St. Mary on the Hill Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time -- July 14, 2019 ORDAINED MINISTERS PARISH MISSION JULY 14, 2019 HYMNS Fr. Mark Ross, Pastor St. Mary on the Hill Parish, a Catholic (QWUDQFH+\PQ Fr. Vernon Knight, Parochial Vicar community, is committed to caring for God’s 2IIHUWRU\+\PQ Fr. Michael Hull people through stewardship. We are bound Fr. David Arnoldt &RPPXQLRQ+\PQ together by the Eucharist, directed by the Deacon Jason Lanham Gospel teachings and the teachings of the 'LVPLVVDO+\PQ Deacon Ken Maleck Church, enlightened by the Holy Spirit, and Deacon Donald McArdle CHURCH STAFF are committed to sharing in the ministry of Deacon Al Sullivan Administrative Assistant Deacon Tony Wagner Jesus Christ. As stewards, we will proclaim the Martha Kearns Gospel, promote peace and justice, and use our [email protected] MASSES Saturday Vigil 5:00 pm time, talents, and treasure Sunday 7:45 am, 10:30 am, 12:15 pm, 5:30 pm to advance God’s Kingdom. Organist & Director of Music Weekdays Monday through Friday 7:00 am Andrew Barnick [email protected] Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday 9:15 am Wednesday Miraculous Medal Novena & CCD Evening Mass 5:15 pm Joan Purucker & Stephanie Ouellette Saturday Morning Mass 9:15 am   RECONCILIATION [email protected] Saturdays 3:45 – 4:45 pm Mothers’ Day Out & Nursery Gina Craw ROSARY   Monday 5:00 pm and Saturday 4:30 pm [email protected]

PRO-LIFE HOLY HOUR Senior Center Wednesday 6:00 pm Patty Lezotte   SACRED HEART PERPETUAL [email protected] ADORATION CHAPEL 1210 Monte Sano Avenue Youth Ministry Available to all parishioners to spend time in the Michael & Missy Lammers presence of the Blessed Sacrament and is open Joanna Watwood 24 hours per day 7 days per week. [email protected]

BAPTISMS Secretaries Baptisms are celebrated on Saturdays and Sundays. Mary Bowles Karen Brooks Preparation classes are held usually each month. 3OHDVHFDOOWKHRI¿FHWRUHJLVWHU$QRI¿FLDOELUWK Finance FHUWL¿FDWHLVUHTXLUHG Rich Peritore [email protected] WEDDINGS Arrangements should be made at least Facilities four months in advance. Cris Edge [email protected] NURSERY Available at the 10:30 am and 12:15 pm Sunday SCHOOLS Masses for ages 6 months to Pre-K4. A pre-school religious program is offered during the 10:30 am St. Mary on the Hill Catholic School Mass for 3 and 4 year olds. Laura Webster, Principal   EMERGENCIES PARISH MEMBERSHIP [email protected] &DOOWKH2I¿FH   $IWHU+RXUV   Welcome new members! 3OHDVHVWRSE\WKHFKXUFKRI¿FH Aquinas High School ZZZDTXLQDVKLJKRUJ MINISTERIO CATOLICO HISPANO or call to register.   Misa en Español: Domingo 2:00 pm, Iglesia de Saint Active parishioner status is determined by Maureen Lewis, Principal Teresa of Avila, 4921 Columbia Road, Grovetown, GA the following: You are registered with the POHZLV#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ Domingo 4:00 pm, Iglesia de Saint Joseph, parish; You attend Sunday Mass and Holy Tim Przybysz, Admissions Director 2607 Lumpkin Road, Augusta, GA Days regularly, You use parish envelopes WSU]\E\V]#DTXLQDVKLJKRUJ weekly to indicate your mass attendance, COLUMBARIUM Deadline for bulletin is You have a Stewardship Commitment Monday at noon. Send information by email For more information, &DUGRQ¿OHHYHU\\HDUDQG

0RQGD\-XO\ Memorial of Saint Bonaventure, Bishop & Doctor of the Church ([0W 0HPRULDO(SK0W 7:00 am Senior Center Open 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Rosary & Miraculous Medal Novena NO WALKING AEROBICS 5:00 pm SJDC 9:15 am Bridge 10:00 am SC Rev. Martino Nguyen & Rev. Vernon Knight / Noah Pace, College III & Jared Miller, College II* 7XHVGD\-XO\ Memorial of Or Lady of Mount Carmel ([D0W 0HPRULDO=HF0W 7:00 am SHARPE SHOOTER 11:00 am 9:15 am †Rita Kemper Rev. Victor Canela, ST & Rev. Thomas Healy / Deacon Theodore Agba, Theology IV*

