17/663R MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF UNIVERSITY COUNCIL HELD AT 3.00PM ON MONDAY 9 JULY 2018 IN COMMITTEE ROOMS 1 & 2, Present Professor Stuart Palmer (Chair), Professor Colin Riordan (VC), Ms Fadhila Al-Dhahouri, Dr Carol Bell, Professor Amanda Coffey, Professor Nora De Leeuw, Mr Alastair Gibbons, Professor Karen Holford, Ms Jan Juillerat, Mr Robert Lewis-Watkin, Dr Steven Luke, Professor Paul Milbourne, Mrs Linda Phillips, Mr Robert Preece, Mr Len Richards, Mrs Nicola Richards, Mr David Simpson, Judge Ray Singh, Dr Andy Skyrme, Dr Janet Wademan, Ms Agnes Xavier-Phillips, Ms Jackie Yip


Mr Raj Aggarwal, Professor Rudolf Allemann, Mr Paul Baston, Reverend Canon Gareth Powell In Attendance

Professor Gary Baxter, Mr Tom Hay, Ms Claire McDougall (minutes), Mrs Sue Midha, Mrs TJ Rawlinson, Mrs Jayne Sadgrove (Secretary), Mrs Claire Sanders, Mr James Sutherland, Professor Hywel Thomas, Ms Anna Verhamme, Professor Damian Walford Davies, Mr Robert Williams (CFO)


The Chair welcomed everyone and particularly new members, Ms Jackie Yip and Ms Agnes Xavier-Phillips to the meeting. Mr Tom Hay and Professor Damian Walford Davies were also welcomed to their first meeting of Council. The Chair also acknowledged that this was Hywel Thomas’ last meeting and thanked him for his contributions to Council. 1507 APOLOGIES The above listed apologies were noted. 1508 DECLARATION OF INTERESTS

The Chair reminded Council that the trustee board operates on the principle of collective responsibility and that a decision reached by the majority of members should be the only view publically expressed by any member of the Council as a member of Council. Any opinions expressed around the table should not be attributed back to the individual by any other member of the Council. The Chair asked members if there were any direct, indirect or pecuniary interests to declare. NOTED

1508.1 Professor Stuart Palmer declared a conflict of interest in relation to agenda items 16, 17 and 18 regarding pension and pay updates as both a USS Trustee and UCEA Board member; 1508.2 In the absence of the Vice Chair, Mr David Simpson volunteered to Chair the meeting during these items. 1 17/663R 1509 MINUTES

The Chair reminded the Council that the minutes that they were being asked to approve will become a public record of how Council conducted itself as the governing body and whether full and proper consideration was given to the matters brought before it. Council was advised that it was important that everyone present at a meeting is comfortable with how the body is represented in the minutes and that the important aspects of business have been captured. NOTED 1509.1 that the Secretary had received notification of a proposed amendment relating to minute 1487.15 on page 8 of the meeting book which currently reads:

1487.15 that it was raised by a member that “Student Voice” is broader than the NSS outcomes and that the student representatives on the Council would seek to provide this in terms of contributing to the KPI measurement;

Ms Fadhila Al-Dhahouri instead suggested that this should be amended to read:

1487.15 it was raised by a member that “Student Voice” should be included as part of the Education Implementation Plan and a KPI should be assigned to measure this. Especially, as the HEFCW letter has urged the University to focus on Student Experience, specifically in Student voice and assessment and feedback sections. It can be measured through the NSS score; 1509.2 There were no further comments, queries or amendments to the minutes;

1509.3 The Chair asked Council if they were content with this amendment and if so, to approve the minutes as corrected.


1509.4 To approve the Minutes of Council held on 14 May 2018 [paper 17/607] as corrected. 1510 MATTERS ARISING There were no matters arising from the minutes not covered by the agenda for the meeting. 1511 ITEMS FROM THE CHAIR CONGRATULATIONS

1511.1 NOTED the following honours and achievements;

The following members of the University community have been recognised in the Queen’s Birthday Honor’s for their exceptional contribution to society:

2 17/663R

1. Professor Billie Hunter, Royal College of Midwives Professor of Midwifery in the School of Healthcare Sciences was awarded a CBE for services to midwifery and midwifery education in the UK and Europe.

2. Professor Graham Hutchings, Regius Professor of Chemistry and director of the University’s Cardiff Catalysis Institute was awarded a CBE for services to chemistry and to innovation.

