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1991 SINCE

to us. to

priority top is

Specialty Coffee Specialty

a purveyor of of purveyor a

Your success as as success Your

customers. customers.

of our valued valued our of

service to each each to service

exceptional exceptional

quality with with quality

of the highest highest the of

bean coffees bean

roasted whole whole roasted and tangerine notes. tangerine and

provide freshly freshly provide coffees from this region will surprise you with their floral floral their with you surprise will region this from coffees

Ethiopian coffees are amazing and unique coffees. The The coffees. unique and amazing are coffees Ethiopian committed to to committed

Ethiopia 8.30 lb 8.30 (medium)

we are are we

Coffee Roasters Roasters Coffee brightness and clean cup. Roasted medium dark medium Roasted cup. clean and brightness

At Friedrichs Friedrichs At complete cup. This coffee from Tarrazu stands out for its its for out stands Tarrazu from coffee This cup. complete

sweet raspberry, juicy lime and plum. It is a complex and and complex a is It plum. and lime juicy raspberry, sweet

Trinidad community coffee, yielding a cup with hints of of hints with cup a yielding coffee, community Trinidad

the very same day. same very the

bean and at the mill.These beans are sourced from La La from sourced are beans mill.These the at and bean

high-tech, resealable foil bags and shipped to you you to shipped and bags foil resealable high-tech,

processed) bright Central American coffees in both the the both in coffees American Central bright processed)

after roasting, each coffee order is packaged in in packaged is order coffee each roasting, after Costa Rican coffees set the standard for washed (wet (wet washed for standard the set coffees Rican Costa

Rica Costa gas-fired European drum style roasters. Immediately Immediately roasters. style drum European gas-fired 8.05 lb 8.05 (medium dark) (medium

optimal flavor we hand-roast in small batches using using batches small in hand-roast we flavor optimal

brightness and clean cup. Roasted medium light. light. medium Roasted cup. clean and brightness

in the world’s most esteemed growing regions. For For regions. growing esteemed most world’s the in

complete cup. This coffee from Tarrazu stands out for its its for out stands Tarrazu from coffee This cup. complete

coffee beans from small farms and private estates estates private and farms small from beans coffee sweet raspberry, juicy lime and plum. It is a complex and and complex a is It plum. and lime juicy raspberry, sweet

We start by purchasing only the highest quality quality highest the only purchasing by start We Trinidad community coffee, yielding a cup with hints of of hints with cup a yielding coffee, community Trinidad

bean and at the mill.These beans are sourced from La La from sourced are beans mill.These the at and bean

specialty coffee industry. coffee specialty processed) bright Central American coffees in both the the both in coffees American Central bright processed)

Costa Rican coffees set the standard for washed (wet (wet washed for standard the set coffees Rican Costa coffees to throughout the the throughout baristas to coffees

Rica Costa

8.05 lb 8.05 (medium) (medium) award-winning showcase to is mission

our roaster, Artisan batch small a As

coffees are the "richest coffees in the world." the in coffees "richest the are coffees

connoting in the American public's mind that Colombian Colombian that mind public's American the in connoting

Roasters’ Mission: Roasters’

Federation of Colombian has done an excellent job of of job excellent an done has Colombian of Federation

in the world. Everyone knows Juan Valdez. The Coffee Coffee The Valdez. Juan knows Everyone world. the in

Coffee Friedrichs

and bright. They are also the most highly marketed coffees coffees marketed highly most the also are They bright. and

Colombian coffees are well balanced, medium bodied, bodied, medium balanced, well are coffees Colombian

Colombia 7.80 lb 7.80 (medium) (medium)

pronounced. pronounced.

complex acidity are the main attributes, we find extremely extremely find we attributes, main the are acidity complex

Highly floral, rich fluid body, deep red currant, tangerine, & tangerine, currant, red deep body, fluid rich floral, Highly

Burundi 8.05 lb lb 8.05 (medium light) light) (medium


SINCE creamy mouth feel and a hint of honey roasted peanut. peanut. roasted honey of hint a and feel mouth creamy

Santa Lucia yield a clean lemon acidity cup with a soft soft a with cup acidity lemon clean a yield Lucia Santa

These yellow bourbon coffee beans sourced from Fazenda Fazenda from sourced beans coffee bourbon yellow These

Brazil Brazil 7.80 lb 7.80 (light)

Mix -n-match 5 lb bags 20 pound minimum Free Freight Free minimum pound 20 bags lb 5 -n-match Mix Origin Specific Coffees Specific Origin


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1991 SINCE

rather a coffee full of power and character. and power of full coffee a rather

VIBRANT. A great Kenyan is not a subtle delicate coffee but but coffee delicate subtle a not is Kenyan great A VIBRANT.

come together in an extremely complex coffee that is truly truly is that coffee complex extremely an in together come

blackberry fruit to winey richness. These characteristics characteristics These richness. winey to fruit blackberry

coffees that run the gamut from lemony to peppery from from peppery to lemony from gamut the run that coffees

sun rising over the savannah. These are powerful bright bright powerful are These savannah. the over rising sun

Kenyan coffees are as majestic as the morning African African morning the as majestic as are coffees Kenyan

