The Church Really Is a Family Based on the Sermon from 1 John 4: 7-21 Trinity Lutheran Church, Waukesha, Wisconsin

Week of October 11, 2020, #4 of 4 Classes Welcome to this final week of Growth Groups at Trinity Lutheran Church. We pray God has used this format to help you grow closer to God and get to know fellow Trinity members as we talk about the Trinity of Tomorrow, even during COVID-19. During this Fall session, make a personal effort to get to know each person in your session, especially any new(er) members. Respect social distancing and be patient with each other. Make it easier for your facilitator by willingly participating in the discussion, being mindful of the clock. Please help your host set-up, clean-up, and look to make these Growth Groups a positive Christian experience. And talk about who will be willing to host a group in January ’21.

If you were asked who is in your family, what would you say? Most people would include their spouse, parents, and kids. And it’s true, God put you into your family and you didn’t get to pick. But, the Bible also teaches us that by virtue of our Christian faith, God has actually welcomed us into His family of Christian believers by our Baptism. That means God is now our Father and Jesus Christ is our brother. And if that’s true (and it is), then each of us is family … brothers and sisters – not always related by human blood, but by Jesus’ blood. Let’s explore in this session how The Church Really Is a Family and how God calls us to treat each other as family who has each other’s back and tells each other the truth.

Opening Prayer: Father in Heaven, by Baptism, we praise You for bringing us into your family of Christian believers. Forgive us those times we’ve wandered from Your Word and sinned against you in thought, word, and deed. Forgive us for the sake of our brother and Savior Jesus Christ who earned forgiveness for every sinner. Now, as dear members of Your family, help us love each other, even when it’s hard. Restore broken relationships in our families and fill each of us with for You and each other. Amen.

Connect to EACH OTHER Growth Groups are formed to help us get to know God’s Word and each other. At this final session, have each person introduce themselves in @ 60 seconds with: first/last name, what is your favorite restaurant, when is the last time you were there, and what do you normally order when you go? How much is your meal there? Explain why it’s worth it.

1. Who are the people in your life you consider family? What makes you include them in this list? Are there any others you’d include? What would you be willing to do for your “family”?


2. Name several ways Trinity Lutheran has been a real “family” to you. What does that mean to you and why did the congregation act that way? Name several ways you’ve been a part of how Trinity Lutheran has been a real “family” to other members or friends of the congregation over the years.

Connect to the WORD Read the Sermon text: 1 John 4: 7-21 3. Why is it so important to remember that God is our Father? Why is it so key to remember that Jesus is our Savior and brother? Finally, talk about how the Holy Spirit brings us back from BIG/little sins. How does He do that?

4. Pick several passages from the sermon text to show how the family of God operates and how does that passage apply to you. Is there a limit to love in a family? Explain your answer.

Connect to LIFE 5. Pastor asked: could it be that our lack of brotherly love in our daily lives makes the world doubt the love of God? Is there any truth to that question in our congregation? What are some practical ways we can do now to help?

6. Pastor said: “some people are easy to love”. What makes some people easy to love? What makes some people hard to love? Does this excuse any of us to ignore those hard to love? Who needs more love this week and how can you love them more?

Connect in PRAYER 1. Thank God for all our called workers, our 16 pastors and teachers who serve our congregation every day with the Gospel. Especially thank God for the ministry of Teachers Julie Eggert, Rhonda Timmerman, & Sarah Kaulitz and Pastor Ray Schumacher. Bless them and their families and keep them faithful to God. Ask that God move the hearts of more Trinity member to support the work they do and work together with them to share Jesus with more souls. 2. Ask God to watch over our Metro-Milwaukee community, especially homes in Wauwatosa and Kenosha who have been the victims of civil unrest. Bless our leaders with wisdom how to best protect our community. Bring healing to our nation, let justice prevail, and give us opportunities to love all our neighbors.