3. Also recognised was Professor Haley Gomez, of the School of Physics and Astronomy who was awarded an MBE for services to astrophysics, astronomy and outreach activities.


1. Dr Sabrina Cohen-Hatton and Professor Rob Honey from have won BBSRC’s Innovator of the Year award.

2. Professor Lynne Boddy, of the School of Biosciences, is this year’s Frances Hoggan medal recipient. This award recognises and celebrates the contribution of outstanding women connected with in the areas of science, medicine, engineering, technology or mathematics.

3. Dr Dawn Mannay, Senior Lecturer at the School of Social Sciences, has been awarded the Dillwyn Medal for Social Sciences, Education and Business. The medal celebrates the contribution of exceptional early career researchers with a connection to Wales.

4. A test that predicts the aggressiveness of common types of cancer and identifies patient responses to treatment has won an award for innovation. The technology - known as Single Telomere Length Analysis (STELA) – has been spun out into TeloNostiX thanks to a close, 10-year collaboration between Professors Duncan Baird, Christopher Fegan and Christopher Pepper at Cardiff University’s School of Medicine.

5. Honours for Europe’s first Cybersecurity Analytics & AI Excellence Centre. A £5m partnership between Airbus and Cardiff University to tackle global cyber security has clinched an International Impact Award.

6. A partnership which aims to improve the health and wellbeing of school students in Wales has been recognised with an award for innovation. The School Health Research Network (SHRN) has brought together social science researchers and public health experts to generate and translate research with secondary school learners across Wales into policy and practice.

7. Led by Professor Simon Murphy, School of Social Sciences, SHRN is a partnership between Cardiff University, Welsh Government, Public Health Wales and Cancer Research UK. It has picked up the Innovation in Healthcare Award at this year’s Cardiff University Innovation and Impact Awards.

3 17/663R

8. A collaboration that developed a damage detection device for military body armour has won an accolade for innovation. Cardiff University’s School of Engineering joined forces with California-headquartered Microsemi to develop A-Ultra – a lightweight hand-held system that uses ultrasound to spot damage to personal protective equipment.

9. Cardiff University School of Medicine has been named Admiral Business of the Year at the Arts & Business Cymru Awards for the innovative way it uses the arts to improve healthcare for people with learning disabilities.

10. Professor of Childhood Studies Emma Renold won £10,000 for Outstanding Impact in Society in the 2018 Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Celebrating Impact Prize.

11. Congratulations to Ms Tracey Stanley from the University Library Services, who has been named Welsh Librarian of the Year.

1511.2 DEATHS

NOTED with sadness, the following deaths:

1. Mr Maurice Drane, Engineer, Date of Death 28 April 2018; 2. Professor Dai Games, a key figure in developing Mass Spectrometry and Chromatography in Cardiff University in the 1960s and 1970s has recently passed away. He had fond memories of his time in Cardiff and his work there was recognised when he was made a recipient of the A. G. Evans Medal – died June 2018; 3. Miss Alison Duff, Administrative Officer, Forensic Pathology, College of Biomedical & Life Sciences died in June 2018. A moment’s silence was held as a mark of respect. 1511.3 RETIRING COUNCIL MEMBERS The Chair thanked the following retiring Council members for their contribution and support to Council and its committees:

1. Mr Robert Preece 2. Mr Raj Aggarwal 3. Professor George Boyne


The Vice Chancellor acknowledged receipt of the letter from UCU dated 29 June 2018 addressed to the Vice Chancellor, Deputy Vice Chancellor, copied also to the UCU Cardiff Executive and members of Council relating to health and safety concerns about workload and bullying.

4 17/663R

NOTED 1. The University drafted a reply stating the University’s position in relation to the matters raised which was shared with all who received the letter from UCU; 2. Council commended the University’s response to this matter. 1511.5 APPOINTMENT OF PRO VICE CHANCELLORS

Council were advised that two Pro Vice Chancellor vacancies had arisen this year as a result of Professor Hywel Thomas’ term of office as PVC Research, Innovation and Enterprise coming to an end and the announcement that Professor George Boyne would be leaving the University.


1. the Vice Chancellor initiated the process for appointment to the respective roles of Pro Vice Chancellor Research, Innovation and Enterprise and Pro Vice Chancellor and Head of College for the College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences;

2. Following the interview process and consultation with the Senate, the Chair confirmed the following appointments were made via Chairs action on behalf of Council;

Professor Kim Graham as Pro Vice Chancellor, Research, Innovation and Enterprise;

Professor Damian Walford Davies as Pro Vice-Chancellor and Head of College Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

1512 REPORT FROM THE VICE-CHANCELLOR Council received and considered paper 17/631, ‘Report from the Vice- Chancellor’. The Vice Chancellor was invited to speak to the item.