:HGQHVGD\-XO\ Ex 3:1-6, 9-12; Mt 11:25-27 7:00 am Senior Center Open 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Holy Hour 6:00 pm C Walking Aerobics 9:00 am PH Spirit & Truth 7:00 pm AH 5:15 pm †Stephen Douglas Bridge 10:00 am SC Rev. Christopher Hassel & Rev. William McIntyre, OFM / Deacon Peter Lanshima, Theology IV* 7KXUVGD\-XO\ Memorial of Saint Camillus de Lellis, Priest ([0W 0HPRULDO-Q-Q 7:00 am Senior Center Open 9:00 am - 2:30 pm Prayer Group 7:30 pm FCH j Bridge 10:00 am SC Youth Holy Hour 9:00 - 10:00 pm AC 9:15 am Thomas Tropea Bingo 10:00 am SC Rev. Weston Lamb, Rev. Romanus Ezeugwu, MSP& Rev. Patrick May* Friday, July 19 Ex 11:10-- 0W 7:00 am †Dorothy Haslem Strong Walking Aerobics 9:00 am PH 9:15 am †John Regan Rev. Michael Cerrone & Rev. Robert Chaney / Deacon Robert Phillips, Theology IV* Saturday, July 20 Memorial of Saint Apollinaris, Bishop & Martyr; Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary ([0W 0HPRULDO(]-Q 9:15 am 0HQ¶V%RRN&OXE*URXSDP)&+ SP )U5RVV †Jack Leone; Reconciliation 3:45 - 4:45 pm C †Robert Ryan Rev. Rigoberto Chavez, ST & Rev. Gabriel Cummings / Deacon Solomon Kaanan, Theology IV* Sunday, July 21 Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time *QD3V&RO/N DP )U+XOO Mass for the People Youth Choir Practice 4:00 pm C DP )U5RVV jElle Morris; †Kevin Cumberland Men’s Basketball 5:30 - 7:00 pm G SP )U.QLJKW †Anthony Joseph; †Stephen Douglas SP )U$UQROGW †Frank Dickson; †Bill Huebner - 14th Anniversary Rev. John Markham, MD & Rev. Patrick O’Brien / Carlos Andre Rivero, Theology III* A = SJC Atrium BR= Bride Room MC = SMCS Media Center SA = St. Anne’s Hall UR= SJC Upper Room AC= Adoration Chapel C = Church N = Nursery SC= Senior Center *= Please pray daily for our AH=Annunciation House CAF=SMCS Cafeteria NX= Narthex SH = Scout Hut Priests & Seminarians. MR1=Meeting Room 1 CL= SMCS Computer Lab 2 2I¿FH SJC = St. Joseph Center †=Deceased MR2=Meeting Room 2 FCH = Fr. Charlie’s House PH= Parish Hall SJDC = St. Joseph Day Chapel j Living YC=Youth Center st)ORRU G = School Gym R = Rectory SMCS = St. Marys Catholic School St. Mary on the Hill July 14, 2019

Capital Improvement Update Fr. Ross

It has been slightly over a year since the rectory fire and I would like to update everyone on where we stand now. In conjunction with the Parish Council and the Fire Restoration Committee, we have decided WKDWRXUEHVWRSWLRQLVWRUHQRYDWHWKH$QQXQFLDWLRQ+RXVH DWWKHFRUQHURI$UVHQDODQG&HQWUDO$YHQXHV  since it is underutilized and will serve well as the new rectory. Within the last month we have finally received the determination from Lloyds of London, the insurance company that the diocese utilizes for property insurance purposes, that will allow us to move forward with this new restoration project. We now are only waiting for Bishop Hartmayer to execute the renovation contract which will allow us to initiate construction. Finally, we are hopeful that this project will be completed by year-end.

Many people have asked about the site of the old rectory and what plans do we have for that piece of property. This past year we retained the services of the architectural firm of Cheatham, Fletcher, and Scott to assist with the development of a Master Plan study, to see what our needs are, how we meet them now, and how we might plan for the future. This report has been completed and our next step is to decide and prioritize how to move forward. One of the recommendations is the building of a new parish life center that would accommodate multiple conference rooms, spaces dedicated for the youth, a large dining facility and moving the Senior Center closer to the church. We have been and will continue to be deliberate in our actions and are guided by what is best for all of our parishioners.

Additionally this fall we will have the upholstery and cushions in the church redone and new wooden kneelers with cushions installed. The present kneelers are constantly in need of repair as you well know. Also, new frontal panels will replace the chairs that now form the front row around the altar.

As always, we welcome your insights and opinions. We are excited about the opportunities and challenges as we move forward on these capital improvements. Please do not hesitate to provide your comments to me or to any member of the Parish Council and the Fire Restoration Committee.

Parish Council Fire Restoration Committee Bryson Beckworth Margaret Dunstan Abby Coltrane Nick Gladd Estelle Duncan Martha Kearns Chuck Lanier Ken Maleck Catherine Merz Charlie May Anne Proctor Brian Mirshak Ralph Roper Donald Thorstad Amy Rose Marcie Wilhelmi Bobbie Sue Schiffhauer Fr. Vernon Knight Chad Sweeney Keith Wagner George Wisner

2QWKH:D\+RPH Jesus was a great storyteller. We can imagine how fascinating his voice and manner must have been when he told the parable of the Good Samaritan to the lawyer who wanted to be saved. And how surprised the lawyer must KDYHEHHQZKHQKHKHDUGWKHDQVZHUWRWKHTXHVWLRQ³:KRLVP\QHLJKERU"´0\QHLJKERULVQRWMXVWWKHSHUVRQQH[WGRRU or a member of my parish or my racial group. My neighbor is anyone in need—even if he or she seems to be an enemy. Jesus’ parable reveals the true meaning of love of neighbor. It is going out of our way to do everything for someone that we would want done for us.

