
Thursday, January 27, 1994 • Vol. XXVI No. 77 THE INDEPENDENT SERVING NOTRE DAME AND SAINT MARY'S Melendez entertains, inspires with music SMC expands By JOHN LUCAS public relations Associate News Editor study program For a second, the boy looked unsure. At the urging of his mother, By JENNIFER LEWIS he had mustered enough News Writer courage to come up to the stage and ask guitarist Tony Saint Mary's is trying to ex­ Melendez to autograph a photo. pand their public relation and As he reached out to hand advertising program. There Melendez the picture, the boy will be two new classes offered hesitated. next year. Writing for "Put it down here," Melendez Advertising and Public said, smiling. "By my feet." Relations will be offered in the Despite the fact that he was fall and Advertising and Public born without arms, Melendez Relations Campaigns will be has been playing guitar with his added in the SJ?ring, feet since he was 16 years old. Saint Mary's has come a long "I was just messing around way in their Public Relations with my father's guitar," he department due to Professor said. "After a while, it turned Carla Johnson of the communi­ into music." cations department. Four years As a result of his mother's ago public relations and adver­ use of the defective drug tising were offered as one gen­ thalidomide during her preg­ eral course. Johnson separated nancy, Melendez was born with them and is now trying to ex­ a disability, but that fact has pand the field even more. never prevented him from lead­ ing a normal life . Eighty percent of graduating "People look at me like I'm Communications majors enter struggling," he said. "But I'm the field of public relations. not struggling as much as they "Students tell me what they think." learned in advertising courses Years of practice have made is what they use in everyday everyday tasks like writing and life." said Johnson. "I am ex­ eating relatively easy, accord­ cited to create more opportuni­ ing to Melendez. Although has ties, because it is a great pro­ used prosthetic arms during his fession for women." life, now Melendez finds it just Over fifty percent of the jobs held in the public relations as easy to do things with his The Observer/T.J. Harris feet. Tony Melendez entertained students at LaFortune last night as he played guitar with his toes. field are occupied by women. "We really need to prepare "Ever since I was little I was "TearsinHeaven." this," he said as he made mytoesjusttakeover." always putting bits of crayons our students so they could be If you weren't watching him, screeching sounds with his gui- After singing and playing for between my toes and drawing," competitive." said Johnson. there would be no way to tell tar. "If I ever sound like that, his parish in Chino, Calif., The new courses have not yet he said. "The only problem is that Melendez was born differ- let me know. I'll go home." Melendez played for Pope John that doorknobs are too high. been approved, however. They ently than any of the rest of us. When playing the guitar with Paul II at a youth gathering in will be offered next year on an They should be down by peo­ That's the way Melendez likes his toes, rarely envies people Los Angeles in 1987. ple's feet." h~ experimental basis before the it. who have arms, he said. "I just sang a song, and he baard will decide to add it to As last night's audience in the "When many people come to "When you never have some- came off the stage to kiss and Lafortune Ballroom watches, the curriculum. A full course see a man without arms play thing, you don't miss it," he embrace me," he said. "I didn't description will be available in captivated, Melendez sits in a guitar, they expect to hear said. "When I'm playing guitar, chair, playing Eric Clapton's see GUITAR I page 4 the 1994 Fall Course Book. ND documentary expands audience

By THERESA ALEMAN national religious network, will air February 4. Assistant News Editor VISN, and recently spread to "We look first to our own public television. school for guests and exper­ "Today's Life Choices," a The secondary markets such tise," said Conklin. documentary series produced as high schools and the armed "For discussions of Latin by the of Notre forces television stations find America, for instance, we have Dame, is now airing on 55 "Today's Life Choices" useful the Kellogg Institute. For bio­ Service as a fountainhead for discus­ chemistry discussions we have (PBS) television stations na­ sion of current events and polit­ Professor McCormack. Also, tionwide, according to Richard ical concerns, according to Notre Dame's reputation opens Conklin, vice president of Conklin. a lot of doors for getting outside University Relations. consultants." The documentary appears on The 30-minute show ad­ more stations than any other dresses the ethical issues in­ The mere mention of the university-produced documen­ herent in social interaction, ac­ University of Notre Dame tary series, said Conklin. cording to Conklin. sparks nationwide interest and ,. . ·,'' ',': "There are about 300 PBS Bioethics, the proposed participation, said Conklin. stations in America, so the democratization of Latin Notre Dame solicits topic With tlie traditions audience for the series is America, the challenges to the aspirations ideas from various faculty erver .pthrough considerable." nation's higher education sys­ members. In addition to being used in tem, and "Third World" condi­ A panel then compiles the of work· and Notre Dame classrooms, the tions in American cities are suggestion lists and generates positions of series is often used by Catholic some of the topics in "Today's various viewpoints on all Peter's said he grade schools and high schools Life Choices." issues. An internal committee maintain the high and even armed services tele­ Other topics include discus­ decides on guests. and the •of the paper 'While vision, said Conklin. sion of the status of religion in guests are approached with the •the challenge to

The Central Educational American culture and the ideas for the individual shows . ··:··,.. Network began the distribution future of the United States according to Conklin. 'to of the series via satellite last space program. "Through 'Today's Life :higge~t··gmil is fall. Choices,' Notre Dame is work­ to cinlpr:ove upon Stations airing the series in­ Guests featured in the series ing on bringing the same high . :ot:TM"Observer clude KCPT in Kansas City, include Attorney General Janet quality that Notre Dame Missouri, KUHT in Houston, Reno and various professors Magazine possesses in print Texas, and WCET in Cincinnati, and administrators from Notre journalism to television journal­ Ohio. Dame and other prestigious ism," he said. In production for the past . Conklin attributes the success five years, the series began air­ Stanford provost and Notre of the series to its address of ing exclusively on cable tele­ Dame Alumna Candoleez Rice relevant and pervasive social vision stations which carry the was a guest on the show which issues. r------~~- -

page 2 The Observer • INSIDE Thursday, January 27, 1994 INSIDE COLUMN WORLD AT A GLANCE Last chance: White House says it's ready to talk on plan WASHINGTON How reform will impact Cavanaugh The White House offered concessions on the scope of its health plan Wednesday just health care costs hours after President Clinton drew a no- WMe House projections of what national health care spending would Players exceptions line on universal coverage. be without any changes and under i1s proposed reforms. The baseline Minority Leader Bob Dole pro- figures are estimates from the Congressional Budget Office. Regardless of the dorm chosen for conversion, nounced the Clinton health plan "in trou- Health care spending ... and as a percentage of the end of some campus traditions were sure to ble," but Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Mass., (in trillions of dollars)... come. Had it been Fisher, it would have meant asserted that Americans won't stand for a $1.8trillion 20% the end of the regatta. Had it been Zahm, it Republican filibuster. 7 would have ended the tradition of Odin. Had it The president met with House Democratic 1. I Without reform ------1 I Without reform 6 19 been Keenan, this would be the last Revue. leaders and key committee chairmen to map 1.1.5 ...... I..___ With ______reform _ f.- I Wrth reform ..,... The Board of Trustees has little understand­ strategy for the struggle over the Clinton 1. 1------.-­ 18 ~ ing of such tradition, as proven by their decision 4 Health Security Act and a half-dozen com- 1.3 1------­ ~ that there is no better way to admit more peting bills. 17 women into Notre Dame than to destroy many The president, still hoarse from Tuesday ~ years' worth of tradition established by the night's State of the Union address, later can­ 16 ~ ~ unlucky men's dorm. The Notre Dame family is celed a speech at a lo~al school on doctors' 15 , close enough, and certainly big enough to orders to recover his voice. o.. accommodate more women and keep its tradi­ But his surrogates wasted no time making tions at the same time. But the Board couldn't 14 conciliatory sounds on the morning after the '95 '96 '97 '98 '99 2000 1994 '95 '96 '97 '98' '99 2000 seem to understand that. president delivered a blunt threat to veto L_____ ...,..- __....::.... ______j Unfortunately for me, Cavanaugh was chosen, any health, reform plan that did not include Source: Working Group draft of Oinflln's health plan AP and some of my favorite traditions will be end­ coverage for every American. Bentsen acknowledged that big has problems ing. Some were not as well known, such as the Treasury Secretary Uoyd Bentsen told business groups with Clinton's proposal to force all companies with up to "Undie 500" {which I doubt will be run next that Clinton was willing to let more big companies self- 5,000 employees into regional insurance-purchasing year), and some did not fit my skills well, such insure rather than being forced into the regional alliances. as the 3-on-3 basketball tournament; but all alliances where most Americans would have to buy their "You think the 5,000-employee threshold ... is too were special to the dorm as a whole. insurance. high," he told the National Association of Manufacturers White House press secretary Dee Dee Myers also said and a pension group. "We hear you. We're willing to dis­ The tradition that is most special to me is the that while Clinton stands firm on universal coverage, the cuss this one and the other details of our plan." annual Cavanaugh Hall Play. It is special not timetable for achieving it is "something that has to be "We got the concept right, but the president couldn't only because of my enjoyment of theater, but worked out." have been more clear when he said we're open for dis- also because of the story behind it and the pur­ House Speaker Thomas Foley, emerging from the cussion on this as well as other issues," said Bentsen. pose of the play. White House strategy session, said, "It's possible you will But Bentsen said he was troubled by suggestions that have some kind of a phase-in." only companies with 100 or fewer workers should be in In 1979, Cavanaugh Hall's president, Andy Republicans said Clinton will have to jettison his plan's the pools. That would be too small to spread the risks Sowder, was on a senior ski trip, when he con­ employer mandates and limits on health care spending if around, he argued. tracted spinal meningitis and died suddenly. he wants the legislation enacted this year. Those who live in Lyons this year can probably "His program is in trouble," Dole said on NBC-TV. Rep. John Dingell, D-Mich., the Energy and Commerce understand what the dorm must have gone Repeating his argument that the current system works Committee chairman whose panel may be the first out of through after such a tragedy. The rector at the well for 85 percent of Americans, Dole told Fox-TV, "We the gate on health reform, said the timetable for achiev­ time, Father Miceli, decided to establish a don't need a triple bypass to take care of the health care ing universal coverage "is open to friendly negotiation scholarship in Andy's name to commemorate delivery system or this massive overdose of government with the president." The Clinton bill would require all his service to his dorm. The scholarship was to that President Clinton proposes." Americans to be covered by Jan. 1, 1998. be awarded each year to a Cavanaugh resident in need of financial aid. U.S. ends largest MIA search since Vietnam Angela Lakeberg's surgery successful In order to fund the scholarship, the HANOI GARY Cavanaugh Hall Players was established. Each The United States' biggest search to try to account for Angela Lakeberg, the siamese twin whose separation year the group put on a play at Washington Hall American troops missing in the Vietnam War ended surgery drew international attention, has successfully to raise money for the scholarship fund. The Wednesday, after drawing praise from U.S. officials for undergone a three-hour procedure to widen her pul­ Cavanaugh Play is the longest running hall play Vietnamese cooperation. A U.S. official declined to say monary artery. The 7 -month-old Wheatfield girl on campus, and will go on for the thirteenth how many remains were found during the three-week remained in serious but stable condition Wednesday at and last time this weekend. There is enough search pending a joint U.S.-Vietnamese forensics review. Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, the Gary Post­ money currently in the fund that former A similar operation is planned to begin in late February Tribune reported. The purpose of the procedure was to 'Naughmen will be eligible for scholarships and run for four weeks. Visiting U.S. officials visited dur­ widen the artery pumping blood from the baby's heart to while living in other dorms or off-campus. The ing the operation to try to gauge the extent of Vietnam's her lung. Hospital spokeswoman Sarah Jarvis told the fate of the scholarship has yet to be decided. cooperation. Two participants, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., Post-Tribune that Angela responded well to the treat­ and Adm. Charles R. Larson, commander of U.S. military ment. The infant remains on a mechanical ventilator The Odd Couple by Neil Simon is this year's forces in the Pacific, said Hanoi was not holding anything which assists her breathing. "I think we did a lot of good production. The play is set in Oscar Madison's back. President Clinton has made resumption of econom­ with this procedure," Dr. Elsa Suh said. "This artery was apartment in . Oscar is played by ic and diplomatic ties with Vietnam contingent on Hanoi's very, very narrow and located deep in her chest." Angela Stephen Susco, who appeared many times in cooperation in trying to account for 2,238 American MIAs was born last June 29 sharing a heart and liver with her the recent film festival at 'the Snite. Oscar's in Indochina, including 1,64 7 missing in Vietnam. siamese twin, Amy. The two were separated Aug. 20 in sharp contrast with his friend, Felix Ungar, cre­ Relatives of MIAs and veterans organizations who oppose surgery that lasted 13 hours. Amy did not survive. ates the plot of the story, while their drink­ lifting the trade embargo accuse the Vietnamese of with­ ing, poker playing friends add humor. holding information. Kerry said in Washington on Two workers dead, four hurt by fumes Tuesday that he planned to meet with the president later Because John "Babe" Ruskusky, the producer this week and recommend ending the embargo. Larson's SUMMIT, Ill. of last year's play, is in this semester, I favorable assessment als11 will weigh in Clin~on's deci­ A man working in a sewer at a junkyard was overcome have come upon the good fortune of being the sion. The United States backed South Vietnam during the by fumes Wednesday, followed by five others who went co-producer for our final production. The Vietnam War and cut off diplomatic and economic ties in down one by one in failed rescue attempts. Two died and directors, Jennifer Andre and Tony Leonardo, 1975 when the South fell to communist North Vietnam. four others were hospitalized. return from last year's success, The Foreigner, to have one last nervous breakdown caused by 'Naughmen. INDIANA Weather NATIONAL Weather The play is FREE and can be seen today The Accu-Weather<~> forecast for noon, Thursday, Jan. 27. through Saturday at 8:10 PM in Washington Hall. Donations for the Andy Sowder fund will gladly be accepted by the ushers. While I can't promise that it will be as funny as the slapstick humor of the Keenan Revue, the play is enter­ taining and worth attending. I guarantee that Saturday's performance, Cavanaugh's last ever, will be one to remember.

