PHYSICAL REVIEW D 91, 064003 (2015) Remnant symmetry, propagation, and evolution in fðTÞ gravity

Pisin Chen* Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics and Graduate Institute of Astrophysics and Department of Physics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan and Kavli Institute for Particle Astrophysics and Cosmology, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, California 94305, USA † Keisuke Izumi Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan ‡ James M. Nester ,§ Department of Physics and Graduate Institute of Astronomy and Center for and Theoretical Physics, National Central University, Chungli, 320, Taiwan and Leung Center for Cosmology and Particle Astrophysics, National Taiwan University, Taipei 10617, Taiwan

Yen Chin Ong¶ Nordita, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Stockholm University, Roslagstullsbacken 23, SE-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden (Received 7 January 2015; published 2 March 2015) It was recently argued that fðTÞ gravity could inherit “remnant symmetry” from the full Lorentz group, despite the fact that the theory is not locally Lorentz invariant. Confusion has arisen regarding the implication of this result for the previous works, which established that fðTÞ gravity is pathological due to superluminal propagation, local acausality, and nonunique time evolution. We clarify that the existence of the “remnant group” does not rid the theory of these various problems but, instead, strongly supports it.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevD.91.064003 PACS numbers: 04.50.Kd, 95.30.Sf

I. INTRODUCTION: fðTÞ GRAVITY AND The dynamical variable of TEGR as well as its fðTÞ REMNANT SYMMETRY extension [10] is the frame field (vierbein) feaðxÞg or, a General relativity (GR) is a geometric theory of gravity equivalently, its corresponding coframe field fe ðxÞg. The ∂ formulated on a Lorentzian equipped with the vierbein is related to the coordinate vector fields f μg by μ ∂ a a μ Levi-Civita . This connection is torsionless and eaðxÞ¼ea ðxÞ μ and, similarly, e ðxÞ¼e μðxÞdx . The metric compatible; the gravitational field is completely vierbein eaðxÞ forms an orthonormal basis for the tangent described in terms of the Riemann curvature tensor. space TxM at each point x of a given spacetime manifold However, given a smooth manifold, one can equip it with ðM; gÞ. The metric tensor g is related to the vierbein field by other connections. If one chooses to use the Weitzenböck a b connection, then the geometry is flat—the connection being gμνðxÞ¼ηabe μðxÞe νðxÞ: ð1Þ curvature free (but still metric compatible). The gravita- tional field is now completely described in terms of the The Weitzenböck connection is defined by torsion tensor. Surprisingly, GR can be recast into the “teleparallel equivalent of GR” (TEGR or GR∥), which w ∇ ≔ a employs the Weitzenböck connection, a subject which has a XY ðXY Þea; ð2Þ large set of literature (see, e.g., [1–9]). a where Y ¼ Y ea. This means that we declare the vierbein w field to be teleparallel, i.e., covariantly constant: ∇ e ¼ 0. *[email protected] X a † [email protected] Equivalently, the connection coefficients are ‡ [email protected] § λ λ a Present address: Morningside Center of Mathematics, Acad- Γ νμ ¼ e a∂μe ν: ð3Þ emy of Mathematics and System Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 55 Zhongguancun Donglu, Haidian District, Beijing 100190, People’s Republic of China. It is then straightforward to show that this connection is ¶[email protected] curvatureless, but the torsion tensor is nonzero in general.

1550-7998=2015=91(6)=064003(6) 064003-1 © 2015 American Physical Society CHEN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 91, 064003 (2015)