+RZFRXOG\RXFDUU\-HVXV¶PHVVDJHRXWLQ\RXURZQVFKRROQHLJKERUKRRGRUSDULVK" 35$<(55(48(676 July 14, 2019 Rest In Peace Please remember in your prayers those who have died recently: Deacon George Foster. 2XUSUD\HUVDUHZLWKWKLVIDPLO\GXULQJWKLVGLI¿FXOWWLPH Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Diane Dymeck Angela Maietta Heslen Myrna Montalvo Michael Sheehan Tony Eubanks Hinton Family Kathy Mosner Christy Sisk Danté Fontimayor John Hoverkamp Eleanor Peterson Julia K. Smith Barbara Frantom Cambri Jewell Percy Pierce Nan Sroufe Joe Fulghum Lisa Johnson Richard Pogue Annette Stafford Stephen Gaston Susan Kuzia %DE\/XFLD3UHVWL¿OLSSR Sophia Strelec Brooks Armstrong Travis Gibson Laurie Landrum Daniel Rich Patricia Tropea Bailey Avrett Hugh Greene Marie Colley Langley Aileen Robinson Joe Ward Bill Berry Christopher Grubisa Logan LaPan Wanda Roper Vickie Walters Paige Christian Ami Gulliams Matilda Lazio Julienne Sales Candace Watts Gregg Dross Henry Hamilton Marion LeBlanc Joan Schenkel Peter Weitz Margaret Dunstan Carol Hayes 7RQ\0DQLTXLV MaeAnnie Screven Charles Patrick Wier, Jr. 3OHDVHUHPHPEHUWRFDOOWKHFKXUFKRI¿FHLI\RXRUDIDPLO\PHPEHUFDQEHUHPRYHGIURPWKLVSUD\HUOLVWIf you have a loved one in need RISUD\HUVSOHDVHFDOOWKH3DULVK2I¿FH  1DPHVRIWKHVLFNZLOOEHOLVWHGIRUWZRZHHNVXQOHVVZHDUHLQIRUPHGRWKHUZLVH Pray for the Military 6*7'RXJODV'REEV,UDT PO2 Andrew Sexton - Bahrain A1C Patrick Tyler Williamson LT Kyle A. Iasiello – USS Paul Ignatius SFC Dustin Wheeland - Afghanistan Please remember in your prayers our parish family and friends, and those involved in the war on terrorism. Pray for Expectant Mothers Elizabeth Andrews Blitch Lauren Kimbrel Leslie Nordmann Martha Robertson MacKenzie Lee Cundey Stacia LaPan Caitlin McCormack Phibbs Erin Safford Holly Sheehan Hall Katie Ramp Leonard Stevie Redmond Please pray for our expectant mothers and their babies. If you are a member of St. Mary’s and expecting a baby, SOHDVHFDOOWKH3DULVK2I¿FHWRDGG\RXUQDPHWRWKH(OL]DEHWK0LQLVWU\OLVW Intercessory Prayer Team at St. Mary on the Hill is ready and willing to pray for the needs of our fellow parishioners. If \RXRUVRPHRQH\RXORYHKDVDSUD\HUUHTXHVWSOHDVHFDOORUVHQGDQHPDLO7KLVSRZHUIXOWHDPRIPRUHWKDQPHPEHUV FDQOLIW\RXDQG\RXUQHHGVLQSUD\HU&RQWDFW0DU\*DUQHU0HU]RUHPDLOPJPHU]#JPDLOFRP 67(:$5'6+,3 CHURCH IN AFRICA PARISH STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE Next week is the collection for the Solidarity Fund for July 7, 2019 -XO\  F Y19 Year to Date )<

