Principles and Practice of Thromboelastography in Clinical Management and Transfusion Practice

Daniel Bolliger, Manfred D. Seeberger, and Kenichi A. Tanaka

In the recent years, thromboelastography has become a factors for different intervals and clot formation vari- popular monitoring device for and transfu- ables reported in multiple studies and algorithms. sion management in major , trauma, and hemo- Furthermore, fibrinogen levels and counts have philia. Thromboelastography is performed in whole a major influence on thromboelastographic variables. In and assesses the viscoelastic property of clot formation addition, differences in patient populations, devices, and under low shear condition. Thromboelastography can be preanalytical conditions contribute to some conflicting performed with a variety of activator and inhibitors at findings in different studies. different concentrations representing the most important © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

SIDE FROM CLOT formation, thromboelas- Rapid assessments of hemostatic function and A tography has been used to estimate thrombin the prompt correction of coagulopathy are essential generation, fibrinogen levels, platelet function, and in the management of bleeding due to trauma, clot dissolution by fibrinolysis, all of them with major surgery, or hereditary hemorrhagic condi- some limitations. Thromboelastography has been tions. The liberal transfusion of allogeneic blood successfully used for patient coagulation assess- products has been associated with adverse effects ment, hemostatic therapy and transfusion in trauma, such as transfusion-transmitted infections, organ perioperative care, and assessing bleeding in dysfunction, and increased mortality [1].The hemophilic patients. Thromboelastography-based beneficial effects of transfusion as to supporting algorithms reduce both transfusion requirements oxygen-carrying capacity, intravascular volume, and blood loss in cardiac surgery, liver transplan- and improving hemostatic function may be thereby tation, and massive trauma. Because of different assay characteristics, the direct comparison of threshold values for hemostatic interventions or From the Department of Anesthesia and Intensive Care clinical outcomes is limited. The aim of this article Medicine, University of Basel Hospital, Basel, Switzerland; and is to review the working principles, the practical Division of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia, Emory University School applications, and the interpretations of thromboe- of Medicine, Atlanta, GA. Conflicts of interest: DB received honoraria for lecturing from lastography results. Based on current evidence, this TEM International, Munich, Germany. KAT served on the review addresses the clinical utility and limitations advisory board for TEM International, Munich, Germany. of the thromboelastography in different clinical Address reprint requests to Daniel Bolliger, MD, Department settings that frequently require blood product of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital transfusion. This review should provide clinicians Basel, Spitalstrasse 21, CH-4031 Basel, Switzerland. E-mail: [email protected] with the up-to-date information on proper interpre- 0887-7963/$ - see front matter tation and implementation of thromboelastography © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. in transfusion practice. doi:10.1016/j.tmrv.2011.07.005

