International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction: Upington (Dawid Kruiper Municipality) - RSA

Presented by: O. Thebe / L. Baloyi Planning & Information NC

Date: 2018/11/15 Overview

• Drought types • DWS NC drought relief plan 2015 • SPI • Intervention strategy & measures adopted • Initial drought relief WSAa 2015 • Provincial declaration • Water use restrictions • Status of dams • GW monitoring • WC&DM • Drought relief request • NDMC funded projects (Progress) Drought Types

• Agricultural Drought

• Hydrological Drought

• Meteorological Drought

• Socioeconomic Drought DWS – NC Drought Relief Plan 2015 24 months SPI Intervention strategy and measures adopted by the region to address the drought impact • Municipalities - No provision for securing of water sources • Assessment - Municipalities don’t have meters on boreholes: over exploitation of boreholes • Drought relief business plans - provision can be made for securing water sources • Water service capacity development business plans - address the sustainability of water sources • Meters installed - unaccounted water is being addressed • Groundwater monitoring systems - implemented and equipping of old/new boreholes • Municipalities - realised the importance of wise use of water • Water restrictions - affected towns implemented at municipal level • WSA’s - requested to submit needs in terms of drought relief WSA’s identified for initial drought relief - 2015

District Local municipality Affected town/settlement municipality Hantam , , Karoo Hoogland Williston, Namakwa , Klipfontein, , Kamiesberg Richtersveld Khubus, , Ubuntu Loxton Pixley ka Kareeberg Van Wyksvlei, Vosburg Seme Emthanjeni De Aar Blaauwskop, Warmsand, Eenduin, 7de ZF Mgcawu Kai!Garib laan, McTaggerskamp, Noudonsies and DM Eksteenskuil Eilande. John Taolo Joe Morolong 23 settlements Gaetsewe Ga-Segonyana Maruping • Received below normal rainfall for past +12 months - 2015 NC Provincial Drought Declaration - Gazette

Orange River Project long-term Storage Integrated Vaal River System Existing Transfer Schemes Proposed Transfer Schemes Mokolo Catchment Transfers relevant to VRESS

Vaal Catchment Crocodile Catchment Bloemhof dam Hydrograph 2006 - 2018 Vaal & Orange L1 Orange & Vaal usewater restrictions

Minimum operating level 8% water restrictions period - Upington L1 Vaal & Orange river Water Use Restrictions – 08/2016 Status of NC Dams Frances Baard GWL fluctuations Frances Baard monthly rainfall (Kimberley) (1997 -2017)



700 DEC NOV 600 OCT SEP 500 AUG JUL 400 JUN MAY 300 APR MAR 200 FEB JAN 100

0 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 JTG district GWL fluctuations (Kathu) JTG District monthly rainfall (Kathu) (1997 – 2017)

600 DEC





APR Precipitation (mm/a) Precipitation 200 MAR


Long term Average 0 10 year 199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017 average Year JTG District GWL fluctuations (Kuruman) JTG District monthly rainfall (Kuruman) (1997 -2017) ZF Mgcawu District GWL fluctuations ZF Mgcawu District monthly rainfall (1997 – 2017) Pixely Ka Seme GWL flactuation Namaqualand GWL flactuation Boreholes for Hantam Brandvlei Drought Relief Boreholes Namagualand GWL flatuation NC groundwater level map Deterioration of Water Quality at Welkom WC&DM

• War on leaks • Water use restrictions • Community awareness campaigns – CDW • Illegal water use – CME • Rain water harvesting – (Tanks) • Water quality management focus – WWTW Drought Financial Needs (Water Supply)

DM Municipality Project scope Project cost Grand total

Additional 1560Kl Reservoir R 7 056 105.00 Pixley ka Seme Kareeberg R 13 215 022.00 Upgrading, Incorporation 3 Southern Boreholes R 6 158 917.00

Equipping of boreholes CAR E2 and CAR E5 R 4 626 072.00 Pixley ka Seme Kareeberg R 18 930 327.00 Equipment of borehole farm Vredelus R 14 304 255.00 Namakwa Karoo Hoogland Williston: Upgrading of bulk water supply phase 3 R 9 148 500.00 R 9 148 500.00 R 2 816 370.00 Namakwa Nama Khoi Bulk Water Augmentation R 7 357 788.00 R 4 541 418.00 : Groundwater verification and equipping - 15 R 14 420 571.96 MYL : Storage and groundwater verification and equipping R 3 576 266.64 Namakwa Richtersveld R 21 682 659.27 : Additional storage and pipework R 2 064 562.80