ALTAR SERVERS, LECTORS, USHERS, EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS, & SACRISTANS HOMEBOUND VISITATION 3OHDVHUHPHPEHUWRFKHFN\RXUVFKHGXOHV If there are parishioners who are homebound, in a nursing DQGDUUDQJHIRUDVXEEHIRUH\RXOHDYHIRUYDFDWLRQ facility, or in the hospital and who wish pastoral visits and ,I\RXDUHDW0DVVSOHDVHFKHFNWRVHH Holy Communion, please have a IDPLO\PHPEHU contact if you are needed. WKH3DULVK2I¿FHE\FDOOLQJ  :HUHO\RQ family members to notify us if there are patients to be visited. 3OHDVHNHHSWKHRI¿FHLQIRUPHG MASS ETIQUETTE A Matter of Courtesy to your fellow parishioners... Please be respectful - keep silent while in the house of the FREE MINISTRY TO TRAVELING CATHOLICS Lord - before, during, and after Mass - in the sacred space For nationwide Mass times and locations: Call Mass Times of our Church.  RU,QWernet )$,7+)250$7,21 BAPTISMS ENGAGED COUPLES - Mandatory Baptism Preparation Classes typically Marriage Preparation Retreat are scheduled for the first Sunday The next Marriage Prep Weekend is scheduled for of the month. 7KH QH[W %DSWLVP Friday, July 19 and Saturday, July 20 at St. Joseph 3UHSDUDWLRQ&ODVVLV6XQGD\$XJXVW &DWKROLF&KXUFK /XPSNLQ5G$XJXVWD*$  DWSPLQWKH'D\&KDSHORI The weekend will begin on Friday evening at 6:00 pm with a pot the Church. 3OHDVHFDOOWKHRI¿FH luck dinner follow by a talk and will resume on Saturday morning at 9:00 am with a continental breakfast and conclude that afternoon to register for classes, 706-733-6627. DURXQGSP5HJLVWUDWLRQLVUHTXLUHGE\FRQWDFWLQJWKH6W-RVHSK &KXUFK2I¿FHDW  RUHPDLOLQJVWMRHVDXJ#DROFRP 3OHDVHFDOOWKHRI¿FHWRUHJLVWHUIRUDEDSWLVP


FORMED.ORG ST. MARY ON THE HILL ATHOLIC CHOOL MPLOYMENT is a revolutionary C S E online platform featuring some of OPPORTUNITY the best Catholic videos, audio talks, Science Teacher – SMCS has an opening for a seventh eBooks and movies This could be a and eighth grade science teacher for the 2019-2020 life changing resource for personal VFKRRO\HDU:HDUHORRNLQJIRUDIDLWK¿OOHGHGXFDWRU Faith Formation and it is at the who is team-oriented, energetic, innovative, current ¿QJHUWLSVRIHYHU\SDULVKLRQHUZKR on educational trends, and who utilizes a variety has a computer or smart phone. The of teaching methods. The candidate must possess a parish has partnered with Augustine %DFKHORU¶V GHJUHH DQG *HRUJLD FHUWL¿FDWLRQ RU RWKHU Institute to offer it to you. To sign up VWDWHFHUWL¿FDWLRQZLWK HOLJLELOLW\ WR EHFRPH *HRUJLD IRU)5((MXVWYLVLWXVKHUHKWWSV FHUWL¿HG3OHDVHVHQGDFRYHUOHWWHUDQGUHVXPHWR/DXUD A. Webster, principal, at [email protected].

ST. MARY ON THE HILL RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF CATHOLIC SCHOOL 2019-2020 ADULTS (RCIA) - LIVING OUT YOUR REGISTRATION INFORMATION FAITH AS A CATHOLIC St. Mary on the Hill Catholic School is accepting new student applications for the 2019-2020 school ARE YOU SOMEONE OR DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHO… year. ‡ +DVH[SUHVVHGDQLQWHUHVWLQWKH&DWKROLF)DLWK" ‡ :DVEDSWL]HG&DWKROLFDVDFKLOGEXWKDVQRWFHOHEUDWHGWKH6DFUDPHQWV 6SDFHLVOLPLWHG&ODVVHVDUH¿OOHGRQD¿UVWFRPH RI&RQ¿UPDWLRQDQG(XFKDULVW" ¿UVWVHUYHGEDVLVDFFRUGLQJWRWKHUHJLVWUDWLRQ schedule and pending acceptance. New student We offer an opportunity to come together on Tuesday evenings from mid- applications are completed online at stmaryssaints. September thru Easter to learn more about our faith. Sessions focus on the org under the Admissions tab. Please contact the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the VFKRRO RI¿FH DW  LI \RX KDYH DQ\ 6DFUDPHQWVRI%DSWLVP&RQ¿UPDWLRQDQG(XFKDULVWDWWKH(DVWHU9LJLODV TXHVWLRQVRUZRXOGOLNHWRVFKHGXOHDWRXU well as, information for those who have an interest in learning what Catholics believe. You are welcome to participate. Please contact Martha Kearns to sign up: [email protected] or 706-733-6627. &20081,7< MUSIC LESSONS SENIOR CENTER - (706) 262-0340 St. Mary’s Music Director is offering lessons in piano, SHARPE SHOOTERS...Outdoor Range organ, and voice to both adult and youth students here at St. 7XHVGD\-XO\DP Mary on the Hill. Please contact Mr. Barnick at StmMusic@ Call for more information about getting familiar NQRORJ\QHWRUFDOOGXULQJEXVLQHVVKRXUV   with your gun. H[WWRLQTXLUHDERXWVFKHGXOLQJDQGUDWHV AEROBICS 0RQGD\:HGQHVGD\ )ULGD\VDP3DULVK+DOO Get into shape for now & for life. NOTES FROM THE PARISH OFFICE This is a low impact workout. 7KH3DULVK2I¿FHVXPPHUKRXUVDUH You can come & go as you please. Really… CAN do this!!!! 0RQGD\7KXUVGD\DP±SP MEN and women are welcome….any adult. )ULGD\DP±SP

$$$ BINGO $$$ ,I\RXDUHQHZWRWKHSDULVKSOHDVHFDOO 7KXUVGD\-XO\DP - or %ULQJ\RXUTXDUWHUVIRUORWVRIFKDQFHVWRZLQ VWRSE\WKHFKXUFKRI¿FH,WRQO\WDNHVDPLQXWHWRUHJLVWHU The payout per game is $4 - $5. The jackpot is $4 - $7. and we would love to hear from you. Registration forms I call it fast and furiously. DUHDOVRRQOLQHDWVWPDU\RQWKHKLOORUJUHJLVWUDWLRQKWP - If you are going to move, have a change of address or Senior Center Calendar for July change your phone number, please contact the parish is available in the Narthex. RI¿FH

