A video recording on the meeting can be accessed online here. Approximate HH:MM:SS start for some agenda items have been noted.

I. CALL TO ORDER Supervisor Adams called the meeting to order at 10:00 am. She reviewed the meeting format, features, and processes.


Member Agencies Member Name/Representative North Coast Resident Martha Karstens South Coast Resident Anneliese Agren Big Sur Chamber of Commerce Kirk Gafill Community Association for Big Sur Butch Kronlund County of Monterey, RMA-Planning John Dugan County of Monterey, Board of Supervisors Mary Adams Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District Caine Camarillo CA Coastal Commission Mike Watson CA Dept. of Transportation Berkley Lindt CA Dept. of Parks and Recreation Marcos Ortega Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Karen Grimmer United States Forest Service Kevin Elliott CA Assembly, District 30 Robert Rivas CA Senate, District 17 Bill Monning US Congress, District 20 Jimmy Panetta

III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES (00:06:51) Karstens motioned to approve the June 19, 2020 minutes, second by Kronlund. Minutes were unanimously approved.


a. Dolan Fire Situation Advisory (00:10:01)

Representatives from the US Forest Service Incident Management Team, Monterey County Sheriff’s Office, and Monterey County Office of Emergency Service provided updates on the status of firefighting efforts, road closures, and recovery resources. The discussion included coordination efforts with Ft. Hunter-Liggett and Cal Fire, as well as road closure/reopening plans.

V. PUBLIC COMMENT ON NON-AGENDA ITEMS (00:46:46) • Rick Aldinger expressed appreciation to the all fighting the Dolan Fire, with particular attention to the fire fighters. He then made comments regarding an increase of signs

along Highway 1, calling it “an explosion...taking over the landscape.” Mr. Aldinger noted that he had counted 75 signs between Pt. Lobos and the River Inn during his morning drive. He expressed concern that the increased signage does not conform with the local Land Use Plan and that it feels futile for businesses to limit their signage if road construction projects are not going to do so. He feels the signage is inconsistent with the “wild and scenic” designation and requested their removal because it is visible blight. o Caltrans representatives responded that they would investigate the issue and respond through their PIO. • Ruby expressed concerned about how COVID-19 has caused some congestion at parks and that visitors are parking illegally and walking in despite closures. o State Parks representatives Marcos Ortega responded that each park is being individually evaluated in regard to COVID and fire related safety issues. Supervisor Adams shared that her office has had meetings with State Parks and peninsula city mayors to try and offer a unified approach to beach closures over holiday weekends with a focus on the overall health and safety of the county. • Marth Diehl expressed support for a unified approach to park closures in the Big Sur area. She shared that it had been unclear if Garrapata was going to be open or closed over the prior holiday weekend, which led to congestion. She continued by saying that if parks are going to be closed, enforcement also needs to be undertaken. o Butch Kronlund responded that CABS has been hosting weekly meetings to support coordination between agencies during COVID-19 to reduce confusion amongst the public. • Martha Karsten asked a question she had received from a resident: Which district of State Parks is in charge of Garrapata Beach and who should we direct questions to? o Marcos Ortega responded that all of Big Sur State Parks fall within the Monterey District. Questions be directed to him or Brent Marshall. He also shared that a lifeguard has been assigned to Garrapata Beach and maintenance staff are working on plans for additional trash receptacles and to address graffiti issues.

VI. OLD BUSINESS (01:06:42) – brief status updates on ongoing issues (1-2 minutes) a. CA State Parks and Recreation i. CHP Housing – A groundbreaking ceremony was held. There will be bimonthly meetings with the contractor so reports can be made. The residence is expected to be available in April 2021. ii. Log Jam(s) on – State Parks continues to monitor the log jams. The jam near the church has been evaluated. The east side of the river is being monitored by Caltrans due to deterioration. Another location will be evaluated at the end of September. iii. Wayland Bridge Replacement – A contract has been awarded and work is scheduled to begin in October, with an expected end date of February 2021. iv. Garrapata Restrooms – This project is still waiting for funding from the Coastal Conservancy. The new site would be on the coastal side of the park. Butch it would possible to place chemical toilets at “hot spots” during periods when high usage is expected. Supervisor Adams asked Mike Watson if permitting through the Coastal Commission would be necessary if such an effort were undertaken.

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Member Watson indicated a willingness to explore temporary options while permanent solutions are under development.

b. United States Forest Service (01:21:19) i. Restroom Access – Member Elliott indicated that there was no new update to provide.

c. Monterey County Board of Supervisors (01:22:47) - Co-Chair Adams shared that the next meeting will include time for recognizing Senator Bill Monning, who will be terming out from the State Senate. i. Byway Committee Formation - Yuri Anderson, Chief of Staff to Supervisor Adams, provide an update. Ms. Anderson noted that all members have been appointed. She explained that a preliminary meeting had been held in September, but because it was not appropriately noticed, it was not an official meeting. The first official meeting of the Byway Committee will be held on October 13, 2020. ii. Cell phone coverage issues – Bettye Saxon shared that the Post Ranch upgrade is expected to be completed in December and that AT&T had provided $10k to the Big Sur Fire Brigade to support Dolan Fire response. Dan Redman, also with AT&T, provided an update on the Pt. Sur Lighthouse project. He shared that AT&T has received a CCC permit and has support from the LUAC and County. They are looking for “Condor Heat Maps” from Ventana Wildlife Society to provide to the Forest Service to obtain the final permit. The company’s goal is to construct before the storm season begins. Kevin Elliott expressed USFS’s commitment to the project and noted that when gaps in the permit application are filled, the US Forest Service stands ready to execute.