Transfusion Medicine Reviews, Vol 26, No 1 (January), 2012: pp 1-13 1 2 BOLLIGER ET AL counterbalanced or at least questioned [2]. Screen- ing for coagulation abnormalities and application of hemostatic interventions based on classical coagu- lation tests such as (PT) and activated partial thromboplastin time (aPTT) are of limited value in perioperative and acutely ill patients [3]. Whole blood testing by thromboelas- tography may offer advantages in these clinical settings. Originally invented in 1948 [4], its concept predates the introduction of the aPTT test in plasma [5]. Recent methodological improvements of thromboelastography have widely expanded its use from preclinical hemostasis research to point- of-care use in the emergency and the operation room. Two commercially available devices are TEG (Thromboelastograph; Haemoscope/Haemo- netics, Niles, Ill) and ROTEM (Rotation Throm- boelastometry; TEM International, Munich, Germany). The TEG system has been available for many years in the United States, whereas the ROTEM system has been recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration for clinical use. In this review, the term thromboelastography will be used to describe general principles of the common technology, but the differences between the 2 Fig 1. Working principle of TEG (panel A) and ROTEM (panel systems will be specified as TEG or ROTEM, B). In TEG, the cup with the blood sample is rotating, whereas the respectively. torsion wire is fixed. In ROTEM, the cup is fixed, whereas the pin is rotating. Changes in torque are detected electromechanically in Technical and methodological aspects of throm- TEG and optically in ROTEM. The computer-processed signal is boelastography have been recently discussed in finally presented as a tracing. Panel C shows typical tracings from detail [6-10], but practical aspects of its clinical TEG (lower tracing) and ROTEM (upper tracing). For a detailed description of the terms used and the reference values of the applications have not been fully appreciated. In various thromboelastographic parameters, see Tables 1 and 2. this article, we review the working principles, practical applications/interpretations, and limita- In the original description [4], a metal pin tions of TEG and/or ROTEM for the clinical use suspended by a torsion wire is immersed in the in the bleeding patient. nonanticoagulated whole blood in a metal cup. The modern systems closely follow this principle with BASIC PRINCIPLES OF THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY some improvements and disposable parts. In case of Thromboelastography is used to assess visco- TEG, the disposable cup moves back and forth elastic changes in clotting whole blood under low through an arc of 4.75° around the fixed plastic pin shear conditions after adding a specific coagulation (Fig 1A). In case of ROTEM measurements, the activator. The viscoelastic (tensile) force between plastic pin rotates back and forth through an angle the cup and the immersed pin results from the of 4.75° in the center of the plastic cup (Fig 1B). interaction between activated platelet glycoprotein Once blood starts to clot, fibrin strands are formed, (GP) IIb/IIIa receptors and polymerizing fibrin increasing the torque between the pin and the cup. during endogenous thrombin generation and fibrin Dissociation of fibrin strands from the cup wall (ie, degradation by fibrinolysis [11-15]. Thromboelas- clot retraction) or the degradation of fibrin by tography had been used to assess hypo- and fibrinolysis decreases the torque [19]. The change hypercoagulable states and to guide hemostatic of torque is detected electronically in TEG and therapies with fresh-frozen plasma, with platelet optically in ROTEM. The computer-processed concentrates as well as with coagulation factor signal from either thromboelastography is pre- concentrates [14,16-18]. sented as a tracing of clot formation and, if any, PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY 3 clot dissolution (Fig 1C). The initial torque is Table 1. Terms Used for TEG and ROTEM assumedtobezero(noclot)forthesignal TEG ROTEM processing; thus, it is important to start a measure- Period to 2-mm R time CT ment immediately after a coagulation trigger is amplitude added to the sample. Otherwise, a preclotted sample Period from 2 to K time CFT produces a false baseline when the pin is immersed 20 mm amplitude α α α into the sample blood. Angle (slope between (angle of tangent R and K) at 2-mm amplitude) Thromboelastography is commonly performed Maximal strength MA MCF as a point-of-care coagulation test in the emergency Amplitude A30, A60 A5, A10, A15, and operation room. However, in some centers, the (at set time in min) A20, A30 test is performed in specialized and centralized Maximal lysis – ML laboratories, permitting qualified personnel to CL after 30 and CL30, CL60 LY30, LY60 60 min perform this moderately complex coagulation test TTL TTL (2-mm drop LOT together with relevant quality control procedures. from MA) (85% of MCF) The availability of a rapid transport system for Time to complete – LT blood samples together with a computer network to lysis (10% of MCF) provide online display of the analyses makes Abbreviations: CT, coagulation time; CFT, clot formation time; laboratory-conducted thromboelastography compa- MA, maximal amplitude; ML, maximal lysis; CL, clot lysis; TTL, time rable with the bedside testing regarding the to lysis; LOT, lysis onset time; LT, lysis time. turnaround times and results [20]. interpretation of results [24], Such influences are Differences in Reference Ranges of TEG limited when citrated plasma (without ) is and ROTEM used, for example, in hemostasis research [13,29], Several comparative studies of TEG and Therefore, the sample collection method needs to ROTEM in clinical and laboratory settings demon- be standardized, and reference ranges for the strated that the 2 systems are closely related but that specific method need be established. their results are not completely interchangeable [9,10,21]. Some differences can be attributed to technical aspects of testing. The material surfaces of Key Parameters and Reference Ranges pin and cup can exert various extents of procoagu- The main end point of TEG and ROTEM is the lant activity. Therefore, data from older studies determination of viscoelasticity referred as ampli- using TEG with metal cups and noncitrated (native) tude and clot firmness, respectively (Fig 1C). The whole blood cannot be directly compared with time course of viscoelastic changes is depicted as more recent investigations using plastic cups and additional parameters to reflect the rate and stability recalcified whole blood [6,22]. The reference of clot formation for clinical use (Table 1, Fig 1C). values are also different among plasma and native Reference values for TEG are based on unspe- or recalcified citrated blood [23,24]. However, the cified surgical patient samples of limited size (n = most important reason for different clot formation 41-178) [27]. References values for ROTEM were variables is the use of different activators at various determined in a multicenter study in patients and concentrations [8,25]. Clinical reference values healthy volunteers (n = 142-202) [26]. Reference thus differ between the 2 systems and must be ranges are shown in Table 2. It must be noted that interpreted accordingly [10,26,27]. normal values depend on preanalytical factors such The use of citrated whole blood is the standard as recalcification and time from blood sampling for thromboelastographic systems today. Before [26,28] and also on the type and final concentration testing, citrated samples are recalcified by adding of the activator [29,30]. The latter vary substantially 20 μL of 0.2 mmol/L CaCl2. It must be noted that between the 2 systems [8]. In particular, clotting blood sampling in sodium citrate tubes dilutes the time and clot formation time are strongly dependent blood samples by approximately 10%. In addition, on the type of activators used. Sorensen and citrate may affect platelet GPIIb/IIIa and therefore Ingerslev [14] showed that the concentration of influence thromboelastographic measurements tissue factor relevantly influences thromboelasto- [23,28], which has to be considered in the graphic parameters [25]. 4 BOLLIGER ET AL

