BOYAN NIKOLOV ROSSNEV Corresponding member - BAS, professor, DSc

E-mail: [email protected] tel. (office): +359 2 962 04 42 fax: +359 2 962 04 47 mobile: +359 886 040 162

Date and birth place: 15 August 1939, Yakoruda, distr.

Education: 1962 - Forestry engineer, University of Forestry -

Scientific degrees: PhD, DSc

Position: Professor, Scientific secretary of FRI

Workplace: Forest Research Institute - BAS, Department: Forest entomology and phytopathology 132 St. Kliment Ohridski Blvd., 1756 Sofia

Scientific career:  1970‐1973 – Assistant (Research scientist III-II degree), Forest Research Institute – BAS  1974‐1977 – Chef assistant (Research scientist I degree), Forest Research Institute – BAS  1977‐1990 – Associate professor (Senior researcher II degree), Forest Research Institute – BAS  1990-2004 – Professor, Forest Research Institute – BAS  2004 – Corresponding member of BAS

Scientific thesis:  1968 – Investigation on Pinus sylvestris L. forms on south slopes of  1987 – Distribution and dynamics of epiphytotics caused by the root fungus Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. In coniferous forests in and methods for their mitigation

Areas of research interests: forest phytopathology, forest protection, biological control, ecology, selection of Pinus, forestry

Participation in editorial boards of scientific journals:  Forest Science - Forest Research Institute – BAS  Silva Balcanica - Forest Research Institute – BAS

Participation in scientific and expert councils and commissions:  Specialized Scientific Council for Ecology and Forestry  Specialized Scientific Council of Botany and Mycology  Scientific Council of Forest Research Institute  Scientific Council of Institute of Botany  National Commission on Forest Protection  Expert commission at Agriculture Fund  Consultative Council at Minister of Environment and waters  Expert Council of Ecology  General Assembly of BAS

Membership in scientific organisations: Union of Scientists in Bulgaria - president of the Forestry Sciences section, STU of Forestry, Bulgarian Mycology Society, IUFRO, EIF, IOBC

Research projects: Coordinator or participant in more than 50 national and international research projects. Five more recent (2005-2011) selected projects are listed below:  Evaluation and monitoring of forest ecosystems (funded by MEW, MAF-EFA, and ICP Forests of EU program, coordinators Prof. DSc B. Rossnev, Prof. Dr E. Pavlova)  Establishment of a net for wide scale monitoring of forest ecosystems (funded by MOW and FutMon LIFE 07 of EU program, coordinators Prof. DSc B. Rossnev, Prof. Dr E. Pavlova)  Status of Quercus cerris forests in Bulgaria and activities for their improvement (funded by MAF-EFA, coordinator Prof. DSc B. Rossnev)  Impact of entomopathogenic fungus Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu and Soper on gypsy moth Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus) population and entomofauna biodiversity in oak ecosystems in Bulgaria (funded by Bulgarian Science Fund, Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, coordinator: Prof. Dr G. Georgiev)  Inventory and strategy for sustainable management and protection of virgin forests in Bulgaria (funded by KNNV- Nederland, coordinators: Prof. DSc I. Raev and Dr P. Veen)