Kenya Kenya

(medium) (medium) 9.45 lb 9.45

after Sumatran pays off Big!) off pays Sumatran after

mustiness, not jungle rot. This is where cupping Sumatran Sumatran cupping where is This rot. jungle not mustiness,

with a touch of butterscotch, spice, and mustiness. (Yes, (Yes, mustiness. and spice, butterscotch, of touch a with

of forest floor funk. A great Sumatran is creamy, sweet, sweet, creamy, is Sumatran great A funk. floor forest of

coffee that exhibits low-acidity smoothness and a touch touch a and smoothness low-acidity exhibits that coffee

Sumatran to find that earthy, deep, complex, full-bodied full-bodied complex, deep, earthy, that find to Sumatran

this tropical Indonesian island. We cup Sumatran after after Sumatran cup We island. Indonesian tropical this

Sumatran coffees capture the wild jungle essence of of essence jungle wild the capture coffees Sumatran

5lb. capacity, foil-valved bags foil-valved capacity, 5lb. Indonesia Sumatra Sumatra Indonesia

(medium dark) dark) (medium 8.30 lb 8.30

Bulk coffees are packaged in in packaged are coffees Bulk

retaining the overall Indo funk. Indo overall the retaining

body, and reduces the earthiness of the cup a tad, while while tad, a cup the of earthiness the reduces and body,

complex coffee always offers a flavorful experience. flavorful a offers always coffee complex Sumatrans, and this process kicks off the acidity, drops the the drops acidity, the off kicks process this and Sumatrans,

peaberry or flatberry this bright, clean and aggressively aggressively and clean bright, this flatberry or peaberry coffees. Javanese coffees are fully wet processed, unlike unlike processed, wet fully are coffees Javanese coffees.

exotic location for this east African coffee. Whether Whether coffee. African east this for location exotic Javanese coffees are brighter and cleaner Indonesian Indonesian cleaner and brighter are coffees Javanese

Estate Java Indonesia Kilimanjaro, under the shade of banana trees, truly an an truly trees, banana of shade the under Kilimanjaro, (medium dark) dark) (medium 8.45 lb 8.45

Tanzanian coffees are grown on the slopes of Mount Mount of slopes the on grown are coffees Tanzanian

coffee in cup profile. cup in coffee


(medium) (medium)

7.70 lb 7.70

semi-washed to washed coffee is very similar to Sumatran Sumatran to similar very is coffee washed to semi-washed

as a top performer. top a as Indonesian has low acidity with full-bodied earthiness. This This earthiness. full-bodied with acidity low has Indonesian

round out the cup. This East African coffee just continues continues just coffee African East This cup. the out round From the island of Sulawesi Celebes, this typical typical this Celebes, Sulawesi of island the From

Sulawesi Indonesia

shine through with plenty of citrus and sweetness to to sweetness and citrus of plenty with through shine (medium dark) dark) (medium 8.65 lb 8.65

The classic Rwandan wine-like profile and complex acidity acidity complex and profile wine-like Rwandan classic The

cup. the out round to acidity and fruit enough

Rwanda Rwanda

(medium light) light) (medium

8.05 lb 8.05

is clean, mild with a nice hint of milk chocolate, and just just and chocolate, milk of hint nice a with mild clean, is

of the earthier Sumatran and Sulawesian variety. Sulawesian and Sumatran earthier the of the epitome of balance. Coffee from these lovely islands islands lovely these from Coffee balance. of epitome the

apart from the other Southeast Asian Archipelago coffees coffees Archipelago Asian Southeast other the from apart is equally perfect in many aspects. Hawaiian coffees are are coffees Hawaiian aspects. many in perfect equally is

acidity of a malic acid - apple wineyness that sets them them sets that wineyness apple - acid malic a of acidity breeze. These perfect conditions produce a coffee that that coffee a produce conditions perfect These breeze.

the island itself. These coffees have a bright and delicate delicate and bright a have coffees These itself. island the in a tropical paradise that is gently cooled by a gentle Kona Kona gentle a by cooled gently is that paradise tropical a in

Estate Estate

Papua New Guinea coffees are a cup of funky wildness, like like wildness, funky of cup a are coffees Guinea New Papua soil volcanic on grown are coffees Hawaiian (light)

Guinea New Papua Fancy, Extra Kona, Hawaii (medium) (medium) 34.00 lb 34.00 7.95 lb 7.95

gentle sweetness, and nice medium body. medium nice and sweetness, gentle dark. medium

altitude creates a coffee with bright effervescent snap, snap, effervescent bright with coffee a creates altitude Roasted fruitiness. and tones floral excellent and body,

grown very high in the Andes Mountains. This exceptional exceptional This Mountains. Andes the in high very grown nice with coffee bright wonderful a harvests consistently

citric acidity, caramel, and toffee. Peruvian coffees are are coffees Peruvian toffee. and caramel, acidity, citric Guatemala world. the in coffees aromatic and fragrant

Peruvian coffee is traditionally very creamy with mild mild with creamy very traditionally is coffee Peruvian amazingly most the of some are coffees Guatemalan

Peru Guatemala (medium) dark) (medium 8.05 lb 8.05 8.00 lb 8.00

medium in body with mild acidity and good balance. balance. good and acidity mild with body in medium medium.

raspberry. Mexican coffees are known for being light to to light being for known are coffees Mexican raspberry. Roasted fruitiness. and tones floral excellent and body,

and balanced cup has notes of sweet lime, tomato, and and tomato, lime, sweet of notes has cup balanced and nice with coffee bright wonderful a harvests consistently

