Curriculum vitae Europass

Personal information Name / Surname GOCIU MIRELA Address 15 AEXANDRU CERNAT STREET, M5A, Ap. 59, GALATI, Telephone 004 0743 997916

E-mail [email protected]

Marital status Not married

Nationality Romanian Date of birth December 22nd, 1986

Professional experience

Period 2009- present Position or occupation Certified translator/ interpreter Name and address of the employer PFA MIRELA GOCIU Main activities or responsibilities Translate/ Interpret English- Romanian / Romanian – English Domains Law: contracts, articles, papers, books, legislation, national and international law etc. Administration: correspondence, contracts. Engineering: technical documentations, technical specifications, tender documentations; correspondence etc. Certificates, documents, birth certificates, diplomas etc.

Education and Training

Dates August 2009 Title of qualification awarded Certificate for translator/ interpreter Principal subjects/occupational skills Translation covered Name and type of organisation providing Romanian Ministry of Justice education and training

Dates February 2009 Title of qualification awarded Bachelor’s degree – Faculty of International relations and European studies Principal subjects/occupational skills International relations and European studies covered Name and type of organisation providing “Danubius University” in Galati, Romania. education and training

Dates Title of qualification awarded Cambridge Name and type of organisation providing education and training

Personal skills and competencies

Mother tongue Romanian

Known foreign language

Self-evaluation Comprehension Speaking Writing European level (*) Listening Reading Participation at Oral speech Written formulation conversation English C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user C2 Proficient user

French Independent Independent Independent Independent Independent B1 B2 B2 B2 B2 user user user user user (*)Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Social skills and competencies Serious, organised, meticulous, attentive to details, highly able to acquire new knowledge, creative, dynamic, always meet deadlines, stress endurance.

Computer skills and competencies Office Pack, web browsing.

Annexes List of materials translated, references, Cambridge Degree, Certificate issued by the Ministry of Justice.

Annex 1

List of materials translated

For PhD Paper “Coordinates of the integration of Romanian administration in the European administrative space” (from books)

- Administrative law in France, Auby, J. B., Ed. Intersentia, Antwerpen, 2002 - Law and public administration, Bertelli, Anthony M, Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007 - Theories and Values in Public Law, Cane, P., Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2003 - EU law: text, cases, and materials, Craig, P. P., De Búrca, G., Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2007 - New forms of governance in The Evolution of EU Law, Craig, P., De Búrca, G., Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999 - Good governance: The concepts and its application by the European Union , Curtin, D., Dekker, I., Ed. Intersentia nv, 2005 - The Institutional Development of the EU: A Constitutional Analysis, De Búrca, G., Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford,1999 - Administrative reform in Germany: Changes and Challenges, Franzke J., Ed. CRC Press, Londra, 2008 - EU administrative governance, Hofmann, H., Türk, A., Ed. Edward Elgar, Cheltenham–UK, 2006 - The study of public management in Europe and the US: a comparative analysis of national distinctiveness , Kickert, W. J. M., Ed. Routledge, Londra and New York, 2008 - Handbook of administrative reform: an international perspective, Killian, J., N. Eklund, Ed. CRC Press. Taylor& Francis Group, USA, 2008 - The Europenisation of National Administrations. Patterns of Institutional Change and Persistence, Knill, C., Ed. Cambridge University Press, 2001 - Public Law, Europeanisation and Convergence: Can Comparatists Contribute?, Legrand, P., Ed. Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2002 - Two Treatises of Government, Locke, J., , Ed. C. and J. Rivington, Londra, 1824 - Politicization of the civil service in comparative perspective, Peters, B.G., Pierre, J., Ed. Routledge Taylor&Francis Group, Londra, 2004 - Public management reform: a comparative analysis, Pollitt, C., Bouckaert, G., Ed. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2004 - Droit administratif européen, Schwarze, J., Ed. II-a, Ed. Bruylant, Bruxelles, 2009 - The convergence of the administrative laws of the EU member states, Schwarze, J., în Snyder, F. G., Ed. Hart, Oxford, 2000 - Economy and society: an outline of interpretive sociology, Weber, M., Roth G., Wittich C., Ed. University of California Press, 1978 - Public law, Ziller, J., în J. M. Smits, Edward Elgar Publishing, Elgar encyclopedia of comparative law, Ed. Edward Elgar Publishing, Cheltenham, 2006

