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Realization of the project for Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus restoration in the basin of the River

Article in Journal of Ichthyology · December 2013 DOI: 10.1134/S0032945213110052


7 authors, including:

A. V. Gushchin Ryszard Kolman Atlantic Branch of Shirshov Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences… Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego w Olsztynie



Andrej Pilinkovskij Szczepkowski Mirosław Nature Research Centre Instytut Rybactwa Śródlądowego w Olsztynie



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The restoration program for the Baltic population of the Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser o. oxyrinchus in Polandus View project

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Realization of the Project for Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus

Restoration in the Basin of the Neman River1 ˆ A. Gushchina, R. Kolmanb, V. Gec ysc, A. Pilinkovskijc, I. Lysanskiya, M. Szczepkowskib, and S. Stake· nasd a Atlantic branch of P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology of Russian Academy of Science, , b Stanislaw Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute (IRS), Olsztyn, Poland c Fisheries Service under the Ministry of Agriculture of d Nature research center, , Lithuania email: Poseidon[email protected] Received July 01, 2013

Abstract—The results of the works on the international project for the Baltic sturgeon2 restoration in the basin of the Neman River are considered. The mutual goal of the project is the restoration of the Baltic stur geon population in its whole former area in the . Successful works on the restoration of the Baltic sturgeon population are conducted in the Oder and the basins. The stockings of the Neman River with the sturgeon fry were started from 2012 year. It is contemplated that the sturgeon stockings of the main rivers of the Baltic Sea will enable to restore local sturgeon populations in these river basins. Till the beginning of the XXI century it was supposed that the Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser sturio had inhabited the Baltic Sea, but numerous genetic analysis of the samples of the sturgeon bones from the archeological finds in the museums showed that the Baltic Sea had been inhabited with Acipenser oxyrhynchus and its population still inhabits sev eral rivers in Canada. This discovery permitted to start the creation of the Baltic sturgeon broodstock. Stur geon fry from the eggs imported from Canada were used for stocking at the first stage of the project. Later it is contemplated to use the fry from the broodstocks in and Poland. Sturgeon fry hatched from Canadian eggs in Poland and reared in Lithuania was used for the Neman River stocking. The fry were tagged and released in the and the Sventoji Rivers in the Neman River basin. The sturgeon migrated into the where the monitoring of the catches was fulfilled. The results of sturgeon catches monitor ing are discussed.

Keywords: Curonian lagoon, Neman River, baltic sturgeon, Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus, restoration program DOI: 10.1134/S0032945213110052

2 1 Baltic sturgeon was a single representative of the (Kulmatycki, 1933; Kuderskiy, 1983; Debus, 1993; genera Acipenseridae inhabited the basin of the Baltic Podushka, 1999; Kolman, 2003). Sea. It belonged to the big sturgeon fish, the weight of some specimens was more than 200 kg and the length Drastic reduction of size and following extinction of 3.0 m. Mature specimens ascended for spawning the of the Baltic sturgeon resulted in including sturgeon as rivers of the northeastern and southern Baltic: the the species Acipenser sturio in the national Red Books Neva, the Volkhov, the Dvina, the Neman, the Pregel, of the Baltic Sea countries.

the Vistula and the Order. Spawning grounds were Genetic investigations of sturgeon bones con

ˆ usually located in the upper catchments of these rivers ducted on vast archeologicalˆ material (Ludwig et al., or their and off city in the 2002; Stankovic et al., 2007; Stankovic , 2011) showed Neman River (Berg, 1912; Kulmatycki, 1933; Kuder that the sturgeon what had inhabited the water area of skiy, 1983). the Baltic Sea eastward the Oder River belonged to the Overfishing and river flow regulations became the Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser oxyrhynchus, but not to most probable reason for total sturgeon extinction in the species Acipenser sturio as it was considered earlier. the basin of the Baltic Sea to the end of the XX century Subspecies Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus (Mitchill), long snout sturgeon, inhabits off Canada 1 The article is published in the original. 2 Under the Baltic sturgeon in this report is exclusively mentioned coast and ascends the St. Lawrence and St. John rivers the subspecies @Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus@ to spawn (Scott, Crossman, 1973). It was the turning (Mitchill). point for prompted measures undertaken in Germany

