Ecology Unit 1 Vocabulary Words 2nd Law of Thermodynamics: No reaction is 100% efficient. Entropy is created after every PCBs: Polychlorinated Biphenyls used in electronics. transformation. Chemical products banned in 1979. Polluted groundwater. Entropy: Disorder and chaos in a system.

Quantitative Data: data that uses numbers Gaia hypothesis: interact with their inorganic surroundings on Earth to form a synergistic self- Qualitative Data: data that uses qualities and regulating, complex system that helps to maintain and characteristics to describe perpetuate the conditions for life on the planet

Experimental Design: set up of an experiment Divergent Plate Boundary: Where 2 plates separate. Control: constant variable and unchanged throughout Creates mid-ocean ridges and rift valleys. New rock the course of the investigation. made here.

Easter Island: an island owned by Chile where people Convergent Plate Boundary: Where 2 plates collide. died because of lack of natural resources Creates mountains (cont hit cont) or subduction zones (ocean goes under cont). Rock destroyed here. : study of living organisms in their nonliving world Transform Plate Boundary: Where two plates slide past each other. If they get stuck, creates stress. Release of Biotic factor: living item (ex: ) stress is an earthquake.

Abiotic factor: not living item (ex: : a measure of human impact on Earth's . It's typically measured in area of Ecological Hierarchy: species  population  wilderness or amount of natural capital consumed each  biome  biosphere year. Population: a group of individuals of the same species Carrion: the decaying flesh of dead animals Community: a group of populations interacting Phototrophs: organisms that use light to perform together . Often and . Ecosystem: a group of communities interacting : organisms that use chemicals to perform together . Often bacteria in deep sea vents. Biosphere: another name for earth : organisms that consume to obtain Natural Selection: survival of the fittest energy. Often and .

Chesapeake Bay Watershed: Where Potomac River Primary : first level , eat primary dumps into Atlantic Ocean. Extremely polluted with producers sediments and nutrients. Secondary Consumer: that eats primary Salinity: level of salt in the water consumer

Brackish: medium levels of salinity. Often occurs in Tertiary Consumer: organism that eats secondary wetlands where salt and fresh water mix. consumer

Potential Energy: The energy stored. PE = mgh Saprotrophs: organism that eats dead organic materials (fungi and bacteria) Kinetic Energy: The energy in movement: KE = ½ mv2 : a series of who eats whom with one pp, 1st Law of Thermodynamics: Energy is not created nor one pc, one sc, one tc destroyed…changes forms : a diagram of who eats whom for all organisms Gross Primary : the rate of photosynthesis : a where one species benefits taking place in an area and the other is neutral in the relationship. Ex: cattle egret and cow Net Primary Productivity: The left over in a phototroph after photosynthesis and respiration takes : a symbiosis where one species benefits and place. the other is harmed in the relationship. Ex: tapeworm and human Nitrogen Fixation: Taking nitrogen in air (N2) and changing to nitrite (NO2) or ammonia (NH3) Competitive Exclusion Principle: species with the same niche in the same area cannot coexist Nitrification: Take nitrite and turning it into nitrate NO3 Tragedy of the Commons: theory of a situation within a Assimilation: Organisms use nitrate and ammonium to shared- system where individual users acting make DNA and amino acids. independently and rationally according to their own

Ammonification: Taking NH3 and turning it into NH4. self-interest behave contrary to the common good of all users by depleting that resource Denitrification: Taking nitrate and ammonium and turning it back into nitrogen (N2) in the air. : often a dominant predator whose removal allows a prey population to explode and often Sink: a storage place of an element decreases overall diversity. Ex: sea otter

Source: a process that releases an element. : the preying of one animal on others.

Primary Succession: community change that occurs : the close external resemblance of an animal with new land formation:  moss  small or (or part of one) to another animal, plant, or shrubs  small trees  large trees  climax inanimate object community Interspecific : competition between two Secondary Succession: community change that occurs different species. with land already formed. Intraspecific Competition: competition the same Bottleneck Effect: cut down of genetic diversity due to species. loss of individuals in a population. ANWR: Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. Debate for oil Non-native species: a species that is not known exploration. historically in an area. Ex: cane toads in Australia Aerobic: using oxygen : a count of how many species are in an area. Anaerobic: using no oxygen

Ecotone: a transitional zone between two communities. Ex: intertidal zone.

Niche: an organism’s job in a community.

Hybrid: the offspring of two different species.

Lichen: a symbiotic relationship of a fungus and an

Germination: sprouting of a seed

Mutualism: a symbiosis where two species benefit from the relationship. Ex: oxpecker and rhino