Rev. Bogdan Milosz, Pastor

14025 E. Twelve Mile Road Warren, MI 48088 586-772-2720 • FAX: 586-772-5576 EMAIL: [email protected]


Established July 1, 2013 JANUARY 26, 2020 THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME OUR MISSION STATEMENT We continue the work of Jesus Christ, to Unleash the Gospel and help everyone seek and experience the love and mercy of God.

Father Bogdan’s Corner

I am back and writing my column for our parish bulletin. My columns are related to the vision that I have in my heart and mind for the people of St. Faustina. I am your pastor and a priest with almost 40 years of pastoral and spiritual experience, and with advice from the Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Council and Commissions, we are here at the beginning of the year 2020 with good financial and spiritual standings. I am going to continue this type of leadership following my vision and I am asking for your support. What matters to me now is a strong community connection. I am very sorry for those who did not yet find the parish to belong to and with fellow parishioners create a greater room for God’s presence in our lives and culture. We now live in a more divisive environment, that is angrier than before. People are walking with a stronger expression of frustration. Many people must struggle with inner demons. I want to invite people of our city to help me to build a community based on religious, Christian and Catholic principles. Through social media we are connected, but not in person, not one-on-one interactions. St. Faustina Parish, under my spiritual and pastoral leadership, wants to include many citizens, through sacraments, devotions, daily Masses, pastoral counseling and education for children, youth and adults. My staff is very dedicated to the parish and to me, which is a powerful sign to being on the same platform. I am inviting all of you to enter the same platform of St. Faustina. May the renewed sanctuary and First-class Relic of St. Faustina help us to create a community to love.

Many people are asking for their year-end contribution statements for 2019, and I want to thank all of our generous parishioners. Your donations are spent wisely by our leadership. Fr. Bogdan


Sick List

It’s time to revise our sick Monday, January 27th list. A new sick list will begin on February 2nd. If you 9:00 a.m. - Mass would like to be put on the 6:00 p.m. - Religious education classes MONDAY, January 27TH 9:00 A.M. 7:30 p.m. - Confirmation class sick list or remain on the &For Vocations to Priesthood, sick list, you or a family th Religious Life and Lay Ministry member must call the parish Tuesday, January 28

office at (586) 772-2720. TH No Mass WEDNESDAY, January 29 9:00 A.M.

We are sorry but for privacy Wednesday, January 29th URichard Gabriel req by Fernanda Gabriel reasons we cannot accept TH 9:00 a.m. - Mass THURSDAY, January 30 9:00 A.M. calls from others. th USusan Schy Ruth (Birthday Rem) req by Thursday, January 30

Parents Bob & Pat 9:00 a.m.- Mass FRIDAY, January 31ST 9:00 A.M. 5:00 p.m. - Divine Mercy Devotions

UEssa Yousef st Friday, January 31

SATURDAY, February 1ST, 11:30 A.M. 9:00 a.m.- Mass

&In reparation for the sins against the Immaculate Heart of Mary Saturday, February 1st

10:45 a.m. - Confession 11:00 a.m. - Divine Mercy Chaplet & Rosary 11:30 a.m. - Mass 3:00 Confessions Reserve the Perpetual Candle 4:00 p.m. - Mass

for the year 2020. If you are nd Sunday, February 2 interested, please contact the 8:30 a.m. - Mass parish office. 11:00 a.m. - Mass Suggested Donation is 15.00.

Mass / Presider Intentions Sacristans Lector Servers Ushers Saturday, February 1st ULaurie Loiacano req by Husband Sam C. Funke G. Krapp L. Haggerty 1 4:00 p.m. UGerald Labiak req by Wife & Children M. Zebula C. Brock Fr. Bogdan Milosz

Sunday, February 2nd &Robert Kustasz req by Cousin D. Schreiber S. Korotko S. Klucha 6 8:30 a.m. S. Korotko B. Lipinski

Fr. Bogdan Milosz

11:00 a.m. UPedro Monteclaro (Anniv Rem) req by Wife Eunice & P. Schy J. Leduc G. Bagtas 8 Fr. Bogdan Milosz Children R. Schy G. Bagtas G. Bagtas Z. Chivers A. Chivers

While every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of bulletin information, we offer apologies for any errors or omissions that might occur.


