Nanobacteria: Fact or Fiction? Characteristics, Detection, and Medical Importance of Novel Self-Replicating, Calcifying Nanoparticles Neva Ciftcioglu, David S. McKay, Grace Mathew, and E. Olavi Kajander

Key words: nanobacteria, nanoparticles, calcification, biomineralization

What Do We Know about Biomineralization/ apatite in vitro,3,4 others have been announcing the Calcification? safety of in vivo apatite applications.5–8 Although these disagreements have not been completely resolved, both Including humans, many multicellular biogenic and nonbiogenic apatite materials have been produce similar hard tissues, such as bones, teeth, shells, continuously used in drug delivery and transplanta- skeletal units, and spicules. These hard tissues are tion.6,9 We know that when apatite is found in soft biocomposites and incorporate both structural macro- tissue, it is considered to be pathologic calcification.10 molecules (lipids, proteins, and polysaccharides) and The causes of apatite-deposit formations in soft tissue inorganic minerals.1 We do not fully understand the have been discussed for decades but still remain control mechanism of biomineralization in primitive or speculative. For example, calcification in the coronary in developed organisms. The mineral phase of hard tissue arteries has been widely regarded as an uncommon, is sometimes called biologic apatite, that is, a non- end-stage, insignificant, passive, degenerative process stoichiometric hydroxylapatite. Pure hydroxyapatite of aging—a notion that has paralyzed research in this 11 has the formula Ca10(PO4)6(OH)2. In contrast, a area for decades. Interestingly, these same terms were biologic apatite (like in bone) is nonstoichiometric and once used to describe atherosclerosis.11 Today, we contains several other ions, mainly carbonate and other know that coronary artery calcification occurs, almost 2+ + 2+ 22 12 elements in traces such as Mg ,Na,Fe ,HPO4 , exclusively, at sites of atherosclerotic lesions. F2,andCl2. Consequently, a more appropriate Calcification in the development of these plaques is a structural formula for the composition of bone is complicated, actively regulated process of mineraliza- (Ca,X)10(PO4,CO3,Y)6(OH,Z)2, with X substituting tion that is similar to bone formation and remodel- 13,14 cations and Y and Z substituting anions (with the indices ing. Mineralogists explain that all that is needed for 10, 6, and 2 changing according to stoichiometry).2 crystal formation/biomineralization to start is nidi There is a paradox in medicine. Whereas some (nucleus) and an environment of available dissolved researchers have been discussing the cytotoxic effect of components at or near saturation concentrations, along with the absence of inhibitors for crystal formation.15 or other agents producing such nidi, if present From Nanobac Pharmaceuticals Inc. (N.C., G.M.), Johnson Space Center, Houston, TX; 2NASA Johnson Space Center in blood and in urine, are very likely candidates to (D.S.M.), Houston, TX; Nanobac Sciences (E.O.K.), FIN launch and accelerate pathologic calcification in 16,17 70211 Kuopio, . vivo. This is clinically important because blood contains phosphate near its saturation level.18 Presented at Experimental Biology 2006, San Francisco, CA, April 1–5, 2006.

Address correspondence to: Dr. Neva Ciftcioglu, NASA ‘‘Nanobacteria’’: Potential Nidi for Calcification, a Johnson Space Center, 2101 Nasa Parkway, Mail Code KA, Good Model for Studying Calcification Mechanism Houston, TX 77058; e-mail: [email protected]. What is known about microbial infections is based Journal of Investigative Medicine 2006; 54:385–394. on the study of well-known microbes. A poorly DOI 10.2310/6650.2006.06018 known bloodborne agent (discovered and tentatively

385 386 Journal of Investigative Medicine N volume 54 number 7 N November 2006 termed ‘‘nanobacteria’’ [NB] by our team)19 exists that phosphate readily occur in systems containing trace behaves as a microbe and appears to show a correlation amounts of NB but not in identical control systems with such diverse calcification-related health problems lacking NB.19 The exact mechanism(s) by which as arterial heart disease,20–22 Alzheimer’s disease,23 apatite is nucleated and formed around NB is kidney stone formation,24–28 polycystic kidney disease unknown. When the serum concentration in the (PKD),29,30 gallstones and gallbladder inflammation,31 medium is reduced (# 5%) in the NB culture prostatitis,32,33 calciphylaxis,34,35 and cancer.36,37 NB conditions, NB start to mineralize and grow larger in are also called Calcifying Nano Particles or CNP. This size owing to calcium and phosphate deposition on agent has unique properties, including an extremely their surface (Figure 2). Differential interference small size (0.1–0.5 mm), as seen in Figure 1. Although contrast microscopy revealed several micrometer–thick the biologic characterization of NB is yet to be fully age ring–like mineral layers forming around NB in understood, the precipitation and growth of calcium