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The Observer • NEWS page 3 first to enroll in new partnership plan By SALLY JACOBSEN East European nations to join Associated Press Writer NATO in military exercises, peacekeeping operations and other activities. But it does not NATO enrolled Romania on grant them the membership Wednesday as the first nation and security guarantees they in its new program offering co­ are seeking. operation to former Pact foes while denying them Melescanu said his country full membership in the military already had begun informal alliance. consultations with NATO mili­ tary experts and hoped to con­ Romanian Foreign Minister duct joint peacekeeping exer­ Teodor Melescanu signed the cises later this year. document during a meeting with ambassadors of the 16 na­ President Algirdas tions in the North Atlantic Brazauskas of Treaty Organization. planned to sign up Thursday, In doing so, his nation be­ followed by and possibly came the first to accept the next week. partnership offered earlier this month by President Clinton and The program is part of other NATO leaders. NATO's efforts to redefine its role in the post-Cold War era. "I hope it is a good omen for NATO was formed in 1949 as a the future of our relationship," deterrent to Soviet expansion. Melescanu said. He said his country saw the The allies have declined for program "as a preliminary now to grant membership to stage to Romania's future their former adversaries be­ The Observer/T.J. Harris membership in NATO's political cause of worries that might Preparations for JPW and military structures." create new divisions in The program, proposed by and isolate and upset . Jim Schermerhorin, a Morrissey junior, auditions to be a lector during Junior Parents Weekend. the United States, will allow Russian President Boris Yeltsin has cautioned against any effort to push NATO's terri­ tory eastward. Poland, and other nations are worried about eth­ nic conflict and political turmoil spreading in their and feel NATO membership is need­ ed for security. Under NATO's treaty, mem­ AREER IGHT bers agree to consider an armed attack on any one of them as an attack on all. Thursday, January 27 In his State of the Union ad­ dress Tuesday night, Clinton from 8- 10 p.m. sought to reassure former Soviet bloc nations, saying that "the security of their region is important to our country's se­ curity." Nations that become NATO partners will be required to share information about de­ fense budgets and military forces, promise civilian control over the military and standard­ ize weapons systems. 11ft ~ sPtlll6 IW ltftt# SPRING





page 4 The Observer • NEWS Thursday, January 27, 1994

Clinton's quake aid bill introduced Contracts ByAIANFRAM Feb. 11, the day before law­ and that lost prop­ to favored Associated Press makers begin a mid-winter re­ erty. cess. Meanwhile, congressional companies WASHINGTON As the White House promised, leaders named two lawmakers A Senate report indicates that some Forty-four House members Clinton proposed paying for the to chair a bipartisan House task U.S. government agencies circum­ introduced President Clinton's aid by federal borrowing, which force that is supposed to find vented federal law so that contracts legislation Wednesday to rush boosts the federal deficit. acceptable ways of financing could go to tawred companies. billions of dollars to earth­ Budget rules allow the govern­ the recoveries from future dis­ quake-stricken California. ment to borrow money for asters. The practice, kn

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~---~~,~-----~------Thursday, January 27, 1994 The Observer • INTERNATIONAL NEWS page 5 Five killed in tnarket were likely executed By lAWRENCE KOOTNIKOFF came to that conclusion after Associated Press examining autopsy reports and photographs. A leading forensic pathologist Dr. Tom Crane, the local rep­ disputes the government's find­ resentative of the group, called ing that five men killed in a vil­ the attorney general's report lage marketplace during an "gibberish." Indian uprising were not exe­ Ocosingo was the scene of cuted by the Mexican army. some of the fiercest fighting Dr. Clyde Snow, an interna­ before the guerrillas retreated tionally recognized consultant back into the and jun­ for the Boston-based Physicians gles of Mexico's southernmost for Human Rights. said state. Mexican and interna­ Tuesday night that the five men tional human rights activists had been lined up and shot, have pointed to the five slay­ probably by soldiers. ings in Ocosingo as an example Human rights activists have of human rights abuses by sol­ accused the army of commit­ diers. ting widespread abuses when it The government says 107 drove guerrillas out of San people - mostly rebels - died The Observer/Kim Varl Cristobal de las Casas, Ocosingo in the fighting before Salinas Winter sketching and several other highland declared a cease-fire Jan. 10. towns in the impoverished Local church officials and other Saint Mary's student Beck Kellogg sketched the frozen fountain outside Haggar Colle!Je Center yesterday. southern state of Chiapas. independent groups put the The bodies were seen by re­ death toll in the hundreds. porters in Ocosingo on Jan. 4, In Washington, Assistant shortly after soldiers retook the Alexander India displays military might town. They were in a row and Watson said Tuesday that U.S. By KRISHNAN GURUSWAMY countries have risen over the mounted on tall buildings over­ all seemed to have been shot in officials would meet with repre­ Associated Press Writer predominately Muslim Kashmir looking the parade site, and the head. sentatives of Amnesty region in northern India, which 6,000 policemen ringed the The dead men appeared to International and Americas India displayed its Prithvi Pakistan claims as its territory. area to guard against terrorist have been members of the Watch to discuss their criti­ missile for the first time The India-developed Prithvi, attacks. Zapatista National Liberation cisms of the army's handling of Wednesday in a show of grow­ paraded Wednesday during Two rockets crashed outside Army, the group that launched the uprising. ing military might that has Republic Day celebrations a stadium at a Republic Day the uprising Jan. 1 to demand "We are terribly concerned troubled Western leaders. marking the 44th anniversary celebration Wednesday in better living and economic con­ by these reports," Watson said. The missile, which can carry of India's constitution, was de­ Kashmir. No one was injured, ditions for Indians. Mexican diplomats in a one-ton warhead up to 155 ployed last year. Four other and no one immediately The Mexican attorney gener- Washington dismissed some miles, is part of a program that long- and short-ranged missiles claimed responsibility for the -al's office issued a report Jan. 7 criticism, especially that by has raised concerns about are under development. attack, which police blamed on saying the men were not exe­ Rep. Robert Torricelli, D-N.J., India's ability to conduct nu­ Helicopters showered rose Muslim rebels. cuted and had not been shot who wrote to President Carlos clear war against Pakistan, petals on dignitaries and thou­ with weapons used by the Salinas de Gortari criticiziM which also is believed to have sands of civilians watching the TAlE THE KEYs army. the barring of rights advocaies nuclear weapons capability. parade in sunny spring-like CALi ACAB­ Snow disagreed. from some of the combat zones. If deployed near India's bor­ weather. About 2,000 soldiers TAlE ASTANO "They appeared to have Salinas, whose prestige has der with Pakistan, the missile in crisp blue, green and red been kneeling, with their hands suffered, ordered the govern­ could hit most of eastern tunics marched down the broad tied behind their backs," he ment's National Human Rights Pakistan. boulevard between the presi­ said. "They exhibited gunshot Commission to investigate the India and Pakistan have dent's and the India wounds to the back of the head. abuse allegations. fought three wars since 1947. Gate war memorial. "The evidence indicates that "If I see something that Tensions between the two Six antiaircraft guns were fRifNOS DON'T lH fRifNOS DRIV( DRUNK this is a classical extrajudicial doesn't jibe with what they're execution ... done by the saying, you'll know about it," army," he added. he said, adding that he had Snow said he and Dr. seen nothing to indicate com­ Margarita Arruza, also of mission officials "were not try­ Physicians for Human Rights, ing to get to the truth." SENIORS: SEE YOU CAMPUS VIEW TONIGHT APARTMENTS AT 9 Month - 10 Month - 12 Month Leases ~\)~ FURNISHED APARTMENTS, !i CLUB • ALL UTILITIES COVERED, CENTRAL AIR "0]yl0~ Wide open spaces, well appointed apartments. DON'T FORGET YOUR GREEN Indoor Pool & Jacuzzi. Sports activity area. 22 OZ. PLASTIC THINGS Weight machine, 24 Hour Laundry.

STUDENT ACCOMMODATION AND CARE AT AFFORDABLE PRICES. AND WE TAKE SECURI1Y AND SAFE1Y SERIOUSLY. Visit Our Office and Meet Our Staff TOMORROW Call Dorene NOW FOR FRIDAY LUNCH START YOUR WEEKEND OFF 2 72--1441 RIGHT! page 6 The Observer· INTERNATIONAL NEWS Thursday, January 27, 1994 Bosnia aid crisis deepens as civilians fire on convoys By MAUD S. BEELMAN the escort from the window of a It was the second attack at The most recent attacks reveal which is crucial for the survival Associated Press Writer house," said Kris Janowski, a Ticici in two days. On Tuesday, the desperation of civilians who of more than 2 million people. U.N. spokesman in . hundreds of villagers mobbed believe they are denied a fair "Whoever blocks the road - SARAJEVO The six policemen were be­ another convoy and beat share of food aid. be they Bosnians, Serbs or Civilians mobbed a U.N. food ing treated in a hospital. Bosnian government police of­ People in territory held by the Croats - should be bombed," convoy and wounded six of its Janowski said aid convoys ficers escorting the trucks after government receive signifi­ he said in Sarajevo after meet­ Bosnian police escorts along the route were suspended they fired warning shots in the cantly less aid than those living ing with Lt. Gen Rose Wednesday, in a grim demon­ - a move that would affect air. One suffered leg wounds in in Croat- or Serb-controlled ar­ of Britain, the new commander stration of escalating lawless­ Kakanj, Visoko and Tuzla, the return fire from the crowd. eas, mainly because they are of U.N. peacekeepers in Bosnia. ness driven by hunger and des­ Muslim -led government's Janowski said the trucks isolated from border areas U.N. brass usually travel in peration. biggest stronghold outside were allowed to proceed where the aid enters Bosnia, armored cars. But on his sec­ The officers suffered bullet Sarajevo. Tuesday only after some cargo U.N. officials say. And some of ond day of command, Rose wounds in the attack on the 10- "Obviously, it is a very seri­ was looted. the food is diverted to soldiers walked the 550 yards from his truck convoy as it entered ous problem in an area where Serbs, Croats and all of the Muslim-led Bosnian residence to the Bosnian presi­ Ticici, a Muslim village near we already have serious prob­ have been accused of attacking army. dency in an unprecedented Kakanj, 30 miles northwest of lems," Janowski said. Even be­ or interfering with aid convoys In related comments. but be­ show of bravado aimed at be­ Sarajevo, where about 200 fore the attacks at Ticici, only as they try to starve out their fore news of the Ticici attack, sieging Serb militiamen in the civilians waited for it, U.N. offi­ about 21 percent of intended rivals. But those have been war Bosnian Prime Minister Haris surrounding hills who could cials said. aid supplies for that area were tactics, usually carried out by Silajdzic condemned those in­ easily track him with their "Somebody opened fire at getting through, he said. soldiers of the various factions. terfering with the flow of aid, binoculars. First black commander has faith in prison reforms By DONNA BRYSON enforcing laws that once denied As he strolls around the namesake town, which is sur­ And punishing prisoners by Associated Press them basic rights. prison, whites address Khoza rounded by dramatic rocky denying them food or visits "I had that dream that one as "meneer," or "sir," an hills. But the bleak prison inte­ from their relatives also has BARBERTON day the whole correctional ser­ Afrikaans title rarely directed rior - slick gray walls, gray ended. When Msuthu Timothy Khoza vice would change its color," from white to black. concrete floors, cold bars - re­ Khoza said he wants to give came to Barberton Prison as a Khoza said. "A man does not The prisoners greet him with flects the notoriety Barberton prisoners opportunities to learn young guard, he was joining the simply run away from the work shouts of "Com Khoza!" when gained for its brutality. trades or further their educa­ iron fist of . that he loves simply because he enters the exercise yards or A few years ago, men work­ tion. When he was head of the Thirty-three years later, things were not the best they walks past their cramped cells. ing on the prison farm report­ maximum security division, he Khoza is the first black com­ could be." He greets them in Zulu or his edly died from heat exhaustion. started a choir and sewing and mander of a major South Barberton rarely held politi­ native Swazi. Khoza also speaks Now, the men tending the fruit carpentry workshops. African prison. He believes his cal prisoners, and Khoza has English and Mrikaans. and vegetables grown for "I've always believed that a rise vindicates his faith that the little patience with the idea that From outside, the prison's prison consumption are taken prisoner is a human being. system can be reformed from many blacks were forced into cream walls and red are as inside when it gets too hot, That's been my philosoph}\." within. crime because they were de­ picturesque as any sight in its Khoza said. Khoza said. As South Mrica faces its first nied education and opportunity. multiracial elections in April "One cannot run away and and the prospect of a black-led say, 'Maybe it's because they government, the prisons and were underprivileged,"' he police - the institutions that said. "I don't run away from CAVANAUGH HALL PLAYERS formerly enforced apartheid - the truth." are scrambling to change with Khoza was born in the farm­ the times and shake their repu­ ing community of Nelspruit, just PRESENT tations as black oppressors. over the ridge from Barberton Plans call for the army to in the northeast corner of the merge with its erstwhile black country. As a boy, he saw black guerrilla opponents, aligned prisoners on work gangs being with the African National guarded by whites armed with THE ODD COUPLE Congress, in a new defense bats and spears~ He decided force. then that working in a prison 6y Neil8imDn The correctional services staff would give him a chance to "try of more than 23,000 is split al­ to convince my people that most evenly between white and crime does not pay." Thursday, Friday, Saturday non-white, but only 104 of Khoza oversees about 2,800 1,575 officers are black. And prisoners, most of them black, r- though blacks command two with the help of a staff of about training colleges, Khoza, 53, 700 from an office decorated January 27, 28,29 became the first black officer in with a large photograph of 'J'BJ~ IAS'J' (.,H I December to head a maximum President F.W. de Klerk and a ~ ... llN(.,E security prison. statuette of a Zulu warrior. 8:10pm 'J'f) 'J'HJ7 " "Things are changing, but "Him and me, we've been SEJ~ brothers for a long time," said they will not change in one 4 day," he said. Lt. Col. J.C. Hall, a white officer CA1~NAI1f'H He feels satisfied with his de­ who took over as head of the Washington Hall ., Rilll cision to stay with the correc­ maximum security division at JlfAYI~IlS tions service although many Barberton when Khoza was blacks consider it a betrayal, promoted to commander. Free Admission

