Play with Bill1 The Envelope Please. .. More Good Food- II The Lighter Side Winter MVPs Uncharted Courses I P*3 pp. 6-7 P-9 I ET~HETUFTS, DAILYrI Where you read it first Thursday, March 12, 1987 Vol. XIV, number 39

Senators Criticize Faculty ~

MeetingU Procedure by BILL SHEIN The meeting, at which the cedure is.” faculty voted to eliminate the The meetings are usually Members of the Tufts Com- part-time study option, as well - chaired by Dean of Faculty of munity Union (XU) Senate as early graduation, was not Arts and Sciences Frank Col- yesterday criticized the lack of run in an orderly manner, was cord, who said Tuesday that he proper use of parliamentary permeated with confusion, asked Mayer to chair the procedure at Monday’s Facul- violated Robert’s Rules bf meeting so he could speak on ty of Arts and Sciences parliamentary procedure, and the issues which the chair is meeting, and criticized Tufts stifled debate, the senators not permitted to do. Presiden lean Maver for refus- said. see MEETING. ing to allow senators to make Senate vice president Tracy Several TCU senators said that Monday’s Arts and Sciences faculty comments during the meeting. Hahn noted several examples, meeting was run Doorlv. (Photo bv Lauren Michaelson) describing instances in which proposals were debated before a motion was introduced onto Police Arrest Five Over Weekend the floor, and the passing of by BILL LABOVITZ “head butt” cars in the area, ty on Professor’s Row. amendments without allowing Flaherty said, adding that In a statement to police, the for debate. Tufts Police arrested three Thomas Grubb “then started DU brother stated that after “There was an absence of Medford adults for drunk toward a group of students, questioning the men about the parliamentary procedure driving and disorderly con- but was restrained by Tufts keg, they “threw it on ,the dcuct, as well as two Somer- Police.” ihroughout,” Hahn said, fraternity lawn and screamed noting that although there is viller juveniles for trespassing, They were placed under ar- profanities at us.” He con- ‘‘no reason to expecr a11 facul- last weekend, according to rest, and transported to the tinued, “One of them threw a ty members to be experts, I Detective Sergeant John E. police station in the police punch at one of my fellow haven’t seen any effort to show Flaherty. wagon because off their fraternity members.” them what parliamentary pro- Also last weekend, police “violent behavior,” the police In response, he stated, he T~~~~~Hahn responded to a fight in pro- report stated. grabbed ‘ Anderson and gress call at the Delta Upsilon Costa registered 0.18 blood ‘‘dragged him to the ground,’ ’ Zarroue~ ~- Wins (DU) fraternity, and two alcohol level on a police and began wrestling and roll- I 0. I reports of assault and battery, Breathalizer test. A level of. 10

Flaherty said. is considered~-- legally under the separated them. Andrew W. Costa of Med- Those involved declined to ford was arrested for operating file any complaints - and by BILL LABOVITZ CSL.” a motor vehicle under the in- “shook hands,” Flaherty The electrical engineering fluence of alcohol on Pro- reported. Tufts Senior Manar Zarroug major, recognized as the top fessors Row at about 1:00 a.m. The jeep’s owner, Frances was selected winner of the candidate following interviews on March 8, the police report Clark of Braintree claimed that prestigious Wendell Phillips with six finalists Monday, will stateed. Also arrested were a member of DU, who he Award by the Committee on speak at the commencement Thomas Grubb and Richard could not identify, picked up Student Life (CSL) Monday. ceremonies May 17th for Arts Grubb, both of Medford, for the beer keg and hit the car’s Zarroug, involved in the and Sciences, and will receive disorderly conduct. windshield, breaking it. He Middle Eastern affairs at a $300.00 stipend. Thomas Grubb defaulted his told police that at no time did Tufts, said his “diversity” CSL secretary Jon arraignment on Tuesday, anyone put the keg in the jeep. shows that “no matter what Greengrass called the award, Flaherty states. Flaherty indicated two cases field of interest [students are given by Tufts and Harvard Ell University each year, “the Tracing the chronology of of assault and battery - one involved in], they can con- events, Flaherty said a female with a dangerous weapon - tribute to the community, and most prestigious honor so- motorist flagged down police Tufts Police Detective John E. last Sunday_ meone can get at this’school.”

following a minor 0- lident on Flaherty A Tufts student, a resident The award stipulates that the Professors Row i ..Jving a Flaherty also reported that of Josephine Avenue told winner must show marked blue Chevrolet Malibu two Somerville juveniles, ar- police that while driving down contributions in the field of operated .by Costa. The raigned yesterday, were placed Packard Avenue at 3:OO a.m., community service and ac- motorist identified the car, under arrest for trespassing he was confronted by a car complished ability in public parked in front of 114 Pro- and unlawful transporntiion of with four occupants who were speaking, Greengrass stated. fessors Row. liquor at the Jackson Gym “insulting and looking for a Zarroug explained “One is Police officers placed him in parking lot on Saturday at 9:OO fight .’ ’ asked to display the ability to custody, Flaherty continued, p.m. The student stated he and write and speak in substance, but while attempting to hand- Last Sunday at 2:30 a.m., the four motorists “basically but also to present what you cuff him, Thomas and according to the police report, had a brawl,” but no one was have done in terms of public Richard Grubb - two other Tufts Police responded to a reported injured, Flaherty responsibility in a way which occupants of the car - began report of a fight between a DU said, adding that the student’s shows your basic feelings and screaming obsenities at the member and Christopher car keys were stolen. definitions of the things you police and to a large crowd of Anderson of Walpole. Frater- In the second assault and believe in most.” students that had gathered. nity brothers told police that battery report with a “I did not expect it,” he said The two men attempted to they observed six men placing dangerous weapon, a -Latin of the honor. “I was surpris- release Costa from the police an empty beer keg in a jeep see AWARD, page 11 cruiser, and then proceeded to parked in front of the fraterni- I Manar Zarroun L page two THE TU rs DAILY Thursday, March 12, 1987 -~ A Valuable Experience To the Tufts Community: ’ I - have heard that the Tufts ad- challenge to me to analyze my ex- Michael Epstein ministration is no longer giving periences in Japan and relate them to Editor-iil-Chief , academic credit for participation in the my academic knowledge of the coun- - University of Pittsburgh’s Semester at try. It was not enough simply to read Frank Knuettel Sea program on the grounds that it is and study my notes, for now I had my Erecurive Buttnet\ Director not academically rigorous. I was lucky experience to study. I began to question enough to go on Semester at Sea in the my notes, to form my own, sometimes Jon Newman...... Executive Mitor Julie Beglin...... Associate Editor fall of 1987. I am writing this letter in contrary, opinions, and to make con- Lisajane Meyers ....Production Manager Amy Shallcross. ....Prodtic tion Manager the hope that the Office of Foreign nections between the theory of the lec- Studies will consider my opinion as an tures and the actuality of what I’d seen David Gerstmann.. ...Bu\itic,\\ Manager Scott Miller...... Production Manager SAS participant as a factor in changing and what I learned from discussing my its decision. I know from personal ex- classmates’ experiences. From a lecture Bill Shein...... News Editor Bill Labovitz...... News Editor perience that not only does the program I learned that Japan is an extremely Matt Shapo...... Features Editor Bret Thorn...... Fcurures Editor stretch one academically, but densely populated countxy, and that liv- philosophically and emotionally as well. ing in such close contact with one Devi Ben-Zeev...... Arts Editor Suzanne Delaney ...... Arts Editor The contrast between on-ship and in- another, the Japanese people have port experience created one of the most developed refined means of minimizing Stephen Clay ...... Sports Editor Lenny Saltzman...... I .Sports Editor intense learning environments possible. confrontation: specialized etiquette and Waldek Wajszczuk. .Photography Editor Chris Stevens...... Phorogruphg Editor As a student in the program I alternated diplomacy, mental maximization of between being completely free and at limited personal space, and a reluctance Christopher Salvo. .Adverusing Manager Lynn Rosin ...... Advertisiiig Manager large around the world and being con- to speak bluntly or overtly. On the fined to a tiny ship community which Japanes subway, the sidewalks, in Jessica Feinberg ...... Classijied.s-Editor Sharon Siben...... Cki.\.~ified.s Editor became a microcosm for the world. On- temples and in the university, I wach- Michael Zinn...... Assiuta/~t Ncw:s Editor Keky Alessi. Sports Editor ship classes and social life both ed this behavior in action. I understood prepared me for and helped to unders- why my Japanese hosts did not ask me Jennifer Dann...... Assistant Arts Edifor Jennifer Ely . .Assistant Business Manager tand the barrage of impressions and ex- many questions about the United The Ti@ Daily is a non-profit student-run newspaper published by the students of Tufrs Universiv periences that hit me in each port. States: they would have considered it an weekdays during the academic year. Printing by Charles River Publishing, Cambridge, Massj Pleas The key to the program’s academic intrusion on my personal space. I address correspondence to: The Tufrs Daily, Curtis Hall, Medford, Mass. 02155. Telephone: (61 i 3XI-3090 Air&e.v hsiirs 9:30 to 5:oO weekdays. U.S. postage paid in Medford. Mass. effectiveness is the relevance of thought about the differences between - classroom topics to the ports we visited. American and Japanese social behavior Few lectures have made me think as and inthe process I began to realize hard as the class lectures given by a how much inflhence my own culture Japanese man on Japanese culture dur- has *hadon me. I could believe what I ing the twb weeks that our ship ap- had learned in the lectures not merely proached Kobe. After having seen the because it sounded logical and plausi- Zen temples of Kyoto, the crowds of ble but because I could hold the ideas Osaka, ?pent three days with a group up to my experience. Paradox of Japanese college students and stayed Few assignments in my academic To the Editor: up all night talking to a new Japanese . career have been as rigorous as writing . blems with EPC’s recpmmendation and I am writing this letter in regard to friend about his and my cultures, I an art history paper on the thousand - this past Monday’s full faculty meeting rationale. In fact, I had positive sugges- looked back on the notes I’d taken in year old Buddhist cave paintings at tions. The faculty allowed this to take of Arts and Sciences. The issues that the lectures. They became more than Ajanta, while standing inside the Indian were entertained included the elimina- place and often was confused as to just just a set of interesting facts and tion of part-time and early graduation. what they were actually voting on! see SEA,page 11 generalizations. They became a t Besides the obvious lack of educational To make things worse, they almost merit for their elimination, the ad- made this apply for the class of 1988. 2007: Tuition Costs Revealed ministration and faculty compounded However, not even our faculty is that Td the Editor this fiasco by showing a serious stupid. Instead, they decided only to The Board of Trustees prides itself on restrict our freshmen class of 1990. I began doodling in the margins of my disregard for the opposing opinion and keeping the growth rate of our tuition just can’t wait notes. Only this time they were big thus set another example of how this Aren’t they generous? I at at steady 6.7 percent, which, accor- to see the administration’s faces when numbers, big figures, and big equa- university is continuing along a pro- ding to President Mayer, is a com- the class of ‘90 doesn’t give to the en- tions. By the end of class, I came up , grammed path, oblivious to whether or parable if not larger increase than com- ‘dowement. The steps that the ad- with a somewhat startling and depress- not that path is best for the liberal arts petitors. Pretty impressive, only 6.7 experience. ministration, with the obvious ing figure which I felt compelled to disinterest of our most esteemed facul- percent, Huh! share with the entirk Tufts communi- ‘ I had a feeling that this discussion Anyway, while sitting in my statistics ty, are taking may squeeze us for a few ty. Here it is: would go one way when President class the other day, considering the Mayer chose to chair the meeting more bucks, but the institution has in At a “steady growth rate” of 6.7 per- point that my professor just made that ’ himself..Usually a dean does so. The my opinion been tainted. The light on cent, Tufts’ tuition, room and board the hill may shine its light on you. a good statistician can make any statistic will be 60,306 per year before my state EPC and Peter Paul Committee both look favorable, and considering the 6.7 gave their reports and came to a con- However, one must first have the university, Rutgers, reaches a total cost finances in order to receive this light. percent annual increase statistic, my of 17,028 by growing at the same year- sensus that the student body should in mind naturally wandered off into my fact remain full-time students for a full This hypocrisy that we are calling a . ly rate. Have a nice day. liberal educaiton may be respectable in imaginary world of numbers, figures; David Albenberg eight semesters. Two may be abroad. and equations, 2nd as in classes before, . Furthermore, students will be required the outside world; which just loves Statistician, A’88 to take either four or five credits per those who worship the almighty dollar: Our Representative and Our Environment semester. This is a paradox. We came but is setting a poor example for the all To the Editor: . to this allegedly liberal institution to students that pass through these halls. Because there are so many pressing make hazardous waste clean-up a top receive a liberal education. However, in I I would like to conclude with a point issues both here on campus and on the priority. On Thursday, March 12, only a few years, our flexibility is quick- on money. It is estimated thar early national scene, the Representative Joseph Mackey (D- graduation and part-time cost the ly becoming non-existent. political arena remains largely neglected Somerville) will be addressing this $420,000. However, must the Moreover, parlimentary procedure university as an avenue of student empowerment. issue. Unlike Some decision-making undergraduates be expected to pay the would suggest that all views would be This semester, the MassPIRG State bodies, the Massachusetts legislature is increasing costs of this university when considered. When this came up and House Watch Project is tapping that accountable to its constituents. If Tufts discussion ensued, Mayer refused to our graduate schools, namely the Vet potential; Tufts students now have the students US this opportunity to express School, which hasn’t increased its tui- allow student participation. TCU opportunity to influence their represen- their concern, Representative Mackey Senate President Jeff Ganz gave an tion for five years, are consistenly be- tatives in the state legislature on the is likely to take stronger action to pro- opening statement, but proved to be the ing spared. Rather than push this in- issue of hazardous waste. crease on us, why not let students from mote effective legislation on hazardous only voice on this issue: I am particular- Toxic substances pose a, serious threat waste. ly disturbed that I had my hand up for see PARADOX, page 10 to the Massachusetts envronment (and a solid hour and was ignored. I had pro- drinking water), and, as residents of John Rumpler, Coordinator Medford and Somerville, we have every State House Watch Project right to insist that our representatives Tufts MassPIRG Chapter