Figure 1 Scanning electron microscopic (A), and trans- Figure 2 Scanning electron microscopic (A)anddifferential mission electron microscopic (B) images of cultured interference contrast microscopic (B)imagesofapatite nanobacteria (NB). Arrows on (B) show an apatite envelope clusters formed by nanobacteria under serum-free culture of apparently multiplying NB. Bars 5 100 nm left, 50 nm conditions. Arrows on (B) show age ring–like apatite layers right. surrounding the nanobacteria ‘‘colonies.’’ Bars 5 5 mm. Nanobacteria: Fact or Fiction?/Ciftcioglu et al 387 these cultures (see Figure 2B). Chemical analysis using collagen, but exclude the known proteinaceous energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) microanalysis of these inhibitors for crystal formation.44 Such systems have mineral layers shows Ca and P peaks.19 The effective- not been tested with NB. Vali and colleagues showed ness of NB biomineralization is remarkable: apatite that nanoforms contain apatite-protein complexes and formation in vitro stopped only when the calcium level immunoelectron microscopy reveals protein antigens decreased by 50% from 1.8 to 0.9 mM and the in proximity to apatite, suggesting a novel form of phosphate levels fell to near zero.24 Our results indicate protein-associated mineralization.45 that the NB calcium phosphate phase can be formed at In our earlier studies, we examined NB cultures in pH 7.4, consistent with human physiologic phosphate high-aspect rotating vessels (HARVs) designed at and calcium concentrations.19,24,38,39 This can also be NASA’s Johnson Space Center, which are designed monitored by 85Sr incorporation and provides a unique to simulate some aspects of microgravity.25 NB model for in vitro studies on calcification.24 NB- cultured in HARVs multiplied 4.6 times faster than induced apatitic formation is dependent on the under stationary conditions and 3.2 times faster than in presence of oxygen19,40 and can be prevented with shaker flask incubation. Interestingly, the results several antibiotics and antimetabolites and by high demonstrated that the degree of apatite crystal forma- gamma irradiation at sterilizing doses.39,41 The apatite tion on NB (biomineralization) and the properties of produced by NB is biogenic because it is formed in a the apatite are strongly affected by the gravity and 25 carbon-containing biomatrix, forms small spherical other specific culture conditions used. Although units of apatite in nanoscale crystal size (that are very some researchers believe that microgravity does not 46 resistant to acid hydrolysis), and can be formed at affect crystal formation and biomineralization, it has nonsaturating concentrations of calcium and phos- been shown that long periods in a microgravity phate.19 Such spherical units were identified in most of environment do cause loss of bone and enhance the human kidney stones examined (Figure 3).24,42,43 kidney stone formation–like biomineralization disor- 47–49 Nonbiogenic apatite has larger crystals that are easily ders in astronauts. dissolved in acidic solution. Fourier transform infrared In summary, NB is a perfect model for studying spectroscopy (FTIR) of NB revealed the mineral as biogenic mineralization/calcification because NB (1) almost identical to bone mineral (Figure 4). Models for are self-replicating particles and have less complicated bone formation, which use metastable concentrations metabolic pathways, (2) accumulate calcium and of calcium and phosphate, involve gels that include phosphate under physiologic conditions, (3) produce nidi, such as matrix vesicles, apoptotic vesicles, or a calcium phosphate mineral similar to bone, and (4) exist in physical conditions (eg, pH, gravity, tempera- ture) that are easy to manipulate and that can be replicated for the physiologic model.