Finca Santa Rosa in Chiapas Mexico. This extremely clean clean extremely This Mexico. Chiapas in Rosa Santa Finca Guatemala world. the in coffees aromatic and fragrant

These Bourbon and typica beans have been grown at at grown been have beans typica and Bourbon These amazingly most the of some are coffees Guatemalan

Mexico Chiapas Mexico Guatemala

(medium) (medium) 8.05 lb 8.05 7.70lb Papua New Guinea Fairtrade 8.45 lb Fair Trade Certified Organic Organic (medium) Papua New Guinea coffees are a cup of Mix -n-match 5 lb bags 20 pound minimum Free Freight funky wildness. These coffees have a bright and delicate acidity of a malic acid - apple wineyness that sets them apart from the other Southeast Asian Archipelago coffees of the Check Availability- Additional varieties may be available earthier Sumatran and Sulawesian variety.

Colombia Organic (medium) 8.45 lb Peru Organic (medium) 8.35 lb Colombian coffees are well balanced, medium bodied, and Peruvian coffee is traditionally very creamy with mild bright. They are also the most highly marketed coffees in the citric acidity, caramel, and toffee. Peruvian coffees world. Everyone knows Juan Valdez. The Coffee Federation are grown very high in the Andes Mountains. This of Colombian has done an excellent job of connoting in the exceptional altitude creates a coffee with bright American public's mind that Colombian coffees are the "richest effervescent snap, gentle sweetness, and nice coffees in the world." medium body.

Costa Rica Organic (medium) 8.45 lb French Roast Organic (dark) 8.10 lb Costa Rican coffees set the standard for washed (wet processed) Our 2nd darkest roast produces a lively, aromatic, robust brew bright Central American coffees in both the bean and at the mill. that is full-bodied with low-acidity making it the best dark Costa Rican coffees are exceptionally high grown in amazing roast for filter brewing. volcanic soil. These two factors produce a very bright and very clean cup. The best Costas are the cups that develop a bit of Home Fire Organic 8.30 lb berry fruitiness to compliment the straight-out brightness. (medium dark) A perfect blend of Indonesian and Latin American coffees. Caramelly and balanced. Ethiopia Fairtrade Organic (medium) 8.80 lb Ethiopian coffees are wild coffees. Wild coffee refers to a dry process Rise & Shine Blend Fairtrade 8.10 lb where the coffee fruit dries on the bean, imparting the flavors of Organic (medium) A delicious blend of our finest Latin compote fruit and dark rich chocolate in these amazing coffees. American Coffees.Smooth blend, balanced and flavorful.

Guatemala Fairtrade Organic 8.45 lb Traders Blend Fairtrade Organic 8.10 lb (medium dark ) Guatemalan coffees are some of the most (medium dark) A delicious blend of our finest Latin American amazing fragrant and aromatic coffees in the world. Guatemala Coffees. Smooth blend, balanced and flavorful. consistently harvests a wonderful bright coffee with nice body, and excellent floral tones and fruitiness.

Indonesia Sumatra Fairtrade 8.80 lb Organic (medium dark) Sumatran coffees capture the wild jungle essence of this tropical Indonesian island. Sumatras have that earthy, deep, complex, full-bodied coffee that exhibits low- acidity smoothness and a touch of forest floor funk. A great Sumatran is creamy, sweet, with a bit of butterscotch, spice, and mustiness. (mustiness, not jungle rot. This is where cupping Sumatran after Sumatran pays off Big!)

Mexico Chiapas Fairtrade Organic 8.20 lb (medium) Mexico Altura Chiapas coffees are extremely clean and balanced, with notes of strawberries, lemon, cherry, and a well-rounded creamy body. Excellent high grown Mexican coffees are known for being light to medium in body with mild acidity and good balance.

Bulk coffees are packaged in 5lb. capacity, foil-valved bags


1991 Toll Free 888-612-5050 Free Shipping Toll Free 888-612-5050 Free Shipping

Blends Decaf Mix -n-match 5 lb bags 20 pound minimum Free Freight Mix -n-match 5 lb bags 20 pound minimum Free Freight

Bold Romance Swedish Blend 7.45 lb Decaf Colombia (medium) 7.90 lb (medium dark) A bold, smooth and rich blend of French and Colombian coffees are well balanced, medium bodied, and Vienesse roasted Latin American coffee. bright. They are also the most highly marketed coffees in the world. Everyone knows Juan Valdez. The Coffee Federation Cold Brew Blend (medium dark) 8.20 lb of Colombian has done an excellent job of connoting in the The best blend for cold brew. With a complex spice, big berry, American public's mind that Colombian coffees are the "richest chocolate finish, caramel roast, this blend scores big everytime. coffees in the world." at coffeeshops and bars alike. One local pub - el Bait Shop - with 230 beers on tap sells 2 kegs of Nitro coffee a week! NEW! 7.90 lb Decaf Costa Rica (medium dark) Costa Rican coffees set the standard for washed (wet processed) French Roast (dark) 7.50 lb bright Central American coffees in both the bean and at the Our 2nd darkest roast produces a lively, aromatic, robust mill. Costa Rican coffees are exceptionally high grown in brew that is full-bodied with low-acidity making it the best amazing volcanic soil. These two factors come together to dark roast for filter brewing. produce a very bright and very clean cup. The best Costas are