Under a linear transformation of the bases feaðxÞg of the this could potentially explain the acceleration of the tangent Universe [10]. It is well known that unlike TEGR, generalized theories 0 b b f T eaðxÞ → eaðxÞ¼La ðxÞebðxÞ; detðLa Þ ≠ 0; ð4Þ such as ð Þ are not locally Lorentz invariant [11].Of course, at a purely mathematical level, a given manifold the connection 1-form that can be parallelized admits infinitely many choices of vierbein. However, in a general teleparallel theory, such as w f T gravity, there exists a preferred frame compatible Γb θb ∇ Γb μ ð Þ aðxÞ¼h ; eai¼ μadx ð5Þ with the field equations. (This is the difference between kinematics and dynamics; the latter is determined by a transforms as Lagrangian.) While TEGR has local Lorentz symmetry and like GR has just 2 dynamical degrees of freedom, for all Γ0a −1 a Γd c −1 a c μb ¼ðL Þ d μcL b þðL Þ cL b;μ; ð6Þ nontrivial f’s it was thought that fðTÞ theory would be a preferred frame theory with 5 degrees of freedom and no where the comma in the subscript denotes the usual partial local Lorentz symmetry. The main message in a recent differentiation. work by Ferraro and Fiorini [12] is that this common belief We would like to emphasize that there is, in fact, a “ ” “ ” is, in fact, much more subtle. They argued that, depending difference between parallelizable and teleparallel. A on the spacetime manifold, fðTÞ gravity may “inherit” parallelizable manifold M means that there exists a global some “remnant symmetry” from the full (orthochronous) frame field on M (that is, the FM has a global 3 2 Lorentz group, and, therefore, there could exist more than section). For example, S is parallelizable but S is not. one such preferred frame—even infinitely many. Whether a manifold is parallelizable or not depends on the More precisely, Ferraro and Fiorini discovered a remark- topology but not on the connection. In four dimensions, able yet simple result that fðTÞ gravity is only invariant the necessary and sufficient condition for parallelizability under Lorentz transformations of the vierbein satisfying is the vanishing of the second Stiefel-Whitney character- istic class. Teleparallel geometry means one has a con- ϵ a ∧ b ∧ ηde c −1 f μ 0 dð abcde e L fðL Þ e;μdx Þ¼ : ð10Þ nection which is flat everywhere, i.e., has vanishing curvature. (A manifold with a teleparallel connection is In other words, while this is fulfilled by a global Lorentz always parallelizable.) transformations, there are local Lorentz transformations One then defines the contortion tensor, which is that could also satisfy Eq. (10). The set of those local the difference between the Weitzenböck and Levi-Civita Lorentz transformations that satisfy Eq. (10), given a frame connections. In component form, it reads a eaðxÞ (or, equivalently, the coframe e ðxÞ) that solves the field equations of f T gravity, is denoted by A ea 1 ð Þ ð Þ μν μν νμ μν “ ” K ρ ¼ − ðT ρ − T ρ − Tρ Þ: ð7Þ and dubbed the remnant group (which can be, but is 2 not necessarily, a group). We will refer to the additional symmetry embodied in the remnant group (in addition For convenience, one usually also defines the tensor to the global Lorentz transformation) as the remnant 1 symmetry. μν μν δμ αν − δν αμ Sρ ¼ 2 ðK ρ þ ρT α ρT αÞ: ð8Þ Ferraro and Fiorini then asserted that the existence of the remnant group seems to be not consistent with1 the results In TEGR, the teleparallel Lagrangian consists of the so- obtained by us in [13,14], in which we showed that fðTÞ — called “torsion scalar” gravity is generically problematic it allows superluminal propagation and local acausality (that is, temporal ordering μν ρ T ≔ Sρ T μν: ð9Þ is not well defined even in an infinitesimal neighborhood). The theory also suffers from nonunique time evolution; i.e., It turns out that the torsion scalar only differs from the Ricci the Cauchy problem is ill-defined. That is, given a full set scalar (obtained from the usual Levi-Civita connection) by of the Cauchy data, one cannot predict what will happen in a boundary term: T ¼ −R þ divð·Þ, and so it encodes all the the future with certainty. Note that all these problems arise dynamics of GR. One could then promote T to a function at the classical level. Ferraro and Fiorini did not explain the fðTÞ, similar to how GR is generalized to fðRÞ gravity. For reason why they think their results contradict ours. a general f, this would lead to a dynamical gravity theory In this work, we wish to clarify that the existence of the that would have second order field equations (whereas remnant group does not, in fact, contradict our previous fðRÞ gravity gives higher order equations), with some kind works but, instead, strongly supports it. of nonlinear dynamics that differs from GR but, never- theless, reduces to GR in a certain limit. The hope was that 1Indeed, they used a stronger expression, “seems to discredit.”