The first debate about NB revolved around whether these minute particles are alive. To date, critics argue that a particle just 50 to 200 nm in diameter cannot possibly harbor the components necessary to sustain life. Maniloff’s work suggests that to contain the deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins needed to function, a must be at least 140 nm across.50 However, recently, it has been shown that a constructed to encode 387 protein-coding and 43 structural ribonucleic acid (RNA) could sustain a viable synthetic cell, a laboratorium that can shrink its size below that limitation.51 NB are also incredibly resistant to heat and other methods that would normally kill bacteria, which makes some scientists wonder if they might be an unusual form of Figure 3 Scanning electron microscopic image of spherical crystal rather than organisms. Cisar and colleagues apatite formations in an apatite kidney stone. Bar 5 10 mm. presented an alternative theory for the experimental 388 Journal of Investigative Medicine N volume 54 number 7 N November 2006

Figure 4 Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy showing the distinct phosphate absorption signature at 1,000 to 1,200 cm21 seen in all four spectra, with inorganic apatite, bone, kidney stones, and nanobacteria (NB). findings of NB scientists. They stated that biominer- turbidity, sodium dodecyl sulfate–polyacrylamide gel alization previously attributed to NB may be initiated electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), or methionine and by nonliving macromolecules and transferred on uridine incorporation.19,20 Susceptibility tests can be ‘‘subculture’’ by self-propagating microcrystalline used to test the effects of antibiotics and other apatite.52 chemotherapeutics.19 Growth can be prevented with tetracycline, high doses of aminoglycoside antibiotics, Detection Methods for NB ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), cytosine arabinoside, 5-fluorouracil, and gamma irradiation.19 Methods to diagnose NB in biologics, cells, tissues, blood, and urine include immunodetection Are NB a Living Entity? with NB-specific monoclonal antibodies, electron microscopy, and culture techniques.39,53 Because NB Isolation of any kind of from NB has pass through 0.22 mm–pore size filters, which exclude been difficult, in part because of the mineral surface most common microbes, filtration is often used to that they produced during their culture period. They clean up fluid specimens before culture for NB.53 could not be lysed with lysozyme, proteinase K, several Replication can be measured by particle counting and other proteinases, lipases, amylases, alkali, ultrasono- optical density at 650 nm.41 It has also been shown that graphy, X-press, detergents, or solvents.40 We needed the growth of the NB could be detected by specific to use acid or EDTA-like chelators before the analysis, methods, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, which were the factors for structural change in nucleic Nanobacteria: Fact or Fiction?/Ciftcioglu et al 389 acid. It has been our experience that NB actually as experimental models because they are the most inhibit the amplification of added exogenous classic ubiquitous cells in the body and might be most bacterial DNA by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) accessible in wound tissue for invading pathogens, with methods. the exception of professional phagocytic leukocytes.53 In preliminary research, NB cultures incorporated We showed that NB were bound as clusters on the cell increasing amounts of radiolabeled 35S into macro- surfaces within 15 minutes. It was concluded that NB molecules separable by gel electrophoresis during the are internalized either by receptor-mediated endocy- 18-day incubation period. Protein pattern detected tosis or by a closely related pathway within 12 hours.53 with Coomassie’s stain of SDS-PAGE transferred to an Internalization seems to be necessary for cytotoxicity. Immobilon membrane (Millipore, Billerica, MA) and We showed that cytotoxicity was dependent on NB autoradiography showed methionine incorporation concentration and exposure time. Dying cells always into several proteins (Figure 5). Miller and colleagues contained numerous ingested NB.53 Hybridomas and showed that autoradiographs of isolated NB nucleic many lymphocytes were found to be affected by NB, acid indicated incorporation of uridine into several but considerably higher doses were needed.40,53 The ‘‘nucleic acid’’ bands.20 The negative control, media findings that NB are cytotoxic are of interest to containing gamma-irradiated serum (ie, inactivated nanoparticle toxicity mechanisms in general; similar NB), did not yield radioactive bands after exposure to mechanisms could be used by other nanoparticles for these radiolabeled DNA/RNA and protein precursors. entering cells and causing cytotoxicity.54 To define the mechanism of incorporation and systematic location of NB, further molecular research In Vivo Effects of NB is needed. A˚ kerman and colleagues reported that radiolabeled Are NB Cytotoxic? (99mTc) viable NB accumulated in the kidney and appeared in urine after 15 minutes of their intravenous Calcified and noncalcified forms of NB have been injection into rabbits.55 This could be due to the fact observed as free, cell-attached, and internalized that kidneys are the preferred sides for this agent, particles in mammalian cell cultures in vitro.19,53 In unlike other known nanoparticles, and the presence of our experiments, we chose six different fibroblast lines injured epithelium or a nucleus in the kidney or