VIRTUS TRAINING NOTES FROM ST. MARY SCHOOL VIRTUS class has been scheduled 7KH6XPPHU2I¿FHKRXUVIRUWKHVFKRRO DW6W7HUHVDRI$YLOD *URYHWRZQ IRU are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays, 7XHVGD\-XO\SP 9:00 am - 12:00 noon or by appointment.

7KLVWUDLQLQJLVUHTXLUHGIRU6DIH(QYLURQPHQW&RPSOLDQFHIRU We look forward to seeing you back at school any adult who will come into contact with youth as part of their for Open House (Drop-in event) PLQLVWU\ DOLVWLQJRIWKRVHPLQLVWULHVFDQEHIRXQGDWKWWSELW on Friday, August 9, from 3:00 - 6:00 pm. O\\8


AQUINAS SUMMER CAMPS 2019 6$7 3UHS &ODVV ZLWK 6KHOLD 6WHZDUW -XO\ 9:00 am - 1:00 pm For students preparing to take the SAT Cost $300

&KHHUOHDGLQJ&DPS&RDFK Allison Godden -XO\, 9:00 am - 12:00 noon Rising 1st th grade &RVW ,ULVK.LGV¶)RRWEDOO&OLQLF&RDFK James Leonard 7KXUVGD\-XO\ 10:00 am - 1:00 pm Rising 1st th graders Pre-registration $25 Day of Camp $35 6LJQXSDQGSD\IRU$TXLQDVVXPPHU FDPSV KWWSVZZZDTXLQDVKLJK RUJVVOVXPPHUBFDPSVLQGH[MVS

MOVIE RATINGS The following movies have been evaluated by the Catholic News Service according to artistic merit and moral suitability. 7KHUHYLHZVLQFOXGHWKH&16UDWLQJDQGWKH0RWLRQ3LFWXUH$VVRFLDWLRQRI$PHULFDUDWLQJ VHHZHEVLWHZZZFDWKROLFQHZV FRPPRYLHVKWP  Aladdin ²$,, 3* *RG]LOOD.LQJRIWKH0RQVWHUV— A-III Rocketman ²2 5 Anna ²/ 5 ²$,,, 5 3* The Secret Life of Pets 2 ²$,, 3* $QQDEHOOH&RPHV+RPH -RKQ:LFN&KDSWHU3DUDEHOOXP— Shaft ²2 5 Booksmart ²2 5 2 5 6SLGHU0DQ)DU)URP+RPH— A-III %ULJKWEXUQ²2 5 Late Night ²$,,, 5 3* Child’s Play ²2 5 Ma ²2 5 The Sun Is Also a Star ²$,,, 3* 'DUN3KRHQL[²$,,, 3* 0HQLQ%ODFN,QWHUQDWLRQDO— A-III Toy Story 4 ²$, * A Dog’s Journey ²$,, 3*  3* Yesterday ²$,,, 3* Emanuel ²$,, 15  Midsommar ²2 5 A-I— General Patronage /²/LPLWHGDGXOWDXGLHQFH¿OPVZKRVH NR - Not Rated A-II — adults and adolescents SUREOHPDWLFFRQWHQWPDQ\DGXOWVZRXOG¿QG 2±0RUDOO\RIIHQVLYH 5 A-III — adults. troubling. St. Mary on the Hill July 14, 2019 $5281'7+('($1(5<',2&(6( 7+($5($

NEW ROSARY MINISTRY CATHOLIC YOUNG PROFESSIONALS 12TH ANNUAL Catholic Young Professionals of Augusta will meet :HDUHEHJLQQLQJD5RVDU\0LQLVWU\ OUTHERN VENING FOR IFE at War Veterans Nursing Home 7KXUVGD\-XO\ for Mass at Most Holy Trinity S E L WK6W$XJXVWD*$ Catholic Church downtown beginning at 6:30 pm. 6DWXUGD\$XJXVWSP on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month Adoration and Confession to follow from 7:00 - Aquinas High School Dining Hall DWDP SP'LQQHUDIWHUZDUGVDW)DUPKDXV,I\RX *XHVW6SHDNHUV For more information, please contact Audrey KDYHDQ\TXHVWLRQVSOHDVHHPDLO&<3$XJXVWD# Suzanne and Rachel Mary Guy 0DKRQH\DXGUH\#FRPFDVW Newcomers always welcome! Three doctors told Suzanne she needed to abort net or JoAnn Nance, 706-631-0954. her unborn baby due to a poor in-utero diagnosis. SAVE DATE That baby is Rachel Mary, now 20 years old. Hear T THE the story of faith and determination.