For PhD Paper “Coordinates of the integration of Romanian administration in the European administrative space” (from international articles and papers) - Europeanization of National Administrations: an Assessment of the Italian Antitrust Authority and Environment Agency Cases, Barbieri, D., ARENA Working Papers WP 04/21, Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo - Efficiency and Legality in Public Administration: What is the Priority?, Carpenter, M., în OECD, Support for Improvement in Governance and Management, The Regional Workshop on Public Administration Reform and EU Integration, Budva, Montenegro, 5-6 December 2005 - Europeanization, Enlargement and Social Policy in Central and Eastern Europe, Cerami, A., , Cahiers européens nr. 1/2007, Centre d'études européennes, Paris, 2007 - European Commission acts to bolster the EU's system of protecting fundamental rights European Commission, interview offered by the President of the Commission, José Manuel Barroso, Brussels, 17 March 2010 - Standard Eurobarometer 69. Public Opinion in the European Union, European Commission, Directorate General Press and Communication, , Brussels 2008; - Joint Practical Guide of the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission for persons involved in the drafting of legislation within the Community institutions, European Communities, Luxemburg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2003 - A New Space for Public Administrations and Services of General Interest in an Enlarged Union, European Institute of Public Administration, in collaboration with the Luxembourg Presidency of the Council of the European Union, Luxemburg, 8 June 2005 - Comparing the Reinventing Government Movement with the New Public Administration, Frederickson, H.G., Public Administration Review, Vol. 56, 1996 - Information and consultation in the field of social housing in France in OECD, Citizens as Partners. Information, Consultation and Public Participation in Policy-Making, Gustin, P., Dubois, C., OECD Publishing, 2001 - Meeting the Challenges of Accession, in Preparing public administrations for the European Administrative Space, Metcalfe, L., , OECD, SIGMA P. no. 23, Paris, 1998 - Trends of administrative reform in Europe: Towards administrative convergence?, Michalopoulos, N., First Regional International Conference of the International Institute of Administrative Sciences, University of Bologna, 19-22 June 2000 - National public administrations and European integration, Nizzo, C., OECD/Sigma, Paris, 2001 - European Principles for Public Administration, OECD, SIGMA P. no. 27, Paris, 1998 - Preparing Public Administrations for the European Administrative Space, OECD, SIGMA P. no. 23, Paris, 1998 - Reviews of regulatory reform, Germany: consolidating economic and social renewal, OECD, Examens de l'OCDE de la réforme de la réglementation, OECD Publishing, 2004 - Civil Service Salary System in Germany and Recent Reform Trends,OECD, Kai-Andreas Otto, Conference on Civil Service Salary Systems in Europe, Bucharest, 25 April 2007 - Environmental performance reviews, OECD, Working Party on Environmental Performance, OECD Publishing, 2007 - Governance in Transition: Public Management Reforms in OECD countries, OECD, PUMA/OECD, Paris, 1995 - Trust in Government: Ethics Measures in OECD Countries, OECD, OECD Publishing, 2000 - Democratic government, institutional autonomy and the dynamics of change, Olsen, J.P., Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo, Working Paper, No. 01, January 2009, ARENA Working Paper - Citizens, public administration and the search for theoretical foundations, Olsen, J.P., ARENA Working Papers,WP 20/03 - The Ups and Downs of Bureaucratic Organization, Centre for European Studies, Olsen, J.P., University of Oslo, Working Paper, No. 15, September 2009, ARENA Working Paper - The European Administrative Space. Assessing Approximation of Administrative Principles and Practices among EU Member States, Peretó, F.C., Support for Improvement in Governance and Management, OECD, Ankara, 1-2 February 2005 - The principle of proportionality analyzed through the lens of a comparative perspective, Poto, M., University of Pavia, Working Papers - The Public Administration turn in Integration Research, Trondal, J., ARENA Working Papers, nr. 7/2007, Centre for European Studies, University of Oslo, 2007 - Local Government Reforms in Great Britain, Sweden, Germany and France: Between Multi-Function and Single-Purpose Organizations in Local Government Studies, Wollmann, H., Vol.30, No.4, Winter 2004, ISSN 0300-3930.

