2013 University and Foundation Annual Report “A ordability and accessibility are synonymous with Eastern University.Our role as a historic 164-year-old large public university is to serve Michigan citizens by providing an timeline 2012-2013 a ordable, accessible high quality college education.” —Dr. Susan Martin, in testimony to the House Higher Education Appropriations Subcommittee, March 2013

EMU announces Mott Foundation gives EMU education new physician EMU large gift in honor program gains new assistant (PA) of former president partnership with Princeton Review program. John W. Porter. names EMU a best Korea National college in the Midwest University of for 10th consecutive Education. year.

July ’12 august september october november december January  University celebrates  EMU’s student chapter Eastern becomes completion of Phase EMU partners with of the Society for Michigan Cyber II of the Science Environmental Systems Human Resource Range site, continues Complex.  Research Institute on Management named strong presence with new software for K-12 among top 10 cybersecurity and schools. nationally. information assurance.

College of Technology professor Vijay Mannari awarded the Michigan Large incoming The College of Green class (5,076 new Business called Governor’s Award students) welcomed “outstanding” for for his research on on campus. 9th consecutive year soybean oil as coatings by The Princeton materials. Review. 2 Eastern Michigan University Alumnus Scott EMU surpasses Reynolds, editor/ “100 Grand in 100 Marketing professor producer of Showtime’s Days” goal set by Anne Balazs named an “Dexter,” gives the anonymous donor. American Council on Commencement EMU’s Board of Education Fellow. Address. Regents extend Eastern opens new President Susan service-oriented, Martin’s contract. drop-in advising facility in Student Center. 

Apparel, Textiles and Merchandising Athletic Department students using again receives NCAA Mockshop thanks Division I certifi cation to gift from Visual after comprehensive Retailing. review process.  January February march april may June ’13

Eastern Michigan hosts 33rd annual CREDITS undergraduate editorial and project symposium. management by:  Division of Communications and the EMU Foundation principal Writer: Jeff Samoray EMU’s Media Ecology design by: Michael Andaloro class encourages Science Complex earns photography by: Michael community to “unplug.” LEED Gold status. Andaloro, Randy Mascharka EMU ranked one of Cara Jones, fi le photos and stock images the country’s most Eastern Michigan aff ordable schools by published december 2013 introduces new McNair Scholars Aff ordableColleges Program awarded Refl ects honors, awards and entertainment design Online.org. gifts received July 1, 2012 - and technology its second, fi ve-year June 30, 2013 program. competitive grant from the U.S. Department of Education. 2012-13 Annual Report 3 from the president Reaching New Heights astern Michigan University is on a roll. Th is fall we welcomed the largest all, our Honors College now includes 1,200 students and continues to grow. Efreshman class in the University’s 164-year history at 2,872 students. Th is Not only are we att racting more new students, we are graduating more as well. tops the previous all-time high of 2,854 set in 1999. Last spring, we graduated the largest class of undergraduate students in the Uni- Over the past three years, we are the fastest versity’s history with a record of 2,376 students. growing university for new freshman students This year’s Annual Report includes dynamic in the state of Michigan. While state and na- examples of some of the reasons behind our suc- tional trends indicate declining freshman en- cess. Through the stories that follow, you will rollment, Eastern’s story is much diff erent. learn more about the faculty, alumni, donors and For the second consecutive year, we wel- programs that are helping to build and shape comed the largest ever class of fi rst-year un- Eastern Michigan University. dergraduate students, with a total of 5,210 stu- Your support is more important than ever to dents. Th is includes fi rst–time freshmen, trans- help us continue our growth and success, and fer students, students pursuing second degrees to meet the needs of an even greater number of and other new undergraduate students. students. Th e state, national and global economy In addition to record numbers, this year’s requires an increasingly specialized workforce, and incoming class is bett er prepared academi- the sophisticated, practical experience that an East- cally. Th e average GPA of incoming freshmen ern education provides. We are committ ed to work- is 3.24, up from 3.18 in 2012 and 3.11 in 2011. ing together with you—our alumni, friends and Average ACT scores also are climbing. Th is supporters—to continue to create a vibrant, techno- year’s freshman class has an average ACT logically advanced, relevant and beautiful campus score of 22, up from 21.4 last year and 21.1 in that will serve students and the state of Michigan for 2011. decades to come. One of the most important refl ections of Eastern’s academic growth is our Honors College, which accepts students with at least a 25 ACT and a 3.5 high school GPA. Th is year, we enrolled our largest honors fresh- Susan W. Martin man class ever—nearly doubling freshman President enrollment in the program since 2011. Over-

4 Eastern Michigan University from the foundation Lasting Impressions

year after successfully completing our first comprehensive campaign The endowment value reached its highest market value ever at $58 mil- A one year ahead of schedule, I reflect on the impact and investment lion, increasing from a previous record high of $51.4 million in June 2012 alumni and friends continue to make when giving to Eastern Michigan and experienced a fiscal year investment return of 15.4 percent. University. This milestone could not have been The following pages will provide a reached without the generosity of our glimpse of the generosity our alumni alumni and friends. I want to thank you and friends have shown to EMU. The for your ongoing support that allows lasting impressions from their giving EMU to continue providing a world-class can be seen across campus, from state- education and a lasting mark on the lives of-the-art facilities to enhancements in of our graduates, who will go out and community collaborations to support make a difference in their communities. for students, faculty and programs. Every gift we receive truly makes a dif- ference. Thanks to one such gift from an anonymous donor that matched first- Th omas R. Stevick time gifts, more than 800 alumni and Vice President for Advancement & friends stepped up and made their Executive Director, EMU Foundation first gift, raising more than $126,000. Every corner of campus was touched by this challenge, from scholarships to department funds, student initiatives to athletic teams; it truly was a campus wide initiative. Thanks to support from our donors, our endowment reached another mile- stone in Foundation and EMU history.

2012-13 Annual Report 5 GIFTS THAT BUILD KNOWLEDGE Nursing the Future

hen Barbara Scheff er ports an interdisciplinary doctoral joined Eastern’s De- program she helped create. Wpartment of Nursing The Barbara K. Scheff er En- as an instructor in 1976, she only dowed Scholarship in Nursing planned to teach for a couple of provides an annual scholarship years until her young children to a graduate nursing student entered school. in Eastern’s PhD in Educational “Teaching at the university Studies–Nursing Education pro- level fascinated me,” says Scheff er, gram. Scheff er’s children, Amanda who began her career as a staff Brown (BA99) and Daniel Scheff er nurse at each made a generous $5,000 Hospitals in 1967. “Teaching also lead gift to spur the fundraising. gave me a stable and fl exible After receiving a matching gift of schedule, which was important $10,000 from an anonymous do- when my kids were young. I stuck nor and additional contributions around because I never became from colleagues, alumni, friends bored. I really enjoyed the ‘eureka’ and family, the endowment now moments my students had when totals more than $25,000. they understood a concept I was “My decision to retire was teaching.” challenging, but having the schol- Scheff er taught at Eastern arship in place made the decision for 37 years, preparing and more comfortable,” Scheff er says. mentoring students to provide “I’m really pleased that it’s sup- excellent nursing care to the ported entirely by private dona- community and to people with tions, because the funds come psychiatric and mental illness. from people who really value Barbara Scheff er She progressed to full professor nursing education.” and became associate dean in the In addition to helping develop crease as baby boomers age and cators if we want quality health “I’m strongly committed to College of Health and Human Ser- nurse educators who teach stu- the need for health care grows. care. Numerous studies show carrying on the kind of research vices before retiring in July. dents to think critically and utilize “Many nurse educators are that well-educated nurses lead to I’ve done in critical thinking and After inspiring legions of stu- best nursing practices, Scheff er retiring, and there aren’t nearly lower mortality rates in a hospital fi nding better ways to teach dents in her distinguished 37-year hopes the scholarship will have enough young teachers to help setting. These nurses identify nursing. To do that and reduce career, Scheff er continues to pro- an impact on the current nursing develop the next generation of problems faster and intervene the nursing shortage, we must mote nursing education through shortage. The demand for reg- nurses,” Scheff er says. “It’s very more quickly than their less-edu- support students who want to be an endowed scholarship that sup- istered nurses is expected to in- important to support nurse edu- cated counterparts.” nurse educators.” ■

6 Eastern Michigan University BUILDING KNOWLEDGE

berta W. Justice Endowed Scholarship, in the name of a beloved The Lasting Gift of Music colleague. “Michael devoted his life to music hortly before he died in July 2012 therapy and his students,” Winder says. from cancer, Michael McGuire’s “He always talked about helping students Sfriends, colleagues and former stu- who weren’t as fortunate and he put that dents gathered at his home to celebrate into practice. He also had great admira- his life and his friendship. tion for Roberta, who had been a loyal McGuire, EMU professor of Music Thera- friend and colleague for 40 years.” py and director of Eastern’s Music Therapy Justice, a part-time lecturer in the program, welcomed visitors while in hos- Department of Music and Dance, says pice care. Those who gathered sang and McGuire’s gift in her name touched her played “Sunshine of Your Smile” as a tribute deeply. to the man who inspired many students to “Michael’s gift says he valued our become professional music therapists. friendship and the work we did together,” “It was wonderful to see the students Justice says. “He knew that I wouldn’t be who learned music therapy from Michael able to create a scholarship like this. It’s now perform for him,” says Diane Winder, an incredible gift that speaks to his be- professor of cello and head of EMU’s de- lief in collaboration and in giving others partment of Music and Dance. “He used credit. canisters of morphine as maracas. Michael “People should know that underneath was having the time of his life with people Michael’s gruff exterior was a very gener- who loved him and people he loved.” ous and caring person. He always cared In a career at Eastern spanning 26 years, and expected a high level of achievement McGuire not only helped develop the un- from his students and from the music dergraduate Music Therapy program into therapy profession.” one of the largest and most prominent in Terra Merrill, assistant professor of the nation, he also helped unify the profes- Music Therapy and program director, says sion and encouraged many students to McGuire’s generosity serves as an inspira- address the therapeutic needs of people tion for all of us. through music. “Life is short and many of the things As a gesture of extraordinary generos- we build in our lives go with us,” Merrill ity, McGuire made several bequests to says. “Michael’s generosity is part of his Eastern. These include more than $10,000 legacy. His generosity is a wonderful to the Stonewall Endowed Scholarship, challenge to everyone to embrace the more than $43,000 to the Michael G. Mc- act of making a bequest. Those gifts con- Guire Music Therapy Endowed Scholarship, tinue to have a ripple eff ect long after and more than $37,000 to create the Ro- Michael McGuire our lives end.” ■

2012-13 Annual Report 7 GIFTS THAT BUILD KNOWLEDGE

“Dad was always creating some- thing—it wasn’t unusual to fi nd Inspiring the Next Generation him in our basement late at night working on an invention,” Randy dents step up to entrepreneurial says. “He left teaching when he challenges, take risks and fi nd suc- began making more money by sell- of Entrepreneurs cess in the world of business.” ing tools to various manufacturers While growing up in New York across the country. That’s when he or a picture of the model in the 1940s, Hougen earned the formally launched his fi rst business.” American entrepreneur, reputation as the “best auto body Randy was just two classes shy Flook no further than E. repairman in the business” by of a business degree from Eastern Douglas Hougen. creating new and more effi cient when his father asked him to join From age 14 until his death in ways of removing dents and Hougen Manufacturing as a pur- 1999 at age 85, Hougen revolu- straightening frames. He even chasing agent. tionized the manufacturing, con- helped repair one of Babe Ruth’s “I never ended up getting my struction and fabrication industries cars. In the early 1950s, the Gener- degree, but Eastern gave me all with more than 100 inventions. al Motors Institute (now Kettering the essentials I needed to go into His ingenuity in creating tools to solve manufacturing problems led to the founding of fi ve global busi- nesses: Hougen Manufacturing, Inc., Blair Equipment Company, and Trak Star (all based in Swartz Creek, Mich.); Hougen Manufactur- ing, Inc. of Canada; and Hougen Manufacturing, Inc. of Australia. Although Hougen had little formal schooling, he recognized the importance of a solid, practical Hougen Manufactuing in Swartz Creek, Michigan. business education that inspires creativity, innovation and entre- University in Flint) recruited him management,” Randy says. “That’s preneurship. For these reasons, the to teach body work courses. why we decided to make this gift Hougen Foundation made a gener- E. Douglas Hougen Hougen enjoyed teaching, but to Eastern. The University gave ous $35,000 gift to Eastern’s College his true love was inventing. One of me the educational background of Business to establish the Hougen “Throughout his life, dad was EMU in the 1970s—all worked in his early inventions was the Rota- I needed to succeed in business. I Family Endowed Scholarship. Funds all about inventive ideas,” says the family business during their broach, a hole-drilling tool that also think our country is lacking in will support meritorious students Randy Hougen, CEO of Hougen careers. “Dad was also about giving revolutionized auto manufactur- entrepreneurs. My hope is that this seeking a business degree with a Manufacturing. He and his broth- back. He’d be honored to see these ing and building construction. It is scholarship will help develop the major in entrepreneurship. ers Doug and Victor attended scholarship funds help young stu- still widely used today. next generation of innovators.” ■

8 Eastern Michigan University BUILDING KNOWLEDGE

Pozo settled in New Jersey and worked for International Pulp A Legacy of Lifelong Learning and Paper in its import-export and shipping departments. aul Pozo never received Eventually, he earned enough a college degree. But he money to bring his mother, sib- Rdidn’t let that stand in lings and new bride to the U.S. the way of becoming a renais- Following his entrepre- sance man. neurial spirit, Pozo developed “Dad was a lifelong learner,” properties and launched his says Cecilia Pozo Fileti (MA92), own import-export business. a graduate of EMU’s Nutrition He also taught English as a and Dietetics program and Second Language classes part- member of the Physician Assis- time to businessmen, all while tant Program Advisory Board. being a dedicated father and “Just before his death at age husband. In 1996, he and his 84, he was teaching himself to wife relocated to Michigan to read Chinese and he remained be close to family. Later in life, very engaged in life. He loved Pozo served as president and to talk with friends about reli- board member of several com- gion, politics and investments. munity organizations. He also He committed himself to life- enjoyed poetry, chess, tennis long learning.” and bocce. After Pozo’s passing in 2012, “Dad was a kind and gener- his wife, daughters, family and ous humanitarian who was friends established the Raul A. committed to service,” Fileti Pozo Endowed Scholarship with says. “He also helped bring a generous $24,000 gift. Schol- other families to the U.S. from arship awards will be made to Ecuador. They, in turn, had bilingual students who dem- families and created business- onstrate fi nancial need (with es, which adds to the richness preference given to English and Members of the Pozo family pose with a portrait of Raul Pozo. of America’s fabric. Spanish-speaking) in Eastern’s “Even with all his accom- College of Health and Human for our collective good. way to honor him.” Thrust into the role of family plishments, not having a col- Services. The scholarship is “When dad passed, we Pozo was born in Ecuador in patriarch, Pozo came to the lege degree really bothered aligned with Pozo’s legacy of discussed as a family what 1928 and he was the eldest of United States in 1952 to seek dad. But he’d be very proud embracing life, encouraging we could do as a tribute,” Fi- six children. He attended law better economic opportuni- to know that the scholarship continuous self-improvement, leti says. “We knew creating a school for several years but ties. An ambitious, dedicated in his name will help students and strengthening the world scholarship would be a great withdrew when his father died. and hardworking young man, achieve that dream.” ■