1 2 GUSHCHIN et al. and Poland for restoration of the Baltic sturgeon as the MATERIAL AND METHODS subspecies Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus. Stocking technique. Sturgeon Acipenser oxyrhyn Actual restorative works on the Baltic sturgeon in chus fry was hatched at the experimental hatchery of the water of the Southern Baltic started in Poland in the Stanislaw Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute in 2000–20002 (Kolman, Zarkua, 2002). Determination Poland from the eggs exported from Canada. Sturgeon of species status of the Baltic sturgeon (Ludwig et al., fry was reared before stocking at the fish breeding 2002; Kolman, 2003) permitted to turn to the stage of shops of Fisheries Service under the Ministry of Agri natural experiments. culture of Lithuania in Rusne and Simnas. The first portion of sturgeon fry (30 specimens) was Mutual experiments began in 2004 in the basin of released in the Neman River on the 7th of July 2011 the Oder River by the Stanislaw Sakowicz Inland (Kolman et al., 2011). The average fish mass was 144.2 g, Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn (Poland) and the Insti the average length 34.4 cm. Fish were tagged with the tute of Hydrobiology and Fishery in Berlin according blue tags of “Carlin” type. The second portion was to the agreement of cooperation. In the basin of the stocked on the 3d and the 4th of November 2011, Vistula River the works were conducted by the Stanis 1540 specimens were released in the Sventoji River law Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute indepen and 3100 specimens in the Neris River. dently. 178 specimens of the sturgeon were stocked in the Starting from 2004 year sturgeon fry, larva or spawn Sventoji River and 203 specimens in the Neris River of the long snout sturgeon from the population of St. on the 11th of April in 2012. The sturgeons were John River in Canada were brought to Poland annually marked with the green exterior tags of “spaghetti” (Kolman et al., 2008). At the beginning of October type. Ten bigger specimens with the mass of 475–1000 g 2006 the Drveca River was first stocked with the stur were marked with the exterior tags and the implanted geon fry reared in Poland. During six years in the radio tags with trailing antenna and released on the 9th frameworks of experimental stocking 500 thousand of July 2012 in the Sventoji and the Neris Rivers. The sturgeons with the average weight from 3–5 to 1600– radio tags were used to study sturgeon migration in the 1800 g were released in the rivers of Poland. The con rivers. 137 specimens of sturgeon also marked with the trol for sturgeon migration and distribution was ful green tags of “Carlin” type were released on the 17th filled with the exterior tags of “Carlin” type, the tele of April 2013 in the Sventoji and the Neris Rivers. metric transmitters were implanted into some stur Sturgeon fry transportations to the places of stock geons that permitted to trace their motion and ing were conducted in special plastic bags filled with behavior in the rivers (Kolman et al., 2008). water and oxygen. After transportation the fry was in good state and the loss was not observed. The works on Baltic sturgeon broodstock creation Methods of monitoring of the sturgeon catches in are conducted simultaneously with the experiments the Curonian lagoon. Methods of monitoring con on stocking. Two broodstocks are now maintained in sisted of informing the fishermen and the citizens of Poland. Some spawners are close to achieving sexual the coastal villages about the project of sturgeon resto maturity and this fact allows us to hope for artificial ration and stocking company being conducted, its rea reproduction of this species in the nearest years (Kol sons and goals, and the explanation of necessary man et al., 2013). actions that should be undertaken in case of sturgeon The received results of the conducted works give catch. All these actions were conducted by means of the prospects for mass scale sturgeon restoration in the mass media, the direct contacts with the fishermen Baltic Sea. Such works need cooperation and united and the heads of the fishery enterprises and the lec efforts of the specialists and the countries of the tures delivered in the communities. Special notes of region. It is necessary to increase the number of releas the project were installed in the fishermen’s camps, ing sturgeon fry, to spread the works over all rivers the administrations of the fishermen brigades and the which correspond to the requirements for sturgeon local communities, at the bus stops and the shops. All these measures helped to organize the volunteers who spawning at present and where the sturgeons have supported the company and created the atmosphere of spawned earlier. The Neman River with its tributaries personal responsibility for the project of sturgeon res the Neris and the Sventoji is one of such rivers toration. These actions resulted in mass feedback for (Walecki, 1864). gathering the information on sturgeon fry catches in Experimental sturgeon stockings in the Neman the Curonian lagoon. River basin started in 2010 (Kolman et al., 2011). Most of the sturgeon fry were caught with the sta These works permitted to get interesting data and their tionary uncovered pound nets with the meshes of 40 analysis and discussion are the subjects of the present and 70 mm, single specimens were caught with the article. Danish seine nets. The sturgeons are easily caught

JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY Vol. 53 No. 11 2013 REALIZATION OF THE PROJECT FOR Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus 3 with the nets because of their specific body shape and It is known for certain by June 2013 of fifty three the bugs. As a rule sturgeon fry perish rather quickly in catches of sturgeon fry stocked in the basin of the the nets, especially in hot summer period. Neman River. Fifty one catches relate to water area of According to the legislation the nets in the Curo the Curonian lagoon and two catches to water of the nian lagoon are being installed in coincidence with the Klaipeda Strait near Klaipeda. Eleven catches of stur industrial fishery subdivisions as the fishery is regu geon were registered in water of Lithuania in the Curo lated with the aid of them, so the number of the subdi nian lagoon and only six of them were managed to be vision is given as the place of fry catch. The fishermen located at the places of catch. Forty two catches were were requested with the question list to note the time, marked in water area of Russia (table). In three cases the number of industrial fishery subdivision, the tag of sturgeon catch in Russian part of the Curonian number, the sizes and the mass of the sturgeon. The lagoon it was impossible to locate the places of catch, live sturgeons were released by the fishermen. At the so they are not indicated on the scheme of the catches. beginning of the company the fishermen mistakenly Two cases of secondary catch of the sturgeon were cut the tag first and then released the fish. This errone marked. In the first case the sturgeon with the tag ous practice was stopped after supplementary explana LT00586 was caught on the 26th of July 2012 in the tions. Regretfully, the dead sturgeons were often subdivision no. 43 in the central part of the lagoon. thrown out off the nets as the fishermen were afraid of Three months later on the 24th of September 2012 the problems with the fishery inspection. In the most the same sturgeon was caught in the subdivision cases the busy fishermen didn’t determine the mass no. 33, practically in the same place. The next second and the sizes of the fish as they were busy with the nets. ary catch is more interesting: the sturgeon with the tag LT00349 was caught in the region of the lighthouse in Certainly, we managed to trace only part of stur Klaipeda on the 1st of July 2013 and fifteen days later, geon fry as some people didn’t report the catch, but on the 16th of July 2013 the same specimen was the correlation between the number of released stur caught for the second time in the subdivision no. 43 in geon fry and present data of 53 caught specimens may the central part of the lagoon. be considered quite representative. The most part of the sturgeons was caught in the central part of the lagoon in Russian area. There were RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6 cases of catch in the subdivision no. 43, 5 cases in the subdivision N 33. There were 3 catches in each of the The first sturgeon fry consignment of 30 specimens subdivisions no. 28 and 31 and for 1–2 catches in the was released on the 7th of July 2011, the fry had the aver others (figure). If we look at the location of catch age mass of 144.2 g and the average length of 34.4 cm. places we can suppose that the Skirvite (the North The fish were tagged with the numbers from LT 06156 River), the delta channel of the Neman River, is the to LT 06187. main migratory route for sturgeon fry to the Curonian The second consignment was stocked on the 3d lagoon and its central water area. The sturgeons move 4th of November 2011 with the average mass of 0.1 g. southward along the lagoon shore through the subdivi The party of 1540 specimens waj released in the Sven sions nos. 2, 3, 28, 31–33 to the central part of the toji River and 3100 specimens were released in the lagoon. In the most catch places of the sturgeons the Neris River. These parties were not tagged. bottom grounds were of siltsand fractions. On the 11th–12th of April 2012 the party of 203 Three cases of sturgeon catch are known in the riv specimens with the tags LT 0003000175 was released ers. Two cases relate to the Neris River at the period in the Neris River and 178 specimens with the tags LT less than one month from the release. One catch of 0052600706 in the Sventoji River. The fry mass was rather big sturgeon with the length of 46 cm and the tag 0.123—0.337 g. The release places in these rivers are LT 00628 occurred in the Sventoji River two months at the distance of 310325 km from the Curonian after the release. lagoon. Tagging showed that the time of sturgeon migration On the 9th of July 2012 ten specimens with radio from the stocking place to the Curonian lagoon lasted tags were released in the Neris and the Sventoji Rivers, from 15 to 82 days, thus 40 days in average (Kolman for 5 specimens in each river. They reached the lagoon et al., 2012). for eighteen days. One of the sturgeons with the tag We can picture the next life cycle of the sturgeon: LT00717 was caught and then released on the 26th of the sturgeons released in the Sventoji and the Neris July 2012 in the subdivision N 28. Rivers reach the Curonian lagoon for 15–82 days, an 137 specimens of sturgeon marked with the green average 40 days. The sturgeons distribute in the central tags of “Carlin” type with the numbers LT 00384521 part of the lagoon, thus may apparently be connected were released on the 17th of April 2013 in the Sventoji with the fodder supply in this zone. The most part of and the Neris Rivers. the sturgeons stay in the Curonian lagoon for consid

JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY Vol. 53 No. 11 2013 4 GUSHCHIN et al.