Table 2. Reference Ranges of Different Thromboelastographic Parameters

Test (activator) R/CT (s) K/CFT (s) Angle α (°) MA/MCF (mm) ML (% of MA)

TEG rapidTEG (tissue factor) 78-110 30-120 68-82 54-72 b15 kaoTEG (kaolin) 180-480 60-180 55-78 51-69 b15 ROTEM EXTEM (tissue factor) 35-80 35-160 63-81 53-72 b15 INTEM (ellagic acid) 100-240 35-110 71-82 53-72 b15 FIBTEM (tissue factor + cytochalasin-D) 9-25 b15

NOTE. Normal values are according to the manufacturer of ROTEM and TEG for citrated and recalcified blood samples.

The variation of test results is lower after coagulation and clot formation time is very limited. extrinsic activation with tissue factor (coefficient Both kaoTEG and rapidTEG are insensitive to of variation about 3%-5%) but substantially higher antiplatelet agents. PlateletMapping assay is used to after intrinsic activation with kaolin or ellagic acid evaluate the extent of platelet inhibition by aspirin (coefficient of variation about 12%-15%). The or clopidogrel [39,40]. In this assay, thrombin variation is least for maximal amplitude/clot generation in the sample blood is inhibited by firmness (coefficient of variation about 5%), adding heparin. Platelets are activated by adding a independent of the activator used [6]. specific platelet activator (arachidonic acid for In adult patients, normal values of maximal clot aspirin and adenosine-5′-diphosphate for clopido- firmness (MCF) are positively correlated with grel), whereas fibrin polymerization is achieved by increasing age, whereas clot formation time a mixture of reptilase (batroxobin) and activated shortens in elderly patients [26]. This is most likely factor XIII. The decrease in maximal amplitude because of higher fibrinogen levels in older people [31]. Indeed, the strong interdependence of fibrin- ogen and thromboelastographic parameters has been shown in different studies [11,32,33]. There is also a small difference between sexes. Values of MCFwerereportedtobehigherinwomen, probably because of lower [26]. Anemia was found to relevantly increase MCF in ROTEM analyses that was attributed to a methodological issue rather than actual hypercoagulable state [34]. In neonates, coagulation time was reported to be reduced despite prolonged values of PT in 2 separate studies [35,36]. This may be attributed to lower antithrombin levels, which compensate for lower levels of coagulation factors [35,37,38].In contrast, the influence of gestational age on MCF in neonates and children is less clear [35,36].