Italian Roast (darker) 7.50 lb the cups that develop a bit of berry fruitiness to compliment Our darkest roast, is a full-bodied, low acidity, and intensely the straight-out brightness. flavored blend with distinctively smokey and tangy notes. Decaf Ethiopia (medium) 8.00 lb Lively Latin Breakfast Blend (medium) 7.45 lb Ethiopian coffees are wild coffees. Wild coffee refers to a dry process A lighter version of Bold Romance Swedish Blend. where the coffee fruit dries on the bean, imparting the flavors of compote fruit and dark rich chocolate in these amazing coffees. Mocha Java Blend (medium dark) 8.05 lb World’s most exotic blend brings Indonesian and African 7.80 lb Decaf French Roast (dark) coffees together for a full-bodied cup with a spicy richness. Our 2nd darkest roast produces a lively, aromatic, robust brew

that is full-bodied with low-acidity making it the best dark roast Rise and Shine Blend (medium) 7.50 lb A milder blend of our hand roasted Latin American Coffees. for filter brewing.

7.80 lb Sleepyhead Blend (medium dark) 8.00 lb Decaf Guatemala (medium dark) The bold, robust, full-bodied coffees of Indonesia come Guatemalan coffees are some of the most amazing fragrant and aromatic coffees in the world. Guatemala consistently harvests together with the wonderfully bright coffees of Latin America. Very flavorful and balanced. a wonderful bright coffee with nice body, and excellent floral tones and fruitiness. Traders Blend (medium dark) 7.20 lb A delicious blend of Friedrichs' finest Latin American Coffees. Decaf Indonesia Sumatra 8.30 lb (medium dark) Sumatran coffees capture the wild jungle essence of this tropical Indonesian island. We cup Sumatran after Sumatran to find that earthy, deep, complex, full-bodied coffee that exhibits low-acidity smoothness and a touch of forest Espresso Blends floor funk. A great Sumatran is creamy, sweet, with a touch of Mix -n-match 5 lb bags 20 pound minimum Free Freight butterscotch, spice, & mustiness. (Yes, mustiness, not jungle rot. This is where cupping Sumatran after Sumatran pays off Big!) Crimson Moon Espresso (medium light) 7.70 lb Honey roasted, pulp natural, flowery/fruity. Truly amazing! Decaf Traders Blend (medium dark) 7.75 lb A delicious blend of Friedrichs' finest Latin American Coffees. Daylight Espresso (medium) 7.55 lb Extremely smooth & full of body with remarkably sweet flavor. Decaf Rise and Shine Blend (medium) 7.75 lb A milder blend of our hand roasted Latin American Coffees. Decaf Daylight Espresso (medium) 8.0 lb Extremely smooth & full of body with remarkably sweet flavor. Friedrichs Decaf Swiss Water/ 8.40 lb Mountain Water Decaf Traders Home Fire Espresso (medium dark) 7.45 lb Blend (medium) Clean cup with bright floral flavor. A perfect blend of Indonesian and Latin American coffees. Caramelly, deep, & flavorfully balanced.

Decaf Home Fire Espresso 7.80 lb (medium dark) A perfect blend of Indonesian and Latin American coffees. Caramelly, deep, & flavorfully balanced.

Home Fire Espresso Organic 8.40 lb (medium dark) A welcoming cup with captivating aroma and incredible depth of flavors.


Toll Free 888-612-5050 Free Shipping 1991

Monthly Specials Farming & Roasting

May June Our farmers produce Tanzania Mexico Chiapas and harvest some of the $6.95 lb $6.95 lb world's greatest coffee. Our experienced team of Sea Salt Caramel Mocha Jamaican Me Crazy $6.95 lb $6.95 lb roasters use Cropster Roast Profiling Software and Ginger Lemon (Herbal) Ceylon Supreme $8.50 lb $8.50 lb Javalytics color analyzer alongside our Probat roaster July August to elevate this treasured Guatamala Costa Rica crop to the perfect cup. $6.95 lb $6.95lb Blueberry Cobbler Apple Crumb Cake $6.95 lb $6.95 lb Tropicana Tibetan Raspberry $8.50 lb $8.50 lb September October Mexico Chiapas Burundi $6.95 lb $6.95 lb Pumpkin Pie Bourbon Pecan $6.95 lb $6.95 lb German Breakfast Blend Black Currant $8.50 lb $8.50 lb November December Brazil Rwanda $6.95 lb $6.95 lb Jingle Bell Java Frosty’s Favorite $6.95 lb $6.95 lb With a quarter century of combined experience, our roasters combine their knowledge of artisanal roasting with the latest technology to bring you the Earl Grey Madagascar Vanilla perfect cup everytime. This is our set up at the roastery in Urbandale. $8.50 lb $8.50 lb January February Colombia Rise & Shine Blend $6.95 lb $6.95 lb White Chocolate Caramel Pecan Sticky Bun $6.95 lb $6.95 lb Wellness Blend (Herbal) Chai Rooibos (Herbal) $8.50 lb $8.50 lb March April Traders Blend Colombia $6.95 lb $6.95 lb English Toffee Coconut Cream Pie $6.95 lb $6.95 lb Earl Grey Lavender Pomegranate Sencha $8.50 lb (Green Tea) $8.50 lb

Buying directly from farmers invests money into local economies securing the future of families and their farms for the next generation.


