E1714 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks September 5, 2003 WELCOMING THE ROLLING going to be another paycheck at all to even Nations. During the October, 1971 debate on RAINFOREST TO SAN FRANCISCO think about when a raise might be coming. admitting the People’s Republic of China to This pay boost is a terrible idea, it’s irrespon- the United Nations, George H.W. Bush, the HON. NANCY PELOSI sible, and it’s a slap in the face of taxpayers United States Ambassador to the United Na- OF CALIFORNIA during this very tough time. tions, worked hard to implement the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES f States’ official policy: dual representation which would allow both Beijing and Taipei to Thursday, September 4, 2003 IN HONOR OF REVEREND MON- be represented in that body. The father of to- Ms. PELOSI. Mr. Speaker, it is my pleasure SIGNOR EDWARD F. WOJTYCHA day’s president suggested that China take the to bring to the attention of my colleagues a seat in the UN Security Council and that Tai- wonderful exhibit, the Rolling Rainforest, as it HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ wan take a seat in the General Assembly. comes to San Francisco on its maiden journey OF NEW JERSEY But George H.W. Bush’s efforts at the time across America. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES were undercut both by Henry Kissinger and The Rolling Rainforest is a classroom on Thursday, September 4, 2003 Nationalist leader Chiang Kai-shek. Kissinger wheels. Inside a 53-foot tractor-trailer, the did not support dual representation for China magic of a rainforest environment is repro- Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today and Taiwan. He happened to be on his sec- duced as a mobile museum, transporting the to honor Reverend Monsignor Edward F. ond visit to Beijing preparing for President Nix- message of environmental stewardship to un- Wojtycha for his 65 years of service to the on’s trip while the debate was underway. Am- derserved schoolchildren. people of New Jersey and to the Catholic bassador Bush noted later that the Kissinger It has traveled from the nation’s capital to Church. trip swayed some votes against the American the Golden State to participate in the 150th A native of Jersey City, New Jersey, Rev- position. anniversary celebration of the California Acad- erend Monsignor Wojtycha has dedicated his Chiang Kai-shek, then President of the Re- emy of Sciences. During its visit to San Fran- life and work to helping the people of Jersey public of China, himself did not support dual cisco, the Rolling Rainforest will reach out to City and Bayonne. The Reverend Monsignor representation, clinging to the absurd position the Leonard R. Flynn Elementary School in began his career in 1938 as a priest at St. that he and his Kuomintang government were San Francisco, Lincoln School in Vallejo, and Vincent’s Church in Bayonne. During his 25 the sole legal government of all the Chinese the Golden Gate Elementary School in Oak- years at St. Vincent’s, he served as adminis- people. The UN vote to seat the People’s Re- land. trator for 7 years and oversaw the ordination public of China righted the obvious injustice Since it was first launched in Washington, of 20 new priests. In 1963, he was appointed that had meant 1 billion people were not rep- D.C. last October, the Rolling Rainforest has pastor of the newly-formed Our Lady of Mercy resented in the UN. had more than 25,000 visitors come to experi- Church in Jersey City, where he helped build But the vote also created a major injustice, ence the sights, sounds and smells of a a new church facility, school, and convent. He leaving the people of Taiwan unrepresented. rainforest. Inside the exhibit, children are intro- then served as pastor of St. Andrew’s Church Chiang and his obdurate KMT position are duced to a sloth hiding in the forest canopy, in Bayonne until 1970. Reverend Monsignor now history. Taiwan’s government no longer beautiful butterflies, and exotic birds line the Wojtycha retired in 1985. Since 1990, he has makes this ridiculous claim. Moreover, Taiwan explorer’s path to the scientist’s hut where ex- continued his service by volunteering at the has moved from the autocratic days of periments are conducted using rainforest prod- Most Precious Blood Church in Monmouth Chiang’s martial law to full-fledged democracy. ucts—chocolate, vanilla and coffee. It is an Beach. He was honored on June 11, 2003 by I call upon President George W. Bush to im- enchanted trail that leads children on a new the Catholic Community of St. Andrew’s plement the same policy his father fought discovery. Church to mark the 65th anniversary of his for—dual representation for both Beijing and Mr. Speaker, rainforests are a precious gift. priesthood. Taipei in the UN, participation by Taiwan in all About 25 percent of the world’s forests are Reverend Monsignor Wojtycha continues to international fora, and full diplomatic recogni- rainforests, and they are home to one half of be a great inspiration to the people and the tion of Taiwan by the United States. the earth’s plant and animal species. cities he has served. He was a founder of the The brave citizens of Taiwan deserve noth- Rainforests possess an ecosystem that is St. Vincent’s Drum and Bugle Corps, which ing less and the global community striving to based on a complex interdependence of has won 10 National Championships, 22 State defeat terrorism will be strengthened by Tai- plants and animals. One of the critical lessons Championships and had the honor of march- wan’s recognition and participation. derived from the exhibit is the essential rela- ing in all presidential inaugurations from Tru- f tionship of the rainforest to our surroundings man to Kennedy. and daily lives. The Reverend Monsignor has been named LIMERICK TOWNSHIP’S 125TH