Available Coagulation Tests on TEG and ROTEM Originally, celite was used as a contact activator on TEG, which was later replaced by kaolin (kaoTEG). A modification by addition of hepar- Fig 2. ROTEM tracings from a patient undergoing cardiac surgery at baseline (panel A) after severe dilution (panel B) during inase to neutralize the effects of heparin together and after substitution with cryoprecipi- with kaolin activation (hepTEG) was recently tate (panel C). EXTEM and FIBTEM traces are overlaid. Platelet introduced to monitor underlying blood coagula- counts (103/μL), fibrinogen levels (milligram per deciliter), and hematocrit (percentage) are depicted for each time point. After bility in the presence of heparin. Another modifi- substitution with cryoprecipitate, the EXTEM tracing normalizes cation is the so-called rapidTEG, where tissue because of the increase of fibrinogen levels (also evident in the factor is used as an activator in addition to kaolin FIBTEM tracing). Because of lower hematocrit, FIBTEM is much larger despite similar fibrinogen values at baseline and after [17,24,25]. RapidTEG is increasingly used, as it cryoprecipitate substitution. PLT indicates platelet count; FIB, gives fast results on MCF, but its information on fibrinogen level; HCT, hematocrit. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY 5 relative to kaoTEG is used to calculate relative formation time) seem to be similarly useful for platelet inhibitions [40]. The PlateletMapping assay detecting coagulopathy as abnormal PT/aPTT can be adapted on the ROTEM system [41]. values (N1.5 times normal) [45]. Multiple liquid reagents are available for ROTEM [6]. A single-use reagent became recently Thrombin Generation and Thromboelastography available for all ROTEM tests for easier test In a small in vitro study with blood from 4 performance with very good correlations to classi- healthy volunteers, thrombin-antithrombin com- cal reagents [42]. EXTEM uses tissue factor as an plex correlated well with total thrombus generation activator of extrinsic pathway, whereas INTEM in thromboelastography [15]. Thrombin-antithrom- uses ellagic acid/phospholipids for contact activa- bin complexes reflect the amount of thrombin that tion. The HEPTEM test is a modified INTEM test is neutralized by antithrombin and serves as a that includes a heparin degrading enzyme. FIBTEM surrogate marker for thrombin generation. On the is used to estimate the extent of fibrin polymeriza- other hand, total thrombus generation is calculated tion by inhibiting platelet function with cytochala- from the first derivative of the thromboelasto- sin-D after tissue factor activation (Fig 2) [43]. graphic waveform. The authors claimed that TEG Systemic fibrinolysis can be diagnostically tested can reasonably estimate thrombin generation by using the APTEM assay, in which aprotinin is total thrombus generation [15]. Assuming normal added to inhibit plasmin [6,44]. Taken together, platelet count, fibrinogen, and factor XIII levels, the thromboelastography can be performed with a rate of clot formation is proportional to the rate of variety of activators and inhibitors. Each modifica- thrombin generation. In hemophilic patients, throm- tion alters the assay's sensitivity and specificity. bin generation is extremely small. Abnormal Although TEG and ROTEM share basic method- thrombus generation can be distinctively shown ological principles, the 2 systems have different test by the first derivative method in some but not all characteristics that limit the direct comparison of patients [25,47]. measurements [10]. Therefore, threshold values for To increase thrombin generation, treatment with hemostatic interventions or clinical outcomes recombinant factor VIIa is often necessary in should be locally evaluated for each system and bleeding hemophilic patients with inhibitors against available hemostatic components. factor VIII. The off-label use of recombinant factor VIIa is also common in severe bleeding after COMPARISON OF cardiac surgery [48]. Coagulation monitoring with THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY AND OTHER conventional tests (PT/aPTT) is not useful in dosing COAGULATION TESTS recombinant factor VIIa [49]. The use of throm- boelastography seems to be advantageous in better PT/aPTT and Thromboelastography approximating whole blood coagulation [3,50]. For practicing clinicians, it is of interest to know However, only a fraction (20-50 nM) of total whether the results of thromboelastography can be thrombin generation is required to fully activate directly correlated with conventional coagulation tests. In particular, correlations between thromboe- lastographic coagulation time (Tables 1 and 2) and conventional PT and aPTT should be considered. In a recent clinical study of trauma-induced coagulo- pathy using ROTEM, the correlations between coagulation time in EXTEM/INTEM and PT/aPTT were rather poor (r = 0.47-0.53) [45]. Similarly, only weak correlations for R times in TEG with aPTT and PT have been described [24,46]. The lack of clear correlations can be partly explained by different preanalytical conditions, activators, and specimens (whole blood vs plasma). Nevertheless, Fig 3. Typical traces of thromboelastography (the gray trace) and thrombin generation (the black trace). The dotted vertical line some ROTEM parameters related to fibrin poly- indicates where the conventional coagulation tests (PT/aPTT) merization (eg, amplitude after 15 minutes, clot stop in relation to thrombin generation and thromboelastography. 6 BOLLIGER ET AL platelets, fibrinogen, and factor XIII [51], and the years ago [22,63], which has been reconfirmed in major part of thrombin generation takes place after recent studies that used the ROTEM system fibrin polymerization (Fig 3) [52]. Therefore, [26,29]. Platelet count also influences clotting procoagulant activity of factor VIIa was only time, clot formation time, and α angle in throm- visible when pretreatment thromboelastographic boelastographic tests [29,64]. The minimal platelet curves were significantly abnormal regardless of count for “normal” clot formation is not known, and the bleeding status [47]. As an alternative, increased it is markedly influenced by the fibrinogen level clot stability against fibrinolysis induced by tissue- [26]. The α angle and MCF are greatly decreased type plasminogen activator in hemophilia models when platelet count falls below 50 000/μL [65,66]. has been used as a surrogate marker of improved Inhibitory effects of antiplatelet agents can be thrombin generation in thromboelastography assessed by the PlateletMapping assay as described [53,54]. above. However, platelet adhesion activity under The efficacy of recombinant factor VIIa to high shear (N1500 per second) cannot be evaluated generate thrombin depends on available tissue on thromboelastography because of its low shear factor [55]. Tissue factor concentrations in the state (0.1 per second). Other diagnostic systems standard EXTEM test are too high for delineating such as PFA-100 or platelet function analyzers coagulation abnormality in hemophilia [6,56]. The should be used for the diagnosis of von Willebrand use of diluted tissue factor (eg, Innovin 1:17000 disease and platelet dysfunction related to a resulting in tissue factor concentration of about 135 deficiency of GPIbα receptors [67]. ng/mL) is advocated [14,25,50], but the clinical utility of diluted tissue factor in monitoring factor Plasma Fibrinogen and Thromboelastography VIIa therapy is questionable based on the recent Plasma fibrinogen concentration is often deter- multicenter study [47]. Using kaolin as a contact mined by a turbidometric (Clauss) method that activator may allow detecting hemostatic defects in depends on thrombin-induced fibrin formation. hemophilic patients more reliably [57,58]. In fact, This method is affected by multiple factors kaoTEG was also useful in sequential dosing of including the presence of colloid solutions (eg, FEIBA (factor VIII bypassing activity) and factor hetastarches, gelatines) [68,69] and direct thrombin VIIa in hemophilia A patients with severe recurrent inhibitors (particularly bivalirudin) [70]. bleeding [59]. For TEG, the functional fibrinogen assay is In perioperative patients, fibrinogen and platelet available for estimated fibrinogen level [27], but counts are rapidly changing. Therefore, changes published data are scarce. Alternatively, a mixture in the first derivative of the thromboelastographic of reptilase and activated factor XIII has been used waveform are more likely because of hypofibri- in TEG to determine fibrinogen levels in whole nogenemia [11] or thrombocytopenia [29] rather blood [71], but adding exogenous factor XIII may than the decrease in thrombin generation [11,60]. limit assessments of impaired fibrin polymerization The estimation of thrombin generation by throm- because of decreased factor XIII after hemodilu- boelastography has many limitations, and a tion. FIBTEM test has been commonly used on fluorogenic measurement of thrombin generation ROTEM for clinical assessment of plasma fibrin- is preferable [61]. ogen. In this test, cytochalasin-D is added to EXTEM activation so that platelet cytoskeletal Platelet Function and Thromboelastography reorganization, and thus, GPIIb/IIIa interactions Platelets exert important hemostatic functions in with fibrinogen are inhibited [43,62]. vivo including primary plug formation (adhesion/ The MCF on FIBTEM test is correlated with aggregation) and providing a catalytic surface for plasma fibrinogen levels [45]. In trauma-induced serine protease (eg, thrombin) activation. Throm- coagulopathy, a FIBTEM amplitude after 10 boelastography is useful for evaluating the overall minutes (A10) of less than 5 mm was reported to interaction between platelet GPIIb/IIIa receptors be a good predictor of low plasma fibrinogen (b100 and fibrinogen [62], as activated platelets provide mg/dL) with a sensitivity of 91% and a specificity ample binding sites (GPIIb/IIIa) for fibrinogen. A of 85% [45]. It is suggested that hetastarches and correlation between platelet count and maximal gelatines lower clot firmness of FIBTEM much amplitude in TEG had been described as early as 30 more than crystalloids [43,68]. PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY 7