- Correction: Due to an editor’s error, the acronym for the International Associa- tion of *Students in Economics and Business Management, was given incor- J rectly. The correct acronym is AIESEC. Thursday, March 12, 1987 THE TUFTS DAILY page three

‘Seeds of Hatred’ Sown Across The Nation by MATT SHAPO I Think I’ll Take A Nap Liberated slaves in the old South ran from white home to Sure, you’d probably hate my guts if I casually mentioned that white home, burning, looting, I finished my mid-terms seven days ago and have been easily’ raping and killing - this coasting into my Spring Break trip to the West Coast. And you’d makes them the odious threat probably want to rip my eyes out of my skull if I inconspicuously to American society that they mentioned that I’ve been sleeping 10 hours a night for the last are today, and so they must be week, and spending several hours each day reading trashy, un- met with violent suppression -academic romance novels. - right? In fact, I’m convinced that you’d firebomb my room, send hate The French Revolution was mail to my parents, pass a magnet over my meal card, and general- a Jewish conspiriacy as was the ly attempt to make my life miserable if I happened to, in a brief Civil War and as is the present fit of highly contagious insanity, mention that I’ve spent the last day Mid-West farm crisis that five evenings dining in fine restaurants, drinking expensive cham- has crippled much of the pagne, shopping in boutiques on Newbury Street, and doing American heartland - right? nothing that even remotely resembles studying for mid-terms. I The holocaust has no factual hand Gdthisday, there are a donmore left to touch. (Daily File have, however, been writing extremely long and tedious sentences. support, black people are What? Huh? Did you say that you still have one exam this week, simply not as intelligent as stealing is what it is, and they psychological vent in much of their Anglo counterparts, and and two papers, two oral presentations, a Phd dissertation, and got no business doing nothing the hope and prejudice that a baccalaureate exam due after break? Gosh, I’m really sorry. I the earliest spread of Soviet nowhere in white man’s many of us choose to simply mean, if that’s true, then this column is way out of line, going Bolshevism is in large part at- America.. . dismiss as extremist and on for few paragraphs about how I have absolutely nothing to do tributable to evil, Jewish con- And the Jews, the Jews too. absurd. until March 23rd except relax. I sincerely apologize. spirators bent on world They got no business here. Ex- It’s not so absurd that many Listen, why don’t I make it up to you. How ‘bout if we get hegemony. And all this makes cept for the fact that they’ve people don’t really believe it’s together tonight and go out for din.. . Ooops, I’m sorry. You know a good deal of sense, right? got all the rich man’s business the truth and the answer to I just keep forgetting that you still have studying to do. Of course, Why not? It sounds good. in this country all wrapped for their own confused questions I could simply forget about you and take many casual walks around Damn those dark-skinned themselves. That’s the business about personal misfortune and campus, watching the leaves begin to grow on the trees, letting Negroes. How come I, a white the Jews are doing, and we strife. Witness an August ‘85 the brisk winter breeze muss my hair while you sit in the Gott man, have five starving kids outhgt to make it so they won’t episode of 20/20 with Gerald0 room ripping your hair out in large -size clumps. in my home, a crushing mor- be doing no business at all. Rivera that Darsa showed last Of course, Spring Break starts tomorrow at 5:OO p.m. sharp, tgage burden, and little pro- Ilve got a farm, 5,000 acres of night depicting the hold that and then you can forget about all of this stuff and enjoy your sepect of making things better land, and one million dollars the white supremacist relig- vacation.. . for myself? I’ll tell you why - of debt lined up to take it away gion Christian Identity is You what? You say you have to stay home and study during it’s those damn, thieving from me. And it’s those junk beginning to get on more and break? Come on, no one stays home and studies over their spring Negroes!! That’s what the pro- bond-toting Jewish financiers more debt- vacation! blem is!! Coming around here, that are just the ones to take it ridden farmers througout the Oh, you say you have two papers, two oral presentations, a Phd they take my job, they take from me. Mid-West . dissertation and a baccalaureate exam the week ou return? Wow. what isn’t theirs, well it’s just Communists, Negroes and In the episode, Rivera traces That’s tough. I bet you’re the only person on campus who has like taking money out of my Jews: they’re all moving in on the growing tendency for to work next week. pocket and food out of my this country. The second Civil hers hit hard by bank I know it’s difficult for me to express my compassion and em- children’s mouths. Just like War, anyone? foreclosures to latch on to the pathy for you and your situation through these words on a cold, The incredible thing about forceful rhetoric churned out black and white newspaper page. Really, I do care. I’m not being the scenario outlined above is by leaders of the Christian sarcastic, really. Seriously. I swear. No kidding. I mean it. To the that as perfectly unbelieveable Identity movement offering Anyway, let me tell you about this great idea I have. After you as it seems to many of us on blacks as an easy scapegoat to finally finish all of your papers, exams, presentations, and lunch , the Tufts campus, it may, and blame their ills on and sug- dates with professors to beg for passing grades, we must certain- (Excerptsfrom actual letters‘ in fact does, seem eqaully gesting that Jewish ly get together and do some fun, exciting, non- mhhas believeable to many American businessmen are to blame for academic work. lrom satisfled m-PW citizens across the country. their financial woes. Of course, this is not to say that what you are probably avoiding “...I suddiy scored 580, Similar ideas are probably held An ominous offshoot of the right now - studying - while reading this fine newspaper, is ‘ose to my goal Of which by a few of us on this campus hateful language of the Chris- not fun and exciting. Believe me, I would love to be curled up qualified me for admission to my choice schools.. .I am ever as tian Identity is their attendant in a hard wooden chair, placed conveniently in front of a large You think otherwise? Think proclivity to stockpile firearms wooden box in which are casually strewn hundreds of pages of gmteN .. .” -Student fiom Pittsburgh, PA again. in direct anticipation of the notes, unread reading?, and clumps of hair, enjoying the intellec- “Thanksto your help.. .I Such was the intent behind time that the will need to de- tual expansion and enlightenment that one derives from a Tufts improved my score on the June fend their homes and white exam by 150%...andamanfi- last night’s “Seeds of Hatred” liberal arts education. discussion/lectuye held in America from the forces of And imagine that all of of this can be done while enjoying the dent htI will now be accepted for the fall term.” Cabot Auditorium. To get evil. The forces of evil that penetrating rays of flourescent bulbs and while drinking your 14th -studentfrom~Chond*m peole to think. As events on lurk anyplace outside the cir- large cup of Campus Center coffee. I really am jealous. No joke. Only Kaplan offers free the Tufts campus have served cle of the Christian Identitv. refresher math lessons and But to get back to some point I was making, we should definitely to emphasize of late, we too If this does seem too far- get together when you are done with mid-terms and enjoy - business school admissions information. So if you want the often forget to seriously think, fetched, then why was Mr. together - all of the things I’ve been enjoying while you’ve been best and most experienced in and with film shorts .and Rivera able to enter encamp- enjoying your studying. test prep-call Kaplan today! media clips designed to force ments associated with the Let’s say we get together and second week in April, when I *IF YOU D LIKE TO READ MORE LETTERS LIKE THESE some real thought, last night’s ChristiFn Identity ideology know you’ll have nothing to do... discussion leader and Ex- and get on carmera verification What’s that? You have to start studying for finals then? Well, College professor Jan Darsa from many American farmers that does present a problem. How about after finals? Oh, you’ve began to set the stage for some tht cling to the religious got summer school. And then a job search. And than a job. And STANLEY H. KAPLAN EDUCAlIONILCENT1R LTD. deep self-reflection. order’s rhetoric as the gospel. a family. And kids. And a mid-life crisis. The premises and convic- We can ignore it, but peole Well, here’s some good news. You have to retire at at 65. Get Your Tufts discount! tions underlying the perverse believe in the veracity of We’ll play golf. Tufts class starts Sat., 3/28. view of the world just offered hateful answers to personal Call 661-6955. lare, at base, human responses problems; and they believe in Editor’s note: The Lighter Side appears today instead of tomor- them passionatelv. row because of the likelihood that everyone will have left campus to human conditions that find sociological and see HATRED, page 10 for Spring Break by tomorrow. page four THE TU1 rs DAILY Thursday, March 12, 1987 1 ATTENTION SENIORS I SO YOU THINK I YOU HAVE QOOD IDEAS? I I I HERE'S YOUR CHANCE I I TO MAKE SOMETHING HAPPEN 1 Last Chance... Friday, March 27. .. I3:OO-5.90 pm I THE EXPERIMENTAL COLLEGE I ANNOUNCES - THE FIRST ANNUAL We have been having VIENNA TABLE MARSHALL HOCHHAUSER OPEN HOUSE on Fria?by afternoons at I PRIZE ithe provost's house (48 Professors Row) for the senior class. For those who THE HOCHHAUSER PRIZE WILL BE AWARDED TO A STUDENT WHO PROPOSES couldn 't make it on the day they were in- iI THE BEST CREATIVE PROJECT ivited, who did not receive an invitation, DESIGNED TO ENHANCE THE TUFTS INTELLECTUAL CLIMATE or who would like to have anotherpiece I PICK UP AN APPLICATION of chocolate overdose cake, come on the iI 27th for coffee, conversation and great AT THE EX COLLEGE IN MINER HALL desserts! I DEADLINE FOR APPLYING: MARCH 31 I Sol and Robyn Gittleman I I WMFO 91.5 FM