1991 Toll Free 888-612-5050 Free Shipping Toll Free 888-612-5050 Free Shipping

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1991 SINCE

Coffee farming family, Ethiopia family, farming Coffee Colombia Huila, of beauty majestic The Colombia Huila, farmers, Future

Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm, Shakiso, Oromia, Ethiopia Oromia, Shakiso, Farm, Coffee Mountain Kayon Brazil harvest, the in Bringing

$9.15/lb Price: $9.15/lb Price: $10.15/lb Price:

Light Roast: Medium Light Medium Roast: Medium Light Medium Roast:

pecan, almond, soft, and winey and soft, almond, pecan, with a delicate body & light sweetness light & body delicate a with

detailed cupping notes cupping detailed

Fruity, lemon, berry, candied candied berry, lemon, Fruity, Cup: The Strong floral & lemon flavors flavors lemon & floral Strong Cup: The

coffee arrives in spring with with spring in arrives coffee

Natural Method: Process Washed Method: Process high-scoring This Cup: The

Peaberry Features: Special 1900-2200 masl 1900-2200 Altitude: Cup Best Huila Program:

Yellow Catucai Yellow Variety: Heirloom Ethiopian Heirloom Variety: Almario Joven Brayan Farmer:

Fazenda Guariroba Fazenda Kayon Mountain Coffee Farm Coffee Mountain Kayon Pradera La Finca

Gerais Minas Oromia Shakiso, Timana Montanita,

Ethiopia Colombia Peaberry Brazil

coffee experience! experience! coffee

Yellow Catucai Peaberry Catucai Yellow

contact us for current availability, and treat yourself to a truly unique unique truly a to yourself treat and availability, current for us contact

These are a few examples of the farm specific beans we offer, please please offer, we beans specific farm the of examples few a are These

coffee, with as much care as our farmers have given to growing and harvesting. and growing to given have farmers our as care much as with coffee,

coffee, and we’ve scrupulously explored their farms. We are committed to carefully roast each each roast carefully to committed are We farms. their explored scrupulously we’ve and coffee,

quality farm specific coffee. We’ve shaken the hands of dedicated farmers who harvest the the harvest who farmers dedicated of hands the shaken We’ve coffee. specific farm quality

profits from their crop. Partnering with Cafe Imports, we are constantly seeking unique high high unique seeking constantly are we Imports, Cafe with Partnering crop. their from profits

Purchasing beans directly from farmers insures that the farmers will receive the bulk of the the of bulk the receive will farmers the that insures farmers from directly beans Purchasing

processes performed by each farm. each by performed processes

the soils in which it has grown, the variety of beans that are grown, and the drying and washing washing and drying the and grown, are that beans of variety the grown, has it which in soils the

quality beans they produce. Each of these coffees has its own unique flavor signature specific to specific signature flavor unique own its has coffees these of Each produce. they beans quality

our farm specific program are sourced from single farms that have been recognized for the high high the for recognized been have that farms single from sourced are program specific farm our

Friedrichs Coffee is pleased to offer farm specific coffees. All of the coffees offered through through offered coffees the of All coffees. specific farm offer to pleased is Coffee Friedrichs Farm Specific Coffees Specific Farm

Toll Free 888-612-5050 Free Shipping on Tea Orders Over $100 Over Orders Tea on Shipping Free 888-612-5050 Free Toll

1991 SINCE


size cup two #2 offering a deep, woodsy cup. woodsy deep, a offering

character of lot a has tea China black This


Yunnan 12.95 lb 12.95

size cup one #1

Black tea with a refreshing tropical flavor. tropical refreshing a with tea Black light, clean cup, bright and zesty. and bright cup, clean light,

leaf tea easy to enjoy. to easy tea leaf lb 11.95 *Tropicana

Mist) (Cloud green China Classic

bags, make loose loose make bags, tea paper

lb 11.95 Green Yunwu Organic

China black tea and raspberry leaves. raspberry and tea black China

Unbleached chlorine-free chlorine-free Unbleached

lb 9.50 Raspberry *Tibetan

juicy pomegranate flavor. pomegranate juicy


sweet with blended sencha green tasting Fresh

musky, spicy and earthy complexity . complexity earthy and spicy musky,

Sencha Green *Pomegranate lb 9.08

a with wine like age to processed and designed

tea only the is This bag. per nests/servings 20 or 21.38 lb 21.38 or

full-bodied, mildly sweet, lingering aftertaste. lingering sweet, mildly full-bodied,

in digestion. in

Cha Tuo Pu-erh,

3.75 bag bag 3.75

aromatic, an has tea deep-baked traditional aid & allergies relieve absorption, iron increase

this Province, Fujian of Goddess” “Iron The help may tea roobios elements, trace & minerals

Black tea with the sweetness of fresh peaches. fresh of sweetness the with tea Black