S AUGUST 17,2019 0HDOVRQ:KHHOV 8:00"NOON 6RXWKHUQ/RZ&RXQWU\%RLOZLWKDOOWKH¿[LQ¶V VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Southern Music by award winning, March Jesus P.O. Box 3618 Augusta,Eryn EubanksGA 30914 and the Family Fold 6DWXUGD\$XJXVWMarch For JesusTickets are $50 each, Table reservations for DPXQWLO1RRQ eight are $400, Sponsorship Tables are $500 This year’s theme –Saturday March forAugust Persecuted 17, 2019 – Please8:30am contact until George Noon Vozniak at 706-726-1269, ChristiansDear andPastor, for those who can’t march [email protected], Tom Harrington, 706- Youfor and themselves. your church are invited to the fifth March WRPKDUULQJWRQ#NRIFRUJRU0DXUDfor Jesus. It’s a time when the people of God proclaim His praises on Broad Street, showing our commonJabaley faith at 706-564-1743, in Jesus. Those walking [email protected] will It’s a timeline when up on Broadthe people Street in offront God of Curtis proclaim Baptist Church. Those who can’t walk are welcome to His praisesbring on their Broad chairs and Street, meet us showing at the Commons, our where there will be music until the marchers commonarrive. faith in Jesus. Those walking will Sponsored by: The Greater Augusta Chapter of Georgia Right to Life March line up begins at 7:30 am with the marchAll proceeds beginning will at be 8:30am used to support Pro-life activities in the CSRA line up on Broado Street in front of Curtis You are welcome to carry banners, flags, crosses or signs that identify your church or %HFRPHD9ROXQWHHU o Baptist Church. Thoseorganization. who can’t walk are Are you looking for a fun, easy, and rewarding way to serve your community? Meals on Wheels is in need of volunteers to deliver meals in the Augusta area. welcome to bring their chairs and meet us o The program at the Commons will have lots of music in every and words of &DOO  RUHPDLOVULFKDUGVRQ#FVUDUFJDJRY at the Commons, inspiration.where there will be music 1HHG0HDOV" until the marchersFood arrive. Vendors – If you have a church group, or youth group that would like to sell hot Call the CSRA Area Agency on Aging o (706) 210-2018 dogs, hamburgers, etc .,please call 803-278-3618 for a vendor application. o March line up begins at 7:30 am with the march Kids Praise Area will include blow up’s, jump houses, and opportunities to play The CSRA Area Agency on Aging connects seniors o and persons with disabilities to services in 14 counties of EHJLQQLQJDWDPchess with a national chess master. East Central Georgia. o You are welcome to carry banners, flags, o Many volunteers are needed – call 803-278-3618 crossesThis or year’ssigns themethat identify – March for your Persecuted church Christians or and for those who can’t march for organization.themselves. June 17 th the speaker and t-shirt color will be announced on the Club36 Show. Saturday, August 10 o The program atMarch the Commonsfor Jesus Augusta will is havebrought lots to you of by Christians in the Media. music in every- - - -style - - - - and- - - -words ------of - - inspiration.