2012-13 Annual Report 9 GIFTS THAT SUPPORT FACULTY Community Support Allows Jewish Covenant Foundation, the Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor, the Gerber Charitable Lead Trust, Studies Program to Thrive the Pfi zer Foundation, and the astern Michigan University’s Institute for Language Information recently launched Jewish & Technology. EStudies program isn’t de- “The generosity of our loyal signed just to educate students donors gives EMU faculty mem- about the richness of Jewish bers the time to research and pre- culture and religion. It also forges pare the Jewish Studies courses,” collaborative relationships with Shichtman says. “These are faculty surrounding communities. members hired to teach within The interdisciplinary program, specifi c departments—they’re which debuted in the fall 2010 creating courses for existing ma- semester, off ers a 21-credit minor jors that also count toward the with a host of courses drawing Jewish Studies minor. Our donors faculty from across the University. have been very supportive of the Some of the exciting new courses program. We couldn’t function are “Introduction to History of Ju- without them.” daism,” “Jewish American Politics,” Plans for program expansion and “Jewish Children’s and Ado- include additional courses, more lescent Literature” (the fi rst Jewish study abroad opportunities and children’s literature course taught more faculty research opportuni- in the U.S.). In 2011, the study ties, Shichtman says. abroad class “Representing the Ho- “This winter, students enrolled locaust” provided a life-changing in ‘Becoming Jewish in America’ Professor Martin Shichtman, director of Jewish Studies at EMU, with students during their study abroad class, “Representing the Holocaust.” experience for students who vis- will visit New York, Philadelphia ited Nazi concentration camp sites Carl Levin. In addition, EMU Jewish and the community in many ways,” for teachers and bringing many and Washington D.C. to see sites in Germany, the Czech Republic Studies partners with the Holo- says Martin Shichtman, professor fascinating speakers to campus.” like Ellis Island, the National Mu- and Poland. caust Memorial Center Zekelman of English and director of Jewish Shichtman says the program seum of Jewish American History The program also sponsors a Family Campus of Farmington Studies at EMU. “We not only teach couldn’t have launched without and the United States Holocaust vibrant lecture series for students, Hills to off er summer seminars students about the dramatic im- the community’s generous fi nan- Memorial Museum,” he says. “There staff , faculty and the community. for teachers, and with local pact Jews have made on our social, cial support. This includes several are very exciting things happening Speakers have included Ira Berkow synagogues to bring college-level intellectual and cultural life, we major gifts from an anonymous in EMU Jewish Studies. The gener- of the New York Times, author Sam classes to their institutions. also make strong alliances with the donor as well as grants from osity of our community is making Hoff man and Michigan Senator “We’re serving our students community by off ering seminars EMU Women in Philanthropy, the them happen.” ■

10 Eastern Michigan University SUPPORTING FACULTY Foundation Gift Provides Educational Donna Welch, one of Porter’s daughters, is assistant superinten- dent of Administrative Services Opportunities for All for Huron Valley Schools. She says her father focused on academic hen John W. Porter distinguished civic and education- achievement for all young stu- became EMU president al leader until his death in June dents throughout his career. Win 1979, the Univer- 2012. After leaving Eastern, he was “Dad believed your geographic sity’s future was precarious. Faced superintendant of Public location or economic status with faltering support from state Schools for two years, was ap- shouldn’t hinder your drive to legislators and in danger of clos- pointed to various national com- pursue additional education,” she ing, Porter rolled up his sleeves missions and councils by fi ve U.S. says. “He also believed that school and got to work. He immediately presidents, published books and and community partnerships developed a comprehensive re- papers on urban education, and could help foster the drive to help vitalization, stabilization and continued to serve as a Charles our youth understand the benefi ts expansion plan; created metrics Stuart Mott Foundation trustee. of education and realize their for measuring success; and To honor Porter’s distinguished dreams. Eastern is perfectly poised earned the backing of Lansing. service to the State of Michigan, to make this possible.” Thanks to Porter’s tough and EMU and Michigan philanthropy, Don Loppnow, professor of tenacious leadership, Eastern not the Mott Foundation recently at EMU, served as only survived—it experienced a granted $225,000 in endowment director of research development remarkable period of success and funding to support distinguished under Porter. He says Porter would growth. Enrollment increased, chair activities. The generous gift have been touched by the Mott academic programs launched, brought the chair’s endowment to Foundation’s gift. fundraising grew and athletics $1.6 million. “John cared deeply about the programs improved. Porter retired “I’m delighted that the Mott challenges of education in urban from Eastern in 1989, but his Foundation shares a common settings and would have been legacy continues today. vision for our community,” says humbled by this wonderful gift,” In 1991, EMU’s College of Edu- Eastern COE Dean Jann Joseph. Loppnow says. “His scholarly inter- cation (COE) created the John W. “This signifi cant gift will allow the ests focused on urban education Dr. John Porter was president of EMU from 1979-89. Porter Distinguished Chair in Ur- College of Education to continue and how to improve it. The Chair ban Education. The chair provides an emphasis on school-communi- collaboration and partnerships expanding its commitment to the in Urban Education captures his for the appointment of an annual ty partnerships. Recently, the chair visit the campus to speak about community, making a diff erence passion and has a tremendous scholar who assists EMU in ac- added an annual speaker series. methods of eliminating barriers to in the lives of urban children and impact on the community and tively expanding its role in urban Nationally known educators with success for urban students. creating positive change in the students within the College of school districts in Michigan, with expertise in eff ective models of Porter remained active as a region.” Education.” ■


grant from the National Security Agency. He says both programs Gifts Inspire Teens to encourage youth—especially young girls—to explore the fi eld of technology. “We’re not going to make it Explore Technology as a country if we don’t expose young ladies to careers in in- hanks to a partnership be- formation assurance and cyber tween AT&T, ITC Holdings security,” Lawver says. “The world Tand EMU’s Information is constantly evolving in terms Assurance program, more youth of technology, so there’s a great are being turned on to the cyber need to stay ahead of the learn- security and information assur- ing curve. If we start attracting ance fi elds. students to the fi eld at an earlier In 2013, AT&T and ITC Hold- age, we’ll produce future college ings each generously gave graduates who will immediately $10,000 to support two Informa- be productive upon entering the tion Assurance outreach pro- workforce.” grams for area middle and high Don Keller, director of aca- school students: Cyber Quest demic operations for EMU’s Col- and Digital Divas. Both programs lege of Technology, was also opened up a world of exciting involved in running the Cyber career opportunities for students Quest and Digital Divas pro- who earn degrees within sci- grams. He says these outreach ef- ence, technology, engineering forts will help meet the demand and mathematics. The gift funds for a highly skilled and diverse helped publicize the programs technology workforce. and pay for supplies, equipment “Only one in 12 cyber secu- Students learning hands-on technological applications at a Digital Diva workshop. and student lunches. rity and information assurance Students who participated of their device and how to keep into the cyber security fi eld. cyber bullying, sexting and stalk- professionals is a woman,” Keller in Cyber Quest learned to apply it from being compromised. Nearly 450 area middle and high ing. says. “That’s a tremendous gap security to embedded logic con- About 180 students participated school students participated Skip Lawver, retired associate that needs to be fi lled. Through trollers and construct a wind or in these camps, held throughout in breakout sessions featuring professor of Information Tech- Cyber Quest and Digital Divas, solar generation device to power the academic year at EMU and at speakers from General Electric, nology and former Information we hope to show youth that a cell phone. EMU Information area high schools. Google and EMU information Assurance program director at information assurance and cyber Assurance and Computer Science The Digital Divas event, held assurance and computer science EMU, helped launch the pro- security are wonderful fi elds to faculty members taught the stu- last May at EMU, addressed the students. Some of the topics grams in 2012 after obtaining join. These skills will help keep dents how to ensure the security issue of attracting young women included computer animation, a three-year outreach program our state and nation strong.” ■

12 Eastern Michigan University IMPROVING COMMUNITY Loyal Listeners Show their Passion Our listeners support us be- cause we’re hyper-local. We for Local Programming host our own music programs and include local artists in our n 2011, Eastern’s public $756,000 with $663,000 col- music mix. We also promote radio station, WEMU, faced lected by June 30, 2013, the and support cultural events I some serious financial end of the fiscal year. These in our area. We remain unique challenges. With state fund- funds include a generous ma- and separate from other NPR ing to public colleges and jor gift of $5,000 from the Mo- stations by helping our com- universities cut by 15 percent, saic Foundation. munity maintain its individual subsequent station budget “We broke our previous identity. That really matters to cuts would eliminate much of collections record set in 2012 Washtenaw County listeners.” its local jazz and blues music by $25,000,” Motherwell says. In addition to offering a programming—content not “The $756,000 we raised in variety of programs covering widely available anywhere else commitments is remarkable modern and classic jazz and on the dial. and speaks to the passion our blues and important commu- Knowing the deep passion listeners have for our program- nity news, the station also puts WEMU listeners have for its ming. We hope to set a new Eastern in the spotlight, Moth- programs, station leaders took fundraising record during the erwell says. action. 2014 fiscal year.” “WEMU is a vibrant part of “We enacted a plan to re- Nearly 75 percent of the the community and an impor- duce our dependence on East- funds raised pay staff and sup- tant part of the University,” ern’s general fund by $250,000 port WEMU programs. WEMU she says. “An NPR affiliate is a over three years,” says WEMU has 15 on-air personalities and badge of distinction for any in- General Manager Molly Moth- news reporters, most of whom stitution and we raise Eastern erwell. “We’d offset those cuts work part time. The remaining Michigan University’s visibility. through increased fundraising.” funds pay for National Public We’re here for the community Through on-air pledge Radio [NPR] and Public Radio and we feel that we represent drives, regular mailings to International programs, stu- the University very well.” station members and social dent help and support staff. WEMU broadcasts at 89.1 media posts, fiscal year 2013 “WEMU has a unique posi- FM and online at wemu.org. You became the most successful tion in public broadcasting,” can also listen to live content on fundraising period in WEMU Motherwell says. “We broad- your iPhone or Android device by history. Pledges, commitments, cast in an area with no daily downloading the free WEMU app contracts and gifts totaled Michael Jewett graces the airwaves on WEMU. newspaper or local TV news. at the iTunes store. ■


Guidot says. “But some students First-time Donors Embrace drop out due to fi nancial rea- sons or a family hardship. I made a special commitment thought if I could help those to the campaign, encouraging students in some way by mak- Fundraising Challenge current honors students and ing a gift, it would be a great alumni to become fi rst-time way to make society better.” hanks to a unique giv- donors. The challenge also inspired ing opportunity created “We’re building a spirit of some alumni to create funds Tby an anonymous and philanthropy among our stu- to impact their former areas of extraordinarily generous do- dents,” says Rebecca Sipe, pro- study. Dina Hough (BA03, MS11) nor, many Eastern students, fessor of English and Honors says the challenge provided the alumni and friends took their College director. “More than perfect opportunity for her to fi rst step into the world of phi- 65 current and former honors establish an endowed scholar- lanthropy. students made a gift during ship supporting graduate stu- Last spring, EMU launched the challenge. We created a dents in Hotel and Restaurant “100 Grand. 100 Days.”—a buzz around the campaign by Management who have a pas- new donor challenge. During establishing an honors student sion for research. this initiative, an anonymous activities fund. We invited our “Giving back to Eastern is re- donor, a former EMU Regent, students to give a minimum ally important to help students matched all donations up to of $10 to the fund, which sup- not only see the value of their $5,000 made by any fi rst-time ports various activities like education, but also recognize donor to Eastern until the fi eld trips and study abroad that they’re supported by East- $100,000 goal was met. opportunities. The students ern graduates,” Hough says. The campaign—aimed at were excited about pooling The $100,000 anonymous students, alumni, faculty and their resources to help their gift created a spark for engage- staff , and friends of EMU—was peers take advantage of these ment and philanthropic out- very successful, surpassing kinds of experiences. Some of reach on campus. $100,000 nearly a month the Honors College staff also “I wish I could give the ahead of schedule. More than matched the student gifts.” anonymous donor who created 800 new donors contributed, Ben Guidot, an Honors Col- the challenge a hug,” Sipe says. raising more than $126,000. lege senior studying History “It was one of the most clever The gifts have benefi tted and Anthropology, was one of grass-roots giving opportunities nearly every corner of campus, the students who made a gift I’ve ever seen. It ignited in our from scholarships and depart- during the challenge. students a feeling of connected- ment funds to student initia- “I was very fortunate to ness to Eastern and gave them tives and athletic teams. have the time and the oppor- the ability to make things hap- Eastern’s Honors College Honors College students gather on the steps of Starkweather Hall to celebrate their success. tunity to go back to college,” pen at their university.” ■

14 Eastern Michigan University ENRICHING STUDENT LIFE

says Connelly, a former mem- ber of the EMU Foundation’s Making the Commute Board of Trustees. “My commute to work and class was tough, but I was fortunate because my employer paid my tuition. a Little Easier I couldn’t have attended col- s an Eastern undergrad- lege otherwise. I received more uate who drove from his fi nancial help than many stu- Ajob in downtown Detroit dents do today. That’s why I feel to night classes in Ypsilanti, Jeff so good about giving back to Connelly (BA71) remembers the Eastern.” trials and tribulations commuter Connelly says his experience students face. as a working student—coupled “As a working parent, I just with his Eastern coursework— couldn’t take day classes,” says gave him an early career boost. Connelly, a retired oil and gas “Students who work and at- executive who lives in Houston. tend class have some advantag- “I lived in Milford and drove es over their non-working peers,” about 50 miles to work. At the he says. “I had opportunities to end of my work day, I got on the apply what I was learning to my freeway and went to my classes job on a daily basis. That really at Eastern. Then I headed home enhanced my professional op- to Milford. Sometimes, to help portunities. By the time I gradu- shorten the commute, I slept in ated from Eastern, I was well on the basement of a relative who my way to a rewarding career.” lived in Wyandotte. My com- Connelly continues to con- mute made for some long days. tribute funds to the scholarship I didn’t get to see my family as annually. To date, his scholarship much as I would have liked.” gifts total $89,000. Knowing that many of to- “I started making fi nancial day’s Eastern students face gifts to Eastern almost as soon as similar work and commuting I graduated,” Connelly says. “Three circumstances, Connelly de- EMU commuter students walk to class after arriving on campus. of my four sons are also college cided to extend a helping hand. graduates, and I encourage In 2006, he made a generous expendable scholarship and a members each year. About ten ment of 23,000 are commuters. them to give back as well. People $9,000 gift to create the Con- permanent endowed scholar- students each year receive a “The scholarship helps com- helped me attend college—how nelly Scholarship for Commuter ship that makes awards to EMU scholarship award. Nearly 19,500 muter students pay for tuition can I not help others achieve Students. The funds provide an Commuter Student Association of EMU’s current student enroll- and other college expenses,” their goals and dreams?” ■

2012-13 Annual Report 15 The Year in Review Fiscal year 2013 activity once again resulted in the highest endowment market value in EMU’s history, increasing from a previous record high of $51.4 million in June 2012 to a new record high of $58 million in June 2013. Total funds raised during fiscal year 2013 reached $5,007,775, representing cash gifts of $4,740,600 and gifts-in-kind of $267,175. Approximately $1.4 million of current year giving was designated for endowed scholarships and endowments, which are managed by the Foundation.