Yin Kuan Ti Oolong

29.95 lb 29.95 anti-oxidants, in rich & -free Naturally lb 9.50 *Peach

lb 9.00 Rooibos Red Organic

fragrance that is lightly sweet and very smooth. very and sweet lightly is that fragrance China green with refreshing peppermint leaves. peppermint refreshing with green China

it dries. This 1st grade Jasmine has a garden-in-bloom garden-in-bloom a has Jasmine grade 1st This dries. it lb 9.50 Peppermint *Moroccan chamomile, elder flower, licorice root, & peppermint. & root, licorice flower, elder chamomile,

as petals jasmine fresh with infused is which base, a as root, echinacea with system immune your Boost

tea garnished with marigolds. with garnished tea Oolong) than oxidized less (slightly tea Pouchang uses lb 13.50 Blend Wellness

black fine this flavor mangoes tropical Sweet Province Fujian the from tea scented classic This

lb 9.50 Tango *Mango lb 16.45 *Jasmine peel, cranberries, orange oil, and vanilla oil. vanilla and oil, orange cranberries, peel,

lemon cardamom, allspice, anise, star cloves,

China black tea with real vanilla bean pieces. bean vanilla real with tea black China

strong, green flavor. green strong, peel, orange cinnamon, of blend spicy warm A

lb 9.50 Vanilla *Madagascar

crisp, a to unfurl leaves rolled Tightly Spices Mulling Sonoma Royal lb 12.50

lb 7.19 Tea Green Gunpowder

known for it’s rich, toasty, smoky flavor. It’s very aromatic. very It’s flavor. smoky toasty, rich, it’s for known

blueberry pcs., lavender, rose petals, & natural flavors. natural & petals, rose lavender, pcs., blueberry

is province Anhui from tea amber deep This

leaf steeps a beautiful green cup. green beautiful a steeps leaf

A floral and fruity blend of rooibos, rosehips, elderberry, elderberry, rosehips, rooibos, of blend fruity and floral A

Keemun 29.95 lb 29.95

steamed green style Japanese This Garden Provence lb 13.95

Sencha Green Organic lb 11.95 the Nilgiri Mountain Basin of southern India. southern of Basin Mountain Nilgiri the

Aromatic, refreshing, and vibrant. and refreshing, Aromatic, in grown bodied full & clean-tasting fragrant,

Leaf Peppermint lb 8.95 lb 10.70 Estate Iyerpadi Organic Green Tea Green

Iyerpadi (S. India), & Ceylon. Excellent iced. Excellent Ceylon. & India), (S. Iyerpadi coconutpieces enhance this sweet tropical rooibos blend. rooibos tropical sweet this enhance coconutpieces

(N.India), Assam of blend robust A and Pineapple rum. of hints with coconut Island

lb 9.08 Blend Breakfast German Colada Hawaiian lb 13.95

$100 ship for free! for ship $100

a lovely twist to a British classic. classic. British a to twist lovely a

A tea that is refreshing hot or iced. or hot refreshing is that tea A

lavender, aromatic with blended Grey Earl Our

kick. ginger spicy a with peach juicy Sweet

over orders Tea

lb 10.50 Lavender Grey *Earl Peach Ginger lb 13.95


bergamot (a Mediumiterranean citrus fruit). citrus Mediumiterranean (a bergamot

lemongrass, lemon, licorice, and spearmint. spearmint. and licorice, lemon, lemongrass,

of oil with scented tea black aromatic highly A

ginger, of blend flavorful and spicy A

lb 9.08 Grey Earl

Free Lemon Ginger lb 14.64

flavor & character. Packaged in one pound bags. pound one in Packaged character. & flavor

rosehips, blackberries, cherries, and raspberries. and cherries, blackberries, rosehips,

of full it’s tea; of champagne the as known

elderberries, hibiscus, apple, of blend flavorful A

foothills, Himalayan the in grown Delicately

Basket Fruit lb 16.25 lb 39.95 Estate Balasun Darjeeling

pepper, and allspice. and pepper, black tea with warmth & sweetness. & warmth with tea black

cardamom, cinnamon, with Rooibos impart fruit dried and spices Natural

lb 12.25 Rooibos Chai Orange Cinnamon *Decaf 19.95lb

black tea with warmth & sweetness. & warmth with tea black Red rooibos, papaya & almond pieces, natural flavors. natural pieces, almond & papaya rooibos, Red

impart fruit dried and spices Natural lb 13.95 Rooibos Almond

Orange *Cinnamon 10.95lb

Naturally Caffeine Free Caffeine Naturally

cinnamon, cardamom, allspice & black pepper. black & allspice cardamom, cinnamon,

Tisanes Herbal

Our custom blended assam with aromatic spices spices aromatic with assam blended custom Our

Blend) (Friedrich’s *Chai lb 11.50

* Flavored Teas are denoted with an asterisk an with denoted are Teas Flavored * accented with blackberry leaves blackberry with accented

blackcurrant sweet with tea black China All Tea is packaged in 2 lb. pouches. pouches. lb. 2 in packaged is Tea All

*Blackcurrant lb 9.50

traditional iced tea! tea! iced traditional smooth, full bodied tea. Great with milk. milk. with Great tea. bodied full smooth,

Tisanes iced for a caffeine free alternative to to alternative free caffeine a for iced Tisanes The perfect English Breakfast tea, brisk, bright, bright, brisk, tea, Breakfast English perfect The

lb 9.08 Breakfast English - Supreme Ceylon fragrant teas are sure to please! Try our Herbal Herbal our Try please! to sure are teas fragrant

a chrlorine free T-sac. Either way, our fresh and and fresh our way, Either T-sac. free chrlorine a

