SERVING RIO BLANCO COUNTY, COLORADO SINCE 1885 HHaappppyy EEaasstteerr ...... Kai Lynn Watson RR II OO BB LL AA NN CC OO was one of many children to partici - pate in Easter Egg hunts last Saturday. The Lions Club in Meeker and the Elks Lodge in Rangely sponsor the annual events with the help of other local organ - Hera ld Tim es izations, bringing Home of Jonathan and Barbara Daniels many smiles to young faces. DALE HALLEBACH Volume 127, Number 28 I April 12, 2012 I FFIIRREE dDaAnNgGeErR By BOBBY GUTIERREZ
[email protected] BOBBY GUTIERREZ ————— Flames from an agricultural fire on RBC Road 8 did not get out of control but another burn did further east on RBC Road 49. Flames got MEEKER I With the current dry conditions, a controlled burn can get out away from Joe Brown Easter Sunday and burned onto his neighbor’s property. The Parr homestead, two sheds, some farm equipment, of controFl qiurickely,dwheicshtisrwohayt shapPpeanerd rEashteroafmterneoosntoen Laitdtle,Beaver. fences and approximately 80 acres burned before firefighters from the Meeker Volunteer Fire and Rescue Department, interagency firefight - Joe Brown called for help Sunday last when a fire on his property on Rio ers, Juniper Valley Crew and others, including Darryl Nay and RBC commissioner Shawn Bolton controlled what is being called the Blanco County Road 49 got away from him and quickly spread to his neigh - Cottonwood Creek Fire Monday afternoon. Yesterday the National Weather Service issued a Red Flag Warning for most of western damages farm equipment Colorado and eastern Utah due to high winds, dry fuels and low humidity.