These lessons are conveyed in the environ- ‘‘Man of the Year’’ by the State and National ANNIVERSARY mental education message from the Rolling Junior Chamber of Commerce, the Knights of Rainforest exhibit, and they are developed and Columbus Fourth Degree, the Disabled War HON. JIM GERLACH delivered in a manner that reaches younger Veterans, the American Legion, and others. OF PENNSYLVANIA generations. The exhibit teaches young people He was a recipient of the Governor’s Award IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and the VFW National Youth Award, and is in the importance of environmental stewardship Thursday, September 4, 2003 in their communities and prepares them to be the National Drum Corps Hall of Fame and the good stewards of the earth’s natural environ- New Jersey Drum Corps Hall of Fame. There Mr. GERLACH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to ment. are two streets named after the Reverend recognize Limerick Township, Montgomery Congratulations to the Discovery Creek Chil- Monsignor, one in Jersey City and one in Ba- County, Pennsylvania on its 125th Anniver- dren’s Museum on its San Francisco debut of yonne. sary. the Rolling Rainforest. Today, I ask my colleagues to join me in In 1682, William Penn purchased the land that would become Limerick Township from f honoring Reverend Monsignor Edward F. Wojtycha for his exceptional service and dedi- the Lenni Lenape Indians of the Delaware CONGRESSIONAL PAY cation to the people of New Jersey. Tribe. His purchase paved the way for the f area’s first settlers who, in the Township’s in- HON. MARK GREEN fancy, were mostly Welsh, Germans, Holland CALLING FOR TAIWANESE REP- OF WISCONSIN Dutch and French Huguenots. An official peti- RESENTATION AT THE UNITED IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES tion to form ‘‘Lymmerick Township’’ was filed NATIONS in Philadelphia in March of 1726 and the origi- Thursday, September 4, 2003 nal document remains in City Hall, Philadel- Mr. GREEN of Wisconsin. Mr. Speaker, this HON. PETER DEUTSCH phia, to this day. body must understand that by giving itself a OF Manatawny Road, which we know today as pay hike today, it sends a message to the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Ridge Road, was the name given to the main American people that the Congress is woefully road through the Township from Trappe to out of touch. In my state, the economy has se- Thursday, September 4, 2003 Pottstown and was built in 1718. The area’s rious problems. People are losing their jobs. Mr. DEUTSCH. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to first schools were started by parents and were Families are too worried about whether there’s call for representation for Taiwan at the United usually part of the neighborhood churches with

VerDate jul 14 2003 04:03 Sep 06, 2003 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A04SE8.062 E05PT1 September 5, 2003 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1715 instruction focusing on religion, reading, writ- about life and our roles in it. One of my proud- PERSONAL EXPLANATION ing and arithmetic. Limerick hired its very first est and most gratifying moments in Congress law enforcement officer, a constable, in 1767, came when I was able to appoint his son to HON. MAX BURNS before organized police protection began in serve as a congressional page. Warren was OF GEORGIA so proud of Scott, as was I for the outstanding 1961. For the first 250 years of Limerick IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Township’s history, all public records were job he did during his time in Washington. kept in individual homes until the municipal Mr. Speaker, I was blessed to know Warren Thursday, September 4, 2003 building was erected in 1973, with a ceremony Wilson and to have had him as a friend. And Mr. BURNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to and dedication in 1974. In 1968, the Philadel- the world is a much better place for having provide an explanation for my absence during phia Electric Company selected a site within had him in it. I know that, although his earthly three votes yesterday evening. the Township for construction of two nuclear life has passed, his impact will be felt by those During yesterday’s votes of roll Nos. 460, power generating units and, by 1986, the plant he touched for many, many years to come. 461, and 462, I was en route to the Capitol was fully operational. Today there are four ele- f from Savannah due to weather delays in the mentary schools that serve the Township’s INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION Washington area. Had I been present, I would children, two fire companies, an airport and HONORING CELIA CRUZ BY have voted in the affirmative for each. numerous churches—just a few more indica- AWARDING HER THE CONGRES- f tions of how the community has grown SIONAL GOLD MEDAL through the years. RECOGNITION OF THE 13TH ANNI- Flourishing Limerick Township, however, HON. ROBERT MENENDEZ VERSARY OF THE SIGNING OF saw an acceleration of growth particularly after THE AMERICANS WITH DISABIL- OF NEW JERSEY the opening of the Pottstown Expressway (Rt. ITIES ACT INTO LAW IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 422) in 1985, which connects the Limerick area to King of Prussia as well as nearby Thursday, September 4, 2003 HON. Philadelphia. Since its completion, the Town- Mr. MENENDEZ. Mr. Speaker, I rise today OF FLORIDA ship has seen skyrocketing residential and to offer legislation to honor my great friend, IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES commercial growth resulting in many new the music icon, Celia Cruz, who lost her cou- Thursday, September 4, 2003 businesses and residents who call Limerick rageous battle with cancer on July 17, 2003. Township home. Today, Limerick Township, Last night, during the