Figure 5 Metabolic labeling of nanobacteria (NB). Images show incorporation of radiolabeled precursor molecules into macromolecules following 1 to 18 days of incubation of NB cultures with the label. SDS-PAGE 5 sodium dodecyl sulfate– polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. 390 Journal of Investigative Medicine N volume 54 number 7 N November 2006 urinary tract provides a preferable niche for NB to apatite may play a key role in the formation of all adhere and grow, resulting in biocrystallization. A kidney stones. Our hypothesis underlines the role of control study in rabbits was performed in which a active nidi: even supersaturated urine needs nidi for similar dose of 99mTc-labeled albumin cross-linked crystallization to appear, and active nidi can make the particles or tin-technetium nanoparticles as nanocol- process more thermodynamically favored so that it loids was administered. Nanocolloids were not targeted could happen apparently outside equilibrium. We have to kidneys as NB were.55 Shiekh and colleagues also proposed that NB may be active nidi that attach to, observed that NB, when injected intravenously into invade, and damage the urinary epithelium of collect- rats, were localized in kidneys.28 In their research, they ing ducts and papilla, forming a calcium phosphate observed regions of chronic inflammation infiltrated in center(s).19,24–27,30 We found NB in 70 of 72 human the cortex and medulla, which could be due to damage kidney stones studied in Finland.24 Khullar and induced by NB. The research team has also shown NB colleagues demonstrated 62% culture positivity of NB adhering to the surface of the epithelium and their in stones collected from an Indian population.61 penetration into epithelial cells. Additionally, they showed DNA and distinct protein bands of NB. However, one group has been NB and Connections to Calcification-Related unsuccessful at replicating NB culture from stones, Diseases although they have observed nanoparticles that are morphologically similar to NB in scanning electron 62 Calcium is the most important intracellular microscopy. regulator of physiologic responses, is a messenger for Another urinary disease, PKD, is the most hormonal actions, and regulates cell death and multi- common autosomal dominant lethal disease in humans. plication. Additionally, calcium regulates inflamma- There are reports of endotoxin, NB, and fungal tion, blood clotting, immunologic responses, and antigens and antibodies in human kidney cyst fluids. neural transmission and muscle contraction. In these Interestingly, a higher prevalence of kidney calcifica- actions, calcium-binding proteins are the main players. tions is observed in PKD than in the normal 63 Recently, a large number of calcium-binding proteins population. It has been proposed that the currently have been mapped to be bound on NB.56 NB may known cellular toxicities, tissue distribution, and thus participate in activation-inhibition processes pharmacology of NB are plausibly related to the 29 regulating a large number of responses inside and known pathology and pharmacology of PKD. Hjelle outside cells. Thus, NB could have multiple pathologic and colleagues evaluated 13 PKD cyst fluids and actions in the body. detected NB antigen positivity in each sample as well 29 The lifelong prevalence of kidney stones appears as in liver cystic fluid from affected individuals. to have increased throughout the whole twentieth Biopsies, urine, and prostatic secretion cultures fail century and occurs in up to 15% of the population.57 to demonstrate bacterial pathogens more frequently Treatment of kidney stones is now estimated to cost than in asymptomatic controls, yet inflammation or at over $3,000 per patient per year. The incidence of new least inflammatory markers are often detected in 64 cases and recurrences may continue to rise. Thus, new chronic prostatitis. Likewise, the presence of pro- approaches in treatment and prevention could have a static calculi in younger men is associated with both huge economic effect apart from benefits in terms of inflammation and symptoms of chronic pelvic pain reduced morbidity. Electron microscopic observations syndrome.65,66 The core of prostatic calculi is typically show that apatite units produced in serum-free NB calcium apatite,67 which is the hallmark of NB action. cultures are very similar to human apatitic kidney Wood and Shoskes proposed that there is a potential stones (see Figures 2 and 3). Both grow as layers of role of NB in chronic prostatitis.32 Recent clinical mineral (see Figure 2) and matrix. Chemical analysis research targeting these agents has proven effective in and EDX microanalysis revealed that the composition treating some patients with refractory category III of this solid mineral formation was similar to that of prostatitis (chronic pelvic pain syndrome).33 In that most extraskeletal tissue calcification and stones.19 The research, NB antigen or antibody was found in 60% of crystalline components of kidney stones are calcium serum and 40% of urine samples. In 10 patients who oxalate, calcium phosphate, struvite, purines, or underwent transrectal ultrasonography after therapy, cystine.58 Fermentor model studies have shown that prostatic stones were decreased in size or resolved in in kidney stones, calcium phosphate nidi are always 50%.33 formed initially and may subsequently become coated Mechanisms mediating vascular calcification with oxalate or other components.59,60 Apparently, remain incompletely understood. Some have hypothe- Nanobacteria: Fact or Fiction?