064003-2 REMNANT SYMMETRY, PROPAGATION, AND EVOLUTION … PHYSICAL REVIEW D 91, 064003 (2015) II. COMMENTS ON PROPAGATION AND where # denotes “the number of.” This gives for the EVOLUTION IN fðTÞ GRAVITY possibilities (i), (ii), and (iii), respectively, (i) ½2ð16Þ − 2ð8Þ − 6=2 ¼ 5, A good way to understand the number of dynamical (ii) ½2ð16Þ − 2ð10Þ − 4=2 ¼ 4, degrees of freedom is from the Hamiltonian perspective. (iii) ½2ð16Þ − 2ð14Þ − 0=2 ¼ 2. Following Dirac’s procedure, we find primary constraints, The possibility (iii) corresponds to TEGR, while (i) is the introduce them into the Hamiltonian with Lagrange multi- generic case for fðTÞ gravity, as confirmed by the detailed pliers, determine the multipliers if possible, and find any work of Li et al. [17], which was based on the Hamiltonian additional secondary constraints. The constraints are di- analysis of [18]. In other words, fðTÞ gravity generically vided into two classes: first class are associated with gauge propagates 5 degrees of freedom; i.e., there are 3 additional freedom, and second class are related to nondynamical degrees of freedom compared to standard GR. These extra variables. Here we are concerned with teleparallel theories. degrees of freedom are very nonlinear in nature. For The primary dynamic variable is the orthonormal frame a μ example, they do not show up in the linear perturbation e μ. Its conjugate momentum is P . For the Hamiltonian a of flat Friedmann-Lemaître-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) analysis of teleparallel theories, see, e.g., [6,7,15,16]. a cosmological background [19]. The Lagrangian never contains the time derivative of e 0; “ ” 0 What about the option (ii) then? Case (ii) is exotic ;itis consequently, we always have the primary constraints Pa . some kind of geometry that is intermediate between a Preservation of these constraints lead to a set of four metric and preferred frame theory. Our Hamiltonian analy- secondary constraints referred to as the Hamiltonian and sis identifies this possibility, which as we shall see below, is momentum constraints. These eight constraints are all first precisely one of the types that was found by Ferraro and class; geometrically, they generate spacetime diffeomor- Fiorini. This is the reason why the word “generically” is phisms. We need not consider them any further. crucial, for in [13] we found out that the number of physical For the special subclass of theories of the form fðTÞ degrees of freedom and the classes of Dirac constraints can ½μν ≃ 0 there are six more primary constraints, P associated and do change depending on the values of the fields. That with the Lorentz sector. To keep the discussion simple and is, they are expected to be different on different background focus on the essentials, let us assume that they do not give geometries.2 This is, in fact, in agreement with the findings rise to any additional constraints. The class of these six of Ferraro and Fiorini [12] that different geometries give constraints is determined by the rank of the associated rise to a different number of “admissible frames.” We will Poisson bracket matrix. If the rank is 0, then all con- further elaborate on this later. straints are first class, and they generate local Lorentz However, precisely because of the possibility that field — transformation this is the TEGR special case. If the rank configurations can change the number of degrees of freedom is maximal, i.e., 6, then all constraints are second class. as well as the constraint structure of the theory, we expect Naturally, one would like to ask if there are other anomalous propagation such as superluminal shock waves possibilities. to arise. This is explained in detail already in [13] in which Since the second class constraints come in pairs, we we employed the well-understood partial differential equa- might imagine we could have rank 4 (i.e., two extra first tion method of characteristics pioneered by Cauchy and class and four second class constraints) or rank 2 (i.e., four Kovalevskaya. (See, also, Sec. 2 of [20] and the references extra first class and two second class constraints). The latter therein for further explanation regarding this method.) “ ” case seems to be actually not possible. These extra first One has to be careful in distinguishing between the class constraints each generate a one-parameter subgroup symmetry of a theory and the symmetry of a particular of the Lorentz group. If we have two such generators, their solution. For example, consider a complex scalar field φ commutator is also a generator. Thus, we would have an with a simple potential: additional unwanted constraint unless it vanished identi- cally. Therefore, by counting, a local symmetry group V ¼ V1ðφφ Þþð1 − φφ ÞV2ðφÞ: ð12Þ which is an Abelian subgroup of the Lorentz group is sensible. It seems that there are no suitable four-parameter Clearly, only the V1 term in the potential has local U(1) subgroups of the Lorentz group. symmetry because it is a function of φφ, i.e., the (square of Thus, the possible scenarios seem to be (i) all six the) absolute value of φ. On the other hand, the V2 term constraints are second class, (ii) two commuting first class does not because it depends on the explicit φ configuration. constraints plus four second class constraints, and (iii) all However, if the absolute value of φ is unity, i.e., if φφ ¼ 1, constraints are first class. The standard formula for count- ing degrees of freedom is 2Note that the determinant of the Poisson bracket matrix is a polynomial in the variables and their derivatives. Generically, it #ðd:o:f:Þ¼½2 × #ðdynamical variablesÞ has real roots. The rank cannot be constant if it admits generic − 2 # 1 − # 2 2 solutions (which include, but are not limited to, Minkowski and × ð st classÞ ð nd classÞ= ; ð11Þ FLRW).

