Leifur Eiricksson | 144 pages | 01 Aug 2008 | Penguin Books Ltd | 9780140447767 | English | London, United Kingdom The PDF Book

Two very interesting stories of how Icelanders explored the Americas what is today almost five centuries before Columbus. The king told Leif to use them if he ever needed speed, for they could run faster than deer. In the later saga, while pregnant, she berates her male counterparts while they are running away from the natives. Eirik's saga tells of how Christianity came to and then to , and it was because of Christianity that these sagas were written it was preferable to dancing. Aug 29, Melanti rated it really liked it Shelves: classics , nonfiction. I remember enjoying it; but I don't remember much else about it. There is a Sibyl who comes and tells them their futures; there is a bought of sickness during which several people die and we see the appearence of revenants - physical ghosts of the dead who can come back to cause trouble and take the living to the land of the dead. Whether it is more accurate than the rest who knows. Sutton rated it liked it. Yes, there was actually a woman amongst the discoverers. Really quite interesting! He also includes the archaeological discoveries that back up the saga stories. When the little ice age arrived, the found that the conditions in Greenland became much more hostile, and thus that passage to Vinland was closed. Views Read Edit View history. Restrictions apply. After naming Baffin Island? You and your husband will go from Greenland to Norway and from there to Iceland, where you will make your home and live for a long time. They found little food, but their livestock improved there. The description of the trip across the North Atlantic is very brief as well - the ships leave Greenland, they pass a landmark or two, and bing they're in Vinland and Freydis is plotting murder. Next up to read: The contains ten sagas and tales, is cheap and easy to find. The bestselling saga of Eirik the Red, Leif the Lucky, and the first American explorers The all-time bestselling of the sagas in Penguin Classics, The Vinland Sagas are published here in a vibrant new translation. These accounts portray vikings or at the least the ones exiled to Greenland and beyond as brutish, vile cretins who have some sailing and survival skills. Whilst sometimes the structure of the stories can be a bit clunky, I found these two sagas a riveting read. You will survive your husband and go on a pilgrimage to Rome, then return to your farm in Iceland; a church will be built there and you will be ordained a nun and stay there until you die. I have this to say to you, Gudrid: you will marry an Icelander and you will have a long life together and your progeny will be great and vigorous, bright and excellent, sweet and fragrant. Look elsewhere for the heroics of Beowulf. The Vikings were a remarkable people: they colonized both Iceland and Greenland, in addition to their exploits elsewhere the British Isles, Russia, north Africa, the Mediterranean. View all 12 comments. It gives a brief account of the settlement of Iceland and the beginnings of the doomed Norse outposts on Greenland. He was not particularly popular, but Eirik and he had always been close friends. With an interesting introduction that discusses the journey of these two sagas from their origins right up to the current edition, I would recommend this book to anyone interested in history of the Nordic world. But it is pretty cool that some random viking types found the North American continent. Help us improve this page. You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. These sagas provide great context for the Norse discovery of America. Outlook strikingly similar to later European colonisers: thinking that there was land for the taking. Leif and Eirik had turned them over to Karlsefni for this expedition. Both of these texts tell the same story, however there are a few differences in that Eirik's Saga seems to be more of a text telling how Christianity came to Greenland while the Graenlendinga Saga is more focused on the journeys of the Vikings. Karlsefni and his men came back to her and praised her luck. However, unlike those of years later, they did not have guns and so they were on a relatively more equal footing with the indigenous people. Less dense and hard to read then I thought, it was pretty easy to go through but at the same time I've learn a lot so that's great! Total page count is about That being said, I think I would have enjoyed Eirik's saga on its own merits more if I hadn't read them back to back. You Have Been Warned. It was to describe the bravery, actions, decisions and fates of real people that the sagas were written, and the fact that their actions impinged tangentially on an entirely new continent was quite a secondary aspect to their stories. However, historians commonly believe these sources contain substantial evidence of Viking exploration of through the descriptions of topography, natural resources, and native culture. Christian converts and pagans lived side-by-side, and the examples in these two sagas suggest it was generally civil, though sometimes uneasy, with Christians in particular setting boundaries for themselves. The Vinland Sagas Writer

I'm being generous here, giving this 3 stars. I always wonder how the fittest people from the past, who had to spend most of their days in physical activity, would compare with modern athletes. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators. Bjarni is criticized for sighting these new lands but lacking the will to land and explore them further. But the corpses do not stop sitting up and prophesying; there's actually more sorcery in the story, because it's something people are concerned about now. From the manufacturer No information loaded. Books whose authorship is purposefully withheld should be attributed instead to Anonymous. However, unlike those of years later, they did not have guns and so they were on a relatively more equal footing with the indigenous people. So, either a slave rebellion or an accident led to a feud. In my youth I became an avid collector of Penguin Classics and this was one of the first I bought and read. Description The bestselling saga of Eirik the Red, Leif the Lucky, and the first American explorers The all-time bestselling of the sagas in Penguin Classics, The Vinland Sagas are published here in a vibrant new translation. Next up to read: The Sagas of Icelanders contains ten sagas and tales, is cheap and easy to find. Thorhall and his crew sailed northward past Furdustrands and Kjalarness, and tried to beat westward from there. Horror-movie stuff: sea full of maggots that eat the ship itself. View 1 comment. Rating details. Shelves: history. They told him to come back with him and he did so. Apr 20, dead letter office rated it really liked it. Enlarge cover. There's a real sense of doom and foreboding to his story: They spent the winter there, and it was a harsh winter, for which they had made little preparation, and they grew short of food and caught nothing when hunting or fishing. Very interesting sagas, and very easy to read despite the style being rather dry, the passages too brief and devoid of details when describing anything. The description of the trip across the North Atlantic is very br I read these for the early descriptions of North America and its Indigenous people, expecting them to be rather dry, like a lot of historical documents, but the sagas were written as entertainment and they are still an entertaining read, even with the passage of centuries and the problem of translation. The Vinland Sagas Reviews