Because plasma normally contains high concentra- tions of plasminogen activator inhibitor 1 and α2- antiplasmin, the fibrinolytic response is generally limited to the local milieu (ie, surface of thrombus) [3]. The absence of hyperfibrinolysis on thromboe- lastography does not exclude localized fibrinolysis, but it suggests that the systemic concentration of tPA is not high enough to induce ex vivo hyperfibrinolysis. In agreement, the fibrin clot is more susceptible to fibrinolysis after massive hemodilution because of progressive loss of endogenous fibrinolysis inhibitors [60]. In trauma patients, overt hyperfibrinolysis is evident on Fig 4. The FIBTEM amplitude depends not only on the thromboelastography in 15% to 20% of patients fibrinogen level but also on the hematocrit. The graphs shown are derived from an in vitro study in whole blood from 4 healthy [44,75,76]. The recently published CRASH-2 trial patients (unpublished data). The FIBTEM amplitude after 15 suggests that there is ongoing fibrinolysis in trauma minutes decreases with increasing dilution with saline (NaCl) patients because a small but statistically significant because of decreasing fibrinogen levels but increases when the whole blood is diluted with autologous plasma (fibrinogen levels benefit from early administration of an antifibrino- remain unchanged). The latter finding is explained by decreased lytic agent was observed [77]. Indeed, fibrinolysis hematocrit. seems to be an integral part of trauma coagulopathy

