The Open Access Israeli Journal of Aquaculture – Bamidgeh

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Editor-in-Chief Published under auspices of Dan Mires The Society of Israeli Aquaculture and Marine Biotechnology (SIAMB), Editorial Board University of Hawaii at Manoa Library Sheenan Harpaz Agricultural Research Organization and Beit Dagan, Israel University of Hawaii Aquaculture Zvi Yaron Dept. of Zoology Program in association with Tel Aviv University AquacultureHub Tel Aviv, Israel Angelo Colorni National Center for Mariculture, IOLR Eilat, Israel

Rina Chakrabarti Aqua Research Lab Dept. of Zoology University of Delhi

Ingrid Lupatsch Swansea University Singleton Park, Swansea, UK

Jaap van Rijn The Hebrew University Faculty of Agriculture Israel

Spencer Malecha Dept. of Human Nutrition, Food and Sciences University of Hawaii

Daniel Golani The Hebrew University of Jerusalem Jerusalem, Israel

Emilio Tibaldi Udine University Udine, Italy ISSN 0792 - 156X

 Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - BAMIGDEH. Copy Editor Ellen Rosenberg PUBLISHER: Israeli Journal of Aquaculture - BAMIGDEH - Kibbutz Ein Hamifratz, Mobile Post 25210, ISRAEL Phone: + 972 52 3965809 The Israeli Journal of Aquaculture Ð Bamidgeh 58(1), 2006, 55-61. 55


A. Lok1*, S. Acarli1, S. Serdar1, A. Kose1 and P. Goulletquer2 1 Department of Aquaculture, Fisheries Faculty, Ege University, Bornova Izmir, 35100 Turkey 2 Ifremer Ð Genetics, Aquaculture, Pathology Research Laboratory, La Tremblade, 17390 France

(Received 26.8.05, Accepted 2.11.05)

Key words: bearded horse mussel, growth, , survival, Turkey

Abstract The growth and survival rates of four size classes (10, 15, 20, and 25 mm) of bearded horse (Modiolus barbatus) grown in net bags in Mersin Bay, Izmir, were assessed from May 2001 to May 2002. Temperature ranged 14-23¡C, average chlorophyll a was 3.34±0.35 µg/l, average total particulate matter 12.43±0.68 mg/l, and average particulate organic carbon 210.23±18.00 µg/l. Shell lengths increased 23.05, 19.76, 19.40, and 12.09 mm in the four class- es (from small to large) and live weights increased 13.21, 10.46, 10.06, and 4.96 g, respective- ly. Survival rates ranged from 25% in the smallest size class to 87.5% in the 20 mm class (p<0.05). Mussels grew significantly fastest in the smallest size class (p<0.05).

Introduction The bearded horse mussel Modiolus barba- and along the Atlantic coast of Morocco tus, a boreal , is a bivalve mollusk that (Tebble, 1976). In Turkish waters, it ranges inhabits coastal marine environments down to from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea about 110 m, where it may occur in very large (Alpbaz, 1993). The mussel is harvested from communities (Tebble, 1976; Jasim and Brand, natural beds for human consumption together 1989). It has been reported on the southern with the (Mytilus gallo- and western coasts of Great Britain, the west provincialis) and exported. A rather limited coast of Ireland, the southern part of the amount of M. barbatus is consumed in Europe Iberian Peninsula, in the Mediterranean Sea, (Alpbaz, 1993).

* Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected] 56 Lok et al.

While extensive literature is available on Phytoplankton biomass, the amount of seston M. galloprovincialis and Mytilus edulis, limited (total particulate matter; TPM), and the con- information is available on species of the centration of particulate organic carbon (POC) mytilid Modiolus which has been poor- were determined according to the methods of ly known until recently. Our study aims to esti- Strickland and Parsons (1972). mate the seasonal growth of M. barbatus Growth and survival rates. The initial pop- based on growth and survival rates of individ- ulation of bearded horse mussels was sam- ually measured mussels in four distinct size pled from the fish cages and hand-sorted to classes, to aid in decision-making for future remove other organisms and debris. The culture and fishery management. mussels were divided by length into four size groups: 10 mm (9.88±0.35), 15 mm Materials and Methods (14.86±0.23), 20 mm (19.61±0.26), and 25 Study area. The study site was located at a mm (25.76±0.54 mm). The length and weight fish farm in Mersin Bay (38º 12.77’N, 26º of each mussel were measured. One hundred 25.46’E), Aegean Sea, about 80 km west of and fifty mussels from each group were Izmir, Turkey (Fig. 1). The depth at the farm placed into plastic mesh bags at 50 per bag varied 18-24 m. Subsurface water was sam- (experiment was conducted in triplicate) and pled monthly from May 2001 to May 2002 at a the bags were hung in a cage at 0.5 m below depth of 5 m. Although we were not in the the water surface. The mussels were sampled study area during July and November, the in early May 2001 and monthly, except for farmer took water samples. Temperature was July and November, until May 2002. During measured with a mercury thermometer that each sample, the mussels were removed from ranged -10 to 100±0.5°C and salinity (‰) was their bags, measured as above, and placed measured with a hand refractometer. into clean bags to avoid bio-fouling. Shell


