

ZOOLOGICAL VOCABULARY A(n) = Negative, not or without: Abiogensis, aboral, achromatic, anaerobic, asymmetry, atrophy. Ad = To or toward: Adductor, Adrenal. Af = To or toward (A form of "ad" used for euphony in combinations). Afferent. Amphi = Both, or double: Amphibia, amphiaster, Amphioxus, amphitheatre. Archae = Ancient: Archenteron, archaelogy, Archaezoic, Archaeopteryx, archaic. Auto = Self: Automatic, autosome, autotomy, autopsy, autobiography, automobile, autochrome, autocrat, autograph, automonic. Bi = Two: Binary, biradial, biramous, bilateral, binacular, binominal. Bi (es) = Live: , biogenetic, biography, biometry. Blast = Germ: or that-which-will-generate: Blastoderm, blastomere, blastula, blastodisc, blastostyle, triploblastic, blastocoel, cnidoblast. Brachi = Arm: Brachial, Brachiopoda, Brachiocephalic. Branch = Gill: Dermal-branchia, arthrobranch, pleurobranch, podobranch, Branchiostoma. Caecum = Blind: therefore sac or pocket: caecum. Cephal = Head: Cephalothorax, telencephalon, diencephalon, encephalitis, cephalic, cephalization Chlor = Green: Chlorophlast, chlorophyll. Chondr = Cartilage: Chondrichthyes, chondrocyte, chondrosome, mitochondria chondrocranium. Chrom = Color: Chromatin, chromatic, chromomere, chromonema, chromosome, chromatophore. Coel = Hollow: Coelom, blastocoel, Coelenterate, coeliac. Cyst = Pocket or capsule: Cysticercus, statocyst, trichocyst, nematocyst, encysted. Cyt = : Cytology, erythrocyte, monocyte, spermatocyte, oocyte, leucocyte, chondriocyte, oateocyte, lymphocyte Dendr = Tree: Dendrite, . Derm = Skin: , endoderm mesoderm, hypodermic, Echinodermata, Blastoderm. Di = Two or second: Dihybrid, dimorphic, diencephalon. Diplo = Double or folded double: Diploblastic, diploid. Ect = Outer, Ectoderm, Ectoplasm, Ectosarc. Ef = Away, outward: (a form of "ex" used for euphony in combinations) efferent. End = Inner: Endoderm, endomixis, endoplasm, endopodite. Enter = Intestine: Archenteron, Coelenterata, enteric.



Epi = Upon or above: Epigenesis, epithelium, epidermis, epipodite, epigastric, epicranium, epibranchial. Eu = Well, real, true: Eugenics, eutheria. Ex = From or outer: Excretion, exopodite, exoskeleton. Fer = Scar, carry or possess: Porifera, rotifera, Foraminifera. Gaster = Stomach: Gastrula, gastrulation, Gastoropoda, gastric, gastrovascular. Glossa = Tongue: Hpyoglossal, glossopharyngeal, glossary, , Dolichoglossus. Haem = Blood: Haemocoel, Haematology, haemoglobin. Hetero = Other or different: Heterozygous, heterophil, heteronomous, heterogamy. Holo = Entire or whole: Holoblastic, holozoic, holophytic. Homo = Like or similar: Homology, homozygous, homolecithal, homonomous. Hyper = Over or beyond: Hyper-thyroidism, hyper-acidity, hypertonic. Iso = Equal: Isogamy, Isoptera, isobar, isotherm, isometric, isosceles, isochromatic, isotonic. Lamella = Leaf or layer: Lamella, lamellate. Log (os) = Discourse, "science": biology, zoology, . Macro = Large: Macronucleus, macroscopic. Maxilla = Jaw: Maxilla, maxilliped, premaxillary. Mer (os) = Part, side or piece: Merozoite, meroblastic, metamere. Meso = Mesoderm, mesothorax, mesonephros, mesencephalon, mesenchyme, mesoglea. Meta = Beyond, after: Metatheria, Metazoa, metagenesis, metamere, , metaphase, metencephalon, metacercaria, metapleural. Mito = Thread: , mitochondria. Morph = Form: , Morphogenesis, metamorphosis. Myo = Muscle: Myotome, myofibril, myoseptum, myocardium. Nema = Thread: Nematocyst, Nemathelminthes, Nematoda, chromonemata. Nephro = Kidney: Nephrocyte, nephrostme, nephridiopore, nephridia, prenephros, mesonephros, metanephros. Nom (os) = Law: , homonomous, heteronomous. Note = Dorsal or back: Pronotum mesonotum, metanotum, notochord. Oid = Like, resembling, the "idea" of: Anthropoid, zooid, cysticercoid. Ortho = Straight: Orthoptera, orthogenesis, ortho-, orthodox, Orthography. Oste (on) = Bone: Osteichthyes, periosteum, osteocyte, osteoblast. Para = Near or beside: Parathyroid, parapodia, paragraph, Parazoa, Paraphrase.



Peri = Around: Perisarc, peritoneum, pericardium, periosteum, periostracum, peristomium, peristaltic, perimeter, periphery, perivisceral. Phag = Eat: Phagocyte, phagocytosis, sarcophagus, Sarcophagidae. Phil = Attraction, Love: Eosinophil, Haemophilia, Philadelphia, Philip, philanthrapy. Phor = Bear, carry or posses: Mastigophora, , trochopore, chromaphore, melanophore. Photo = Light: , photograph, phototropic. Plasma = Mold or form of : Protoplasm, plasma, plasmodium, plasmosome, endoplasm, ectoplasm. Pleur = Side: Splanchnopleur, somatopleur, pleuris, pleuron. Ped = Leg, stock or stem: pedicellaria, pedicel, milliped. Pod = Leg or appendage: , endopodite, podobranch. Proto = First: Protoplasm, , protopodite. Pseudo = False: Pseudopodia, pseudocoel. Pter (on) = Wing: Coleoptera, Dipteria, Lepidoptera, Chiroptera, Archaeopteryx. Sarc (X) = Flesh: Sarcoplasm, carcostyles, sarcode, Sarcodina, sarcolemma, sarcophagus, Sarcophagidae. Scler = Hard: Sclerite, sclerotic-coat, arterio-sclerosis. Soma = Body: Somatic, somite, chromosome, autosome, plasomosome, chromdriosome, karyosome, somatopleur. Stom = Mouth: Nephrostome, cytostome, stomata, prostomium, peristomium. Syn (m) = Together: Symbiosis, sympathetic, synapse, syncytium, synthesis, symphony, synonymy. Tax (is) = Arrangement: Taxonomy, ataxia. Tel = Far or distant: Telencephalon, telophase, telescope, telephone, telegraph, telemetry. Theca = Sheath: Gonetheca, hydrotheca, spermatotheca. Thromb = Clot: Thrombocyte, thrombosis. Tom = Piece or : , myotome. Trema = Mole: , pre-trematic, post-trematic. Trop =Turn toward: Gonadotropic, Thyrotropic, tropism. Troph = Food: Trophi, atrophy, trophozoite, trophy. Vagus = Wandering: Vagus nerve, vagrant, vague. Zyg = United, tied or yoked together: Zogote, heterozygous, zygodactyly. Zo (on) = : Zoology, holozoic, Protozoa, Mesozoic, Cenozoic.