Questions/Comments on Old Business (01:35:12) • Martha Diehl: Asked AT&T to study the potential for connectivity at visitation choke points to support visitor management. In regard to Garrapata Beach, Diehl asserted that visitors are our guests and amenities are required to serve them. She continued by noting that in Big Sur, there are visitors to the parks and there are visitors to the highway and coordination between the two is needed. • Tim commented on the Garrapata Beach restrooms. Coordination has been on-going for at least five years to place restrooms at several locations, including requests for use of Parker Fund. Unfortunately, this is not a priority for those funds. • Supervisor Adams asked a question posed by resident Lisa Kleissner: Were would towers be placed to cover service gaps from Rio Road to Hurricane Point? Bettye Saxon responded that AT&T has determined that “universal” access would require joint effort amongst multiple carriers due to cost. Dan Redmond stated that the Mt. Manuel tower would cover just south of Hurricane Point to Molera. • John Handy stated a desire for additional cell service planning on the South Coast and expressed willingness to have a tower placed on his property. In regards to use of Parker Funds, Mr. Handy asserted that installation of restrooms should be a priority and it is offensive to hear that the Coastal Commission doesn’t feel that way. Mike Watson responded that the Santa Cruz District Office shares the community’s perspective on the use of the funds and indicated it would be helpful to have others echo those concerns to

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others within the Coastal Commission. Senator Monning indicated that he would address this with the Director.

VII. REPORTS FROM MEMBER AGENCIES (01:51:39) a. Martha Karstens, Big Sur Member, North Coast, provided an update on a fundraiser to ensure the Roundup can continue to be printed. She shared that the Grange Hall needs additional funding to support operations, including potentially raising rental rates. The Historical Society has moved items from the museum out of an abundance of caution. Seventeen people graduated from the last CERT class and CERT has been activated to support Dolan Fire response. Karstens also shared questions she has received from other North Coast residents – Why is it necessary to place so many warning signs? When is Caltrans going to address the congestion problems that occur at Bixby Bridge and JP Burns, as well as Garrapata during COVID?

b. Anneliese Agren, Big Sur Resident, South Coast (01:58:59), shared a map of the South Coast dirt road network. She stated that residents are interested in hearing about the “shared stewardship agreement” between Cal Fire and Forest Service to conduct prescribed burns. Agren thanked the agencies for their work on the Dolan Fire. She then discussed an inconsistency between the number of residents who live on “the dirt road network” and a count of traveling along it. She asserted that high traffic counts are due to people ignoring road closures during COVID-19. She called for the need for enforcement. She shared that in the absence of formal enforcement, residents have formed a local posse to educate visitors. She summarized South Coast needs as Vegetation Management, Law Enforcement, Camping permit system, Transportation Reduction Plan, and VUM that includes the coastal trail route. She concluded by sharing awardees of the “Golden Bullhorn” awards.

c. Kirk Gafill, Big Sur Chamber of Commerce (02:04:51), shared that businesses and employees have been doubly impacted by COVID-19 and the Dolan Fire. Businesses are at 5-20% of normal business during this time, with some having closed. He stated that Highway 1 closure to the south has about a 30% impact on business activity. The impacts of COVID and the State’s reopening plan leaves no bright light for the business community. He expressed a need to work with Sacramento to create a more economically viable reopening plan for CA. He stated that the inability to offer indoor dinning is going to be problematic during the winter months.

d. Butch Kronlund, Community Association of Big Sur (02:13:46), reported that the non- profit has been focused on three areas in 2020 1) disaster relief, including distributing grants from its COVID fund; 2) destination stewardship planning project – the plan was completed on July 31, the website will be continue under CABS to share updates; and 3) Big Sur Visitor Inventory Project and Video. This project is a partnership with North and South Coast residents to collect data on negative and sometimes illegal visitor activity and develop a social media campaign to educate visitors on appropriate behaviors. Kronlund reported that CABS will be participating in MCGIVES again this year and its Annual Meeting has been postponed to November 11.