In clinical studies with dilutional or trauma- induced coagulopathy, the implementation of thromboelastography led to an increased use of fibrinogen concentrate and cryoprecipitate [16,72]. Thromboelastography has been used to monitor the effect of fibrinogen therapy because clot firmness as well as other clot formation parameters responds well to increased fibrinogen levels [11,32,57]. FIBTEM clot firmness can be affected by factors other than fibrinogen, for example, factor XIII [73], hematocrit [71] (Fig 4), and potentially platelet count [12]. The latter is particularly noticeable in thrombocythemia (ie, incomplete platelet inhibi- tion) when TEG assay is used with abciximab [12].

FIBRINOLYSIS AND THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY In the presence of systemic fibrinolysis (eg, release or use of tissue plasminogen activator [tPA]), the thromboelastographic amplitude may rapidly decrease after maximal amplitude (compare traces in Fig 5A and C). When the decrease of the amplitude over 1 hour is more than 15% of maximal amplitude, hyperfibrinolysis is suspected. Using the ROTEM system, a specific assay containing aprotinin (APTEM test) might confirm the presence of hyperfibrinolysis [6]. The release of tPA from Fig 5. Typical EXTEM (panels A and C) and FIBTEM (panel B) endothelial cells is stimulated under conditions of traces in undiluted whole blood showing clot retraction (panel A) inflammation and stress [74], and hyperfibrinolytic and hyperfibrinolysis (panel C). Panel A shows no fibrinolysis, but clot retraction is evident by the missing fibrinolysis in the FIBTEM tracings may be observed in major trauma, liver test (panel B). Panel C shows hyperfibrinolysis after in vitro transplantation, and cardiac surgery [6,44,75]. addition of tPA. 8 BOLLIGER ET AL