52 Sundays is a dynamic guide to help you and your family reclaim the Lord's Day with prayer, acvies, food, and more! It offers simple and insighul ways for your family to spend me together each Sunday learning more about the Catholic faith and having fun while you’re at it.

At, you can click a link to this week’s content for free! You can also sign up for weekly email reminders and other Unleash the Gospel content.

St. Vincent de Paul


Winter has arrived! Our pantry is low and in need of the following: hearty soups, canned chicken, canned tuna, spam, hamburger helper, rice mixes, cereal, jam, peanut butter, boxed potatoes, canned fruit, spaghetti sauce, mixed vegetables, bar soap, shampoo, toothpaste, laundry detergent, and toilet tissue. As always, thank you for your generosity.

“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.” … St. Teresa of Calcutta

St. Faustina Church

2019 Financial Contribution Readings for the week of January 26, 2020: Sunday: Is 8:23—9:3/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14 [1a]/1 Cor 1: 10-13, 17/Mt 4:12-23 or 4:12-17 Name: ______Monday: 2 Sm 5:1-7, 10/Ps 89:20, 21-22, 25-26 [25a]/ Mk 3:22-30 Address: ______Tuesday: 2 Sm 6:12b-15, 17-19/Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10 [8]/Mk 3:31-35 Wednesday: 2 Sm 7:4-17/Ps 89: 4-5, 27-28, 29-30 [29a]/Mk City/Zip Code: ______4:1-20 Thursday: 2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29/Ps 132:1-2, 3-5, 11, 12, 13-14 [Lk 1:32b]/Mk 4:21-25 Phone Number: ______Friday: 2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17/Ps 51:3-4, 5-6a, 6bcd-7, 10-11 [cf. 3a]/Mk 4:26-34 Saturday: 2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17/Ps 51:12-13, 14-15, 16- 17 [12a]/Mk 4:35-41 Mail ______Pick-up ______Next Sunday: Mal 3:1-4/Ps 24:7, 8, 9, 10 [10b]/Heb 2:14-18/ Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32

Observances for the week of January 26, 2020: Please place this form in the collection Sunday: 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time; Catholic Schools Week basket during Mass or drop it off at the Monday: St. Angela Merici, Virgin Parish Office. Tuesday: St. Thomas Aquinas, Priest & Doctor of the Church Friday: St. John Bosco, Priest The contribution statements will be Next Sunday: The Presentation of the Lord; World Day for available after January 28, 2020. Consecrated Life


Please keep the Confirmation Candidates and their Sponsors in your prayers as they are finishing their preparation to receive this special sacrament.

Lord, You send out Your Spirit to touch the hearts of all people, so that they may believe in You and in Jesus whom You sent. Look kindly on all Candidates for Confirmation as they listen to Your voice. Open their hearts to Your Spirit and bring to fulfilment the good work that You have begun in them. Teach us to appreciate what is holy in others, and to be patient with what we do not understand. Deepen our faith in the Gospel and help us to pass it on by our example. We pray that You will continue to guide the Confirmation Candidates. Amen.

God Bless,

Sandy Acord Growing Faith...Engaging Hearts

The next religious education classes for grades 1-8 is on Monday, January 27, 2020 at 6:00 p.m.

The next Confirmation class is on Monday, January 27, 2020 at 7:30 p.m.

Bible Study on the Book of Revelation

You will discover what the mysterious figures and images of Revelation mean. You will see how Revelation is more than just an apocalyptic vision of the “end times.” It is a revelation of God as our Divine Bridegroom and the Church as His spotless Bride, forever united in a heavenly, holy and mystical marriage that we enter into every time we celebrate the Mass.

The bible study will take place in the parish office conference room or social hall on Tuesdays from 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. It consists of 10 sessions: February 25, March 3, March 10, March 24, March 31, April 7, April 14, April 21, April 28, and May 5.