Endowment Market Value LEFT: Endowment Reaches Highest Market Value in EMU History $60M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • The endowment ended the year at $58 million, including planned gifts managed by the Foundation of $830,000. The $50M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •endowment • • • • • • • • • • • • portfolio• • • • • • • experienced a fiscal year investment return of 15.4 percent. The net impact of the positive $58,044,421 $40M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •investment • • • • • • • • • • • return,• • • • • • • normal• endowment spending and new

$51,413,003 gifts and transfers designated for the endowment resulted

$48,205,918 in the highest endowment market value in EMU history. $30M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $40,726,822

$20M • • • • • • • • • • • $36,335,495 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

$10M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Funding Provided from Endowed Scholarships and Endowments

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2012-13 $1,302,163

2011-12 $1,456,024

Right: Funding Provided from Endowed Scholarships and Endowments 2010-11 $1,383,425 Endowed scholarships and endowments provide an ongoing source of income to EMU’s students and 2009-10 $1,175,038 programs. In fiscal year 2012-13, the University received $1,302,163 from the endowment.

2008-09 $1,375,346 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

$200,000 $400,000 $600,000 $800,000 $1M $1.2M $1.4M

16 Eastern Michigan University Total Number of Donors

10,000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9,819 9,746 8,000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •9,677 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 9,170 8,803

6,000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Immediate Use Gifts to EMU for Programs

and Scholarships Cash Gifts Gifts-in-Kind Total Gifts 4,000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

$5M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $2,509,329 $4,983,434 2,000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $4.5M $3,511,054 $5,198,126 $4M • • • • • • • • • • • • • •$5,103,258 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

$4,627,845 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 $3.5M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $3,264,41• • • • • • • •3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

$3M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

$3,872,068 $2,911,581 Above: Total Number of Donors $2.5M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $2,593,929

$3,178,756 Eastern Michigan University has bucked declining donor $2M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • number trends seen across the fundraising industry during $1.5M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • the last five years. Generous donors who understand there has never been a more crucial time to support education $1M • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $1,116,791 have answered our call and given through improved annual $500,000 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • $607,655• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • giving solicitations and communication channels. The EMU $267,175 Foundation has seen an average increase of 189 donors per $214,692 year during the last five fiscal years. 2008-9 2009-10 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13

Above: Immediate Use Gifts to EMU for Programs and Scholarships Gifts for immediate use help the University meet urgent scholarship and program needs. In 2012-13, approximately $3.2 million was dispersed to EMU for distribution. This figure includes cash gifts and gifts-in-kind received directly by EMU along with cash gifts distributed to EMU from the Foundation.

2012-13 Annual Report 17 President’s Society 2012-13 Cumulative Giving Circles

The prestige of President’s Society membership is reserved for donors who have distinguished themselves by making significant lifetime cash-based contributions to the University through the Eastern Michigan University Foundation. Names are carried in memoriam for one year.

1849 Circle UAW-Chrysler Corp. The Woodrow Wilson National Electronic Distribution Processing Inc. George Petredean Green and White Circle Lifetime gifts of $1 Million or more United Soybean Board Fellowship Foundation Ervin Industries Inc. Pfizer Foundation Lifetime gifts of $50,000 - $99,999 Anonymous Washtenaw Community College Zakhour Youssef Family Exxon Chemical Co. Linda N. and William F. Powers Anonymous American Electric Power Foundation WWJ Newsradio 950 ExxonMobil Foundation Principal Mutual Life Insurance Marcia R. Allen-Thomas and Delores S. and William K. Brehm Alma Mater Circle William E. Fennel John Psarouthakis and Eugene J. Thomas Charter Township of Ypsilanti Ypsilanti Circle Lifetime gifts of $100,000 - $249,999 Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Antigoni Kefalogiannis American Honda Foundation Darrell H. and Charlotte M. Cooper Lifetime gifts of $250,000 – $499,999 ACL Services Ltd. Fifth Third Foundation Edward F. Redies Foundation Inc. Amoco Corp. Discount Tire Anonymous Donald E. Adams Community Foundation for Arthur A. and Diane M. Rockall Ann Arbor News E-Gridiron Group Ann Arbor Area Community Foundation Leah D. and Tim G. Adams Southeastern Michigan Alice Rolfes-Curl and Rane L. Curl ANR Pipeline Co. Ford Motor Co. Fund Bonisteel Foundation Adistra Corp. General Motors Powertrain Norma J. and Richard N. Sarns Richard L. and Linda Baird Bruce T. Sr. and Diane Halle The Christman Co. American Axle and Manufacturing Karin M. Gustine Charles E. Schell Foundation Fifth Third Bank of Ann Arbor Kresge Foundation Consumers Energy Foundation American Coatings Association Hammell Music Bank Trustee BankOne Oracle Corp. Engineering Technology Associates Ameritech Corporate Alethea K. Helbig Harold F. and BASF Corp. Pfizer Inc. Freeman Manufacturing & Supply Richard J. Annesser Dale E. and Gloria M. Heydlauff Carolyn S. Schimmelpfenneg Berry & Associates Inc. Albert Scaglione Muriel J. Gilbert Trust ASC Inc. Peter N. and Henrietta M. Heydon Robert J. and Julie Skandalaris Big E Run Keith J. and Heather Stone Great Lakes Fisheries Trust AT & T James D. Hoeschele Roger F. and Margaret S. Smith Martin J. Blied UAW-Ford Motor Co. Fund The Harry A. and Margaret D. Towsley Automatic Data Processing Inc. The Sallie Mae Fund Society of Manufacturing Engineers Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Foundation Barnes & Noble Hollingsworth Logistics Management Steelcase Inc. Foundation Exemplar Circle Johnson Controls Inc. Donald G. Jr. and Gail J. Barr Robert H. Jr. and Shelley M. Holman T & N Industries Inc. Kenneth and Susan C. Bruchanski Lifetime gifts of $500,000 – $999,999 Robert L. Johnston Jr. Barton Malow Co. The Colonel Joshua Howard Chapter Claudia B. Wasik Nancy R. Buckeye Anonymous W.K. Kellogg Foundation Lana L. Berry NSDAR Jack Weiss Sally L. and Ian R. Bund Applicon Inc. Susan G. Komen Fund John F. and Michelle Bodary Edwin W. and Suzanne M. Jakeway WJR Radio Station Business Professionals of America The Chrysler Foundation The Kube Trust Harry W. Bowen KeyBank Woods Construction Inc. Patricia L. and Joseph D. Butcko DTE Energy Foundation Lincoln Health Care Foundation William G. and Anne M. Clark KMS Fusion Inc. World Heritage Foundation Margaret I. Campbell and Kurtis Kitchen & Bath General Motors Corp. Masco Corp. Comcast Cable Communications Inc. Mary Ida and Carl D. Yost Raymond L. Campbell Jr. Comerica Inc. Marshall Field’s Frances Youssef Caterpillar Inc. Gerber Technology Inc. Jeanne and Ernest Merlanti Jeffrey A. and Jennifer K. Connelly Kathryn M. McWilliams Issa N. Youssef Chase Manhattan Foundation Huron Shores Ltd. Partnership Michigan DECA Corp for Public Broadcasting Judith C. Mich Ypsilanti Marriott Joseph A. and Nancy A. Chrzanowski Phil J. Jenkins Microsoft Business Solutions Crain’s Detroit Business Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund Citizens Bank Kmart Corp. Philice Nemecheck Trust CRN Foundation The Mosaic Foundation In Memoriam Clearr Industries Inc. Daniel J. and Florentina L. McClory Delbert E. Pearson Trust Milo L. and Chrissie M. Danzeisen Richard W. and Cheryl A. Neu J. Michael Bragdon CMAC - EMU McGregor Fund Primavera Systems Inc. Dart Foundation PaineWebber Inc. - New Jersey Michael G. McGuire Coca-Cola Bottling Co. of Michigan Morgan Mitsubishi Development Co. Skillman Foundation Domino’s Pizza LLC-Ann Arbor Paint Research Associated Labs Inc. Thomas F. Mich Melonie B. and John M. Colaianne Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Jaclynn C. and Steven M. Tracy Michigan Pepsi-Cola - New York Barbara B. Weiss Glenda G. Cornette Oakwood Healthcare System Evelyn V. Tucker Drug Emporium R&B Machine Tool Visual Retailing LLC Dykema Gossett PLLC We do our best to maintain an accurate, up-to-date list of donors and apologize for any errors or omissions. The recognition period for SAP America Inc. Lillian J. Williams Charitable Trust Marc Scaglione Eagle Crest gifts in this report is from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Please contact EMU Foundation offices at 734.484.1322 with any corrections.

18 Eastern Michigan University Wallace T. and Mayble E. Cripps Mark Longo Natalie A. and Edward D. Surovell James M. and Marjorie R. Barnes CSI Enterprises Inc. Lorenz-Smith-Lorenz Gregory and Susan Tarle Dennis M. and Charline Beagen Marcia A. Dalbey and Joanne L. The Ludy Family Foundation A. Alfred Taubman Peter J. and Linda A. Beck Verlinden Management Computer Control Tecumseh Products Co. Michael D. and Jan F. BenDor Tarik and Helen Daoud Manfredi Orthotic & Prosthetic Kathleen D. and Francis J. Tinney Donald H. and Gene A. Bennion Benjamin is the Daoud Foundation Roger J. McClow and Suzanne T. Tower Inn Wise Guyz 1 Beyer Hospital Auxiliary student representative Deloitte Foundation Posler-McClow TRW Information Services Division Beyer Medical Staff on the Council for Alice J. and Thomas D. Dessellier Edward J. and Mary J. McEachern UHY Advisors Tax Business Consultants Regina S. and G. Peter Bidstrup Exceptional Children’s Detroit Diesel Corp. Michigan National Corp. Unisys Corp. of Plymouth Blue Care Network Board of Directors, Margo L. Dichtelmiller and Michigan Virtual Automotive College United States Government Department The Bosphorous Group Inc. an international Katherine Van Hoy Nancy S. Katz Michigan Wrestling Club Joseph L. Braden professional Digital Equipment Corp. Miller Canfi eld Paddock & Stone PLC Videojet Jim Bradley Pontiac Buick GMC Distributive Education Clubs Of America MLM Charitable Foundation Bruce L. Warren Bran + Luebbe organization based in Joan S. Doman Willie B. Morgan Larry and Janice M. Warren Brick Tech Architectural Arlington, Va. Duracell Corp. Michael and Linda C. Morris James Welch Foundation William J. and Laura J. Brickley Dyer Memorial Trust Cruse W. and Virginia P. Moss Wendy J. Wenner and Jan Goekerman Gene D. and Jane T. Bruce Benjamin White Elf Atochem North America James H. Mulchay III and Diana Little Roy E. and Cynthia Wilbanks Pauline W. and James D. Buchanan Sr. Special Education Exemplar Manufacturing Co. National Precast Inc. Kenneth M. and Rosemarie Williams Joseph A. and Mae A. Butcko Rochester Hills, Mich. G. Keith and Marilyn K. Fisher Nebraska Book Co. Ellen B. Wilt Catherine M. and Charles W. Cart Delores Soderquist Brehm The Flint Group Bette M. Woods NEC Computers Central Title Service Inc. Endowed Scholarship in General Motors Truck & Business Group Net-Linn Publishing Solutions/ Amelia S. and David D. Chan in memoriam Special Education Gill Foundation Ctext Inc. Chelsea Milling Co. Joseph A. Ditzhazy Sr. Glory Educational Resource Inc. New Urban Learning Chisbetts Foundation Dorothy J. and Ivan W. Gorr Maxe A. Jr. and Theresa A. Obermeyer aCademiC leaders CirCle Betts P. and Donald S. Chisholm Great Lakes Commission Bernard O’Connor Lifetime gifts of $25,000 - $49,999 Nancy J. Chwalik Bert I. and Phyllis Greene Robert E. Oliver Anonymous CISCO Co. Jerry D. and Sandra L. Hayes Daniel S. and Sarah R. Opperman 84 Lumber Co. Citigroup Foundation Inc. The Lewis Hertz Foundation Pall Life Sciences A&W Restaurant Inc. City of Detroit Hickory Woods Golf Course John N. and Mary I. Pappas AAUW Ann Arbor Branch George L. Cogar and Darlene L. Shaw Randall B. and Lynn Hougen Par Systems AF Smith Electric Inc. Tracy-Marie J. Colden Huron Valley Printing & Imaging Lucy N. Parker Alcoa Wheel Products The Coleman Foundation Inc. Philip A. and Laurie Incarnati Matthew J. and Inger M. Plaza Irene A. Allen Terry L. and Deborah J. Collins Internet Corp. PPG Industries Foundation American Chemical Society Ellene T. and George N. Contis Invesco Management & Research PricewaterhouseCoopers American Electric Power Co. Cook Composites and Polymers Marilyn L. Jacob Project Management Institute American National Molding LLC Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. The Lloyd and Mabel Johnson Educational Foundation Arthur Andersen LLP Foundation Crescive Die & Tool Inc. Foundation Milton M. Ratner Foundation Angelo A. Angelocci Derrick N. and Noelle K. Dabbs Louise Jones and Henry Beckwith Roy L. and Christina Rennolds Ann Arbor Transportation Authority John Darr Mechanical Inc. JP Industries Omer E. Robbins Jr. AON Risk Services Central Inc. Christine R. Day and Gerald S. Huber Ronald A. Jyleen Marvin J. Roberson Sharon C. and Eric K. Apollo Delicious Brand Inc. The James A. and Faith Knight SBC Foundation James R. and Helen Applegate Delta Dental Plan of Michigan Foundation Franziska I. Schoenfeld Marilyn A. Appner-Falor and Doha International Institute for Family Conrad W. Koski The SDSC Global Foundation Bernard Falor Studies and Development Steven J. and Joanne Lebowski Sesi Motors Inc. Daniel C. and Victoria A. Arbour Dow Chemical Co. Elaine and John Leigh Donald E. and Marjorie K. Shelton Automatic Apartment Laundries The Dow Chemical Foundation Lilly Industries Inc. William E. Shelton B. C. Contractors Inc. Dennis M. Dresser Sandra J. Lobbestael Thomas W. Sidlik and Rebecca Boylan The Albert C. Bean Sr. Scholarship and John S. and Elizabeth S. Dugan Raymond W. and Kim S. Lombardi Barbara A. and Stanton C. Smart Loan Foundation The John & Genevieve Dyer Lone Star Steel Co. Anthony L. and Shawn Snoddy John W. and Betty Barfi eld Educational Foundation Inc.