064003-3 CHEN et al. PHYSICAL REVIEW D 91, 064003 (2015) then the value of the potential V is invariant under U(1) consequence of the change in the number of degrees of transformation. Thus, for some specific field configurations freedom and the constraint structure of the theory. V has U(1) symmetry, but this is not the symmetry of the Most crucially, it should be noted that in [14] we theory for generic values of φ. The specific values that constructed an explicit example in which fðTÞ gravity “restore” U(1) symmetry to V have a physical effect; it is and its Brans-Dicke generalization with scalar field suffers the signal that the mode related to the U(1) direction has from nonunique evolution; starting with a perfectly homo- become massless. Similarly, in fðTÞ gravity one expects geneous and isotropic flat FLRW universe, anisotropy can that if the fields evolve such that some extra symmetries suddenly emerge. By nonunique evolution, we do not emerge, there would be physical effects that accompany simply mean the following: Given a spacetime geometry, the changes in the number and type of constraints (much of a chosen tetrad field can evolve into another choice of the effort in [13,14] is spent on showing that the super- tetrad, which corresponds to the same metric tensor (if there luminal propagations are not simply due to gauge choice). are multitudes of “admissible frames,” this would not be a To be more specific, one can consider a kinetic term for φ problem notwithstanding the discussion above, physical of the form observables only couple to the metric). Instead we mean a stronger statement: even a geometry described by the metric tensor can change drastically under the evolution, 1 − φφ ∂ φ∂μφ ð Þ μ : ð13Þ and such change cannot be predicted from initial data alone. This problem cannot be evaded even if there are “ ” This kinetic term does not have local U(1) symmetry more than one admissible frames corresponding to a because the derivative is not covariant. Generically, this fixed geometry. term is well defined, but when the field configurations approach the value such that φφ ¼ 1, the dynamical term III. DISCUSSION φφ 1 vanishes. Under the local U(1) transformation, ¼ In this work, we discuss why the existence of remnant still holds and the dynamical term remains naught. This is, symmetry as shown by Ferraro and Fiorini does not indeed, a remnant symmetry. However, the differential contradict our previous works, which established the exist- equations (the equations of motion) then behave very ence of superluminal propagation, local acausality, and differently depending of the values of the fields. This is nonunique time evolution in fðTÞ gravity (and its Brans- the situation faced by fðTÞ gravity. Dicke generalization). In fact, these problems are closely In fact, the results of [12] actually support our results. As related to the remnant symmetry. While our Hamiltonian we recall, generically fðTÞ gravity has 5 degrees of freedom. analysis agrees with the results of Ferraro and Fiorini, the However, for almost any f it is very likely that there would same analysis also shows that there are serious dynamical exist solutions where the Poisson bracket matrix has less difficulties, especially if one approaches a point where the than the generic rank. For any such solution, one or more of rank of the Poisson bracket matrix changes. the generically second class constraints will now be first We now conclude this work with some additional class. These first class constraints will generate some local comments. Lorentz transformations. Thus, what we expect to see is that In relation to the Hamiltonian analysis, the usual under- for each solution there is some subgroup of the Lorentz standing is that generically teleparallel Lagrangians have group which acts as a local symmetry gauge group. In other no local frame gauge freedom. Beyond the relations that words, our analysis involving rank changes already implic- follow from diffeomorphism invariance (which are con- itly implied the same result that Ferraro and Fiorini now nected with energy momentum) the equations satisfy no discovered, using a different more straightforward analysis. other differential identities. According to Noether’s second The point is that the set AðeaÞ (which is generally not a theorem, a local gauge freedom means a differential group) encodes all information about the change in rank identity. In the Hamiltonian formulation of teleparallel of the Poisson bracket matrix—the size of this “group” (at theories, generically, the only first class constraints are each spacetime point) reflects the number of normally the Hamiltonian and momentum constraints. If there are no second class constraints, which have become first class for other first class constraints, then there are no other local a particular frame, i.e., the change in the rank of the Poisson gauge symmetries. It would be very interesting to see how bracket matrix. For a given function fðTÞ,ifAðeaÞ is remnant symmetries fit into this scheme more explicitly. empty for every solution to the equations, then the We now remark on the comment in [12] on the propagation has no problems. For a given f and for all possibility of constructing local inertial frames in fðTÞ solution frames, if this set is an Abelian group of size gravity and the hope that Zeeman’s theorem on R3;1 [21] independent of spacetime point, then we may have good would, thus, ensure local causality. In the context of propagating modes. However, if this set is an Abelian group Zeeman’s theorem, the invariance group G of the with size varying from point to point, then we have acausal Minkowski spacetime (the orthochronous Lorentz group, propagation, which, as we argued in [13], arises as a the translation group, and the dilatation group) induces the