NOTRE DAME APARTMENTS GRADUATE "Newly Remodeled Apartments .at Very Affordable Rates" STUDENTS • SPACIOUS 2-BEDROOM APARTMENTS • NEW APPLIANCES, CABINETS, AND WANTED • ENTRY SECURITY • LAUNDRY FACILITY AVAilABLE The Graduate Student Union is • 4 BLOCKS FROM NOTRE DAME CAMPUS currently accepting nominations • PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT TEAM for GSU President and Vice • SKILLED MAINTENANCE CREW President for 1994-1995. • PRIVATE OFF-STREET PARKING FOR TENANTS Interested persons should call the • SEVERAL UNITS AVAILABLE FOR IMMEDIATE OCCUPANCY GSU office at 631-6963 before Now TAKING APPliCATIONS FOR February 1. '94-'95 SCHOOL YFAR FoR MoRE INFORMATION CALL REWARDS 232-8256 Thursday, January 27, 1994 The Observer • INTERNATIONAL NEWS page 7 Remembering the Leningrad siege By MAXIM KORZHOV idents of the city, which was that Soviet dictator Josef Stalin Associated Press packed with refugees from the should have surrendered the Nazi invasion in nearby re­ city to ease the suffering. ST. PETERSBURG gions. Harrison Salisbury, the New Organization and Israel signed Of all the horrors of the 900- Likhachev believes more York Times correspondent an accord Sept. 13 calling for day Nazi siege of Leningrad, than 3 million people died. whose account of the Israel to withdraw from G Tatyana Sukhanova remembers Stories of cannibalism and siege was recently published in and Jericho. best the day her mother sold other atrocities were sup­ Russian, believed the city suf­ Under· the Washington her wedding ring to buy meat. pressed for decades, coming to fered partly because Stalin cord, Israel was to begin It came from the black market light only in Mikhail feared it. In the late 1920s, drawing on Dec. 13 and and tasted strangely sweet. Gorbachev's era of glasnost. Leningrad was a center of anti­ turning over day-to-day "Mother turned deadly pale Official Soviet history em­ Stalin opposition, and after the ning. of the areas and forbid me to eat it. I could-. phasized the glorious aspects of war many heroes of the siege -Palestinians as a test for n't stop crying," said the blockade: composer Dmitry died in purges. wider agreement later. Sukhanova, now 64. Shostakovich writing his 7th But after repeated meetings It wasn't until after the war Symphony in the besieged city, Still, historians such as by various negotiators, the she learned it was human flesh. for instance. The work was first Kolosov say the suffering was- side.s have failed to agree "Mother went to the police performed on Aug. 9, 1942, in n't in vain. · who will guard borders and they arrested the man who Leningrad and was broadcast "Leningrad diverted up to 30 Jordaq and Egypt and h sold her the meat. I don't know live to infuriated Nazi troops on percent of the German troops much. land Israel will ce who he was or what happened the front line. on the Eastern Front," Kolosov around Jericho. to him, but that sweet taste is In recent years, however, said. He said the Leningrad­ The border crossings seem still in my mouth." historians have focused on the based Baltic Fleet kept raw to be the main sticking point. This week the city, which siege's grimmer episodes. materials from reaching Israel insists on keeping took back its czarist name of St. "Only then did we learn from Scandinavia. army at the borders for Petersburg in 1991, is celebrat­ there was a special police unit Of St. Petersburg's 5 million rity, but the PLO says the ing the 50th anniversary of the to fight cannibals," said Yuri residents today, about 400,000 ence of lsraeli soldiers end of the siege. A $5 million Kolosov, chairman of the are siege survivors. Many are mean Palestinians would celebration of concerts, fire­ Association of Historians of the going hungry again, struggling real.autonomy. works and parades is planned Leningrad Siege. He said 260 to get by on meager state pen­ for Thursday, to be attended by people were arrested for canni­ sions as Russia painfully moves President Boris Yeltsin. balism. toward a market economy. German troops first encircled During the first months of Natalia Voloshina, 81, said Leningrad in August 1941. the siege, city residents re­ that in some ways things were After failing to take it with ceived a daily ration of about a easier back then. bombing raids and heavy quarter pound of bread. Before shelling, the Nazis decided to long, all the city's cats and dogs "The times were hard and starve the city into submission. were eaten, then rats and many people died, but they They thought it would take a crows, and then people started knew it wasn't in vain and that couple of weeks; it lasted nearly to scrape off wallpaper to eat we would win," she said while .. Officials in Israel also three years. the paste. They boiled leather standing in a line of some 500 the negotiations may take Historians say at least half of coats and ate them. siege survivors to collect a one­ Yossi Beilin. the _deputy rnr ... an• Leningrad's prewar population Finally, it came to cannibal­ time payment of 10,000 to minister, told state-run of 3 million died, mainly of ism. Gangs wandered through 15,000 rubles ($6.50 to $10) to ,.he Davos meeting would hunger and cold. the dark city looking for human mark the anniversary. ·· ~·hnportant but not ne<:es!>ari "They haven't yet released prey, and parents were afraid "Relations between people thelast one." the real death toll," said Dmitry to let their children outside. were better than now, and peo­ Sbaath and other Likhachev, 88, a prominent his­ Meanwhile, the city was ple helped each other." she :Q.egotiators1ooked worn out torian and siege survivor. hammered by German bombs said. "Now they live like did ...... the end of the day. One PL He said a colleague who and shells, which destroyed wolves, not caring about others. ort~t$ ·"' . . . e, Ahmed Quria' worked for the city told him 1.2 nearly one-third of the build­ They remember veterans and · ·· at reporters who million people starved, but that ings. the siege survivors only on the UQ~OUU'U him. figure only included official res- Some historians now argue anniversary." EVERYBODY CAN DANCE REGARDLESS OF AGE, RACE, GENDER, PHYSICAL CONDITION, DANCING OR ACTING ABILITY # ~ ~ ""---...... , ...... __.._ ...... a participation dance perlbrmance