Malty full-flavored estate tea. Great with milk. with Great tea. estate full-flavored Malty

pot in a , or steep a single cup using using cup single a steep or press, french a in pot Kalgar Assam lb 10.25

assortment of fine quality loose leaf teas. Brew a a Brew teas. leaf loose quality fine of assortment

A great coffee house also features a wide wide a features also house coffee great A Black Tea Black Loose Leaf Teas Leaf Loose Almond Jumpstart Flavored Coffee Chocolate, Coconut, Almond What makes our flavored coffees better than the rest? We Amaretto start with some of the finest freshly roasted beans available, Almond Amaretto which are flavored per order and shipped the same day! Apple Crumb Cake Bulk coffees are packaged in 5 lb. capacity, foil-valved bags French Apple Buttery Cinnamon Crumb Cake Add 25¢ per pound for ground coffee. SINCE Bananas Foster Banana, Butter Rum, Caramel, Vanilla Free Shipping: Mix-n-match 5 lb bags 20 Pound Minimum Blueberry Cobbler Spice it up with Blueberry Cobbler, Cinnamon Jamaican Me Nuts Friedrichs Blend Chai Bourbon Pecan Kahlua, Caramel Crème, Nuts Bourbon Pecan Jamaican Me Crazy Butter Pecan Kahlua, Caramel Crème, Vanilla Chai Concentrate Butter Pecan Add .25 lbs of loose tea in Thermal Carafe. Jazzy Java Butter Rum Vanilla Crème, Cinnamon Fill with hot water and steep for 20 minutes. Butter Rum Mocharoo Strain into 64 oz. (2 Qt.) pitcher. Butterscotch Toffee Hazelnut Crème, Cinnamon, Chocolate Caramel Crème, Butter Pecan Stir in ½ cup sugar. Pecan Sticky Bun Caramel Crème Caramel Crème, Toasted Pecans, Cinnamon Caramel Raspberry Crème Chocolate Cherry Crumble Chocolate Raspberry Crème Cherry Crumb Cake Chai Sea Salt Caramel Mocha Cinfully Sweet Chocolate, Sea Salt Caramel 4 parts chai concentrate: 1 part milk Cinnamon, Butter Rum, Pecan Holiday Favorites S’more Please Stir before pouring. A shot of vanilla Cinnamon French Toast Marshmallow Toasted, Chocolate, Graham Cracker syrup is Maple Syrup, Cinnamon Frosty’s Favorite a nice addition to chai if customer chooses. Snickeroo Cinnamon Graham Cracker, Cinnamon Roll Hazelnut Crème, Cinnamon Hazelnut, French Vanilla For iced chai, start with ½ glass of ice Cinnamon, Brown Sugar, Vanilla Crème Jingle Bell Java before adding the 4 pts chai and 1 pt milk. Southern Pecan Coconut Crème Pie Pecans Southern, Vanilla Crème Caramel, Butter Rum, Pecan, Cinnamon, Vanilla Use simple syrup for additional Coconut Crème, Graham Cracker sweetening, if requested. Spiced Highlander Grog Luck O’ The Cake Butterscotch, Butter Rum, Vanilla, Spice Irish Crème (Bailey’s Style) Coffee Cake, Buttery Graham Crackers, Vanilla Crème Swiss Orange Chocolate Nana’s White Christmas Cookies & Crème Chocolate Swiss Orange Coconut, Caramel, Nuts Cookies and Crème Friedrichs Crème Tiramisu Treat Pumpkin Pie Chai Frappe Crème Brulee Tiramisu (like the cake) Fresh Baked Pumpkin Pie Vanilla Custard, Creamy Caramel Fill cup (20 oz. or 24 oz.) half way with ice, Turtle Sundae Dutch Almond Cookie Chocolate, Caramel. Pecan pour chai concentrate to half way. Almond Cookie Set aside to be added to blender later. Vermont Maple Nut Dutch Apple Strudel Vermont Maple, & Nuts In blender: Apple Cinnamon, Vanilla Crème, Graham Crackers Add ice cream Friedrichs Flavored English Toffee Kahlua, Vanilla Creme Coffee (3 scoops for 20 oz. 4 scoops for 24 oz) Butter Rum Spiced, Caramel Crème White Chocolate Caramel 7.20 lb Add white chocolate sauce French Vanilla Caramel, White Chocolate (1.5 oz for 20 oz, 2 oz. for 24 oz) French Vanilla Friedrichs Decaf White Chocolate Flavored Coffee Add the half full cup of ice French Vanilla Almond Raspberry Truffle and chai concentrate. French Vanilla Almond White Chocolate Mousse, Raspberries 7.95 lb Blend until smooth. German Chocolate Cake Friedrichs Swiss / Chocolate and Coconut If using ice cream mix All flavors are Mountain Water Decaf (Sarah Ann, AE Product) – Use a full cup of Hawaiian Hazelnut Flavored Coffee ice filled half full of chai concentrate. Add Hazelnut Crème, Coconut available in decaf! 8.80 lb ice cream mix to chai and ice to 3/4 of the Hazelnut Crème cup. Add white chocolate sauce (1.5 oz for Hazelnut Crème Gluten-Free and 20 oz cup and 2.0 oz. for 24 oz cup). Highlander Grog Blend until smooth. Butterscotch, Butter Rum, Vanilla Peanut-Free!