2012-13 Annual Report 19 Timothy J. Dyer Iowa State University Science & Michigan Space Grant Consortium SkillsUSA E. I. Dupont de Nemours & Co. Technology Michigan Works Irene M. Smith East Michigan Environmental ITW Devilbiss Mid-Michigan Fabrication Inc. Susan K. Souder Action Council Konanur G. and Arundati Janardan Minnesota Mining & Mfg Southwestern Metropolitan Title Co. Endicott College S. C. Johnson & Son Inc. Jack D. and Esther L. Minzey Richard and Patricia J. Spears Dental school is next Environmental Purifi cation Ind Judith B. Jones Edward W. and Susan M. Mizinski Spencer Foundation for Jumanah, who Environmental Systems Research Norene E. Kanagy William P. Morris Elizabeth B. Spokes Institute Inc. Cyril and Rona Moscow sees dentistry as the Chester J. and Barbara A. Kapla St Joseph Mercy Health System Gary L. Evans and Abe A. and Elaine E. Karam William and Margaret J. Moylan St Joseph Mercy Hospital perfect mix of clinical, Katherine E. Strand-Evans Karl Litten Inc. Michelle M. Mueller and Rodney Stark offi ce and lab work. Fantasy Attic Costumes David and Rachael B. Kasper Michael S. Gault The Gregory W. Stevens Family Randall Fenton Key Foundation National Council For Community & Suzanne J. Stevens Fifth Third Bank Robert P. Sr. and Linda S. Knepper Education Partnerships Stu Evans Lincoln Mercury Jumanah Saadeh Beth and Joseph J. Fitzsimmons Charles W. and Diane L. Kopec National Council of Teachers of English Biology Suburban Motors Inc. Karen E. and Daniel L. Florek NSK Corp. Ann Arbor, Mich. Adam Kozma Brian E. and Julia O. Sullivan Foto 1 Photographic & Digital I John E. and Theresa M. Oberdick Bert Johnson Biology William G. Kring Edward Surovell Realtors Framatone Connectors Interlock Endowed Scholarship William F. and Charleene M. Kromer Ronald E. Oestrike David D. and Rosina Tammany Frankenmuth Bavarian Inn Sai R. Kumar Ohio Willow Wood Thomas Jr. and Sharon M. Tate Fremont Area Community Foundation June Kureth D. Robert Okopny Jean B. Templeton Monroe P. and Rita J. Friedman Larry M. and Susan M. Kuzak Michael J. and Karen M. Paciorek Steve Templeton Rollin M Gerstacker Foundation Mildred K. Lane Paideia Foundation Norman and Marguerite Thal The Gerstenslager Corp. Gilbert and Shirley Lanoff Francine Parker Leonard J. and Gail Theisen Donald W. and Alice I. Giese John Lansing Robert C. Jr. and Phyliss A. Parks Maureen E. Thomas John W. Glace Cliff ord J. Lavers and Zheng Peng Nancy M. Thompson Glidden Co. Carmela Cole-Lavers Pennsylvania House Furniture Hugh S. and Jane Thomson Steven G. and Joann Gordon Thomas A. and Mary B. Layher Plasticolors Inc. Tooling & Equipment International Stephen I. and Myrna S. Gracon Lear Corp. Pontiac Business Development Trailblazers of Washtenaw Erich Graf Su-Chen J. and Hui-Chung Lin Center Inc. Stewart and Gail A. Tubbs The Grainger Foundation Inc. Billy E. Lintner Cecilia M. Pozo-Fileti and Turner Construction Co. Gerald and Norma J. Grijak Donald M. and Nancie N. Loppnow William Fileti UFCW Local 951 Foundation Haab’s Restaurant John P. Loree Preferred Plastic Corp. Susan B. Ullrich Nancy L. Halmhuber Navarre Ernest J. Ludy Prime Computers Inc. United States Enrichment Corp. Carolyn G. Hartnett Madar Association for Participatory Peggy J. Pursell United Way of Washtenaw County Jeanette M. Hassan and Democracy Quadrants Inc. Jiu-Hwa L. Upshur Donald W. Pearson Susan W. and Lawrence W. Martin Quicken Loans USA Today John L. and Joanne L. Hegener Thomas E. Martin Jr. Rhone-Poulenc Rorer Inc. Valspar Foundation Gail L. and Alan G. Hering Doeren Mayhew & Co. PC Jerry Robbins Verizon Foundation Sanford H. and Barbara S. Herman Courtney and Sharon McAnuff Brian A. and Clara E. Rogers James F. and Helen M. Vick Chris A. and Dana M. Hoiles Arthur N. and Jennie M. McCaff erty Mark R. Sadzikowski Eric W. and Marilyn D. Walline Robert O. Holkeboer Sally R. McCracken Schwab Charitable Fund Bette L. Warren Howard S. and Carole E. Holmes Wilbert J. and Virginia M. McKeachie Ilene P. Schwartz Robert J. Weinburger and Bert G. Hornback Mary L. McKenny Security Plastics Ltd. Nancy M. Geiger Arthur S. and Marie L. Howard John J. McManus Shearson Lehman Hutton Renee D. Weinman Jill M. and Van R. Hunsberger Kristy L. and James L. Meretta Shell Westhollow Technology Ct Lee J. and Pam A. Westerhold IBM Corp. Merrill Lynch & Co. Foundation Inc. Sidney and Robert Katzman W. Scott Westerman Jr. ICI Paints Michigan Business Review Foundation Ronald D. and Judith White Industrial Power Systems Inc. Michigan Japanese Bilingual Deborah A. Silverman Ronald D. and Marsha E. Williamson Internal Auditing Academic Education Foundation Inc. Robert E. and Evelyn Sims Wongs Circuits Inc. Advancement Fund Inc. Michigan SkillsUSA Charles Single Stewart D. and Carolyn W. Work

20 Eastern Michigan University Ypsilanti Heritage Festival Inc. William A. Ervasti Paul S. Bruss Nancy L. Dahl Michael C. Zahratka Betty L. and James D. Barber Thomas L. Burean and John B. and Nancy W. Damoose Frank R. and Faye M. Zimmerman Rosalyn L. Barclay Deborah R. Ettington Jeff rey and Sara P. Dansky Cheryl A. Barget and John C. and Janis R. Burkhardt Dant-Clayton in memoriam Thomas B. Darnton Ella M. Burton Deborah Davis Elizabeth V. Giles Dudley R. and Turalee A. Barlow BYK Gardner USA Glenn H. and Joan E. Davis A scholarship Serge and Susan M. Barna Ted M. and Beverly H. Caff erty Michael W. R. and Karen S. Davis gave Matthew the sCholars CirCle Barnabas Foundation Ovidiu Calin Emily C. Day chance to develop Lifetime gifts of $10,000 – $24,999 Carolyn J. Bartle Carlson Wagonlit Travel Dean Transportation Inc. his Undergraduate Anonymous Daryl L. Barton Carol A. Carrick Jonathan D. Dean and Symposium research Rita E. Abent Lydia R. and Bradford Bates Johnny Jr. and Charlotte A. Carson Denise M. Tanguay project on current Marsha Ackermann and Center for Sports Medicine/Fitness Bechtel Foundation James E. Defebaugh IV literature and culture. Thomas K. Black III Becker Orthopedic Ronald C. Cere Sandra J. Defebaugh Acme Glass Albert W. and Susan Belskus Champs Foundation Charitable Trust Dell Inc. Action Rental Neal H. and Jeanette L. Bench Margaret D. Charbeneau Ronald and Anita J. Delph Matthew Hamilton Jo Ann Aebersold Normajean M. Bennett JP Morgan Chase Bank NA Dennis J. Delprato Language, Literature and AeroMedia Marketing Inc. Jeff rey D. and Stephanie W. Bergeron Richard E. and Sue H. Chase Roger R. Demonet Writing – Teachers Aetna James R. and Deborah M. Beuche Louisa and James Chen DENSO International America Inc. Grand Blanc, Mich. Gisela Ahlbrandt and Michael T. Rains Jean S. Bidwell Jui-Chung R. Cheng Desoto Inc. The Stephen M. and Michael Allemang and Janis A. Bobrin Big Three Classic Chevron Corp. Detroit Paint & Coatings Association Dena J. Wirt Expendable Alliant Tech Systems Thomas D. and Leah M. Biggs Rose E. and Carl S. Christoph Detroit Symphony Orchestra Hall Scholarship Alpha Stamping Paul G. and Laura C. Bird Fred J. Chynchuk Sara Jo Devine Alpha Xi Delta Fraternity P. Nick and Claudia A. Blanchard Rudolfo D. and Judith M. Cifolelli Robert J. Donnellan Alrose Inc. Tamara E. Bloor and Roger Steinke Clay-Adams Donnelly Corp. Brenda T. and Kevin Alten Blue Cross Blue Shield - Southfi eld David L. and Carol R. Cliff ord Katherine Donvig Alterra Healthcare Corp. Michigan CNC Software Inc. Douglas Autotech American Bumper Mfg Co Danny M. and Patricia G. Bongiovanni Coaches Catastrophic Carpet Care Eugene V. Douvan American Chemical Society Huron Morell D. and Carolyn J. Boone Coatings Industry Education FD Patrick J. and Elaine C. Doyle Valley Section Boone & Darr Inc. Mary Louise Cody William Dreyer American Express Foundation Howard D. and Luanne R. Booth Consumers Energy/CMS Energy Dreyfus Foundation American Psychoanalytic Borden Foundation Inc. Convergence Education Foundation The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Association Inc. Borders Books & Music Inc. Susan P. Convery Foundation Inc. AmeriCenter of Bloomfi eld Borg-Warner Foundation Inc. Douglas and Christine Cook DRW Electric Ameritech of Michigan Robert Bosch Corp. Corp! Magazine John C. III and Suzanne M. Dugger Anderson Paint Co. Mary S. Boyden 1977 Trust Roger and Calista D. Coryell Dukane Corp. William F. and Mary C. Anhut Michael J. and Roberta K. Brabec Crane Construction Company Inc. Dun & Bradstreet Corp. Ann Arbor Computing Beryl L. Bradick Jasper E. and Merideth A. Creech Dupage Die Cast Corp. Ann Arbor Presidents Association Linda Braman Crocodile LTD Renaissance Jamie L. and Robert E. Dylenski David G. and Kristin L. Anticuar Benjamin A. Braun Robert W. and Marsha K. Crosby E & C Associates Prema D. Arya Trust Brencal Contractors Inc. Gilbert B. and Peggy L. Cross Gavin R. Eadie and Barbara G. Murphy Charles R. III and Linda K. Ash Michael M. Bretting Raymond E. Cryderman Eastman Kodak Co. AT&T Information Systems Donald C. and Linda K. Briedrick CTS Corp. Clare E. and Delphine C. Ebersole AutoAlliance International Inc. Elizabeth Broughton Cueter Chrysler Jeep Dodge Dneyse Ebersole Auto-Owners Insurance Co. Robert Brower Alice J. Cullen Andrew M. and Linda Eggan AXA Advisors Michael D. Brown Marci and Bruce L. Cunningham Allen S. and Karen Ehrlich Marcia Bailey Betty Brown-Chappell and Patrick J. Jr. and Juanita D. Curley Electra-Sound Inc. Wayne D. and Diane E. Bailey Michael J. Chappell John P. Curran and Andrea Sims Carolyn G. Embree Rosella M. Bannister Joan Brundage D C P Computer Environmental Quality Co. Susan V. Baptie-Ervasti and Jack P. Brusewitz Carolyn and Dennis A. Dahl John M. and Margaret S. Erikson

2012-13 Annual Report 21 Ernst & Young LLP Cynthia L. Koch Roberta T. Hause Joseph J. and Beverly J. Jorfi J. Michael and Mary C. Erwin Ramesh C. and Rita Garg Frank P. Harvey Francis P. Jr. and A. C. Judge Quinn Evans Architects William E. Garrity Michael D. and Orlene Hawks Valerie F. and Michael Kabat Experimental Aircraft Association Diane A. and David J. Geherin Agnes R. Hayden Kalamazoo Foundation Chapter 55 Inc. General Electric Foundation Hemlock Semi-Conductor Phyllis J. Kalmbach David is a lab Facing History and Ourselves General Motors Foundation Jerry L. and Cassandra J. Henderson Kamax-GB DuPont Corp. technician at BASF Richard T. and Barbara A. Fairfi eld H. Nicholas and Sharon L. Genova Robert J. Henderson III Kappa Kappa Psi — The Chemical Thomas M. and Sandra G. Falk Genuine Health Inc. Freman and Elaine Hendrix Stuart A. and Julie D. Karabenick Company, where John A. III and Sidney L. Fallon The Gerber Foundation Heritage Door LLC Christine Karshin he synthesizes Saeed M. and Dorothy Farhat Gerber Products Co. Earle B. Higgins Sr. Kaufman Memorial Trust polyurethanes. Beverly Farley Robert A. and Margaret G. Giles Kathleen and William J. Hillegas John E. Kelley The Farm Cupboard Inc. William R. and Lorain R. Giles George W. and Cheryl A. Hofman Douglas A. and Laura A. Kelly Farmers Insurance Group Inc. Cleon and Karen Gilliam Hartmut F. Hoft Kemmet Electronics Corp. David Ager Ethel F. Farnsworth Dan W. Gladney Juanita M. Holley Reid Elizabeth E. Kennedy Fund Polymers and Coatings Federal-Mogul Corp. Nancy Goff John C. Holman and Kerrytown Associates Ltd. Technology F. B. & V. V. Fehsenfeld Foundation Gold Coast Charter Service Inc. Louise A. Buff myer-Holman Charles S. and Ann C. Kettles Ann Arbor, Mich. Alan J. and Rosie Fellhauer Manuel T. and Mary Jane Gonzalez Hong Kong S & T Limited Killins Concrete Co. Lilly Industries Inc. Robert L. and Mary J. Ferrett Jerry F. and Marilyn S. Gooding Carl Hood Elizabeth C. and Paul R. King Endowed Scholarship Festival of Foods Spaghetti Bender David R. and Margaret A. Goodrich Howard F. Hood Wendy and David W. Kivi Fieldman Sims Foundation Gordon Advisors PC Ruth A. Hornacek Kiwanis Club of Greater Ypsilanti Lynette Findley James W. and Marla J. Gousseff Howard & Howard Attorneys PC Roseland P. Klein Kenneth B. Fine and Rebecca Canary Governmental Consultant Services Inc. Sally H. Hubbard Gary A. and Nancy G. Kliza Rodney B. and Kathleen M. Finzel Robert C. II and Deborah T. Grady Ned and Diane Hugg John R. and Marcia Knapp First of America Bank — Ann Arbor Grant Thornton LLP Ruth J. Husung Thomas M. Konopka Michigan Michael J. Graves James M. and Jan L. Hylko KPMG Peat Marwick Foundation Barry A. and Thea Fish Tamara Greco and Jonathan E. Fliegel Jennifer L. Iden-Liss David A. and Kathy Kreinbring Lolita W. Fisher Greek Organizations Illinois Bell/Ameritech Mary M. Krieger Brian L. and Debra M. Fitzgerald John E. Green Co. Independent Charities of America Robert A. and Marie C. Kromer Stephen F. Fletcher and Donna K. Boe James P. and Mary T. Greene Integrated Design Solutions LLC Krumm Agency LLC The Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for The Greene-Milstein Family Integrated Marketing Group Bert C. and Geraldine M. Kruse Inc. Foundation Martha E. Irwin KTH Parts Industries Maureen Foley and C. John Blankley Dorothy J. Greer Julie A. and Everett N. Israel Sara A. Lademan and John J. Janowski The Henry Ford II Fund GTE Foundation ITC Corp. Lambda Chapter of Phi Sigma Epsilon Chris J. and Terrance J. Foreman GTE-Walmet ITT Automotive-New Lexington Jeff rey M. Lapinski and Kathryn L. Forier Joseph and Gloria Gurt Richard G. and Carol E. Jacobson Beverly J. Bonning Pat D. Foster Thomas M. and Dolores D. Gwaltney David F. and Penny Jadwin Russell R. Larson and Ann W. Martin William M. and Dorothy L. Foster Bethann A. Gyorke-Krumm and Japan Business Society of Detroit Doreen A. Lawton John C. and Marjorie A. Fountain Ernest E. Krumm Foundation La-Z-Boy Chair Co. Debra S. Fovenesi Lawrence W. and Karen F. Hamilton Japanese School of Detroit Jennifer C. and Scott D. Leach Ursula R. Freimarck Lee M. and Patricia A. Hancock Rocky J. Jenkins David Leapard Barbara Friend Jason N. and Laura J. Hansen Carey J. Jernigan John R. Leekley Diane L. and David A. Friese Joanne J. Hansen Jewish Community Foundation of Elizabeth E. Leith Gary A. Frownfelter Ruth A. Hansen Greater Ann Arbor Pamela A. Lemerand Sammy Fullerton Rachel Brett Harley Johns Hopkins University Glenn M. and Cynthia L. Lenardon Jeff rey L. and Beverly K. Fulton Harmon-Motive Inc. Cynthia M. Johnson Michael R. and Patricia R. Levine Beverly J. Fultz Bruce C. Harms Robbie A. and Henry Johnson David B. Lewis Steven G. and Paige M. Futrell Stephen L. Harner Johnson Controls Foundation Michael D. Lewis Patrick R. and Theresa A. Gannon Linda and William L. Harris John E. Jr. and Dolores Johnson Michael J. and Michele R. Libbing Christopher J. Gardiner and Marcia D. Harrison and Robert F. Nissly Hayes W. Jones and Rhonda Lewis Don R. and Carole M. Lick Jack and Lori M. Jordan Lee-Chu J. and Yeongcheng Lien