1512.1 the Vice Chancellor highlighted key points within the report and invited any questions from Council members; 1512.2 the report for information. 1513 THE WAY FORWARD 2018-2023: Monitoring our KPIs Council received and considered paper 17/634B, ‘KPI Progress against The Way Forward’. The Vice Chancellor was invited to speak to this item.

NOTED 1513.1 the report provides an overview of the KPIs for the next phase of the way forward;

5 17/663R 1513.2 some of the KPIs are complicated to measure and for this reason baseline measurements have not yet been established; 1513.3 green does not indicate that a KPI is easy to achieve but instead indicates the level of intervention required to achieve the KPI; 1513.4 Council requested that benchmark success rates be included within the report to provide a better understanding of the figures by placing the numbers in the context of the widening market; 1513.5 Council made three observations in relation to the report; 1. Council need RAG ratings to be UEB ratings;

2. a Financial Sustainability KPI is a requirement; 3. there is a need to think about the presentation of the KPI data. The format presented in the March report was displayed more clearly and was easier to follow. 1514 UPDATE TO BENCHMARKING GROUP Council received and considered paper 17/570, ‘Benchmarking Group - Update’. The Vice Chancellor was invited to speak to the item. NOTED

1514.1 Council would continue to monitor this data at each meeting; 1514.2 the report for information. 1515 WELSH GOVERNMENT’S PUBLIC GOOD AND A PROSPEROUS WALES – THE NEXT STEPS Council received and considered paper 17/604, ‘Welsh Government's Public Good and a Prosperous Wales - the next steps’. Professor Karen Holford was invited to speak to this item. NOTED 1515.1 the report sets out the University’s proposed response to the Welsh Government consultation on the reform of the post-compulsory education and training system in Wales and the way in which research and innovation expenditure should be overseen and co-ordinated; 1515.2 the consultation response was lengthy but Council were asked to note the key points highlighted at the outset of the report; 1515.3 the consultation response deadline was 17th July and as such if Council was agreeable, it would be useful to use the time until then to strengthen some points and for the final version to be approved via Chair’s action; 1515.4 the second paragraph on page 84 should be reviewed as there is a missing word;

RESOLVED 1515.5 to approve minor amendments to be made to the response and for the final version to be approved via Chairs action on behalf of Council before submission. 6 17/663R 1516 SENATE REPORT TO COUNCIL

Received and considered papers 17/633 ‘Senate Report to Council’ and 17/632 ‘Senate Minutes 200618’. Professor Karen Holford was invited to speak to this item. NOTED 1516.1 Senate recommended to Council the following matters for approval;

1. Academic Year Dates detailed at point 1.1 on page 1 of the report;

2. Membership of Academic Standards and Quality Commission detailed at point 1.2 on page 1 of the report;

3. Individuals nominated to receive honorary fellowships and degrees in July; 1516.2 the approvals made by Senate, details of which were provided to Council at points 2.1 – 2.5 on page 2 of the report; 1516.3 that the UNICAMP Strategic Partnership paper will be circulated to Council members; RESOLVED 1516.4 to approve the matters recommended by Senate;

1516.5 to approve in principal the UNICAMP Strategic Partnership on the proviso that the full report is circulated via correspondence. 1517 RESEARCH INTEGRITY AND CODE OF PRACTICE

Received and considered paper 17/547 ‘Cardiff University Research Integrity and Code of Practice’. Professor Hywel Thomas was invited to speak to this paper.


1517.1 the review of the Code of Practice is an annual exercise;

1517.2 a summary of the revisions made are outlined in the table on page 1 of the report;

1517.3 thanks to Council for their contributions through Judge Singh;

1517.4 the revised Cardiff University Research Integrity and Code of Practice for information; 1518 REPORT FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE STUDENTS’ UNION Received and considered paper 17/630, ‘Report from the President of the Students’ Union’. Ms Fadhila Al-Dhahouri was invited to speak to this paper.