Eksteenfontein: Groundwater verification R 1 621 257.87

Namakwa Hantam Calvinia / Brandvlei: Groundwater Exploration/Equipping R 16 640 257.40 R 16 640 257.40 Garies: equipping of boreholes R 331 307.43 : equipping of boreholes R 280 833.93 Rooifontein: equipping of boreholes R 1 178 385.05 Namakwa Kamiesberg Kharkams: equipping of boreholes R 667 128.00 R 3 968 098.04 Lepelfontein: equipping of boreholes R 471 817.50 Spoegrivier: equipping of boreholes R 823 126.23 Kamassies: equipping of boreholes R 215 499.90 TOTAL R 90 942 651.71 Drought relief application to NDMC 15/06/2018

Water Drought Relief Services Priority Projects Town 2018/19 (R'000) Authority 1 Garies R 4 074 2 R 4 940 3 Tweerivier and Kharkams R 1 111 4 Spoegrivier R 2 546 Kamiesberg 1 5 Kamieskroon R 1 634 6 Paulshoek R 4 809 7 Leliefontein R 6 422 8 Klipfontein R 5 900 9 Kheis R 8 127 Richtersveld 2 Port Nolloth R 11 489 , Brandvlei, Hantam 3 Middelpos R 14 659 Emthanjeni 4 De Aar R 4 300 Strydenburg, Orange Thembelihle 5 Refill, Kraankuil R 4 041 TOTAL R 74 052 2nd window 15/08/2018: Buffelsrivier Bulk Water Augmentation Phase 2 - R9 788 000 WSIG NDMC drought funded projects – DWS Coordination Overall Project Grand Funds Overall DM Municipality Project Name Expenditur Progres cost total Remaining Expen e s diture R Carnarvon: Equipping of boreholes CAR E2 and CAR E5 R 4,626,000 R 0.00 R 4,626,000.00 0.0% 20% Pixley ka Seme Kareeberg 4,626,000 Port Nolloth: Groundwater verification and equipping - 15 R R 10,579,242.77 100% MYL 10,000,000 Sanddrif: Storage and groundwater verification and R R 15,197,000 R 2,311,841.24 R 758,499.97 95.0% 80% Namakwa Richtersveld equipping 3,576,000 R Eksteenfontein: Groundwater verification R 1,547,416.02 100% 1,621,000 R Buffelsrivier bulk water Augmentation: Rotary Percussion R 4,542,000 R 410,671.10 R 4,131,328.90 9.0% 10% Namakwa Nama Khoi 4,542,000 R Calvinia / Brandvlei: Groundwater Exploration / Equipping R 8,500,000 R 8,499,743.16 R 256.84 100.0% 100% Namakwa Hantam 8,500,000 R Garies: equipping of boreholes 331,000 R Kamieskroon: equipping of boreholes 281,000 R Rooifontein: equipping of boreholes 1,178,000 R Kharkams: equipping of boreholes R 3,968,000 R 3,362,917.91 R 605,082.09 84.8% 100% Namakwa Kamiesberg 667,000 R Lepelfontein: equipping of boreholes 472,000 R Spoegrivier: equipping of boreholes 823,000 R Kamassies: equipping of boreholes 216,000 R R R 26,711,83210,121,167 TOTAL 36,833,000 .20.80 72.5% • August 2018 Report Summary for the funding allocation for drought: NDMC CoG

No Province Organs of state Purpose of Source of funding Amount allocation R’000

1. Eastern Cape Municipalities Water Municipal Disaster Grant R104. 738 infrastructure projects

1. Northern Municipalities Water Municipal Disaster Grant R36. 833 Cape infrastructure projects Department of Provision and Provincial Disaster Grant R127. 017 Agriculture, Land transportation of Reform and Rural livestock feed *to be transferred in 3 Development tranches. R42.339 in 2017/18. The remaining amount to be transferred in 2 tranches during 2018/19 FY

1. Western Cape Municipalities Water Municipal Disaster Grant R164. 936 infrastructure projects Total R433.524 million DWS funded drought projects Reconciliation Strategy Drought – Water use restrictions & curtailments • Kareeberg municipality - 50 l/c/d. • Kareeberg municipality - Carnavon water restrictions, Supplied from Saaipoort. • Kareeberg municipality - Van Wyks Vlei 2 hours water supply per day. • Hantam municipality – Calvinia, restrictions – no water cuts • Hantam municipality – Loeriesfontein, 3 year water carting since 2013 (Nieuwoudtville), pipeline development • Karoo Hoogland municipality - Williston 12 hours water provision. • Victoria West no water restrictions – borehole management Borehole Driling • Loxton (new boreholes drilled). • 5 artificial recharge boreholes at Smouskolk (near van Vyksvlei). - Kareeberg • 42 boreholes drilled for drought relief – Hantam Challenges

• Declarations • Assessments & verifications • Process delays – implementation challenges • Capacity within municipalities / implementing agents to implement • Early warning (drought vs. floods) • Communications (intergovernmental) THANK YOU Questions?