Minutes of Meeting held in the Village Hall on

October 16th 2012

Present : Councillors Fletcher(Chairman), Day, Potter, Van de Weyer, Whybrow, Hardman, Rhodes-Kemp, SCDC Cllr Ridgeway Watt. Mrs V Parkes (Internal Auditor)

The meeting opened at 7.30 p.m.

1. Apologies for absence : Cllrs Cooper and Glover. Also County Councillor Kindersley who may arrive late.

2. Declarations of Interest : None were declared. ALL 3. Minutes of Meeting held on 18th September had been circulated prior to the Meeting and were agreed as a true record of the meeting on the proposition of Cllr Potter.

4. Financial Matters:-

4.1 Analysis of budget and cash flow was tabled by Chairman for consideration by Councillors. 4.2 Cashbook summary for 1st April 2012 to 30 September 2012 was tabled and unanimously accepted on the proposal of Cllr Potter . HSBC current account : Statement as at 6th October 2012 : £24,595.88 4.3 Outstanding cheques - total £16.92. 4.4 Receipts outstanding - zero 4.5 Authorisation of cheques : On the proposal of Cllr Van de Weyer it was agreed to pay cheques totalling £3755.14

Cheque: 1018 A Fletcher : Chairman’s Allowance £ 80.00 1016 M Goding : West Green maintenance costs £ 59.55 1019 V Tookey clerks salary 1/9/12-15/10/12 £859.39 1020 HMR&C – NIC+ tax for Clerk £276.93 1017 Glasdon – Dog bin £343.27 Herts and Cambs Ground Maintenance:- Inv. 836 : Footpath work5/6/7/Back Lane £990 Inv. 833 : Cutting sports field 21.9.12 £144 Inv. 837 : Strim around pond £54 Inv. 838 : Clear, supply/ install Field gate £804 Inv. 818 : Cut sports field 13.9.12 £144 1021 Total £2136.00 1022 Fields in Trust annual subscription £25

TOTAL :£3780.14 4.6 Income received : £13000 4.7 Chairman confirmed that new dog bin would be emptied by South Cambs at no charge to Parish.

5. Planning Matters :

5.1 Planning Appeals: None

5.2 SCDC Planning decisions : -

5.2.1 S/0368/11: Barrington Hall: Fencing around entrance Pending (details of fencing and planting submitted for information) Council pleased to see details at long last. 5.2.2 S/0369/11: Barrington Hall: Fencing on boundaries Pending (details of fencing and planting submitted for information) Council noted the design as submitted.

5.2.3 S/0929/12/LB: 3 Orwell Road: Alterations Approved

5.3 Parish Council Planning recommendations: None

5.3.1 S/1896/12/FL: Land r/o 36 High Street: Dwelling revised design. After deliberation and taking into account its previous decision, Council unanimously agreed to refuse this application.

5.3.2 S/2027/12/FL: Church Meadows, Road: Change of use to residential Following discussion Council unanimously voted to refuse on the grounds that building is outside the village envelope and should not be used for residential purposes.

5.4 Tree works Application within the Conservation Area

5.4.1 6 High Street : Fell and remove plum and gage trees; crown reduction of two cherry plums and box elder. No objections. 5.4.2 14 High Street : Fell one white beam; crown removal hawthorn; crown lift acer. No objections. 5.4.3 27 West Green: Crown reduction on Robinia and horse chestnut. No objections.

6. South District Council

6.1 Malthouse Way - Trees and bramble problem had been clarified following Cllr Ridgeway Watts meeting with Cllr Potter. He confirmed TR- that the District Council were in contact with the resident of no. 19 W Foxton Road. 6.2 Barrington Hall fence – details were now to hand. 6.3 Cllr Ridgeway Watt confirmed that the sale of three garages in Malthouse Way was subject to a covenant that they remain as garages. Clerk had confirmed to S.C.D.C. that Council had no objections. 6.4 Chairman asked Cllr Ridgeway-Watt to let Council know when 36 High TR- Street went to planning committee; since Barrington would wish to W make representation. 6.5 Clerk confirmed that the training for new parish councillors being VT organised by the Clerks for Harlton and Haslingfield was likely to be SP January 15, 22 and 29th at 7 p.m. Venue to be confirmed. Cllrs RR- Rhodes-Kemp and Potter would attend. K