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e. John Dugan, Monterey County Planning Dept. (02:21:58), reported that a preliminary draft of the LUP update has been forwarded to CCC staff, with a 40-page memo from the LUAC. He also shared that the Board of Supervisors has adopted an ADU ordinance.

f. Caine Camarillo, Monterey Peninsula Regional Park District (02:23:06), reported that several District properties were damaged during the recent fires. MPRPD will be working with Cal Fire to assess the actual damage. The District is also moving forward with a Capital Improvement Project at Rancho Canada. The project is in the design phase.

g. Mike Watson, CA Coastal Commission (02:25:17) reported that the hearing on the CalAm Desal plan was canceled after CCC staff recommended denial. The CCC expects an application for resubmittal is forthcoming. Watson announced a new deadline of September 30th for public comments on the offshore wind farm project idea. Finally, he reported that annual coastal clean-up activities will take place, but in a social distanced manner.

h. Berkley Lindt, Caltrans (02:27:37), provided a response to the questions/comments raised throughout the meeting on roadside signage. He explained that the curb advisory signs are part of a mandated safety project. It is anticipated that a new project with curb advisory signs will be coming to Mud Creek. He concluded by stating that Caltrans is looking to the forthcoming BEAR report to better understand potential future hazards resulting from the fire during the winter.

i. Marcos Ortega, CA State Parks and Recreation (02:33:04), stated that the department looks forward to reopening Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park after Fire Command vacates.

j. Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary (03:17:03) – Yuri Anderson shared a report provided by Karen Grimmer, who had to leave the meeting early. The report highlighted the status of MBNMS Management Plan Review, the coming departure of Superintendent Paul Michel, and that the agency has conducted less research and field work due to COVID-19.

k. Kevin Elliott, United States Forest Service (02:33:38), offered appreciation to local partners for their support during the Dolan Fire. His report included mention of the Nacimiento Fire Station being overtaken by the fire on September 18th, as well as the need to reevaluate timing on the Strategic Community Fuel Break and Projects due to the fire. He expressed the need for more active forest management, including enforcement. Turning to forest closures, Elliott reported that 11 National Forests in CA have been closed due to wildfires across the state. The current Los Padres closure will be extended through September 24th and will be reevaluated for extension. He concluded by sharing that in 20201, the Monterey District will be exploring the availability of resources to develop a visitor use management plan.

l. Supervisor Mary Adams, Monterey County Board of Supervisors (02:41:01), reported that LAFCO will be making a report on its study of fire services at the Board of Supervisor in October, that the vacation rental ordinance is expected to come to the

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Board for policy guidance on October 14, and that she had had a meeting with LUAC members to discuss their suggested edits to LUP.

m. Assembly member Robert Rivas, 30th District, State Assembly (02:24:48), offered appreciation to fire fighters and first responders, as well as Senator Monning. He reported that the Assembly had been able to get four bills to the Governor’s desk, which focused on supporting farm workers, who have been disproportionately impacted by COVID-19. He also highlighted two bills that support reducing and responding to wildfire risk. He shared that next year his efforts will be focused on recovery from COVID, including housing, availability of homeowner’s insurance, and access to broadband.

(02:50:42) - Supervisor Adams had to leave the meeting. Congressman Panetta facilitated the remainder of the meeting.

n. Senator Bill Monning, 17th District, State Senate (02:51:18), began by speaking to the fires impacting the entire Senate District. He noted that resources are stretched to their limits and beyond. He urged those impacted by fires to begin FEMA applications in advance of the deadline. He noted that in Sacramento, the focus was paired down to responding to COVID-19 and wildfire preparedness. He reiterated a commitment to discussing restroom issues and costal trail alignment when he speaks with Coastal Commission leadership. He closed with noting the impact of COVID-19 on the restaurant industries but made clear that public health is leading our statewide response and that we must focus on protecting our workforce. He thanked the hospitality industry for working to protect their workers. He concluded with a need for additional federal support to respond to the pandemic

o. Congressman Jimmy Panetta, United States Congress (02:58:41), began by thanking Senator Monning for his years of service to our communities and the legacy he is leaving for all electeds to aspire to. He continued with remarks on the fire, offering appreciation to those on the front lines. He explained that that reimbursement from FEMA is currently 75/25, but he has introduced legislation to try and bring it up to 90/10. A also highlighted legislation coming forward that would be on interest to Big Sur, including the Replant Act and Wildfire Public Safety Act. He shared that he had meet with the Under Secretary overseeing the National Forest and expressed the need for funding to enable additional staffing. He concluded by sharing that the “Problem Solvers Caucus” has been able to put forward a proposal for a potential package for the next round of needed COVID relief.

Matt Harris, Big Sur Fire (03:12:19) – offered appreciation from Big Sur Fire to the community for their support during the Dolan Fire. He noted that reopening Highway 1 is a high priority. Harris reported that the individual who had been reported as having passed during an unauthorized party on Prewitt Ridge was saved by Big Sur Fire and is recovering in Los Angeles. He closed by affirming that temporary restrooms would be a welcome solution at high use points.


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Public Comments on Member and Non-Reports • Michael: Why hasn’t the government produced enough N95 masks for the public? Congressman Panetta responded that there has been a lack of a national strategy, but that we have been working at multiple levels to try and piece together the resources needed by all, particularly our farm workers. Senator Monning reported that Monterey County hospitals and healthcare centers have been working collaboratively and N95 masks are being distributed by the Monterey County Agricultural Commissioner. Dominic Dursa, for Assembly member Rivas, reiterated Senator Monning’s comments regarding local collaboration to protect essential workers.

IX. NEXT MEETING: November 6, 2020

X. ADJOURNMENT (03:25:40) Gafill moved to adjourn the meeting, second by Karsten. Motion passed unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 1:26 p.m.

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