Klaipeda 2 40°



Neman 20°

1 1 1

19 20 21 22 23 1 1 2 24 25 26 27 28 3 1 3 1 5 29 30 31 32 33 10° 1 4 2 34 35 36 37 38 2 6 3940 41 42 43 44 1 2 2 45 46 47 48 49 50 51

52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 1 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 55° 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78

79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 94 89 90 93 91 92 0

30° 45° 21° 15° Catch places in the Curonian lagoon of the sturgeons released in 2011–2013 in the Neman River basin. Large figures mean the quantity of catches on marked lagoon water area, the subdivision number are the figures in its left low corner. erable time. Only two cases of sturgeon catch are central part of the lagoon in subdivision no. 43. Part of known in the Klaipeda Strait. In the first case the stur the sturgeons spent in the lagoon more than one year. geon with the tag LT00563 was caught in the region of The sturgeon with the tag LT00593 was released in Klaipeda three months after the release. In the second the Sventoji River on the 11th of April 2012 and case the sturgeon with the tag LT00349 was caught caught on the 8th of May 2013 in the subdivision first in the region of Klaipeda and 15 days later in the N 51. Regretfully, the data on sturgeon growth in the

JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY Vol. 53 No. 11 2013 REALIZATION OF THE PROJECT FOR Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus 5 tag cut off tag cut off. Catch and place of release Notes Catch r basin and the catches in Curonian lagoon date place (subdivision, zone) tag number length, cm mass, g 1 2011 August near the town Vievis (LR zone)* Neris River – – – 07.07.2011 Released 6 20.04.20129 '' (28, RF zone) 25.04.2012 '' (33, RF zone) LT00705 – – – – River 11.04.2012 Sventoji '' – – Released 23 2011 November 4 Curonian lagoon (LR zone) 2011 November 5 '' 2011 November '' 18.04.201278 25.04.2012 Curonian lagoon (RF zone)** 25.04.2012 LT06184 '' (33, RF zone) '' (26, RF zone) – – – – – LT00170 – LT00631 » – – – – – – – – – – 11.04.2012 Neris River – River 11.04.2012 Sventoji '' '' Dead – – No tag '' 11 25.04.2012 '' – – – – '' 16 22.05.2012 Curonian lagoon (23, RF zone) – – – '' 19 01.06.2012 '' (49, RF zone) – – – – Dead No. 10 25.04.20121213 14.05.2012 '' –14 14.05.201215 14.05.2012 Curonian lagoon (RF zone) 14.05.2012 Curonian lagoon (LR zone)17 – ''18 25.05.2012 '' 29.05.2012 – Curonian lagoon (RF zone) LT00588 '' (30, RF zone) LT00568 – – LT00672 – – – 39 River 11.04.2012 Sventoji Dead LT00543 LT00631 380 LT00170 '' – – River 11.04.2012 Sventoji '' – Released – – – '' » '' ''the Released, '' '' 21 09.06.2012 '' (38, RF zone) LT00701 – – River 11.04.2012 Sventoji '' 20 04.06.2012 '' (32, RF zone)2627 18.06.2012 18.06.201228 Curonian lagoon (31, RF zone) 26.06.2012 '' LT00634 Curonian lagoon (43 RF zone) –the – LT00556 – – LT00616 – – – – '' – '' – Released, '' Dead '' Released 2223 11.06.201224 11.06.201225 13.06.2012 '' (43, RF zone) 15.06.2012 '' Curonian lagoon (RF zone) (LR zone) River Sventoji LT00681 LT00696 LT00628 40 – 46 – LT00683 365 – – '' – '' '' Released '' '' – '' Results of sturgeon tagging in the Neman Rive

JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY Vol. 53 No. 11 2013 6 GUSHCHIN et al. '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' the radio tag the radio tag. second catch second catch '' '' '''' '' '' '' '''''' '' '' '' '' Catch and place of release Notes ––– – 00717 – – 09.07.2012 Neris River Released with LT00586 – – zone) LT00349 – – River 17.04.2013 Sventoji Catch ic , ** for the zone of Russian Federation. (43, RF zone) (27, RF zone) (31, RF zone) (28, RF zone) LT00625 (33, RF zone) – (37, RF zone) (68, RF zone) (37, RF zone) – LT00668 – (27, RF zone) (51, RF zone) River 11.04.2012 Sventoji – – (42, RF zone) LT00586 – (37, RF zone) LT00135 – (50, RF zone) LT00149 – – (4950, RF zone) LT00106 – – (51, RF zone) LT00480 River 40 11.04.2012 Sventoji – (37, RF zone) LT00593 25 – LT00509 Released – – River 11.04.2012 Sventoji 600 – LT00406 15 – 12.04.2012 Neris River Released, the LT00521 LT00384 – – – – LT00488 – – Released – 17.04.2013 Neris River – LT00497 River 11.04.2012 Sventoji – 17.04.2013 Neris River – – – – 17.04.2013 Neris River Released with – – – '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' '' date place (subdivision, zone) tag number length, cm mass, g (Contd.) 31 09.07.2012 41 03.09.2012 51 01.06.2013 Curonian lagoon, Klaipeda (LR 35 09.08.2012 3637 13.09.2012 14.09.2012 40 02.09.2012 38 24.09.2012 39 01.09 2012 29 26.06.2012 30 30.06.20123233 Curonian lagoon (38, RF zone) 12.07.201234 08.08.2012 Baltic Sea, Klaipeda (LR zone) 26.07.2012 LT00102 Curonian lagoon, (LR zone) Curonian lagoon (28, RF zone) LT00563 – LT – – – 12.04.2012 Neris river –42 –43 02.05.2013 44 08.05.2013 45 – 09.05.2013 46 09.05.2013 47 09.05.2013 » 48 15.05.2013 49 16.05.2013 50 27.05.2013 28.05.2013 – 5253 02.06.2013 16.06.2013 (LR zone) Neris River, Curonian lagoon, 43 (RF zone) LT00349 – – – – – River 17.04.2012 Sventoji Released, the – No. Note: for the zone of Lithuanian Republ * Table.

JOURNAL OF ICHTHYOLOGY Vol. 53 No. 11 2013 REALIZATION OF THE PROJECT FOR Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus 7 lagoon are fragmental and the few as the material is Symp. on Sturgeon, Moskva: VNIRO Pub., 1993, pp. 189– not accumulated yet. 203. Kolman, R., Jaki jesiotr wyginal– w Baltyku Komunikaty Rybackie, 2003, no. 1, pp. 1–3 [in Polish]. CONCLUSIONS Kolman, R., Gushchin, A., Gecys, V., et al., Pierwsze The sturgeons released in the basin of the Neman wyniki wspólpracy regionalnej w zakresie restytucji jesiotra baltyckiego Acipenser oxyrinchus oxyrinchus, Ibid., 2012, River successfully migrated to the Curonian lagoon no. 4, pp. 31–35 [in Polish]. and concentrated in its central part that may appar Kolman, R., Kapusta, A., Szczepkowski, M., et al., Jesiotr ently be connected with the fodder supply in this zone. bal– tycki Acipenser oxyrhynchus oxyrhynchus Mitchill., Olsz The catches in 2013 year of the sturgeons that had tin: Wyd. IRS., 2008, [in Polish]. been released in 2012 showed that the sturgeon had Kolman, R., Szczepkowski, M., and Gecys, V., Jesoitr bal safely wintered in the lagoon. The sturgeon catch in tycki rozszerza areal swojego wysepowania, Komunikaty tne region of Klaipeda let us think that part of the stur Rybachie, 2011, no. 4, pp. 24–26 [in Polish]. geons came into the Baltic Sea. All these mentioned Kolman, R. and Zarkua, Z., Environmental condition of above allows us to consider the start of the program for Common sturgeon (Acipenser sturio L.) spawning in the sturgeon restoration in the basin of the Neman River river Rioni (Georgia), Electronic J. Pol. Agricult. Univ. S. successful. The experience given from the project real Fisheries, 2002, no. 5/2, pp. 12–18, (http://www.einau. ization in 2012–2013 has showed that the results directly depend on creation of favorable attitude of the Kudersky, L.A., Sturgeon fish in the Onega and the Ladoga people to the project. Propitious relationship is based Lakes, Collect. Sci. Works GosNIORKH, 1983, no. 205, on the information and the explanation of the project pp. 128–149 [in Russian]. aims and the goals at various levels starting from mass Kulmatycki, W.W., Sprawie zachowania jesiotra w rzekach Polskich, Ochrona Przyrody, 1933, no. 12, pp. 1–21 [in Pol media up to organizing the groups of interested volun ish]. teers. It is suggested to put separate item of expense in Ludwig, A., Debus, L., Lieckfeld, D., et al., When the the financial budget of the project for conducting the American sea sturgeon swam east, Nature, 2002, no. 493, above mentioned measures. pp. 447–448. Podushka, C.B., Catch of Atlantic sturgeon Acipenser sturio in the Ladoga Lake, SciTech. Bui Lab. Ichthyol. INENKO, ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 1999, no. 1, pp. 5–10 [in Russian].

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