How the bible study works: 1. Home preparation: reading scripture and answering questions. 2. Group discussion: sharing insights into the readings. 3. Video presentation: Jeff Cavins wraps up each session giving you a deeper understanding of the readings and how they apply to your life. 4. Review of responses

The cost of the text book is $25 for the course.

There are sign up sheets by the entrances into the church. If you have questions, please call Gary Zilli at (586) 675-0073. PAGE 5

Sunday of the Word of God

Third Sunday of Ordinary Time

Today we celebrate the first ever Sunday of the Word of God. Today we let Jesus open our minds to the beauty of the Scriptures, so we can proclaim the truth of the Good News that they contain. The Scriptures are not dead letters on a page, but living words that have been given life by the Holy Spirit, who also gives light to our minds when we read them. Nor is the Word of God a list of rules, but an invitation to share the life of the living God, their author.

In his letter establishing today’s celebration, Pope Francis shares, “It is fitting, then, that the life of our people be constantly marked by this decisive relationship with the living word that the Lord never tires of speaking to his Bride, that she may grow in love and faithful witness” (Aperuit illis, 2). Every story told in the Scriptures, even the most challenging, reminds us that God loves his people and will always be faithful to the covenant he has made with us. God sent us his Son, the Word Incarnate, not only to speak these words of faithful love, but also to show us the depths of faithful love by dying on the cross and rising from the dead. Every word of Scripture points to this message of love enacted in the person of Jesus Christ, who is the Word himself.

In honor of today’s celebration, thank the lectors at your parish who proclaim the Word of God and the priests and deacons who preach it. With your family or other parishioners, find a time today to re-read today’s Gospel (Matthew 4:12- 23) and plan a time this week to read next Sunday’s Gospel (Luke 2: 22-40). What does God need to teach you and cure within you so you can proclaim the Good News of his kingdom to others?

Written by Reverend Brian Meldrum

World Marriage Day

A day when St. John Paul II gave his apostolic blessing.

Sunday, February 9, 2020

San Marino Club, 1685 East Big Beaver, Troy 48083

3:00 - 8:00 p.m. (doors open at 2:30 p.m.)

Dinner at 3:30 p.m. followed by Speakers & Dancing

Emcees: Deacon Dominick Pastore & Teresa Tomeo

Music by Rennie Kaufmann & his daughter Esther

By January 31 - $60/couple; after January 31 - $70/couple

Table Reservations - $275 (5 couples per table) by January 31

On-line registration & payment:

For questions about table reservations email Tim/Julie at [email protected] For general questions contact Rich/Fran at 586-979-0192 or [email protected] PAGE 6

Unleash the Gospel Minute

What does a mission-focused church look like? Is ours one?

In the last UTG arcle, “Maintenance-focused church vs. Mission-focused church”, we looked at how “our job at parishes is not just to have people show up, it is to bring every soul in our parish boundary into a living relaonship with Jesus Christ in his Church. Simply put, a mission-focused church focuses on the mission to form disciples.”

Two quesons help clarify whether a parish is mission-focused: 1. Do the vast majority of parishioners understand that the mission of the parish is to form disciples both of those in the pews and those outside her walls? 2. Does everyone in the parish have a very clear understanding of how that happens in the parish and in their own lives?

Most parishes in the area cannot give two enthusiasc “Yes” answers, and that is exactly what Archbishop Vigneron wants to remedy with Unleash the Gospel. Each parish in the Archdiocese will be required to map out a path from their current state (whatever it may be) to becoming a mission-focused parish, and then take acon to follow that path.

We are being called to change parish culture. Will we have the courage and convicon to follow through?

Next week: Where are the disciples?

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Schedule for the weekend of February 2nd If your name is not on any of the lists, please contact Robert Rossi at (586) 558-7167

nd nd Saturday, February 1st Sunday, February 2 Sunday, February 2 4:00 p.m. Mass 8:30 a.m. Mass 11:00 a.m. Mass

Diane Apfel June DiGirolamo Gabby Bagtas Margaret Bloom Susan Klucha Maria Bagtas Brock Larry Mallett Debbie Carlisi Fleischman Sharon Nawrocki Carol Peterson Gayle Krapp Marilyn Sollars George Shevenock Louise Krause Rand Urbin Bruce Trudgeon Mary Lou Krzyminski Wendy Ziskie Diane Whyte