Your Student Radio presents A Music Marathon of the artist or musical genre of your choice. Stay tuned to 91.5 FM for an- nouncements of date and time. Tell us the 3 ar- tists or musical genres you would like to hear dur- ing our music marathon. 1. 2. 3. Send to: WMFO Curtis Hall via campus mail Thursday, March 12, 1987 THE TUFTS DAILY page five View FromThe

Cheap Seats -by PETE DION with White .. Joel’s. As the 1987 Jumbo Baseball team prepared to head south for their annual clash with NCAA Preview: Expect the Division I and I11 schools in the Washington- Delaware Supposed Mighty to Tumble area, they will be working to The excitement of March Madness has arrived again, but all improve on an already solid else that surrounds this year’s tournament is very different. Never unit. Back from last year are in recent memory has there been such an open race for the na- a majority of the squad which tional Championship. You can read every hoop junkie magazine, hit well over .300 as a com- watch every game on cable and still at this point have no idea what petitive team in the very tough will unfold in the next weeks. There are no great teams this year. Greater Boston League [GBL]. The talent is just not that good. Thus, I can see no reason why “Our problem will be the one of twenty teams could not make the Final Four and win it same as every team in the all. Let’s first see what we do know, history of the game. We’ll go - Many of the top teams are capable of looking awesome. In- as far as our pitching will take diana, Georgetown, North Carolina and U.N.L.V. on occasion us.” viewed Head Coach John have looked like National Champion caliber teams, but ask Casey. “We can definitely Wisconsin about Indiana. They had one win in the Big Ten but score the runs. What we need took the Hoosiers into double overtime. Ask Seton Hall about is for the pitchers to keep us in the Hoyas. They defeated them twice in the regular season. Ask the games.” North Carolina State or Virginia how North Carolina has been The pitching will be a ma-‘ playing lately and you won’t hear any oohing and ahhing. Final- jor factor in the team’s success. ly, ask Oklahoma how the Running Rebels responded during Back from last year and trying arguably their biggest game of the year on national television, to improve on his amazing per- when Oklahoma gave U.N.L.V. its only blemish. If any of these formances will be junior Jeff teams can play or defeat the supposed best teams, what about the Bloom. Bloom had a strong rest? Dick Vitale must have goosebumps thinking of all the up- summer against some excellent coming upsets. competition in the Alaskan - Instead of picking who the winners will be it’s easier to predict League and looks to be ready whose going to tighten up, miss the open dunk, dribble off their for some solid work on the legs and exit early from this year’s tourney. DePaul, Syracuse, trip. and Michigan are the definites - perennial losers - they should Also back from last year’s again fold. North Carolina again should be shocked. Why? staff are Peter Beal, Chris Because again it has the most talent in the country and that always Juhring and Steve Amyouny. seems to do them in. Georgetown relies too much on Reggie Amyouny, who provided Head Baseball coach John Casey. (Daily File Photo) Williams - they are gone. U. N. L.V. has played under no pressure strong middle, relief last the whole year, and it is not ready to meet the tournament’s season, injured his shoulder and Freshman Bill Cannon the plate and in‘the field. He pressure. Purdue, if you can’t even play with Michigan when the during indoor workouts and is will be some of the players be- will be flanked by returning Big Ten title is one the line, there is something wrong. on a day-to-day basis. ing counted on to add depth in third baseman Tom Walsh, se- - The shot clock should mean the favorites have the advantage “Bloom will be Bloom and the outfield this year. cond baseman Roger Grenier, as teams will have to go at the giants. But with the three point Pete Beal is looking extremely The infield will beanchored and also a great deal of depth. field goal, a guard gets the hot hand from the three point line tough this year,” remarked by four-year starter and co- Walsh provided a hot bat ear- and suddenly everyone is hitting them and upset city. Teams like returning catcher Dan captain Steve Centrella. Cen- ly last year and contributed Kentucky, Providence, and Indiana (a.k.a. Steve Alford) can O’Neill. “Beal threw hard last trella’s play over the past three strong defense throughout the seasons-hasbeen nothing short demoralize and ruin other teams’ strategies if they heat up. Then year and has been working on see BASEBALL, Page 10 again, if they are cold, it is a totally different story. One usually his off-speed stuff, which will of solid and consistent both at talks about the need for a dominant center, yet other than Navy’s make him tough this year. David Robinson there exists few others in the nation, so teams Chris is a competitor up there. are not going to power it in and overwhelm others. He never gives in to the hitter.” Jumbos Head - I have been trying to show all along that the unexpected is ex- The remainder of the pit- pected. This is supposed to show the difficulty of my upcoming ching unit will include junior task, but I will not hesitate and now, will predict my final four. John Munroe, who is coming to Nationals Last year I had three of the four, this year if I have two 1’11 be off elbow problems for the last satisfied. Antone, he wants a drum roll. two years, and two very im- by KELLEY ALESSI Senior co-captain Janice West - Iowa (27-4) - They have the most depth of any team pressive freshmen, Chris Blood is seeded 6th in the in the country, and super talent, playing nine quality players. It LaMothe and Kerry Callahan. After a third place team 400m run. For the second timt has taken only near-perfect efforts to defeat the Hawkeyes. After Coach Casey feels that the staff inish in the ECAC Champion- in her career Blood will have surviving the Big Ten they should cruise through the relatively has looked strong in the indoor hip Meet this past weekend, an opportunity to make All- weak West. workouts and hopes for a pro- ‘ive members of Tufts American. “I’m totally psych- Midwest - Indiana (24-4) - The best balance of any team, ductive trip. “If we can get Women’s Indoor Track team ed,” exclaimed Blood. “1 with an awesome starting five. They stay home in Indianapolis Some good games out of will be competing in the na- didn’t expect to make it.” and will not be denied. Alford did not stay four years to be shut Munroe with the rest of our ionals. The top runners, Rounding out the fabulou5 out. Bobby Knight is the subject of the number one book in the staff, we’ll be contenders in the umpers, sprinters, and five are freshman Karon country and I believe he has the country’s number one team. GBL.” hrowers of Division I11 will all McCollin and Karen Pearce. East - Notre Dame (22-7) My pick to play the role of the Defensively, the Jumbos will ie traveling to Chicago for a McCollin will be competing in Hickory Hoosiers. Why? Well.. .why did L. S.U. make it last year, e in excellent shape. Return- weekend of stiff competition. the 55m. This past weekend ai Villanova two years ago, Virginia the year after Ralph Sampson ig from last year is an outfield In the 3000m, All- the ECACs McCollin captured left. They have had some major upsets during the year over North ihich Coach Casey describes 4mericans Nancy Benson and sixth place with her personal Carolina and DePaul, so why not. s ‘‘excellent all-around Katherine Tranbarger are best finish of 7.57. Pearce Southeast - Alabama (26-4) They emerged out of the SEC thletes.” Co-Captain Bob ;eede&6th and 7th respective- qualified for the high jump, battle as both regular season and postseason champs. They have uditore will return in left ly in the twelve runner field. where she also placed sixth at a major star in Derrick McKey, the 6’9” junior, and they have rith Sophomore Tim Rodgers Both distance runners had the ECACs. quietly climbed up the polls all year. Starting on their home turf I right and Senior All- qualified for the Nationals Each event has a field of 12, they’ll do it even with a Wimp for a coach. Jortheast and Jewish All- earlier in the season. This will and the top eight finishers will There you have it. ESPN is giving us no less than 20 hours ,merican Mike Altchek in be the second trip for Benson receive All-American awards. of coverage in a 24 hour period starting today at noon, enter. Altchek led the team in and Tranbarger to the nation- How does Blood think the and CBS is planning triple-headers on Saturday and Sunday so weral categories from his wide competition this season, Jumbos will do? “We are all you’ll get to see as much of the action as you can bear. By Sun- :ad-off spot last season, in- after having finished 15th and optimistic. Since all the times day there will only be 16 teams left and the smoke will begin to luding stolen bases and home 16th in the Cross- are so close even the last seed clear. uns. Sophomore Doug Zas Country finals during the fall. has a chance of winning.’’

c page six THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, March 12, 1987

The .Tufts-DailyWinter Season MVP Awards

powerhouse, Trinity College. trated mainly on the freestyle this year. Women’s Basketball - ken’s 2.5 points-per-game average Schack had his best success at the Men’s Basketball was the tops in the ECAC North and beginning of the season. He started off Darrell Brunson South division. the season by winning both the 50 yard Pretty impressive, but the story and 100 yard freestyles in a close win . 0-5. That just about says it all. doesn’t end there. The 5’9”, 155 pound over the tough Southern Connecticut In five games this season, the Men’s Leven earned honors as ECAC player team. He was then iust nudged out im Basketball team was without the ser- of the week’ as well as being named vices of senior guard-forward Darrell Most Valuable Player of the MIT tour- Brunson. And all five times the team nament, in which the Jumbos won for lost. On a team that went 14-4 in its the first time. In addition, Leven had division with him in the lineup, that bace-to:back five point games going sounds pretty valuable to me. 4-1-5 against tough Playmouth State The 6’2” co-captain from Bronx, and 1-4-5 against Suffolk.