Articles translated integrally

For University Lecturer PhD Gina Livioara Goga - The significance of the general principles of law in consecrating the administrative space of the European Union, in EIRP Proceedings, International conference „Integrarea Europeană - Realităţi şi perspective”, “Danubius” University in Galati, 2012 - The sources of the administrative law of the European and their role in consecrating the administrative space of the European Union, in EIRP Proceedings, International conference „Integrarea Europeană - Realităţi şi perspective”, “Danubius” University in Galati, 2012 - Public function between liability and legal responsibility, The 18th International Conference “Nicolae Bălcescu”, 2011 - The implications of public decisions endorsement from the perspective of transparency principle, The 18th International Conference “Nicolae Bălcescu”, 2011 - Preventing and fighting against crimes of illicit traffic of firearms, ammunition and explosive materials in the European Union, The 18th International Conference “Nicolae Bălcescu”, 2011 - Legal Liability in Environmental Law, Magazine Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Ed. Danubius, nr.3/2011, Vol. 7, ISSN: 1844- 8062; EISSN: 2065-3891; - Application stage of the good administration exigencies at national level, Annual Conference of the Department of Law at AGORA University , 2011; - The application of the principle of proportionality within the national administrative law, Annual Conference of the Department of Law at AGORA University Oradea, 2011; - Application of the speciality principle, concerning the special seizure in Romanian criminal law, CKS The 5th International Scientific Session“ Challenges of the Knowledge Society”, April 15-16, 2011; - The obligation of the national administrative organs to re-examine their own decisions in the context of the recent jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union, Magazine Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Ed. Danubius, 2010, ISSN: 1844-8062; EISSN: 2065-3891; - Good governance in the EU, Magazine Acta Universitatis Danubius. Juridica, Ed.Danubius, 2009, ISSN: 1844-8062; EISSN: 2065-3891 ; - The Research of the Administrative Phenomenon within the European Space from the Perspective of the Organisms Specialized in Professional Trading, in EIRP Proceedings, International conference „Integrarea Europeană - Realităţi şi perspective”, “Danubius” University in Galati, 2011; - Bureaucratic administration in modern society, in EIRP Proceedings, International conference „Integrarea Europeană - Realităţi şi perspective”, “Danubius” University in Galati, 2009; - The role of civil society within the democracy, in EIRP Proceedings, International conference „Integrarea Europeană - Realităţi şi perspective”, “Danubius” University in Galati, 2009; - Good governance in public administration from the perspective of the political factor, in EIRP Proceedings, International conference „Integrarea Europeană - Realităţi şi perspective”, “Danubius” University in Galati, 2009; - The Control of the Legality of Administrative Activity through the Court of Justice of the European Union, in EIRP Proceedings, International conference „Integrarea Europeană - Realităţi şi perspective”, “Danubius” University in Galati,2010; - The Right to a Good Administration Regulations in Some Member States of The European Union, International Conference Globalization and Higher Education in Economics and Business Administration, Iasi, 2010.

For Alexandrina Zaharia - Judge at the Court of Appeal Galati- University Lecturer PhD at “Danubius” University in Galati, Romania - Regulating the procedure of appeal in the civil law suit in the Draft Civil Procedure Code; - Public participation in decision making process and access to justice in matters of water and aquatic ecosystems’ protection; - The dynamics of soil protection, terrestrial ecosystems and judicial liability after the Romanian adhesion at the EU; - Procedure on small claims in regulating the draft of the Code of Civil Procedure; - The compatibility of Law no.85/2006 dispositions with the ones of the Civil Procedural Code regarding the insolvency procedure; - Procedural aspects on civil liability in the prejudice against the environment; - Ensuring the quality of Romanian university education in European higher education scope by teaching Civil Procedural Law; - The European procedure on reduced value claims; - Procedural issues on patrimony liability in matters of insolvency.

For Associate Professor PhD Jana Maftei, Head of Public Law and Private Law Department, “Danubius” University in Galati - Considerations on the legal status of the individual in Public International Law; - Quo vadis e-learning?; - The internationalization of higher education through informatics technologies; - Education for an active European citizenship; - The valence of good governance in European context; - Aspects of the relation principle of human liberty- bioethics- bio law; - The computerization of education, condition for modernizing education; - Consideration on the judicial liability of the Romanian Diplomatic and Consular Corps’ members as regulated by Law no. 269/2003; - EER - Mechanism for Promoting the Small and Medium Enterprises in Europe; - Consular and diplomatic protection of the European Union citizens in third countries.

For University Lecturer PhD Florentina Pusca, “Danubius” University in Galati - The institution and the termination of the criminal protection of the right to life; - The Romanian legislative frame of prevention and fighting against genetic manipulation; - General aspects on the influence of the modern bio-medical techniques on the human body.

For PhD Dragos Georgescu for For “Computational Civil Engineering 2011”, International Symposium Iasi, Romania, May 13, 2011 - The application of Computer Aided Facilities Management (CAFM) in civil engineering; - Considerations on applying FIDIC Contracts in Romania.

For Associate Professor Doctor Alina Livia Nicu, University of , Faculty of Law and Administrative Sciences - Aspects regarding the legislative delegation in the Romanian administrative practice.

Others For S.C. TRANS PEC S.A. Galati - Tender documentation for “New treatment plant in Pechea cluster. New treatment plant in Liesti cluster”. - Documentation for “Refurbishment of Water Treatment Plant, Pumping Station and Related Potable Water Plant and Equipment”. - Bank documents - Correspondence - Official documents for notary public offices etc.