[76], which is associated with severity of injuries after hemodilution to of 10% to 30% and leading to increased mortality [44,76,78], [85-87]. especially in case of the early onset of hyperfi- Taken together, low hematocrit most likely brinolysis in thromboelastography [44]. worsens bleeding in vivo [88] but improves It is important to differentiate between hyperfi- thromboelastographic variables in vitro. Throm- brinolysis and clot retraction [19]. Clot retraction is boelastographic results should be carefully inter- a small decrease (b15%) in amplitude after the preted along with severity of anemia, hemodilution, maximal amplitude/clot firmness (Fig 5A). It is and other clinical findings (eg, microvascular most likely due to the dissociation of fibrin strands bleeds), especially in patients after trauma or from the cup wall when the interaction of fibrin and major surgical procedures. platelets GPIIb/IIIa receptors is intense. Clot retraction is thus more apparent in the presence of HYPERCOAGULABILITY AND higher platelet counts [19,79], whereas it is hardly THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY seen after platelet inhibition (Fig 5B) or hemodilu- Thromboelastography is substantially influenced tion. Finally, in vitro studies suggest that decreased by the platelet count [29], platelet-fibrin interaction, FXIII concentrations might be associated with and fibrin polymerization [11,62]. Enhanced clot increased fibrinolysis on ROTEM [73,80], but this formation on thromboelastography may be associ- hypothesis was not supported by a recent clinical ated with a hypercoagulable state. Indeed, maximal evaluation of ROTEM traces and FXIII levels in clot amplitude and coagulation index, derived from neurosurgical patients [81]. an equation including R time, K time, maximal amplitude, and angle α [89], were found to be higher in surgical patients with thrombotic events EFFECTS OF HEMATOCRIT than in healthy controls [90]. However, the ON THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY accuracy of thromboelastography in predicting In the flowing (arterial) blood, platelets are thrombotic events including deep vein thrombosis, preferentially distributed near the vessel wall vascular graft occlusion, ischemic stroke, and (margination) because of the red cell mass [82]. myocardial infarction is highly variable [90].A The platelet count measured in a static blood recently published systematic review found an sample does not reflect in vivo platelet concentra- association of hypercoagulable traces in thromboe- tion by the injured vessel wall, and this may explain lastography with thrombotic events after major a relatively low incidence of spontaneous bleeding surgery in some but not all studies [90]. Elevated until the platelet count is below 10 000/μL [83].In platelet counts and high fibrinogen levels are addition, the red blood cells facilitate platelet encountered frequently in the postoperative period, aggregation by releasing adenosine diphosphate resulting in high maximal clot amplitude/firmness under shear flow [84]. In contrast to in vivo [91]. In contrast, in heparin-induced thrombocyto- conditions, thromboelastography is performed penia, the risk of thrombotic events is very high, under low shear (0.1 per second), and the red although low platelet count results in normal or cell mass entrapped in the fibrin network may even reduced clot amplitude/firmness [92]. interfere with the spreading of fibrin strands [71] or Similar to conventional PT/aPTT tests, diagnos- with the interaction of fibrin and platelets GPIIb/ ing hypercoagulable states (eg, deficiency of IIIa [79]. Indeed, α angle and MCF values are antithrombin or protein C) by thromboelastography increasedbyapproximately5°and10mm, is more difficult than detecting hypocoagulability respectively, in anemic patients (mean hematocrit, because of supraphysiological procoagulant stimuli 28%) compared with healthy subjects (mean used in testing. In particular, hypercoagulable state hematocrit, 41%) [34]. In agreement, increasing can be related to the faulty systems shutting down hematocrit decreased clot strength in a TEG assay activated coagulation factors such as thrombin, to determine fibrinogen after addition of reptilase factor Va, and factor Xa. The inhibitions of these and FXIIIa [71]. Direct effects of low hematocrit factors take place after the formation of activated (anemia) rather than an imbalance between platelets and fibrin, so most clot-based tests are not thrombin and antithrombin may also explain the sufficiently sensitive to detect hypercoagulable findings of “hypercoagulable state” in TEG traces state. Therefore, thromboelastography should be PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF THROMBOELASTOGRAPHY 9