NOTED 1518.1 the last Student Senate meeting of the academic year had taken place, at which the following motions were passed:

7 17/663R 1. Ensure the SU’s and the University’s Investment Policy does not support illegal Israeli settlements 2. A Compassionate Deadline (remove the zero marks policy) 3. Supporting Student Carers 1518.2 thanks to Professor Karen Holford for presenting a number of awards at the Voscars - an awards ceremony which celebrates the University’s student volunteers and those who have undertaken a course through the Skills Development Service; 1518.3 the key priorities for the new Sabbatical Officers outlined in appendix A, page 7 of the report which include increasing library opening hours, as well as a focus on support and wellbeing, transport and housing residences. 1519 STUDENT WRITTEN SUBMISSION AND CU RESPONSE 2018 Council received and considered paper 17/605 ‘Student Written Submission 2018’. Ms Fadhila Al-Dhahouri was invited to speak to this item. NOTED 1519.1 thanks to the University for making a positive impact on the student experience over the past year, particularly in relation to the following areas; 1. securing HEFCE funding to tackle sexual abuse, violence and hate crime 2. increased bike provision, especially at the Heath campus which both encourages a more active lifestyle and reduces pollution; 3. establishing partnership projects to explore the issues from the 2017 Student Written Submission; 4. the University’s commitment to divest from fossil fuels by 2021; 1519.2 this year’s Student Written Submission was developed through an in depth analysis of the Speak Week data, the recommendations of which are outlined in full in the report; Council received and considered paper 17/606 ‘Student Written Submission 2018: Proposed University Response’. Professor Amanda Coffey was invited to speak to this item. NOTED 1519.3 the University welcomed the evidence based approach and the new format of the Student Written Submission; 1519.4 the University propose 5 new partnership projects to tackle some of the issues raised in the Student Written Submission as well as other issues which might not be in the Student Submission but nonetheless are felt to be useful projects to take forward; 1519.5 a Council member suggested that it would be useful for Council to receive a list of the agreed priorities with the status and progress made against 8 17/663R each clearly outlined;

1519.6 it was confirmed that a priorities tracker log is already in use and can be shared with Council; 1519.7 it was also suggested that progress against agreed priorities could become a regular feature of future SU President reports. RESOLVED 1519.8 To approve the University’s response to 2018 Student Written Submission. 1520 HONORARY FELLOWSHIPS AND DEGREES COMMITTEE

Council received and considered paper 17/568B ‘Report from the Honorary Fellowships and Degrees Committee’. Mrs Claire Sanders was invited to speak to this item. NOTED 1520.1 that the paper provides details of those recommended to receive Honorary Fellowships in July 2018; 1520.2 Senate endorsed the recommendations at its meeting in June and recommends to Council that those nominated by the Committee are awarded Honorary Fellowships in July 2018;

1520.3 that the biographies providing the reasons why individuals have been nominated is a welcomed addition; 1520.4 that in future, the selection criteria should be shared with Council; 1520.5 concerns were raised regarding the process for approval; 1520.6 in response, it was confirmed that the process will be reviewed alongside the Ordinances to ensure that the procedure is fit for purpose going forward; 1520.7 Dr Carol Bell declared a conflict of interest as Acting President of the National Museum of Wales in relation to one of the nominees for the award of Honorary Fellowship;

RESOLVED 1520.8 to note the nominations for the award of Honorary Fellowships. 1521 REDUNDANCY COMMITTEE REPORT Received and considered paper 17/608B, ‘The proposed cessation or reduction of school activities’. Mrs Sue Midha was invited to speak to this item. NOTED

1521.1 the minutes of the meetings of the Redundancy Committee on 3 May and 6 June 2018 were provided to Council to note the actions taken under the 2017 delegations;

9 17/663R 1521.2 part one of the paper pertains to the renewal of the procedures and delegations for redundancy in specific types of cases from 1 October 2018 – 30 September 2019; 1521.3 a member clarified whether the role and function of the Redundancy Committee now features as a part of the lay member induction process; 1521.4 it was confirmed that an Induction template has been developed which does include an overview of the role and function of the Redundancy Committee; 1521.5 it was brought to the attention of Council that on two occasions the Committee had not been Chaired by the Deputy Vice Chancellor and that this should be addressed;

1521.6 attention was drawn to the list of actions required by Council detailed on the cover sheet of the report; RESOLVED 1521.7 to endorse the recommendations and matters for approval outlined on the coversheet of the report.