Study Area

Mersin Bay

1 km Bogurtlen Island

Fig. 1. Location of study site in Mersin Bay (Cesme), Izmir, Turkey. Bathymetric lines in meters. Growth and survival of bearded horse mussel 57 length and total weight were individually mea- ranged 36-37‰ without seasonal variability, sured using calipers (0.1 mm) and a balance water temperature ranged 14-23¼C with a sig- (0.01 g), respectively. nificant peak in summer and a low in The specific growth rate (SGR; %) was December, and chlorophyll a concentration calculated using the following equation had an irregular pattern ranging 1.97-5.37 µg/l (Chatterji et al., 1984): SGR = [(LnL2 - (Fig. 2). The average total particulate matter LnL1)/(T2 - T1)] x 100, where L1 and L2 are the was 12.43±0.68 mg/l (7.2 in March to 17.5 in lengths at times 1 and 2 and T1 and T2 are November). times 1 and 2 in days. The von Bertalanffy Growth rate. Length and weight data are Growth Function, developed by von plotted in Fig. 3 and the equation with the best Bertalanffy (Pauly, 1982), is described by the fit is shown. Growth is shown in Fig. 4. The equation: Lt = L∞[1 - e-K(t1 - t0)], where L∞ is time of initiation of the experiment clearly the asymptotic (or theoretical maximum) influenced the growth rate during the first half length in millimeters, K is the growth constant, year; the total weight gains of the smaller size Lt is the length at time t, and t0 is the theoret- groups were less impacted than those of the ical time when length equals zero. The model larger size groups during the cold months of was applied to calculate the maximum size December and January. Mean shell length in (L∞) and K for each size class. the smallest size group reached 32.93±0.65 Survival (%) was estimated as (Nt/No) x mm, in the 15 mm group 34.62±0.76 mm, in 100, where Nt is the number of live mussels the 20 mm group 39.01±0.76 mm, and in the removed from the bags after time t and No is largest 37.85±2.55 cm (p<0.05). The length the number of mussels at the beginning of the increment of the 10 mm group was approxi- experiment. mately twice that of the 25 mm group, 233.2% Regression model. Relationships between for the small size compared to 46.9% for the shell length and live weight were described by large (p<0.05). Monthly SGRs ranged 5.51- a series of allometric equations in the form Y 22.23% in June and 2.66-3.93% in October, = aXb, where Y = weight, X = length, and a and then stabilized for all size classes (Fig. 5). and b are fitted parameters (Gould, 1966). Survival rate. The lowest survival rate The data fitted to a straight line by least occurred in the 10 mm group (25%) and sig- squares regression analysis. Data were nificantly differed from survival in the remain- pooled for regression analysis. ing three groups (p<0.05). Mortality in the 10 Statistical analysis. One-way ANOVA was mm group occurred in five months (Fig. 6). In used to test for differences in means between the 15 mm group, overall survival was 83.6% size classes for each sampling date. Levels with mortality occurring in August (4.34%), within a significantly different experimental October (9.09%) and March (4.34%). The factor were analyzed using Tukey’s Honest highest survival rate occurred in the 20 mm Significant Difference (HSD) multiple compar- group (87.50%), where mortality was ob- ison test. Survival data (percentage) were arc- served only in December. In the 25 mm group, sine transformed to test for significant differ- mortality occurred in August (33.33%) and ences among size groups. Chi-square was January (25%). used to test the significance of variance in the mortality rate. The functional relationship Discussion between shell characteristics was tested The successful cultivation of any shellfish using regression analysis. All statistics were species of commercial significance depends executed using SPSS software. directly on seed availability, suitable environ- mental conditions for growth, and limited pre- Results dation (Hickman, 1992). The ambient chloro- Hydrological conditions. The study area had phyll a concentration in water suitable for favorable salinity, temperature, and food mussel culture ranges 17-40 µg chlorophyll/l availability throughout the year. Salinity (Cheung, 1982), higher than the values mea- 58 Lok et al.

25 19 ab 17 22 15 19 13

16 11

TPM (mg/l) 9 13

Temperature (¡C) 7 10 5 MJ JASONDJFMA M MJ JASONDJFMA M 2001 2002 2001 2002

6 400 cd 5 300 (µg/l) 4 a 3 200

2 POC (µg/l) 100 1 Chlorophyll 0 0 MJ JASONDJFMA M MJ JASONDJFMA M 2001 2002 2001 2002

Fig. 2. Monthly (a) temperature, (b) total particulate matter (TPM), (c) chlorophyll a, and (d) particulate organic carbon (POC).