~ NY, whose knee injury proved to be the And, like the Great One, Leven’s subject of much late-season discussion, desire to win and‘style of play over- truly proved his worth to the program shadow his many personal this season. As a scorer (almost 11 achievements. As Tufts captain Steve Lord said, “Jon wants to win more than anybody. . He is such an intelligent player and handles the puck so well ...You just don’t find anybody with his kind of skills in the Division I11 level.” Jon Leven is in a class by himself.. .just like that other guy, who happens to be the Tufts junior’s favorite Drumroll, please.. .finishing in the player. I wonder why. 5-3-1 Awards with a season total of 64 points was senior co-captain Linda Amoroso. As a result Amoroso has been both of these events, when Tufts swam selected as the MVP for the NIAC against the Division I team from Champion Women’s Basketball team. UMass, and had to settle for second. He Amoroso,has been a four-year starter for came right back, however, and won the the Jumbos and did not miss a game 50-yard and 100-yard freestyles in the throughout her career. This season she win over Bowdoin. kd the squad in scoring with 346 Schack did meet with some disap- points, which gave Amoroso enough pointment in the New England Cham- points to move into. second place in pionships, in which Tufts finished Career Scoring with a total of 1,800 seventh. He missed qualifying for the points. Nationals for the third straight year by In addidtion, the co-captain led just two hundreths of a second. leader, Brunson truly came into his own Tufts’ hoopsters in rebounding averag- Although he was disappointed, he put this season. His remarkable ability to ing 10.2 per game. Amoroso was the the team ahead of himself and did not come through offensively in the clutch Jumbos top rebounder in 15 of the let himself get down. With still a lot of and to generate his offense even when teams 22 games, with a season high of competition left, Schack did not want the Jumbo setup had broken down 20 during Tufts’ victory over Pine to hurt the team. testify to his immeasurable worth to the Manor. The forward also led the team Schack proved to be a winner as well team. in steals after accumulating 44 this year. a team leader. He contributed greatly And his defense? Come on... Ever Not only did Amoroso lead teh Jum- to the success of the team and is deserv- since Rod Baker arrived at Tufts four bos in statistics, but she was also in- ed winner of this years Tufts Men’s years ago, defense has been the intend- valuable to the yung team with the M.V.P. ed hallmark of Jumbo teams. And leadership she provided. “Linda got Men’s Swimming perhaps no one player symbolizes that the team psyched for games. She was Women’s Swimming radical change in the traditional mind- a good talker on the floor. She hustled Kevin Schack set of basketball than so much the other players picked up on Ann McCann Darrell Bninson. His 77 steals this year it,” praised Coach Sharon Dawley. Senior Kevin Schack’s 1986-87 swim broke his own smgle-season record (he’s Amoroso’s fmal season was also the season was another impressive cam- Talk to Ann McCann about also third on the list), and his non- finest that the Women’s Basketball pro- paign. In the final year at Tufts, the co- swimming- quantifiable defensive efforts have been gram has ever seen. The Jumbos set captain and two time All-American was and you come out with the impression nothing short of superhuman all precedents with both their 19 victories an integral part of the newly, teaq that she is an “okay’’ swimmer on an season, especially in the Upsala tourna- and winning the NIACs. oriented Tufts Men’s Swim team that awesome team. For McCann’s modes- ment, in which Brunson was named the compiled an 8-1 record. Scbck achiev- ty stand out almost as much as her in- MVP after the Jumbos’ phenomenal Hockey ed success and aided the team both in credible feats in the pool. victory over nationally-ranked Widener. and out of the pool. However, since the Tufts top per- As a leader, he has led by example, Ton Leven Outside the pool, along with fellow former from Winchester, Massachusetts not by making inspirational speeches to co-captain Charles Donahue and coach won’t talk, let the record, or, mofe ac- his teammates. In fact, most of the in- It seems almost impossible to compare Don Megerle, Schack helped put curately, records speak for themselves. spirational speeches about Darrell come anybody to the great Wayne Gretzky. together a positive winning attitude, In her three years at Tufts, McCann from his teammates, who insisted all However, what Wayne Gretzky is to the and the team came together as a result. has set eight new individual Tufts year that “without Darrell, we’re a Edmonton Oilers, Jon Leven is to the “It’s the closest I’ve been to an entire school records, as well as being a part much worse basketball team.” . team.’’ Said Schack, “Everyone was of two school record relay teams. . But they didn’t really need to say And, if the above analogy appears to behind each other.” Schack’s example McCann holds the mark in the 500, that. The numbers speak for be a little steep, consider the following: of hard work, leadership and teamwork 1000, 1650 freestyle, the 200 butterfly, themselves. - Leven led the team in goals, assists was an influential cause of this new 100 and 200 breaststroke, and the 200 and points, (23, 33-56), doubling the attitude. and 400 Individual Medley. And, in ad- And even in defeat in the playoff totals of Tufts next leading scorer. In the pool, Schack let his swimm- dition, McCann was a member of the . game at Amherst, Brunson showed - The Tufts junior scored at least a ing set an example for the younger 400 and 800 freestyle relay teams. what it is that those numbers say - point in every contest except the Jum- swimmers. He is an excellent sprint Besides all her Tufts records, the without him, they were just an average bos’ 12-0 loss undefeated freestylist and butterflyer, but concen- Tufts junior has been a three time All- team this year. to Thursdav. March 12. 1987 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven

The Tufts Daily Winter Season MVP Awards

school record. time in her college career, where she is highlights include a win in the Tufts In the 400 meter run, Bennett ran seeded 8th in the 400m. Turkey Bowl in the beginning of the another personal best time of :5 1.96 at Smith-King summed up Blood’s season and an invitation to represent the the New England Division I Cham- career in a few simple words. “She’s the United States in Brazil this summer. pionships. In Bennett’s final event, the type of person who can’t be replaced.” distance medley relay, he managed to run another personal best time of :49.7 Men’s Squash Women’s Squash (quarter mile). This took place in the - Division I11 championship. . Cindy Davenport Though Bennett missed qualifying Rustv Hashim for the National Championships, he has In measuring the value of a performer been the outstanding member of the on a sports team, one cannot always team. Upon receiving the award, the look at statistics and and success as the surprised Bennett seemed to think of proper indicator. In no case is this fact others as more deserving. But that’s his more true than with the Women’s greatest contribution: his team spirit. Squash team, where senior Cindy Davenport proved incredibly valuable, despite a seemingly poor 2-10 record. , Women’s Track As captain in both her junior and American and has qualified for the New‘ Janice Blood senior years, Davenport has been an ex- Englands in each of her three seasons, emplary performer and determined winning at least one event at each Leading the pack. That is exactly leader for the Jumbo Women’s Squash Championship meet. what senior co-captain Janice Blood has team. Though the Jumbos hav finish- This year, as the backbone of the done for the Women’s Indoor Track ed with losing records in both of these seasons, Davenport has been a major Jumbos’ undefeated 9-0-1 New team this past season Not only is Blood part of the tremendous spirit and uni- England Championship team, McCann the top Jumbo scorer, but she provides was an all around performer, swimm- leadership through example for the ty that characterizes the Jumbo team. As Seniro Linne Kimball noted, ing in eight different events for the team young squad. “Cindy has done so much for the team over the course of the season. She “NOwords can describe what Janice in four years. I think that she has done finished seventh at the New Englands, has done for the program,” praised winning the 400 IM and placing in the a dynamite job as captain, she really got top five in the three other individual this team together.” events she swam. McCann will also be It seems almost beyond belief that a In her four seasons on the team, one of the seven Tufts swimmers com- school like tiny Tufts University could Davenport has played in the one, two, peting at Nationals in Canton, Ohio this have one of the top performers in the or three positions exclusively, and thus . weekend. country in a given sport. However, such has faced the top performers-that the Just an “okay” swimmer on’ an is the case in the sport of Men’s Squash, competition has to offer. Considering awesome team. as junior Rusty Hashim has establish- the top level of competition that Tufts ed himself as one of the top collegiate faces (Dartmouth, Brown, and performers at any level in America. Williams) this is no small feat. Men’s Track As the Jumbos’ number one seeded And, though some might be player this season, Hashim went 11-2 discouraged by the often incredible John Bennett and earned first team All American odds against her, Davenport simply honors for the second straight season. states, “I played three years in high There was little doubt thatthe power- Hashim’s only losses came at the hands school and four years here, and I just ful captain, John Bennett was the most of his self-professed nemisis, Durias love to play the game.’’ valuable runner for the men’s indoor Perdoll of Harvard, .and to Navy’s John The Tufts captain continued, “If I track team this year. Aside from his col- Springer. had a dollar for every match I lost, I’d L lecting key points in close meets, the Despite his incredible won-lost mark be very rich ...” However, if wins and junior is the spiritual leader of a very and All American status, it seems ironic losses were somehow awarded for spirit, uplifted (1 1 wins, 3 losses) track team. that Hashim’s top performance and heart, and determination, Cindy Bennett runs the 400 meter, the 500 most memorable match of the vear was Davenport would be very poor. meter, and the distance medley. After a loss which occurred two weeks ago at- some prompting, Bennett replied, “I coach Branwen Smith-King. “In some the Intercollegiate Champion-ships. have achieved all of my goals for the meets she runs four races. She is a real Playing agianst the undisputed top season.” In the ECAC championships, team person and has been a major force collegiate player in the nation, Bennett ran his personal best time of in our undefeated streak.’’ Princeton’s Jeff Stanley, Hashim battl- 1:07.05 in the 500 meter run, a new Blood competes in the 400m, 200m, ed Stanley to a five game tiebreaker. In long jump, triple jump, and usually the what Hashim referred to as “the most 4 X 200 relay, which not only illustrates intense match I have ever played,” the her versatility but the personal sacrifice two. squash heavyweights took turns that she often made for the benefit of mounting unbelieveable comebacks the team. against one another. Down 14-12 in the Throughout her past four years at fourth game and down 2-1 in games, Tufts, Blood has received nuperous Hashim fought off four match points awards. They include: All-ECAC In- agianst him to force a fifth and final door Track ’84, ’85, All-ECAC Out- game. F door Track ‘84, ‘85, ‘86, All-New In the fifth, however, Stanley made England Indoor Track ‘84, ‘85, ‘86, an even more spectacular comeback. All-NESCAC Outdoor Track ‘85, ‘86. After Hashim was up 14-7, the In addition Blood was the 1985 Greater Princeton champion fought off seven Boston triple jump champion as well as match points before somehow defeating NESCAC 1985 Triple Jump Champion, the upset-minded Hashim. and the 1986 400-meter relay champ. Among Hashim’s many other squash Currently Blood holds the Tufts record for the triple jump (35’2’’). She is also a member of four school record The Tufts Daily MVP Awards are selected independently by the Sports staff of relay teams (800, 880, 1600, mile). the Daily and honor the individuals who contributed the most to the their team’ This weekend Blood be success this season. Photos for this section we% taken by Adam Lesser, Chris Stevens, peting in the Nationls for the second and Waldek WaJszczuk. page eight THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, March 12, 1987 n