PAGE 7 S&. F'%& 

Parish Pastoral Council Please pray for those in ST. FAUSTINA CHURCH our parish family in 14025 TWELVE MILE ROAD Chairperson……………………. Gary Zilli WARREN, MI 48088 (586) 675-0073 prolonged sickness: OFFICE: 586-772-2720 Vice Chairperson………………..Pat Fredlund Samantha Beattie FAX: 586-772-5576 (586) 219-5040 Laurine Connelly Email: [email protected] Recording Sec…………...………Vacant Daniel Dedaj Website: Dorothy Dekutoski submit bulletin articles to: Members-at-Large Joseph Deluca [email protected] Sandra Schramm……(586) 776-4092 Ray Dominick Edward Ryntz…….....(586) 573-3849 Geneva Ignasiak Office Hours - Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. - 4 p.m. George Eichorn……..(586) 596-1282 Tim Insley Renee Warrick………(586) 939-4746 Dolores Kudla Friday Ken Lane 9:00 a.m. - 1 p.m. Christian Service Chairs Joannie Matiyow Marian Lane (586) 293-9273 Nancy Lappin PARISH STAFF

Jim Lewis Education Chair Randy Lewis Pastor………………………..…Rev. Bogdan Milosz Open Robert Lewis Office Mgr/Secretary…..Linda Reiterman Worship Chair Christopher Liebetreu Director of Music Roberto Rossi Francine Lorentz Matthew Zinser (586) 558-7167 Patrick Martin [email protected] Alfred Nawrocki Phone: 772-2720 Ext. 106 Non-Voting Representatives Vicariate Representatives Ellen Nawrocki Reverend Bogdan Milosz Kerry Nawrocki Director of Religious Education and Linda Reiterman Ray Nawrocki Confirmation Coordinator Luciana Purtill Evangelization Chair Sandy Acord Open Barry Renze [email protected] Mary Ryntz Phone: 773-9220 Ext. 111 Finance Council Salvator Rubello Jim McKnight- Chairperson MASSES (586) 663-7081 Mary Schmidt Joe Kozlo - Vice Chairperson Doris Somoski Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, (586) 754-6138 Frank Sorrentino Friday: 9:00 a.m. Wayne Cupolo Mary Stefko Saturday: 4:00 p.m. Mary Lou Krzyminski Lillian Strzempek Sunday: 8:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Richard Rosati Holy Days: 9:00 a.m., 12 p.m. & Hon. Kathy Tocco Christopher Surma 7:00 p.m. Fred Walny Parish Organizations & Ministers (St. Faustina) Magdalen Webster Knights of Columbus...Dave Ziskie...(586) 601-4931 Robert Wehner SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Seniors……..….Dolores Schreiber....(586) 573-9443 Patrice Zeimis (Borkowski) Saturdays @ 3:00 p.m. Ushers…….….. Gietzen, Jr. .(586) 775-1729 or by appointment Counseling…….…...…..Gary Zilli…(586) 675-0073 Baby Eduard Zielinski St. Vincent de Paul…..Joan Theisen…(586) 773-9231