14 y = 0.0003x2.803 12 R2 = 0.9699 10 8 6

Weight (g) 4 2 0 01020304050 Length (mm)

Fig. 3. Shell length vs live weight in bearded horse mussel, Modiolus barbatus, raised in Mersin Bay, Turkey. Growth and survival of bearded horse mussel 59

10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm

50 12

40 10

8 30 6 20 4 10 Mean live weight (g) 2

Mean shell length (mm) ab

0 0 MJASODJFMA M MJASODJFMA M 2001 2002 2001 2002

Fig. 4. Mean (a) shell length (mm) and (b) live weight (g) of four size classes of horse mussel.

10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm 10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm

0.8 25

20 0.6 ab 15 0.4 10 SGR (%) SGR (%) 0.2 5


Fig. 5. Mean (a) daily and (b) monthly specific growth rates of Modiolus barbatus in Mersin Bay. sured in this study, although a phytoplankton M. barbatus in Mersin Bay is dominated main- content of about 3.5-5.2 µg chlorophyll/l can ly by temperature. be sufficient for rapid mussel growth In the present study, the shell length (Sivalingam, 1977). Filter-feeding organisms increased almost continuously from the begin- are able to remove a large amount of particu- ning of the experiment. Total weight increased late matter from suspension (Navarro and almost continuously until October, then became Thompson, 1997). Tumanda et al. (1997) irregular until the end of the experiment. This reported that POC values of 240.5-4041.4 µg/l may be related to the water temperature which with a mean of 977.9 µg/l have high food con- limited the feeding time and food availability. tent. The POC content in this study was usu- Most shell growth occurs during warm months ally lower than this range. Therefore, our with a limited shell increase in cold months results tend to indicate that the growth rate of (Mitchell et al., 2000). Below the water temper- 60 Lok et al.

10 mm 15 mm 20 mm 25 mm



60 Survival rate (%) 40 MJ ASOD JFMA M Month

Fig. 6. Monthly survival rates of Modilus barbatus of different size classes.

ature of 14¡C (in December and January), limiting fouling settlement. Others may search growth in both length and weight dropped, sim- for a biological control of fouling. Both should ilar to that of M. galloprovincialis in the Black be complemented by biological data on gonad Sea (Karayucel et al., 2003). Although the von maturity, spawning, meat yield, and biochem- Bertalanffy growth equation did not reflect the ical composition of M. barbatus. seasonal variation in growth, a main cause of such variations is the variation in temperature Acknowledgements (Theisen, 1968). The estimated value of K is This research work was supported by inversely related to the estimated value of L∞ research grants from TUBITAK. The authors (Theisen, 1973). The von Bertalanffy growth are grateful to Mrs. G. Metin for analysis of the model generated the following result: Lt = particulate organic content and to H. Saygi for 39.907 [1 - e-0.14(t+0.95)]. Compared to the statistical analysis. growth parameter of Modiolus metcalfei (K = 2.04; Tumanda et al., 1997), the K value of the References M. barbatus in this study, 0.95, was very low. Alpbaz A., 1993. Mollusk and Crustacea The survival rate was relatively high for the Culture. Ege Univ. Press. 375 pp (in Turkish). 20 mm and 15 mm groups and lowest in the Chatterji A., Ansari J.A., Ingole B.S. and 10 mm group. The process of handling every A.H. Parulekar, 1984. Growth of green mus- month for measurement may have affected sels, Perna viridis L., in a sea water circulation the survival rate of the mussels in the smallest system. Aquaculture, 40:7-55. size class. Okumus (1993) reported that the Cheung L., 1982. Country report. pp. 69-71. mortality rate of M. edulis in Scotland was 4.7- In: F.B. Davy, M. Graham (eds.). Proc. 14.4%, lower than the mortality rate of M. bar- Bivalve Culture in Asia and the Pacific, batus in Mersin Bay. February 16-19, Singapore. International The present study shows that Mersin Bay Development Research Center, Ottawa. is a suitable site for successful cultivation of Gould S.J., 1966. Allometry and size in mussels. As this is the first experiment on M. ontogeny and phylogeny. Biol. Rev., 41:587- barbatus growth in Turkey, further experi- 640. ments are needed to improve and optimize Hickman R.W., 1992. Mussel cultivation. pp. growth in Mersin Bay. Some might compare 465-511. In: E. Gosling (ed.). The Mussel the effects of growout facilities such as bags Mytilus: Ecology, Physiology, Genetics and or ropes on growth and mortality rates or on Culture. Elsevier, Amsterdam. Growth and survival of bearded horse mussel 61

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