1522 PENSION UPDATE In light of the earlier declaration of interest from the Chair, Mr David Simpson was invited to take the Chair for this item. Mrs Sue Midha and Mr Robert Williams were invited to provide a verbal update to Council on Pensions. NOTED 1522.1 Council were reminded that the Joint Expert Panel (JEP), appointed by the UCU and UUK, have been tasked with considering changes to the USS actuarial valuation; 1522.2 the JEP continues to meet regularly and hopes to be able to conclude its analysis by September 2018; 1522.3 the Joint Negotiating Committee will consider the analysis of the JEP before deciding on any changes to benefits or contributions;

1522.4 the University has established an internal group which has met on several occasions and has prepared a response to send to the JEP; 1522.5 If an agreement on the actuarial deficit and its funding is not reached USS will implement cost sharing arrangements (known as section 76.4) from 1st April 2019. This will result in employer pension contributions increasing from 18% to 24.9%, phased over 2 years; 1522.6 The University’s budget for 2018/19 does not include provision for the increase from 1/4/19 estimated to cost £0.8m. 1523 USS 2017 VALUATION – EMPLOYER CONSULTATION

Council received and considered paper 17/639B, ‘Affordability of Contributions to the USS’. Mr David Simpson remained in the Chair for this item and invited Mr Robert Williams to speak to this paper.

10 17/663R NOTED

1523.1 the Vice Chancellor and the Chief Financial Officer had been invited to respond to a USS survey, undertaken by PwC, to assess the employer covenant and the University’s appetite for increased contributions to the USS; 1523.2 in summary, the University’s response indicated that, recognising that increasing contributions had already been agreed at ACAS, the University would need to find a way of supporting an increase in contributions from 18% to no more than 20%; 1523.3 it was acknowledged that in light of the proposed increases in employer contribution rates there is a need to develop a contingency plan and to work through scenario planning on the University’s three year financial plan. 1524 PAY REVIEW 2018/19 Mr David Simpson remained in the Chair for this item and invited Mrs Sue Midha to provide a verbal update to Council on the Pay Review 2018/19. NOTED 1524.1 that the final offer from employers of 2% uplift for spinal points 16 and above, and a fixed uplift of £425 for points 15 and below was rejected;

1524.2 Unison has not started its consultation yet and as such two dispute resolution meetings will take place during July and August at the latest. 1525 FINANCE REPORT Professor Stuart Palmer resumed Chairing the meeting. Council received and considered paper 17/571B, ‘Financial Report – April 2018’. Mr Rob Williams was invited to speak to the item. NOTED 1525.1 the paper summarises the financial results of the University for the first nine months and its financial position as at 30 April 2018;

1525.2 the paper was drafted at the beginning of May but shows that as of April, the University is broadly in line with the budget predications although there are a number of risks around whether all income and savings reflected in the paper will be achieved; 1525.3 a number of discussions with Colleges and Professional Services about making savings generally have now taken place and it is hoped that this will improve the forecast outcome for the year. 1526 UNIVERSITY BUDGET 2018/19 Agendum item 22 ‘University Budget Report for 2018/19’ was taken before agendum item 21 ‘HEFCW 5 Year Forecast’. Council received and considered paper 17/641B ‘University Budget report for 2018/19’. Mr Rob Williams was invited to speak to this paper.

11 17/663R NOTED

1526.1 since the last meeting of Council the Vice Chancellor and the Chief Financial Officer have met with each of the Colleges and Professional services to review the budget submission for 2018/19. Discussions indicate that some difficult decisions will have to be made to meet targets; 1526.2 the paper, which outlines the financial forecasts for 2018/19 was presented to P&RC and was met with vigorous debate about the challenges ahead and whether the University will be in a position to deliver this budget; 1526.3 the paper provides a detailed budget for 2018-19 alongside indicative financial targets for the two years that follow;

1526.4 attention was drawn to the table on page 1 of the report which provides a summary of the high level budget for 2018-19 and commentary about some of the challenges that the University will face in delivering the budget; 1526.5 P&RC commended the excellent work and progress made on the budget and recognise that it will take time to turnaround the financial position; 1526.5 the University’s Financial Performance group will undertake a review of expenditure over the summer and produce a report for UEB review in September;

1526.6 a detailed report will be presented to the Council and Senior Staff at the various away days taking place in October. RESOLVED 1526.7 To approve the University Budget Report for 2018/19. 1527 HEFCW FUNDING ALLOCATIONS Council received and considered paper 17/640B ‘HEFCW 5 Year Forecast’. Mr Rob Williams was invited to speak to this paper. NOTED

1527.1 there is a reduction of £6M of funding but the QR funding of £40M remains and is supported by HEFCW; 1527.2 despite the cut, additional HEFCW funding, for which the University can bid, will be available throughout the year as well as various sources of capital funding. RESOLVED 1527.3 To approve for submission the HEFCW 5 Year Forecast. 1528 POLICY AND RESOURCES COMMITTEE REPORT

Received and considered paper 17/638B, ‘Policy and Resources Committee Report’. Mr Alastair Gibbons was invited to speak to this item.