Latin Grammy’s, Ms. HARRIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to one of the oldest townships in Pennsylvania, Americans were mesmerized by an emotional commemorate a landmark civil rights anniver- is considered one of the most desirable and and wonderful tribute to the great Celia Cruz. sary in American history, which passed after respected communities in the Philadelphia re- Today, in the People’s House, I am joined by we had adjourned for the District Work Period gion. my colleague, Representative ILEANA ROS- in July. Thirteen years ago, the first President Mr. Speaker, I ask my colleagues to join me LEHTINEN, to introduce legislation that will post- Bush signed the Americans with Disabilities today in recognizing Limerick Township for humously award Celia Cruz the Congressional Act into law, launching a new era in our na- 125 years of history, heritage and service. I Gold Medal. tion’s everlasting journey towards equal oppor- also recognize the fine citizens and officials of Celia de la Caridad Cruz Alonso was born tunity for all. Limerick Township, including Township Super- on October 21, 1924, in Havana, Cuba. Her This long-overdue legislation finally breathed career blossomed when she left Cuba for the visors Thomas J. DiBello, Kenneth W. life into the principal that every American has United States in 1960, where she eventually Sperring Jr., Francis T. Grant, Frederick L. the right to be a full and equal participant in made Fort Lee, New Jersey her home. Fidler and Joseph T. Greco, for making Lim- our society. Over a five decade career as an entertainer, As Florida’s Secretary of State, I was erick Township the wonderful community it is Celia Cruz became known as the ‘‘Queen of blessed to have the opportunity to apply the today. Salsa,’’ and claimed the calling card cry of mission of the ADA to the cause of election f ‘‘Azuuuucar!’’ Celia’s passion, boundless en- reform. Beginning with my appointment of a ergy, and charisma transfixed generations of HONORING WARREN WILSON Select Task Force in 2001, we worked to re- salsa fans and musicians. She recorded more than 70 albums and her collaborative efforts move the obstacles that prevented persons HON. with other performers including the legendary with disabilities in Florida from enjoying the OF FLORIDA salsa artist Tito Puente, pop star David Byrne, sanctity of the secret ballot and the civic maj- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and hip-hop producer Wyclef Jean helped esty of going to the polls on Election Day. Thanks to powerful advocates from Florida’s Thursday, September 4, 2003 break down ethnic and cultural barriers. She was one of the few bridges that crossed cul- disabilities community like Pam Dorwarth, Mr. BILIRAKIS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to tural and racial divides. Doug Towne, and Richard LaBelle as well as honor Warren Wilson, a former constituent Celia’s musical talent earned her hundreds the skilled leadership of Colonel Charley Price and friend whose short life touched those with of awards worldwide, including five Grammy’s, in mobilizing our veterans with disabilities, whom he came into contact. two Latin Grammy’s, and the National Medal Florida became the first state in the nation to Warren Wilson was, more than anything of Arts, the highest honor bestowed on an art- pass wide-ranging legislation vindicating the else, generous. I have met few people in my ist in the United States. She was a Hispanic voting rights of persons with disabilities. life whose generosity and charity exceeded Heritage Awards Lifetime Achievement recipi- As we celebrate how far we have come, we Warren’s. He willingly gave his time, energy, ent, and has a star on Hollywood’s Walk of must not forget how many miles we still must and money to help those in need. He per- Fame. Her music was a unifying force, and travel to truly secure for every American the formed free legal work for those who could not her passion for a free Cuba was evidenced in rights and privileges that most of us take for afford it. He raised money for charitable orga- both her music and her words. granted. nizations that helped the poor and down- Celia touched the lives of millions. More f trodden. He volunteered to serve on the than 100,000 individuals mourned her loss at boards of local community and service organi- her wake in Miami, Florida and 75,000 people AMERICA HAS LOST A GREAT zations. lined the streets of Manhattan to pay their re- WARRIOR AND HERO: GENERAL Warren Wilson was, however, more than spects as her funeral procession made its way RAY DAVIS just an asset to our community. He was a lov- through the streets of City. ing husband to his wonderful wife, Beth. He Celia Cruz made countless contributions to HON. JOHN LINDER was a devoted father to his fine son, Scott. American society and the world as an enter- OF GEORGIA And he was a mentor to my children, espe- tainer, and she was an ambassador of Latino IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES cially to my son Gus, who runs the law prac- culture and a voice of freedom. Her music, her Thursday, September 4, 2003 tice that I started before I came to Congress. words, and her love of freedom live on. This Warren also was my friend. He was some- legislation would make Celia the first Latina to Mr. LINDER. Mr. Speaker, it is with great one with whom I could watch a baseball receive the Congressional Gold Medal. sadness that I mourn the loss of retired U.S. game, someone with whom I could discuss I urge my colleagues to support this bill, and Marine Corps General Raymond G. Davis, the issues we debate in this hallowed cham- I urge the leadership to bring it swiftly to the who passed away yesterday in Atlanta, Geor- ber, and someone with whom I could talk floor for a vote. gia.

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