- Women’s Squash - Season In Review by LENNY SALTZMAN So what was it about pis prior. team that made them such a And, on the day when Tufts As the season was coming to special group of dediated defeated Smith, the Jumbos an end for th 5-8 Tu,fts individuals? almost pulled off a minor Women’s Sqmsh team, there The Jumbos were a team miracle before losing 6-3 to seemed to be an interesting that realked what it was up Amherst. In-losing to the paradox between the results of against before the season even highly ranked Lord Jeffs, the season and the spirit of hte began. In a sport where there Tufts lost three 3-2 matches. -coaches and players. Certain- is no luxury of facing teams Had the Jumbos won those ly any team would consider 5-8 predominantly in your skill games or even two of the three, a disappointment, yet the level, such as in most Division they would have walked off the Jumbos seemed to be a content I11 sports, Tufts found itself up courts with an amazing and positive unit. against teams like l-rinity, the victory. So why was this team happy number, two team in the na- As if that was not impressive about the season’s results? tion, Brown, the number five enough, two of the three 3-2 Listen to them, and one quick- team, and Dartmouth, numver deficits came at eight and nine ly understands. seven. with two players who were Said Coach Summer, “To a But when it really counted, substituting for regular players person they put everything in- when the Jumbos had a chance on the ladder. to it that they could. And they to prove what a solid group of But for most of the players, SeaSon as a senior. compiled - the Jumbos’ best . just kept getting better and competitors they were against the season’s biggest highlight At three, Alyssa kose had a record in one semester of play, better.. .” comparable competition, Tufts came at this year’s Howe Cup fine senior season highlighted 7-0. And said Lime Kimball of came through in stunning at Yale. The Jumbos played in by a perfect 5-0 record at the And at nine, Sophomore the Jumbos, “It was a great fashion. the third divisional ranking Howe Cup. Laura Levenstein played well group of kids.‘People got along Highlighting the season for against- comparable competi- all year, compiling a 7-5 well, and we did not put Tufts were big wins over Har- tion, and finished second to Marie Kwek played at four record. pressure on ourselves.” vard JV and Smith, a close loss Wellesley College in the for Tufts and compiled a 7-6 Commented Senior Alyssa at the hands of powerful standings. record, including some big Also playing a significant Rose, “Our schedule was so Amherst, 6-3, and a second Individually, Tufts was led wins over tough competition. part during times of sickness difficult, yet we played up to place finish at the Howe Cup. by several fine performances Senior Sarah Baird perform- or player shortages were Lisa our potential in just about all In defeating Harvard JV, over the course of the season. ed at five for Tufts for most of Bercu, Erika Kerner, and Suzy of our matches.” 5-4, Tufts was successful At number one, Davenport the season, and Kim Rance Youngentob.

And, finally, Tufts Captain against a squad they had never faced tough competition all se- played six. 0 Though Tufts will be losing Cindy Davenport said, “It beaten before. saon, but was an inspiration to five players to graduation, the (our record) has to be kept in Against Smith, Tufts the team .despite a less-than- At Seven and eight, ,Tufts team sports much youth, and its proper perspective. dominatkd from top to bottom, impressive bin-loss mark. was led‘. by Kimbdl, who will be aided by the return of Everyone wins and everyone winning 8-1. This match At two, Diane Wisniewski seemed to be involved in the Anouk Reichenstien who was loses, but this team always avenged a disappointing loss at played exceptionally all season majority of the Jumbos 3-2 away for the second semester stuck it OUL!’ ..-- ._. -. ~ 1he-b~ just one.ureek - and should be a. force next. matches,andFreya Read, wbal in Europe. I --“ ~ - .

Don‘t miss the season reviews iftwo - ~

I) of Tufts’ biggest- winter sports.- Men’s

E g Hoop and Hockey - tomorrow in the I Call Senate Offices Daily. Where sports comes to life. -- I AHEAD! for hours I AN I Sprang Break Special - 12 visits/ $36.00 -I I II upon presentation of this coupon (one coupon per customer)

$1 SUNFIT OF- 5.Bay State Rd. Fresh Pond- Rotary I 547-6444 I 381-3646 ’ ]I CAMBRIDGE I I Call ahead for an appointment! - MC/VISA accepted. EXPIRES 3/31 /87 Thursday, March 12, 1987 THE TUFTS DAILY Page nine I,

Bono! L’Osteria

The Anitpasto for Two None of the food we sampl- ($5.25) is rather more like a ed was very spicy, but the good a large salad with tuna, very quality and cmful preparation strong cheese, artichoke, hot is unmissable. The veal is peppers, salami-like meats, tender, soft and lean. The and olives. An oil and shrimps, jumbo-sized and vinaigrette-type dressing in- white, and the boneless breast tertwines these tastes. If you of chicken in Chickan Alla make pasta your main dish, Parmigiana ($9.95) is a antipasti seems the way to go. tremendous, juicy, tender It is refreshing. piece. Lightly breaded and smothered in mozarella and L‘osteria Restaurant The service is friendly and tomato sauce, this dish is serv- 109 Salem Street willing to help you decide Veal Marsala ($10.50) is ed appropriately in i s classic Boston-North End those little questions like highly recommendable. Four style. 723-7847 whether you should order red juicy wine-soaked medallions or white clam sauce. Before of veal are smothered in just- This L‘Osteria’s Waiking the lantern-lit win- ordering from the extensive soft sliced mushrooms. The is form: ding streets of the North End menu, you may want to check marsala (wine) sauce is so ad- classic yet comfortable. Rare- around dusk “ew if they have anything “off’ the dictive you may even soak -looking fresh-cut flowers, hot may evoke pepper, and Parmesan dress pangs.’ Taking in some of the menu. Gnocchi (a pasta-type some bread in it to get every every red-clothed table. But, smells from the many dish popular in Northern Ita- last drop. Who needed butter? no candle light means couples restaurants and ba.keries scat- ly and rare among Italian pasta or salad and accom- and groups are all comfortable tered in the area is sure to restaruants in the US.), for ex- panied by fresh Italian bread. here. paintings adorn the evoke hunger pangs. If you ample, is sometimes available. The Schrimp Scami (1 1.95) Oil walls, but most of your atten- have a taste for Italy or not, So you know this is a home- has a different twist to it that The burgundy awning in tion will probably be drawn to L‘Osteria restaruant in the style kitchen where the selec- some may like, some may not. front helps newcomers to find heart of the North End may tion is still “pot-luck” to some An unmistakable lemon twist the swinging kitchen door as 109 Salem Street. Once the inspire one. extent. in the butter sauce replaces you anticipate the works of the door is opened, the aroma is what it typically a potent Italian master- likely to pull -you in. Constant Red clam sauce over garlic-butter sauce. There are chef for the evening. chatter, soft music and soft L‘Osteria is one of the glass hgUine ($7.50) makes a fine gestures also welcoming store front-kitchen in rear, no bread crumbs in this scam- are start. A portion is easily split, pi either. The five jumbo Wine, beer, cappuccino, signs. L’O&ria may just make small restaurant varieties. The which rivals any anitpasto. shrimps are fresh and delicious espresso, cannoli, home-made a reputation for itself pulling food is good (bono), moderate- Loads clams but the sauce of but without the bang of garlic cheesecake,. .. all are served. “euro-hearts” - passers ly (to high) prid, and just could have been more severe. through and old-time North what you would expect. Real- this dish may be a Everything you would expect. The linguini is perfectly al disappointment. End residents off the streets. ly nothing more or less. dente. All entrees are served with

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS WHO PICKED UP RA APPLICATIONS AT THE DEAN OF STUDENTS OFFICE PLEASE NOTE I DEADLINE: Completed applications are due by Monday, March 23rd (the day after sprins fh.ealc). INTERVIEWS: AU applicants must be sun? to stop in the Dean of students’ Office after 12:OO noon OR Wednesday, March 25 to check the bulletin board for fuFther details on the selection pmcess.

ELIGIBILITY: Any Wentwho wiU be OR the Medford Campus all year in 1987-1988 may apply. Those who applied in the reguzur search process this year and did not get a position should not re-appiy now unless they feel that there was a proceduml pmblem with their participation in the selection Please don‘t re-apply if you simply disagree with the outcome. Any I candidate re-submitting must submit a ZetZer explaining the proceduml complaint (yac need not re-submit the actual applicatid.

HOUSING: Housing assignments for RAs already appointed will be made prior to the completim of this selection process. Those hired I subsequently will fill in remaining openings on the staff. LRA APPLICANTS: IF YOU HAVEN ‘T COMPLETED A HOUSING LICENSE, PLEASE DO SO!!! page ten THE TUFTS DAILY Thursday, March. 12,. 1987...