064003-4 REMNANT SYMMETRY, PROPAGATION, AND EVOLUTION … PHYSICAL REVIEW D 91, 064003 (2015) light-cone structure of R3;1. This structure provides some considered “restricted local invariance of this sort” in the causality relation C which allows the definition of causality “context of new general relativity (NGR)” proposed in [24]. group Gc. In four dimensions, it turns out that G ¼ Gc. Indeed, Hayashi and Shirafuji considered the possibility of Indeed, one could generalize the notion of Riemann normal a new type of geometry somewhere in between teleparallel coordinates to other geometries defined by different con- and the Riemannian one. It would have what we have here nections, in particular, the Weitzenböck connection. This called remnant symmetry, a preferred frame determined up was accomplished in [22]. However, propagation is not to a certain dynamically determined subgroup of the defined at a point; it involves dynamical modes moving Lorentz group. It is worth mentioning that there has since from a spacetime point x to another (although this distance been some criticisms by Kopczyński and further develop- could be in an ε neighborhood of x), and this is problematic ments that came out of that [15,25–27]. (The work by in fðTÞ gravity if the “size” of AðeaÞ (and, thus, the Chen et al. [27] was the first to call attention to the effect remnant symmetry) changes from point to point. of nonlinear constraints and the relationship of changes in Furthermore, even local causality is certainly not avoided. the rank of the Poisson matrix with tachyonic character- To see this, one should consider also the equation that istics). Kopczyński’s objection was in regard to one of governs the propagation derived in [13]: the complications that occur when one has some “local symmetry” for the gravitational Lagrangian for a certain μν αβ 2 μν αβ ¯b 0 ½fTMa b þ fTTSa Sb kμkαe β ¼ ð14Þ subclass of solutions. Briefly, if the lhs of the field equation has a local symmetry, then the rhs, i.e., the material energy- in which momentum tensor, must have the same symmetry. This μν could impose “unphysical” limitations on the matter sector. ∂S M μν αβ ≔ a : ð15Þ For the NGR theory, it was found that a spin-1=2 Dirac field a b ∂ b T αβ does not give rise to any problem, but for a hypothetical b spin-3=2 field, there is inconsistency (unless one subscribes Here the notation e¯ β represents the change of the frame in a to nonminimal coupling to save the theory). For fðTÞ certain direction instead of the value of the frame. kμ denotes gravity, this may not be a serious problem, as one could the normal to a characteristic hypersurface, which, in this simply take the source energy-momentum tensor to be case, could be timelike (signaling a tachyonic propagation). completely locally Lorentz invariant, as it is in GR. Here, the first term in the square bracket is the healthy However, this would mean that there is no material source propagation; it is the only term present in the case of TEGR, for the extra degrees of freedom. in which case, fðTÞ¼T ⇒ f ≡ 0.Thisdescribesthe TT Despite the pathologies of fðTÞ gravity, the existence of normal light cones in (TE) GR. Differential equations are, of remnant symmetry is, indeed, interesting and may provide course, local in nature. Thus, we see that even locally the further insights into the structure of teleparallel gravities characteristic cones in a generic f T theory are not the same ð Þ and perhaps modified gravity theories in general. as TEGR; in particular, the cones depend also on the second term (in the square bracket), which generically differs from ACKNOWLEDGMENTS one spacetime point to another. Last, we would like to make a side remark that in [12] The authors would like to thank Huan-Hsin Tseng for two classic works by Hayashi and Shirafuji were men- discussion. K. I. is supported by Taiwan National Science tioned [23,24]. In particular, it was pointed out that [23] Council under Project No. NSC101-2811-M-002-103.

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