JANUARY 28 AT 7:00PM LAFORTUNE BALLROOM MUST BE THERE IN THE BEGINNING SMC • ND ID REQUIRED 8rougllt to you 6y the IYiuftiCulturaf Executive Council pageS The Observer • INTERNATIONAL NEWS Thursday, January 27, 1994 Ex-KGB says he penetrated Israel's nuclear facilities By ALLYN FISHER Mediterranean coast. KGB information on weapons States when his superiors de­ Court lifted a six-year embargo Associated Press He claimed he found out production, secret bases, politi­ cided to send him to Israel be­ on the case of Roman Weisfeld, Israel was working on an atom­ cal and security officials and cause ties ruptured during the a Soviet immigrant and electri­ JERUSALEM ic weapon but doesn't believe immigration. Precise details are 1967 Mideast War had left cal engineer who spied for the Stepping out of the shadows he broke any new ground. still under wraps, it said. without any diplomats KGB for eight years and is cur­ 20 years after being freed in a "I guess it was known. There Linov was freed a year after to gather intelligence in the rently serving a 15-year term. spy swap, former Soviet agent are only a few secrets left in his capture in March 197 3 as Jewish state. Polish-born Marcus Yuri Linov revealed Wednesday this modern world," said Linov, part of a swap in which at least Klingberg, 75, a former Red that he had penetrated Israel's who spoke to The Associated seven other spies were released Now a 56-year-old busi­ Army colonel, was jailed in top secret nuclear laboratories. Press Wednesday while on a including Israelis posted in nessman operating from Kiev 1983 and given an 18-year sen­ A lieutenant-colonel for the business stop in the Bavarian Arab countries such as Yemen and Moscow, Linov says he tries tence reportedly for revealing KGB, Linov was sent to Israel town of Hassfurt, Germany. and Egypt, he told The AP. to forget what happened in the secrets about biological warfare disguised as a Jewish immi­ The Justice Ministry said a past. "It was not my real life," to the Soviets. His case was grant from in 1968. He spy with the cover name of Karl At his closed-door trial, Linov said Linov, who has a wife and published in August when his even underwent circumcision in Mutel, Linov's alias on an said, "I pleaded guilty because I three daughters. attorney appealed for a pardon. Moscow to protect his cover. Austrian passport, had been felt guilt. It's a small country The Linov affair is the latest Amnon Sela, an expert on For five years, Linov said, he sentenced to 18 years in prison and I understood the problems in a series of espionage cases to Russian affairs at the Hebrew operated a ring of agents, in­ for espionage in the 1970s. as though they were my own." come to light in recent months University of Jerusalem, said cluding informants inside "Document," a television Linov said he spied for more as journalists have succeeded there were public demands to Israel's nuclear reactors at program that broke news of the than 16 years in Europe as well in challenging the government's explain cases of people who Dimona in the Negev Desert Linov case Tuesday, said he as in Israel. He was being veil of secrecy. vanished years ago without ex- and Nahal Sorek on the was charged with giving the groomed to spy in the United In November, the Supreme planation. · Prince Charles cool under fire House asks Bill Clinton By GEOFF SPENCER Police said the assailant, 23- eluding many families with Associated Press year-old university student small children, witnessed the to raise the Princz case David Kang, wrote Prince attack. SYDNEY Charles last month to complain Kang, sitting in a crowd on By MARCY GORDON Appeals for the District o Britain's Prince Charles, ea­ about Australia's treatment of the grass near the stage, stood Associated Pre$& Columbia is considering ger to boost his image after the several hundred Cambodian up as the prince prepared to whether Princz, 71, of Highland breakup of his marriage to boat people held in detention deliver his speech and fired one WASHINGTON Park, N.J., may pursue his $17 Princess Diana, has proved one camps. blank. The HO\Uii}, asked President million lawsuit against the thing: he can stay cool under The prince's staff had writ­ A loud crack rang out and Clinton on Wednesday to seek German government. · fire. ten back that Charles could not smoke rose from the pistol. German Chall,ceJlor Kohl's help The son of a naturalized The 45-year-old heir to the become involved in the matter. Kang then jumped a low bar­ tot a,ll Amerleatr·Jew seeking American father, Princz was throne hardly flinched Kang was jailed and charged ricade and ran to the stage, r~pii'A~i o(" ~he Na~is'. living with his family in Wednesday when a young man under a federal law to protect lunging toward the prince. l)~i biSfamny · : in 1942 when the ran out of a crowd, lunged at international VIPs. If convicted, Another shot went off as he >£1· ~13, .the .·.. ···.· :Gel"mans deported them to con- him and fired two blank shots he could be imprisoned for a tripped over a lectern and fell, . · :P'n,.;~r.it~l~. ,centration camps. His· father, from a starter's pistol during an maximum of 20 years. just a few feet from Charles. nf St,.W.>: ··mother, sister·. and two younger outdoor ceremony marking He is scheduled to appear in Security officers and digni­ bring up •" bro~ers an perished. . .. Australia's . court early Thursday. taries wrestled the man to the , hen they, The Germans denied Princz's The prince saw the man run The prince did not comment ground while bodyguards bel Germ:a.Il'·> 1955 request for reparations toward him and froze momen­ to reporters. His aides said he shielded the prince. aus Kinkel because he was a U.S. citizen. tarily as the shots rang out. was unconcerned about his Charles was on the third day onMcnldiyb'l .· gton. Rep. Lee H. Hamilton, D- Afterward, he calmly adjusted safety and would continue his of an official 12-day Australian Th&·resolut{f>l'l;•·•ntroduced Ind., chairman of the House his cuff links. tour of Australia. tour. He has been warmly re­ b.•. Y.lt.ep.; Frll.flk··.. ·.P8J!one;;D-N.J., Foreign Affairs Committee, Within minutes of his as­ New South Wales state Police ceived by the public, despite a l\S~ed Clinton to try to help said, "It is time for the German sailant's arrest, Charles, un­ Minister Terry Griffiths de­ government push to declare Prine~ win paym:ent from the government to resolve this sit­ harmed, carried on with his scribed the attack as a "stunt, Australia a republic and sever G.er.,.-tan government. The uation, to come to an agree­ speech. He joked with the not an assassination attempt." ties with the British crown by Sel'lat4 passQ,d s>siriillar resolu- ment with Mr. Princz on ade­ crowd, and later assured guests "There was no risk to the 2001. tionlaSt Nofi;mber;;>tK quate compensation pay- at a cocktail party that he was prince's physical being at any In London, members of The U.S. Circuit Court of ments." fine. stage," he said. questioned whether "He played it cool. He wants Griffiths criticized Australian authorities had been everyone to know he is OK," Buckingham Palace for insist­ lax in their duties. said Sydney Lord Frank ing on low-level protection so "Responsibility for his secu­ Sartor, one of the dignitaries on the prince could be close to the rity in Australia lies primarily stage during the incident. public. The palace's instruc­ with the Australian government Others on stage were knocked tions were "that there are to be which will have some serious from their seats in the commo­ no security forces between the questions to answer," said tion. prince and the public," he said. Robert Maclennan of the Buckingham Palace did not Liberal Democratic Party. "SEE THIS MOVIE Ar ALL Com. CORRECTION comment on the incident. Conservative lawmaker Sir Due to an editing error, a Charles and other members George Gardiner said he was of the British royal family regu­ concerned about Charles' safe- lr's HYSTERICAL!" speaker was incorrectly identi­ fied in the Faculty Business larly shake hands aiid talk with ty. Chric Mundy, "RAVES'', ROLLING STONE MAGAZINE ordinary people at public Forum of Tuesday's Business "But I don't know what he's page. The speaker should events, with little security in doing out there anyway," "Deliciously accurate in its ~ortrayal of the evidence. have been identified as Czech Gardiner said. "These Aussies Prime Minister Vaclav Klaus. At Wednesday's celebration are being a pain in the arse and generation that fell hetween LSD and R.E.M:' The Observer regrets the in a downtown Sydney park, the sooner they jump into the Juli1nn G1rey, US MAGAZINE error. more than 10,000 people, in- South Pacific the better." WHY f Ak'E A BUS fO fHE BEACH WHEN YOU CAN SfA Y fN A BEACH fi?ONf HOfEL ???? Anthony Travel's SPRING BREAK 1994

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News Editor ...... Mercdith McCullough Advertising Manager ...... Anne Heroman Viewpoint Editor ...... Suzy Fry Ad Design Manager...... Stcph Goldman Sports Editor ...... George Dohrmann Production Manager ...... •...... Cheryl Moser Aa:c:nr Editor ...... Kenya Johnson Systems Manager ....•...... •.•...... •...... Patrick Barth Photo Editor ..•.....•...... •... Jake Peters OTS Director ...... •...... Brendan Regan Saint Mary's Editor ...... Jennifer Habrycb Controller ...... Mark Meenan

The Observer is the independent newspaper published by the students of the University of Notre Dame du Lac and Saint Mary's College. It docs not necessarily reflect the policies of the administra­ tion of either institution. The news is reported as accuratdy and objectively as possible. Unsigned edi­ torials represent the opinion of the majority of the Editor-in-Chief, Managing Editor, News Editor, Viewpoint Editor, Accent Editor, Photo Editor, Sports Editor, and Saint Mary's Editor. Commentarics,lcrten and Inside Columns present the views of the authors, and not necessarily those of The Observer. Y"ICWJ>Oint space is availabk to all members of the Notre DarncJSaint Mary's com­ munity and to all readers. The free expression of varying opinions through !etten is encouraged.

Obscm:r Pbopc Lipg Editor-in-Chief 631-4542 Accent/Saint Mary's 631-4540 Managing EditorfYICWJ>Oint 631-4541 Day Editor/Prodl;ction 631-5303 Business Office 631-53 I 3 Advertising 631-6900/8840 Sports 631-4543 Systcms/OTS 631-8839 News/Photo 631-5323 Office Manager 631-7471 LETTERS TO THE miTOR Apathetic editorial insults SMC Dear Editor: Peters and Sheedy/McNulty social interaction through Perhaps the biggest issue fac­ share common concerns for the Wabash College. ing the St. Mary's campus is the upcoming year. The Observer Anyone who attended the need to increase student was disappointed that the debate or knows anything involvement. debate wasn't an all-out brawl, about the candidates knows Yes, both tickets for Student but an agreement. The two that in our sesquicentennial Body President and Vice tickets are aware of the issues year this election means more President of Academic Affairs that this College faces. to all of us than salad dressing agree. Obviously this is a goal Never mind that they each and yogurt. The candidates that should not be ignored in have different ideas regarding were actually posed a question planning the future of this the implementation of these about dining hall improvements College. goals, which was reported in by a member of the audience. As an editorial board who your front page article. The Each candidate answered insists that "the evolution of the paper's editorial staff refused honestly, citing specific con­ College" is at stake, The to bring themselves to the level cerns brought to their attention Observer has thrown a blow to of their peers who should be by fellow students. The fact the future of our campus by voting in this election. You had that they listened to such belittling the election you nick­ to be journalists, searching for details and are willing to imple­ named "Peppercorn versus ment any improvements, Strawberry Dannon Yogurt" 'The paper's editorial regardless of how small they (The Observer, January 25). staff refused to may seem, shows their true sin­ In essence, The Observer edi­ cerity in wanting to improve torial sent a message to St. bring themselves to the this College for their peers and Mary's students that the elec­ level of their peers ... " those women who will attend tion for Student Body President St. Mary's in the years to come. concerns petty issues. In St. something controversial to You say, unnamed editorial Mary's sesquicentennial year, report. What fun is it to write writer (Observer editorials are don't bother to Jearn about the news about agreement? What composed by the editorial stam. candidates and their platforms. kind of attention grabbing lead that "it is the role of student Don't bother to have an impact could you make out of agree­ government to take a part of on the next 150 years. Don't ment? "Peppercorn versus the long-term evolution of the bother to vote. strawberry Dannon yogurt" is College." Very true. However, it As Vice President of LeMans much more engaging to get is not the role of The Observer Hall, I and other leaders in this your readers to read on. to undermine this movement by community are constantly striv­ Concerning increasing student encouraging students not to ing to provide new program­ involvement, both tickets have vote. ming that will allow students to concrete ideas in mind. To It is my sincere hope that my become more involved and to name a few from each, the plat­ fellow St. Mary's students were be proud of St. Mary's College. I form of El-Ganzouri and Peters informed about the candidates am absolutely offended by your proposes increasing fees, activi­ and their different plans in attitude which encourages an ties at Dalloway's and Haggar, implementing common goals. It entire student body to be apa­ a Fall Festival, and activities to would be awful to think that thetic. You have insulted every­ strengthen relations with pro­ The Observer spoiled the salad one in this community, includ­ fessors. dressing and yogurt for the ing the candidates, who work Sheedy and McNulty on the upcoming year. everyday to increase the stu­ other hand, propose major-a­ dent's role in student body month presentations by upper­ DIANA lANZILLOTIA issues. classwomen, big/little sisters, Junior The tickets of El-Ganzouri/ and opening new doors for LeMans Hall DOONESBURY .•. 50MP. OF IAJHICH azs TOIAJH/7l­ IIJATER l HAL& CI..AIMS H8~ TH& W4N AT a/NTVNSURGI/116 ... ''Macho does not prove mucho."

-Zsa Zsa Gabor ACCe:NT page 10 Thursday, January 27, 1994 'The AII-Ame~ica"' RevLAe'

By KEVIN SULLIVAN O'Neill is also known on campus for Accent writer his covers of Billy Joel, which he per­ formed in a concert last semester. Looking for some humor and excite­ In last year's Revue, he turned "My ment to bring yourself out of the frozen, Life" into an emotional plea for student post-break torpor of recent weeks? Have freedom from the tightening bonds of a hankering to see your fellow students the administration (read: O'Hara). get taunted? Do you feel the need to see This time, students should expect prominent members of the something a little differenti as O'Neill Administration slammed once again? will appear with other Keenanites in a skit named, "The Fabulous O'Rico Then the place to be this weekend is Boys." O'Laughlin Auditorium, the sight of Music is always a big part of the Keenan Hall's inimitable Keenan Revue. Revue, and this year will be no different. This year's version, entitled, "The All­ Along with O'Neill's skit, performers American Revue," will attempt to con­ will jam to such "All-American" classics tinue in the tradition of quality Domer as "Johnny B. Good," "Great Balls of entertainment and fun that has made Fire" and the people's national anthem, the Keenan Revue one of the annual Neil Diamond's "America." rites of spring. Along with these numbers, the ­ ence should warm up their own vocal chords for what has also become one of the most beloved Revue traditions - the 'I think people come to the between-skit TV-theme song sing-along. Revue expecting a cer­ "I would be doing a great disservice if tain thing. Hopefully, this I took that out," said Czoty. Anyone who has experienced this part of the Revue year we'll be able to provide before would certainly agree. that again.' However bad a cultural reflection the perfectly unified singing of more than a dozen theme songs is, its power can not Paul Czoty be denied. Perhaps in no other non-Football related moment is their such communal Director Paul Czoty and his core staff, enthusiasm as when a Revue audience including producer Bong Miquiabas, member hears those first magical notes technical coordinator Mike Libert and over O'Laughlin's sound system, turns to musical directors Gene Warzecha and his or her neighbor, and sings: "Love .. Tim O'Neill have been working since . exciting and new." early in the school year to ensure the or course, the main focus of the success ofthis year's show. Keenan Revue is always comedy. "We've got a lot of different people Without revealing too much, Czoty said throughout the dorm involved this year," that one of the skits to watch is the omi­ says Czoty, expressing his optimism and nously titled "Nightmare Foreign enthusiasm over the 1994 Revue. Professor." However, despite the diverse involve­ Also, newcomers to the Revue can The Observer/ David Hungeling ment, Czoty promises that the show will expect to see themselves relentlessly Reflecting over the past football season, this Keenan resident performs a light-hearted skit continue in the style of previous years. satirized - all in the name of good fun, of based upon senior defensive player Pete Bereich. "I think people come to the Revue course. Czoty commented that whether or not will once again be one the major events expecting a certain thing," said Czoty. Czoty and his staff also hope that the student donations will help the Revue of the semester. "Hopefully, this year we'll be able to students who attend the Revue will not break-even is always a concern of the provide that again." only laugh and sing, but also appreciate staff. The Keenan Revue will be playing this Along those terms, Keenan senior Tim the long hours and hard work that have If, by chance, the dorm profits from Thurs.-Sat., Jan. 27-29 at 7 p.m. each O'Neill will once again be displaying his gone into the show's production. the event, the proceeds will go to a night. The shows are sold out. so your talents for the Revue audience. Since tickets are free, Keenan depends scholarship fund aimed to aid future only hope is to try and scrounge a ticket As well as being one of the Revue's on the generosity of their fellow Domers Keenanites. off of your favorite Keenanite. musical directors, O'Neill, who is gradu­ (or perhaps their inability to evade all Czoty and his staff are confident that ating in May, will be giving his farewell the strategically placed ushers) to help they have put together a show that stu- piano performance. pay for costs. dents will greatly appreciate, and that