Report Abuse Registration

Parishioners may register in person, by The Archdiocese of Detroit phone, or online. encourages individuals to report Baptism clergy sexual abuse of minors and others - no matter when the At least one parent needs to be abuse occurred. Individuals may registered, active and a practicing Catholic for at least six months. Baptisms contact local law enforcement are the second Sunday of the month. A If you or someone you know is authorities and/or they may report Baptismal Preparation Class is required interested in becoming Catholic, to the Archdiocese of Detroit by for both parents and godparents. The church requires that at least one of the please contact Sandy Acord at calling the Victim Assistance godparents be an active and practicing (586) 773-9220 or send an email to Coordinator at (866) 343-8055 or Catholic. For more information call the [email protected]. by emailing [email protected]. In Parish Office. addition, the Michigan Attorney Marriages St. Faustina is extending a personal General’s Office can be contacted invitation to you so that we can help at its toll-free reporting hotline at Arrange at least six months in advance. with your spiritual needs. (844) 324-3374 or by email at Communion Calls [email protected]. Pastoral Staff members visit the sick in If you have been baptized and have More information about the the hospital when possible and take made your First Holy Communion, Communion to the sick and homebound please contact Sandy to inquire about Archdiocese’s efforts to address regularly. Names of the sick should be abuse may be found at reported to the Parish Office. Confirmation. ALL PRO New & Repairs Roofing • Gutters • Siding • Brickwork Free PROVIDING QUALITY Professional Licensed ROOFING SERVICES Reasonable & Insured Estimates FOR OVER 30 YEARS. Senior Discounts (248) 542-7850 Over 44 Years... Same Owner, Same Phone Number Call J&J Roofing Today $20.00 OFF any plumbing work Call John (586) 776-5167 586-445-6455 | WWW.JJROOFING.COM White’s Home Gary Mitter Improvements, Inc. Master Plumber ROOFING • GUTTERS ELECTRICAL SEWER CLEANING Licensed RIGHT BY WHITE”Insured REPAIR WORK No Job Too Small $100 OFF Tim Griffith • [email protected] • (800) 477-4574 x6441 Every Tear-Off (586) 949-3938 “ROOFS DONE $50 OFF Every Re-Roof 11470 THIRTEEN MILE Quality Workmanship • References WARREN, MI 48093-2566 FINANCING AVAILABLE (586) 751-3131 FREE ESTIMATES 49150 SCHOENHERR 12 Months Same As Cash & SHELBY TOWNSHIP, MI other payment options available 48315-3857 (586) 532-8600 586-791-0740 Over 100 Years and 4 Generations of Family Service Since 1904 Kenneth Retford B.S. D.D.S. CUSTOM HOME Family & Cosmetic Dentistry “Affordable Braces” PAINTING 13408 15 Mile Rd. Sterling Heights Interiors & Exteriors Free Exam with mention of this ad! 29856 Schoenherr Rd. (Corner of Common Rd.) (586) 795-9912 Satisfaction Guaranteed (586) 771-6210 Delta Dental, MHA (Michigan Healthy Plan) 10% OFF TO ST. FAUSTINA (586) 549-7819 and Most Dental Insurances Accepted Senior Discount Life Time Member of the ADA PARISHIONERS WITH THIS AD “The Same warren Always to All” detroit Your Pandora Jewelry Source eastpointe Charms, Beads, Bracelets, Earrings, Necklaces and More! grosse pointe 1-800-VERHEYDEN 1-800-837-4393 28525 HARPER ST. CLAIR SHORES 586-774-2100 clinton township Restaurant Free Estimates • Financing Available & Pizzeria Roofs • Siding Gutters • Masonry 586-757-5400 Painting • Windows Bring In Your Church Bulletin Dr. William Krieg and Dr. Brynn Jezdimir With This Ad And Receive “We’re Your To Do List Handymen” 313-408-1166 586.772.6090 10% off your next meal Perfect for hosting Showers, Rehearsal Dinners, or Wakes Full Service Catering Available 11028 E. Ten Mile • Warren (Between Hoover & Van Dyke) HOURS: TUE–THU 11AM–9PM Paul R. Calcaterra FRI-SAT 11AM–10PM • SUN 11AM–8PM (586) 977-7300 3650 E. Fifteen Mile Rd • Sterling Heights, MI 48312 DOWNEY’S WARREN Your Life. Your Experiences. Your Choices. 586.751.6200 All TypesPLUMBING of Plumbing Repairs Visit Us At Sewers Cleaned Electrically Owners - 24 Hour Service - Lisa’s On Site Cleaning Services 10% Senior Discount d.s. TEMROWSKI & sons Weekly-Bi/Weekly-Monthly-One time VISA/MC/Discover Accepted We supply ALL equipment & supplies Family Funeral & Cremation Services – FREE ESTIMATES – 20+ Years Experience • Licensed • Bonded • Insured — (586) 775-2441 — 30009 Hoover Rd at Common • Warren 586-751-8374 Licensed Master Plumber 586-751-0444 • 3-D-4-2 For ad info. call 1-800-477-4574 • 15-0061