22 Eastern Michigan University Candice C. Liepa Peggy Liggit Janice A. Light Lincoln Consolidated Schools Bernice A. Lindke Anne R. Linn Stephen C. and Christine Liu Live Text Inc. Lockheed Martin Corp. Daniel G. Lockwood Grant A. and Althea N. Long Lucent Technologies Foundation John W. and Jane Lumm Frances J. Lyman Lyou-Fu Ma and Blake J. Roessler The Frank P. Macartney Foundation Louis J. II and Elaine J. Machovec Milton L. Mack Jr. Lawrence A. and Judy K. Macklem MacLean Molded Corp. Sallie Mae Theodore J. and Penny Maezes Gerry L. and Thomas D. Magnell Main Street Area Association Herbert L. and Lynn K. Malinoff David and Maxine Mamuscia Manchester & Associates Manimark Corp. N. A. Mans & Sons Inc. Manufacturers Bank N.A Victor P. Maraldo Nora M. and Lee V. Martin Sr. William C. and Sally A. Martin Mary S. Marz Gladyce L. Matthews Kenneth J. McAllister Carol A. McCarthy Joseph J. McDermott Patrick J. McDonnell Mitchel R. McElya Kenneth A. and Carolyn M. McKanders Winifred A. McKee and Samuel A. McCord Richard D. and Elizabeth G. McLeary McNamara Scholarship Fund Charleen F. and Larry P. McPherson Hugh and Kathleen M. McSurely The Mead Corp. Foundation Dady N. and Martha Mehta Telescope in Sherzer Hall.

2012-13 Annual Report 23 Christine M. Mehuron National Council For Preservation Personnel Systems Inc. Mary E. Gough-Rose Patrick Melia and Patricia Maihofer Education Robert B. and Lisa Petersmark Doris F. Rosenbusch Menard Builders Inc. National Futures Association Roger A. and Takako G. Peterson Andrew M. and Carrie Ross Brooke, who presented Robert C. Menson and Margo Waite National Steel Corp. Anthony J. III and Deborah A. Petkus Louis Roumanis a paper on emotional S. Richard and Renee M. Merchant National Writing Project Pharmaceutical Analysis Lab Royal Crown Kathleen C. Merrill and Navistar International Transport Corp. Pharmacia Foundation Inc. Pamela Ruiter-Feenstra and abuse at the National Richard E. Merrill Jr. Stephen W. Neal Eunice K. Phillips Steven D. Feenstra Women’s Studies George R. and Bridget C. Merz Robert K. and Melody N. Neely Michael Pickerell and Leo Salakin Charitable Fund Association Conference Metropolitan Life Foundation Donna Neese Jimmy W. Collins II Swanna C. and Alan R. Saltiel in San Francisco, plans Mexicantown Community Gregory G. Nelson Max E. and Sherri S. Plank Richard A. and Ruth M. Santer to earn a Ph.D. in Development Center Thomas E. and Ruth B. Neuberger Platinum Energy Inc. Bradley E. and Kristin K. Schmidt criminology. Michigan Minority Business Douglas P. Newell Plumbers & Pipefi tters-Local 190 Scholars International Publishing Development Council Charles and Sharon M. Newman Frank Sr. and Ella Polito Corp. Michigan Youth Wrestling Association Nichols Aluminium Lana and Henry N. Pollack School Kids in Exile Records Brooke O’Neil Micrografx Inc. William E. Nolting and E. Jill Pollock School Nutrition Association Criminology and Microsoft Consulting Services Donna E. Parmelee Donald J. and Tamella D. Pollum Shirley D. and Hazen J. Schumacher Jr. Criminal Justice Microsoft Corp. Cindy S. and John H. Nordlinger Elizabeth M. Porretta Richard and Janet L. Schwarze St. Clair Shores, Mich. MidWest Financial Credit Union Nordson Corp. Edward and Lyda Posvar Marnita M. Scott Greg O’Dell Criminal Midwestern Consulting LLC Northern Telecom Inc. Powder Coating Institute Deborah D. Sears Justice Scholarship Bonnie L. and Northrop Grumman Systems Corp. Precision Photographics Second Baptist Church – Ypsilanti Kenneth T. Mientkiewicz Sr. NPB LLC Pre-Delivery Service Corp. Amy D. Seetoo and Stuart J. Baggaley Mike’s Bookstore O&P Digital Technologies PricewaterhouseCoopers Charitable Seibert-Oxidermo Inc. Edward C. Miller O&W Distributors Foundation Inc. Susan L. Sell Herman Miller Inc. Oakland County CRA Association Primex Technologies Joseph A. Jr. and Yvonne T. Sesi Kevin Miller and Martha E. Ann E. O’Beay Nancy R. and James E. Primovic Ronald L. Sesvold Beitner-Miller Carl F. and Virginia M. Ojala Donald Prior Douglas and Charlynn M. Shapiro Myrna R. and Newell Miller Marilyn A. Opdyke and Robert Currie Progressive Tool & Industries Gregory A. Sheldon William A. and Linda B. Miller Orange Egg Advertising Inc. Public Schools of Ann Arbor Christina L. and William J. Shell Glenna F. and William T. Miller Robert E. Oren and Lynn A. Sarosik Thomas and Roberta C. Quarton Mary R. Shell Ruth Miller Orthocare Innovations LLC Ogden B. and Patricia L. Ramsay Shell Chemical Co. Nancy G. and Herbert E. Milstein Sheila Osann Ranco North American Corp. Shell Oil Co. Audrey Minick Owens Corning Randall Textron Shell Oil Co. Foundation The Mitre Corp. Oxford Automotive Joan M. Raphael Nancy L. Shiffl er Susan E. Moeller Pain Recovery Solutions PC Sue M. and Alvin Ravenscroft Mary-Anne P. and Paul W. Shipley Monroe Tool & Manufacturing Pakmode Publications LLC Marian B. Raymond Ruth E. Siegel Monsanto Chemical Co. Diana Pancioli Richard G. and Mary Jo Raymond Signature Associates Carla A. and John P. Moore Paragon Sight & Sound Redwood & Ross Mark A. Sims and Elaine Fieldman Keith C. and Roberta M. Moore Marvin and Judith Pasch Ronald R. Reed and Lauren Bigelow Brooks H. and Nancy Sitterley Robert E. Moritz Randolph C. Paschke Nathaniel H. Reid III Herbert E. Sloan Walter G. and Nancy Moss Ralph R. Jr. and Christine N. Pasola Thomson Reuters Tax & Frances D. Smillie Findlay M. and Faye V. Most Todd E. and Joan Pasquale Alan Richardson Clark A. Smith and Mary Motherwell Bruce C. and Phyllis Patterson Richfi eld Hotel Management Inc. Anne DeAngelis-Smith John R. and Elizabeth A. Moyer Pearson Custom Publishing Margaret M. and Jack W. Ricketts Laurence N. and Joanne B. Smith The Mueller Gault Charitable John G. and Mary S. Pedley RNR Foundation Thomas G. Smith Foundation Pella Window & Door Co. Richard N. and Barbara A. Robb Wendy S. Smith David C. and Linda Nagengast Thomas Pendlebury W. Frederick Roberts Jr. Southwest Track Builders Inc. JoAnn O. Naida Perich & Partners Ltd. Albert and Mary E. Robinson Spartan Toyota Scion Ram G. and Pushpa Narula Robert Perry William B. Rose and Shirley G. Spork

24 Eastern Michigan University Dennis Sprandel Thomas Townsend Whitehall Convalescent Co. Standard Disposal Inc. Anthony J. and Dorothy F. Traficante Henry C. Wichman John R. Stanger and Katrinka A. Elmer Tri Star Fire Protection Inc. David L. Williams Keith and Marilyn K. Stanger Barbara B. Trudgen Warren S. and Judith S. Williams Staples Business Advantage TRW Foundation Judith C. Williston James H. and Alicia B. Stapleton M. Wendell Tucker Kevin M. and Kara G. Wills Douglas H. Stark V. M. and Parvati V. Tummala Diane L. Winder and David Orlin Mary D. and Bradley W. Stark Turner Construction Co. Stephen M. and Dena J. Wirt Thomas H. Stark Memorial Fund Foundation-Michigan Wisconsin Energy Foundation State Farm Companies Foundation Kimberly R. Turnquist Timothy J. and Therese Witherspoon Barbara C. and Michael S. Steer UAW Local 1976 Marilyn Wojcicki Debra L. Stevens Dana R. and Donna J. Underwood Diane and Howard Wohl Diane M. Stevens Unistrut Corp. David O. Woike and Elisabeth Morgan Kathleen Stevens United Methodist Retirement Judith A. and Robert E. Wollack Kenneth W. Stevens and Communities Wolverine Human Services Wuanita M. Delaney United Technologies Jon K. and Susan O. Wooley William S. Stevens The University of Michigan Eleanor S. and James A. Wright Stevenson Keppelman Associates University of Michigan University Russell B. and Elaine S. Wright Stanley M. and Dorothy A. Stewart Productions Wright & Filippis Inc. Barry W. Stokes University Surgeons PC X-Mation Tool Co. Stole Products Uppsala Universitet XYCOM Corp. Robert B. Stone UPS Foundation Inc. Linda Yohn and William E. Labedzki Scott W. and Beth M. Street Usx/Marathon Oil Foundation Zakhour I. and Androulla Youssef James L. and Mary Streeter Joyce V. Van Haren Ypsilanti Area Chamber of Commerce J. Phillip Strekal Thomas K. and Anne M. Venner Leo K. and Maxine L. Zehnder Stroh’s Brewery Michael J. Vincent Zener Electronics Bettye Stull Joellen Vinyard and Sidney Gendin Zollner Pistons LLP Sunrise Assisted Living Management Visteon Corp. Swedish Engineering Inc. WAAM-Whitehall Broadcasting Jeanne M. Swihart Daniel C. and Linda J. Wagner In Memoriam Sylvan Learning Center James H. and Sandra L. Wagner Ernest R. Cullen SYSCO Food Services of Detroit Fraya C. Wagner-Marsh and Elven E. Duvall Martha W. Tack David P. Marsh Jane E. Duvall Judy B. and John C. Tatum James C. and Malinda H. Waltz James L. Embree TCF National Bank Robert M. and Judith A. Ward James B. Hause Team Sports Roland and Sandra L. Ward Ruth A. Munger Tektronix Foundation Thomas and Betsy Warner Mary Ann Raske W. Gordon and Sue A. Tengen Washtenaw County Louis C. Thayer Janice J. Terry and Donald R. Burke Thomas G. and Jan Watrous Textron-CWC Castings Division Mary Ann and Dennis Watson Richard M. Theisen Wayne RESA Terry M. and Linda R. Theodore Donald Weaver TIAA CREF Financial Services James W. and Cathleen M. Webb Arthur J. Timko and Jessie A. Moroney Jervis B. Webb Geneva E. Titsworth Carl P. and Anne S. Weber TLS Productions Inc. Emil Weddige Trust TNT Edm Inc. William L. Wenger II Tobin Lake Studios Productions Mary Whalen Kathleen M. and Michael B. Torrey Whirlpool Corp. Welch Hall

2012-13 Annual Report 25 Heritage Society 2012-13 Honor Roll

The Heritage Society is Eastern Michigan University’s way of recognizing those donors whose dedication and trust in EMU have led them to make a gift by will, trust, gift annuity, life insurance policy or other planned gift. Planned gifts are critical to building our endowment. These funds will enrich our educational opportunities for years to come. EMU is pleased to recognize the following members of the Heritage Society.