Publications: Sixteen monographs, 9 books and manuals, and 202 papers and presentations (over 100 in peer-reviewed Journals). Recent selected publications: Georgiev, G., P. Mirchev, M. Georgieva, B. Rossnev, P. Petkov, M. Matova, S. Kitanova. 2012. First Record of Entomopathogenic Fungus Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu and Soper (Entomophthorales: Entomophthoraceae) in Lymantria dispar (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) in Turkey. – Acta zoologica bulgarica, 64 (2), 123-127. Georgiev G., D. Pilarska, P. Mirchev, B. Rossnev, P. Petkov, P. Pilarski, V. Golemansky, M. Todorov, D. Takov, Z. Hubenov, M. Georgieva, M. Matova, S. Kitanova. 2010. Entomophaga maimaiga – a factor for increasing stability and enhancing biodiversity in oak forests on the Balkan Peninsula. – In: Proceedings of International Scientific Conference ‘Forest Ecosystems and Climate Changes’, March 9-10, 2010, Belgrade, Serbia, Vol. 1, 181-185. Rossnev B., P. Mirchev, P. Petkov, G. Georgiev, G. Tsankov, M. Matova, M. Georgieva. 2008. Changes in health status of Pinus sylvestris L. plantations in the region of Southwest Bulgaria in the period 1986-2005. – Plant Sciences, 45, 393-397. Petkov P., B. Rossnev. 2008. Fungi causing damages on Carpinus betulus L. in Bulgaria. – Forest Science, 4, 35-40. Petkov P., B. Rossnev. 2008. Some pathological causes for worsening of Quercus rubra L status in Bulgaria. – In: Proceeding ‘Forestry in Achieving Millennium Goals’, Held of 50th Anniversary of Foundation of Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, 13- 15th November, 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia, 217–219. Rossnev B., G. Georgiev, P. Petkov, P. Mirchev, M. Georgieva, M. Matova. 2008. Forest ecosystems health status in West region of Medium-high plateaux of Northeast Bulgaria. – In: Proceeding: International Scientific Conference ‘Forestry in Achieving Millennium Goals’, Held of 50th Anniversary of Foundation of Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment, 13-15th November, 2008, Novi Sad, Serbia, 159–166. Petkov P., B. Rossnev. 2007. Lophodermella sulsigena (Restrup) Höhnel – a fungal disease on Pinus silvestris L. needles in Bulgaria. – Forest, 7, 19-20. Rossnev B., P. Petkov, P. Mirchev, G. Georgiev, M. Georgieva, M. Matova. 2007. System approach for determination and improvement of Quercus cerris forest status in Bulgaria. – In: Proceeding International Scientific Conferance ‘Integral protection of forests – scientific-technological platform’, 12th December 2007, Belgrade, Serbia, 186–191. Rossnev B., P. Mirchev, G. Georgiev, P. Petkov, Ya. Naydenov, G. Tsankov, D. Ovcharov, S. Mirchev, А. Pencheva, D. Doychev, М. Маtova, М. Georgieva. 2006. Manual of Forest Protection. Part I – Diseases, insects and other pests on forest and shrub species. Sofia, Education and Science Ltd., pp. 192. Rossnev B., P. Mirchev, G. Georgiev, P. Petkov, Ya. Naydenov, G. Tsankov, D. Ovcharov, S. Mirchev, А. Pencheva, D. Doychev, H. Tomovski, М. Маtova, М. Georgieva. 2007. Manual of Forest Protection. Part II. Methods for observation, signalization, forest pathological investigation, prognosis and organization of the control of diseases and pests in the forests. Education and Science Ltd., рр. 128. Rossnev B., P. Mirchev. 2006. Phytopathogenic fungi and xylophagous entomofauna in representative ecosystems by Picea abies (L.) Karsten in Northwest Rila. – In: Environment and structure of spruce forests in Rila Mountain (Ed. I. Raev), PENSOFT, Sofia-Moscow, 147-155. Rossnev B., P. Mirchev, P. Petkov, G. Georgiev, М. Grozeva, Е. Velizarova, G. Popov, V. Gyuleva, H. Tsakov, H. Stoykov. 2006. 20 years wide-scale monitoring of forets ecosystems. In: E. Pavlova, B. Rossnev (Eds.). International co-operative program ’Forests’ - Evaluation of the polluted air on the forests. Minerva, Sofia, 23-218. Rossnev B., P. Mirchev, P. Petkov, G. Georgiev, H. Tsakov, H. Stoykov, Y. Petrov, Ya. Naydenov, H. Hristov, М. Маtova, М. Georgieva, М. Kirilova. 2006. Status of Cerris forests in Bulgaria and measurements for their improvement, Silvica Foundation, Sofia, pp. 120. Raev I., B. Rossnev, A. Alexandrov, H. Tsakov, P. Mirchev, Е. Popov, G. Popov. 2006. Virgin Forests in Bulgaria, pp. 129. Georgiev G., P. Mirchev, G. Tsankov, B. Rosnev, P. Petkov. 2006. Outbreak of Ips typographus (L.) (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) and drying of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) on Vitosha Mountain. – In: Proceedings of FORMЕC 2006, 24-28 September 2006, Sofia, Bulgaria, Expressprint Ltd., 218-220. Stancheva Y., B. Rossnev. 2005. Atlas of the diseases on ornamental plants - flowers, shrubs and trees. – Pensoft, Sofia-Moscow, pp. 245 (In Bulgarian and Russina).