------7:00 pm at the home Please complete and return to the address above. of o Food Vendors – If you have a church group, or youth groupNAME OF that CHURCH/ORGANIZATION/MINISTRY: would like to sell hot dogs, ______PRO-LIFE Christine and Frank KDPEXUJHUVHWFSOHDVHFDOOIRU Anderson ADDRESS: ______CITY: ______“When STATE: some lives, _____ including ZIP: ______those of the unborn, are subjected to the personal 2259 Cumming Road, a vendor application. choices of others, no other value or right will long be guaranteed, and society o Kids PraisePHONE: Area ______will include blow E-MAIL:up’s, jump______will inevitably be governed ______by special interests and convenience.” Augusta, GA Pope Saint John Paul II $30.00 per person houses,CONTACT and opportunities PERSON: ______to play chess with a nationalRichmond chess master.County Sheriff’s Department has asked us for an3UROLIH estimated 3UD\HU number *DWKHULQJV of people DOOexpected DUH LQ to IURQW RI 3UHIHUUHG includes BBQ, beer, wine, & fun participate. Expected number from your church: ______5DIÀHLWHPVDYDLODEOH R0DQ\YROXQWHHUVDUHQHHGHG±FDOO :RPDQ¶V+HDOWKDERUWLRQPLOO3URIHVVLRQDO3DUNZD\ Video clips are available to share with your church or ministry.$XJXVWD  5693E\$XJXVWYLDWKH$TXLQDV:HEVLWHRUWH[W They are posted on the March for Jesus Augusta website,\HUVWRDP *DU\*DUQHU FDOO$OLVRQ   Thanks for helping to get the word out! We will help sponsorEvery with Wednesday a gift of $______. Make check out to: March for Jesus. With a gift of $200 or&URVVZDONPXOWLGHQRPLQDWLRQDO more, the name of your church or RU&UDLJ3DUULVK  RUHPDLO RACHELministry’ willS beV listedINEYARD on a banner of PsponsorsOST prominently First displayed and Third at the Friday stage. of Every Month WR SP *DU\ [email protected] BORTION EALING ETREAT *DUQHU&URVVZDONPXOWLGHQRPLQDWLRQDO A H R First Saturday of Every Month, Mass at Saint Mary on the Hill, 6HSWHPEHU 9:15 am, followed by a Pro-Life Rosary in front of the Preferred :RPDQ¶V+HDOWK$ERUWLRQ 0LOO  DP *HRUJH9R]QLDN There is a special ministry  for any woman, man, Second Saturday of Every Month,WRDP %RE family member, or friend, 5DKDLP5RVDU\ who is struggling with the First Tuesday of Every Month,SP %LOO-DFNVRQ emotional, spiritual and 5RVDU\ psychological pain after an abortion. A Rachel’s Vineyard Free Pregnancy Care Services :HHNHQG5HWUHDWRIIHUVDQRSSRUWXQLW\WR¿QGKHDOLQJ KWWSVGLRVDYRUJFDWKROLFFKDULWLHV hope and forgiveness. Come experience the mercy and compassion of God through this healing weekend. $ERUWLRQ$OWHUQDWLYHV Pregnant Choices, Evans, GA: 706-305-9042 HELP SPREAD the WORD For additional information contact Stephanie May at 912- %LUWKULJKW1DWLRQDO 306-0406, or [email protected], or visit the website Augusta Care Pregnancy Center: Saint Paul Catholic Radio DW ZZZUDFKHOVYLQH\DUGRUJ $OO FDOOV DQG LQTXLULHV DUH 706-724-3733 WKER 91.1 FM VWULFWO\FRQ¿GHQWLDO &DUH1HW+HDUWEHDW+RWOLQH+(/3 Broadcasting Christ’s Message 3RVW$ERUWLRQ+HDOLQJ to the Augusta and McCormick Communities Come and be restored. Our next retreat is near Augusta, GA. 5DFKHO¶V9LQH\DUG+23(0( Elliott Sons Funeral Homes CPAS + FINANCIAL ADVISORS Observing Catholic Funeral Rituals and Charles B. Lanier, Jr., CFP®, CLU, ChFC ~Parishioner~ Traditions for Over One Hundred Years Elizabeth Lanier McCormack, CFP® ~Parishioner~ 2524 Lumpkin Rd. R. Thomas Fuller, CPA, PFS ~ Parishioner~ Augusta, GA 30906 S. Herbert Elliott, Jr. John Goddard, Rabun Frost, CPA, PFS, CBM, CGMA 3rd Generation 793-0123 General Manager Chris Etterlee, CPA 4255 Columbia Rd. (706) 261-8575 | Martinez, GA 30907 Securities offered through 1st Global Capital Corp., Member FINRA, SIPC. 868-9637 Investment advisory services offered through 1st Global Advisors, Inc. Se Habla Español Everlasting Granite & Marble Sales Office & Showroom 602 Monte Sano Ave., Augusta, GA 30904 Office: 706-733-6140 A Family Tradition Since 1941 Markers • Monuments • Mausoleums • Statuary Death Dates • Cleaning • Coping • Crosses 706-733-8213 Owned & Operated by Gregg Craft: Magnetics • Banners • Wood Signs • Digital Printing 706-627-5518

