Writing in the LoI Phase 1 in LaTeX for MAC & PC users

This script gives the instructions for accessing the LoI files and run it with MAC or PC. The instructions are subdivided into three parts: the first one, to be executed by everybody; the second, dedicated to the MAC users; the third one for PC users.

For everybody: To recover all the system and TeX files from EDMS or from the TWiki page do as follows:

From EDMS: 1. Go to the EDMS LoI Phase 1 main page at: https://edms.cern.ch/nav/ATU-0000000044/ATU-0000000044 2. On the left menu you will find the LoI-Phase1 Chapters. 3. Enter the folder relative to your Chapter. Inside the folder you will find a zipped file that has the named: LoI_ChapterNumber_ChapterName. Save the zipped file on you desktop. 4. Unzip the file

From TWiki page: 1. Go to the Twiki LoI Phase 1 main page at: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/Atlas/UpgradeLOI 2. Enter your chapter in the Table of Content 3. At the bottom of the page you will find the Attachments. The first attachment is zipped file named LoI_ChapterNumber_ChapterName. Save the zipped file on you desktop. 4. Unzip the file

For Mac users: 1. go at: https://edms.cern.ch/nav/ATU-0000000044/ATU-0000000059 and access the “*** LaTeX for Mac” address 2. access the MacTeX.mpkg.zip file and install it on your computer 3. open the LoI folder and then enter your private folder (ex: Calorimetry) a. inside your private folder choose your . file (ex: Calorimetry.tex) b. edit and save your .tex file 4. in the folder LoI open your main file (ex: Main_Calorimetry) a. on the top control bar you will see two buttons: Typeset and LaTeX

b. press Typeset once à a .pdf file will appear on your screen (if you have not done a fatal error) c. change the buttom LaTeX to à BibTeX d. press Typeset again and again à you have generated the references e. change BibTeX button again to LaTeX f. press Typeset once or twice à your .pdf file now has also the index

For PC users:

1. go to https://edms.cern.ch/nav/ATU-0000000044/ATU- 0000000059 and access the ***LaTeX for PC file 2. click on self-extracting protext.exe file 3. double-click on protext.exe à with this you should download the application on your desktop 4. once the protext application is on your desktop, double-click on it and it should create a folder named ProTeXt-2.2 5. enter the folder ProTeXt-2.2 6. double-click on the box "Setup" à you will get a document named PROTEXT-INSTALL-EN.PDF 7. go through the document (IT IS ALIVE!!!!!!!) and read it (if you want) 8. in PROTEXT-INSTALL-EN.PDF click on "click here to Install MikTeX" and during the installation process: a. chose option "basic of MikTeX" b. chose paper format A4 9. in PROTEXT-INSTALL-EN.PDF click on "click here to Install TEXnicCenter" 10. a TeXnicCenter box will appear on your desktop after Installation 11. double-click on TeXnicCenter box à you will get a “tip” window 12. after closing the "tip" window you will get a Configuration Wizard window that ask for the full path of the directory where the executable are located a. type this C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.7\\bin 13. go through the Configuration Wizard window without selecting any of the optionals 14. from the TeXnicCenter box a. open your private .tex file (example: InnerDetector) b. edit your private .tex file and save it 15. from the TeXnicCenter box open your main file (example: Main_InnerDetector) 16. from the TeXnicCenter box chose the option LaTeX => PDF (at the top of the option bar)

LaTeX => PDF compilation button

17. compile the document, you will get few requests of update à Answer yes to all of them 18. after compilation of the document, you will find in the folder LoI_Upgrade a pdf file named Main_InnerDetector.pdf that you can open with Adobe