereof 1-4 InK For a smart decorator effect, Oabot-Tl]e Ibneheeter ICvening dating from.,8eptert»W 15, 1944. attach a wid rjffled ffounci to an Herald 1180 BUth Ajantaa, New •A’ ' Thornes Weir, York Jill Jl. Y. . ^ N(N.«ikl 1m. 'BogNiTM(gTy TEARS-too 6ocij j:T j^us»r.*_ - — CoUsetor. Unblaached - miulia bedaprings