Leah D. and Tim G. Adams Diane M. Churchill and Ronald E. and Carol Goldenberg Doreen A. Lawton Thomas E. and Ruth B. Neuberger Irene M. Smith Marcia R. Allen-Thomas and David F. Labaree Erich Graf Steven J. and Joanne Lebowski Douglas P. Newell Roger F. and Margaret S. Smith Eugene J. Thomas George L. Cogar and Darlene L. Shaw Bert I. and Phyllis Greene Patricia L. Lewis Janice L. Nyman Laurence N. and Joanne B. Smith Angelo A. Angelocci Melonie B. and John M. Colaianne Dorothy J. Greer Michael D. Lewis John E. and Theresa M. Oberdick Shirley G. Spork Richard J. Annesser Tracy-Marie J. Colden Mary L. and Larry Gruppen Billy E. Lintner Bernard O’Connor Suzanne J. Stevens Daniel C. and Victoria A. Arbour Linda C. Cooper Eileen K. Gullick James S. Lombard Hazel L. Olsen Betty L. Stremich William F. Armstrong Jasper E. and Merideth A. Creech Joseph and Gloria Gurt Jennie A. Lombard Jean Ann Olsen Sharon S. Taite Susan M. and Paul Bairley Wallace T. and Mayble E. Cripps John L. and Joanne L. Hegener John P. Loree G. Elizabeth Ong Janice J. Terry and Donald R. Burke Marilyn Baker Patrick J. Jr. and Juanita D. Curley Jerry L. and Cassandra J. Henderson Marion Maitland Lucy N. Parker Nancy M. Thompson Nancy L. Baldwin Rachel F. Cuschieri-Murray and Alta R. Henry Carol L. Makielski and Charles D. Lake Ronald L. and Jane A. Paschal Robert A. Thomson Rosella M. Bannister Bryant J. Murray John C. Herron David W. and Sheila Marold Delbert E. Pearson Rosemary W. Townsend James M. and Marjorie R. Barnes Milo L. and Chrissie M. Danzeisen Lawrence J. and Carol Hill Thomas E. Martin Jr. John G. and Mary S. Pedley Thomas Townsend Patrick J. Jr. and Cheryl L. Barry Michael W. R. and Karen S. Davis Ida L. Hobbs Sally R. McCracken Douglas A. Pierce V. M. and Parvati V. Tummala Daryl L. Barton Robert A. DeMattia Robert H. Jr. and Shelley M. Holman Michael G. McGuire Antje L. Price Katherine Van Hoy James R. Beach Sylvia R. Devine Arthur S. and Marie L. Howard Kenneth A. and Carolyn M. McKanders Francis J. Pruss Donald N. Vartanian Dennis M. and Charline Beagen Timothy J. Dyer Sue A. Huntington and John C. Hall Wilbert J. and Virginia M. McKeachie Barbara Reader Thomas K. and Anne M. Venner Robert A. and Laura H. Benson Kurt D. Ely Martha E. Irwin Hugh and Kathleen M. McSurely Frances A. Richardson Eric W. and Marilyn D. Walline Leona P. Berry Richard T. and Barbara A. Fairfield Marilyn L. Jacob James L. Melby Jack W. and Margaret M. Ricketts Verena M. Ward Jean S. Bidwell Irving and Cynthia L. Feller Kurt L. and Paul D. Jacobowitz-Cain Steven P. and Antonia P. Mellos Richard N. and Barbara A. Robb Claudia B. Wasik Martin J. Blied William E. Fennel Edwin W. and Suzanne M. Jakeway Donald M. Mendelssohn Arthur A. and Diane M. Rockall Robert J. Weinburger and Howard D. and Luanne R. Booth Richard G. Finkbeiner Robert L. Johnston Jr. Robert C. Menson and Margo Waite Rose Romanow Nancy M. Geiger Harry W. Bowen Arnold P. Fleischmann Stuart A. and Julie D. Karabenick S. Richard and Renee M. Merchant Bobbi M. Rooker Jack Weiss J. Michael Bragdon Myrtle E. Fogg Abe A. and Elaine E. Karam Jeanne Merlanti Helen B. Rudin Barbara B. Weiss Delores S. and William K. Brehm John R. Forsyth Milton O. Kiddy Jr. Thomas F. Mich Christine A. Ryan Patricia J. Williams William D. Briggs Sammy Fullerton Elizabeth C. and Paul R. King Judith C. Mich Jane B. Salcau Lillian J. Williams Betty Brown-Chappell and Nancy A. and Jon M. Gaston Nancy G. and Gary A. Kliza Joseph P. and Kerri E. Misiewicz Richard A. and Ruth M. Santer Judith A. and Robert E. Wollack Michael J. Chappell Nancy M. Geiger and Mary T. Kramer Willie B. Morgan Richard N. and Norma J. Sarns Bette M. Woods Ronald J. and Mary J. Campbell Robert J. Weinburger William H. Krebs Melinda Morris Steve F. Schwartz and Mary K. Gillis Stewart D. and Carolyn W. Work Catherine M. and Charles W. Cart Donald W. and Alice I. Giese William G. Kring Robert F. and Carol E. Mull William E. Shelton Mary Ida and Carl D. Yost George H. and Mary B. Cassar Muriel J. Gilbert Barbara Krueger Ruth A. Munger Donald E. and Marjorie K. Shelton Cathy C. Catallo and Mark R. McAlpine William J. Gilster Gilbert and Shirley Lanoff Donna Neese Brooks H. and Nancy Sitterley The italicized names indicate that these Joseph R. and Susan Ceccarelli Norman C. and Mildred E. Gittinger Daniel J. and Judy A. Lanuti Marion J. Nelson Ernest B. and Ellen M. Skuta members are deceased. Dolores H. Church J. Ronda Glikin Linda M. Lawrence Philice Nemecheck Margaret M. Smith

26 Eastern Michigan University One Twenty Two Society 2012-13 Annual Giving Honor Roll

To commemorate the annual support from loyal donors to EMU, this giving society is named in honor of the first 122 students who set foot on what is now the campus of Eastern Michigan University. Following in the footsteps of these original trailblazers, donors within this society demonstrate their desire to shape the educational experience of thousands of EMU students.

Founding Partner Jeffrey A. and Jennifer K. Connelly Nancy M. Thompson Community Foundation for Michael and Linda C. Morris Turner Construction Co. Annual Gifts of $50,000 or more Wallace T. and Mayble E. Cripps Kimberly R. Turnquist Southeastern Michigan The Mosaic Foundation Foundation-Michigan Anonymous Derrick N. and Noelle K. Dabbs Susan B. Ullrich Consumers Energy Foundation Michelle M. Mueller and United Way of Washtenaw County AT & T Roger R. Demonet James H.* and Sandra L. Wagner The Covenant Foundation Michael S. Gault Larry and Janice M. Warren CRN Foundation Distributive Education Clubs Of Washtenaw County John P.* Curran and Andrea Sims James H. Mulchay III and Diana Little James W. and Cathleen M. Webb James D. Hoeschele* America James Welch Foundation Patricia W. DeHaven National Council for Preservation Ronald D.* and Marsha E. Williamson Susan G. Komen Fund The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Lillian J. Williams Charitable Trust Margo L.* Dichtelmiller and Education Kresge Foundation Foundation Inc. The Woodrow Wilson National Nancy S. Katz Stephen W. Neal In Memoriam Elaine and John Leigh DTE Energy Foundation Fellowship Foundation E-Gridiron Group Novi Jaguars Soccer Association Joseph A. Ditzhazy Sr. Manfredi Orthotic & Prosthetic Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Ellen B. Wilt* William E. Fennel* Orange Egg Advertising Inc. McGregor Fund Michael J. Graves Wisconsin Energy Foundation Karen E. and Daniel L. Florek James R. and Heiju O. Packard Aurora Associate Charles Stewart Mott Foundation Robert J. Henderson III Woods Construction Inc. Christopher J.* Gardiner and Pain Recovery Solutions PC Annual Gifts of $2,500 to $4,999 Richard W. and Cheryl A. Neu Randall B. and Lynn Hougen Michael C. Zahratka* Cynthia L. Koch Project Management Institute Irene A. Allen* Marvin J. Roberson Hougen Foundation The Mueller Gault Charitable Educational Foundation Brenda T. and Kevin Alten Keith J. and Heather Stone ITC Corp. In Memoriam Foundation Andrew M.* and Carrie Ross American Association of Jaclynn C.* and Steven M. Tracy Konanur G.* and Arundati Janardan Estate of J. Michael Bragdon Muriel J Gilbert Trust Anna and Daniel Scheffer University Women Wendy J. Wenner and Jan Goekerman The Lloyd and Mabel Johnson Estate of Rose Romanow Robert A. and Margaret G. Giles Harold F. and American Express Foundation Foundation Estate of Patricia J. Williams* Greater Michigan Plumbing & Carolyn S. Schimmelpfenneg Anderson Paint Co. In Memoriam Norene E. Kanagy Mechanical Co. Franziska I. Schoenfeld Ann Arbor Area Community Estate of James R. Beach W.K. Kellogg Foundation Old Main Associate Jeanette M.* Hassan and The Schooner Foundation Foundation Estate of Gerald J. Henry David Leapard* Annual Gifts of $5,000 to $9,999 Donald W.* Pearson Deborah D. Sears Dudley R. and Turalee A. Barlow Estate of Michael G. McGuire Frances J. Lyman Anonymous The Lewis Hertz Foundation Joseph A. Jr. and Yvonne T. Sesi Berry & Associates Inc. Michigan Braille Transcribing Fund Gisela Ahlbrandt* and Michael T. Dale E. and Gloria M. Heydlauff Raymond B. and Victoria K. Sims Regina S. and G. Peter Bidstrup University Partner Michigan SkillsUSA Rains Peter N. and Henrietta M. Heydon SkillsUSA Howard D.* and Luanne R. Booth Annual Gifts of $10,000 to $49,999 Daniel S. and Sarah R. Opperman Ann Arbor Autism Foundation Diana Hough Natalie A. and Edward D. Surovell Nikki L.* and Alan Borges Anonymous Pakmode Publications LLC Daniel C. and Victoria A. Arbour Marilyn L. Jacob Swedish Engineering Inc. Harry W. Bowen* American Chemical Society Francine Parker Bank of Ann Arbor Thomas J. Lang Jr. Terry M. and Linda R. Theodore Kenneth and Susan C. Bruchanski American National Molding LLC Delbert E. Pearson Trust Geraldine K. Barnes* Michael R. and Patricia R. Levine Maureen E. Thomas Paul S. Bruss* Richard J. Annesser George Petredean Donald G. Jr. and Gail J. Barr Mary A. Liggit Toyota Motor Engineering & Mfg Joseph A. and Mae A. Butcko Lana L. Berry Matthew J. and Inger M. Plaza The Albert C. Bean Sr. Scholarship and Raymond W. and Kim S. Lombardi North America Inc. Nancy J. Chwalik Jean S. Bidwell* Cecilia M. Pozo-Fileti and Loan Foundation Herbert L. and Lynn K. Malinoff The Trenton Corp. George L. Cogar and Darlene L. Shaw John F. and Michelle Bodary William Fileti Peter J. and Linda A. Beck Crystal Mills* and Peter C. Knight Evelyn V. Tucker Cumulus Media Inc. Robert Bosch Corp. Milton M. Ratner Foundation Neal H. and Jeanette L. Bench MLM Charitable Foundation Samual Tundo Deloitte Foundation Matching Delores S. and William K. Brehm Edward F. Redies Foundation Inc. William J. and Laura J. Brickley CMAC - EMU Thomas W. Sidlik and Rebecca Boylan Amanda G. Brown We do our best to maintain an accurate, up-to-date list of donors and apologize for any errors or omissions. The recognition period for Coatings Industry Education FD Susan K. Souder Ovidiu Calin* gifts in this report is from July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. Please contact EMU Foundation offices at 734.484.1322 with any corrections. Terry L. and Deborah J. Collins Suzanne J. Stevens* JP Morgan Chase Bank NA *Indicates University employee or emeritus faculty, emeritus associates or EMU Foundation staff during the 2012-13 fiscal year.

2012-13 Annual Report 27 DTE Energy Foundation Deborah A. Silverman* Serge and Susan M. Barna Juan R. and Shahin M. Cole Bob Evans Restaurant #87 Robert E. and Evelyn Sims Nancy and John Barta Comcast Heartland Region Extang Corp. Gregory and Susan Tarle Daryl L. Barton* Comerica Bank ExxonMobil Foundation Arthur J.* Timko and Dennis M.* and Charline Beagen Joseph E. and Mary P. Conen Ethel F. Farnsworth Jessie A. Moroney David J. Beck Ellene T.* and George N. Contis Rodney B. and Kathleen M. Finzel V. M.* and Parvati V. Tummala Belfor USA Group Inc. Gerald S. and Barbara S. Cook Caitlin’s First Martin Corp. University of Michigan - Offi ce of Benefi t Administrative Services Cooper Tire & Rubber Co. undergraduate G. Keith and Marilyn K. Fisher Financial Analysis International Corp. Todd A. Coy and research focused on Beth and Joseph J. Fitzsimmons University of Michigan Normajean M. Bennett* Molly A. Luempert-Coy the use of fonts in Gary R. Gentile University Productions James R. and Deborah M. Beuche Larry and Mary Crossan advertising. Mary E. Giles and Christopher Heath Varnum, Riddering Schmidt & Christopher J. Beutenmiller Colleen Croxall* John W. Glace Howlett up Big Tent Productions LLC Raymond E. Cryderman* Dorothy J. and Ivan W. Gorr Wayne Rotary Foundation Paul G.* and Laura C.* Bird Carolyn and Dennis A. Dahl Caitlin Simakas Carolyn D. and Ron Herrmann Weber & Associates Consulting Inc. Martin J. Blied Marcia A.* Dalbey and Creative Writing Lala and Andrew J. Hopta Eileen and Michael Weingrad Laurie C.* and Marshall J. Blondy Joanne L. Verlinden South Lyon, Mich. Independent Charities of America Westland Rotary Charitable David L. and Susan R. Bodary Matthew P. Davenport John W. Porter JAC Products Inc. Foundation Dianna R. Borel Glenn H. and Joan E. Davis Undergraduate Research Japan Business Society of Detroit Kenneth M. and Rosemarie Williams David F. and Maryann B. Bowen Emily C. Day* Excellent Endowed Foundation Stephen M. and Dena J. Wirt Brand Energy Services LLC Dayton Foundation Depository Inc. Scholarship Kappa Kappa Psi Diane and Howard Wohl Gerald J. and Cheryl G. Brauer Delta Dental Plan of Michigan Abe A. and Elaine E. Karam Bette M. Woods Stephen W.* Brewer Jr. and Detroit Street Brick LLC Ruby L.* Meis Candice C. Liepa Lorelei A. Zwiernikowski* Detroit Symphony Orchestra Billy E. Lintner Sandra J. and Kenneth J. Brinker Dollar Bill Copying Elizabeth Broughton* Donald M.* and Nancie N. Loppnow starKWeather assoCiate Domino’s Pizza LLC-Ann Arbor Jerry O. Brown John W.* and Jane Lumm Annual Gifts of $1,000 to $2,499 Michigan Betty Brown-Chappell* and The Frank P Macartney Foundation Anonymous Lori A. Dostal and H. Keith Latham Michael J. Chappell Susan W.* and Lawrence W. Martin Marsha Ackermann and Richard L. Douglass* Jack P. Brusewitz Masco Corp. Thomas K. Black III John S.* and Elizabeth S. Dugan Buck Consultants Judith McGovern Acoustic Ceiling & Partition Co. Inc. Mary Lou E. Durbin Nancy R. Buckeye Meijer Inc. Leah D.* and Tim G. Adams Wolf F. and Eva S. Duvernoy Elise M. Buggs* Glenna F.* and William T. Miller Adecco Group Dykema Gossett PLLC Dennis W. and Constance N. Burke Miller Canfi eld Paddock & Stone PLC AF Smith Electric Inc. Dneyse Ebersole James R. and Lillian J. Burns Mary Motherwell* Michael Allemang and Janis A. Bobrin John R. and Andrea Eder Karen V. Busch Doeren Mayhew & Co. PC American Electric Power Co. Edwards Glass Co. Richard J. Byrd Nancy L. Halmhuber Navarre* The American Occupational Therapy Cory D.* Emal and Tanya L.* Johnson James M. Jr. and Linda Cameron Stephen F. Nofs Foundation Marcia L. Emal David and Valerie F. Canter Michael J.* and Karen M.* Paciorek Charles D. Anderson and Carolyn G. Embree Christopher A. and Holly Carollo Christine M.* and John W.* Prince Nancy J. Broxholm Scott S. and Janet C. Erickson James J.* and Susan Carroll Linda K.* Pritchard and Ann Arbor District Library John M. and Margaret S. Erikson Catherine M.* and Charles W. Cart Mary E.* Osborne Ann Arbor Firefi ghters ASSN L-693 Experimental Aircraft Association Amelia S. and David D. Chan Ronald R. Reed and Lauren Bigelow AnnArbor.com Chapter 55 Inc. Douglas M. Chapman William J. and Freddie M. Reminder The Ark Lynda A. and John T. Favorite Margaret D. Charbeneau Roy L. and Christina Rennolds Roger D. Arnett Fieldman Sims Foundation Douglas E. and Linda L. Chestnut Kimberly Roberson Thomas A. and Patricia M. Baird Thomas R. and Wendy A. Fileti Chevron Corp. Norma J. and Richard N. Sarns Bank of America Foundation Lynette Findley* Joseph A. and Nancy A. Chrzanowski Kory A. Scheiber Rosella M. Bannister* Fingerle Lumber Co. - Ann Arbor Fred J. Chynchuk Paul Shapiro and Karen Moore Ruth L.* Bardenstein and Michigan Floyd and Brenda Clack Christina L.* and William J.* Shell James R. Roll Thomas A. Finholt and Stephanie David L.* and Carol R. Cliff ord Donald E.* and Marjorie K. Shelton Cheryl A. Barget and Teasley Melonie B. and John M. Colaianne Maria Showich-Gallup Thomas B. Darnton Brian L.* and Debra M. Fitzgerald