12 17/663R NOTED

1528.1 items recommended for approval within the report are covered elsewhere on the agenda; 1528.2 the terms of reference for the Estates and Infrastructure Committee, which will be a subcommittee of P&RC has now been agreed. This will provide P&RC with greater assurance regarding major capital project spend; 1528.3 the Terms of Reference did not include provision for a student representative on this group. It was suggested that this might be a useful learning opportunity for a student representative but that if this were considered the elected individual would have to be fixed to ensure continuity.

1529 EXPANSION OF THE WELSH SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE BUSINESS CASE Council received and considered paper 17/527B, ‘Expansion of the Welsh School of Architecture Business Case’. Professor Karen Holford was invited to speak to this paper. NOTED 1529.1 the school has seen increased student numbers and as a result has had to lease out space in Friary House;

1529.2 expansion of the school presents a significant opportunity to increase both Undergraduate and Postgraduate student numbers; 1529.3 the paper outlines four options but Council are being asked to approve option four, as detailed in the paper; RESOLVED 1529.4 To approve option 4 in support of the expansion of the School and to approve the early release of funding of £1.3M to proceed to the design stage, develop a full business case and repair the roof of Bute Buildings. 1530 SCHOLARSHIPS AND BURSARIES STRATEGY

NOTED paper 17/609B ‘Bursaries and Scholarships Supporting Entry 2019 UK Student Recruitment’ for information. 1531 GOVERNANCE COMMITTEE REPORT Council received and considered paper 17/636B ‘Report from the Chair of Governance Committee to Council’. Mrs Lin Phillips was invited to speak to this paper. NOTED 1531.1 Council were asked to endorse the four items recommended by the Governance Committee for approval as outlined on the cover sheet of the report; RESOLVED 1531.2 to endorse the four items for approval as outlined in the report.


Council received and considered paper 17/538B ‘Implementation of the “Bhugra Report” Recommendations: Final Report. Professor Karen Holford was invited to speak to this item. NOTED 1532.1 all the recommendations within the Bhugra Report have been accepted by the University and work is ongoing to implement them; 1532.2 another report will be produced next year to provide an update on implementation progress;

1532.3 a concern was raised on behalf of the students who were victims of this incident as they did not feel that they received the support as detailed in the report; 1532.4 Professor Karen Holford will meet with Ms Fadhila Al-Dhahouri to discuss this further; RESOLVED 1532.5 to approve the report. 1533 AUDIT COMMITTEE REPORT TO COUNCIL

Council received and considered paper 17/637B, ‘Audit Committee Report to Council’. Mr Robert Preece was invited to speak to this item. NOTED 1533.1 the Committee received four limited assurance reports which means there is a number of potentially significant weaknesses that could put the University at risk; 1533.2 following the restructuring of the Internal Audit Function, the number of limited assurance reports is likely to increase; 1534 THE RISK REGISTER

Council received and considered paper 17/537B, ‘UEB, College and Professional Services Risk Registers’. The Vice Chancellor was invited to speak to this item. NOTED 1534.1 the risk register was discussed at P&RC and it was suggested that the utility of the information presented to Council needs to be considered and in particular how this information is aligned with the KPIs. 1535 AOB 1535.1 On behalf of Council, the Chair thanked Mr Robert Preece for his contribution and support to Council and in particular, for the fantastic support and contribution to the Audit Committee through a significant period of change;

1535.2 Mr Robert Preece thanked Council for their support over the years. 14 17/663R 1536 REPORT OF SEALING TRANSACTIONS

NOTED paper 17/635, ‘Sealing Transactions’ for information. 1537 RESEARCH GRANTS AND CONTRACTS NOTED paper 17/462, ‘Research Grants and Contracts’ for information. 1538 AWARD OF TITLE EMERITUS/EMERITA NOTED paper 17/567, ‘Award of title of Emeritus/Emerita’ for information. 1539 NEXT MEETING: The next meeting of Council is 1st and 2nd October – venue and timings to be confirmed.