7. Cambridgeshire County Council 7.1 County Cllr Kindersley was at a meeting in Gamlingay and would come on after. 7.2 Winter Maintenance training : details had arrived. Agreed that as the same people have volunteered they would not wish to attend further training. The tubs are automatically filled up. Chairman has VT additional spreader for the village. 7.3 Parish Paths meeting : Cllrs Day and Potter will be attending the meeting at Whaddon on 6th November. Cllr Day complimented Herts and Cambs Grounds Maintenance on the footpath clearance and she was now looking at FP7. AD/ 7.4 Tree across river : chairman confirmed that following reporting to SP Environment Agency this has been removed and trimming of the overhanging willow has also taken place. 7.5 Cllr Day reported that following concerns raised by nearby residents Cemex had organised the felling of a damaged tree overhanging Back Lane. 7.6 Cllr Whybrow had looked at the kissing gate on path to river and confirmed that it has deteriorated badly. Again discussion about horses using the pathway and he agreed there was evidence of such use.

8. Play and Recreation Areas 8.1 Cllr Day tabled her report. One more strim would be required before end of season on areas and around the picnic tables. 8.2 Remedial work to the top rail of MUGA took place on 4th October. 8.3 Final meeting of the Play Area Sub Committee would take place after half term. Cllr Day said that there would need to be a small sub- committee still for ongoing maintenance – which would remain a sub AD committee of the Parish Council. 8.4 Clerk had previously circulated details of seminar on 25th October and would attend to gather information which could be relevant to developing the QEII woodland and other community sports/recreation VT facilities.

9. Cemex 9.1 Chairman confirmed tour of area subject to development would take place on Saturday 20th at 9.30 a.m. Cllrs Whybrow and Hardman gave ALL apologies due to prior arrangements. 9.2 Chairman confirmed that Cemex would only give a 25 year lease of the Pavilion to the Parish Council. Council agreed that building would need to be in good condition before accepting any lease. 9.3 J Drayton has in hand the cutting back of verge along highway but needed to bear in mind the protected orchids. 9.4 Chairman reported that C Jackson of 100 houses had confirmed at the tree planting that they would sort out the ditches. Cemex had already put in gates from Heslerton Way so that tractors could gain access. Position of fencing also needs to be decided.

10. Barrington Green 10.1 Cllr Van de Weyer reported that Green Trustee had in hand some work to the roadways and in front of the shop. 10.2 Permitted way licenses were being actioned. 10.3 Responsibility for the grassed area in Heslerton Way was confirmed as :- area is left for a year and then will be handed to the Green Trustee. However, there is still the issue of the stones. 10.4 Brian Northrop, who has been Curator of the Green for many years was moving. Agreed that we purchase suitable gift by way of thanks. AF

11. Wildlife Area Chairman and Cllr Glover would complete the relevant application forms. AF/ 12. Dog bins and signage BG

12.1 Herts and Cambs to install as soon as possible. To be added to insurance. VT

13. Web site 13.1 Cllr Van de Weyer confirmed that Diane Alderson had volunteered to help with the village website. Council expressed their thanks to her. AdW

Dates of next meetings 7.30 p.m.

November 20th December 12th (Wednesday) January 15th ALL February 19th March 19th


Clerk: V Tookey 36 The Causeway, Bassingbourn SG8 5LG Tel : 01763 243153 Email: [email protected]

The Green Charity, Barrington Registered Charity Nº 205227

Clerk : M Goding 3 Shepreth Road, Barrington, CB22 7SB Tel: 01223 870786

Email: [email protected]

Chairman Tony Fletcher 01223 870593

Vice-Chairman Aidan Van de Weyer 01223 870275

Laura Cooper 01223 501060

Anne Day 01223 871437

Beverley Glover 01223 871320

Judy Hardman 01223 871790

Sheila Potter 01223 871863

Rosamund Rhodes-Kemp 01223 871542

David Whybrow 01223 503161

Curator of the Green vacancy

Clerk 01763 243153 Val Tookey