28 Eastern Michigan University Arnold P. Fleischmann* Howard F. Hood Levy Restaurants Morley Foundation Maureen Foley and C. John Blankley Marian S. Horowitz* Hildred J. Lewis* Sara Morley LaCroix Chris J.* and Terrance J. Foreman Ned and Diane Hugg Raymond J. Lezak William P. Morris Dana W. Foster and Dennis and Pat Huibregtse Lucy A. Liggett* John R. and Elizabeth A. Moyer Molly MacDonald Foster Jill M.* and Van R. Hunsberger Peggy Liggit* William* and Margaret J. Moylan John C.* and Marjorie A. Fountain Huron River Watershed Council Theodore* and Patricia M. Ligibel Robert* and TeNesha Murphy Bernard S. Fredal IBM Corp. Live Nation World Wide Inc. Nacht & Associates PC Linda French Ideal Contracting LLC Lockheed Martin Corp. National Council of Professors of Politics, comedy Gary A. Frownfelter Internal Auditing Academic Rhonda S.* and Paul Longworth Educational Admin and social media Tara L. Fulton* Advancement Fund Inc. Roger E. Lyons National Philanthropic Trust took center stage Leslie E. and Eric L. Geiser Esther A. Jackson Macquarie Group Foundation William E. Nolting and Donna E. in Andrew’s senior William R. and Lorain R. Giles Steven E. and Sarah Jackson Barry Mallin Parmelee capstone project, Gerard L Giudici Diane A.* and Charles W. Jacobs Michael J. Markey Jr. Cindy S. and John H. Nordlinger “The Virtual Give Forward Edwin W. and Suzanne M. Jakeway Marriott Ypsilanti NuStep Inc. Gold Coast Charter Service Inc. Sam A.* and Cheryl L. Jensen Nora M.* and Lee V. Martin Sr. Oakland Companies Watercooler.” David R. and Margaret A. Goodrich Jewish Community Foundation of Mary S. Marz* Ronald E. Oestrike* Gordon Food Service Inc. Greater Ann Arbor Veronica L. Massey Joseph F. Ohren* Andrew Abad James W.* and Marla J. Gousseff JLS Investments & Consulting LLC Kenneth J. McAllister Thomas J. O’Keefe Political Science; Derrick L. Jr. and Sanya W. Gragg John S. and Catherine G. Johns Courtney* and Sharon McAnuff Ray Okonski Communication Granger Construction Co. George G. Johnson Carol A. McCarthy D. Robert Okopny* Troy, Mich. John E. Green Co. George Johnson & Co. Roger J. McClow and Robert E. Oliver Gregory W. Stevens The Greene-Milstein Family Natalie R. Johnson Suzanne T. Posler-McClow O’Neal Construction Inc. Memorial Endowed Foundation John E. Jr. and Dolores Johnson Sally R. McCracken* Orchards Children Services Scholarship Glen A. and Brenda L. Greenlee Jason D. Jones Aprille C. and Timothy A. McKay P G Simon Inc. Susan R. Gregory* Jeff ery A. Jones Richard D. and Elizabeth G. McLeary Jeff C. Paquin Kenneth R. Grifka Louise Jones* and Henry Beckwith Janet P. and Marshall S.* McLennan Lucy N. Parker* Sue Grossman* Jack and Lori M. Jordan Russell F. McReynolds Stan Parrish* Michelle Gutierrez Jann L.* and Edwin* Joseph Daniel L. and Stella McShan James G. III and Marni Patterson Thomas M.* and Dolores D. Gwaltney Josten’s Inc. Kathryn M. McWilliams John G. and Mary S. Pedley Linda A. and David L. Haff ey Christine Karshin* Measure For Measure Scott Pelok and Geri Durka-Pelok Gloria Hage* Janet J. and Charles L. Keller Christine M. Mehuron* Perry Pendleton Brian and Catherine Halloran Kenwal Steel Corp. Gregory and Gretchen Meisner Susan M. Perkins Charles N.* Amos and Korin May L. Kessenich Kristy L.* and James L. Meretta Robert Perry* Hancherlian-Amos Wendy* and David W. Kivi Judith C. Mich Brett and Lisa Petersmark Mark L. and Colleen A. Hanna Roseland P. Klein Michigan Business Aviation Vickie L. Pfeiff er Joanne J. Hansen* Susan M. Kornfi eld Association Pfi zer Foundation Rachel Brett Harley* Walter P. Kraft* Michigan Fuels Inc. Mark J. Phillips Stephen L. Harner Mary M. Krieger* Michigan Institute of Laundering & Max E. and Sherri S. Plank George and Christine Harrison Daniel E. and Lisa Kubske Dry Cleaning Marilyn A. Pobanz Carolyn G. Hartnett Landry’s Restaurants Michigan Opera Theatre Donald J. and Tamella D. Pollum John B. Hawley John Lansing Michigan Regional Council of Linda J.* and Darrell W. Polter Alethea K. Helbig* Jack Jr. and Frances P. LaRue Carpenters William Price* Gail L. and Alan G. Hering Liam B. and Yazmin F. Lavery Michigan Shakespeare Festival Inc. Shawn and Wendy A. Proffi tt Sanford H. and Barbara S. Herman William* and Barbara B. Lavery Michigan USSSA Baseball Francis J. Pruss Educational Trust Ryan M. and Michelle Hershberger Thomas A. and Mary B. Layher David B. and Barbara A. Miller David M. Ragg* Kathleen* and William J. Hillegas Margaret A. Leary Kenneth C. and Patricia M. Miller Eric M. and Jennifer L. Rass Eileen K. Hodges Cynthia E. and Dean Leathers Nancy G. and Herbert E. Milstein The Ravens Club Robert O. Holkeboer* Francis D. and Margaret A. LeBlond Jack D.* and Esther L. Minzey Reaching Our Goal Robert H. Jr. and Shelley M. Holman Pamela A. Lemerand* Joseph P. and Kerri E. Misiewicz Vicki Reaume* Jean R. Holther and Scott Trowbridge Glenn M. and Cynthia L. Lenardon Edward W. and Susan M. Mizinski Red Rock Downtown Barbecue

2012-13 Annual Report 29 Charles R. and Betty Reinhart Mary Jo Suchy Ronald R. Adams Jr. Ted M. and Beverly H. Caff erty Reliance Standard Life Insurance Co. Brian E. and Julia O. Sullivan Carter M. and Trudy R. Adler Alice W. Callum Resource Mechanical Insulation LLC Sylvus Tarn Marlene and James W. Alberty Mary L. and James Cambruzzi Ronald W. Rice Jr. Caroline L. Taylor and Jeff rey McGrew Judith K. and Edward C. Allard Kathy E. Carter and Mack T. Ruffi n IV Alan Richardson Suzanne Taylor Roger K. and Cynthia E. Allen Richard E. and Sue H. Chase Karen presented at River Raisin Ragtime Revue John Texter* Paul D. and Mary P. Alman Karl and Rosemary Christen the Undergraduate Jerry Robbins* Kathleen D.* and Francis J. Tinney Lisa M. Almeranti Archer H. Christian Lavonda K. Robinette Mary Ann and Patrick Trainor Ann Alpern and John E. Laird Jr. and Carol Anderson Symposium three Arthur A. and Diane M. Rockall Jennifer* and Robert P. Tremewan Ann R.* and Mario A. Alvarez Michael W. Cianciolo times and plans to do Waldomar M. and Kay E. Roeser Paulette H. Trombley and Rebecca M. Anderson and Stephen A. Ciccarelli training for Fortune Howard M. Rosen Raymond L. Trombley Jr. Elizabeth R. Sibray Lauren A. Clark 500 companies. Herbert A. Rossi and Sandra R. University of Michigan School of Larry B. and Patricia M. Andrewes Linda J. Clayton Gregerman Natural Resources Henry and Harlene Appelman Andrew G.* and Nicole Cluley Julie S.* and Richard Rupp Jiu-Hwa L. Upshur* Raymond G. and Ida M. Armstrong Dana L. Cobb Karen Yelverton Marvin C. Rushing Katherine Van Hoy Richard J. and Judy Arndt Judy S. and Malcolm Cohen Communication S&Z Sheetmetal Inc. Thomas K.* and Anne M. Venner Patricia E. Arnold and North Hollywood, Calif. Carol M. Collins Quirico S.* Jr. and Judith Samonte Ronald P. and Sheri Verdonk Martin Reineman Russell Collins* and Debra A. Polich Gail W. Compton Endowed Kim E. Schatzel* Jerry Vidis* Scholarship Brad and Robin Axelrod Benjamin M. Collman and Robert C. Schauer Fraya C.* Wagner-Marsh and David Robert L. Baird Amy E. Wilson John W. Schmidt P. Marsh Kunal* and Rini Banerji Robert J. Conlin Jr. and Donna M.* Schmitt-Oliver and Eric W. and Marilyn D. Walline Rosalyn L. Barclay* Julie A. Allison-Conlin Gordon H. Oliver Verena M. Ward Joni L. Barnaby John G.* Cooper and Robert J. Schoenhals Bette L. Warren* Denise R. Beauvais Amelia M. Michniak Schwab Charitable Fund Mary Ann* and Dennis Watson Jennifer Bednar and Scott Page Paul N. Courant and Marta Manildi Sempra Energy Jeff rey Waugh Richard S. and Elissa Benedek David B.* and Joan P. Crary Gregory A. Sheldon Wells Fargo Advisors LLC Donald H.* and Gene A. Bennion Jasper E. and Merideth A. Creech Ingrid K. and Cliff ord G. Sheldon Beth Anne and Harry E. Wigner Nina S. Bentley Bruce L.* and Marci Cunningham Nancy L. Shiffl er Roy E. and Cynthia Wilbanks David J. and Carrie L. Berney Phyllis Czapla Sidetrack Bar & Grill Debra J. Williams Jeff rey L. Bernstein* John A. and Judith E. Daniel Diane L.* Winder and David Orlin Mark A. Sims and Elaine Fieldman Janice Berry Mary Ellen R. Danos Thomas E. Wolfe Michael J. Sipe Thomas D. and Leah M. Biggs Robertson Davenport and Brooks H. and Nancy Sitterley Judith A. and Robert E. Wollack Joan Binkow Nancy E. Wirth Abe Slaim and Sheri Mark Wolverine Advanced Materials Mark A. and Cynthia A. Blair Ann S. and Harold Davis Barbara A. and Stanton C. Smart Beth A. Worden Rachel Blistein and Paul Alexander Kathleen A. Davis Alma Wheeler Smith Linda Yohn* and William E. Labedzki Michael Boehnke and Betsy Foxman Scott T. and Donna D. Davis Clark A. Smith and Anne Ypsilanti Area Convention and Eric A. Braathen Brian Deames DeAngelis-Smith Visitors Bureau Candace R. and Eric D. Bramson Marguerite C. DeBello* Matthew J. Smith Rae Anne* and Michael Yuskowatz Justin M. Breitigam Gregory and Ann DeFreytas Thomas G. Smith Robert H. Zaleski Michael M. Bretting* Jordan A. Dekker The J. M. Smucker’s Co. Frank R. and Faye M. Zimmerman Richard L. and Barbara L. Briggs Anthony L. and Shawn Snoddy Michael P. and Joyce R. Deren Social Service Reserve in memoriam Linda S. Brooks Leslie Desmond Software Technical Engineering Estate of James G. Emal Robin S. and Michael P. Brooks Ryan J. DeVore Group Limited James L. Embree Kervin J. Brungardt Robert Deyoung Kathleen H. Stacey* and Robert E. Estate of Ida L. Hobbs Wayne Bryant Vicki Diaz* Sneddon Thomas F. Mich Pauline W.* and Lucille M. Dick Keith* and Marilyn K. Stanger James D. Buchanan Sr. Jill M. Dieterle* Mark A. and Mary Anne Stefaniak ConservatorY assoCiate Sally L. and Ian R. Bund Frank D. Dileo Robert J. Stevenson Annual Gifts of $500 to $999 Charles F. Burant and Mary Kay John P.* and Karen Donegan Thomas R.* and Grace H. Stevick Anonymous Treutelaar Don H. and Hannah Donigan Betty L. Stremich* Marcus K. Adams* Gordon G. and Nancy J. Burkart Cynthia A. Dove

30 Eastern Michigan University Jim Dowling and Jacqui Robbins Bert I.* and Phyllis Greene Annette P. and David Johnson George R. Lesko Lois C. Draper Janet H. Greenhut Cynthia M. Johnson Margaret C. Levenstein and Monika R. Dressler William A. and Helen L. Gregory Don A. Johnson David D. Arsen Allen B. and Janet H. Duncan Timothy* and Pamela Griffi th Scott A. and Sandra A. Johnson Charles and Kimberly S. Lewis Claire Duvernoy and Frank Bogun John F. Grucelski and Robert L. Johnston Jr. Bernice A. Lindke Gavin R. Eadie and Barbara G. Murphy Bonnie S. Gorichan Hayes W. Jones and Rhonda Lewis Beth LoBello David P. and Jennifer L. Ebeyer Kevin Gudejko Judy M. Judd Lennart H. and Betty Lofstrom Andrew overcame Evelyn Eccles Daryl M.* and Monroe Z. Hafter Leslie Kamil Jason R. Loiselle his own learning Robert* and Tina M. Eccles Wendy E. and Joel Hakken Yale and Joan S. Kamisar Mark Longo disabilities and D.W. and Marilyn P. Edington James D. and Jennie R. Hall Chester J. and Barbara A. Kapla Judy A. and Charles P. Lucas Pauline E. Egelson Vickie B. and Raymond Hall Stuart A.* and Julie D. Karabenick Diane L. and Stephen P. Luongo now wants to help Andrew M. and Linda Eggan Kristin M. Hannahs and Craig Wagner Carol J. and Timothy D. Kartje David R. Lusky another generation Irma Ellery William W. Hanson and Russell J. Kasl Robert A. Lutz of students persevere. James W. Erwin Kathleen Schmidt Nancy Keegan Lyou-Fu Ma and Blake J. Roessler Michelle Esentan Michael J. and Audrey R. Hanzlian Scott Kelley and Jean Wong Beverly L. Maher Andrew Gowman Jack E. Esterline James A. Harbaugh Walter R. Kemnitz Jr. Michael T. and Carolyn A. Manchester Special Education Julia M. Everett Kevin J. and Rebecca Harris Charles D. Kennedy and Laurie Riegle Sally J. and William N. Mantle Royal Oak, Mich. Thomas E. Fahlstrom* Theodore N. and Naomi Harrison Nancy A. and Daniel J. Kennedy Irwin G. Martin* Delores Soderquist Brehm Robert F. Jr. and Dea Ann Fair Glenda Haskell and Rick Reichman William A. Kincaid and Ronald and Jacqueline Martin Endowed Scholarship in Thomas M. and Sandra G. Falk John J. Hasluck and Elisa D. Garcia Deborah Gibson Thomas E. Martin Special Education Cheryl C. Farmer Craig D. Heindel Daniel W. and Elizabeth J. Kirksey William C. and Sally A. Martin Richard A. Faulkner Helen E. Heinrich Cheryl L. Kivi Belinda M. Massucci Alan J. and Rosie Fellhauer Michael J. Helms Stephen J. Klotz William C. Mathewson and Michael T. Ferens Erik J. and Jean E. Henriksen Julian Konwinski Cheryl L. Cunningham Connie J. Ferguson and Julian Broad Kathleen M. and Michael J. Hiemstra Douglas Koons Natalie Matovinovic Harvey J. and Suzanne Ferguson Margaret J. Higbie Joseph M. Kormos Michael Mattei Patricia S. and Peter Fink David M. and Laurie B. Hildreth Barbara C. and Ronald Kramer Therese G. and Gregory W. Maxwell Kenneth C. and Penelope A. Fischer Samuel D. Hirsch and Marti Walsh Eric and Katherine Krengel Bernice G. Maynard Kathleen L. Fitts Dick H. Hoeft and Rosanne Arnowitz Geraldine M.* and Bert C. Kruse Janet A. McCall Hugh and Lisa Flack Howard S. and Carole E. Holmes Kevin Kucera* Jerry M. McCann Lawrence M. Floreske Kenneth L. Horning and Konnie G. Kustron* Patrick D. McCaskey Patrice I. Flower Sharon Graf-Horning Susan and Harvey J. Kutinsky Jill A. McDonough and Greg Merriman William H. Jr. and Tracey A. Fondaw Arthur S.* and Marie L. Howard Ronald and Patricia A. Labeau James M. McElyea Rose Marie and Robert J. Freeman Valerie Howells* Kathy R. and Ivan Lahaie Cary McGehee Rebecca A. Freligh Laurie B. Howland and Mike D. Jody A. Lamkin Julie L. and Patrick K. McInnis Donald T. and Janice M. Fyall Bittenbender Ruth and Donald E. Lamphiear Mary L. McKee Christine J. Gelletly Laurie A. Hubbard and Peter C. Pamela S.* and Stephen G. Landau Winifred A.* McKee and H. Nicholas and Sharon L. Genova Leonhardt James R. Lang Samuel A. McCord James N. and Angela George Ryan J. Hudson and Michaelangelo Jeff rey M. Lapinski and Judith E. and Lee McKenzie Florence L. and Marvin H. Gerber Cicerone Beverly J. Bonning Kevin J. and Sandra G. McMahon Janet D. and William T. Gerhardt Eva and W. Steve Hyder Geoff rey S. Larcom* Shane McParland Bradley K. and Tina M. Glazier Emily M. and James H. Jackson Christine E. and Clark S. Larsen Mark Medos Ricky E. Goff William M. Jackson Andrew F. Lawlor Robert M. Merion and Debbie Mike Goldfi eld Darrell Jacob and Rick Owen John D. and Mary Lazor Eisenberg-Merion Kim E. Goodyear Hellene G. Jakinovich Emery G. Lee III George R.* and Bridget C. Merz Marilyn A. Gouin John A. Janitz Sr. Paul and Adrian Leek Russ and Brigette Merz Erich Graf Gerald J. and Sue Janusz John R. Leekley Earl C.* and Dixie L. Meyer Christopher and Elaine Graham Richard N. and Sharon LeePing Jeanette C. and Thomas H. Meyer Scott D. and Jodi Gratson Elizabeth H. Jarzembowski Suzanne Lekson William E. and Shirley A. Meyers Barbara J. Gray Erich Jensen Richard J. and Kimberly A. Lenhard David E.* and Lauren Mielke