/Ciftcioglu et al 391 sized the potential role of NB in arterial calcifica- blems,22,74 and even osteoporosis.75 All of these tion.20,21,35 Miller and colleagues cultured nanosized hypothetical approaches require further investigation. particles from calcified but not from noncalcified aneurysms.20 These particles were stained with NB- Koch’s Postulates specific monoclonal antibodies, recognized by a DNA- specific dye and incorporated radiolabeled uridine, In a small study, Garcı´a-Cuerpo and colleagues and, after decalcification, they appeared via electron found that translumbar, percutaneous, intrarenal injec- microscopy to contain cell walls.20 Therefore, nan- tion of NB (isolated from kidney stones) into rats 76 ometer-scale particles similar to those described as NB resulted in kidney stone formation. Additionally, isolated from geologic specimens and human kidney Shiekh and colleagues examined NB’s role in biocrys- stones can be visualized in and cultured from calcified tallization and the in vivo effects on kidney pathology. human cardiovascular tissue.20 Puskas and colleagues A calcium oxalate monohydrate assay (COM) was propagated NB-like spherical particles from 26 of 42 carried out in the presence of NB to study biocrys- sclerotic aorta and carotid samples and confirmed their tallization. Wistar rats were given an intravenous nature by dot immunoblot by using NB-specific injection of NB, and the kidneys were examined for pathologic changes. The COM assay showed acceler- monoclonal antibodies, light microscopy, and trans- 14 21 3 ated biocrystallization of C-oxalate in the presence of mission electron microscopy. [ H]L-Aspartic acid was incorporated into high-molecular-weight compounds NB, indicating them to be efficient candidates for of demineralized particles. PCR amplification of 16S biomineralization. Histopathologic studies revealed bacteria-induced renal tubular calcifications and var- ribosomal DNA sequences from the particles was 28 21 ious manifestations of infection. Their studies con- unsuccessful using traditional protocols. Identi- firm that NB may be involved in the pathogenesis of fication of NB-like particles at the lesion supports renal tubular calcification. Such findings are required but does not by itself prove the hypothesis that these to prove Koch’s postulates linking NB to other agents contribute to the pathogenesis of atherosclerosis, pathologic calcification-related diseases. especially vascular calcifications. Specific therapies targeting these particles have demonstrated reduced Conclusion plaque formation, regression of plaques, and improved 68 lipid profiles. The potential of anti-NB treatments Whether NB themselves serve as the nucleus for is controversial and awaits larger clinical trials. crystal formation or whether the NB are simply able to Epidemiologic studies have implicated antibodies made lower the activation energy barrier and thus allow by the body against NB to be a strong independent risk precipitation and growth of crystals under much lower factor for coronary artery calcification. The risk appears supersaturation conditions is yet to be determined. to be comparable to that of diabetes in the two However, it is immaterial whether they are bacteria, 69,70 preliminary studies. The importance of this is that , or other living or nonliving forms; their coronary artery calcification is an excellent predictor of properties of promoting ready crystallization and future coronary events and death. growth of Ca minerals are well established. These Originally, Sedivy and Battistutti reported that NB self-replicating particles may induce calcification and promoted crystallization of psammoma bodies in stone formation in vivo because NB (1) have been 71 ovarian cancer. Hudelist and colleagues soon verified detected in human blood, (2) are transported from the 100% concordance between the expression of NB blood into urine and bile as living organisms, (3) are and the presence of psammoma bodies in malignant renotropic, (4) cause apoptotic cell death, (5) are ovarian tumors. In their research, several lines of present in human stone isolates and tissues with evidence suggest the involvement of these organisms in calcification, and (6) cause kidney stone formation in the process of biomineralization. Therefore, they have rats within 1 month when injected in an intrarenal concluded that NB infection of malignant ovarian route. tissue contributes to mechanisms leading to the forma- Since NB have been detected in blood and blood tion of calcified deposits known as psammoma bodies.36 products, they should be of interest to the biopharma- Additionally, NB have been shown to be detected ceutical industry. For example, recently, NB have been at higher rates in the serum of patients with gallstone isolated and cultured from the cultured nasopharyngeal disease31 and mitral valve calcification.34 Others have carcinoma epithelia HNE1 cell supernatant.77 The suggested that NB may contribute to the development safety of vaccines produced in by using of peripheral neuropathy in human immunodeficiency (bovine) serum or serum-derived materials in the (HIV)-positive patients,72,73 periodontal pro- culture of the cells, sterilized by filtration, is an 392 Journal of Investigative Medicine N volume 54 number 7 N November 2006 issue needing thorough risk analysis and method 14. Wexler L, Brundage B, Crouse J, et al. Coronary artery validation.78,79 calcification; pathophysiology, epidemiology, imaging Only continued research will reveal the nature of methods, and clinical implications. Circulation 1996;94: NB and their impact on health and disease. 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