Toll Free 888-612-5050 Free Shipping on Tea Orders Over $100 Toll Free 888-612-5050 Free Shipping

Toll Free 888-612-5050 Free Shipping Free 888-612-5050 Free Toll


each $3.00


longer! fresh coffee Keep

#2 two cup size cup two #2

bags. pound 5 our reseal to Perfect $6.00/100

Blue Bag Clips Bag Blue #1 one cup size cup one #1

easy to enjoy. to easy

tea bags, make loose leaf tea tea leaf loose make bags, tea

each 35¢

Unbleached chlorine-free paper paper chlorine-free Unbleached


tin tie bags. Available in 1/2lb or 1lb size 1lb or 1/2lb in Available bags. tie tin

Package beans for resale with Kraft or Black Black or Kraft with resale for beans Package

Plain Tin Tie Bags Tie Tin Plain

Call for special price special for Call


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Absolutely FREE!!! Call for more information more for Call FREE!!! Absolutely

Model #CBS 2032e #CBS Model we will design your logo into a 3”x4” label and send a proof, proof, a send and label 3”x4” a into logo your design will we

Brewer Coffee

[email protected] [email protected]

- Choose one of our 3”x4” label designs or e-mail your logo to: to: logo your e-mail or designs label 3”x4” our of one Choose -

Fetco Fetco

- Choose one of the four bag colors (Black, Salmon, Red, or Green) or Red, Salmon, (Black, colors bag four the of one Choose -

customized labels featuring your store’s graphics and information. and graphics store’s your featuring labels customized

Enhance your brand by packaging our special blends with with blends special our packaging by brand your Enhance

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Machine 2 Group Group 2 Machine


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a smooth rich brew in seconds! seconds! in brew rich smooth a

Total immersion brewing yields yields brewing immersion Total



Bottle Per Price

Sugar Cane Pure with Made


Cup of Coffee Everytime. Coffee of Cup

achieve one result ... Brew A Perfect Perfect A Brew ... result one achieve 4 piece minimum per flavor. per minimum piece 4

was developed by a chemist to to chemist a by developed was By special order only. only. order special By

The Chemex coffeemaking system system coffeemaking Chemex The Not eligible for free shipping. shipping. free for eligible Not

Chemex Call for list of flavors. flavors. of list for Call


Bottle Per Price

Need more information? Give us a call! We LOVE to talk coffee. talk to LOVE We call! a us Give information? more Need

Made with Pure Cane Sugar Cane Pure with Made methods. brewing favorite our of some are Here buy. you


your hotel room, how you brew is as important as the beans beans the as important as is brew you how room, hotel your

Whether you are brewing for customers or making a cup in in cup a making or customers for brewing are you Whether

Brewing Syrups & Sauces & Syrups Business days in transit from Urbandale, Iowa 50322 Friedrichs Coffee Roasters 2781 99th St., Urbandale, Iowa 50322 Phone Toll Free: Fax Order: 888.612.5050 515.270.8050 E-mail Order: [email protected]

Easy order fax form New Customer: Yes No Order Date ______Order Time ______Resale Tax # ______Bill to: ______Ship to: ______Same as Bill to: ______Attn:______Attn:______

Phone: ______Fax: ______E-mail: ______

Check Enclosed Charge to FCR Acct. Credit Card Billing Zip Code: ______CID Code: ______CC# ______(Last 3 digits on back of card, in signature block or 4 digits on front of card for American Express.) Exp. Date ______Name on Credit Card ______QTY. GRIND PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PRICE EXTENDED

TOTAL LBS. Bulk coffees are packaged in 5lb bags. Add 25¢ per lb for groundbeans. TOTAL I would like FCR to confirm my order by: Phone: ______Fax:______E-mail: ______Order Processing: Most orders will ship the Order Shipping: UPS standard carrier. FCR Terms: Check or Credit Card with initial order. next day if the order is received by 12:00 noon may use alternate carriers. FREE SHIPPING to Credit established within 2-4 weeks of receiving central time. Prices are subject to change without business addresses coast to coast, 20 lb min, credit application. Charge customers accounts are notice (will confirm any price changes prior to (Alaska & Hawaii call for special rates). due 30 days from the invoice date. 2% per month shipping). Out of stock item must be re-ordered. finance charge on past due accounts. PURCELL INDICIAS




Standard Mail



OOFI O U OE Friedrichs Coffee U OE E 2 PAID E OIE, I PAID 2781 99th Street E O2 E OIE, I EI O 500 Urbandale, Iowa EI O 500

SINCE 50322-3889

otes Monthly Coffee & Tea Specials $6.95 lb See Inside


USDA Organic Rainforest Alliance Shade Grown Coffee Fairtrade Cup of Excellence No chemicals, Protecting the Earth’s Innovative solutions Ensuring a fair Offering exemplary coffees pesticides, or resources today for the for global conservation wage for coffee directly from small farmers contaminants benefit of tomorrow. farmers.

To order call toll free 888-612-5050 or fax us at 515-270-8050 Free Shipping on orders over 20 pounds

At Friedrichs' Coffee, we have traveled the world seeking the finest coffee beans and learning the best preparation methods for each unique brew. To you our customer, we offer our experience, our knowledge, and most importantly, the world's finest coffee beans.