MEETING-~ continued from page 1 Mayer could not be reached tee chairperson Christine cedure is often required on decision, and were expected to - Freshman senator Billy for comment yesterday. Romero introduced the motion ““tricky issues,” and said that meet with Colcord yesterday to Jacobsen said Tuesday that he Responding to criticism to implement the full-time re- at Monday’s meeting on part- discuss the issue. sensed Mayer “knew how he about the reluctance to call on quirement for the Class of time study, “the trickiness Hahn noted that she expects wanted the vote to turn out, senators, who Jacobsen said 1990, following the defeat of rapidly became apparent.” the rest of the’ Senate to sup and he directed the meeting had their hands raised for over Peter-Paul’s recommendation Milburn said that when the port the efforts of the that way.” one-half hour, Colcord said, that the policy be im- meeting was underway, Mayer freshman senators. Senate President Jeff Gam “This is a faculty meeting, not plemented for the Class of sensed the need for adherence spoke early in the meeting in a Senate meeting.” He later 1988. to parliamentary procedure, She also said she feels the opposition to the elimination added that never have there He said the motion was im- and “rapidly changed gears.” outcome of Monday’s vote of part-time study and early been “200 faculty members at mediately ‘‘called to question’’ Milburn also said that he might have turned out dif- graduation, following com- a Senate meeting.” by Mayer, a violation of “didn’t see anything to get ferently had the meeting been ments from a student member Senate Education Commit- parliamentary procedure particularly upset about,” in run in a more orderly manner. of the Educational Policy tee chairperson Alex Schwartz which also prevented any terms of parliamentary pro- ‘‘A lot of things would have Committee (EPC), who submitted a letter to the Editor debate on the motion. cedure violations, other than been discussed,” she said. presented the committee’s today in which he criticized Professor of Physics Richard one or two minor instances. recommendations. the desicion to eliminate part- Milburn, who serves as one of He said he was sympathetic She added that it was “in- Jacobsen said he approach- time study. the faculty’s parliamentarians ‘ to the student representatives credible” that the faculty ap- ed Mayer after the meeting to In addition, Schwartz wrote during Arts and Sciences who didn’t speak at the proved a four or five credit per ask why the senators had been in his letter, “I had a feeling meetings, said last night that meeting, adding, however, that semester requirement without ignored, and the president that this discussion would go “faculty meetings tend to be “it isn’t perfectly clear that the even debating it, noting that acknowledged that he had in- one way when President Mayer informal as much as possible, faculty as a whole, would have several times during the tentionally ignored them, ex- chose to chair the meeting and that usually works pretty wanted to hear them.” meeting there was con- plaining that Ganz’s address to himself.” well.” Hahn said that all seven siderable confusion among the faculty represented student Jacobsen noted one instance He noted, however, that a Class of 1990 senators were faculty as to what was actually oninion on the issue. in which Peter-Paul Commit- more rigid parliamentary pro- “furious” with the faculty’s , being voted on. BASEBALL continued from page 5 runs.” Casey feels, “So we behind the plate include two games in 10 days, all of the pit- - close games this season. season, after converting from won’t take ourselves out of ball freshmen, .Tim Denver and chers should get a test and help In looking at the experience pitcher to the hot corner on games.” Mike Kratochwill. Both have prepare the team for the season up and down the lineup and last year’s trip. Behind the plate will be last looked excellent behind the opener in the GBL when they the strong young talent which At second, Grenier also pro- season’s leading hitter as a plate and should see action this return. has arrived this year, the pros- vided a strong glove and led in freshman, Doug O’Neil. After year in some role. As always, the league looks pects for the 1987 Baseball GBL in hitting for a good part his All-New England season very competitive with Nor- team seem bright. With pit- of last season. The supporting last year, O’Neil hopes to im- The trip south will include theastern, Harvard, and ching as a key, Coach Casey cast in the infield will include prove on his defense this year match ups against tough Divi- Brandeis leading the way. The and his assistants, Dave Mike Theodore, who has look- and continue his pace at the sion I schools such as Jumbos lost six one-run games Wilbur and Bill Carroll, hope ed extremely impressive at the plate. “I feel the biggest thing Georgetown, Navy, and last year en route to their for some good baseball and a plate in the early workouts, I gained from last season is Delaware and also some of the respectable 6-14 record and chance to be competitive in the Doug Rivard, Matt Guanci, confidence. I know I can han- most powerful Division I11 . hope that the increased depth GBL in 1987. ’ this season will provide’the LaMothe, and Tim Glowik. dle the pitching at the college schools including Upsala and F “We won’t give away too many level,” O’Neil stated. Backups Johns Hopskins. With 11 needced edge in many of those HATRED- continued from page 3 The kind that just say “this is Klan film and the 20120 piece, not restricted to the campus, if anywhere, we are Such passion could be no the way it is. It is. It’s truth.” audience members at the lec- uneducated and the,extreme. prepared to “continue the more prominent than in the Children at the Klan camps ture began to come to a con- We live with it every day, - dialogue” necesary to prevent paranoid militancy of the Ku ak informed that much of sensual agreement that pro- blacks with racism, gays with any more slippage into the Klux Klan on which Darsa what their elementary school blems lie in the lack of convic- homophobia, Jews with anti- apathetic prejudice that has also had material. Preceding a teachers tell them are outright tion in all of us to confront the semitism, and Darsa paid come to concern so many discussion on how, in many “lies.” A child who was asked prejudice born of non-thought special attention to the idea Americans of late. c respects, it is not just a simple, to simply state the goals of the or just plain inactivity. Racial that perhaps it is the subtle, stupid hate that this society is Man replied easily, “white jokes, prejudicial dogma, and do-nothing-when-you-could- The “seeds’? of hatred are dealing with respect to the supremacy. Vietnamese, Nig- ethnic tirades are all surficial have (i.e. call someone on a planted while we’re young. We Klan and other hate organiza- gers, Jews,” - the boy singl- manifestations of a festering racial joke they need not have carry them with us and they tions in the country, Darsa ed all such groups out as hatred that none of us want to told) attitude on prejudice that are fertilized and cultivated in showed a film short entitled challenges that are to be met confront in ourselves, and so must be combatted through a million different fields of “The Klan Youth Corps.” In with matter-of-fact hatred and many of us forget to confront educating each other on the socialization. As the events on the film, cameras went to the opposition. in others. It’s there; we all background and perspectives this campus have indicated Klan youth camps and inter- Perhaps most chilling was the know it, but as Darsa em- amonst us all. recently, that recognition is at viewed grade school children same child’s shrug of the phasized throughout the even- least, casually, there. who are already being indoc- shoulders explanation of how ing it is crucial that all of us Darsa herself teaches a But as Darsa left her au- trinated into the Klan blacks are just not as in- remember to face prejudice course entitled “Facing dience thinking about, there ideology. There were simple telligent as whites are. “Well, rather than scoff at it. History and Ourselves” are a million different ways to questions and simple answers. they’re always running around .*** through the Experimental Col- ignore it. It’s time for Tufts in school and trying to put Interestingly enough, the over- lege. Next to be taught in the University and time for their arms around the white riding imperative running spring of ’87, her course deals America to work against ig- girls - trying to mix the races through the Observer article precisely with the kind of norance. This, of course, has - ound trt( and that’s not intelligent.’’ that Ian Kremer cites as the cross-ethic education we need been said a million times The dogma is complete when prime motivation for the alleg- and gives attention to the before. But as all who left r~wtinga he answers the follow up, “so, ed attack against him is the hatred around us that we can Cabot last night must have r ’LUXEMBURG $298 do you hate them?” with an assertion that on the Tufts so easily dismiss as some sort been thinking in some form or LONDON 370 adult’s nonchalance, a “yeah,” campus racism and prejudice of craziness limited to the nazis another, there are a million HONGKONG 764 and a soft, youthful chuckle are “alive and well’’ precisely and World War 11. On this more to go. ST.THOMAS 269 which asked back “yeah, well, because most of us fail to face why not?” the prejudice in ourselves. CARACAS 321 *** PARADOX Alrq EURAIL PASSES, INT‘L Darsa was attentive to the re- STUOENT R).WdAK/STUDY This kind of thinking was the cent campus outcry over such continued from page 2 tired of my liberal education ABROAO.AYHCAROS~LOW point of yesterday evening. It’s a subtle acceptance of racism other universities come to being sacrificed with restric- DOMESTIC FARES and maw! CALL for non-thinking, and, as the and further pointed out that it Tufts for a special semester tive policy that is being FREE Studen(! otherwise unobjectable has been her experience within program in popular Tufts pro- shrouded in educational [61 I]497-1497 children of the Klan film bring the education community all grams like Biology, Political rhetoric while the inner core is home, it’s so easy to slip into. across the United States that Science or Economics? Other purely monetary. COUNCIL TRAVEL For all of us. racial, ethnic, religious, alternatives must be examined. IARVARDSQ. cAMBRIx;E In the interim between the whatever kind of prejudice, is As an undergraduate, I am Alex Schwartz ‘89 Thursday, March 12, 1987 page eleven THE TUFTS DAILY __

AWARD \ continued from page 1 he described as helping the as the president of the Arab represents a cross-section of were the tollowing seniors: ed, but not overwhelmed, Muslim community at Tufts to Student Association, and a the campus. “The CSL is wise Michael Pellecchia, Raymond when I won.” prevent themselves from being member of the Third World to get as many people as it can Quartararo, Douglas Thomp- Expressing happiness, he alienated. The campus Coalition. in the decision-making pro- son, Wendy Thurm, and Elisa added that he felt a “deep organization, he added, “helps Zarroug commended Direc- cess,” he said. Vega. sense” of satisfaction that his Tufts students know more tor of Student Activities Kathy “I think all of the finalists They were required to give activities over the past four about the increasing impor- Baker, CSL Chairperson were of high quality,” he - a three to five minute prepared years had been recognized and tance of Islam in the world Daniel Brown, and members added. speech, and answer two unan- rewarded. today.” of the CSL for their handling In addition to Zarroug, the nounced questions prepared Zarroug is involved with the He is also president of the “of such a delicate issue.” six finalists, narrowed down by a CSL subcommittee.

Tufts Islamic Societv.<, which Mid-East Study Group, as well He noted the committee from a field of 19 candidates, SEA continued from page 2 the peaceful face of the Bud- More than anything else, ning chanting ritual? Or as I . around the world whose caves themselves. I had no tex- dha and tried to understand. however, I grew both intellec- studied Islamic Art in Art humanity would teach me tbook to reassure me that I was And gradually I realized why tually and emotionally from History that in a few days, in more about emotions than the making the properly pensive we had read Hesse’s “Siddhar- the spontaneous, unexpected a Muslim palace in Turkey, I most rigorous psychology generalizations, no illustra- tha” and what he meant when encounters I had in port. How would converse in French with course imaginable? tions with pertinent sections he described an enlightened could I have known as I listen- an African Muslim about the I hope that I am no the last pointed out, no brilliant in- yet sorrowful man. I wrote a ed to Buddhist chants that a Qu’ranic inscriptions carved Tufts student who will be able sights of art historians to guide paper with my on theories on week later I would be wander- into the walls? And most im- to ask herself these questions. me, only my eyes, my mind, the painting and on enlighten- ing through the mountains of portantly, how could I have and the painting in front of ment and I knew I believed Taiwan and would stumble known before I went on Marie Favorini J ‘90 me, quietly demanding to be them because I had seen the upon a Buddhist nunnery, and Semester at Sea, that I would thought about. So I looked at painting myself. participate in the nuns’ mor- meet hundreds of peole

POLICE-- continued from page 1 ing beer from one side of the by Tufts Police last June for burgularized a 14 Sawyer Were Unlocked. Way student working at the Pub to the other, according to burglary, two Counts of inde- Avenue resident last July 21, In addition, a Cambridge McPhie Pub reported that a Flaherty. cent assault and battery, and and “indecently assaulted” yoyth, arrested in Miller Hall student “kicked me in the The smdent was transported assault and battery on a police two female residents. on February 3 for soliciting right knee” after she shouted to Health Services for treat- officer - was found guilty in A series of thefts of cash and contributions in a charity and grabbed him while at- ment of a swelling bruise, the Cambridge Superior Court. personal articles valued at scam, Was found guilty in tempting to stop the individual police report said. He was sentenced to six to ‘“SeVeraLthousandsof dollad’ juvenile session of Somervik who was carrying two bottles In other police action, eight years at Ceder Junction have occurred in Houston Hall District Court. He was of beer. Flaherty stated that Roberr W. State Prison at Walpole, he over the past couple of weeks, sentenced to six .months pro- She is responsible for Canton, of 50 Gordon St., added. Flaherty said. In all of the bation, Flaherty stated. preventing people from bring- Sornerville- who was arrested Canton broke into and cases, he added, room doors

CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDS CLASSIFIEDSLOST: gold rope chain with Roommate(s) Needed Notices Shoah, an oral history of the For Sale Housing 2 singles in beautiful 3-bdrm. INFANT CARE JOBS Come hear your local state ~~l~~~~~,be shown on MORTORCYCLE FOR jewish letter. If found, please apt. just bordering Tuftscam- Anlnfantgirlrequires Thurs- return to 211 Wren Hall. Or Represenative about the Tuesday and Wednesday, SALE, 1989 Honda cx5oa JUNIORS To BE, BE pus. Spacious kitchen, living day and Friday care in her call 666-1737 Hazardous waste problem CUStOm. Water-cooled, shaft- REALISTIC! If YOU think YOU March 24 and 25 at ASEAN dining room, porch, Medfod home, Child care is Thanks.#.- Massachusetts. Representative auditorium in Cabot. The driven. Very reliable, excellent can split a housing license for g2so,’ a month, no needed for a month old boy LOST! result of years of mearch by condition. Have two bikes, next year, you’re fooling kvaaable June through next in the afternoon ln G~-One Gold Bracelet Near Lewis /~&$&~;~~b;;~$ ~i~~~~~ Claude hnzmann,must sell one. Helmet includ- yourself. Beautiful apamnent . Hall. Reward if found. Call ~ar,call 628-2944.<,( bridee, Afternoon care 114 at 8:OOp.m. Shoah is a fh bringing ed. Spring is coming!! Buy available spring semester. for an adorable newborn in her 623-6392 together a full range of now!! $600/best offer. Large living room, dining Come to TERTULIA tonight witnesses: the who 623-5348 - keep trying.<,, room, eat-in kitchen, porch, SUMMER SUBLET Cambridge home. For these Services ss OFFERED! and many other Boston area at the Spanish House (125 served in hedeath camps; the For Sde: North Face Gore-Tex very close to campus. $225 Two Offered in a Child Care opponunities Ten&? Uptight? Overworked? Powder House) at 8:OO. Free Polish villagers who jacket - sue small - terrific plus util. Call Jack623-8352 or spacious apament 10 minutes Parentsina Pinch, 739-m~ food, fun, and Spanish! fields within yards of the jacket but too for me. In- Dave 776-5783, Summer Relax with an invigorating from Tufts. Three bedrooms, massage by an attentive CITIBANK will be conduc- crematoriums; Western credible piece ofoutdoor.gear sublet also available!l. two living rooms, kitchen and .- scholars ofthe Holocaust; and PIUS it looks gRat. quali- ting on-campus interviews the survivors themselves. The ty - lots of special features. I Apartments, Apartments, bathmom On-fwo floors. off- - Energetic Dougmasseur! 628-2326’. call Street parking, too! call to play with and care for my after Spring Break. Students fdm shows no foctage, paid $160.00 but I need a Apartments. 391-3982 evenings and ask for year Old ’On‘ Coup’e days ‘The 8w’oi,DJ and it is through the large jacket 2 I’d like to get 4,5,6, and 7 bedroom apaq- a week, in late afternoon. Oc- Laser Sound announces that ments avallable in good con&- Mark or Jon.,,.-%. fmtd:BANKING GROUP of themselves that the imagina- $90.00. It’’ casiod, other hours available. the best dance music for your tion recreates the u,erld Call Dave 395-2863.,,! Ition within 5 minutes to 1 hornin house available Call TOBIE 628-3732,. next party is still available at Campus, all with washers and Citibank should submit their describe,d in these words, Want to visit a friend in this unbeatable price (which resumes to the Career Plann- Shoah is free and open to the ITHACA, N.Y. (cornell dryers. $300 per bedroom, endKitchen, Of semester’ Library, Living and 3 room’Liberal Lost And Found includes all equipment.) Con- ing Center (Bolles House) Tufts , Univ:Ithaca College)? Take my June lst 1987. call housemates. 100 meters from tact Jim Coate at 623-9690 or before SPRING BREAK. discount round-trip ticket: for collect between 8pmDarin and Campus on Emery Street. Found: Medium-skd, female: ,489-0567., INTERNS NEEDED IM- YOU are invited to the Fri. Mar..13 - Sun., March 15. 1lPm. $225/month and shared collie-mix, mostly black with MEDIATELY FOR THE CHAPLAIN’S TABLE, Call Mitch at 424-4264.%,< 1-305-294-5885.’r utilities. ~lsogarage for rent brown patches on her face, bel- NEW ENGLAND EN- March 12, 1987 at FUTONS FOR SALE! BRIGHTON: summersublet $sO/month locked and secure. lY, and Paws. She has no iden- Lser-tFt~umes just$14. 5 P.m., in the MacPhie Con- tification. Found outside of Papers just $1.75/Page. All VI RONMENTAL (Direct from factory) - $390/~~,,includes pool, Ifinterested in either ,-all Craig Wren Hall a couple of days work is done on a Mac, and we CONFERENCE! ference Room. Full size 8” Cotton $85 parking, air conditioning, at 395-6009 ago. If this is your dog or you offer free on-campus delivery Senator Kennedy, Vermont Jewish Identity: Other sizes and styles dishwasher. Available June and :j A Personal Perspective want to adopt this gentle- with quick turn-around. Governor Kunin, and over 150 available. *Free delivery Call July. Call Jamie 782-4073.8I> speakers will give addresses SPEAKER: Wendy WOlfe, 628-6958 ~iyou living in a 4-5 person natured, personable, GENERIC Word Pmcessing and conduct Over 46 Hillel Program Director CONTINENTAL/N.Y. Ail M or F wanted to share lux. house this year?is it available domesticated dog, please call Service - 246-3700. Quality word processing at a Generic workshops on environmental kalscholarship available for Roundtrip voucher for sale, condo in Arlington, less than for next year? If you said yes 623-7042..,. issues to include nuclear those On Tufts meal Plan anywherein the u,s, (Florida, lo drive from Tufts. off to these questions - we want Found: set of keys on hlU up ?rice.’$ power, pesticides, hazardous Only by prior arrangement. California, etc.). Make an of. Street Parking, dishwasher, your house! Please call us im- from Metcalf. I think they may wastes, and international en- the office, fer! call 776-1710, late hardwood floors, mod kitchen, mediately - offered - have been sitting in the AUDIBLE SOUND COM- vironmental policy. Interns 281-3427. eve’s..8, $350 utilities in Karen 666-85 18 or Jen for quite some time. To claim, PANYprices in offers the Boston the LOWESTarea in car needed before and during the Student’s interested in digging FOR SALE: Must sell special 643-1705cluded. Call Christopher , 628-3562,<,< call Jay at 776-2910,,I. conference to Perform a varie- in Israel with a Harvard- flight leaving for L,A. Sat, ummer Sublet: F~~rent on capen A pair of white Heirling stereo, video, Stereo, tY Of duties in for ad- organized group may get more downhill ski boots (Women’s typewriters,tors. Check our and upcoming radar detec- ads mission to this conference at- 14th rem-g sat.21st, $200. Completely furnished Bedroom living rOOm kit- information from the Classics chen available now redone. ’lze 8, and a white ski tote in tended by over 1,000 en- Department. Call 381-3216 Or666-8706,,,2 best Offer. Call Angela at bedroom apartment available a red-and-black boot bag were for second Semester specials On for summer, 25,, included- $300 a bedroom. call owner vironmentalists. Please call or Tv removed from the study room new and used equipment. drop by the Lincoln Filene MARKETING.INTERNSHIP INFinancial SALES *Selling Spring 1 planeBreak ticket.* Boston Espresso’s.cable optional. $500 Located per mom behind for 628-8266 in the 210’s of Haskell H~I.If GET YOUR BEST PRICE, Center, 381-3451. you have any information, THEN CALL us! Having a Perspectives Planning Ser- to L.A. on Sat. March 14 and sumlllpr. Call Erik or Jeff Wanted Party? Let Provide the PAID INTERNSHIP. Cole vices, Inc., a group of L.A. to Boston on Sat., March 396-4634, please call Alicia at 625-5097, US Surveys, Inc. is seeking intern Looking for a summer job us. Reward. N~ questions ,sound! Small or large systems registered investment advisors 21. $200. or best offer. Call available. CALL 391-1988. with good analytical skills and is offering a paid internship in Angela 66-8706..,. SpACIOUS SUMMER ing French? Professor seek: asked ...-.. basic knowledge of accounting sales and marketing for in- SUBLET - You can’t miss remrch assistant who has LOST - Gold school ring with for position as data analyst. terested juniors and seniors. I n~~~~ tickets to Denver, it!! Practically on campus - 3 French 22 Or StU- blue Stone engraved on inside WORLD PREMIERE For more infomation, see F~~ information, see leaving Mom 3/17 returning Capen St., 2nd floor. 3 dent who has studied in Paris, with GFS ’83 CVJ cz.. -:* at SOUND Book no. 3 in Dean ~~~~i~’~Book no. 3 in D~~~~~~~i~’~ Sat 3/22. No Offer bedrooms, living rm,kitchen, for Summer job fO type 623-7092 - REWAR- The music you want to hear, at office office. refused. call Dave 776-3868 Or and den, completely furnish- Ren0ir.s letters in French. call To whomever took my leather a price you can afford. Call GOOD IDEAS? Cheng 625-3870 ed. Rent negotiable. Call Paul Bernard Pekala at Tufts Stu- jacket out of a 2nd floor mom HORNER at 628-9781. The Eperimental College an- SUMMER INTERNSHIP ‘TUFTS KING OF 666-1019 (leave message)- dentEmPloYmentat 381-3573 at Zeta Psi Friday night (3/6), Typing Services nounces the first annual Mar- SCHOOLS’ Tee-shirt. You’ve 1 really need the keys of Professional typing your IN LOS ANGELES t OW of shall Hochhauser Prize for a At N~ World TV general of. seen them, you want one. Get NEE the inside pocket - they’re of papers, theses, grad school ap- student who proposes the best yours before Spring Break. RooMATE’male Or Have YOU used a iladddl?If no use to you (honest). Call me fice Duties, Production ASST. guys’ ’Ping next plications, resumes, cover let. creative project designed to script reading, etc. F~~ info. 100 percent cotton, Pre- we have SO, We Want YOU for a study at 628-2522 or drop them at ters, tape transcription, enhance Tufts’ intellectual see vivhn in D~~~ ~~~~s~shrunk. Limited supply - year’cunis Ave Apt./Right by Friday afternoon. the Campus Center Info. reasonable rates. ~i~~ minutes dimate. Pick up application at office. $10. call Jim 623-0528 or Lee, Tufts/Reasonable rent/CalI Refmhments (& monetary booth. NO QUESTIONS from Tufts. 