The Observer/ David Hungeling The many encounters between South Bend SUDS and Notre Dame students over the past months provide plenty of interesting material for the Revue. .------~------~------~-~ ------·-~------

Thursday, January 27, 1994 ACCENT page 11 .... Learning how to lose your inhibitions Local universities come together to heighten drug and alcohol awareness in youths

By Bill FEKRAT alternative~------~~--~ Do What We nars and group discussions to Acq;or Writer social activities - Do!" share ideas on prevention. and how to Dan Clark Those in attendance will be You don't need alcohol to plan them. holds the presti­ able to choose their own sched­ have a good time. It's a plati­ The conven­ gious Certified ule of seminar topics and then tude often heard, but how can tion features Speaking meet with other attendees to it be put into action and made a three keynote Professional discuss and reflect on the infor­ reality? speakers who designation be­ mation that has been present­ This is the goal of Andrews are well­ stowed by the ed. University's Prevention known in the National Upon completing the week­ Convention. area of pre­ Speakers end, all participants will be cer­ Andrews University, located vention, and Association, and tified as Peer Prevention in Berrien Springs, MI. is host­ whose speech­ will deliver a Specialists. ing the First Annual Youth-to­ es will hopeful­ motivational Registration costs for the con­ Youth Collegiate Prevention ly provide speech entitled, vention are $20. Participants Convention, January 28-30. motivation as "The Art of are responsible for their own Andrews University along well as Being Alive." housing and food. with Notre Dame, Lake information, There will Notre Dame's Office of Michigan College, Southwestern said Hanson. also be a debate Alcohol and Drug Education Michigan College, Jordan D a v e on whether or will subsidize costs and possibly College and other schools will Williams is a not drugs provide transportation for any­ be represented in the conven­ Certified should be legal­ one interested in attending the tion to teach youth how to have Prevention ized between convention. fun without drugs and alcohol. Specialist from Dewey Murdoch "The goal of the convention is Columbus, and Duane For questions and further in­ to show people how to not use OH., and will McBride, two formation, contact Mark Pogue drugs and alcohol," says Derri deliver a experts in sub­ at 631-7970 or Derri Hanson at Hanson of Andrews University's speech enti­ stance abuse. the Andrews University Institute of Alcoholism and tled, "Why We The rest of the Institute of Alcoholism and \ \ Drug Dependency. Do What We \ convention will Drug Dependency at (616) 471- The program will emphasize Do When We \ focus on semi- 3558. Breaking down ethnic barriers, Djo-Gbe dancing helps make the bashful bold

By IARISSA HERCZEG teacher. He has traveled extensively, and cur­ Accent writer rently resides in Los Angeles, where he works as a performance artist. You walk into the LaFortune Ballroom and The Council has invited Houetin back because hear persistent live chanting and drums, see fes­ they feel that when people get involved in the tive, colorful curtains on the wall. You become dance, they will begin to understand and respect relaxed and soothed, opening up and letting the culture, according to Acosta. yourself feel the rhythm of the music. You're Djo­ Acosta cites the goals of the Council as being a Gbe dancing. major factor in bringing Houetin to campus: "education, in an informal setting, for the com­ What is Djo-Gbe (jobay) dancing? According to munity of Notre Dame/Saint Mary's and South Lazare Houetin, director of the presentation of Bend." the dance, Djo-Gbe dancing is a form of expres­ sion deriving its heritage from . "If we have educated one person, we have It is meant to help people, through dancing, to done our job," said Acosta. The Djo-Gbe program will be held in the LaFortune Ballroom on Fri., Jan. 28, at 7 p.m. 'I t was a relaxing, fun expe­ The dancing workshop will be followed by a rience even for the shyest peo­ reception. Admission is free of charge. ple like myself because of the non-threatening environment.'

Patricia Acosta

experience "the rhythm of nature, the dance within themselves," said Houetin. This is what happened to Patricia Acosta when she attended the program last year, Houetin's first visit to Notre Dame. "It was a relaxing, fun experience," said Acosta, "even for the shyest people like myself because of the non -threatening environment." Acosta, a member of the Multicultural Executive Council, liked it so much that she invit­ ed Houetin back this year. How does Houetin work this magic, seemingly casting a spell over even those who hate to dance? "{Houetin) is a charismatic man who is able to bring out a lot in people, making them latch on and lose themselves in the rhythm of the music," ... said Raymond Bugarin, another member of the Council who has worked with Houetin in the past. To help people "latch on," traditional costumes will be provided for all those interested in having the entire Djo-Gbe experience. Houetin is the former director of artistic expression for the National Office of Arts in , West Africa. Photo Courtesy/Multicultural Executive CouncU Houetin graduated from University in Notre Dame and Saint Mary's students prove that everyone, regardless of age, race, gender, or dancing ability can dance at France, then became an actor and French last year's Djo-Gbe participation performance. The program returns to the LaFortune Ballroom this weekend. ..

I I I I I I I • Notre Dame and St. Mary's Seniors


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Thursday, January 27, 1994 The Observer • SPORTS page 13 Graf reaches Aussie final; Three Atnericans in setnis By ROB GLOSTER The top-seeded Graf. over­ today a tougher match than it finals and a match against com­ cans are in the men's semifi­ Associated Press whelming Date at times with ended up." patriot Pete Sampras, Courier nals of the Australian Open. powerful forehands and serves, The second-seeded Sanchez has regained the emotional Courier was back to his old MELBOURNE,Australia quickly opened a 5-1 lead and Vicario needed only slightly edge he appeared to be losing peevish self in a news confer­ Steffi Graf, seeking her fourth finished the first set in 31 min­ longer to finish off No. 4 Saba­ last fall. ence Wednesday after a Australian Open title in seven utes. She broke Date's serve in tini, completing the 65-minute Yet another American, Todd straight-set victory over Goran years. overpowered Kimiko the opening and closing games match by winning the last four Martin, will face 's Ste­ Ivanisevic. He snapped at ques­ Date 6-3, 6-3 Thursday to set of the second set and completed games. Sanchez Vicario mixed fan Edberg in the other semifi­ tions while impatiently drum­ up a final against Arantxa the match in 61 minutes. hard groundstrokes with deli­ nal on Friday. It is the first time ming his fingers on a podium Sanchez Vicario. "I think it was a match we cate drop shots to keep Sabatini since 1982 that three Ameri- and playing with a microphone. Sanchez Vicario, who had lost both didn't have a lot of off balance. in the semifinals the last three rhythm. She went for a lot of On Wednesday, Jim Courier years, defeated Gabriela shots and she made a lot of had his Grand Slam attitude Sabatini 6-1. 6-2 to reach her them, but she also made some back. first Australian Open final. errors," Graf said. "I expected While advancing to the semi-

It was Notre Dame's last bas­ shot in the arm. We need Near-upset ket. something big, something posi­ Three free throws and a tive." MacLeod said. "Our kids continued from page 20 Clark tip-in later, the Irish were played their tails off, we look at nothing but another victim. this as a barometer of what Hill had 12 of his 21 in the "It seems like its all for we're capable of doing. Nobody half, including a running jump naught when you lost by two has ltiven up." shot that gave the Blue Devils a points," Williams said. "It says NOtRE DAME:' (72): Williams 13-18 5·6 34, Taylor 2-6 o-o 4, Joe Ross 4-6 o-o 8, Hoover 3-12 four-point lead with less that something about Duke, but it 3-3 10, Justice 1·3 o-2 2, Hughes o-2 0-0 0, White four minutes remaining. also says a lot about the 1·3 o-o 2, Kurowski 1-2 0-0 3, Jon Ross 4-5 o-o 9, But after two Hoover free Miller 0-0 o-o 0. TOTALS: 29-57 8-11 72. character of this team." DUKE (74): Lang 4-7 4-8 12. Hill 8-17 2-2 21, throws and a Williams 3-point­ That character will be this Parks 3-9 7-7 13, Capel 2-7 o-o 5, Collins 3-6 3-4 er, the Irish led 70-69. team's identity. After four 11, Clark 4-10 2·2 11, Meek 0-0 1·2 1, Newton Q-1 "Monty led the charge for us, 0-0 0. TOTALS: 24-57 19-25 74. straight losses to less than out­ Halftime-Notre Dame 39, Duke 34. 3-point making big play after big play," standing opposition, the Irish goals-Notre Dame 6-14 (Wdliams 3-3, Jon Ross MacLeod said. 1-1, Kurowski 1·2, Hoover 1·5, Taylor Q-3), Duke 7· could have called in sick. 14 (Hill 3-4, Collins 2-5, Capel 1·1, Clark 1·4). After Duke's Chris Collins Instead they salvaged a sea­ Fouled out--Jon Ross. Rebounds-Notre Dame turned the ball over on a back­ son. 28 (Joe Ross 8), Duke 37 (Parks 9). Assists­ court violation, Joe Ross scored Notre Dame 18 (Williams, Justice, White 4), Duke "It's unfortunate because a 13 (Hill 5). Total fouls-Notre Dame 20, Duke 15. to put Notre Dame ahead 72-69 win would have been a major Allendance-9,314. with 2:19 left.

The Observer accepts classifieds every bwiness day from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Noue Dame office, 314 LaFortune and from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m. at 309 Haggar College Center. c s Deadline for next-day classifieds is 3p.m. All classifieds must be prepaid. The charge is 2 cents per duracter per day, including all spaces.