2012-13 Annual Report 31 James S. and Janet L. Mignano Carrie A. and Warren A. Phillips Anna L. Schmitt-Reichert and Mary-Ellen and Ronald A. Miller Melinda Phillips and Tom Cussing Donald A. Reichert Matthew F. Miller Karel J. and LuAnn C. Pienaar Sandra L. Schopbach Robert A. and Betty T. Miller Richard Plewa Jane M. Schryver David S. Mindell Joshua H. Pokempner and Gretchen William J. Schulz Jr. Doris S. and Thomas J. Miree Gardner Shirley D. and Hazen J. Schumacher Jr. Karl J. and Elizabeth B. Moje Lana and Henry N. Pollack Arthur R. and Pamela Schwartz Walter G.* and Nancy Moss Peter and Carol Polverini Kathleen Scott Ruth Murphy Candace L. and Marvin Preston IV Susan L. and Brian M. Scott David A. Nacht Edward J. and Teresa A. Price Daniel J. Scully Alberto Nacif and Elena Belaya-Nacif Stephen D. and Blanche Price Kathleen A. Seglund Andrew A. Nazzaro* and Susan Quackenbush Alice C. and Lee F. Seidel Nereida I. and Elaine B. Neelands Kelly E.* and Shawn M.* Quilter Martin B.* and Maryann* Shichtman and Glenn Ziegler Rosemary A. Rader and Ted J. Huston Dave S. Shong Heather* and Marcel Neff Ogden B.* and Patricia L. Ramsay Kenneth R. and Loretta Showich Lori B. Nelson Mary K. Ramsey* Lawrence Siden and Latania Fair Shifrah Nenner and Jeffrey Ogden Delbert M.* III and Sandra K. Raymond Helen F. Silha Roland Neynaber George Jr. and Mary B. Reasoner Lawrence A. and Tara L. Silvestri Cynthia L. Nicely Matthew Reed and Miriam A. Manary Ronnie L. Simms James and Cindy Nielsen Warren A. Reed AnnMarie Simonson and Paul R. North Gretchen Reeves* Michael Washington Jack and Kerry Novick Greg A. Rentschler Aaron B. Smith Denise D. and Michael OBrien Gloria J. and Paul S. Reynolds Carol A. Smith Dawn O’Dell Janet D. Riccinto Carolyn B. and Glen C. Smith Mary F. Sample Oh and Joon-Sup Oh John Rice* Charles F. Smith and Alicia C. and Peter Olin Paul J. Richards Courtney P. Piotrowski Andrew E. O’Neal Marilyn and Dick Rider Harrison Y. Smith Heather M. O’Neal Ceci O. Riecker* Holly Smith* and Dee Overly Heidi O’Neal-Hofer Robert A. Riesman Jr. Sarah Snyder Raul E. Onoro and Deborah A. Patricia F. Rissler John F. and Ruth I. Sovis Edwards-Onoro Richard N. and Barbara A. Robb Shirley G. Spork Robert E. Oren and Lynn A. Sarosik Omer E. Robbins Jr.* Ingrid and William Stafford Larry E. and Cheri Ott Nicole M.* and Brandon L. Roberts John R. Stanger and Katrinka A. Elmer Christopher F. Parenti Elizabeth A. R. Robinson and James H. and Alicia B. Stapleton Helen W. Parker Peter M. Joftis Ralph and Karen N. Stern Irene A. Patalan and Richard L. Bethany M. Roll John C. and Elizabeth A. Stewart Thompson Edward Rosch and Patricia Crum Christine Stier and Thomas E. Fricke Allister Paterson William B. Rose and Lee A. Stille* Nancy and Jim Paul Mary E. Gough-Rose Patricia A. and Raymond H. Stillwell Reid and Cynthia M. Paxton Raymond A.* Rosenfeld and Jeffrey D. and Rebecca J. Stoddard Wade D. and Carol A. Peacock Janelle L. McCammon Robert B. Stone Betty J. Pedler Barbara W.* and David C. Ross Eric and Ines Storhok Kathryn L. Pelz-Davis Barbara Ross James L.* and Mary Streeter Thomas Peppard Mary J.* and Robert Roth Daniel R. Stuit Nicholas H. and Alice P. Perrins Stephen M. and Deborah M. Roush Julie A. and Terry J. Sullivan Barbara Perrone Annmarie and Kenneth W.* Rusiniak Alan L. and Lori D. Summer Tim Peterson and Joy Williams Christine and Jim Russo Steven J. and Patricia Tapper Ellen D. Phelan Robert and Brooke Sacks Marc S. Taras Paul G. and Lori W. Saginaw Tony L. Thompson James E. and Betty L. Sargent Michael J. and Nancy E. Thoresen Left: Chavez Fountain Sheila L. Sasser* Michael V. Tidwell*

32 Eastern Michigan University Robert Tisch Patrick C. Weyburne Zakhour I.* and Androulla Youssef Edward McCormick I James A. Trithart and Edward B. and Vera K. Wile Margrit V. Zinggeler* Michael McGuire Carolyn A. Schoenig Francis C. and Judith A. Wilhelme Raymond Mida Dushyant Trivedi Barbara E. Williams* Gifts received Vera Mida Patrick L. and Margaret E. Tucker Linda G. Williams* in memory Alicia Miller Marleen C. Tulas Michael L.* Williams and Charles Achilles Austin Miller Barbara A. Underwood William A.* Pollard Richard Albrecht Merlyn Minick Mary M. Underwood Stephen Williams Carroll Antoinette Gladys Morey Samuel writes music Wendy P. and Ronald L. Uppleger Richard C. Wilson John Barbour Betty Morrison for fi lms, teaches Roger Venable and Susan E. Priller Susan Wineberg and Lars Bjorn Theodore Bashara Melissa Motschall Justin R. and Holly M. Ventura Barbara Wojtas Thomas Basso Gary Navarre piano and serves as Deborah A. and Gary M. Voight Douglas M. Wolgat and Dianna Bates Olga Nelson music director at his Rod E. and Carol Vollink Renee S. McPhail Gordon Belt Gregory O’Dell church. Anthony Walesby Peter B.* Wood and Anne L.* Balazs Alvin Bohms Steven Palma James C.* and Malinda H. Waltz Donna K. Woodiel* Phyllis Bond Steven Parks Samuel Joshua Claudia B. Wasik* Ronald C.* and Wendy Woods Juanita Bradley Mary Phipps Music Composition Ann M. and Robert L. Watton J. Allen Wright Mary Brooks Tamra Phipps Ann Arbor, Mich. Randall A. Weiser and Wendy Wright Donald Buckeye Vernon Polite Haydn Morgan Scholarship Phyllis Faunce-Jones Karen E. Yamada and Gary Dolce Wendell Burke Jr. Ella Popovich W. Scott Westerman Jr.* Frances Youssef Hope Butler John Porter George Clark Raul Pozo Vera Crawford Michael Price Fidelis soCietY Michael Desmarais Margaret Reed Joan Eighinger Leonard Riccinto Consistent giving honor roll Keith Falk Carolyn Roberson 2012-13 marked the charter year of the Fidelis Society. A recognition Kristen Faust Frank Ross society that honors faithful (fi delis) Eastern Michigan University donors Rodney Ferguson Mario Salinas for providing consistent, annual contributions to Eastern Michigan Ryan Fox Lester Scherer University. Donors are inducted into the Society after achieving three Charles Fulford Leo Schuch Mark Gallup William Spangler years of consistent giving and are recognized at subsequent milestone Aashish Garg Lyla Spelbring years. Membership is renewed annually. Elizabeth Giles Grace Sponberg To see 2012-13 Fidelis Society Honor Roll, please visit Richard Giles Louis Thayer Pamela Graves Robert Thompson www.emich.edu/fi delis. James Hause Geneva Trochet Fifteen Year associate Charles Hoitash Daniel Vice Recognition for donors with fi fteen consecutive fi scal years of giving David Hortin Frank Wawrzaszek Gail Hughes ten Year associate Allan Jacobs Recognition for donors with ten consistent fi scal years of giving Arthur Jacobs Dorothy James Five Year associate Patricia Jorgensen Recognition for donors with fi ve consistent fi scal years of giving Phyllis Kramer Duane Lamiman three Year associate Barbara Leapard Recognition for donors with three consistent fi scal years of giving George Liepa Jennie Lombard Charter member George Marshall Recognition for membership in charter year 2012-2013 for donors with Sherman Martin three or more fi scal years of consistent giving Gary McCombs

2012-13 Annual Report 33 EMU Leadership

Board oF reGents emu Foundation Board Evelyn Tucker Anthony Snoddy Francine Parker, chair oF trustees Katrina Vanderwoude, ’91, ’08 Maureen Thomas Mike Morris, vice chair Ron Reed, ’86, chair James Webb, ’71,’76 Stewart Tubbs Floyd Clack William Brickley, ’80, vice chair Judith Wollack Larry Warren Beth Fitzsimmons, Ph.D. James Cameron, vice chair James Webb Michael Hawks Dale Heydlauff , ’78, vice chair emeritus trustees James F. Stapleton Joe Chrzanowski, ’73, ’76, treasurer Marcia Allen-Thomas *EMU Foundation Board of Trustee members listed served from Mary Treder Lang, CPA, CGMA Maureen Thomas, past chair James Applegate July 1, 2012-June 30, 2013 James Webb Brenda Alten, ’88 Daniel Arbour John Bodary, ’84 John Burkhardt emu exeCutive CounCil George Cogar, ’74, ’77 Peggy Campbell Susan W. Martin, Ph.D., president Matt Evett Ronald Campbell Kim Schatzel, Ph.D., and executive vice president Beth Fitzsimmons Melonie Colaianne of academic and student aff airs Thomas Gwaltney, ’79 Darrell Cooper John Lumm, chief fi nancial offi cer Vickie Brockman Hall, ’79 James Greene John Donegan, vice president for operations and facilities Earle Higgins Sr., ’72 Freman Hendrix James Gallaher, chief human resources offi cer Abe Karam, ’62, ’65 Robert Holman Jr. Leigh Greden, vice president, government and Molly Luempert-Coy, ‘91 Edwin Jakeway community relations David Mamuscia, ’67, ’71 Robert Johnston Walter Kraft, vice president, communications Susan Martin Elizabeth C. King Heather Lyke, vice president and director, Daniel McClory, ’81, ’82 Lee Lien intercollegiate athletics Jeanne Merlanti Courtney McAnuff Vicki Reaume, vice president and Dara Munson, ‘96 Kathleen Merrill secretary, Board of Regents R. Matthew Norfl eet Michael Morris Tom Stevick, vice president, advancement Sandy Norton William Morris Carl Powell, Ph.D., assistant vice president and Sherwin Prior, ‘98, ‘02 Ann O’Beay chief information offi cer Gregory Sheldon, ’96 Marilyn Opdyke Gloria Hage, general counsel/university attorney Ingrid Sheldon, ‘66 Harold “Bud” Schimmelpfenneg Bob Heighes, executive director, public safety Edward Surovell Laurence Smith Jaclynn Tracy, ’74, ’77, ’79

34 Eastern Michigan University Gifts to EMU

here are many ways you can help open doors for EMU students to succeed. Your gift can be designated to the area of your choice, whether it’s a program that needs immediate assistance, or an endowment fund that is set aside for a specifi c purpose. Also, there is a need for unrestricted funds, which are directed towardT the areas of greatest need at EMU. Gift s of cash are accepted using credit cards or checks, or gift s of appreciated securities (stocks or mutual funds). All gift s aid in the future success of EMU and its students. Gift s can be made in honor or memory of a loved one, friend or colleague, or to commemorate a special occasion. Planned gift s create a lasting legacy for donors in areas they feel are important or that refl ect their values. Planned giving is a means to provide for EMU students well into the future. To learn more about how you can create a lasting legacy at EMU or about specifi c tax advantages, call Susan Rink at 734.481.2310 or visit our website at emufoundation.org. Besides providing the personal satisfaction of assisting with a program or students’ needs, most gift s qualify for a federal, and oft en state, income tax charitable deduction. All gift s are acknowledged, receipted and recognized, and are truly appreciated by the students of EMU. For more information on giving, call: 734.484.1322 Write: Eastern Michigan University Foundation 1349 S. Huron Street Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Or visit our website at emufoundation.org.

Enbo Zhu is a junior from Henan Province, China Majoring in Hotel & Restaurant Management

2012-13 Annual Report 35 Serving the next generation of scholars