You know the saying: There's no time like the present They also offer a glimpse at the character and motivation of some of the chief figures in this age of discovery, especially and . From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. I read these for the early descriptions of North America and its Indigenous people, expecting them to be rather dry, like a lot of historical documents, but the sagas were written as entertainment and they are still an entertaining read, even with the passage of centuries and the problem of translation. Timber from , apparently, was not unknown in Greenland for centuries after the Vinland expeditions - it could well be that stories about Vinland were current in the seaports of Europe in the fifteenth century, because throughout that period there was considerable, if illegal, trade between Iceland and Bristol and between Bristol and Portugal; and certainly the Icelanders themselves had not forgotten about Vinland, or the general direction in which it lay - this exhausted outpost of Norse exploration, just beyond the fringe of European endurance … died such a horrible and lonely death while a new age of exploration was dawning in southern Europe … and what they found there. The description of the trip across the North Atlantic is very brief as well - the ships leave Greenland, they pass a landmark or two, and bing they're in Vinland and Freydis is plotting murder. For more than seventy years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. These are particularly short sagas, in fact more of the book is dedicated to the introduction and notes than the sagas themselves. Scandinavian furniture was a lot more trouble in those days, there being much less of it, and taking far longer to make. Readers also enjoyed. About Unknown. Douglas and Curtis just don't make it. For all that the Graenlendinga Saga is described as 'primitive' in style, it feels measured in structure if labelled a '', because exploration takes place throughout. Thorgest pursued him, and they fought a battle near the farmstead at Drangar. Check your insurance before you depend on these sagas as your sailing directions while exploring in an open boat with neither back up compass nor web based aps. Paperback , pages. Four stars or not, it is hard for me to write excitedly about the Penguin Classics Edition of the Vineland Sagas. Outlook strikingly similar to later European colonisers: thinking that there was land for the taking. He also includes the archaeological discoveries that back up the saga stories. Jan 22, Steve R rated it really liked it. Whereas in Eirik's Saga aka Eirik the Red's Saga , the interesting bit about Vinland is all bunched at the end - but that's because the voyage to, and life in Vinland is not directly about Eirik any more; the introduction keeps reminding us that the sagas are primarily about people. This frightened the natives, who turned and ran away. While the translations move the genealogies to the footnotes, it's worth making the effort to read these as well. And these 'sagas' are short, so you can read them pretty quick, and get the earliest European literary mentions of what would become America. The introduction describes family sagas as " the history of a republic in which all the original settlers had been nominally equal ". Friend Reviews. This is a very short book, which won't outstay its welcome if you are interested in a quick look at the original sources and is also potentially useful for various obscure categories in reading challenges. Dec 13, J. Gudrid went with her. Download as PDF Printable version. Look elsewhere for the heroics of Beowulf. It is debatable as to how authentic the stories in this book are, though it is quite clear, specifically with the descriptions of the lands encountered, that the events really did happen. The sagas were written down between and , much later than the initial time of action —

The Vinland Sagas Read Online

I hope that reading more of these sagas, and some works of history from contemporary sources, can give me greater insight and perhaps offer some different perspectives that might lead me to a more well-rounded view of their culture. It did not end well, and there are even two different versions of how it failed. Another thing that I found interesting was the discovery of Greenland. Enlarge cover. Therefore, Native American is probably the better term, though the most respectful term would be relating them to their particular nations of which there were many. Viking adventures across the 27 September I have long heard the rumours that the Vikings had discovered North America long before Christopher Columbus sailed across the Atlantic but I had always assumed that it was little more than a single expedition of which nothing more came about. But they ran into fierce headwinds and were driven right across to Ireland. The veracity of the texts themselves is somewhat in doubt, and the events they describe are so remote as to make all knowledge of their historical accuracy somewhat doubtful. Eirik's Saga: - Vinland where, it was said, there was excellent land to be had. In that case, we can't They attempted to establish settlements in Vinland, but hostile natives and the distance made such colonies difficult to support. His body was laid out and taken to the ship. From Eirik's Saga: the Norse have been in Vinland a while: they caught sight of nine skin-boats; the men in them were waving sticks which made a noise like flails, and the motion was sunwise… [Note: Native Americans are known to have used rattle-sticks during various rituals, which may well be the explanation of this threshing sound the Norsemen could hear. So, either a slave rebellion or an accident led to a feud. This is a very short book, which won't outstay its welcome if you are interested in a quick look at the original sources and is also potentially useful for various obscure categories in reading challenges. Half of the book was the introduction and other information, but it's essential to reading the book, I think. Escape the Present with These 24 Historical Romances. After naming Helluland Baffin Island? You will survive your husband and go on a pilgrimage to Rome, then return to your farm in Iceland; a church will be built there and you will be ordained a nun and stay there until you die. Women going to the loo together: One evening Sigrid wanted to go outside to the privy that was opposite the main door. The is much more interesting and detailed in the description of the founding of Vinland likely in Newfoundl 3. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. But it is pretty cool that some random viking types found the North American continent. The king told Leif to use them if he ever needed speed, for they could run faster than deer. Download as PDF Printable version. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.