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Let's help Bridget at 4-2965 Wyou found it instructors, lift operators, wait staff, fun person, PLS HELP! caiiX2354 each other. Med/legal paid. Please chalet staff + other positions Will pay $$BIG BUCKS$$ for Garth CAN YOU FIGURE OUT THE call Jessica or Bob Qncludlng summet'). Over 15,000 Brooks TICkets. can Sarah at TALENT SHOW TALENT SHOW 1-600-864-8385. LOST: EYEGLASSESINTAN openings. For more information call: 1#3818. SENIOR BAR ADS???? ITS A CASE. CALL AMY X4966 (206)634-0469 ext. V5584 On Fri. March 18, Troop NO Is ~EATTHERUSH~ Seniors!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PUZZLE EACH TIME. ..•.. sponsoring a CAMPUS WIDE TAL· VALENTINE'S DAY is quickly LOST· TIMEX WATCH WITH I need GARTH BROOKS tix!!!l Did you buy an extra ticket to ENT SHOW at Washington Hall. approaching, and if you want to INDIGLO. It has a black leather Phantom? **&*&*&000&&*&*&*&*&*&))(*&*0 HELP IS NEEDED. Anybody write a classified to that special band. I lost it on Sat. Jan. 22, either PLEASE call4-1477 Need to get rid of it? experienced in stage, lighting, direc· someone, you can type your ad at North Dining Hal, Lafortune, or Want to get rid of it$ ADOPTION: Loving, financially lion, set construction, etc. Please now. Your message will appear In on the way from NOH to Lafortune. Men and Women needed for free secure couple longs for a newborn contact Emile (x3290) or Ron (273- the special Valentine's Observer on H you haw any info or have found hairaJts. Gal Cosimo's 277-1875 Call Jonny "donnie" Trump to join our family. Please call Nancy 5971). Feb. 14. We are located on the 3rd It, please call Rich Glatz at 4-1143. 282·2206 and leaw message. and Jerry 1-600-272-5810. More info about the show soon. floor of Lafortune. Thanks. ROOMMATE WANTED Handicapped 28-year-old male ATIENTION SENIORS! 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LAKE PLACID CALL 1-600-786- Scavenger Hunt/ Word Scramble LOST: my two car keys. They are Prefer grad student and require per- GaiEddie"~n~·~lo 8373 Clue 1#3: Which NO grad was the bound to a medal with St son who wil be In South Bend year- PERSONAL 282-2206 g01111mor of Arimna and a 1988 Christopher on one skle and Notre round. If Interested call Adam 289- Spring Break Bahamas Party presidential aspirant??? The Top 10 Quotes from Days Dame de Paris wrttten on the other 9342. JPW Wlcnd confrmd reservation Cruise! 6 $2791 Trtp Includes ---()() ------side. @Jamison Inn aval. for trade for cavanaugh 's Production of Cruise & Room, 12 Meals & 6 Free These 2 letters should bring you Hyou haw any info, please cal Huy cnfrmd hotel res. Stanford wknd, 'The Odd Couple' : Parties! Hurry! This will sel out! closer to unsaambUng the secret @ 273-5859. Thanks! 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page 14 The Observer • PRO BASKETBALL Thursday, January 27, 1994 O'Neal's 36 lead Magic over Hornets; Hawks beat Suns Associated Press dentally by Scott Skiles. as made 81 percent of its shots 76ers 104, Mavericks 90 Magic rookie Anfernee Hardaway in the first quarter, built an 18-point Dana Barros scored 22 points and Shaquille O'Neal scored 36 points on scored a career-high 32 points, and also lead and then held off a late rush by Clarence Weatherspoon had 16 points 17 -for-20 shooting and Orlando set team had nine rebounds and nine assists, Phoenix. and 10 rebounds as Philadelphia hand­ records with 65 percent shooting and its while Nick Anderson had 29 points for The Hawks, improving their home ed Dallas its 15th straight loss. fifth consecutive victory, 145-120 over the Magic, who were 62-for-95 for the record to 18-3, connected on 17 of 21 Weatherspoon has had double figures Charlotte on Wednesday night. game. Eddie Johnson scored 29 points shots in the opening period and took a in points and rebounds 21 times in 40 The Magic hit 20 of 24 shots in the and Hersey Hawkins 23 for the Hornets. 40-31 lead as Augmon had 13 of his 23 games this season. Rookie Shawn fourth quarter to turn a six-point lead Orlando hit 10 of its first 12 shots in points. Bradley scored 20 points and Jeff entering the period into a 27 -point the third quarter, outscoring the Dominique Wilkins led the Hawks Hornacek had 16 points and nine assists advantage. O'Neal was 7 -for-9 in the Hornets 25-8 to grab an 89-69 lead. The with 26 points and Mookie Blaylock had for the 76ers. fourth quarter, with 16 points. Hornets then used a 25-11 run to close 25 points and 11 assists as Atlanta im­ The loss was the 38th in 40 games for O'Neal's much anticipated matchup the quarter, pulling to 100-94 entering proved its record to 28-10, best in the the Mavericks, whose only two victories with Alonzo Mourning never material­ the fourth period. Eastern Conference. this season came against Minnesota. ized. Mourning left the game with a Cedric Ceballos matched his career Rookie Jamal Mashburn led Dallas bruised left calf with 9:30 remaining in Hawks 116, Suns 107 hjgh with 40 poin~s for the Suns, who with 20 points, while Jim Jackson had the first quarter after being kicked acci- dropped their sixth game in nine out­ 17. Dallas shot 37.9 percent from the ings, all with Charles Barkley and Kevin field compared to 50.7 percent for Johnson out with injuries. Ceballos Philadelphia, which led by at least five scored 34 in Tuesday night's loss to New points throughout the second half. York and 40 against Portland on Saturday night. The Hawks built their advantage to Timberwolves 100, . 98 76-58 in the third period. Phoenix Chuck Person, who missed the three closed to 108-101 with 2:50 left in the previous games with a infection, game. made a 20-foot jumper with 1. 9 sec­ onds, lifting Minnesota past Utah. Celtics 103, Heat 98 Person, hospitalized last week with an inflamation of connective tissue in his Boston extended its season-best win­ left foot, scored 22 points as the Tim­ ning streak to six games, surviving a berwolves beat the Jazz for only the fifth desperation comeback by Miami. time in 24 games since joining the NBA The Celtics led 99-87 before baskets in 1989. by Glen Rice, Rony Seikaly and Matt Christian Laettner also had 22 points Geiger made it 99-93 with 24 seconds for Minnesota, while Karl Malone had left. Geiger's dunk made it 100-95 with 33 points and 14 rebounds for the Jazz. 14 seconds remaining. The Wolves led 98-94 before Brown hit a free throw for Stockton scored on a drive and then Boston, and the Heat's last hope van­ assisted on Jeff Malone's jumper to ished when Brian Shaw's 3-pointer fell make it 98-98 with 24 seconds left. short with 7.0 seconds remaining. After a timeout, Minnesota's Micheal Dino Radja led Boston with 23 points. Williams dribbled down most of the Miami, which lost for the eighth time in clock. Person then picked off Williams' 10 games, was led by Seikaly with 23 defender, Stockton, and popped to the points and 15 rebounds and Geiger with top of the key, where Williams found AP File PhotD 20 points. Dominique Wilkins scored 26 points to lead the Hawks to a 116-1 07 win over the visiting him for the winning basket. Suns. TTE T 0 N H 0 "Luxury Living You Can Enjoy & Afford" "Where Tenants Are Of The Utmost Importance" • 4 & 5 BEDROOM TOWNHOMES • 2 BATHROOMS • SECURITY SYSTEMS & SECURITY GUARDS • KITCHENS WITH DISHWASHER, GARBAGE DISPOSAL, REFRIGERATOR & RANGE • WASHER & DRYER IN EACH UNIT • GAS HEAT • CENTRAL AIR CONDITIONING • PROFESSIONAL MANAGEMENT • SKILLED & RESPONSIBLE MAINTENANCE • ONLY 1 MILE FROM NOTRE DAME CAMPUS Meet Our Friendly Staff And Let Them Show You Our Beautiful Townhomes

NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS FOR '94-'95 SCHOOL YEAR FOR MORE INFORMATION CALL 232-8256 The Observer • COLLEGE BASKETBALL page 15 No.3 Kansas squeaks past OSU Associated Press career-high 17 rebounds, lead­ Townsend Orr brought Min­ ing No. 9 Kentucky to a victory nesota within 69-63 with a Steve Woodberry hit a 3- over South Carolina on minute to go. Indiana's Todd pointer with 1.5 seconds left in Wednesday night. Leary then made the first of overtime, giving No. 3 Kansas a Jeff Brassow equaled a ca­ two foul shots before a miss 62-61 victory over Oklahoma reer-high with 25 points as ended his streak of consecutive State on Wednesday night. Kentucky (15-3, 5-2 Southeast­ free throws at a Big Ten-record Fred Burley made one foul ern Conference) won its 32nd 46. shot with 10.4 seconds left, straight game in Rupp Arena. The former mark was 45 by putting Oklahoma State ahead Prickett's tip-in came after Michigan State's Steve Smith in 61-59. He missed the second his own miss and gave Ken­ 1991. free throw and Kansas' Greg tucky a 45-40 lead with 15:57 Ostertag rebounded. left. Thirteen seconds later. he No. 18 Maryland 73, Woodberry stepped up on stole the ball near midcourt and the right side of the 3-point line drove in for another basket. Clemson 53 and swished the game-winner. Duane Simpkins matched his He led Kansas (18-2, 3-1 Big No. 11 Indiana 78, career high with 18 points, in­ Eight) with 17 points. cluding eight in a pivotal sec­ Ostertag had nine points, 11 No. 17 Minnesoa 66 ond-half run, as No. 18 Mary­ rebounds and eight blocked Damon Bailey scored 19 land moved into a tie for the shots. Sean Pearson scored 15 points and set an Indiana Atlantic Coast Conference lead for Kansas. record for career 3-point bas­ by beating Clemson Wednesday Brooks Thompson scored 23 kets Wednesday night as the night. and Randy Rutherford had 15 No. 11 Hoosiers beat No. 17 Maryland (12-3, 5-1) never for Oklahoma State. Minnesota and took over first trailed in its fourth straight·vic­ Bryant Reeves scored 13 place in the Big Ten. tory. Keith Booth had 15 points points and had nine rebounds Bailey's four 3-pointers gave and Johnny Rhodes 11 as the for the Cowboys (13-6, 2-2). just him 149 for his career, one Terrapins, relying on their out­ 2-30 in Allen Field House since more than the record set last side game for a change, 1969. year by Indiana's Calbert matched Duke for the best Cheaney. record in the conference. Indiana (12-3, 5-1) led by Maryland hasn't been 5-1 in No. 9 Kentucky 79, seven points at halftime, the ACC since the 1979-80 sea­ South Carolina 67 widened it to 12 on Bailey's son, and its 12 wins matches its Jared Prickett sparked a sec­ fourth 3-pointer and held off a total for all of last season. Cotll8sy d Kentucky 5poi1B lnfomlatlon ond-half run with a tip-in and brief rally by the Gophers (13-5, Kyle Freeman had a career­ Kentucky's Jared Prickett had a career-high 17 rebounds to lead the layup off a steal and grabbed a 4-2) in the closing minutes. best 16 points and Sharone Wildcats over South Carolina last night. Two free throws by Wright had 13 rebounds for the Tigers (10-8, 1-5).

No. 19 West Virginia 87, Duquesne 67 Marsalis Basey scored 27 \ 9 points and No. 19 West Virginia rallied Wednesday night for a win over Duquesne. The Mountaim~ers (13-2. 6-1 Atlantic 10) won their fourth straight game. They have beat­ en Duquesne (9-6, 3-3) 15 straight times at home. West Virginia trailed by as many as 10 points in the first half and was behind 40-33 at the break. But the Mountaineers used an 11-0 run early in the second half to go ahead 44-42 on Mike Boyd's two free throws with 15:43 left. Basey's two foul shots put CONTESTANTS: West Virginia ahead for good at HOSTED BY: 47-46. John Mele Paul Noonan No. 20 Alabama-Birm­ Pete O'Rourke ingham 62, DePaul 59 Bill Dailey Carter Long scored 21 points Mike Johnson and sparked a second-half spree that sent No. 20 Al­ Bill Kempf abama-Birmingham past De­ Paul Wednesday night. Long had seven points dur­ Mike Schmiedeler ing a 16-4 run that put UAB (15-2, 3-1 Great Midwest Con­ Frank Timons ference) ahead 55-46. His 3- point shot capped the burst with 5:15 left. Tom Kleinschmidt led De­ Paul (12-4, 2-3) with 14 points, but missed a 3-pointer at the buzzer. N. Carolina St. 84, No. 21 Tech 78 Guards Lakista McCuller and JANUARY 29, 1994 Curtis Marshall scored 19 points each to lead North Car­ olina State over No. 21 Georgia STEP AN CENTER Tech on Wednesday night. N.C. State (6-10, 2-4 Atlantic Coast Conference) watched a 8:00P.M. 17 -point lead dwindle to three late in the game behind the ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT LOGAN CENTER powerful play of James Forrest. Tickets are on Sale for $3.00 at the LaFortune Info Desk He scored 19 in the second half and finished with 28 points and through Stanford Hall and 13 rebounds. But the Wolfpack went 17- for-23 from the free throw line to hold on for the win. page 16 The Observer • SUPER BOWL XXVIII Thursday, January 27, 1994 Aiktnan has not Turner a catalyst for Dallas offense By DENNE H. FREEMAN member only one play from the son we've been so successful. It Associated Press 38-21 victory, a dropped pass scares me to think he will be at forgotten roots by Harper. Washington and play two ATLANTA games against us every year." By DOUG FERGUSON Aikman is so popular in The perfect running back. Smith, the league's MVP and Aikman is morose at the Associated Press Henryetta that a "Home of The perfect quarterback. owner of three consecutive thought of Turner leaving to Troy Aikman" sign was erect­ Joined together by Norv rushing titles, had 172 yards join the Washington Redskins HENRYETTA. Okla. ed even before he graduated Turner. total offense against the 49ers or perhaps the Phoenix Cardi­ OK, so Troy Aikman was college. He causes a stir every The union has given the nals. seeing stars when he said it. time he comes home to visit. Dallas Cowboys the NFL's most "I hope something drastic But just think: the Super So his comment Sunday has difficult offense to decipher. happens and he doesn't leave," Bowl in Henryetta, population caused an uproar. "Before Norv got here all we Aikman said. "I can't begin to 6,000, where the local high The Henryetta Free-Lance did was run around fast," wide tell you what he's meant to our school stadium seats 2,000? plans a mock edition Friday receiver Michael Irvin said. offense." Rick Enis is toying with the that will announce a sellout "Now we know where we're The Dallas players went idea of printing tickets. The lo­ crowd at Cameron Stadium, going." through the same thing at the cal newspaper is coming out the elementary school design­ Where the Cowboys could be last Super Bowl only it was de­ with a special edition. There ing the Super Bowl logo to going behind quarterback Troy fensive coordinator Dave are ribbons along Main Street. drape over the stadium and Aikman, running back Emmitt Wannstedt, who had already The Dallas quarterback the band replacing Naomi and Smith, and dangerous wide re­ in the 38-21 victory. He scored signed a contract with the took a knee to the head from Wynonna Judd as halftime ceivers Irvin and Alvin Harper one touchdown on a run and Chicago Bears. Dennis Brown in the third entertainment. is to a second consecutive Su­ another on an 11-yard pass Turner's offense is patterned quarter of the Cowboys' 38-21 Enis, the high school princi­ per Bowl title. when he was untouched by to give the Cowboys receivers a victory over the San Francisco pal, got in on the act a little 49er hands. chance to catch the ball on the 49ers in the NFC champi­ early, annoull!cing in Aikman, when his back The 49ers tried to take away run and use their breakaway onship game Sunday. As he Tuesday's paper that tickets hasn't been hurting, his ham­ Irvin and Harper with double talents after they catch it. Many sniffed smelling salts to regain would go on sale in the morn­ string sprained, or his head coverage but in doing so left of Aikman's passes are on the his senses. someone asked him ing. Big mistake. knocked dizzy, has played like Smith, tight end Jay Novacek, way before the receiver makes where he was playing his next "I got a call from a woman the Super Bowl MVP from last and Daryl Johnston alone to his break. game. this morning who wanted a year's 52-17 victory over the roam free. "Henryetta," Aikman replied. ticket for a souvenir," he said. Buffalo Bills. "You can take· away some­ Turner also preaches pa­ If ever there was a doubt "I may just print some up and Typical, was Aikman's day thing, but you can't take away tience to Aikman when the that Aikman still has a special have a little fun with it." against the San Francisco 49ers everything," Smith said. "I just wide receivers face double cov­ affection for this small ranch­ Rick Thompson, who works when he hit 14 of 18 passes for can't say enough about Turner. erage and others get all the ing community, he may have at Bob's Clothing store, was 177 yards and two touchdowns. In his offense, he gives you a work. answered it then. getting calls from out-of-town He dominated until Dennis chance to succeed. Boy, we'll Against San Francisco, Smith "Why else would he say customers desperate for tick­ Brown's knee sent him away to miss him. never had a blocking re­ Henryetta?" said his close ets. amnesia-ville for a day. sponsibility. friend William Skimbo, now a "I tell them all we got left is "I hear I had a good game," "His system is so easy to Johnston said Turner will no teacher at Henryetta High - a pair of tickets on the rock said Aikman, who could re- learn. And he is the major rea- doubt leave a legacy. located on Troy Aikman Boule­ wall in the north end zone," vard. "That just shows that his he joked. fondest memories are from Cameron Stadium is where here." Aikman drew a standing room z CLASS OF '94 0 SENIOR FORMAL •'N'·',;?i):::j\: i;j!· J­ is coming March 19th