395-5921. Ask Ex College 625-3870., II Michae1/625-4949 Or retribution) M/F call now ASKED (I wouldn’t mind the for F~~,, ., 623-2489, 629-2260,$ iacket back either). Word Processing KELLEY ALESSI: Barbara E. Joanna C. JAX LAX- Julie (The Jules) OrenI- John S. Papers, Articles, Professional Just remember - ope you get better in time for Good luck in Virginia! To me you are a special blend Just wanted to say have a great Papers - Graduate/Faculty J‘Ooogie Bwah?” means Thanks for lunch yesterday. I’m sorry that I was so crazy. the beach. Have a super break. Jumbos rule the world-Ya! of Alpha Phi and special time sunning in the Bahamas. Projects Preferred. Near Tufts. “How much does this COSt?” It was the time of year and Love, Jennifer xoxo friend! As lid’ and big sisters - We can compare tan lines Available Weekends. Joan J‘Blooie Zwami?” means NOT the company. I actually Fans-in-Paris What a pair!! when we get back. Beware of beers 625-6191... “How do 1 get back to the - forgot what a great person you ALPHA PHI BAHAMA Here’s to the continued great ‘whatwill attract! those “legendary abs” TYPE-TECH WORD PRO- hotel?” are. Have a great break!! MAMAS - Happy Zlst Birthday Diane!! times we’ll share! CESSING SERVICE for all -“Mi Cooie Yoole?” means Have a blast the beach and Take care, Steve on I hope have a GREAT day Much Love, Love, Anne go Out tonight?” telI them that you are an Alpha you your typing/word processing and that you’re psyched for Your Big Sis Sherry needs. Theses, dissertations, ‘‘Blotto on Qwah?” meanS Phi Dennis H. tape transcript,on, resumes, “Where’s the nearest’bar?” Dave Frischling (did I spell Love, Jenn Dann tonight! No more hassles with that right?) - your I.D. This semester has Happy Birthday! (a bit early) It’s been two whole weeks now been exc;llent but the FUN is HMMERS- ATTENTION ALPHA PHI jhst beginning!! I’m glad we chatted last night, since we met - why does it PLEDGES: Pledging is seem like I’ve known you for 1 love youStephanie roomie! and I honestly don’t think YOU Seth, almost half over and initiation are evil!! longer? Too bad you can’t will be here before you know Bye-bye! I’ll miss you so Have a blast in Ft. Laud.! One hang out with your Metcalf it. We’ll miss next week Cara Appelbaum- much. Dinner was great, and you of these years I’ll get my bo+ friends this weekend. (No but have the most amazing Happy Zlst babe! Welcome to we have another dinner “date” Sigma Nu and NO punch!) the major leagues!! It’s time to ty down there! Monday night, the 23rd, oltay? Professional Nutritionist spring break ever. P.S. try and Be prepared for lots of AB- Have an excellent time over get some rest because YOU do some real celebrating. Have fun, and don’t forget io in treatment Of To the tall blonde in the Gott SOLUTE fun when you get eating disorders and weight Room Tuesday night,: break and I’ll see you and your won’t be sleeping much when Remember who loves you. get your hair cut (ha)! hair (or lack thereon when we back!! managment 2 anorexia you get baek!! A.K.A. Your partner in crime Love and Kisses, compulsiv~ You can blow out a candle, but return. and misery LQve w, bulimia, Love, Joanne and Anne Val SDS overeating, weight loss, weight put Out a fire. Are Love, gain. Back Bay, Boston, near ready? Your friend from 3-West - A “friend” BLOOM COUNTY bv Berke Breathed Copley Square. 262-711 Son& b I The Processed Word Kate- - Have a great vacation and get Professional Word Process- Happy Birthday!! a fantastic tan. Alles gutes zum ing/typing serving students geburtstag. and faculty. Services include: Thanks you guys - I feel so Love Waldek and Chris term papers, thew, resumes much better now. I’m almost list maintenance and tape sane. The midnight and Dear Love Muffin, transcription. Pick up and sccurity shift talks helped me Best of luck Monday; be sure delivery.Reasonablerates. For out - a lot. to show them how well you accurate and prompt ser- Love ya, Tina balance your check book! My vice.Cal1 Janice - P.S. 1’11 try to keep smiling! break will (literally) be fdled 395-0004 jl..l. with warm, sunny thoughts of Hey Bayiters!! THE AUDIO . you - see you 7ery soon. 1 can’t wait next year to CONNECTION! until Snookums We offer Boston’s lowest prices be living at 98 Pack. You peo- ple are the best!! And by the Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU to the Tufts Community on all MEGGERS - steeeo equipment including way, ho,w’s the washing Have fun on the other side of receivers, tape decks, CD machine Cara? I hope y’all the Mississippi, but players, loud speakers, have a great break. remember, when you come separates and more. Most See ya, Steve back, you’re gonna have the makes and models are BEST SIX WEEKS OF available. Spe‘cial deals on full Jonathan: YOUR LIFE!! systems adn discontinued pro- I hear that this is your first. I Love ya, SNOT ducts. TAPES NOW IN doubt it but that is not why I did it. CHEER UP!! You STOCK: MAXELL XLII’s My favorite Tufts Drug Client: $1.89 only. Denon HD-7’s deserve the best and no-matter Since the first rendevous sug- coming soon. Call Andy at what, you are not a bad per- gested in the Daily, I knew I 666-2845. THE AUDIO son. I love you anyway and owed you one. Though CONNECTION!..,. that is really all that counts. nothing can match it, it was Have a great Break! I’ll miss the start of a profitable part- you. nership. Yet this is no free- Rides Love always, Robin basing deal. I give you the wonder drugs - Pdlsbury, wind-ups, limo, giggles, and THE FAR SIDE snort($. The profits in return By GARY LARSON QUOTATION OF THE DAY are priceless - Lyle, roses, 1- steak dinner and charm($, “There’s no sense in getting a new cut every IO years or so *Ride needed* Love, best of all just you. Though Joan, Isabelle, Lih-An when you can have the same one for 50 or 60 years. ” Anytime between Friday- Tuesday’s transactions are Sunday this weekend to lawful, they’re a refreshing weekly break. My joint or -The veternarian who freeze-dried Mrs. Lewis’s run-over cat. yours. You think there are AM?!) Try not to have too other important “clients,” but 623-7242.-IS much fun before I eet there! you’re the only one I’m ad- I’m so happy ‘‘we’ie 5 days dicted to. .Miami may be Drug Fresca and Maienza Personals older than each other.” It’s haven but the essential Tc gonna be a hell of a party for Sue White, isn’t there. I will definitely Hey little sis! I.m so glad yet: us! Thanks for being the best miss the man in pink. Have joined the family, ~~j~~ the roomie I ever had and Happy “not too much” fun. N.Y. NEWS CROSSWORD PUZZLE rest of pledging, it’s the best Love, Love, The girl with reddish Brown ACROSS six weeks you’ll have at Tufts. Your Favorite Roomie 61 Auto.Song namename Remember that I’m always hair here for you, as a big sister and 10 Corner sign It.S Shrager,s *,st bir- MARK WOLFSON- a friend. 14 “Tempest” Love you, thday and rumor has it he’s Happy birthday! Hope it is split0 Rachel now a free man.. .So make his awesome. You are a super kid. 15 Tmk event 16 Hawaiian spring break dah wish him a Happy Birth- Have a super spring break. H~~~a Island pS, Love, 17 Ellington 0.0. and Beware the Green Stuff!! ~~~~a~~~~r~;ying!all of your friends(we didn’t 19 Russ. her want to leave anyone out) 20 Hindrance O?.I””.m*aahnU. 3-12 21 Tense play Jim - I want a doberman next Mew, 22 Ripped time, Okay! Sorry,sorry,sorry,sorry,sorry!! Tom of 3rd floor Bush “She’s lookln’ good. Vein!” 23 Big bird I’M SORRY!! What4 meant 2s spotted To: Joy, Melissa, Valerie, Kel- I hope that this personal, a few to say was that you’re one of 27 Takes back 32 the line y, Michelle, Dana, Stacey, dinners On and the human the very few truly nice guys we - %, Lisa, Kristy, and Julie, sacrifice of my firstborn will 33 “One Day - know. I know it came out com- Time” Who’s who? make up for my despicable pletely wrong and I apologize. 34 AmrWng China doU, buttercup, giggles, deed. Forgive me? I still want to THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME and Sodaka smurfette, pink lady, charity, The Queen of Blowoff by Henri Amold and Bcb lee 36 Moon’s course marry you-and I’ll even imn 8D-U 40 Chagell skleY ~~~~l~,cookepuss, l?S. Have a good vacation in Unscramble lhese four Jumbles, your shirts! onelettertoeachsquam,tofarm 42 Sink emptier sweet uea, blossom, and Sugar lhe ward. Love lour ordinary words. 44 Bump Plum. 45 Kilt ksture JOYS, one of your Metcalf stops 47 - Do- - Tell us after break (Have a Who did you get mono from? (the one with her foot in her 49 spot good one!) Now don’t pass it on to anyone mouth) 50 Sued. feature ‘From Cheryl, Jane, Katie, else! Get better soon. We all 52 SoUm vrinds 54 Kenyan Woks Susie, Rachel love you. 3rd Ftmr Hodgdon: 58 Ma Lupin0 Your sisters in AOII This is for you fabulous perfor- 59 Dry HEY SOFTBALLERS! 60 - epso mance Sat. AM for not one, 63 Mrs. Chatlea South Carolina is the place to Rachel Herman - but Two showings of fire be, best dang beaches you 67 TV‘s Anderson ever Surprise!! Here is the petsod alarms. Your efforts have no] ‘68 Baez 0.g. did see! With Pmts and Mush you’ve been waiting for, all 4 gone unnoticed. Next time: 70 Conluaed leading the way, at the mini- years of college! Now you can Awards for the best morning ‘71 Silkworm golf courses we will play. 72 Chutzpah graduate and say that someone dress! 73 Film’s Bruce Mario Andretti’shas no driv- loves you enought to send you - MLRA MACHlNE WAS. 74 Relax ing art, just wait ’till the Jum- one! Thanks for your help on 75 Lock of hair bos hit the go-carts! Big sal Pledge Ed, and we love you for Now arrange the circled lettersto and the Smith girls are going The Prodigal Son says, ‘‘Par- form the surprise answer, as sug DOWn everything!! gesM by the above carlmn 1 Keep - on down, ’cause in nerf football Cheryl, Jane, Katie, Susie ty with Alpha Sigma Phi (watch) they’re nothing but clowns! tonight!” 2 Caviar source And when play time is all 3 Rocking 41 mebc natlve N?- (Answers tomorrow Turner 43 Water WhWdb gone, there’s work to be done. Erica, 4 CPA’s book 46 Roofing stun 55 Rebelled ’ 62 Card game Have a Happy B-day and 1’11 Jumbles PIANO FIORD NOUGAT SCARCE But that’s OK ’cause Tufts Florida is just around the cor- Yesterday’s 1 5 Building wing 48 ”- Squad” 56 Purer 64 Bean miss you. Answer When!€& lor bar am w m htgo 6 Khayyem is shooting for ner! Get psyched! We are go- there - W%RE TH~Y&IoN’~~s 51 wch 57 Coostline 65 Guns e mol01 -T! 7 Castoh 53 Food preserver 61 Ma MacGraw 66 War god NUMBER l! P.S. Don’t worry, anyone can ing to be bronzed babes. mother 54 Dinner coune and others 69 Bank abbr. Get psyched! trip over a bug! Jen Love, Durgs