THE FOOT Developmental & Competitive and ANKLE Dr. Kent Kronowski Gymnastics, Tumbling, GROUP, P.C. QC Nail Spa in Augusta Mall Meeting All Your Podiatric Needs Preschool & Adaptive Gymnastics Upscale Nail Salon 1519 Laney Walker Blvd. • Augusta 3450 Wrightsboro Rd Suite B-230 Augusta, GA 30909 4434 Columbia Rd, Ste. 106 • Martinez (706) 993-9401 706-724-7000


Certified Public Accountants, P.C.

Telephone: (706) 724-2063 3638 Walton Way Ext., Ste. 300 Fax: (706) 724-4029 Augusta, GA 30909 Tricia Brands, M.D. E-mail: [email protected] 1303 D’Antignac St #2500 Augusta, GA 30901 706-733-4427 706-737-0215(fax) Contact Sheena Lebron to place an ad today! [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6402

BRITTINGHAM DENTISTRY, LLC Family And Cosmetic Dentistry Kathy M. Brittingham, D.M.D. Michael A. Brittingham, D.M.D. New Patients Welcome • Emergencies (706) 860-4190 • 3742 Walton Way Ext. Parishioners DERON LILLARD JOHANNSEN SPORTING GOODS REALTOR® - ARMY VETERAN CONNECTING 1116 Broad St. • Augusta, GA 30901 BUYERS & SELLERS [email protected] • 706-722-0949 706.832.9890 • 706.863.8953 [email protected] “Specializing in Team Sales” CHARLES E. EVANS D & M Heating & Air, Inc. Attorney at Law D’Antignac & Merritt Augusta’s Oldest Carrier Factory Authorized Dealer Chuck Evans, Parishioner 706-667-0196 (706) 261-8588 7013 Evans Town Center Blvd, Ste 501 Evans, Georgia 30809 Patrick & Doug Wilson - Owners For ad info. call 1-866-651-2111 • 16-0066 Free Wrecker • Eye Exams CASELLA Estimates Service EYE • Treatment of Eye Disease CENTER • Spectacles & Contact Lenses The rame hoppe DR. THOMAS V. CASELLA F S & gallery DR. BENJAMIN P. CASELLA Rick’s Paint & Body Shop Custom Framing Optometrists & Phone: (706)722-0817 • (706)722-2428 Expert Body Work Original Art Fax: (706)722-0208 Rusty & Trisha Campbell 767 Broad Street, Augusta, GA 30901 251 Bobby Jones • [email protected] 706-868-9904 Expressway 1542 Walton Way • Augusta, Georgia 30904 • 706-738-5529 Serving Augusta since 1948 Parishioners 706-868-9224 (24 Hrs.) Martinez, GA 30907 Ed Durant - Parishioner

706.868.1200 Todd Torchia - Managing Partner/Parishioner

Frank Gibbs, Jr. STEPHEN H. HAGLER, LLC Parishioner Attorney At Law Jim Hudson Lexus / New & Used Sales 4024 Washington Road 3410 Washington Road Martinez, Georgia 30907 (706) 650-9999 • (706) 830-1101 Cell 860-9060 Parishioner [email protected]

Parishioner (706) 798-0065 (706) 798-6211 3044 Deans Bridge Road 1/2 Mile From Exit 5B (BJ Expy)

Denton Boone Parishioner PLUMBING - HEATING - AIR CONDITIONING 706-951-2696 [email protected] Contact Sheena Lebron to place an ad today! Larry Babbitt - Parishioners - Lee Babbitt [email protected] or (800) 477-4574 x6402 CANAL WOOD, L.L.C. Phone 733-0417 Buyers of Land & Timber

Charles “Bit” Brittingham m effernan o 4th Generation Master Plumber W . J. H & C . • 722-6441 Serving the CSRA Auto, Home & Business Insurance • 1228 Reynolds Street Parishioner Richard & Marie Capps • Parishioners (706) 736-8752 Capps Insurance Agency, Inc. • 722-7292 Auto, Home & Business Insurance • 1254 Broad Street REMODELING & REPAIRS Richard Capps Jr. • Stephen Capps

706-250-1861 813-815 12th Street Augusta, GA

Quality Insurance Restoration FREE 2112 Highland Ave. • Augusta, Georgia 30904 ESTIMATES (706) 738-9446 • Fax (706) 738-3682 Luke Detchemendy Parishioner 800-738-9446 706-910-3696 • Ralph and Joe Bowles, Parishioners For ad info. call 1-866-651-2111 • 16-0066 LANDRUMSUPPLY CO. Kitchen and Bath Showroom

1440 Reynolds Street Augusta, GA 30901 Mary Landrum Showroom Manager Telephone: (706) 722-2042 Lee J. Andrews II, D.M.D. [email protected] Fax: (706) 722-3482 ~ Parishioner ~

Vice President toast WINE AND BEVERAGE Owner: Abe Newton (Parishioner) 1809 Wylds Road • Augusta, GA 30909 Barrett Family, Parishioners Fury’s Ferry by Publix 706-481-3800 2701 Washington Rd. (National Hills) Office: 706-737-8374 or Cell: 706-910-2977 706.922.TOAST(8627) [email protected] Experienced. Knowledgeable. Trustworthy. Agent for Allied Van Lines® Barretts, Parishioners DialBrandon Your Family Attorney Hill High Animal Hospital Domestic Emily G. Martin, DVM - Divorce - Child Custody - Wills & Probate David Tribby, DVM • Mark Tribby, DVM Auto Accidents • Personal Injury 4120 Wheeler Rd, Augusta 561 Greene Street, Augusta, GA 706-303-4558 706-823-2001 Parishioner Parishioners since 1967! Serious About Buying or Selling a Home? Debbie Douglas Hudson REALTOR® • Vice President • Parishioner So Am I! Meeting your needs with consideration, integrity & experience.

RICHARDS BODY WORKS, INC. Expert Auto Body Repairing & Painting Phone (706) 724-5341 Parishioner Pat Richards - Parishioner 1155 Fifth Street, Augusta, GA 30901 706-306-6054 • Office 706-736-3375 706.306.9603 | 706.863.8953 [email protected] [email protected]

Come Hungry. Leave Fulfilled. E.H. Williamson, D.D.S., M.S., P.C. 706.854.4700 Orthodontics for Adults & Children • TMJ Treatment (706) 860-5074 Sun Brunch | 10:30-2 Office Hours by Appointment Mon-Fri | 11-2, 5-Close Discount for Parishioners Sat | 4-Close 4250 Washington Rd., Evans, GA 30809 For ad info. call 1-866-651-2111 • 16-0066