:5 ·aalis n.rr.. '.·.··,·f:''l.o .. d ....•... s·.·····.•·.·i.. ·n. :·rr.'.·.··.· ..·'. a.n.•.·.··.·: a.•. ·.·.. ,·.''····'.•.··.'····· · > · ':. ·Jttr p6rtatiof1 ~ · z so mark your calendars ., .••.• lnfprrp?Jtlo~al.J'riteti~g.•l/27!~4·2),tv~~QO.•prn 1.1.1 and keep posted ';.{i:,s:t.. :,·;.· '[,.!I,· ... ··· .. 7 N!euw~a?9 .... •··· ·:.:.i. ··•······ .. ·'····.. ··· Questtonsitl .. ·ll Dave Ztd ..•..•.· .• ,~7J .... J- for further information

3105 otKevtn... I ··<.,;· Malone at. 634;:1062... :...... ' ... ;. '::f'J·· (P.S. There will be no raffle at Senior Bar this Friday) 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~ 1 I I I • I 1 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I • I I I I JPW 1994 ALUMNI Ill SENIOR Earn$$ for ::z: Spring Break 1- FEB 14- 20 \\/AlTERS AND \vAITRESSES HEY JUNIORS! FOOD SERVICE \vORI



Thursday, January 27, 1994 City of Buffalo trying to shed image By DAVID GERMAIN and gnaw chicken wings. tories closed and Buffalo's blue­ Associated Press "There's a lot of snobs in collar job base began to vanish. this country that need a place Being near the Canadian BUFFALO, N.Y. to dump on, and it seems as if border. Buffalo has become a For the rest of America, the Buffalo's always high on the popular drug-trafficking spot, Buffalo Bills have become the list," said Bills fan Pauline and the accompanying violence guest that wouldn't leave. Brady. "Maybe, if the Bills win, has left the city with a murder The Bills are back in another rate rivaling Detroit's. Super Bowl, defying the "any­ Then there's the weather. one but Buffalo" sentiment pre­ The fabled blizzard that blew in vailing, well, anywhere but 30 feet of snow off the Great Buffalo. Lakes in 1977 has left Buffalo For the hometown fans, the the butt of jokers ever since. Bills have once again become a steppingstone to a little honor, Sports-wise, the last 20 a little respect, a little . A years were unkind to Buffalo Super Bowl win by the Bills until the Bills' ascendance in over the Dallas Cowboys on the late 1980s. Sunday. even after losing the some of that will go away. But The city's NBA team left town, last three, would go a long way probably not. If Buffalo wins, and the Buffalo Sabres lost to restoring some pride to this the snobs will say, 'You already their. only shot at the Stanley city of hard knocks. lost three. It's about time.' Cup in 1975 and have made "The Bills are something to Snobs is snobs." quick exits from the playoffs in hang your hat on in this town." recent years. Buffalo also lost said Eli Tubbs. who is driving to The rest of the country might its bid for a major-league base­ Atlanta for the game. "But we'll have a hard time under- ball team. never be called a great team . standing what a Super Bowl The Olympic-style World unless we win it." trophy would mean to the University Games made their windy, rusty city on Lake Erie. U.S. debut in Buffalo last sum­ Buffalo's been carting a chip Buffalo's had a bad couple of mer, but they drew more at­ on its shoulder for years over decades. tention for defections by Cuban its weather, its rust-belt Nearly a third of the city's athletes and the exclusion of image and its reputation as a population fled to the suburbs the Libyan team than they did place where losers go to bowl or moved out of the area as fac- for their sports merit. CAMPUS MINISTRY••• ••• CONSIDERATIONS I'M NOT SO SURE ANYMORE with not being sure all of the time and not knowing everything exactly.

Certainly, what we do with our lives is important. It can have a great impact "I am not sure." on others. However, maybe the question which should precede "What do I want to do?" is "How do I want to be?" And, maybe our uncertainty is a step There is only one other phrase which I have spoken more often than "I'm toward the truth. not sure," and that is "I don't know." Maybe the most important thing is not always what we do with our lives, but When I was younger I thought that as I would become older, well educated how we do it. and experienced, I would would need to use these phrases less often. As I have grown older, formerly educated, and experienced, I have said "I'm not sure" and "I don't know" more often, not less. , Bob Dowd, C. S.C.

A few days ago, a senior at Notre Dame told me that when she was a fresh, man she was pretty sure that she wanted to be an attorney. She studied like WEEKEND PRESIDERS crazy. She began to pick-out law schools. As time marched on and she became more educated and experienced, she became less certain. For various AT SACRED HEART BASILICA reasons, some of which remain a mystery even to her, she is not sure that she wants to be an attorney. When I asked her about what she is thinking about Sat. January 29 5:00p.m. Rev. Joseph Ross, C.S.C. doing after graduation this coming May, she told me, "I don't know." This is difficult not only because she feels the need to be certain, but because she Sun. January 3 0 10:00 a.m. Rev. Terence Linton, C.S.C. feels like she owes it to others, especially to her parents, to be certain, and to 11:45 a.m. Rev. Thomas Gaughan, C.S.C. certainly be a success.

Although the story of Jesus tells us that what we do is important, it also tells us that how we do what we do is often of greater importance. Jesus was some­ what of a wandering preacher and teacher who told people who seemed sure SCRIPTURE READINGS FOR of what God wanted them to do and sure of an exact way to be saved that THIS COMING SUNDAY they better think again. Jesus welcomed all people, especially those most bru­ tally excluded, with love. I imagine that it was not just what Jesus did that revealed him as God, but how he did it. Christianity is first and foremost a 1ST READING Deuteronomy 18: 15 .. 20 way of living in the world. 2ND READING 1 Corinthians 7: 32--35 We are well into the second semester. At times it may seem like the pressure GosPEL Mark 1: 21--28 is on. There is that popular question, "What are you going to do?" Anxiety • seems to go hand-in-hand with uncertainty. In many ways, society expects us to grow in certainty, not uncertainty. Perhaps many of us, especially seniors in their final semester, are realizing A SPECIAL CELEBRATION OF that when it comes to discerning a career, one hundred percent certainty is at least unlikely and probably impossible. THE PRESENTATION OF THE LoRD ...

Maybe one of the most important aspects of education is the dispelling of the ways we oversimplify ourselves and others. There is something about dying Eucharist and the Blessing of Candles and rising in all of this, a dying and rising which takes place during this life. Wednesday, February 2 at 5 p.m. in the Basilica Hopefully, we die to old ways of seeing ourselves that were narrow and exact ... in order to continually rise to new ways of seeing ourselves and others that All are welcome. allow us the freedom to change and appreciate the ability of others to change. Perhaps this dying and rising calls us to be a little more comfortable ---- -~ ------~~--~------~------

page 18 The Observer • SPORTS Thursday, January 27, 1994 Big East n1ay be in for changes _;i!Agents admit they By JIM O'CONNELL around much longer. mind and the football success Associated Press "In my opinion, I just don't suddenly started a shift in fo­ believe status quo is an option," cus. The six non-football mem­ t~-questidhed~JS~rrigan ~ NEW YORK Big East commissioner Mike bers - Georgetown, Connecti­ The Big East, the made-for­ Tranghese said Wednesday. cut, Providence, St. John's, Se­ By JULIA PRODIS .. vestigation, however, Triano ·said. ~uthorities questioned TV basketball conference, ap­ "Status quo causes a major ton Hall and Villanova - didn't ,_;_,;,;_,;,;_,;,..:.;;:...-__,;__,;__,;::.:.;;__,;;::;;=:'';'·,''w.hether Kerrigan could have pears forced by its football problem for our football people. want expansion because of schools to undergo major All 10 of our schools have come problems involving scheduling, had a part in her own injury, changes. to realize that status quo is travel and power ratings...... s~IIle .. way;a student):night KAirriir~ri call in a school bomb. threat ... The four members of the 10- probably, at best, a longshot." After all, this is still the most avoid · g a test. team basketball conference The league will hold its win­ televised basketball conference who play Division 1-A football ter meetings next Monday and it was the league that had seem to be forcing an end of the through Wednesday at West two national champions and league as it now exists. Palm Beach, Fla. eight Final Four teams in the Among the possibilities: It's doubtful any decisions 1980s, including three-fourths Syracuse, Miami, Boston Col­ would be announced from there of the field in 1985 when Vil­ lege and Pittsburgh split from since all changes would have to lanova beat Georgetown. the Big East and form a new be approved by school presi­ Also, expanding to 14 teams conference with Temple, West dents. would mean splitting postsea­ Virginia, Virginia Tech and In 1991, the Big East Foot­ son tournament money more Rutgers - the "outsiders" who ball Conference was formed by ways. play in the Big East only for bringing in Rutgers, Temple Syracuse athletic director football. and West Virginia of the At­ Jake Crouthamel said he feels · Or the Big East could expand lantic 10 and Virginia Tech of the football and non-football to 14 teams by adding the four the Metro Conference. From the schools can continue to co-ex­ football-only schools. start, there was talk of those ist, but some changes will be The goal in both cases is to schools joining the conference needed. have an all-sports conference. for all sports but it was always "You see what other confer­ The only thing that appears down played. ences are doing around the certain is that the current The league was founded 15 country and expansion is the structure of the league won't be years ago with basketball in word," he said Wednesday. Bradshaw to join Madden at Fox By PAUL NEWBERRY ner, Pat Summerall, also has Sept. 1, made it clear that she Associated Press signed with Fox but the deal would welcome the chance to has not yet been officially an­ join Bradshaw at Fox or move ATLANTA nounced. Now it appears Brad­ to one of the other networks - Terry Bradshaw is on the shaw will join them at Fox. ABC, NBC, ESPN or TNT- that verge of following John Madden will be televising NFL games to the Fox Network, which will "My agent is on the way to next season. begin televising NFL games Atlanta right now," he said. next season. Bradshaw went to the hospi­ ''I've covered the NFL for 15 "It's not finalized, but it will tal Tuesday night with a sinus years and I want to continue to be soon," Bradshaw said infection, but he was in a jovial cover the NFL," she said. ''I've Wednesday. Fox had a news mood as he discussed his fami­ heard from some people." conference scheduled for ly's financial future. Thursday. "We're kind of short right Bradshaw, an analyst with now," he quipped. "The kids CBS since 1984, was being con­ are learning how to dance and sidered for a studio role with I've gotten one of those or­ Fox's planned one-hour gans." pregame show. Bradshaw was in Atlanta to "At this time, I have not discuss "Coca-Cola BIG TV," a signed anything," Bradshaw syndicated cable program that said during a news conference will air for seven hours in to discuss a Super Bowl-related prime time, beginning Thurs­ cable TV project. "I hope to get . day and concluding with Sun- What are you doing for something done. I need a job, day's Super Bowl. man." It will include a sports round­ , comedy segments, game Spring Break ? Fox stunned the television shows and a "backstage" look world when it bid $1.58 billion at the game between the Dallas for the NFC package, knocking Cowboys and the Buffalo Bills. CBS out of the football picture. Madden, CBS' top analyst for 13 Joining Bradshaw on the BIG years, bolted to Fox for a re­ TV project are several soon-to­ ported four-year, $32 million be former colleagues from CBS: deal. Lesley Visser, Jim Gray and Pat Appalachia Seminar O'Brien. Visser, whose contract expires Madden's play-by-play part- March 6-12, 1994

