Iiatirtetrr Lewrmng Mmui Betsy Heads for Louisiana^ Thousands Flee
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WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1966 -WWE THlRTY^SrX Daily Net Prees Run iianrljfBtfr lEv^tting l|m U i ^ the Week WSm6U asptsMMr A, IN i The Manoheater Area Alum ing the taaohers would be eon- Ksslble slnoe there were a num- a nae Club of Pi Beta Phi, mem Today’s Pollen Count eulted before any new board r of Items of immediate Im Sehodl M Rliifan 13,893 About Town ME A Asks Education Board portance to discuss. These in iiatirtetrr lEwrmng ber of the National Panhellenlo 17.S m m U i polloy osi the subjeet were r •< Um AedU Consresa, will open Its fall sea clude the matUr of an unac DIseoimt PrkM l H m fourth annual Olaaton* The common ragweed •6 Obeelett* son with potluok and a fifth adopted. ceptable salary schedule and ManehMtm^—A City o f ViUago Charm iMirr lIBc’a HorN Show will bt may be from one to five To Hold Up on New Policy In ease the board felt that It anniveraary celebration Mon feet tall and has hairy green about 260 unsigned salaiy bald Sunday boflnnlns at t had to have a negotiations pol agreemenU. The selectUon of ARTH U R'S a.m. rain or thine on the Elk'a day night at the home of Mrs. stems, feathery parted Vamum J. Abbott Jr., 66 Ths Manchester Sducation As-^gchaffsr, board msmber, would icy on the books before starting an agent to run the referendum, (Okiestfled Advertlshig ea PRICE c n w CEM9 Show Orounda, Woodland St, leaves and long spikes of negotiations with the majority VOL. LXXXIY, NO. 289 (TWENTY PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1966 Thayer Rd. There will be a green to yellow flowers WoWert aUted, should be one of South OlatUmbury. The ahow soclatlon (MBAl has requested submit a rsvlsion of the board's teachers' group, Wolfert sug the topics for discussion at the will feature 12 full dlviaiona bualneas meeting after potUick that produce the pollen. at 7. The meeting Is open to that the Manchester Board of policy for Its consideration at gested, it should consider ac coming board meeting. and individual claaaee. Other Education postpone adoption of the next scheduled meeting, on cepting only a very general pol The upcoming referendum is faaturea Include pony ridea, a all area PI Phis. For reserva tions, contact Mrs. Walter J. Miss Penne Halllhan, daugh any new policy governing teach Sept. IS. Schaffer had been In icy statement. He indicated that slated to occur sometime before ferria wheel and a chicken bar ter of Mr. and Mrs. Patrick G. er-board negotiations until after structed at the last meeting to he opposed the present board r S oWIrs ** DuprU Twins becue at noon. A shuttle but Wehner Jr., 11 Fqjey Circle, Oct. 12. ■ W>r Every Ooeaaloni H Blast Hartford. Halllhan of 32 Highland St., the forthcoming teacher repre prepare such a revision in time policy because of its limitations * ■ aervtce will bo provided from entered nurses’ training Satur sentation referendum. The re- for next week’s meeting. on the rights of the majority Isle’s Toaristn Booms " Pork HIR. - Are Identical the parkins lot to the show day at William W. Backus Hos Suest was made by MEIA Presl- Wolfert stressed that, under teachers' group and would op U.S. Jets Hit Betsy Heads for Louisiana^ area. ___ _ Members of the FYank J. pital, Norwich. ent Robert Wolfert In a letter the new teacher negotiation pose similarly any new policy KINO8T0N — Jamaica esti ■ joyfc* Nowar Shop! Members of the Oolden Age Mansfield Detachment. Marine addressed to Mrs. Katherine law, the methods of negotiation also tending to limit the rights Next to Hartford All the Way mates a 20 per cent Increase in National Bank ■ Club will meet tomorrow at 2 Corps Lengiie. will meet to Washington LOL will meet Bourn, chairman of the board were themselves a subject for of teachers’ groups. visitors this year over 1964. night at 8 at the Marine Hall, Friday at 8 p.m. at Orange of education. negotiation and that it there It is urgent, Wolfert continued, ■ 601 Main S t. Manobeater ■ LOS ANOBX.B8 (AP) — p.m. at the chibroom. School Volume was up 69 per cent BlShnell Way IClemanUry S t New efflcera will be elect 717 Parker St., for the election Hall, The 'Royal Black Precep- Wolfert based his request on fore seemed logical that the or to get the forthcoming referen early this year, the tourist 649-0791—649-144S b the possibility that Beldon Close to China School might be In troubU of officers. tory will meet at 9. ganisation ultimately represent dum out of the way as soon as ed. office said. L today If it had an enroll SAIGON, South Viet Nam (AP) — U.S. military ment computer, Um princi Thousands Flee Coast Area pal’s ofHcs said. This spokesmen announced today that American planes school, in subimban High bombed a bridge 17 miles south of Red China’s border land Paric, has Its first digit with North Viet Nam. It was their closest penetration children. toward the Chinese frontier in the Vietfamese war. The new klnder»rten pu MAIN STREET • MANCHESfER OPEN 6 DAYS! The spokesmen said four F106«>--------------— -------------------------- pils are 1 and 2 l>ipris, 6- ITiunderchlefs damaged the yearnold blond Identical • r’ '•V ' East Texas 000 troops were taking part, twins, enrolled Wednesday railroad bridge in the raid American and Vietnamese casu- Wednesday and pounded two by their father, Eugene Je HOUSE CAMPUS TIME SPECIALS alUea were described as light. rome Duprls, 26. Actually, Also in Path other bridges 26 and SO miles No other major ground activi their names are Eugene Je aouth of the border. ty was reported, but a U.S. The area, about 140 mUee rome Duprls Jr. 1 and FOR YOUR MONEY AT HOUSE & HALE! Army helicopter crashed in the Eugene Jerome Duprls Jr. MORE Outfitting the Back to School and College set at House & Hale has been a long time tradl- northwest of Hanoi, is an Impor Mekong Delta 100 miles south of Of Hurricane tant transportation center lead Saigon, and all members of its 2. ing to the North Vietnamese How did this happen? YES, YOU GET FAMOUS NAME BRANDS! SERVICE! •tion with most Manchester familiee . this year as never before, our shelves are just orew were reported killed. Papa Duprls, a carpenter, NEW ORLEANS, La. eapital. U.S. pilots are trying to The crash occurred in Com (A P)—^Thousands o t lYfo- dlarupt a railroad in the area munist-Infested Vlnh Blnh ProV' said that years he had HALE CONVENIENCE! DEPENDABILITY! CHARGE ACCOUNTS! brimming with nationally advertised sports, casual and scjiool wearables. Come see for your dreamed of a son. to carry gees streamed inland to* Main Street—^Manchester and last month bombed within Ince, but It was not known Im SO miles of Red CSilna twice. mediately whether the craft was his full name. In 1660 after day from Louisiana’s ex> self . this is the store for more quality and style at unbelievable savings 1 five years of childless mar In the ground war, U.S. hit by enemy fire. Although the posed coastal areas as Hmv Marinee and Vietnamese troope helicopter was on a troop trans riage, the twins were bom. oonUnued their giant sweep to port mission, there were no “ I couldn’t just name one ricane Betsw, fresh from dear the Viet Oong from the passengers abdl^ of them junior,” he said. an attack on Florida, GORDON PETERS Batangan peninsula. The Batangan offensive was "I figured they’re identical churned closer. Reports from the three-day- aimed at smashing a reported twins, so why no* give them The vanguard of 100,000 fSta- INTRODUCING EVERYTHING old cmraUon 200 miles south of Communist buildup in the area Identical namee?” dents of ooutham Louialana and C%u Lai said 148 Viet Oong had SSO miles north of Saigon. 9 eastern Texas packed oora end DORM been killed, S8 captured and 100 The Marines made the biggest trallera and headed north— GOES BETTER WITH ^ auapecta detained. away from poooible killer tIdSe . Although between 6,000 and 6,- (See Page Twelve) Tw o Women and 140-mlle winds. SHIRTS The New Orleans Weather SLACKS BY LANCER HEATHER JUMPERS Bureau urged them to evacuate Found Shot quickly before rlatag tides cot Singing new A-line jumpers with welt o tt escape. seaming in blue or berry heather wool Regular At 10 a.m., Betsy woe ISS . included in this group are wool 5.99 President Creates In Chicago milee south-southaaet c< the mouth of the Mleelaalppl River Mod or Bunny Smock style jumpers, and moving west^orthweet CRESLAN BLEND NO IRON Sanforized, wash ’n CHK3AGO (AP)—A motorist in solids or two tone wools and cor found the bodies of two well- through the Ohilf of Mexico M IS duroys. Sizes 10-18. wear, oxford cloth but dressed Negro women, both shot miles an hour. ton front, buttondown New Cabinet Post in the head, in a grassy ditch Homesteady Fla., Potver Lines Fell in Hurricane Betsy’s Path ■"-Betsy is expected to oonOaM collar, side slits. Navy outside a cemetery today. moving about 18 mUea per hour WASHINGTON (A P )— President Johnson signed The eyee and mouths of the and turn to a noitliweeterty FEATURING or cranberry top- fnto law today legislation creating a new department of young victims had been covered Course today," a Weather' Bu stitch in white. Sizes housing and urban affairs and called it “a wise, just with adhesive tape.