Fig 6. A proposed transfusion algorithm in bleeding patients based on conventional coagulation and ROTEM parameters. For an explanation of the abbreviations of the ROTEM parameters, please refer to Table 1. used primarily to detect thrombocythemia or tion tests and therapeutic options. Clinical presence hyperfibrinogenemia, and other specific assays or likelihood of bleeding should be considered in a should be considered to confirm hypercoagulable specific patient population before implementing states. The latter assays include the assessment of therapies according to laboratory results. Serial antithrombin activity, protein C or protein S measurements of thromboelastography can be used activity, and activated protein C–modified aPTT to guide hemostatic interventions in conjunction (for factor V Leiden) [93]. The calibrated automat- with other clinical and laboratory parameters ed thrombin generation assay (with diluted tissue including body temperature, pH status, hematocrit, factor) can be useful in the evaluation of hypercoa- platelet count, and PT/aPTT. Goal-orientated coag- gulable state as it delineates the overall balance of ulation therapy based on thromboelastographic procoagulant and anticoagulant factors [37,94,95]. findings and preset transfusion algorithms [16,24,97,98] may be advantageous to so-called CLINICAL ALGORITHMS FOR damage control resuscitation with a fixed ratio BLEEDING MANAGEMENT administration of blood products [99,100]. The key Thromboelastography-guided transfusion algo- concept of damage control resuscitation is a rithms have successfully been implemented in the preemptive transfusion of fresh-frozen plasma and treatment of bleeding patients after major surgery platelet concentrates to prevent the development of [16,24,72,96,97]. An example of a transfusion a coagulopathy. A substantial number of patients, algorithm based on ROTEM is shown in Figure 6. however, may receive too many hemostatic prod- It must be clearly stated that this algorithm has not ucts or inappropriate ones, putting these patients at yet been validated. In general, EXTEM and risk for adverse effects of transfusions including FIBTEM are used primarily to evaluate overall acute lung injury, inflammation, infections, and clot stability and fibrin polymerization, respectively increased mortality [1,101]. Finally, normal find- (Fig 2). Thromboelastography-based cutoff values ings in thromboelastography may permit a prompt are not well validated and, therefore, arbitrary. reexploration of surgical causes of bleeding. Importantly, cutoff values should be individually The use of transfusion algorithms in conjunction used and adapted based on the available coagula- with thromboelastography has been shown to reduce 10 BOLLIGER ET AL both transfusion requirements and blood loss in tests, these in vitro methods cannot detect the in cardiac surgery, liver transplantation, and trauma care vivo contribution of endothelial cells or shear [16,21,72,97,98]. It must be noted that the imple- forces of blood flow on local clot formation and mentation of a simple transfusion algorithm without fibrinolysis. Thromboelastography is particularly can also reduce transfusion sensitive to changes in fibrin polymerization and requirements [102,103]. A recent meta-analysis platelet count. Therefore, it is most useful for early failed to show a relevant influence of thromboelasto- detection of trauma and surgery-related dilutional graphy on major morbidity and mortality in bleeding coagulopathy in which plasma fibrinogen and patients [104]. However, this meta-analysis is limited platelets fall rapidly [105]. In addition, it is by the heterogeneity and the low number of included valuable in guiding the use of cryoprecipitate or studies. Further large studies investigating the purified fibrinogen concentrate [106] and poten- potential benefits of thromboelastography-guided tially platelet transfusion. Using thromboelastogra- algorithms are thus warranted. phy in goal-orientated algorithms, clinicians may be able to optimize targeted transfusion therapies CONCLUSION with specific coagulation factor(s) instead of Thromboelastography seems to be valuable for a empirically administering multiple components rapid assessment of hemostatic clot stability, with potentially hazardous effects [101]. Under- providing reliable and clinically valuable informa- standing the working principles and limitations of tion on coagulation processes, and implementing thromboelastography is thereby critical to interpret goal-directed transfusion therapy in bleeding test results and establish hemostasis safely and patients in major surgery and trauma and, with efficaciously. However, large controlled clinical some limitations, in bleeding hemophilic patients. trials comparing strategies of coagulation manage- Perioperatively, physicians might therefore use ment and establishing algorithms and thromboe- thromboelastography as a unique window into lastographic cutoff values for transfusion of blood complex coagulopathy. As with other laboratory product components are needed.

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