This Weekend in Notre Dame Sports Let's Go Irish! • Work, play, and learn with other volunteers at one of our sites in Kentucky, West Virgina, Tennessee, and Mississppi. Thursday I January 27 • Receive 1-credit in Theology . • Notre Dame Women's Basketball vs. Xavier • Pick up Applications at the Center for Social Concerns. 7:30pm JACC Arena ... APPLICATIONS DUE: Saturday I January 29 Friday, January 28, 1994

Notre Dame Women's Basketball vs. Detroit Mercy 7:30pm JACC Arena ~ ------

Thursday, January 27, 1994 The Observer • TODAY page 19 SPELUNKER JAY HOSLER THE FAR SIDE

111!00 1\M, TilE: FIRST DAY 1111:00 AM, EVE.R'/DA'/ FOR THE. RE.Sf OF ll-tE S£1'1ESTER ~~~~~~==~~~~~ Dr. -:JotiNSON, CoULD You YoU ~OIN' NAI-f. I'LL c; E:T PLeASE LE:T ME INT'O lo CL 1\$5? THE: NOTE;'=> YovR CLASS? "I KNOW IT'S YA L FULL, BUT x-rrs VERY IMFbRTANT roR rti'{ DE6R£E--

CALVIN AND HOBBES BILL WAITERSON Test.. AS iou C<1N S£1:., I'VE:. TI-\E.'{ Sf..'\ \\-IE Si'IT\')Ff>.C\10\-1 ~8-\oRiZ.E.ci t\-li':> UtKRLi OF 18\CI-\I~G tv\f>-K\:.5 UP USELESS fqct LoNe, t:Noi.IG\-1 fOR \\-IE LOOS'( ?f\'i. 1. When did \.he Pilgrims ~ I"

"Oh, and that makes me feel even worse! ... I laughed at Dinkins when he said his new lenses were indestructible." ~l"'"'ft~~~ FOUR FOOD GROUPS OF THE APOCALYPSE DAVE KELLEIT

No, VuT IN m"\ [JJ!IAT 'IZE ~ou (;J£.LL T WANf'IA L I':>T \O.N To "RE AE. TAPE lii'E IRoEt> Ar·n> . m"\ GRATE.f'I..H... (Rue. (YkT'HOt>' \"D/-r:"

TAKE THE KEYS. 38 ---Juana 67 Battery type 39 Urban noise 1 Name from 68 Physicist maker 50's TV Freeman CAll A CAB. 41 Take this out for 9 Baseball's 69 Innkeeper a spin Doubleday 42 University 14 Romberg founded in 1253 TAKE ASTANO. product DOWN 44 Locust 15 Filmdom's 1 Person with a Lawrence 46 Exhortation 48 Pitcher Ryan collar? 16lnfant's game 49"-- ofyou ... " 2 One rung on the 171nfant's shoe 52 Ear-related evolutionary 18 Showed fear 54 "The -- From ladder 19 Stupidity Brazil" 3 Spike, for one 20 Sting 55 Defective stop 4 Biblical vessel 24Mal de-- sign? 5 Coach Bryant 26 Words of 58 "1- -You &Up enlightenment Babe" 7 High 27 Mars sighting &o Yogi's cartoon 8 Vietnamese 29 Bestow sidekick money unit 32 Blow the cover 61 Blubbered 9 Accelerator of? &6 Like spring item 34 Puts back flowers 10 Sticks 11 Dostoyevsky's "--From the ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Underground" fRifNDS OON'T lH fRifNDS ORIVf ORUNK --,---.-~-, 12 Beethoven dedicatee ~:;;+::;.+:,..:t 13 Singer Della 33 Pioneering 50 Definitely not a 61 Phooey's ~~~:...j 15---Wan video game brain surgeon cousin Ken obi 35 Writer Calvi no 51 Chemical 62 Novelist 19 Star in Cygnus 36 TV show since compounds Ri:ilvaag DINING HALL 20 Rabbits' tails 1/14/52 53 Kind of tour 63 Medium for 21 "Pagliacci" 37 Wings have 56 Continue Matisse husband them 64 Ending with -=+:..:t~.:..r 22 Menachem's 57 South Africa's 40 Wambaugh's --Paul acetyl or butyl peace partner "The-- Field" 59 "-- does it!" 65 --Spiegel ~SU~~~~~ 23 Deface 43 Bogey ~-..,-i~-=+"-+:-f"'""""' ~ 25 Agony 45 Male swan ~±:-t::+.:+.:-+7-r.::-t 281tem of love? 47 1980 Richard Get answers to any three clues -:+.=+-::+=-+=-! 30 B k. of Gere portrayal by touch-tone phone: 1-900-420- Revelation 49 Hooked in a 31 Poison way 5656 (75¢ each minute). UktiCO ACOUSTICCAFE Thursday, January 27 Lafortune Student Center at 8pm & 10:30pm 9pm ...... admission is Montgomery Theatre .. Admission $ 1 STIJDENT UNION BOARD SPORTS page 20 Thursday, January 27, 1994 Notre Dame takes No.2 Duke to the brink, 74-72 By JASON KELLY for the first 39 minutes and 50 seconds. Associate Sports Editor "With the effort our players gave, it's unfortunate that we couldn't get a break Sometime soon they will recognize the at the end and come away with a 'W, '" magnitude of the accomplishment. Irish coach John MacLeod said. Not yet. Now it just hurts. They did come away with something Notre Dame's 74-72 loss to No. 2 Duke substantial if not tangible. Wednesday came within seconds of Standing toe to toe with mighty Duke becoming one of the biggest upsets in and its frenetic fans, the Irish didn't college basketball this season. Maybe flinch. Two weeks of troubled times one of the biggest upsets ever. were forgotten. But small and sweaty Cameron Indoor "Coming after some of the losses they Stadium has a way of blessing its Blue have had, I admire what they did," Duke Devils. coach Mike Krzyzewski said. "We feel we Duke has now won 87 straight non­ beat an outstanding basketball team conference home games since 1983. tonight." Few have been as tenuous as No. 87. At least a team with outstanding heart, With the scored tied at 72 and less a team with the courage to shun fear in than 20 seconds remaining Notre Dame the one of college basketball's darkest was in a position to play for the final dungeons. shot. It was Duke doing the quivering But Ryan Hoover couldn't handle a Wednesday. pass from Lamarr Justice and the ball When Monty Williams buried an off­ bounced out of bounds with :10 remain­ balance jump shot for two of his game­ ing. high 34 points with six minutes remain­ Cameron -cadabra. ing in the first half, Notre Dame's lead Duke's Grant Hill then took the ball was11. down the right side and missed an 18- The inevitable Blue Devil spurt cut the footer, but Marty Clark somehow found a lead to five at halftime. path to the basket and tipped in the Then Williams and Hill, the two All­ game-winner with :03 remaining. America candidates, proved why they "If (Hill) did miss, the only place it was are considered to be among the nation's going to be was on the help side," Clark best. said. "So I just decided to crash the Williams scored 20 points in the sec­ boards from the wing and get to a spot ond half to keep Notre Dame close when The Observer!Kyle Kusek where I thought it might come. It came Duke threatened to pull away. Senior Monty Williams scored 34 points to lead the Irish in their near-upset of right to me." Duke last night. Notre Dame got those kinds of breaks see NEAR-UPSET I page 13 Saint Mary's takes on Irish host Xavier in battle for first By BRYAN CONNOLLY "We should win," said senior forward Tootie Assistant Sports Editor Jones. "We need to handle their pressure and crosstown rival Bethel not turn over the ball." "We'll have to make ar­ Coming off a 65-62 defeat at the hands of the By ANNE NAPIERKOWSKI Butler Bulldogs last Saturday, the Notre Dame Sports Writer rangements to cover the loss of the starting guard," said women's basketball team is hoping to fall back With three straight wins un­ Wood. into its recent winning trend tonight against der their belt, the Belles are "It won't be difficult, but we league rival Xavier at home in the Joyce ACC. ready to take on cross-town will not have the depth we The Lady Musketeers are currently tied for rival Bethel College tonight at would like." first place in the Midwestern Collegiate After the break, the Belles Conference with the Bulldogs, holding a 3-1 7 p.m. at the Angela Athletic league record and 12-5 record overall. Facility. lost another starting guard, The team is prepared to de­ Liz Vernasco, who gave up According Irish head coach Muffet McGraw, fend last year's double over­ Basketball to concentrate on the Lady Musketeers are a good passing team t1me victory by utilizing a new her studies this semester. with a great inside game and a consistently zone defense which has However, the team quickly potent perimeter shooting attack. adjusted to the loss and is con­ "They're an excellent team and they pass the helped them dominate their ball very recent opponents. tinuing to develop their skills. well," McGraw said. "We've continued working "We're working on the ba­ Xavier boasts four starters averaging double digits in scoring. Carol Madsen, who is also sics," said Wood. ~we're try­ mainly on the zone," said se­ known nior forward Anne Mulcahy. ing to improve our timing and to be a very good passer, leads the squad "It has really helped us in the positioning." with an average of 17.3 points per game. last three games." Wood noted that the team's Freshman Jenny Raub follows Madsen with Although the Belles had a fundamentals are improving 12.1 points while Linn Bihn is averaging 11.7 rough start to their season, and that could spell trouble points apd 8.5 rebounds per game. Amy their record has improved to for the upcoming opponents Siefring, who specializes in the three-point shot, on the Belles' schedule. is averaging 10.1 per game. Half of her field 4-7 since Christmas Break. goals 'have come from outside the three point "We were off to a horrible Although the team~s spirit start," explained Coach did not reach its usual level of line. Marvin Wood. intesity in the Bell'es' 75-63 The Irish knocked off the Lady Musketeers last "But we have worked hard win over Olivet College on season at Xavier, 64:56. Forward Letitia Bowen and the girls have really come Monday night, their steadily carried Notre Dame with 18 points and 14 rebounds in 39 minutes. Bihn and Madsen together." improving skills were appar­ Sophomore forward Lori ent in their execution. paced the Lady Musketeers with 18 and 17 Gaddis agrees that the hard "We were a little sloppy the points, respectively. work has paid off. first half," said Gaddis. "We If the 11-5 Irish hope to have the same success "We're a lot closer than we didn't pass well. We've been against Xavier this season, they must concen­ trate right from tip-off and try to avoid the foul used to be," said Gaddis. working on moving the ball "We play better now around and finding the open trouble which has plagued them all season. because we know where one man instead of forcing it." another will be throughout the In Saturday's loss to the Bulldogs, the Irish -. game." Despite the last game's lack were faced with an early 16-4 deficit to open the A key to tonight's game may of intensity, the Belle's are first half and they accumulated a season-high 31 be how the Belles cope with fired up and hungry for more fouls throughout the game. The loss dropped the wins. squad to 2-1 in the MCC. the loss of a key player, Sarah "We're playing well right now," said McGraw, Kopperud, who will be sitting "We have had three wins in The Observert!

see page 17 see page 16 see page 15